Spelling suggestions: "subject:"interleukin."" "subject:"lnterleukin.""
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The effect of glycosaminoglycans on cytokine-mediated inflammatory cell recruitmentRamdin, Lara S. P. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigations into the mechanisms by which fats modulate the inflammatory response to cytokinesClamp, Alan January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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Breast cancer cells and reprogramming of tumour-associated macrophages : induction of immunosuppression and progressive tumour growthAl-Sarireh, Bilal Aqeel January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Elucidating Differences in Osteoclast Activation Mechanisms: Looking for Targets to Prevent Pathological Bone ResorptionTrebec-Reynolds, Diana Patricia 01 September 2010 (has links)
Inflammatory bone diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease lead to increased bone loss in the inflamed areas. The multinucleated bone resorbing cells, the osteoclasts, present in these diseases are larger than normal, and these larger osteoclasts (10+ nuclei) resorb more bone and more often than smaller osteoclasts (2-5 nuclei). Thus, the focus of this thesis was to determine if there are differences in mechanisms of osteoclast activation between large and small osteoclasts. Experiments using authentic rabbit osteoclasts and RAW 264.7-derived osteoclasts revealed differences in the expression of a number of activating factors; with large osteoclasts expressing higher levels of activating receptors (RANK, IL-1RI, TNFR1 and integrins αv and β3), as well as enzymes involved in cellular resorption, while small osteoclasts expressed higher levels of an alleged fusion receptor and the inhibitory receptor, IL-1RII. Further studies revealed that large osteoclasts more readily responded to stimulation by IL-1 compared to small osteoclasts and at lower concentrations suggesting this is a result of their higher expression of activating receptors. Differences in responses to the IL-1 isoforms, IL-1α and IL-1β, were also seen in large osteoclasts: IL-1α generated more large osteoclasts over the course of differentiation, while IL-1β induced changes in cell morphology and in the induction of integrin β3 phosphorylation. These observations suggested that differences in osteoclast responses are induced by IL-1α and IL-1β and it led to the hypothesis that there are differences in signaling between large and small osteoclasts. To elucidate differences in signaling mechanisms a signaling pathway microarray was used which revealed higher expression of Vegfa in large compared to small osteoclasts. Osteoclast differentiation with RANKL increased Vegfa gene expression in a time-dependent manner and VEGF-A secretion was elevated in populations enriched for large osteoclasts. Furthermore, mechanistic studies with inhibitors of transcription factors involved in differentiation revealed that RANKL-mediated Vegfa expression in large osteoclasts was regulated by the NF-κB pathway via induction of Hif1α. These results support the hypothesis that signaling differences exist between large and small osteoclasts and implicates VEGF-A in osteoclast hyperactivity in inflammatory conditions.
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Synthetic studies related to caspase inhibitorsCoue, Annie January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Identification of interleukin-10 producing cells specific for Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein 1 and the involvement of interleukin-27 in their inductionForrester, Megan Amy January 2011 (has links)
During latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, the T helper cell response to the EBV latent membrane protein (LMP)1 is dominated by the production of IL-10, but by IFN- γ during acute EBV infection. The purpose of this thesis was to develop methods for the enumeration and characterisation of the IL-10 producing CD4+ T cells that respond to peptides of the EBV protein LMP1, and to investigate the possible involvement of IL-27 in the development of these cells. It was found that some human donors have very high concentrations of IL-27 within serum, which is not dependent on EBV infection status but demonstrates relatively low heritability. The addition of IL-27 to cultures of human T cells did not induce IL-10 but the production of IL-17 was inhibited. To identify and characterise LMP1 responsive cells I used CD154 as a marker of activated T cells. Having optimised the methodology, 14 donors of known EBV serostatus were tested for activated IL-10 producing cells after culturing peripheral blood mononuclear cells with LMP1 peptides. However in most cases the frequency of CD4+ lymphocytes upregulating CD154 and IL-10 in response to LMP1 peptides was below the assay’s sensitivity. When the CD154+IL-10+ CD4+ cells were stained for T helper cell subset markers they were positive for every marker and isotype control, suggesting that the cells were non-specifically binding labelled antibody. Both single positive CD154+ and single positive IL-10+CD4+ cells were also present in response to LMP1, but again typically at frequencies below the level of sensitivity for this assay. The conclusions of the work are that IL-27 responses are heterogeneous, but unlikely to play an important role in the induction of IL-10+ T cells in EBV infection. The frequency of LMP1 responsive T cells is very low (<0.08%) in most donors.
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Die Rolle von NF-kappaB und MEK in der Apoptosesuppression durch Raf / The role of NF-kappaB and MEK in suppression of apoptosis by activated RafTränkenschuh, Wolfgang January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Aus genetischen und zellbiologischen Untersuchungen ist bekannt, dass die Proteinkinase Raf Apoptose unterdrücken kann, die Effektoren sind jedoch im Detail nicht klar. Am Modell der IL-3 abhängigen Zellinie 32D wurde die Rolle des Transkriptionsfaktors NF-kappaB in der Apoptosesuppression durch aktiviertes Raf untersucht. Unter Verwendung zweier aktiver Raf-Mutanten ergaben sich Hinweise auf eine proapoptotische Funktion, passend zu den NF-kappaB zugeschriebenen proaptotischen Zielgenen. Für den Raf-Effektor MEK ist eine antiapoptotische Funktion bekannt. Hier gelang es mit einer hyperaktiven Mutante (deltaStu-MEK-LIDEMANE) aus IL-3 abhängigen 32D Zellen einen Faktor-unabhängigen Zellpool (FID) zu generieren. Das von den bekannten Vorstellungen über Zytokin-abhängige Zellinien abweichende Verhalten, nach dem erst die Mutation von mehr als einem Onkogen zu einer Faktorunabhängigkeit führt, wurde genauer charakterisiert. Die FID-Zellen sind weiter von den Signalmolekülen MEK und PI3-Kinase abhängig und ein autokriner Mechanismus konnte ebenso wie die Expression von Signalmolekülen auf der Zelloberfläche ausgeschlossen werden. / The protein kinase Raf is able to suppress apoptosis, although its effectors are not known in detail. The IL-3-dependent cell line 32D served as a model for the suppression of apoptosis by activated Raf in order to elucidate the role of the transcription factor NF-kappaB. We used two different active Raf mutants in our experimental approach and found evidence of a proapoptotic role for NF-kappaB. This stresses the significance of the proapoptotic target genes of NF-kappaB. The Raf effector MEK has an established antiapoptotic role. Our hyperactive MEK-mutant (deltaStu-MEK-LIDEMANE) turned IL-3-dependent 32D cells into cytokine-independent cells contrary to the traditional model of cytokine dependence. The cytokine-independent cells still employed the MEK and PI3-Kinase pathways. An autocrine mechanism could be excluded as well as the presence of surface signalling molecules.
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Structural and functional studies of the Interleukin-5 receptor system / Struktur und Funktionsanalyse des Interleukin-5 Rezeptor SystemsNoskov, Andrey January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of current work was contribution to the long-term ongoing project on developing human IL-5 agonists/antagonists that intervene with or inhibit IL-5 numerous functions in cell culture and/or in animal disease models. To facilitate design of an IL-5 antagonist variant or low-molecular weight mimetics only capable of binding to the specific receptor alpha chain, but would lack the ability to attract the receptor common β-chain and thus initiate receptor complex activation it is necessary to gain the information on minimal structural and functional epitopes. Such a strategy was successfully adopted in our group on example of Interleukin 4. To precisely localize minimal structural epitope it is essential to have structure of the ligand in its bound form and especially informative would be structure of complex of the ligand and its specific receptor alpha chain. For this purpose large quantities (tens of milligrams), retaining full biological activity IL-5 and extracellular domain of IL-5 specific receptor α-chain were expressed in a bacterial expression system (E.coli). After successful refolding proteins were purified to 95-99% Stable and soluble receptor:ligand complex was prepared. Each established purification and refolding procedures were subjected to optimization targeting maximal yields and purity. Produced receptor:ligand complex was applied to crystallization experiments. Microcrystals were initially obtained with a flexible sparse matrix screening methodology. Crystal quality was subsequently improved by fine-tuning of the crystallization conditions. At this stage crystals of about 800x150x30µm in size can be obtained. They possess desirable visible characteristics of crystals including optical clarity, smooth facecs and sharp edges. Crystals rotate plane polarized light reflecting their well internal organization. Unfortunately relative slimness and sometimes cluster nature of the produced crystals complicates acquisition of high-resolution dataset and resolution of the structure. With some of obtained crystals diffraction to a resolution up to 4Å was observed. / Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war, einen Beitrag zum langfristigen Projekt der Entwicklung humaner IL-5 Agonisten/Antagonisten zu leisten, die im tierischen Krankheitsmodell oder in der Zellkultur in die verschiedenen Funktionen des IL-5 eingreifen oder sie inhibieren. Um das Design eines IL-5 Antagonisten oder einer Mimetika mit geringem Molekulargewicht zu vereinfachen, die nur an die spezifische α-Rezeptorkette bindet, nicht jedoch an die gemeinsame β-Kette und somit die Aktivierung des Rezeptorkomplexes initiieren, ist es notwendig, Informationen über minimale strukturelle und funktionelle Epitope zu erhalten. Diese Strategie wurde in unserer Arbeitsgruppe erfolgreich am Beispiel von Interleukin 4 angewandt. Um minimale strukturelle Epitope präzise zu lokalisieren, ist es es notwendig, die Struktur des Liganden in seiner gebundenen Form zu kennen. Besonders informativ wäre die Struktur des Komplexes aus Ligand und spezifischer Rezeptor α-Kette. Zu diesem Zweck wurden große Mengen (einige 10 mg) IL-5 mit vollständiger biologischer Funktionaltät und der extrazellulären Domäne der IL-5 spezifischen Rezeptor α-Kette in einem bakteriellen Expressionssystem (E. coli) exprimiert. Nach erfolgreicher Faltung wurden die Proteine zu einer Reinheit von 95-99% aufgereinigt und ein stabiler und löslicher Rezeptor:Ligandenkomplex erzeugt. Die erfolgreiche Aufreinigung und Faltungsprozedur wurde bezüglich maximaler Menge und Reinheit optimiert. Mit den produzierten Rezeptor:Ligandenkomplexen wurden Kristallisationsexperimente durchgeführt. Zunächst wurden mit einer flexiblen Sparse-Matrix Screening Methode Mikrokristalle erzeugt. Die Qualität der Kristalle wurde dann durch Feinabstimmung der Kristallisationsbedingungen verbessert. In diesem Stadium wurden Kristalle von etwa 800x150x30µm Größe erzeugt, die die gewünschten optischen Eigenschaften wie glatte Oberflächen und scharfe Kanten besaßen. Die Kristalle drehen die Polarisationsebene linear polarisierten Lichtes, was ihren gleichmäßigen Aufbau zeigt. Leider verkompliziert die geringe Dicke und das teilweise Auftreten von Clustern die Aufnahme hochauflösender Daten und damit Auflösung der Struktur. Mit einigen der erhaltenen Kristalle wurde eine Beugung bis zur Auflösung von 4 Å beobachtet.
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Pharmacological targets for gene therapy in lung inflammationFarghaly, Hanan January 2008 (has links)
Interleukin-13 (IL-13) has been implicated as a critical inducer of a number of features of allergy and asthma including the induction of nonspecific airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), eosinophilic inflammatory response, eotaxin production, excess mucus formation, and fibrosis. Determining the mechanism(s) of AHR, a hallmark of asthma, is crucial to our understanding of both the pathogenesis and successful treatment of asthma. After carrying out initial experiments to determine the effect of IL-13-induced AHR on murine and rat tracheal rings, mice tissues were chosen for subsequent experiments due to their consistent results and the fact that the mouse genetic map was completed in 1996, which will enable subsequent gene therapy work. Human and mouse share a high percentage of their genes with an average of 85% homology. Numerous IL-13 signalling studies have concentrated on the JAK/STAT6 pathway. IL-13 also activates phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and downstream effector molecules. In experiments presented in this thesis pharmacological and genetic approaches implicate the involvement of PI3K and its individual isoform PI3Kδ in IL-13 induced AHR in vitro and this involvement was confirmed using a small interference RNA (siRNA) technology approach. However, IL-13 induced an early activation of PI3K, whereas increased responsiveness was not observed until overnight incubation. Arginase I induction was demonstrated to be another PI3K-dependent potential mechanism of IL-13-induced hyperresponsiveness. The epithelium is also implicated in IL-13-induced hyperresponsiveness, however, the induction of arginase I was demonstrated in both intact and denuded epithelium tracheal rings. The siRNA approach was also employed in 9HTEo-, A549 and BEAS-2B cell lines using different transfecting agents. From these findings, it is concluded that class IA p110δ could be a useful target for the treatment of asthma by preventing IL-13-induced airway smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness and also that arginase I may be involved in IL-13-induced hyperresponsiveness through PI3K- and epithelial-dependent pathways.
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Etude de la modulation de la virulence de Pseudomonas aeruginosa par Candida albicans dans un modèle de pneumonie / Study of the modulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence by Candida albicansMéar, Jean-Baptiste 03 February 2014 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa et Candida albicans sont deux pathogènes fréquemment isolés dans les communautés microbiennes des unités de soins intensif. Nous avons auparavant montré que la colonisation des voies aériennes par C. albicans protégeait contre les lésions pulmonaires induites par P. aeruginosa. Le but de cette étude était de caractériser les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires responsables de la protection des voies aériennes induite par C. albicans. La colonisation des voies aériennes par C. albicans permet le recrutement et l'activation de cellules NK, de cellules lymphoïdes innées, de macrophages et de cellules dendritiques. Ce recrutement est associé à la sécrétion d'IL-22. L'inhibition de l'IL-22 est responsable d'une perte de la protection conférée par C. albicans. Nous avons identifié par cytométrie en flux que les cellules lymphoïdes innées étaient la seule source cellulaire d'IL-22. La déplétion spécifique des cellules lymphoïdes innées par des anticorps anti-CD90.2 était responsable d'une diminution de la sécrétion d'IL-22 et d'une diminution de la survie lors de la pneumonie à P. aeruginosa. Nos résultats démontrent que la production d'IL-22, principalement par les cellules lymphoïdes innées, est une étape inductible majeure dans la protection contre les lésions pulmonaires induites par P. aeruginosa. Cette cytokine pourrait ainsi représenter une cible thérapeutique pour prévenir les lésions pulmonaires induites par P. aeruginosa. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans are two pathogens frequently encountered in the intensive care unit microbial community. We have demonstrated that C. albicans airway exposure protected against P. aeruginosa-induced lung injury. The goal of this study was to characterize the cellular and molecular mechanisms associated to C. albicans-induced protection. Airway exposure by C. albicans led to the recruitment and activation of NK cells, innate lymphoid cells (ILC), macrophages and dendritic cells. This recruitment was associated with the secretion of IL-22 whose neutralization abolished C. albicans-induced protection. We identified, by flow cytometry, ILCs as the only cellular source of IL-22. Depletion of ILCs by anti-CD90.2 antibodies was associated with a decreased IL-22 secretion and an impaired survival after P. aeruginosa challenge. Our results demonstrate that production of IL-22, mainly by ILCs, is a major and inducible step in protection against P. aeruginosa-induced lung injury. This cytokine may represent a clinical target in Pseudomonas aeruginosa induced lung injury.
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