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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Novel modulators of cell growth and migration

Van Lonkhuyzen, Derek Robert January 2007 (has links)
Recent observations have demonstrated that Insulin-like Growth Factors (IGFs) are able to form complexes with the extracellular matrix protein Vitronectin (VN). These complexes of VN:IGFBP:IGF-I significantly enhance the proliferation and migration of various cell lines including skin and corneal epithelial cells, as well as primary cells derived from human skin and corneal tissue. These enhanced effects arise from co- activation of the IGF-binding type-1 IGF receptor (IGF-1R) as well as activation of the VN-binding αv-integrins. Further studies suggest that these complexes can replace the requirement for serum in the ex vivo expansion of cells. In order to translate the VN:IGFBP:IGF-I technology into techniques for the improved culture of cells, we have designed, expressed and purified synthetic chimeric molecules, consisting of various domains of VN and mature IGF-I, using a baculovirus based expression system. The recombinant VN:IGF-I (rVN:IGF-I) chimeras were secreted into conditioned media of transfected Sf9 insect cells. Purification of the chimeras was achieved via methods including heparin-sepharose chromatography, Q-sepharose ion-exchange chromatography and Ni2+-NTA affinity chromatography. The rVN:IGF-I chimeras were detectable by Western blot analysis using a poly-clonal anti-VN antibody. Functional characterisation studies indicate that the chimeras promote cellular growth and migration to a similar extent as the VN:IGFBP:IGF-I complexes at 10x and 30x molar ratios. Additionally, function blocking antibodies directed to the IGF-1R and the VN binding αv-integrin were able to abolish this effect indicating that co-activation of these receptors is critical to the migratory effect of the chimeras. A functional chimera may lead to the development of cell culture techniques and methodologies that are devoid of xenogeneic or allogeneic support systems, thus paving the way to approved tissue engineering therapeutics that incorporate ex vivo expanded adult stem and progenitor cells.

Ανίχνευση μεταλλάξεων του γονιδίου της αυξητικής ορμόνης (GH1) σε παιδιά με κοντό ανάστημα

Παπαθανασοπούλου, Βασιλική Σ. 18 February 2009 (has links)
Η διαδικασία της αύξησης ελέγχεται από έναν πολύπλοκο συνδυασμό πολλών παραγόντων σε διάφορα επίπεδα, που περιλαμβάνουν ενδογενείς παράγοντες, όπως είναι ο γονότυπος, οι ορμόνες, οι παράγοντες αύξησης και εξωγενείς παράγοντες, όπως είναι η διατροφή και η επίδραση του περιβάλλοντος. Οι ορμονικοί παράγοντες, που επηρεάζουν την αύξηση είναι κυρίως η αυξητική ορμόνη (GH) και οι ινσουλινόμορφοι αυξητικοί παράγοντες (IGFs). Στην διαδικασία της αύξησης συμμετέχουν, όμως, και άλλες ορμόνες, όπως η θυροξίνη, τα επινεφριδιακά ανδρογόνα, τα στεροειδή του φύλου, τα γλυκοκορτικοειδή, η βιταμίνη D, η λεπτίνη και η ινσουλίνη, που αλληλεπιδρούν με τον άξονα GH-IGF. Η αυξητική ορμόνη εκκρίνεται στην κυκλοφορία από τα σωματότροπα κύτταρα του πρόσθιου λοβού της υπόφυσης, υπό την επίδραση δύο υποθαλαμικών ορμονών του εκλυτικού παράγοντα της αυξητικής ορμόνης (GHRH), που διεγείρει την έκκριση της GH και της σωματοστατίνης (SS), που αναστέλλει την έκκρισή της. Μέχρι σήμερα στην διεθνή βιβλιογραφία έχουν περιγραφεί πολλές μεταλλάξεις του γονιδίου της GH ως αιτία κοντού αναστήματος στα παιδιά. Η παρούσα μελέτη εξέτασε ομάδα 11 παιδιών με κοντό ανάστημα, ρυθμό αύξησης κάτω από την 2η εκατοστιαία θέση και καθυστερημένη οστική ηλικία. Όλοι οι ασθενείς υπεβλήθησαν σε λεπτομερή κλινική εξέταση και πλήρη εργαστηριακό έλεγχο. Από την κλινική εξέταση και τον εργαστηριακό έλεγχο αποκλείστηκε η παρουσία κάποιας συστηματικής πάθησης. Στην συνέχεια υπεβλήθησαν σε προκλητές δοκιμασίες έκκρισης της GH, με κλονιδίνη και L-Dopa, σε έλεγχο της 24ωρης έκκρισης της GH και τη δοκιμασία γένεσης του IGF-I. Με βάση τα εργαστηριακά αποτελέσματα της έκκρισης της GH η ομάδα των ασθενών διαχωρίστηκε σε αυτούς με ιδιοπαθές κοντό ανάστημα (10 περιπτώσεις) και ένα ασθενή με νευροεκκριτική δυσλειτουργία της GH (GHND), ο οποίος είχε μειωμένη 24ωρη έκκριση GH. Από τους ασθενείς αυτούς ελήφθησαν βιοψίες ούλων, στους καλλιεργημένους ινοβλάστες των οποίων έγιναν οι μελέτες αύξησης των ινοβλαστών και περιφερικό αίμα, από το οποίο έγινε εξαγωγή γονιδιωματικού DNA. Έγινε πολλαπλασιασμός των γονιδίων του υποδοχέα της GH (GHR) και του γονιδίου της GH (GH1) με την αλυσιδωτή αντίδραση πολυμεράσης (PCR) και προσδιορισμός της αλληλουχίας τους. Ανιχνεύτηκαν μεταλλαγές στους 6 από τους 11 ασθενείς, που μελετήθηκαν, οι οποίες εντοπίζονταν στο ιντρόνιο 4 του γονιδίου GH1 και ένας ακόμη ασθενής που έφερε μεταλλάξεις στα ιντρόνια 1 και 2. Οι μεταλλάξεις αυτές δεν επηρέαζαν την διαδικασία του ματίσματος και τον σχηματισμό του mRNA και απομακρύνονταν με το μάτισμα. Στην βιβλιογραφία αναφέρονται περισσότεροι από 10 πολυμορφισμοί του γονιδίου GH1 που εντοπίζονται κυρίως στα ιντρόνια του γονιδίου και κάποιοι από αυτούς έχουν συσχετιστεί με ελαττωμένη έκφραση του γονιδίου GH1. Στον ασθενή με την GHND περιγράφηκε μια μεταλλαγή στη θέση +7 του ιντρονίου 4 του γονιδίου GH1. RT-PCR του GH1 cDNA έδειξε ότι η μετάλλαξη αυτή είναι υπεύθυνη για το εσφαλμένο μάτισμα του mRNA, με αποτέλεσμα την απαλοιφή του εξονίου 5 από το ώριμο μετάγραφο. Ο ασθενής με τη μεταλλαγή είναι ετεροζυγώτης και η ίδια μεταλλαγή σε ετερόζυγη κατάσταση, βρέθηκε και στους δύο γονείς του ασθενούς, οι οποίοι έχουν επίσης κοντό ανάστημα. Η μεταλλαγή αυτή οδηγεί στην παραγωγή μικρότερου μορίου GH. Η βιοδραστικότητα του παραγόμενου ανώμαλου μορίου της GH εκτιμήθηκε με την προσθήκη ορού του ασθενούς σε καλλιέργειες φυσιολογικών ινοβλαστών, με τη μέθοδο ενσωμάτωσης στο DNA της βρώμο-δεοξυουριδίνης (BrDU), η οποία έδειξε μειωμένη σύνθεση DNA συγκρινόμενη με την σύνθεση DNA παρουσία ορού φυσιολογικών ατόμων. Δηλαδή η περίπτωση αυτή οικογενούς κοντού αναστήματος, το οποίο κληρονομείται κατά τον επικρατούντα χαρακτήρα, οφείλεται σε μεταλλαγή στο ιντρόνιο 4 του γονιδίου GH1. / Growth can be defined as an increase in size by accretion of tissue. The control of the growth process is affected by many complex interacting factors including internal cues such as the genotype, external factors such as nutrition and environment, and internal signaling systems such as hormones and growth factors. The principal hormones influencing growth are Growth Hormone (GH) and the Insulin-like Growth Factors (IGFs), but many other hormones contribute, such as thyroxine, adrenal androgens, sex steroids, glucocorticoids, vitamin D, leptin and insulin, often channeled through interaction with the GH-IGF axis. GH is secreted from the anterior pituitary into the circulation. The pattern of GH secretion is determined primarily by the interaction between the hypothalamic peptides Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin (SS). Many mutations of the GH1 gene have been described as the cause of short stature in children. The present study examined 11 children with severe short stature, growth velocity below the 2nd centile and delayed bone age. All patients underwent thorough clinical examination and laboratory investigation in order to exclude an underlying chronic disease. Also GH secretion provocative studies, 24 hr endogenous secretion studies and IGF-I generation test were carried out. According to the results of these tests the patients we studied were divided in two groups: 10 of the patients had idiopathic short stature (ISS) and 1 patient had GH neurosecretory dysfunction (GHND). Fibroblast cultures were established from gingival biopsies obtained from the patients and genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes. GH1 and GH receptor (GHR) genes were amplified by PCR and sequenced. Hot spot mutations were detected in GH1 intron 4 in 6 patients and mutations in introns 1 and 2 were detected in 1 patient. These mutations did not affect the splicing of the primary RNA transcript. A novel deletion of thymine 7 bp downstream from the 3' splice site of intron 4 was found in the patient who had GHND. RT-PCR of GH1 cDNA showed that this mutation causes aberrant GH mRNA splicing, changes the read frame, creates a new stop codon and results in the deletion of exon 5. This was also confirmed by restriction enzyme analysis of the mutant cDNA. Both short parents and the patient are heterozygotes for this mutation. BrDU incorporation in the DNA of normal fibroblast cultures in the presence of the patient’s blood serum showed reduced DNA synthesis compared to fibroblasts cultured in medium with normal human serum. Addition of high concentrations of GH (4 μg/ml) to the culture medium containing the patient’s serum led to a near normal DNA synthesis. This is a new case of familial short stature inherited as a dominant trait, due to a mutation in intron 4 of the GH1 gene.

Longevity gene IGF-1 and adult neurogenesis : regulation of lifelong neuronal replacement, olfactory function and metabolism / Gène de longévité IGF-1 et neurogénèse adulte : régulation du renouvellement neuronal à long-terme, de la fonction olfactive et du métabolisme

Chaker, Zayna 28 November 2014 (has links)
Pas de résumé / Production of new neurons in the brain decreases dramatically with age due to progressive physiological depletion of stem and progenitor cell populations (NSCs). Recent studies indicate that circulating factors constitute a systemic aging milieu regulating the birth of new cells. Interestingly, some long-lived mouse strains such as Ames dwarf mutants, with low circulating levels of GH and IGF-1, show increased neurogenesis and preserved hematopoietic stem cell pool. Thus, the possibility that genes regulating lifespan and aging also quantitatively modulate stem cells in mammals is more and more explored. IGF-1 plays a pivotal role in aging in different species, and I am asking whether some of the well-known longevity effects resulting from down-regulation of this signaling pathway could be explained by local regulation of stem and progenitor cell compartments. To validate this hypothesis, I pursued a dual approach based on biological experiments and mathematical modeling. Using a novel triple transgenic mouse model, I inactivated IGF-1 signaling specifically in adult NSCs, and traced knockout cell lineages with a fluorescent reporter transgene. By analyzing the phenotype at different time points after KO induction, I could distinguish between short and long-term effects of IGF signaling on cellular regeneration and identify cumulative physiological consequences of down-regulation of this pathway using behavioral tests. In my mathematical models, the dynamics of regenerative cell populations were described by a set of differential equations depending on circulating “growth-factor like molecules” (GFs). My results suggest that in aging tissues, the optimal distribution of GFs is a function that decreases with time. In the olfactory system, I showed that inactivation of IGF signaling in adult NSCs enhanced long-term maintenance of neuroblasts and increased the overall production of neurons. Mutants started with the same number of adult-born neurons as controls one month after KO induction at 4 months of age, but ended up having significantly more differentiated cells integrating the olfactory bulb at long-term, i.e. at 16 months of age. This highly increased neurogenic activity occurred without depletion of neural stem/progenitor cell compartments. In contrast, IGF-1R deletion in adult hippocampal stem cells did not change neurogenesis dynamics, pointing out a niche-dependent effect of IGFs. The important cellular changes in the olfactory bulb led to improved olfactory memory and odor discrimination in aged mutants. Strikingly, mutants also displayed altered energy homeostasis and increased sensitivity to metabolic hormones, namely leptin and insulin. This metabolic shift could be linked to enhanced olfactory function, and to changes in hypothalamic neurogenesis. Indeed, we observed that IGF-1R deletion in hypothalamic stem cells (HySC) protected α-tanycyte pool from age-related decline and increased the number of newborn neurons in the hypothalamus. Taken together, my results validate the hypothesis that life-long inhibition of IGF signaling in adult NSCs delays age-related decline of neurogenesis, in a niche-dependent manner. These data also show that local modulation of neural cell replacement has important physiological effects at the level of the whole organism, pointing out a novel pathophysiological role for adult neurogenesis.

Clinical and ex-vivo studies on the thymotropic properties of the somatotrope growth hormone (GH) / insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis

Kermani, Hamid 16 February 2011 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to investigate the effects of the somatotrope GH/IGF-1 axis upon the thymus. This work included two parts: 1. Translational research study: Thymus function in adult GH deficiency (AGHD) with and without GH treatment Background: Despite age-related adipose involution, T cell generation in the thymus (thymopoiesis) is maintained beyond puberty in adults. In rodents, growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and GH secretagogues reverse agerelated changes in thymus cytoarchitecture and increase thymopoiesis. GH administration also enhances thymic mass and function in HIV-infected patients. Until now, thymic function has not been investigated in adult GH deficiency (AGHD). The objective of this clinical study was to evaluate thymic function in AGHD, as well as the repercussion upon thymopoiesis of GH treatment for restoration of GH/IGF-1 physiological levels. Methodology/Principal Findings: Twenty-two patients with documented AGHD were enrolled in this study. The following parameters were measured: plasma IGF-1 concentrations, signal-joint T-cell receptor excision circle (sjTREC) frequency, and sj/b TREC ratio. Analyses were performed at three time points: firstly on GH treatment at maintenance dose, secondly one month after GH withdrawal, and thirdly one month after GH resumption. After 1-month interruption of GH treatment, both plasma IGF-1 concentrations and sjTREC frequency were decreased (p,0.001). Decreases in IGF-1 and sjTREC levels were correlated (r = 0.61, p,0.01). There was also a decrease in intrathymic T cell proliferation as indicated by the reduced sj/b TREC ratio (p,0.01). One month after reintroduction of GH treatment, IGF-1 concentration and sjTREC frequency regained a level equivalent to the one before GH withdrawal. The sj/b TREC ratio also increased with GH resumption, but did not return to the level measured before GH withdrawal. Conclusions: In patients with AGHD under GH treatment, GH withdrawal decreases thymic T cell output, as well as intrathymic T cell proliferation. These parameters of thymus function are completely or partially restored one month after GH resumption. These data indicate that the functional integrity of the somatotrope GH/IGF-1 axis is important for the maintenance of a normal thymus function in human adults. 2. Fundamental study: intrathymic expression of members of the GH/IGF-1 axis and effects of GH on T-cell differentiation in murine fetalthymic organ cultures (FTOC). We here address the question of expression and role of GH/IGF axis in the thymus. Methods: Using RT-qPCR, the expression profile of various components of the somatotrope GH/IGF axis was measured in different thymic cell types and during thymus embryogenesis in Balb/c mice. Effect of GH on T-cell differentiation was explored through thymic organotypic culture. Results: Transcription of Gh, Igf1, Igf2 and their related receptors predominantly occurred in thymic epithelial cells (TEC), while a low level of Gh and Igf1r transcription was also evidenced in thymic T cells (thymocytes). Gh, Ghr, Ins2, Igf1, Igf2, and Igfr1, displayed distinct expression profiles depending on the developmental stage. The protein concentration of IGF-1 and IGF-2 were in accordance with the profile of their gene expression. In fetal thymus organ cultures (FTOC) derived from Balb/c mice, treatment with exogenous GH resulted in a significant increase of double negative CD4-CD8- T cells and CD4+ T cells, with a concomitant decrease in double positive CD4+CD8+ T cells. These changes were inhibited by concomitant treatment with GH and GHR antagonist pegvisomant. However, GH treatment also induced a significant decrease in FTOC Gh, Ghr and Igf1 expression. Conclusion: These data show that the thymotropic properties of the somatotrope GH/IGF-1 axis involve an interaction between exogenous GH and GHR expressed by TEC. Since thymic IGF-1 is not increased by GH treatment, the effects of GH upon T-cell differentiation could implicate a different local growth factor or cytokine.

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