Spelling suggestions: "subject:"informatika"" "subject:"informatikai""
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ĮMONĖS PRODUKCIJOS DB SU SANDĖLIAVIMO IR PARDAVIMŲ APSKAITA / The database system for the enterprise accounting and warehousingRukšėnas, Saulius 28 August 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe sukurtas produktas skirtas įmonės buhalterinės apskaitos duomenų valdymui. Prisijungęs vartotojas turi galimybę išrašyti sąskaitą – faktūrą, o jei yra poreikis - kasos pajamų kvitą, matyti išrašytas ir gautas sąskaitas, administruoti įmonės klientus bei įmonės sandėlyje esančias prekes. Buvo išanalizuotos buhalterinės programos, bei mokslinė literatūra kuri leido sukurti programą, atitinkančią Lietuvos buhalterinių programų reikalavimus. / The product that was created in this work is up for managing company‘s accounting data. After connection the consumer has an opportunity to write out invoice, and if there is a demand, tills revenue check. The consumer can see written and incoming invoices, to manage company‘s clients and merchandises that are in storage. In this job was analyzed literature of science and other programs and it let create product which conformable for Lithuanian accountant programs demand.
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Fizikinių reiškinių kompiuterinio modeliavimo technologijos / Computer Simulation Technologies of the Physical PhenomenaEičinaitė, Sandra 09 June 2006 (has links)
Computer technologies progressively penetrate into the education, have influence to learning and teaching of various subjects, and to all the training process.
When teaching physics, computer technologies extend facility. There can be made many experiments, which practically are very expensive or sometimes even dangerous, and take a long period of time. There can also be created computer simulators, explored phenomena, which cannot be investigated realistically. Simulators and simulation are very important in physics. Experimentation and simulation programs can be useful for the development of the computer simulators. Using these programs the parameters of the simulating phenomena can be changed, their operating can be observed, the phenomena can be simulated and their consistent pattern can be investigated. The teaching computer simulation is important as it makes the educational process more attractive and dynamic.
In the master’s work “Computer Simulation Technologies of the Physical Phenomena”, there is the analysis of the usage of computer simulator’s method at schools and universities of Lithuania. With reference to the general programs of Lithuanian education and its standards, there is made the analysis of knowledge of simulation during the lessons of different subjects. With the reference to the 2004/2005 years university programs of Lithuania, there is made the analysis of the simulation courses in different faculties of Lithuanian universities.
When building the... [to full text]
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Oro uosto mobilusis portalas / Airport mobile portalDūda, Virginijus 17 January 2005 (has links)
The main purpose of this work is to create information system which would deliver relevant information about flights from airports website to mobile phone. The most important task here is to collect data from Vilnius airport website, organize and put it into our database then deliver it to interested individuals.
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Mobili aplikacija netoliese esančių lankytinų vietų paieškai / Mobile App for searching for nearby places of interestDauskurdis, Gediminas 16 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe ištirti vartotojų poreikiai tokiai programai, reikalavimai programai. Išnagrinėtos mobiliems įrenginiams skirtos operacinės sistemos Android ir iOS. Palyginti panašūs produktai. Remiantis surinkta informacija, suprojektuota ir sukurta trijų lentelių duomenų bazė informacijai apie lankytinas vietas saugoti. Suprojektuota ir sukurta mobili aplikacija, kurioje yra galimybė rasti netoliese esančias lankytinas vietas, gauti informaciją apie jas, sudėlioti maršrutą pasirinktoms vietoms aplankyti. / During this work, consumer needs and app requirements were examined. Operating systems Android and iOS were investigated. Similar products were compared. Focusing on collected data, the database for saving information about places to visit was designed and developed. The database consists of three tables. Also, an app which helps finding nearby places of interest, gives information about those places, makes route that would help visiting those places, was designed and developed.
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Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je prozkoumat jednotlivé obecně uznávané rámce, metodiky a standardy určené pro efektivní řízení podnikové informatiky a na základě tohoto zkoumání zjistit, zda existuje jeden konkrétní návod, který lze použít pro efektivní řízení podnikové informatiky. Součástí práce je vydefinování kritérií pro výběr vhodného rámce, metodik a standardů pro konkrétní oblast podnikové informatiky a jejich praktická aplikace ve společnosti TO2CR. Na základě prostudovaných materiálů týkajících se zvolených rámců, metodik a standardů a legislativní norem jsem zvolila kritéria pro výběr vhodné kombinace pro implementaci. Struktura a obsah práce jednotlivých kapitol je navržena tak, aby čtenář postupně získával informace o IT governance, o obsahu a zaměření norem, standardů, metodik a legislativních rámců a o výběru rámce, metodik či standardů pro konkrétní oblast řízení informační bezpečnosti a uvedení případové studie z praxe. Závěrem práce je zjištění, že v současnosti neexistuje žádný dostatečně komplexní návod pro efektivní řízení podnikové informatiky. Naopak je vhodné využít správnou kombinaci těchto rámců, metodik a norem.
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Konkurenceschopnost studijního oboru Informatika / Competitiveness of degree courses in InformaticsNováček, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The work deals with the competitiveness of degree courses in Informatics. The first part approaches the situation on the market and conditions for graduates of these courses. It follows the latest market trends and shows how this development could affect the study. The work focuses on Informatics at universities in the Czech Republic. The aim is to characterize degree courses and the comparative analysis of the structure of taught knowledge. Individual degree courses are compared with teaching at the University of Economics in Prague and from the analysis comes out strengths and weaknesses of teaching at this school. The analysis results are then confronted with the study of informatics at leading European universities. On the basis of all the comparisons and the differences observed are designed changes to improve the competitiveness of degree courses in Informatics at the University of Economics in Prague.
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Návrh efektivní generické molekulární reprezentace / Návrh efektivní generické molekulární reprezentaceŠkoda, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The screening of chemical libraries is an important step in the drug discovery process. The existing chemical libraries contain up to millions of compounds. As the screening at such scale is expensive, the virtual screening is often utilized. There exist several variants of virtual screening and ligand- based virtual screening is one of them. It utilizes the similarity of screened chemical compounds to known compounds. Besides the employed similarity measure, another aspect greatly influencing the performance of ligand-based virtual screening is the chosen chemical compound representation. In this thesis, we introduce a fragment-based representation of chemical compounds. Our representation utilizes fragments to represent a compound. Each fragment is represented by its physicochemical descriptors. The representation is highly parameterizable, especially in the area of physicochemical descriptors selection and application. In order to test the performance of our method, we utilized an existing framework for virtual screening benchmarking. The results show that our method is comparable to the best existing approaches and on some datasets it outperforms them.
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Model e-učenja za podršku razvoju informatičkih kompetencija zaposlenih u obrazovanju / Elearning model for supporting ict competencies development of employees in educationPetrović Marina 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Doktorska disertacija razvija nastavni model za elektronsko učenje preko Interneta namenjen razvoju informaciono-komunikacionih kompetencija nastavnika u osnovnim i srednjim školama i drugih zaposlenih u obrazovanju.</p><p>Informaciono-komunikacione kompetencije nastavnika i drugih zaposlenih u obrazovanju su veoma važne za obrazovni i ekonomski sistem i potrebno je omogućiti njihovo sticanje, unapređivanje i upotrebu u obrazovanju zbog njihovog uticaja na promenu stavova prema obrazovnoj tehnologiji.</p><p>Za potrebe doktorske disertacije urađeno je pedagoško istraživanje u novembru 2014. godine, sa dve grupe ispitanika, kontrolnom i eksperimentalnom grupom. Istraživanje je u potpunosti sprovedeno preko veb portala: www.azomjns.com/moodle.</p><p>Uticaj predloženog nastavnog modela za e-učenje "5 koraka" na razvoj kompetencija kod zaposlenih u obrazovanju za kreiranje multimedijalnih prezentacija za nastavu, pokazao je bolje rezultate u odnosu na uticaj klasičnog modela za e-učenje "Isporuka sadržaja".</p><p>Ponuđeni nastavni model "5 koraka" može se primeniti na različite uzrasne grupe i nastavne predmete što otvara mogućnosti za dalja istraživanja.</p> / <p>The thesis develops a model of online e-Learning for improving information and communication competencies of teachers and other employees in primary and secondary education.</p><p>Information and communication competencies of employees in education are of great importance to the educational and economic system. We must enable their acquisition, improvement and use in education because they change attitudes towards educational technology.</p><p>For this purpose, the main pedagogical research was carried out in November 2014, with two groups of respondents: a control and an experimental group. The research was conducted entirely online through the web portal: www.azomjns.com/moodle.</p><p>The impact of the proposed '5-step' teaching e-learning model on the development of competencies of employees in education in creating teaching multimedia presentations showed better results than the classical model of e-learning, viz. 'learning by distributing'.</p><p>The offered '5-step' teaching model can be adapted to different age groups and subjects, which opens up possibilities for further research.</p>
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Razvoj platforme za standardizaciju obrazovanja nastavnika informatike / Development of a platform for standardizing education of informatics teachersMandić Milinko 27 November 2015 (has links)
<p>Doktorska disertacija se bavi istraživanjima koja imaju za cilj da unaprede<br />obrazovanje nastavničkog kadra iz oblasti informatike. Predmet istraživanja disertacije je<br />razvoj platforme koja će olakšati sinhronizaciju razvoja nastavničkog kurikuluma iz<br />informatičke oblasti sa aktuelnim srednjoškolskim informatičkim standardima i<br />savremenim kurikulumima za nastavnike informatike. Prvi pravac istraživanja je<br />identifikovanje stanja u oblasti obrazovanja nastavnika informatike (modaliteti<br />obrazovanja nastavnika i kompetencije koje se tim modalitetima stiču). U disertaciji se<br />stanje identifikuje na osnovu analize savremene literature, aktuelnih standarda,<br />reprezentativnih kurikuluma i preliminarnog istraživanja nad populacijom sadašnjih<br />nastavnika informatike na teritoriji Vojvodine. Drugi pravac istraživanja je<br />obezbeđivanje (tehničke) pretpostavke za objektivnije i efikasnije kreiranje,<br />upoređivanje i razmenu kurikuluma. Taj pravac se odnosi na razvoj mašinski čitljive<br />ontologije kurikuluma bazirane na većpostojećim standardima u domenu obrazovanja i<br />softverske podrške za upoređivanje takvih reprezentacija kurikuluma bazirane na<br />tehnologijama Semantičkog Weba.<br />Ciljevi istraživanja u disertaciji su specifikacija mašinski čitljivog modela informatičkog<br />kurikuluma za obrazovanje nastavnika informatike, mašinski čitljivog modela<br />informatičkog kurikuluma za srednjoškolski nivo obrazovanja i razvoj prototipa<br />softverske aplikacije za verifikaciju predloženih modela.</p> / <p>The doctoral thesis deals with researches that aim to improve the education of teaching staff in the field of informatics. The subject of the dissertation research is to develop a platform that will facilitate the synchronization of the development of teaching curricula in the informatics field with the current secondary informatics standards and modern curricula for informatics teachers of informatics. The first research direction is to identify the state in the informatics teacher education (modalities of teacher education and competences acquired through these modalities). In the dissertation, the state is identified from the review of literature, currentstandards, representative curricula and a preliminary research on population of current informatics teachers in Vojvodina. Another research direction is to provide (technical) prerequisites for more objective and more efficient creation, comparison and exchange of curricula. That direction is related to the development of a machine-readable ontological representation of a curriculum based on existing standards in the field of education and to developing software support for comparing such representations of curricula based on the Semantic Web technologies.<br />The goals of the research in the dissertation are to specify a machine readable model of the informatics teacher education curriculum, a machine-readable model of the informatics curriculum for secondary level education and the development of a software application prototype in order to verify the proposed models.</p>
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Lengvaatlečio sportininko pasiekimų kaupimo sistema / Athlete’s Achievements Information SystemBabrauskas, Dainius 07 September 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – sukurti lengvosios atletikos klubo informacinę sistemą su sportininko pasiekimų kaupimo sistema. Padaryta sporto klubo naujienos, galerija, rekordų paieškos sistema, sportininkų aprašymai. Kiekvienas sportininkas gali kaupti savo asmeninius rezultatus. / Raised objective – create athletics club information system with athlete’s achievement storing system. It is athletics club information system with capability to store athletes results.
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