Spelling suggestions: "subject:"infrastructure works"" "subject:"lnfrastructure works""
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Análise de impactos sócio-ambientais causados por obras de infraestrutura na represa Billings, município de Santo André, RMSP (SP) / Analysis of environmental and social impacts caused by infrastructure works in the Billings Reservoir, city of Santo André, Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (SP)Ralla, Thais Marina Castelhano 28 September 2011 (has links)
A Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) acumula historicamente, problemas relacionados à exclusão social e à degradação ambiental. Esta problemática socioambiental encontra nas áreas dos mananciais metropolitanos sua maior expressão; suas causas referemse à falta de planejamento, de fiscalização, de políticas públicas, especulação imobiliária, entre outras. Atualmente, fortes intervenções governamentais estão em curso nestas áreas, o que exige uma análise de seus prováveis impactos socioambientais. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é prognosticar os possíveis impactos, positivos ou negativos, que obras de infraestrutura podem causar aos bairros Parque Miami, Jardim Riviera e seus entornos, às margens da Represa Billings. A urbanização de áreas irregulares, a implementação de saneamento básico e o incremento de sistema viário são as três variáveis analíticas consideradas neste estudo, escolhidas em função de corresponderem às principais ações estruturais previstas nas áreas selecionadas. O método utilizado baseou-se na análise evolutiva do uso do solo e na identificação de fragilidades ambientais, as quais possibilitaram a análise integrada. Tecnicamente, foram feitos mapeamentos para demonstrar a evolução do uso e ocupação do solo e as fragilidades naturais da área. Em seguida, a pesquisa apoiou-se em trabalhos de campo, que viabilizaram a observação e registros fotográficos da área. Além disso, foram realizadas entrevistas com responsáveis pelas obras e com o representante da comunidade. Estudos voltados a esta problemática são cada vez mais necessários, pois identificar as transformações e as conseqüências da ocupação pode subsidiar o planejamento urbano e ambiental. De forma geral as obras de urbanização e saneamento mostram-se satisfatórias no que tange a questão social. Em relação ao Rodoanel Trecho Sul, a população já foi impactada, mas esta obra pode desencadear impactos futuros. Na questão ambiental o Rodoanel já causou diversos impactos, e as de urbanização também podem causar, mas também existem os impactos positivos, como a suspensão do despejo de dejetos domésticos na Represa Billings. / The Metropolitan Region of São Paulo accumulates historically, problems related to social exclusion and environmental degradation. This socio-environmental problem found in the metropolitan areas sources its most significant expression; their causes are relate to lack of planning, monitoring, public policy, real estate speculation, among others. At present, strong government intervention in these areas are underway, which requires an analysis of its likely social-environmental impacts. Thus, the objective of this study is to forecast the possible impacts, positive or negative, that infrastructure works can cause at Parque Miami, Jardim Riviera and its neighborhoods, in surroundings of the Billings Reservoir. The urbanization of irregular areas, the implementation of sanitation and enhancement of the road system are the three variables considered in this analytical study, chosen according to correspond to major structural actions set out in selected areas. The method used was based on evolutionary analysis of land use and to identify environmental weaknesses, which allowed an integrated analysis. Technically, mappings were made to demonstrate the evolution of the use and occupation of land and the fragility of the natural area. Then, the research was based on field work, which enabled the observation and photographic records of the area. In addition, interviews were conducted with the works responsible and with the community representative. Studies involving this issue are increasingly necessary because the transformations and identify the consequences of the occupation can subsidize the urban and environmental planning. In general the urbanization works and sanitation was satisfactory with respect to social issues. Regarding the Rodoanel Trecho Sul, the population has been already impacted, but this work can initiate future impacts. In the Rodoanel environmental issue has caused many impacts, and urbanization may also cause, but there are also positive impacts, such as the suspension of domestic waste dump in Billings Reservoir.
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Οικολογική αξιολόγηση και περιβαλλοντικές επιπτώσεις έργων υποδομής στη λεκάνη απορροής του ποταμού Αλφειού / Environmental impacts of infrastructure works and activities and ecological evaluation of the Alfeios river basinΑνδρουτσοπούλου, Αγγελική 20 April 2011 (has links)
Η υποβάθμιση της ποιότητας των υδάτων στην Ευρώπη οδήγησε το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο στην έκδοση της Οδηγίας 2000/60/ΕΚ, σύμφωνα με την οποία τα επιφανειακά ύδατα πρέπει να βρίσκονται σε μια «κατάσταση που χαρακτηρίζεται καλή, τόσο από οικολογική όσο και από χημική άποψη». Στην κατεύθυνση αυτή επικεντρώθηκε και η παρούσα μελέτη για την υδρολογική λεκάνη του ποταμού Αλφειού, σε μια προσπάθεια εκτίμησης της περιβαλλοντικής του κατάστασης σε όλο του το μήκος, αλλά και προσδιορισμού των απαραίτητων δράσεων για την ολοκληρωμένη διαχείρισή του.
Ο Αλφειός είναι ο μεγαλύτερος σε μήκος (112 km) και παροχή (ετήσιο δυναμικό 2100×106 m3 ύδατος) ποταμός της Πελοποννήσου και βρίσκεται στην πέμπτη θέση των μεγαλύτερων σε μήκος ποταμών που έχουν το σύνολο της ροής τους εντός του ελληνικού εδάφους. Η λεκάνη απορροής του, έκτασης 3.600 km2, βρίσκεται στη Δυτική και Κεντρική Πελοπόννησο. Οι κυριότεροι παραπόταμοί του είναι ο Ερύμανθος, ο Λούσιος και ο Λάδωνας.
Στόχος της συγκεκριμένης ερευνητικής εργασίας είναι η εκτίμηση της ποιότητας και του βαθμού τροποποίησης των ποτάμιων ενδιαιτημάτων του Αλφειού και των παραποτάμων του από ανθρώπινες δραστηριότητες. Σε πρώτη φάση, η προσέγγιση της περιγραφής της δομής των ρεμάτων και ποταμών και της αναγνώρισης των ενδιαιτημάτων τους, έγινε με τη βοήθεια της αναγνωρισμένης μεθόδου RHS (River Habitat Survey). Ταυτόχρονα εφαρμόστηκε η μέθοδος QBR (Qualitat del Bosc de Ribera), ώστε να επιτευχθεί μια πιο ολοκληρωμένη εικόνα της οικολογικής ποιότητας των υπό μελέτη περιοχών. Στη συνέχεια, έγινε εκτίμηση των φαινομένων διάβρωσης/απόθεσης στην κοίτη και τις όχθες, με έμφαση στις περιοχές όπου εντοπίζονται ανθρώπινες παρεμβάσεις και επιχειρήθηκε η σύνδεσής τους με τα αποτελέσματα των προαναφερθέντων μεθόδων.
Με την ανάλυση και επεξεργασία των δεδομένων εντοπίσθηκαν: οι πιέσεις που δέχονται οι ποταμοί, η ποιότητα της δομής και ο βαθμός τροποποίησης των ενδιαιτημάτων τους, οι σημαντικότερες περιοχές ως προς την οικολογική ποιότητα των ποταμών, καθώς και πιθανές περιοχές προς αποκατάσταση.
Τα αποτελέσματα του RHS αναφορικά με την ποιότητα των ενδιαιτημάτων και ειδικότερα με τη σπανιότητα των χαρακτηριστικών, έδειξαν ότι στα εξετασθέντα υδάτινα σώματα δεν είχαμε συχνές τεχνικές παρεμβάσεις στην ενεργό κοίτη, με εξαίρεση τα φράγματα στις περιοχές Φλόκα και Λάμπεια. Σύμφωνα με τη βαθμολογία που προέκυψε από την επεξεργασία του πρωτόκολλου QBR, επιβεβαιώνεται ότι, η ποιότητα και το εύρος της παραποτάμιας ζώνης εξαρτάται περισσότερο από την παρουσία ή μη ανθρώπινων παρεμβάσεων, παρά από τα γεωμορφολογικά χαρακτηριστικά της περιοχής. Γενικότερα, τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης έδειξαν πως η διακύμανση της υδρομορφολογικής κατάστασης είναι ανάλογη των πιέσεων που δέχονται οι ποταμοί, στις επιμέρους παραμέτρους (όχθες, παρόχθια ενδιαιτήματα κ.λπ.).
Ως προς τα φαινόμενα απόθεσης και διάβρωσης στο μέσο και κάτω ρου του Αλφειού, σύμφωνα με τα δεδομένα του Corine, μέσα σε μια δεκαετία μειώθηκε το εύρος της κοίτης του ποταμού κατά 730 km2, δηλαδή κατά 7,2%. Πρόκειται για το τμήμα του ποταμού που δέχεται τις περισσότερες ανθρώπινες επιδράσεις, οι οποίες περιλαμβάνουν εκτός από εκτεταμένες καλλιέργειες, πολλά τεχνικά έργα και σημεία αμμοχαλικοληψίας. Αντίστοιχο αποτέλεσμα προέκυψε και μετά την ανάλυση των αλλαγών του πλάτους της ενεργού κοίτης, από την περίοδο 1965-1967 έως την περίοδο 2007-2009, χρησιμοποιώντας τους τοπογραφικούς χάρτες της Γ.Υ.Σ. και τους ψηφιακούς χάρτες της ΚΤΗΜΑΤΟΛΟΓΙΟ Α.Ε. αντίστοιχα. Συγκεκριμένα, μέσα σε περίπου 40 χρόνια, κατά μέσο όρο το πλάτος της ενεργού κοίτης στο μέσο και κάτω ρου του Αλφειού μειώθηκε κατά 27 m (28%).
Συμπερασματικά, θα μπορούσε κανείς να πει ότι, αν και οι ανθρώπινες δραστηριότητες (εντατικές καλλιέργιες, τεχνικά έργα, αμμοχαλικοληψίες κ.λ.π) που έχουν αναπτυχθεί κατά μήκος του ποταμού και των παραπόταμών του έχουν οδηγήσει στην υποβάθμιση των παρόχθιων οικοσυστημάτων, μερικές σχεδόν απρόσβλητες περιοχές υπάρχουν ακόμα. Επομένως, ελπίζουμε ότι η οικολογική αξιολόγηση του ποταμού Αλφειού θα είναι ένα χρήσιμο εργαλείο για την ολοκληρωμένη διαχείριση της λεκάνης απορροής του ποταμού. / The degradation of the water quality in Europe led the European Parliament to the publication of The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC on Water Policy, which requires that physical, chemical and biological parameters of inland waters are measured in order to determine whether ‘high’ or ‘good’ ecological status has been maintained or achieved. In this context, the present study is an effort not only to estimate the ecological status of the Alfeios River basin, but also to determine actions necessary for its integrated management.
Alfeios River is the greatest in length (112 km) and flow rate (2100×106m3) river in Peloponnisos and constitutes an important water resource for Western Greece. Alfeios River is also the fifth longest river in Greece among those which have their whole route in the Greek territory. The river basin covers 3600 km2 and extends in Western and Central Peloponnisos. Its main tributaries are the rivers Erymanthos, Lousios and Ladonas.
The object of this study is the evaluation of the quality and modification level of Alfeios river habitats, due to human activities. At first, the description of the streams’ and rivers’ structure and the recognition of their habitats was based on the widely used methodology of R.H.S. (River Habitat Survey). Simultaneously, the methodology of QBR (Qualitat del Bosc de Ribera) was applied, in order to obtain a complete view on the ecological status of the study area. After that, we estimated the erosional/depositional phenomena in the watercourse and the banks, emphasising in the sites where human interventions are located and we attempted to connect them with the results of the methods mentioned above.
After the data analysis and elaboration we evaluated: the stresses applied on the rivers, the structural quality and the modification degree of the river habitats, the most important areas for their high ecological quality and those which need to be restored.
The results of RHS regarding the river habitats’ quality and more specifically the special characteristics showed that, there are not any frequent technical interventions in the river bed, with the exception of the dams in the Floka and Lampeia areas. On the contrary, the pressures sustained by the entire flood plain are frequent and intense. According to the total score of the QBR protocol, it is confirmed that, the quality and the extent of the riparian area depend more on the presence or absence of human activities than on the geomorphological characteristics of the areas. In general, the results of the study demonstrate that the fluctuation of the hydromorphological condition is proportional to the stresses sustained by the rivers in total, by their individual parameters (banks, riparian habitats etc.).
According to Corine data, as far as the deposition and erosion phenomena in medium and lower watercourse of Alfeios are concerned, in one decade the width of the river’s watercourse decreased by 730 km2, or 7,2%. It is the river part that undergoes most of the human activities, including extensive agricultural plains, infrastructure and many sand and gravel extraction sites. Matching results were met after studying the changes of the active riverbed’s width from comparing data of the time periods of 1965-1967 until 2007-2009, obtained from topographic maps of the Army’s Geographic Department and the digital maps of KTIMATOLOGIO AE respectively. According to these results, in roughly 40 years the average width of the active riverbed decreased, in the medium and low watercourse of Alfeios, for 27 m (28%).
As a conclusion, it is safe to say that Alfeios River constitutes the main water source of Western and Central Peloponnisos, supporting the neighboring communities. Although human activities such as settlements, agroindustries, pumping or deviation of water for irrigation, infrastructure works (dams, bridges), gravel extraction etc. have been developed along the river and its tributaries for a long time and have led to the degradation of the riparian ecosystems, some almost unaffected regions do still exist. Therefore, we hope that the ecological evaluation of the Alfeios River will be a useful tool for the sustainable management of the whole catchment area.
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Análise de impactos sócio-ambientais causados por obras de infraestrutura na represa Billings, município de Santo André, RMSP (SP) / Analysis of environmental and social impacts caused by infrastructure works in the Billings Reservoir, city of Santo André, Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (SP)Thais Marina Castelhano Ralla 28 September 2011 (has links)
A Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) acumula historicamente, problemas relacionados à exclusão social e à degradação ambiental. Esta problemática socioambiental encontra nas áreas dos mananciais metropolitanos sua maior expressão; suas causas referemse à falta de planejamento, de fiscalização, de políticas públicas, especulação imobiliária, entre outras. Atualmente, fortes intervenções governamentais estão em curso nestas áreas, o que exige uma análise de seus prováveis impactos socioambientais. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é prognosticar os possíveis impactos, positivos ou negativos, que obras de infraestrutura podem causar aos bairros Parque Miami, Jardim Riviera e seus entornos, às margens da Represa Billings. A urbanização de áreas irregulares, a implementação de saneamento básico e o incremento de sistema viário são as três variáveis analíticas consideradas neste estudo, escolhidas em função de corresponderem às principais ações estruturais previstas nas áreas selecionadas. O método utilizado baseou-se na análise evolutiva do uso do solo e na identificação de fragilidades ambientais, as quais possibilitaram a análise integrada. Tecnicamente, foram feitos mapeamentos para demonstrar a evolução do uso e ocupação do solo e as fragilidades naturais da área. Em seguida, a pesquisa apoiou-se em trabalhos de campo, que viabilizaram a observação e registros fotográficos da área. Além disso, foram realizadas entrevistas com responsáveis pelas obras e com o representante da comunidade. Estudos voltados a esta problemática são cada vez mais necessários, pois identificar as transformações e as conseqüências da ocupação pode subsidiar o planejamento urbano e ambiental. De forma geral as obras de urbanização e saneamento mostram-se satisfatórias no que tange a questão social. Em relação ao Rodoanel Trecho Sul, a população já foi impactada, mas esta obra pode desencadear impactos futuros. Na questão ambiental o Rodoanel já causou diversos impactos, e as de urbanização também podem causar, mas também existem os impactos positivos, como a suspensão do despejo de dejetos domésticos na Represa Billings. / The Metropolitan Region of São Paulo accumulates historically, problems related to social exclusion and environmental degradation. This socio-environmental problem found in the metropolitan areas sources its most significant expression; their causes are relate to lack of planning, monitoring, public policy, real estate speculation, among others. At present, strong government intervention in these areas are underway, which requires an analysis of its likely social-environmental impacts. Thus, the objective of this study is to forecast the possible impacts, positive or negative, that infrastructure works can cause at Parque Miami, Jardim Riviera and its neighborhoods, in surroundings of the Billings Reservoir. The urbanization of irregular areas, the implementation of sanitation and enhancement of the road system are the three variables considered in this analytical study, chosen according to correspond to major structural actions set out in selected areas. The method used was based on evolutionary analysis of land use and to identify environmental weaknesses, which allowed an integrated analysis. Technically, mappings were made to demonstrate the evolution of the use and occupation of land and the fragility of the natural area. Then, the research was based on field work, which enabled the observation and photographic records of the area. In addition, interviews were conducted with the works responsible and with the community representative. Studies involving this issue are increasingly necessary because the transformations and identify the consequences of the occupation can subsidize the urban and environmental planning. In general the urbanization works and sanitation was satisfactory with respect to social issues. Regarding the Rodoanel Trecho Sul, the population has been already impacted, but this work can initiate future impacts. In the Rodoanel environmental issue has caused many impacts, and urbanization may also cause, but there are also positive impacts, such as the suspension of domestic waste dump in Billings Reservoir.
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