Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kontextintegration system"" "subject:"migrantintegration system""
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The Research of Key Success Factors of Oversea Chain Convenience Store- A case study of Family ¬Mart Convenience Stores in ShanghaiHu, Ying-Chih 15 February 2012 (has links)
After China enters WTO, its antique retailing and wholesaling sector is faced with tough competition as the global retailers rush to enter the field. Shanghai is one of the highest density cities of convenience stores. In addition, foreign companies has limited by laws in China, how to compete with the other state-owned enterprises which owned many advanced advantages will become a big issue.
Base on the China market situation, the research is focus on key success factors of oversea chain convenience stores. What the methodology is used is ¡¨Case Study¡¨. There are three data sources-deep interview, including the convenient store company to be the object discussed here and the supporting business unit in Convenience Store Division, Ting Hsin International Group. With its own marketing, alliance program, store products, backup office support systems, goods delivery and creativity as well. Compile the organized information and analysis then get conclusion.
The concrete research results s are as follows¡GThe Key Success Factor of oversea chain convenience stores can be divided into four dimensions which are expanding stores and surroundings planning ability, products innovation and diversity, marketing planning. The last but not least is quality of store operation and service. To build up an integrated supply chain system is also do help when entering into new market.
Though the scale of convenience stores is the foundation of profit, it can¡¦t guarantee the sustainable profit. Base on the store unit profitable, enterprise should find the virtual growth pattern of turnover to make the sustainable profitability.
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Study on the Level of Satisfaction for the Official Document Integration System Employed by Fundamental Government Institutions ¡V An Example of the Schools of Kaohsiung County GovernmentYang, Ya-yun 26 August 2008 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the level of user satisfaction of the official document integration system for fundamental government institutions. Subjects of this study include administrative personnel of each level of schools of Kaohsiung County Government. Adopting the questionnaire method, a total of 156 effective questionnaires were collected with a return rate at 77.61%. Through a self-designed questionnaire entitled, ¡§Questionnaire on the level of satisfaction for the use of official document integration system¡¨ with items including information quality, system quality and service quality as the research tool, this study employs SPSS as the analysis tool and the statistic methods include reliability analysis, factor analysis, descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA, independent t-test and Pearson product moment correlation analysis. The findings include:
1. There are no significant differences among each factor of variables such as information quality, system quality and service quality for the subjects of different ¡§gender¡¨, ¡§educational level¡¨, ¡§years of service¡¨, ¡§number of changes¡¨ and ¡§number of years of using the system¡¨.
2. Other than a significant difference on the level of satisfaction for the use of information, there are no significant differences among each aspects of variables such as system quality and service quality for subjects of different ¡§position¡¨, ¡§scale of school¡¨ and ¡§location of school¡¨.
3. Other than a significant difference on the level of satisfaction for electrical exchange and function operation, there are no significant differences in other factors in the service quality aspect for subjects ¡§with or without file management personnel¡¨.
4. Other than a significant difference on the level of satisfaction on the use of interface and customer service quality, there are no significant differences in the factors in the information quality aspect for subjects at different ¡§level of use of the system¡¨.
5. There are positive correlations among information quality, system quality and service quality. When the correlation index increases, it influences the level of satisfaction for the users on the official document integration system.
In addition, the conclusions, limitations and suggestions are furthered described and investigated according the research findings.
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Análise econômica do sistema de produção ILP- integração lavoura pecuária em uma unidade de pesquisa avançada da EMBRAPA do Mato GrossoPrado, Wander Bosco Souza do 23 August 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-23 / The purpose of the study was to evaluate the economic viability of Crop-Livestock Integration System (SILP) in a experimental unit of EMBRAPA, stade of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The research was held on 100 hectare farm area under commercial conditions of production. This production system can be considered as an alternative for tradictional land use. It is able to increase agricultural production and avoide exploitation of new agricultural areas in environmental sensitive areas. A case study exploratory research was conducted. The approach to the problem was quantitative and qualitative, by the use of statistical tools for data collection and processing, and the analysis of variables. It was collected economic and financial data in real conditions using spreadsheet software. This information was presented by means of cash flow, which allowed to produce economic indicators and analysis, since the implementation of the project until the marketing of the products for a period of 5 (five) years farming, providing relevant analysis and interpretation of indicators based on analysis of cash flow, such as NPV. An economic analisys of the SILP is provided, showing its advantages and disadvantages for farmers and giving more information for analysis and decision making related to its adoption. It was shown that SILP is economically advantageous when compared with the monoculture of soybean. Even though SILP is a technology still under development, it proved to be advantageous because positive economic returns, and especially because it provides diversification of productive activities, generating greater stability at less risk. / Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar a viabilidade econômica do Sistema Integração Lavoura-Pecuária (SILP), numa unidade de referência tecnológica (URT) avançada da EMBRAPA em Mato Grosso. A investigação se realizou nas condições de produção em escala comercial em 100 ha. A justificativa da pesquisa se fundamenta no fato da exploração dessa tecnologia de produção no meio agropecuário ser considerada uma alternativa para melhor ocupação do solo com aumento da produção agropecuária sem a abertura de novas aréas. Optou-se pela pesquisa exploratória cujos procedimentos adotados foram os de um estudo de caso. Quanto à abordagem do problema, desenvolveu-se a pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa pelo emprego de instrumentos estatísticos para coleta e tratamento dos dados, e pelas análises de suas variáveis. Coletaram-se dados econômicos e financeiros em condições reais, por meio de planilha de campo, com foco na atividade operacional e com base nos movimentos de custos e receitas das atividades produtivas envolvidas. Essas informações foram apresentadas por meio de fluxo de caixa, o que permitiu produzir indicadores econômicos e fazer a análise, desde a implantação do projeto, até a comercialização dos produtos por um período de 5 (cinco) anos agrícolas. A opção, por esse período, proporcionou relevante análise e interpretação por meio de ferramentas econômicas ao se utilizar os indicadores. Tomou-se como base da análise o fluxo de caixa, aplicando os coeficientes VPL, e TMA. Como foco dos estudos do sistema, proporcionou uma visão econômica sobre o SILP e possibilitou a reflexão sobre suas vantagens e desvantagens para o produtor rural, subsidiando-o com mais informações para análise e tomada de decisão sobre a sua adoção. O Estudo demonstrou que o SILP é vantajoso economicamente por apresentar os mesmos resultados quando comparado com cultura da soja praticada no próprio sistema, já que esta foi executada com os mesmos parâmetros técnicos do sistema convencional e já é consagrada como tecnologia estável. O SILP demonstrou ser vantajoso pelo retorno econômico positivo, e, principalmente, pela diversificação das atividades produtivas, gerando maior estabilidade em cenários de risco como foi demonstrado.
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Optimalizace logistických procesů v konkrétních organizacích / Optimization of logistic processes in specific organizationsMiksová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with logistic processes optimization in automotive industry companies that assemble car components. In the theoretical part of the thesis, areas and a structure of industrial logistics are defined and frequently used terms are explained. Then, theoretical approaches and practical applications used in the practical part are described. In the practical part, two particular companies are presented. The aim of the thesis is to optimize a tool that is used in the first organization during the process of logistic preparation of manufacturing. Secondly, the aim of the thesis is to analyse the process of material picking and handling before the supply of assembly line that is performed in the second organization and to suggest a solution that would eliminate non-value added activities. In the end, benefits of the thesis for both the organizations and the author are summarized.
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Optimeringsanalys av en modern,systemintegrerad operationssal : Jämförelse av tre styrningsfall / Optimization Analysis of a Modern,System Integrated Operating Theatre : Comparison of Three Maneuvering AlternativesLindberg, Therése, Malm, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Dagens komplexa vårdmiljö kan förenklas genom att utrusta sjukhusensoperationssalar med en integrerad systemlösning. Syftet är att möjliggöramanövrering av all utrustning från en gemensam enhet, och på så sätt effektiviseraarbetsflödet. Idag saknas data som stödjer påståendet att systemetsförprogrammerade scenarion innebär en förbättring. Det här arbetet går ut på att undersöka den nytta som integrationslösningenmedför i operationssalar. Detta görs genom att undersöka arbetsflödet utifrån treolika styrningsfall (med förprogrammerade scenarion, manuellt via applikationeroch exludering av systemet), samt utifrån tre olika mätparametrar (klick, steg ochtid). Syftet med jämförelsen är att se vilket av dessa fall som är optimalt utifrån ettanvändarperspektiv. Resultatet visar på en tydlig fördel för styrning av systemet med förprogrammeradescenarion utifrån samtliga mätparametrar. De antaganden som har formatundersökningen, samt de kvantitativa begränsningarna i studiens data, tas hänsyntill i analysen. Under analys stärks det framtagna resultatet. I kombination med en fördeladstyrning mellan användarna utgör styrning med förprogrammerade scenarion detbästa alternativet för ett optimerat arbetsflöde. / Healthcare system complexity can be simplified by equipping hospital operatingtheatres with an integrated system solution. The goal is to improve the hospitalworkflow by enabling maneuvering of all the equipment from a common unit.Today there is no data to support the claim that the system offered feature of usingpreset scenes provides any improvements. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the benefits of the integrated operatingsystem. This is done by performing a workflow analysis based on three differentcases (with preset scenes, maneuvered through the applications and without use ofthe integrated system) and three different parameters (clicks, steps, and time). Thepurpose is to clarify the, from a user perspective, most beneficial case. The measured result shows an advantage when using the system with presetscenes. All of the assumptions in the survey, including the limitations ofquantitative data, are considered in the study. The result is validated by the analysis. A combination of the case with preset scenesand a distributed control between the users are therefore the best alternative for anoptimized workflow.
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Примена корелацијско-интеграцијског система у средњошколској настави српског језика и књижевности (у функцији побољшања постигнућа ученика на крају школске године) / Primena korelacijsko-integracijskog sistema u srednjoškolskoj nastavi srpskog jezika i književnosti (u funkciji poboljšanja postignuća učenika na kraju školske godine) / Application of correlation-integration system in the high school classes of Serbian Language and LiteratureStankić Milanka 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>У докторској дисертацији Примена корелацијско-интеграцијског система у средњошколској настави српског језика и књижевности (у функцији побољшања постигнућа ученика на крају школске године) истраживања ће бити усмерена на трагање за иновативним начинима повезивања наставе језика са наставом књижевности како би се, непосредно, утицало на квалитет наставног процеса, односно, посредно, на подизање нивоа знања и резултата на завршним испитима. Полазећи од тезе да је мотивисан и ангажован ученик и активни учесник наставног процеса, способан да стечена знања из језичке културе примени у рецепцији књижевног дела – доказаћемо да се корелацијом и интеграцијом ова два подручја рада на часовима српског језика и књижевности у средњој школи постиже бољи успех ученика на такмичењима и испитима.<br />Докторска дисертација се састоји од теоријског дела и резултата емпиријских истраживања. Основне целине су: Корелација и иновације у настави, Корелацијско-интеграцијски методи у настави књижевности и српског језика, Методичке апликације и Емпиријска истраживања.</p> / <p>U doktorskoj disertaciji Primena korelacijsko-integracijskog sistema u srednjoškolskoj nastavi srpskog jezika i književnosti (u funkciji poboljšanja postignuća učenika na kraju školske godine) istraživanja će biti usmerena na traganje za inovativnim načinima povezivanja nastave jezika sa nastavom književnosti kako bi se, neposredno, uticalo na kvalitet nastavnog procesa, odnosno, posredno, na podizanje nivoa znanja i rezultata na završnim ispitima. Polazeći od teze da je motivisan i angažovan učenik i aktivni učesnik nastavnog procesa, sposoban da stečena znanja iz jezičke kulture primeni u recepciji književnog dela – dokazaćemo da se korelacijom i integracijom ova dva područja rada na časovima srpskog jezika i književnosti u srednjoj školi postiže bolji uspeh učenika na takmičenjima i ispitima.<br />Doktorska disertacija se sastoji od teorijskog dela i rezultata empirijskih istraživanja. Osnovne celine su: Korelacija i inovacije u nastavi, Korelacijsko-integracijski metodi u nastavi književnosti i srpskog jezika, Metodičke aplikacije i Empirijska istraživanja.</p> / <p>In the doctoral dissertation Application of correlation-integration system in the high school classes of Serbian Language and Literature (in order to improve students’ achievements at the end of the school year) the research will be focused on the search for innovative ways to relate the lessons of language to the lessons of literature in order to directly influence the quality of the teaching process, and indirectly to raise the level of knowledge and the results of the final exams.<br />Our starting point is going to be the idea that a motivated and engaged student is also an active participant in the educational process capable of applying the aquired knowledge of language culture to the reception of literary works. Thence, we are going to prove that through correlation and integration of these two fields of work in Serbian language and literature lessons high school students will achieve better results in competitions and in exams. This significant methodological study has been supported by a methodological research in the classroom.</p><p>The doctoral dissertation consists of a theoretical part and the results of the empirical research. Basic entities are: Correlation and innovation in classes, Correlation-integration method in the classes of literature and the Serbian language, Methodology applications and Empirical research.</p>
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The Perspectives and Risks of Electricity Supply in the Czech Republic by 2030Vinklerová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The thesis will focus on outlooks of the Czech energy system, especially with respect to supply-demand balance and generation adequacy. The current situation in the electricity market will be used as a starting point for projections of future scenarios. The scenarios will look at possible issues and challenges as well as further developments that the Czech energy system will be facing in the near future. These problems and challenges can be defined as the mid-term and long-term ability to balance supply and demand for electricity in the Czech Republic. The increase in production of electricity from renewable resources and the subsequent loss of flexibility of power sources go hand in hand with adverse economic conditions, together worsening the overall risk in the electricity system. At the same time we must take into account changes in EU energy policy and its effect on member countries, such as the planned shutdown of nuclear power plants in Germany, increased taxation of carbon dioxide production, supported production of electricity from renewable resources, and integration of energy markets. We must consider the harmonization of methods that are used to evaluate the adequacy and security of a production portfolio, known as a generation adequacy, while meeting the requirements of the given system and...
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Systém statistických informací o trhu práce / System of Labour Market InformationDuspivová, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of this dissertation thesis is to present a new system of statistical information concerning the labour market in the Czech Republic with respect to the theoretical background as well as to latest trends in the labour market statistics. The structure of the thesis is as follows. In the first chapter, there is a theoretical framework of the labour market introduced. This framework interlinks relations among employees and employers and is neutral with respect to all the economic schools of thought. Besides, I describe an actual state of the labour market statistics in the Czech Republic and evaluate its compliance with the theoretical research. The second chapter is focused on the state of the art concerning labour market statistics from the point of view of both data integration and comprehensive systems of labour market indicators. In the first part of the third chapter, there is a proposal of the new system of statistical information concerning the labour market that complies with both the economic theory and latest trends in the labour market statistics. The most likely advantage of the new system is the fact that all the key aspects of the labour market (i.e. employment as well as remuneration) are surveyed and evaluated together. In addition to the generally known indicators of both economic activity and remuneration, I propose new indicators of job creation, job destruction, hires, separations, job reallocation and worker reallocation. In the second part of the third chapter, there is a proposal of the integrated data source that will allow us to quantify all indicators provided that there are no legal restrictions concerning data integration in the Czech Republic. In last two parts of the third chapter, there are discussed both the main issues concerning the implementation of the system and the pros and cons of the system. There have never been quantified the indicators concerning job and employee flows using the linked employer-employee data in the Czech Republic, so the pilot results are introduced in the fourth chapter. It is obvious that using the new system, we could prove some hypotheses that were impossible to prove using standard set of indicators. In the last part of the fourth chapter, there are worker and job flows balanced with respect to the stock information concerning labour market in the Czech Republic. In the fifth chapter, I investigate the possibility of a wider use of the new system in order to be able to identify and analyse an array of labour market phenomena in more detail. The thesis brings a new insight to the dynamics of the labour market compared to the generally known basic set of labour market indicators. The systematic approach, based on a wider use of linked employer-employee microdata combined with new indicators, has the advantages of a higher information capability as well as of complying with the requirements of the academics.
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Enterprise ComputingSpruth, Wilhelm G. 13 November 2013 (has links)
Das vorliegende Buch entstand aus einer zweisemestrigen Vorlesung „Enterprise Computing“, die wir gemeinsam über viele Jahre als Teil des Bachelor- oder Master-Studienganges an der Universität Leipzig gehalten haben. Das Buch führt ein in die Welt des Mainframe und soll dem Leser einen einführenden Überblick geben. Band 1 ist der Einführung in z/OS gewidmet, während sich Band 2 mit der Internet Integration beschäftigt. Ergänzend werden in Band 3 praktische Übungen unter z/OS dargestellt.
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The systems integration of autonomous behavior analysis to create a "Maritime Smart Environment" for the enhancement of maritime domain awarenessDavis, Cledo L. January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S. in Systems Engineering)--Naval Postgraduate School, June 2010. / Thesis Advisor(s): Goshorn, Rachel ; Goshorn, Deborah. "June 2010." Description based on title screen as viewed on June 24, 2010. Author(s) subject terms: Anomaly Detection, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Behavior Analysis, Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence-Surveillance-Reconnaissance, Maritime Domain Awareness, Maritime Force Protection, Multi-agent Systems, Network-centric Operations, Network-centric Systems Engineering, Network-centric Warfare, Smart Sensor Networks, Systems Engineering, Systems Integration, System of Systems. Includes bibliographical references (p. 209-212). Also available in print.
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