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Arvsrätt : En analys av hemvistprincipen i EU:s arvsförordning och effekten av dess tillämpande i svensk rättAzrak, Jane January 2015 (has links)
In order to harmonize the international private law and simplify situations of cross-border inheritance, EU has imposed a new inheritance regulation, Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession. This regulation governs, among other things, jurisdiction and applicable law in situations of inheritance. The important connecting factor in determining jurisdiction and applicable law is habitual residence. That is why it is important to determine where the deceased person has their habitual residence since the member states’ national regulations look different and thereby have different definitions and interpretations of the term habitual residence. The clarification of the term in the inheritance regulation is therefore important. The question is how the term should be interpreted and which criteria are necessary to acquire habitual residence. The habitual residence term is interpreted as autonomous in the inheritance regulation. This means that the term is interpreted uniformly within all EU member states regardless of the states’ national interpretation of the term. Many circumstances should be taken into consideration when making a determination of habitual residence, such as regularity and duration of the deceased’s presence in the state concerned, the conditions and reasons for that presence, family relationships and social life. These circumstances show where the deceased has their centre of interests and, consequently, also their habitual residence. Furthermore, an analysis is made of which effects the application of the domicile principle will have, instead of the principle of nationality regarding jurisdiction and applicable law, in the Swedish law system. Since the Swedish courts already apply Swedish international private law where the domicile term is used as well as EU-regulations where the domicile principle is applied, it can be assumed that the courts in Sweden will not face particular difficulties in applying the residence principle. / För att harmonisera den internationella privaträtten och förenkla situationer gällande gränsöverskridande arvsrättsliga frågor har EU infört en ny arvsförordning, Förordning (EU) nr 650/2012 av den 4 juli 2012 ”om behörighet, tillämplig lag, erkännande och verkställighet av domar samt godkännande och verkställighet av officiella handlingar i samband med arv och om inrättandet av ett europeiskt arvsintyg”. Denna förordning reglerar bland annat behörig domstol och tillämplig lag vid arvsrättsliga situationer. För att kunna avgöra vilken domstol som är behörig samt vilken lag som kan bli tillämplig är anknytningskriteriet ”hemvist” avgörande enligt arvsförordningen. Därför är det viktigt att kunna fastställa var den avlidne personen har sin hemvist då medlemstaternas nationella regleringar ser olika ut och därmed har olika definitioner och tolkningar av hemvistbegreppet. Att begreppet förtydligas och klargörs i arvsförordningen är därför viktigt. Frågan är hur begreppet ska tolkas och vilka kriterier som krävs för att förvärva hemvist. Hemvistbegreppet tolkas som autonomt i arvsförordningen. Detta innebär att begreppet tolkas enhetligt inom alla EU:s medlemsstater oberoende av hur staternas nationella tolkning av begreppet lyder. För att kunna göra en hemvistbedömning ska flera omständigheter beaktas såsom regelbundenhet och varaktighet vid vistelsen, vistelsens situation och syfte samt familjeförhållanden och sociala relationer. Dessa faktorer visar var den avlidne har sitt intressecentrum och således även sin hemvist. Vidare utreds vilka effekter hemvistprincipens tillämpande, istället för nationalitetsprincipen vid behörig domstol och lagval, får i svensk rätt. Eftersom svenska domstolar redan tillämpar svensk internationell privaträtt där hemvistbegreppet används samt EU-förordningar där hemvistprincipen tillämpas, kan det antas att domstolarna i Sverige inte kommer möta särskilda svårigheter vid hemvistprincipens tillämpande.
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A residência habitual como elemento de conexão do mundo globalizado : sua incidência no direito internacional privado brasileiroJorge, Mariana Sebalhos January 2017 (has links)
Com a globalização e o constante aumento do fluxo internacional, tanto de mercadorias como de pessoas, observou-se o incremento dos negócios jurídicos com conexão internacional. A escolha da lei aplicável aos estatutos pessoais dividiu-se doutrinariamente entre defensores do elemento de conexão nacionalidade, como Mancini, e defensores do elemento de conexão domicílio, como Savigny. Cada vez mais conflitos envolvendo negócios jurídicos multijurisdicionais se tornaram uma realidade submetida aos tribunais internos dos países, de modo que a residência habitual surge como uma solução à dicotomia existente entre nacionalidade e domicílio. Nesse contexto, a finalidade da presente dissertação é analisar a incidência do elemento de conexão residência habitual no mundo globalizado e a incidência da residência habitual no direito internacional privado brasileiro. Para desenvolver os objetivos propostos, o estudo divide-se em dois capítulos. No primeiro capítulo é abordado o debate doutrinário existente na definição de residência habitual enquanto elemento de conexão, bem como a relação que possui com o domicílio – diferenciando-se domicílio em países de common law e de civil law. Neste primeiro momento ocorre também a análise do surgimento da residência habitual como elemento de conexão a determinar a lei aplicável, as suas primeiras utilizações pelas Convenções da Haia, previsões em legislações internas de diferentes países e também em âmbito unional através da União Europeia. O segundo capítulo destina-se à incidência da residência habitual no direito internacional privado brasileiro com a sua previsão em convenções já ratificadas pelo Brasil, bem como ao reconhecimento deste elemento de conexão no cenário brasileiro. Compreende, ainda, o estudo de julgados brasileiros que já utilizaram o critério da residência habitual e o futuro deste elemento de conexão no direito internacional privado brasileiro. Destacam-se as tentativas de atualização da Lei de Introdução às Normas do Direito Brasileiro que já previram a inserção do elemento de conexão residência habitual de forma subsidiária ao domicílio. Em conclusão, tem-se que a atualização legislativa do direito internacional privado brasileiro deve inserir o elemento de conexão residência habitual, em ascensão no mundo atualmente, com primazia, e não de modo subsidiário como os projetos anteriores. A primazia do critério residência habitual permite a aplicação da lei mais próxima à vida da pessoa ou à relação jurídica multiconectada, e ainda harmoniza o direito internacional privado, permitindo que o domicílio e a nacionalidade sejam utilizados de modo subsidiário. / With globalization and the constant increase of the international flow of both goods and people, it was observed the increase of the legal transactions with an international connection. The choice of law applicable to personal statutes was divided doctrinally between defenders of the connecting factor of nationality as Mancini and defenders of the connecting factor of domicile as Savigny. More and more conflicts involving multijurisdictional legal business have become a constant reality submitted to the domestic courts of the countries, so that habitual residence emerges as a solution to the dichotomy existing between nationality and domicile. In this context, the purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the incidence of the connection factor of habitual residence in the globalized world and the incidence of habitual residence in Brazilian private international law. In order to develop the proposed objectives, the study is divided into two chapters. The first chapter addresses the doctrinal debate existing in the definition of habitual residence as connecting factor, as well as the relation that has with the domicile - differentiating domicile in countries of common law of civil law. In this first moment there is also the analysis of the emergence of habitual residence as an connecting factor to determine the applicable law, its first uses by the Hague Conventions, provisions in internal legislation of different countries and also in a unional scope through the European Union. The second chapter focuses on the incidence of habitual residence in Brazilian private international law with its prediction in conventions already ratified by Brazil, as well as the recognition of this connecting factor in the Brazilian scenario. It also includes the study of Brazilian judges who have already used the criterion of habitual residence and the future of this connecting factor in Brazilian private international law. It analyzes the attempts to update the Brazilian private international law that have already predicted the insertion of the connecting factor of habitual residence in a subsidiary form to the domicile. In conclusion, it is noticed that the legislative update of Brazilian private international law must insert the connecting factor of habitual residence, rising in the world today, with primacy, and not in a subsidiary way as the previous projects. The primacy of habitual residence allows the application of the law closest to the person's life or to the multi-connected legal relationship, and also harmonizes private international law, allowing domicile and nationality to be used in a subsidiary manner.
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A residência habitual como elemento de conexão do mundo globalizado : sua incidência no direito internacional privado brasileiroJorge, Mariana Sebalhos January 2017 (has links)
Com a globalização e o constante aumento do fluxo internacional, tanto de mercadorias como de pessoas, observou-se o incremento dos negócios jurídicos com conexão internacional. A escolha da lei aplicável aos estatutos pessoais dividiu-se doutrinariamente entre defensores do elemento de conexão nacionalidade, como Mancini, e defensores do elemento de conexão domicílio, como Savigny. Cada vez mais conflitos envolvendo negócios jurídicos multijurisdicionais se tornaram uma realidade submetida aos tribunais internos dos países, de modo que a residência habitual surge como uma solução à dicotomia existente entre nacionalidade e domicílio. Nesse contexto, a finalidade da presente dissertação é analisar a incidência do elemento de conexão residência habitual no mundo globalizado e a incidência da residência habitual no direito internacional privado brasileiro. Para desenvolver os objetivos propostos, o estudo divide-se em dois capítulos. No primeiro capítulo é abordado o debate doutrinário existente na definição de residência habitual enquanto elemento de conexão, bem como a relação que possui com o domicílio – diferenciando-se domicílio em países de common law e de civil law. Neste primeiro momento ocorre também a análise do surgimento da residência habitual como elemento de conexão a determinar a lei aplicável, as suas primeiras utilizações pelas Convenções da Haia, previsões em legislações internas de diferentes países e também em âmbito unional através da União Europeia. O segundo capítulo destina-se à incidência da residência habitual no direito internacional privado brasileiro com a sua previsão em convenções já ratificadas pelo Brasil, bem como ao reconhecimento deste elemento de conexão no cenário brasileiro. Compreende, ainda, o estudo de julgados brasileiros que já utilizaram o critério da residência habitual e o futuro deste elemento de conexão no direito internacional privado brasileiro. Destacam-se as tentativas de atualização da Lei de Introdução às Normas do Direito Brasileiro que já previram a inserção do elemento de conexão residência habitual de forma subsidiária ao domicílio. Em conclusão, tem-se que a atualização legislativa do direito internacional privado brasileiro deve inserir o elemento de conexão residência habitual, em ascensão no mundo atualmente, com primazia, e não de modo subsidiário como os projetos anteriores. A primazia do critério residência habitual permite a aplicação da lei mais próxima à vida da pessoa ou à relação jurídica multiconectada, e ainda harmoniza o direito internacional privado, permitindo que o domicílio e a nacionalidade sejam utilizados de modo subsidiário. / With globalization and the constant increase of the international flow of both goods and people, it was observed the increase of the legal transactions with an international connection. The choice of law applicable to personal statutes was divided doctrinally between defenders of the connecting factor of nationality as Mancini and defenders of the connecting factor of domicile as Savigny. More and more conflicts involving multijurisdictional legal business have become a constant reality submitted to the domestic courts of the countries, so that habitual residence emerges as a solution to the dichotomy existing between nationality and domicile. In this context, the purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the incidence of the connection factor of habitual residence in the globalized world and the incidence of habitual residence in Brazilian private international law. In order to develop the proposed objectives, the study is divided into two chapters. The first chapter addresses the doctrinal debate existing in the definition of habitual residence as connecting factor, as well as the relation that has with the domicile - differentiating domicile in countries of common law of civil law. In this first moment there is also the analysis of the emergence of habitual residence as an connecting factor to determine the applicable law, its first uses by the Hague Conventions, provisions in internal legislation of different countries and also in a unional scope through the European Union. The second chapter focuses on the incidence of habitual residence in Brazilian private international law with its prediction in conventions already ratified by Brazil, as well as the recognition of this connecting factor in the Brazilian scenario. It also includes the study of Brazilian judges who have already used the criterion of habitual residence and the future of this connecting factor in Brazilian private international law. It analyzes the attempts to update the Brazilian private international law that have already predicted the insertion of the connecting factor of habitual residence in a subsidiary form to the domicile. In conclusion, it is noticed that the legislative update of Brazilian private international law must insert the connecting factor of habitual residence, rising in the world today, with primacy, and not in a subsidiary way as the previous projects. The primacy of habitual residence allows the application of the law closest to the person's life or to the multi-connected legal relationship, and also harmonizes private international law, allowing domicile and nationality to be used in a subsidiary manner.
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A residência habitual como elemento de conexão do mundo globalizado : sua incidência no direito internacional privado brasileiroJorge, Mariana Sebalhos January 2017 (has links)
Com a globalização e o constante aumento do fluxo internacional, tanto de mercadorias como de pessoas, observou-se o incremento dos negócios jurídicos com conexão internacional. A escolha da lei aplicável aos estatutos pessoais dividiu-se doutrinariamente entre defensores do elemento de conexão nacionalidade, como Mancini, e defensores do elemento de conexão domicílio, como Savigny. Cada vez mais conflitos envolvendo negócios jurídicos multijurisdicionais se tornaram uma realidade submetida aos tribunais internos dos países, de modo que a residência habitual surge como uma solução à dicotomia existente entre nacionalidade e domicílio. Nesse contexto, a finalidade da presente dissertação é analisar a incidência do elemento de conexão residência habitual no mundo globalizado e a incidência da residência habitual no direito internacional privado brasileiro. Para desenvolver os objetivos propostos, o estudo divide-se em dois capítulos. No primeiro capítulo é abordado o debate doutrinário existente na definição de residência habitual enquanto elemento de conexão, bem como a relação que possui com o domicílio – diferenciando-se domicílio em países de common law e de civil law. Neste primeiro momento ocorre também a análise do surgimento da residência habitual como elemento de conexão a determinar a lei aplicável, as suas primeiras utilizações pelas Convenções da Haia, previsões em legislações internas de diferentes países e também em âmbito unional através da União Europeia. O segundo capítulo destina-se à incidência da residência habitual no direito internacional privado brasileiro com a sua previsão em convenções já ratificadas pelo Brasil, bem como ao reconhecimento deste elemento de conexão no cenário brasileiro. Compreende, ainda, o estudo de julgados brasileiros que já utilizaram o critério da residência habitual e o futuro deste elemento de conexão no direito internacional privado brasileiro. Destacam-se as tentativas de atualização da Lei de Introdução às Normas do Direito Brasileiro que já previram a inserção do elemento de conexão residência habitual de forma subsidiária ao domicílio. Em conclusão, tem-se que a atualização legislativa do direito internacional privado brasileiro deve inserir o elemento de conexão residência habitual, em ascensão no mundo atualmente, com primazia, e não de modo subsidiário como os projetos anteriores. A primazia do critério residência habitual permite a aplicação da lei mais próxima à vida da pessoa ou à relação jurídica multiconectada, e ainda harmoniza o direito internacional privado, permitindo que o domicílio e a nacionalidade sejam utilizados de modo subsidiário. / With globalization and the constant increase of the international flow of both goods and people, it was observed the increase of the legal transactions with an international connection. The choice of law applicable to personal statutes was divided doctrinally between defenders of the connecting factor of nationality as Mancini and defenders of the connecting factor of domicile as Savigny. More and more conflicts involving multijurisdictional legal business have become a constant reality submitted to the domestic courts of the countries, so that habitual residence emerges as a solution to the dichotomy existing between nationality and domicile. In this context, the purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the incidence of the connection factor of habitual residence in the globalized world and the incidence of habitual residence in Brazilian private international law. In order to develop the proposed objectives, the study is divided into two chapters. The first chapter addresses the doctrinal debate existing in the definition of habitual residence as connecting factor, as well as the relation that has with the domicile - differentiating domicile in countries of common law of civil law. In this first moment there is also the analysis of the emergence of habitual residence as an connecting factor to determine the applicable law, its first uses by the Hague Conventions, provisions in internal legislation of different countries and also in a unional scope through the European Union. The second chapter focuses on the incidence of habitual residence in Brazilian private international law with its prediction in conventions already ratified by Brazil, as well as the recognition of this connecting factor in the Brazilian scenario. It also includes the study of Brazilian judges who have already used the criterion of habitual residence and the future of this connecting factor in Brazilian private international law. It analyzes the attempts to update the Brazilian private international law that have already predicted the insertion of the connecting factor of habitual residence in a subsidiary form to the domicile. In conclusion, it is noticed that the legislative update of Brazilian private international law must insert the connecting factor of habitual residence, rising in the world today, with primacy, and not in a subsidiary way as the previous projects. The primacy of habitual residence allows the application of the law closest to the person's life or to the multi-connected legal relationship, and also harmonizes private international law, allowing domicile and nationality to be used in a subsidiary manner.
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Mezinárodní dědické právo s důrazem na evropskou úpravu / International law of succession focusing on European regulationKáplová, Eva January 2017 (has links)
International law of succession focusing on European regulation The aim of my thesis is the international Law of Succession with emphasis on the European Regulation No. 650/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate on Succession. The regulation of succession will apply to succession proceedings with an international element concerning those who died after 17 August 2015. The purpose of the regulation is to simplify and expedite such proceedings within the European Union. In principle, the ruling on the entire estate of the testator should be decided in the course of a single succession proceeding in order to avoid conflicts in court judgments that could occur if the procedure was split into different countries. Furthermore, the diploma thesis deals with the concept of border determinant in international law, where habitual residence becomes increasingly important, while other borderline determinants such as domicile or nationality already lose their importance. I also explain the term 'estate planning' in my paper, i.e. the arrangement of inheritance conditions of the future...
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Legal Approaches to Child Marriage Concluded Abroad : A Comparison between Swedish Private International Law and English and Scottish Private International Law on Child MarriageSjösvärd, Eira January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Human rights implementation and compliance : prospects for realising the AU convention on internally dosplayced persons in UgandaWhittaker, Nicola 10 October 1900 (has links)
Africa is home to more than 40% of the world’s population of internally displaced persons (IDPs).4 IDPs,
according to the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement5, are persons or groups of persons who
have been forced to leave their homes or places of habitual residence as a result of – or in order to
avoid the effects of – armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights,
natural disasters or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognised
state border. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2010. / A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Law University of Pretoria, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Masters of Law (LLM in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa). Prepared under the supervision of Mr. S Tindifa at the Faculty of Law, Makerere University, Uganda. 2010. / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/ / Centre for Human Rights / LLM
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Mezinárodní únosy dětí a mezinárodní právo soukromé / International abduction of children and private international lawHakobjan, Suzana January 2011 (has links)
International Child Abduction and International Private Law The aim of this thesis is to provide an overall insight into the issue of the International Child Abduction and to analyse the relevant instruments of law which desire to protect the child and other victims of abduction and to avoid harmful effects the abductions may have. In that context the thesis mentions the most important conventions which apply in this field. Among those legislations belongs first of all the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction 1980 (hereafter as Hague Convention), also the Convention on the Rights of the Child (hereafter as CRC) and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereafter as ECHR). This thesis constitutes a complete and methodical overview of the return procedure under the Hague Convention. In the meantime it tries to point out some underlying issues which the Hague Convention failed to codify. This gaps in legislation and an absence of a single court to give an authoritative rulings on the interpretation of the Hague Convention cause that it lacks uniform application in practice. The thesis supports its conclusions by referring to the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and offers to the reader various solutions of basic...
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“Centro de Día” y Residencia para el adulto mayor / “Day care center” and Residence for the elderlySalazar Caballero, Claudia Natali 10 July 2021 (has links)
El proyecto plantea un centro de día y residencia dirigido al adulto mayor, en el cual se plantean diversos factores para responder a las necesidades del usuario tales como vivienda, alimentación, salud y recreación. El proyecto tiene como objetivo base lograr generar una interacción entre el usuario y la comunidad, evitando que el adulto mayor se sienta aislado de la sociedad, formando una arquitectura con un límite permeable hacia el entorno para lograr una mejor relación con este.
El proyecto se diseñó con los criterios arquitectónicos establecidos en los estudios y proyectos referenciales que ayuden a lograr un diseño adecuado. Como volumen, se busco acoplar el proyecto a su entorno inmediato, tomando en cuenta las alturas, los usos y creando un limite más ligero entre el proyecto y su entorno.
Se investigó y se estudio a detalle diferentes factores, como el usuario, programa, zonificación y áreas para el diseño del centro, tomando en cuenta diferentes centros de referencia tanto nacionales como internacionales y asegurando el bienestar y respuesta de las necesidades del usuario. / The project proposes a day center and residence for the elderly, in which various factors are proposed to respond to the needs of the user such as housing, food, health and recreation. The project's main objective is to generate an interaction between the user and the community, preventing the elderly from feeling isolated from society, forming an architecture with a permeable boundary to the environment to achieve a better relationship with it.
The project was designed with the architectural criteria established in the studies and reference projects that help to achieve an adequate design. As a volume, the project was designed to fit in with its immediate surroundings, taking into account the heights, uses and creating a lighter boundary between the project and its surroundings.
Different factors were investigated and studied in detail, such as the user, program, zoning and areas for the design of the center, taking into account different national and international reference centers and ensuring the welfare and response to the needs of the user. / Tesis
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Domicile and jurisdiction as criteria in external conflict of laws with particular reference to aspects of the South African law of personsSchoeman, Elsabe 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores the use of domicilium as a criterion in choice of law and
jurisdiction in South African law with special reference to private-law status. In this area
of the law adherence to the status theory has, in the recent past, resulted in the use
of domicile as an exclusive ratio jurisdictionis. This has impacted negatively on choice
of law issues in status matters: since domicile constituted the sole jurisdictional
criterion, little attention was devoted to choice of law. Even though the lex domicilii
was, in actual fact, applied to choice of law issues concerning private-law status, it
happened only as a result of the assumption of jurisdiction by the forum domicilii. With
the emergence of alternative jurisdictional criteria, such as ordinary residence, choice
of law issues will have to be addressed from a conflict of laws perspective, since the
jurisdictional criteria will no longer ensure the application of the appropriate lex causae.
In this regard recognition of the functional diversification of jurisdictional and conflicts
connecting factors is crucial: different principles and policies underlie the fields of
jurisdiction and choice of law and this must be borne in mind when a connecting factor is selected. In view of the prominence of domicilium as a connecting factor, problem areas in
regard to the interpretation and ascertainment of domicile, especially the domicile of
choice, is investigated within the context of the Domicile Act 3 of 1992 and with a view
to future reform. It is submitted that the subjective animus requirement for the
acquisition of a domicile of choice remains uncertain and undefined. Since domicile
constitutes such an important connecting factor in issues pertaining to private-law
status, as well as other non-status matters, it is essential that it should be readily and
easily ascertainable. In this regard certain concrete proposals for future reform are
advanced. Ultimately the domicile of an individual should indicate the community to
which he/she truly belongs: only then will domicile constitute a conflicts connecting factor which satisfies the demands of conflicts justice. / Private Law / LL. D. (Law)
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