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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití hmyzí mouky pro potravinářské a krmní účely / Use of insect flour for food and feed purposes

Árendásová, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
Insect meal has excellent potential as food or feed. There is a need to provide enough food for the growing population, which is linked to the increasing demand for livestock production. Meat and fish have always been the staple of the human diet as a rich source of proteins and fats for human nutrition. Fish is a good source of animal protein and fat for humans, which forms the basis of the diet of a large number of people who generally live in coastal areas. The increasing demand for fish is associated with a growing interest in high-quality and affordable fish feed. Nowadays, the main ingredient in fish feed is fishmeal, and the price is constantly increasing. The sustainability of the aquaculture industry depends on finding a substitute for fishmeal with the same nutritional value and availability. Recently, there has been a growing interest in animal protein from insects for fish fattening. This thesis focused on analysing insect meal from mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) and its use for food and feed purposes. The theoretical part describes the mealworm, the use of insect meal for human nutrition, and fish fattening. It also describes the requirements of fish for individual nutrients and the characterisation of insects for feeding purposes, focusing on the mealworm used as an alternative feed ingredient in fish. The individual major nutrients, namely protein, lipids, fatty acids, amino acids, fibre, chitin, and selected minerals, were determined in the experimental part. The experimental part was divided into two parts, and the first part was divided into two phases. The first phase was used to determine the nutritional components in two fractions of insect meal from Tenebrio molitor larvae. The first fraction contained the fine fraction, and the second fraction the coarse fraction of insect meal. In the second phase, the content of nutritionally significant components was only determined in the insect meal from dried larvae without fractionation. A fish feed was designed from the analyses results. In the second part, the effect of the addition of insect meal from Tenebrio molitor for food purposes was investigated; specifically, the sensory properties of muffins were monitored. From the results, it can be observed that the nutritional composition of the insect meal suggests the possibility of using the mealworm larvae as an ingredient in the fish diet. The insect meal contains a high proportion of valuable proteins and lipids necessary for fish farming and a low proportion of carbohydrates, which unlike humans, fish do not need in their diet. The sensory analysis results indicate that consumers are not prepared to eat foods with added insects.

Assessing insect-based products as feed ingredients for aquaculture

Devic, Emilie D. P. January 2016 (has links)
Research has been actively looking for alternative feed ingredients to reduce the reliance of the aquafeed industry on marine ingredients, namely fish meal (FM) and fish oil (FO). In this context, insects, in particular housefly (Musca domestica) and black soldier fly (BSF, Hermetia illucens) larvae, have been identified as promising candidates. Although a global insect farming industry is emerging, it is for now constrained by regulatory and technical bottlenecks that raise the question ‘where and how insect-based products could be integrated into aquaculture’. The literature indicated a high interspecies variability of the results when replacing FM with insect meals in fish diets and previous work failed to consider the existing challenges related to the insect production to demonstrate commercial relevance and applicability. In this thesis, maggot meals (MM) and frass (insect digestate) were assessed as strategic feed ingredients for two commercially important farmed species: Atlantic salmon, (Salmo salar) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), in their relevant contexts. Case studies showed that both housefly and BSF MM are high quality feed ingredients and suitable alternative to FM. Specifically, dietary inclusions of up to 200 g/kg of crude or defatted housefly larvae meal did not compromised the feed digestibility and utilisation and the growth performance and body composition of salmon parr (freshwater stage), compared to a FM-based control diet. Hormone (17α-methyltestosterone) treated diets containing between 250 and 1000 g/kg BSF or housefly meal were found as effective as a commonly used pure hormone-treated FM in sex-reversal process leading to 99.8 to 100% males, high survival and evenness of the fish produced. In a commercial diet for advanced nursing of Nile tilapia fingerlings, up to 80 g/kg BSF meal was included without impairing the fish performance and body composition; dietary inclusion was limited by the lipid content of the crude MM. Finally, BSF frass derived from brewery spent grains or processed food wastes were found more effective when used as soil bio-fertilisers with minimum application rate of 10.0 tonnes/ha or 5.0 tonnes/ha, respectively (for a spring onion culture), rather than supplemental feeds for tilapia farmed in semi-intensive conditions (fertilised pond). The study also indicated that site-specific conditions should be accounted to support appropriate and sustainable use of insect-based products but in any case, juvenile fish should be strategically targeted given their requirements. It is expected that this approach, could support the sustainable intensification of aquaculture and contribute more broadly to food security whilst contributing to the development of a circular economy.

The meat science perspective of spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) and black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) as alternative protein feeds in broiler and swine production

Altmann, Brianne Andrea 05 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Feeding Strategies and Rearing Techniques for a Sustainable Aquaculture

Bordignon, Francesco 14 February 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La presente tesis doctoral presentaba como principal objetivo contribuir al conocimiento sobre estrategias de alimentación y técnicas de producción que puedan mejorar la sostenibilidad del sector acuícola a través de un enfoque multidisciplinar, evaluando el crecimiento, la salud y la calidad sensorial de los peces, así como la producción de especies vegetales. También se evaluó El impacto ambiental de las diferentes propuestas mediante el análisis del Ciclo de Vida (LCA) como parte de la discusión general de la tesis. El primer estudio evaluó el efecto de la sustitución de diferentes niveles de aceite de pescado (FO) por aceites vegetales en piensos para la seriola mediterránea (Seriola dumerili, Risso, 1810) en el perfil de ácidos grasos (FA) de diferentes tejidos. El perfíl de FA de la grasa visceral, hígado, músculo rojo y blanco cambiaron cuando se modificó la fuente lipídica en el pienso, mientras que el perfíl de FA del tejido cerebro fue bastante resistente a su alteración por los cambios en la dieta. Estos nuevos datos podrían ayudar a evaluar si las funciones fisiológicas claves se conservan cuando los peces son alimentan con dietas con niveles bajos de FO, así como para definir las necesidades de FA en la dieta de la S. dumerili para mejorar la sostenibilidad de la producción y el bienestar de los peces. El segundo estudio evaluó los efectos de un periodo de realimentación en la composición de ácidos grasos en el músculo de la seriola mediterránea. Después de 109 días durante los cuales los peces fueron alimentados con un pienso a base de aceite de pescado (FO 100) o un pienso (FO 0) en la que el FO fue sustituido completamente por aceites vegetales, todos los peces alimentados con la dieta FO 0 fueron sometidos a una realimentamentación con un pienso FO 100, durante 90 días. Un recebo de 90 días puede mejorar parcialmente el perfil de FA en los músculos de la seriola mediterránea previamente alimentada con dietas a base de aceite vegetal.El tercero estudio analizó los efectos de dos densidades de producción (baja - ALD, 3,81 kg m¿3 frente a alta - AHD, 7,26 kg m¿3) sobre el crecimiento, la salud y la calidad de la carne de la trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792) así como el rendimiento y calidad microbiológica de la lechuga (Lactuca sativa, L.) producida en un sistema acuapónico de baja tecnología en comparación con el cultivo hidropónico (HYP). Las producciones de trucha arco iris y lechuga fueron exitosas en el sistema acuapónico probado, mientras que la densidad de población no afectó el crecimiento de los peces ni a la calidad de la carne. En el cuarto estudio se evaluó el efecto de la sustitución dietaria de la harina de pescado (FM) por harina de Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus, 1758), parcialmente desgrasada (HI) sobre el crecimiento, la digestibilidad del alimento, la morfología intestinal y la calidad del filete de la trucha arco iris producida en un sistema acuapónico de baja tecnología. El crecimiento de los peces y la calidad del filete no se vieron esencialmente afectados por la sustitución de harina de pescado al 25% con HI. Sin embargo, con una sustitución del 50%, se detectó ciertos efectos sobre la histología intestinal y el color del filete y las características nutricionales, que justifican una mayor investigación. en base a los resultados de esta tesis, los aceites vegetales y la harina de insecto son ingredientes alternativos prometedores para ser incluidos en las dietas de especies marinas y de agua dulce de alto valor económico. Sin embargo, las formulaciones futuras deberán centrarse no solo en las características nutricionales y el coste de los ingredientes, sino también en su impacto ambiental. La acuaponía es una técnica prometedora para la cría de especies de agua dulce de alto valor como la trucha arco iris. Además, la optimización de la densidad de producción de peces en acuaponía es un aspecto clave para obtener altos rendimientos y una buena calidad del producto. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral va tenir com a objectiu contribuir al coneixement sobre estratègies d'alimentació i tècniques de producció que puguin millorar la sostenibilitat del sector aqüícola a través d'un enfocament multidisciplinari, avaluant el creixement, la salut i la qualitat sensorial dels peixos, així com la producció de espècies vegetals. El impacte ambiental de les diferents propostes també es va avaluar mitjançant l'anàlisi de l'Cicle de Vida (LCA) com a part de la discussió general de la tesi. En el primer estudi es va avaluar la substitució de diferents nivells d'oli de peix per olis vegetals en pinsos per a la seriola Mediterrània (Seriola dumerili, Risso, 1810) en el perfil d'àcids grassos (FA) de diferents teixits. El segon estudi es van avaluar els efectes d'un període de realimentació en la composició d'àcids grassos en el múscul de la seriola mediterrània. Un rentat de 90 dies pot millorar parcialment el perfil de FA en els músculs de la seriola mediterrània prèviament alimentada amb dietes a base d'oli vegetal. El tercer estudi va estudiar els efectes de dues densitats de producció (baixa - ALD, 3,81 kg m-3 enfront de alta - AHD, 7,26 kg m-3) sobre el creixement, la salut i la qualitat de la carn de la truita (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792) i el rendiment i qualitat microbiològica de l'enciam (Lactuca sativa, L.) produïda en un sistema aquapònic de baixa tecnologia en comparació amb el cultiu hidropònic (HYP). En conclusió, les produccions de truita i enciam van tindre èxit en el sistema aquapònic provat, mentre que la densitat de població no va afectar al creixement dels peixos ni a la qualitat de la carn. En el quart estudi es va avaluar l'efecte de la substitució dietària de la farina de peix amb farina de Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus, 1758), parcialment desgreixada (HI) sobre el creixement, la digestibilitat de l'aliment, la morfologia intestinal i la qualitat del filet de la truita produïda en un sistema aquapònic de baixa tecnologia, el creixement dels peixos i la qualitat de l'filet no es van veure essencialment afectats per la substitució de farina de peix al 25% amb HI, mentre que amb una substitució del 50%, es va detectar certs efectes sobre la histologia intestinal i el color del filet i les característiques nutricionals, que justifiquen una major investigació. En conclusió, en base als resultats d'aquesta tesi, els olis vegetals i la farina d'insecte són ingredients alternatius prometedors per a ser inclosos en les dietes d'espècies marines i d'aigua dolça d'alt valor econòmic. No obstant això, les formulacions futures hauran de centrar no només en les característiques nutricionals i el cost dels ingredients, sinó també en el seu impacte ambiental. La aquaponia és una tècnica prometedora per a la cria d'espècies d'aigua dolça d'alt valor com la truita. A més, l'optimització de la densitat de producció de peixos en aquaponia és un aspecte clau per obtenir alts rendiments i una bona qualitat del producte, al temps que es redueix l'impacte ambiental, assegurant la salut i el benestar dels peixos. / [EN] The present PhD thesis aimed at improving the knowledge on feeding strategies and rearing techniques that might improve the sustainability of the aquaculture sector through a multidisciplinary approach, evaluating fish growth performance, health and quality, and vegetable production. The environmental impact of the different solutions was also assessed using a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis as a part of thesis general discussion. The first contribution evaluated how replacing different levels of fish oil by vegetable oils in the diet of Mediterranean yellowtail, Seriola dumerili (Risso, 1810), affects the fatty acids (FA) signature, i.e. overall FA profile, in different tissues. The FA signatures of red and white muscle, liver, and visceral fat tissues changed when the dietary FA source changed, whereas FA signatures in the brain were rather robust to such dietary changes. The second contribution assessed the effects of a wash-out on the fatty acid composition in the muscles of Mediterranean yellowtail. A 90-d wash-out can partially improve the FA profile in muscles of Mediterranean yellowtail previously fed vegetable oil-based diets. The third contribution investigated the effects of two stocking densities (low - ALD, 3.81 kg m¿3 vs. high - AHD, 7.26 kg m¿3) on the growth, health, and flesh quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792) and the yield and microbiological quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa, L.) produced in a low-tech aquaponic system compared to hydroponic cultivation (HYP). Rainbow trout and lettuce productions were successful in the tested aquaponic system, whereas stocking density did not affect fish growth or flesh quality. The fourth contribution evaluated the effects of dietary substitution of fishmeal with partially defatted (Hermetia illucens, Linnaeus, 1758,) meal (HI) on the growth, feed digestibility, gut morphology, and fillet quality of rainbow trout reared in a low-tech aquaponic system fish growth and fillet quality were essentially unaffected by a 25% fish meal replacement with HI, whereas at a replacement rate of 50%, certain effects on gut histology and fillet colour and nutritional characteristics were detected, which warrant further investigation. In conclusion, based on the results of the present thesis, vegetable oils and insect meal are promising alternative ingredients to be included in diets for high-value marine and freshwater carnivorous species. Nevertheless, future aquafeed formulations will be required to focus not only on the nutritional characteristics and costs of the ingredients but also on their environmental impact. Aquaponics is a promising technique to be used for rearing high-value freshwater species such as rainbow trout. Furthermore, the optimization of fish stocking density in aquaponics is a key aspect to obtain high product yields and quality, reducing the environmental impact as well as assuring fish health and welfare. / Thesis written with the financial contribution of ECCEAQUA project (MIUR; CUP: C26C18000030004) / Bordignon, F. (2022). Feeding Strategies and Rearing Techniques for a Sustainable Aquaculture [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180851 / Compendio

Beiträge zur ernährungsphysiologischen Bewertung optimaler Methionin:Cystein Relationen in der Masthähnchenernährung unter besonderer Beachtung hoher Mischungsanteile von Insektenmehlen als alternative Eiweißquelle für Sojaprotein / Contributions to a nutritional evaluation of the optimal methionine to cysteine ratio in the nutrition of broiler chickens under special observation of high proportions of insect meals as an alternative protein source for soy protein

Brede, Anne 05 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Ernährungsphysiologische Bewertung von teilentfettetem Larvenmehl der schwarzen Soldatenfliege (Hermetia illucens) für den Einsatz in ressourcenschonenden Ernährungskonzepten der Schweine- und Hähnchenmast / Nutrition physiological evaluation of partially defatted larvae meal of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) for use in resource-saving nutrition concepts for fattening pigs and broiler.

Rothstein, Susanne 08 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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