Spelling suggestions: "subject:"interactive."" "subject:"nteractive.""
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A user interface builder/manager for knowledge craft /Sedighian, Kamran January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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Participant experience studies of interactive artworks : an investigation of laboratory-based methods used to study EchologyDeutscher, Meghan Catherine 05 1900 (has links)
We investigate the use of laboratory-based methodology for studying participant experience of interactive artworks. The investigation is motivated
by two goals: to inform the HCI practitioner of the role of participant experience studies in artwork from the perspective of the artist and to inform
the artist of how laboratory-based methodology can contribute to the refinement of their techniques and aesthetics. In this thesis three main purposes
for participant experience studies in the artist's process are derived from
the roles of artist, art object, and participants in an interactive artwork.
Common characteristics of participant experience studies are reviewed, with
three cases unique in their use of more formal methodologies examined in
detail. This thesis builds on a foundation set forth by these three cases in an
investigation of orientation media: media such as text, images, or video
designed by the artist to convey supplemental information to participants
and thus selectively influence their understanding of different elements in an interactive artwork. Orientation media in the form of instructions cards is used in a study of the interactive sound and video installation piece, Echology. The orientation media is successful in revealing elements of the artwork that, given explicit instructions or not, still cause confusion among participants. A general review of the study methodology is also provided. This includes observations of changes in participant behaviour due to their roles as subjects in a study and implications these changes have on using formal methodologies for studying participant experience.
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Interactive tools for biomechanical modeling and realistic animationKaufman, Andrew 11 1900 (has links)
We describe a semi-automatic technique for modeling and animating complex musculoskeletal systems using a strand based muscle model. Using our interactive tools, we are able to generate the motion of tendons and muscles under the skin of a traditionally animated character. This is achieved by integrating the traditional animation pipeline with a biomechanical simulator capable of dynamic simulation with complex routing constraints on muscles and tendons. We integrate our musculoskeletal modeling and animation toolkit into a professional 3D production environment, thereby enabling artists and scientists to create complex musculoskeletal systems that were previously inaccessible to them. We demonstrate the applications of our tools to the visual effects industry with several animations of the human hand and applications to the biomechanics community with a novel model of the human shoulder.
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The effectiveness of three dimensional interactionBoritz, James 05 1900 (has links)
Most interaction with computers today takes place in a two dimensional environment.
Even when using three dimensional graphics applications, input is often still restricted
to two dimensions. Many believe that the use of three dimensional input devices will alleviate
this restriction and allow for a much more natural human-machine dialog.
This thesis seeks to establish how factors dealing with visual feedback and task structure
affect the ability to perform interactive tasks in a three dimensional virtual environment.
The factors investigated were stereoscopic vision, motion parallax, stimulus arrangement
and stimulus complexity. Four tasks were studied. These tasks were: point location, docking,
line tracing and curve tracing. All the tasks used a six degree of freedom input device
to control a pointer in a three dimensional virtual environment.
Four experiments corresponding to the four tasks were conducted to investigate these
factors. Among other things the results showed the following. Stereoscopic vision provided
a strong benefit to positioning-based tasks, but this benefit was weakened in the case of tracing
tasks. Motion parallax via head-tracking often had no effect upon task performance and
where an effect was found it was often detrimental. The position of stimuli influenced performance
across all of the tasks. The orientation of stimuli influenced performance in the
task in which it was varied.
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Reading Aloud: Feedback is Never NecessaryRobidoux, Serje Marc January 2010 (has links)
Since McClelland and Rumelhart (1981) introduced the concept of interactive activation (IA) to the field of visual word recognition, IA has been adopted by all of the major theoretical models of reading aloud. This widespread adoption of IA has not been met with a close examination of the need for the principle features of this processing approach. In particular, IA assumes feedback from later processing modules to earlier processing modules. Though there exist data that can be explained by such feedback mechanisms, and indeed IA may be an intuitive approach to complex tasks like reading, little effort has been made to explain these same phenomena without feedback. In the present study I apply Occam’s razor to the most successful model of reading aloud (CDP+; Perry, Ziegler, & Zorzi, 2007) and test whether feedback is needed to simulate any of the benchmark phenomena identified by Perry et al. (2007) and Coltheart, Rastle, Perry, Langdon and Ziegler (2001). I find that the data currently do not require any feedback mechanisms in reading aloud, and thus conclude that modelers in reading aloud have been too quick to adopt the principles of IA.
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Interaktyvaus marketingo įdiegimo viešbutyje „Daniela“ modelis / Interactive marketing model for Hotel „Daniela“Počiuipa, Paulius 02 December 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbo tikslas - atlikus interaktyvaus marketingo teorinę analizę, parengti interaktyvaus marketingo modelį, tinkamą taikymui realiai veikiančioje įmonėje. Magistro darbą sudaro trys dalys: interaktyvaus marketingo teorinė analizė, interaktyvaus marketingo įdiegimo viešbutyje „Daniela“ galimybių analizė bei rekomendacijos, kaip sukurti viešbučiui „Daniela“ pritaikytą interaktyvaus marketingo modelį. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje yra atlikta interaktyvaus marketingo teorinė analizė, atskleidžiant interaktyvaus marketingo koncepcijos sampratą, nagrinėjami interaktyvaus marketingo strateginiai bei taktiniai sprendimai, identifikuojamos interaktyvaus marketingo priemonės. Antroje darbo dalyje atliekama apgyvendinimo paslaugų rinkos Lietuvoje analizė, taip pat analizuojami šiuo metu viešbutyje „Daniela“ taikomi interaktyvaus marketingo elementai. Trečioje darbo dalyje sukuriamas interaktyvaus marketingo diegimo modelis pritaikytas viešbučiui „Daniela“. / The aim of the master thesis is to prepare the model of interactive marketing and make it usable at the enterprise after theoretical research has been done. The master thesis consists of three parts: theoretical research of interactive marketing, analysis of Hotel „Daniela“ interactive marketing activities, and recommendations how to create interactive marketing model, adapted to Hotel „Daniela“ needs. In the first part of the master thesis the theoretical interactive marketing studies are being done and it includes the analysis of the interactive marketing conception, the strategic and tactical decisions and the tools of the interactive marketing are being introduced. In the second part of the master thesis the accommodation services in Lithuania business is reviewed, also Hotel „Daniela“ interactive marketing activities are analyzed In the third part framed model of interactive marketing for Hotel „Daniela” is presented.
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Augalų registracijos žemėlapis projekto Green Environment svetainei / A Map for Registration of Plants for the Green Environment Project WebsitePachomova, Rūta 29 June 2012 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojama interaktyvumo sąvoka, jo vieta tinklalapiuose, išsiaiškinama interaktyvumo lygmens nustatymo svarba. Darbe aprašomas teorinių žinių pritaikymas praktikoje, remiantis realiu interaktyvaus žemėlapio kūrimu. Apžvelgiamos svarbiausios iškilusios problemos, ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas žemėlapio papildymo galimybės realizavimui, bei su šiuo funkcionalumu susijusiomis problemomis. / This work analyzes the concept of interactivity, its positioning and importance of interactivity levels. This work also applies the theoretical knowledge into practice, based on a real interactive map creation. During overview of the main encountered problems, special attention is paid to the interactive map expansion possibilities and functionality associated with this problem.
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A concept of operations utilizing interactive graphics for rapid military deployment in a crisis situationNulty, William Glenn 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Improving operator effectiveness in monitoring complex systems : a methodology for the design of interactive monitoring and control interfacesThurman, David A. 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Identification of an operator's associate model for cooperative supervisory control situationsBushman, James B. 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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