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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The interface between jurisdiction instruments and arbitration

Dowers, Neil Alexander January 2015 (has links)
This thesis addresses the question of how conventions and other instruments regulating court jurisdiction should deal with court proceedings relating to arbitration. It argues that the conventional approach of excluding court proceedings related to arbitration entirely from the scope of the jurisdiction instrument cannot be justified with reference to any international arbitration convention. It continues to argue that the exclusion of arbitration causes or exacerbates significant problems at the interface between the courts and arbitration, taking the European Union’s recent experience as an example. It then argues that the European legislature has recently directly considered the exclusion of arbitration from its jurisdictional instruments and failed to act effectively. Any amendments to this system will necessarily be offered within the relevant legal context, so an assessment of the prevailing principles in European international private law and international commercial arbitration will follow. Furthermore, the ongoing debate surrounding the delocalisation of arbitration and its relevance to the debate about the interface between court jurisdiction and arbitration shall be addressed. Finally, this thesis proposes a model for inclusion of arbitration in the European jurisdiction instrument (the Brussels I Regulation) that would, it is argued, solve or ameliorate the problems at the interface between the Regulation and arbitration, whilst broadly aligning with the prevailing principles in the relevant legal context. The thesis then considers whether this approach could be extended beyond Europe to the world at large, concluding that it could not. This work therefore takes an original approach to a topic of much contemporary controversy, by taking a holistic, rounded, and reasoned view of the problems at the interface between court jurisdiction and arbitration. It also contains original insights into several other areas, including the historical justification for the exclusion of arbitration from jurisdiction conventions, the importance of mutual trust as a founding principle of the common market, the relevance of the delocalisation debate to the topic, and the proposal for reform advanced at the end of this thesis.

Úprava mezinárodního práva soukromého v rámci práva EU se zaměřením na oblast pracovního práva / Regulation of the International Private Law within the EU with a Special Focus on the Area of Labour Law

Kadlecová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the regulation of the private international law matters within EU law focusing on the area of labour law.1 The thesis is divided into four basic parts, its centrepiece being parts II and III, which are devoted to relevant general issues related to the regulation of international private law within EU law and/or to the specific legal instruments adopted in this area. Part I is an introduction of the topic, while part IV brings a résumé and a summary of findings and conclusions made throughout the thesis. First of all, the introductory part brings about a justification as to why it was European private international law and/or its part concerning labour law relationships that became the subject matter of the thesis. Emphasis is placed upon the purpose of this legal regulation, its basic features as well as its practical importance. Also, the author explains her motivation to address the concerned topic (consisting in a quite unusual interconnection of international private law and labour law), brings about a justification as for the chosen approach to the topic and outlines the systemization of her thesis. Part II of the thesis, which is devoted primarily to some selected general issues of the legal regulation of European private international law, is divided into...

Arvsrätt : En analys av hemvistprincipen i EU:s arvsförordning och effekten av dess tillämpande i svensk rätt

Azrak, Jane January 2015 (has links)
In order to harmonize the international private law and simplify situations of cross-border inheritance, EU has imposed a new inheritance regulation, Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession. This regulation governs, among other things, jurisdiction and applicable law in situations of inheritance. The important connecting factor in determining jurisdiction and applicable law is habitual residence. That is why it is important to determine where the deceased person has their habitual residence since the member states’ national regulations look different and thereby have different definitions and interpretations of the term habitual residence. The clarification of the term in the inheritance regulation is therefore important. The question is how the term should be interpreted and which criteria are necessary to acquire habitual residence. The habitual residence term is interpreted as autonomous in the inheritance regulation. This means that the term is interpreted uniformly within all EU member states regardless of the states’ national interpretation of the term. Many circumstances should be taken into consideration when making a determination of habitual residence, such as regularity and duration of the deceased’s presence in the state concerned, the conditions and reasons for that presence, family relationships and social life. These circumstances show where the deceased has their centre of interests and, consequently, also their habitual residence. Furthermore, an analysis is made of which effects the application of the domicile principle will have, instead of the principle of nationality regarding jurisdiction and applicable law, in the Swedish law system. Since the Swedish courts already apply Swedish international private law where the domicile term is used as well as EU-regulations where the domicile principle is applied, it can be assumed that the courts in Sweden will not face particular difficulties in applying the residence principle. / För att harmonisera den internationella privaträtten och förenkla situationer gällande gränsöverskridande arvsrättsliga frågor har EU infört en ny arvsförordning, Förordning (EU) nr 650/2012 av den 4 juli 2012 ”om behörighet, tillämplig lag, erkännande och verkställighet av domar samt godkännande och verkställighet av officiella handlingar i samband med arv och om inrättandet av ett europeiskt arvsintyg”. Denna förordning reglerar bland annat behörig domstol och tillämplig lag vid arvsrättsliga situationer. För att kunna avgöra vilken domstol som är behörig samt vilken lag som kan bli tillämplig är anknytningskriteriet ”hemvist” avgörande enligt arvsförordningen. Därför är det viktigt att kunna fastställa var den avlidne personen har sin hemvist då medlemstaternas nationella regleringar ser olika ut och därmed har olika definitioner och tolkningar av hemvistbegreppet. Att begreppet förtydligas och klargörs i arvsförordningen är därför viktigt. Frågan är hur begreppet ska tolkas och vilka kriterier som krävs för att förvärva hemvist. Hemvistbegreppet tolkas som autonomt i arvsförordningen. Detta innebär att begreppet tolkas enhetligt inom alla EU:s medlemsstater oberoende av hur staternas nationella tolkning av begreppet lyder. För att kunna göra en hemvistbedömning ska flera omständigheter beaktas såsom regelbundenhet och varaktighet vid vistelsen, vistelsens situation och syfte samt familjeförhållanden och sociala relationer. Dessa faktorer visar var den avlidne har sitt intressecentrum och således även sin hemvist. Vidare utreds vilka effekter hemvistprincipens tillämpande, istället för nationalitetsprincipen vid behörig domstol och lagval, får i svensk rätt. Eftersom svenska domstolar redan tillämpar svensk internationell privaträtt där hemvistbegreppet används samt EU-förordningar där hemvistprincipen tillämpas, kan det antas att domstolarna i Sverige inte kommer möta särskilda svårigheter vid hemvistprincipens tillämpande.

Internet a mezinárodní právo soukromé / The internet and private internaional law

Kořínková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the regulation related to the Internet and private international law. The Internet is a quickly developing system of interconnected computer networks. Recent expansion of the internet caused that it becomes almost an essential part of our lives which serves either to communicate or to contract. A growing number of internet-users raised a question of a need for more specialized legislation related to the Internet and e-commerce. The thesis is focused on the regulation applicable to the internet and e-commerce and questions raising when rules intended for real-life obligations are being applied on the Internet. The thesis is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the topic. Chapter One is introductory. It explains the connection between private international law and the Internet and presents relevant legislation of the Czech Republic and the European Union. Chapter Two and Chapter Three explain where the contracting party can expect to be sued and which jurisdiction's law will be applied. Chapter Four concentrates on e- commerce and contracts in cyberspace. According to the differences in formation of contracts there are click-wrap agreements, click-through agreements, browse-wrap agreements, shrink-wrap agreements and contracts...

Metody investování soukromého kapitálu v mezinárodním právu soukromém / Methods of Investment in International Private Law

Štaňko, Andrej January 2013 (has links)
Methods of Investment in International Private Law Dissertation thesis is structured into 9 Sections. First section deals with reasons why entrepreneurs use international holdings: regulative, questions of taxation and legal system reasons. Second section describes legal sources applicable for the analyzed issues. Third section summarizes some of the risks relating to use of international holding companies, namely risk of breaching the criminal law or circumventing other legal rules. Apart from legal risks, there are economic risks to be mitigated. The risks mentioned are systematic risk (e.g., bankruptcy of the state) and personal risk relating to the foreign managers (incompetency, fraud). Fifth section deals with typical transactions in the group of companies relating to financing by banks and bods issuance. Briefly analyzed are also acquisition structures and whitewash procedure. Sixth and seventh section describe tax burdens in the Czech republic, Cyprus, Seychelles, Mauritius and number of other countries. Analysis of the jurisdictions in nine countries as to the recognition and enforcement of foreign judicial decisions is provided in the section eight. The dissertation thesis is concluded with description of the civil law applicable after the so called recodification planned in the Czech...

Mezinárodně-právní aspekty deliktní odpovědnosti na internetu / International law aspects of tort liability on the internet

Vondřich, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The technological development of recent years has brought not only new forms of electronic communication and social phenomena, but also a number of legal questions. As the internet creates a parallel cyberspace, a number of traditional legal rules have been called into question, including the rules for determination of court jurisdiction and governing law. This area is discussed in this dissertation thesis. The goal of this thesis is to identify problematic moments of interpretation and application of existing rules of private international law in the context of cross- border delicts on the internet and to find suitable solutions if they exist. Regarding methodology, this thesis uses the analytical approach, in particular in relation to case law and legal regulations. It is complemented by the comparative method, regarding evolution in time and regarding various legal cultures. The first chapter deals with the phenomena of digital information, the internet and the related philosophical or social areas, such as virtuality or cyberspace. The second chapter deals with legal regulation of the internet, censorship and the special position of certain providers of information services. In the third chapter there are defined the concepts of delict and delictual liability, with emphasis of this institute in...

International Arbitral Awards : A Study of Enforcement in China

Mejlerö, Anna January 2005 (has links)
The increase in international trade creates a growing number of disputes between parties from different countries. International arbitration is the most preferred mechanism to solve disputes in international trade. If the failing party does not voluntarily comply with the award, the successful party must apply for recognition and enforcement of the award in order to obtain the remedies. Since China is one of the major business markets in the world, several of the companies committed to arbitral procedures are likely to have assets in China. This means that, if a party fails to honour an award, an enforcement procedure may begin within a Chinese court. The enforcement procedures in China are said to be insufficient and not to comply with international standards. International conventions and treaties provide for a high level of security in the recognition and enforcement procedure of the arbitral award. The most used and important instrument for recognition and enforcement is the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958, to which China as well as Sweden are Contracting States. According to the Convention, an international arbitral award may only be refused under certain grounds laid down in the Convention. An analysis of the legal situation in China confirms that there are problems associated with the enforcement of arbitral awards. These problems are not, however, connected with the concept of international arbitral awards, but rather with the entire judicial system in China. Even though an enforcing party can do little to overcome these problems, certain measures can be taken in order to ease the enforcement procedure.

International Arbitral Awards : A Study of Enforcement in China

Mejlerö, Anna January 2005 (has links)
<p>The increase in international trade creates a growing number of disputes between parties from different countries. International arbitration is the most preferred mechanism to solve disputes in international trade. If the failing party does not voluntarily comply with the award, the successful party must apply for recognition and enforcement of the award in order to obtain the remedies. Since China is one of the major business markets in the world, several of the companies committed to arbitral procedures are likely to have assets in China. This means that, if a party fails to honour an award, an enforcement procedure may begin within a Chinese court. The enforcement procedures in China are said to be insufficient and not to comply with international standards. International conventions and treaties provide for a high level of security in the recognition and enforcement procedure of the arbitral award. The most used and important instrument for recognition and enforcement is the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958, to which China as well as Sweden are Contracting States. According to the Convention, an international arbitral award may only be refused under certain grounds laid down in the Convention. An analysis of the legal situation in China confirms that there are problems associated with the enforcement of arbitral awards. These problems are not, however, connected with the concept of international arbitral awards, but rather with the entire judicial system in China. Even though an enforcing party can do little to overcome these problems, certain measures can be taken in order to ease the enforcement procedure.</p>

Ett europeiskt småmålsförfarande

Ghajar, Homa January 2010 (has links)
<p>Förordningen om inrättande av ett europeiskt småmålsförfarande (EG) nr. 861/2007 trädde ikraft den 1 augusti år 2007. Förordningen tillämpas fullt ut från och med 1 januari år 2009. Förordningen tillämpas i samtliga medlemsstater utom i Danmark. Förfarandet som inrättas genom förordningen utgör endast ett alternativ till befintliga rättegångsförfaranden. För Sveriges del innebär detta att förordningen ska vara ett alternativ till bestämmelserna i rättegångsbalken. I verkställighetsdelen ska förordningen vara ett alternativ till Bryssel I-förordningen.</p><p>Förordningens syfte är att förenkla, påskynda samt kostnadseffektivisera handläggningen av småmål. Förordningen gör det även enklare för parterna att få erkännande och verkställighet av ett avgörande i det europeiska småmålsförfarandet i en annan medlemsstat. Förordningen är tillämplig inom privaträttens område, tvisten ska ha en gränsöverskridande karaktär, fordran får inte överstiga 2 000 euro samt domstolen måste vara behörig.</p><p>Det finns både för- och nackdelar med förordningen utifrån ett svenskt perspektiv. En nackdel kan vara den ökade målströmningen till de allmänna domstolarna, vilket kan vara resurskrävande. Även antalet exekvaturmål i Svea hovrätt kommer förmodligen att öka. Den största fördelen med förordningen är att den har avskaffat exekvaturförfaranden i form av nationella verkställighetsförklaringar. Sådana verkställighetsförklaringar finns dock i Bryssel I-förordningen men på ett mer förenklat sätt.</p><p> </p> / <p>On the first of August 2007, the regulation of a European small claim procedure (EU) No. 861/2007 entered into force. The regulation is however fully administered from the first of January 2009, and shall be used in all member states, besides Denmark. The small claim procedure composes only an alternative procedure to the member states existing small claim provisions. In Sweden the regulation composes an alternative to the provisions in the Act (1942:740) of procedure.</p><p>The aims of the regulation are to simplify, precipitate and to make the handling of small claims inexpensive. It also aims to make it easier for the parties to get recognition and enforcement of judgments in the European Union. The regulation is to be used in civil law and has to be a cross-border contention. The claim cannot exceed the limit of 2 000 euro and it has to be a tribunal that carries jurisdiction.</p><p>From a Swedish point of view, the regulation carries both advantages as well as disadvantages, a disadvantage would be the increased civil action to the common courts and it will be resource-demanding. The quantity of exequatur contention in Swedish court of appeal will most believably also increase. The main advantage of the regulation is the abolishment of the exequatur when the Brussels I, on the other hand, only set out to simplify it.</p>

Ett europeiskt småmålsförfarande

Ghajar, Homa January 2010 (has links)
Förordningen om inrättande av ett europeiskt småmålsförfarande (EG) nr. 861/2007 trädde ikraft den 1 augusti år 2007. Förordningen tillämpas fullt ut från och med 1 januari år 2009. Förordningen tillämpas i samtliga medlemsstater utom i Danmark. Förfarandet som inrättas genom förordningen utgör endast ett alternativ till befintliga rättegångsförfaranden. För Sveriges del innebär detta att förordningen ska vara ett alternativ till bestämmelserna i rättegångsbalken. I verkställighetsdelen ska förordningen vara ett alternativ till Bryssel I-förordningen. Förordningens syfte är att förenkla, påskynda samt kostnadseffektivisera handläggningen av småmål. Förordningen gör det även enklare för parterna att få erkännande och verkställighet av ett avgörande i det europeiska småmålsförfarandet i en annan medlemsstat. Förordningen är tillämplig inom privaträttens område, tvisten ska ha en gränsöverskridande karaktär, fordran får inte överstiga 2 000 euro samt domstolen måste vara behörig. Det finns både för- och nackdelar med förordningen utifrån ett svenskt perspektiv. En nackdel kan vara den ökade målströmningen till de allmänna domstolarna, vilket kan vara resurskrävande. Även antalet exekvaturmål i Svea hovrätt kommer förmodligen att öka. Den största fördelen med förordningen är att den har avskaffat exekvaturförfaranden i form av nationella verkställighetsförklaringar. Sådana verkställighetsförklaringar finns dock i Bryssel I-förordningen men på ett mer förenklat sätt. / On the first of August 2007, the regulation of a European small claim procedure (EU) No. 861/2007 entered into force. The regulation is however fully administered from the first of January 2009, and shall be used in all member states, besides Denmark. The small claim procedure composes only an alternative procedure to the member states existing small claim provisions. In Sweden the regulation composes an alternative to the provisions in the Act (1942:740) of procedure. The aims of the regulation are to simplify, precipitate and to make the handling of small claims inexpensive. It also aims to make it easier for the parties to get recognition and enforcement of judgments in the European Union. The regulation is to be used in civil law and has to be a cross-border contention. The claim cannot exceed the limit of 2 000 euro and it has to be a tribunal that carries jurisdiction. From a Swedish point of view, the regulation carries both advantages as well as disadvantages, a disadvantage would be the increased civil action to the common courts and it will be resource-demanding. The quantity of exequatur contention in Swedish court of appeal will most believably also increase. The main advantage of the regulation is the abolishment of the exequatur when the Brussels I, on the other hand, only set out to simplify it.

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