Spelling suggestions: "subject:"insulin."" "subject:"lnsulin.""
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Effects of insulin and the interaction between insulin and recombinant bovine somatotropin on the production of milk and its components and on IGF-I plasma levelsMolento, Carla Forte Maiolino. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in vivo: investigation via transgenesis in rats / Nicholas Campbell Kallincos.Kallincos, Nicholas Campbell January 1993 (has links)
1 v. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Biochemistry, 1994
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IGF transfer from blood to tissue: comparison of IGF-I with analogs that bind poorly to binding proteins, using a vascular perfusion model : a thesis submitted to the University of Adelaide, South Australia, for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy / by Andrew Peter Duncan LordLord, Andrew P.D. (Andrew Peter Duncan) January 1993 (has links)
xxiii, 222 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Insulin-like growth factor-I circulates at high concentrations in blood, mainly complexed with IGF-binding proteins. The main objective of the thesis is to determine the general role played by plasma IGF-binding proteins in the regulation of IGF transfer from blood to tissues. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Animal Science, 1994
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The insulin pump for you(th)Lind, Jenny, Hedlund, Niclas, Löfberg, Jeanette January 2006 (has links)
<p>Detta projekt är ett examensarbete på 15 poäng inom Innovations och Designingenjörsprogrammet på Karlstads Universitet, utfört under våren 2006.</p><p>Målsättningen med projektet var att hitta en form på insulinpumpen som tilltalar unga användare och dessutom minskar känslan av medicinskt hjälpmedel. Vi bestämde oss för att ge den ett utseende som mer liknar annan teknisk utrustning som finns på markanden idag. Detta som en väg att försöka höja ungdomars motivering till att övervaka och behandla sin diabetes.</p><p>Vid intervjuerna framkom det att många unga hade problem med bärandet av pumpen. Dagens pump upplevs för stor och klumpig eftersom de ofta vill gömma den i/under kläderna. Som ett resultat av denna information så valde vi att dela pumpen i två mindre enheter. Pumpenheten, som är kopplad till kroppen, kan liknas vid en MP3-spelare, och fjärrkontrollen, som innehåller den mesta intelligensen, både ser ut som och fungerar som en armbandsklocka.</p><p>Klockan har också inbyggd kontinuerlig övervakning av blodsockervärdet utan stick. Vilket var ett av de vikigaste önskemålen från användarna.</p><p>Med detta koncept kan ungdomarna välja om de vill dölja pumpen, eftersom den är så pass liten, eller om de vill ha den synlig, eftersom den ser ut som annan teknisk utrustning som bärs på kroppen.</p> / <p>This project is an examination project for 15 points at the Innovation and design engineering program, carried out at Karlstad University during spring 2006.</p><p>The purpose of this project is to find a shape that addresses young people and to minimize the medical aid stamp of the pump. We decided to give the pump an appearance more similar to other electronic devices on the market today in order to increase the motivation of treating and monitoring your diabetes.</p><p>During the interviews we found out that, youngsters hade problems related to the pump carrying. The pump of today is a bit too big and clumsy for young people who often want to hide it. As a result of this information we divided the pump into two smaller units. The pump unit that is connected to the body looks a bit like an MP3 player, and the remote control, where the intelligence lies, both looks and works like a watch.</p><p>The remote also has integrated glucose monitoring that is non-invasive. This was one of the top priorities on the wish list of the users.</p><p>With this concept the youngsters can choose whether they want to hide it, since it is small enough to hide in the pocket, or to show it off for their friends, as it could pass for a portable device.</p>
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Hälsorelaterad livskvalitet & Diabetes typ 1Cutler, Anna, Seth, Susanne January 2009 (has links)
<p> Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka om det föreligger någon skillnad mellan hur personer med diabetes typ 1 med MDI- respektive IP-behandling skattar sin hälsorelaterade livskvalitet, behandlingstillfredsställelse och uppfattning av behandlingsformens påverkan på livskvaliteten. Vidare är syftet att undersöka om det föreligger någon skillnad mellan män och kvinnor, samt mellan kvinnor respektive män i MDI- respektive IP-gruppen, avseende hälsorelaterade livskvalitet, behandlingstillfredsställelse och uppfattning av behandlingsformens påverkan på livskvaliteten. Som instrument användes enkäten SF-36 samt en egenkonstruerad enkät med bakgrundsfrågor rörande skattning av behandlingstillfredsställelse och uppfattning av behandlingsformens påverkan på livskvaliteten. I MDI-gruppen deltog 40 deltagare och i IP-gruppen 37 deltagare. Studien har en deskriptiv jämförande design. Resultatet visade att det inte finns någon signifikant skillnad mellan MDI- och IP-gruppens skattning av hälsorelaterad livskvalitet. Skillnader kunde påvisas mellan behandlingsformerna gällande behandlingstillfredsställelse och uppfattningen av behandlingsformens påverkan på livskvalitet. IP-gruppen har en signifikant högre behandlingstillfredsställelse samt anser att behandlingsformen påverkar deras livskvalitet mer än MDI-gruppen. Kvinnor i MDI-gruppen skattade sin hälsorelaterade livskvalitet signifikant lägre än män i MDI-gruppen, ingen skillnad kunde dock påvisas mellan männen och kvinnorna i IP-gruppen. Männen i MDI-gruppen skattar sin hälsorelaterade livskvalitet signifikant högre än männen i IP-gruppen. Ingen skillnad kunde påvisas mellan männen i de båda grupperna gällande behandlingsstillfredsställelse eller uppfattningen av behandlingsformens påverkan på livskvaliteten. Kvinnorna i IP-gruppen skattade signifikant högre gällande behandlingsstillfredsställelse och uppfattningen av behandlingsformens påverkan på livskvaliteten än kvinnorna i MDI-gruppen.</p><p><p><p>Kvinnorna i IP-gruppen har likartad hälsorelaterad livskvalitetsskattning som männen i samma grupp och har även en högre behandlingstillfredsställelse än kvinnor i MDI-gruppen. Slutsatsen kan vara att IP är en lämplig behandling för kvinnor</p></p></p>
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Modulation der Insulinsignalgebung durch Prostaglandin E2 und Endocannabinoide / Modulation of insulin signaling by prostaglandin E2 and endocannabinoidsStrohm, Daniela January 2010 (has links)
Die adipositasbedingte Insulinresistenz geht mit einer unterschwelligen Entzündungsreaktion einher. Als Antwort auf dieses Entzündungsgeschehen wird PGE2 unter anderem von Kupffer Zellen der Leber freigesetzt und kann seine Wirkung über vier PGE2-Rezeptorsubtypen (EP1-EP4) vermitteln. In vorangegangenen Arbeiten konnte gezeigt werden, dass PGE2 in Rattenhepatozyten über den EP3 R ERK1/2-abhängig die intrazelluläre Weiterleitung des Insulinsignals hemmt. Über die Modulation der Insulinrezeptorsignalkette durch andere EP-Rezeptoren war bisher nichts bekannt. Daher sollte in stabil transfizierten Zelllinien, die jeweils nur einen der vier EP-Rezeptorsubtypen exprimierten, der Einfluss von PGE2 auf die Insulinrezeptorsignalkette untersucht werden. Es wurden HepG2-Zellen, die keinen funktionalen EP-Rezeptor aufwiesen, sowie HepG2-Zellen, die stabil den EP1-R (HepG2-EP1), den EP3β-R (HepG2 EP3β) oder den EP4-R (HepG2 EP4) exprimierten, sowie die humane fötale Hepatozytenzelllinie, Fh hTert, die den EP2- und den EP4-R exprimierte, für die Untersuchungen verwendet. Die Zellen wurden für 330 min mit PGE2 (10 µM) vorinkubiert, um die pathophysiologische Situation nachzustellen und anschließend mit Insulin (10 nM) für 15 min stimuliert. Die insulinabhängige Akt- und ERK1/2-Phosphorylierung wurde im Western-Blot bestimmt.
In allen Hepatomzelllinien die EP-R exprimierten, nicht aber in der Zelllinie, die keinen EP R exprimierte, hemmte PGE2 die insulinstimulierte Akt-Phosphorylierung. In allen drei stabil transfizierten Zelllinien, nicht jedoch in den Fh-hTert-Zellen, steigerte PGE2 die basale und insulinstimulierte Phosphorylierung der Serin/Threoninkinase ERK1/2. In den HepG2 EP1- und den HepG2-EP3β-Zellen steigerte PGE2 mutmaßlich über die ERK1/2-Aktivierung die Serinphosphorylierung des IRS, welche die Weiterleitung des Insulinsignals blockiert. Die Hemmung der Aktivierung von ERK1/2 hob in EP3 R-exprimierenden Zellen die Abschwächung der Insulinsignalübertragung teilweise auf. In diesen Zellen scheint die ERK1/2-Aktivierung die größte Bedeutung für die Hemmung der insulinstimulierten Akt-Phosphorylierung zu haben. Da durch die Hemmstoffe die PGE2-abhängige Modulation nicht vollständig aufgehoben wurde, scheinen darüber hinaus aber noch andere Mechanismen zur Modulation beizutragen. In den Fh hTert-Zellen wurde die Insulinrezeptorsignalkette offensichtlich über einen ERK1/2-unabhängigen, bisher nicht identifizierten Weg unterbrochen.
Eine gesteigerte PGE2-Bildung im Rahmen der Adipositas ist nicht auf die peripheren Gewebe beschränkt. Auch im Hypothalamus können bei Adipositas Zeichen einer Entzündung nachgewiesen werden, die mit einer gesteigerten PGE2-Bildung einhergehen. Daher wurde das EP R-Profil von primären hypothalamischen Neuronen und neuronalen Modellzelllinien charakterisiert, um zu prüfen, ob PGE2 in hypothalamischen Neuronen die Insulinsignalkette in ähnlicher Weise unterbricht wie in Hepatozyten. In allen neuronalen Zellen hemmte die Vorinkubation mit PGE2 die insulinstimulierte Akt-Phosphorylierung nicht. In der neuronalen hypothalamischen Zelllinie N 41 wirkte PGE2 eher synergistisch mit Insulin. In durch Retinsäure ausdifferenzierten SH SY5Y-Zellen waren die Ergebnisse allerdings widersprüchlich. Dies könnte darauf zurückzuführen sein, dass die Expression der EP Rezeptoren im Verlauf der Kultur stark schwankte und somit die EP R-Ausstattung der Zellen zwischen den Zellversuchen variierte. Auch in den primären hypothalamischen Neuronen variierte die EP R-Expression abhängig vom Differenzierungszustand und PGE2 beeinflusste die insulinstimulierte Akt-Phosphorylierung nicht. Obwohl in allen neuronalen Zellen die Akt-Phosphorylierung durch Insulin gesteigert wurde, konnte in keiner der Zellen eine insulinabhängige Regulation der Expression von Insulinzielgenen (POMC und AgRP) nachgewiesen werden. Das liegt wahrscheinlich an dem niedrigen Differenzierungsgrad der untersuchten Zellen.
Im Rahmen der Adipositas kommt es zu einer Überaktivierung des Endocannabinoidsystems. Endocannabinoidrezeptoren sind mit den EP Rezeptoren verwandt. Daher wurde geprüft, ob Endocannabinoide die Insulinsignalweiterleitung in ähnlicher Weise beeinflussen können wie PGE2. Die Vorinkubation der N 41-Zellen für 330 min mit einem Endocannabinoidrezeptoragonisten steigerte die insulinstimulierte Akt-Phosphorylierung, was auf einen insulinsensitiven Effekt von Endocannabinoiden hindeutet. Dies steht im Widerspruch zu der in der Literatur beschriebenen endocannabinoidabhängigen Insulinresistenz, die aber auf indirekte, durch Endocannabinoide ausgelöste Veränderungen zurückzuführen sein könnte. / The obesity related insulin resistance is accompanied by a low grade inflammation. In response to inflammatory stimuli, PGE2 is released from Kupffer cells and signals through four G-Protein coupled PGE2-receptors (EP1-EP4). Previous work showed that PGE2 attenuated insulin signaling in rat hepatocytes through an EP3ß- and ERK1/2-dependent mechanism. Since EP-receptor expression on hepatocytes varies between species and physiological conditions, the effect of the individual EP receptor subtypes on insulin signaling was studied in hepatoma cell lines expressing individual EP receptor subtypes. HepG2 cells lacking functional EP-receptors, and derivatives stably expressing either EP1 receptor (HepG2-EP1), EP3ß receptor (HepG2-EP3ß) or EP4 receptor (HepG2-EP4) and Fh-hTert cells expressing EP2- and EP4-receptor were pre-incubated with PGE2 for 330 min to mimic the sub-acute inflammation. The cells were subsequently stimulated with insulin for 15 min. Akt and ERK1/2 activation was determined by Western Blotting with phospho-specific antibodies.
PGE2 inhibited insulin stimulated Akt phosphorylation in all cell lines expressing EP receptors, except in HepG2 cells which are lacking functional EP receptors. PGE2 increased insulin stimulated phosphorylation of the serine/threonine kinase ERK1/2 in all EP R expressing HepG2 cell lines except in Fh-hTert cells. In HepG2-EP1 and HepG2 EP3ß cells PGE2 increased the serine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor substrate, presumably through an ERK1/2 activation. This IRS-serine phosphorylation leads to attenuation of insulin signal transduction. Inhibiting ERK1/2 activation with a specific inhibitor attenuated the PGE2-dependent inhibition of insulin signal transmission in HepG2 EP3ß cells to some extent. ERK1/2 activation in these cells seems to be of major importance for the observed attenuation of insulin stimulated Akt phosphorylation. Application of inhibitors in the other cell lines stably expressing EP receptors provided evidence that other mechanisms contributed to the attenuation of insulin signaling. Insulin signal transduction in Fh-hTert cells by PGE2 was apparently blocked by an ERK1/2-independent mechanism.
Increased PGE2 production during obesity is not limited to the periphery. Signs of inflammation have been detected in the hypothalamus, which might be associated with an increased PGE2 production. Therefore, the EP receptor profile of primary neurons as well as neuronal cell models was characterised in order to investigate, whether PGE2 attenuates insulin signal transduction in neuronal cells similar to what was observed in hepatocytes. Pre-incubation with PGE2 did not attenuate insulin stimulated Akt phosphorylation in all neuronal cells. The EP receptor profile in SH SY5Y cells and in primary neurons varied depending on the differentiation status of the cells. Although Akt-kinase was phosphorylated in response to insulin stimulation in all neuronal cells studied, gene expression of insulin target genes (POMC, AgRP) was not modulated by insulin. This might be due to the low level of differentiation of the investigated cells.
In the course of obesity, an over-activation of the endocannabinoid system is detected. Since endocannabinoid receptors are related to EP receptors, it was investigated whether endocannabinoids can interfere with insulin signaling in a similar way as PGE2. Pre-incubation of the neuronal cell line N 41 for 330 min with an endocannabinoid receptor agonist, increased insulin stimulated Akt phosphorylation. This implies an insulin sensitising effect of endocannabinoids. This is contradictory to the endocannabinoid-dependent insulin resistance described in the literature and might be caused by indirect endocannabinoid-triggered mechanisms.
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Hälsorelaterad livskvalitet & Diabetes typ 1Cutler, Anna, Seth, Susanne January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka om det föreligger någon skillnad mellan hur personer med diabetes typ 1 med MDI- respektive IP-behandling skattar sin hälsorelaterade livskvalitet, behandlingstillfredsställelse och uppfattning av behandlingsformens påverkan på livskvaliteten. Vidare är syftet att undersöka om det föreligger någon skillnad mellan män och kvinnor, samt mellan kvinnor respektive män i MDI- respektive IP-gruppen, avseende hälsorelaterade livskvalitet, behandlingstillfredsställelse och uppfattning av behandlingsformens påverkan på livskvaliteten. Som instrument användes enkäten SF-36 samt en egenkonstruerad enkät med bakgrundsfrågor rörande skattning av behandlingstillfredsställelse och uppfattning av behandlingsformens påverkan på livskvaliteten. I MDI-gruppen deltog 40 deltagare och i IP-gruppen 37 deltagare. Studien har en deskriptiv jämförande design. Resultatet visade att det inte finns någon signifikant skillnad mellan MDI- och IP-gruppens skattning av hälsorelaterad livskvalitet. Skillnader kunde påvisas mellan behandlingsformerna gällande behandlingstillfredsställelse och uppfattningen av behandlingsformens påverkan på livskvalitet. IP-gruppen har en signifikant högre behandlingstillfredsställelse samt anser att behandlingsformen påverkar deras livskvalitet mer än MDI-gruppen. Kvinnor i MDI-gruppen skattade sin hälsorelaterade livskvalitet signifikant lägre än män i MDI-gruppen, ingen skillnad kunde dock påvisas mellan männen och kvinnorna i IP-gruppen. Männen i MDI-gruppen skattar sin hälsorelaterade livskvalitet signifikant högre än männen i IP-gruppen. Ingen skillnad kunde påvisas mellan männen i de båda grupperna gällande behandlingsstillfredsställelse eller uppfattningen av behandlingsformens påverkan på livskvaliteten. Kvinnorna i IP-gruppen skattade signifikant högre gällande behandlingsstillfredsställelse och uppfattningen av behandlingsformens påverkan på livskvaliteten än kvinnorna i MDI-gruppen. Kvinnorna i IP-gruppen har likartad hälsorelaterad livskvalitetsskattning som männen i samma grupp och har även en högre behandlingstillfredsställelse än kvinnor i MDI-gruppen. Slutsatsen kan vara att IP är en lämplig behandling för kvinnor
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The Effect of Insulin and Insulin Resistance on Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Secretion from the Intestinal L CellLim, Gareth Eu-Juang 03 March 2010 (has links)
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is secreted from the enteroendocrine L cell following nutrient ingestion. Although GLP-1 regulates several aspects of nutrient homeostasis, one important function is to enhance glucose-dependent insulin secretion. In type 2 diabetes, post-prandial GLP-1 secretion is impaired. Insulin resistance, which is required for the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes, is also associated with impaired GLP-1 secretion. I, therefore, hypothesized that insulin modulates GLP-1 secretion from the intestinal L cell and, furthermore, insulin resistance directly impairs the function of the endocrine L cell. In well-characterized L cell models, I established that insulin stimulates GLP-1 secretion through the MEK1/2-ERK1/2 pathway, and induction of insulin resistance in vitro attenuated insulin- and heterologous secretagogue-induced GLP-1 release. Furthermore, glucose-stimulated GLP-1 secretion was decreased in hyperinsulinemic-insulin resistant MKR mice, demonstrating that insulin resistance is associated with impaired L cell function.
I next examined the role of the actin cytoskeleton in insulin-stimulated GLP-1 secretion. Insulin treatment transiently induced actin depolymerization, and depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton potentiated insulin-stimulated GLP-1 release from the L cell, demonstrating that the cytoskeleton functions as a permissive barrier. Central to insulin’s effects on actin dynamics is the Rho GTPase, Cdc42, as siRNA-mediated knockdown and over-expression of a dominant-negative mutant, prevented insulin-stimulated actin remodeling and GLP-1 release. Insulin also promoted activation of PAK1, the downstream kinase of Cdc42, and over-expression of a kinase-dead PAK1 mutant attenuated insulin-stimulated GLP-1 release. In cells that expressed dominant-negative Cdc42 or kinase-dead PAK1, activation of ERK1/2 following insulin treatment was attenuated, demonstrating that the Cdc42-PAK1 axis regulates the activity of the canonical ERK1/2 pathway.
In summary, this thesis demonstrates, for the first time, that insulin is a GLP-1 secretagogue, and this effect of insulin is mediated through the canonical ERK1/2 pathway and the Cdc42-PAK1 axis. Insulin resistance in the L cell impairs the responsiveness of the L cell to heterologous secretagogues. Collectively, these findings suggest that an alternative approach to treat type 2 diabetes and/or insulin resistance may be to directly improve the function of the L cell, thereby enhancing endogenous GLP-1 release.
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The Relationship between Insulin Sensitivity and Weight Reduction in Simple Obese and Obese Diabetic PatientsSAKAMOTO, NOBUO, OKUYAMA, MAKIO, YAMANOUCHI, KUNIO, OSHIDA, YOSHIHARU, SATO, YUZO, ISHIGURO, TETSUYA 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Regulation of hepatic ALS and IGFBP-1 expressionHepp, Michael Emerson 21 June 2005
The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system is composed of IGF, IGF binding proteins (IGFBP-1 to -10) and the acid labile subunit (ALS). IGF exists as two isoforms, IGF-I and IGF-II. IGF-I is the major circulatory form and is primarily secreted by the liver. It functions to regulate proliferation and differentiation in a number of different cell types and elicits an insulin-like metabolic effect. As well as being regulated at levels of transcription and translation, IGF-I activities are also regulated through formation of complexes in circulation. IGF complexes form as binary complexes, such as the IGFBP-1 complex, and ternary complexes containing IGF-I, IGFBP-3 and ALS. Binary and ternary IGF complexes function to maintain stable pools of bioactive IGF-I. They also function to increase IGF half-life and sequester IGF in the bloodstream. <p> ALS and IGFBP-1 are well characterized and exist as 85 kDa and 32 kDa proteins, respectively. They are expressed primarily in liver hepatocytes. Circulating ALS binds the IGF-I-IGFBP-3 complex and increases IGF half-life from 10 min in the IGFBP-3 binary complex to 10-15 hr in the ternary complex. IGFBP-1 binds IGF-I and increases the half-life from 10 min to 30 min. The ternary complex is the predominant IGF-I binding protein complex found in circulation. The IGFBP-1 complex represents only a small fraction of circulating IGF complexes. <p> In this thesis ALS and IGFBP-1 regulation were investigated in terms of expression related to metabolic modulators and streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes. Results from rat studies showed a decreased liver ALS gene expression in STZ-induced diabetic rats. STZ-treatment in rats mimics type-I diabetes with no change in secreted insulin with increase of circulatory glucose. The administration of insulin into the STZ-induced diabetic rats brought ALS levels to that of the untreated controls. ALS expression was positively regulated by insulin in H4IIE hepatoma cells. Growth hormone (GH), glucose, dexamethasone also positively regulated ALS gene expression while cAMP (2-b-cAMP) acted as a negative regulator in H4IIE cells. HepG2 cells expressing constitutively active protein kinase B (PKB) (HepG2-PKB-CA) increased ALS gene expression to levels 20% higher then parental HepG2. Insulin treatment of these cells unexpectedly increased ALS levels in both parental and PKB-CA HepG2. This may have indicated a partial regulatory role of the mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway as PKB was thought to be over-expressed therefore rendering the insulin signal redundant. Inhibition of the phosphoinositol-3 (PI-3) kinase and MAP kinase pathways through wortmannin and PD98059 incubation, respectively, suggested a possible interplay or crosstalk between the two pathways in insulin signaling. PKB is known to be activated through the PI-3 kinase pathway. Results suggested possibility that PKB may interact through the MAP kinase pathway in regulation of ALS gene expression. The activity of cAMP on ALS gene expression may occur through interaction with the PI-3 kinase pathway as inhibition enhanced the negative effect of cAMP on ALS expression. <p> The secretion of IGFBP-1 was positively regulated by glucose and GH and negatively regulated by insulin in H4IIE cells. HepG2-PKB-CA cells showed significantly lower IGFBP-1 secretion as compared to parental HepG2 cells. The involvement of the PI-3 and MAP kinase pathways in the modulator-mediated effect on IGFBP-1 secretion were. As observed for ALS expression, the effect of insulin on IGFBP-1 secretion may also be affected through interplay or crosstalk between the PI-3 kinase and MAP kinase pathways. Glucose and GH effected IGFBP-1 expression and secretion independent of these pathways although glucose expression may interact in some way through the PI-3 kinase pathway. Our investigation of hepatic regulation of IGFBP-1 secretion and ALS gene expression has shown regulatory roles for the metabolic hormones tested, especially insulin. Mechanisms of cell signaling have also been approached with the use of pathway inhibiters and HepG2-PKB-CA cells. Much work is yet to be done to fully understand the effects of insulin and other hormones on the secretion and expression of IGFBP-1 and ALS.
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