Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1nternet marketing"" "subject:"centernet marketing""
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Analýza využití vybraných online marketingových nástrojů pro začínající IT firmu na globálním trhu / Analysis of selected online marketing tools for IT start-up company on global marketHubková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The main focus of this diploma thesis is on the analysis of selected online marketing tools for IT start-up company on global market. In the beginning, the thesis discusses the importance of internet in nowadays marketing and also introduces the selected online marketing tools with closer look at online advertising, social media, online PR, online direct marketing and sales promotion on the internet. It also touches options of measuring and evaluating efficiency of these instruments. Further on, it describes specifics of online marketing in perspective of local markets. Practical part of the thesis starts with introduction of the selected global IT start-up company, its competitors and then focuses on its marketing communication in detail. It elaborates on channels used to access company's website and make conversions. It also offers in-depth evaluation of online advertising and activities on social medias. The final part of the thesis depicts list of practical recommendations for further online marketing communication, which are based on previous analyses. These recommendations can be used also for other companies focusing on online marketing in global environment.
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Efektivita obsahového marketingu / The Effectiveness of Content MarketingŘezníček, Josef January 2014 (has links)
The main purpose of this work is to find out what influences efficiency and reaching goals of content marketing by creating and promoting articles, e-mails, videos, podcasts and social network content. The author defines theoretic fundaments of content marketing, research parts of content strategy that influences content marketing, and tries to find out, how those forms of content use more efficiently. At the end of the work author offers proposals of possible key performance indicators for measuring content marketing results and efficiency. He uses methods of data analysis, experiments on users, and mathematical modeling.
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Aplikace metod internetového marketingu a jejich vliv na návštěvnost webu HradecŽije.cz / Application of Methods of Internet Marketing and their Impact on Site Traffic HradecŽije.czKrásný, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of this master's thesis is the application of selected methods of internet marketing, checking their effectiveness and controlling their impact to visit rate of regional website. Due to the limited budget my work is mainly focused on inexpensive ways of applications of internet marketing. In the theoretical part I firstly demonstrate the techniques that I deal with. In the practical part I introduce the initial situation of the regional website, including the specifics of its visit rate. After the describing and application of marketing changes, I analyze the same metrics one year later to detect differences and development of website. In the conclusion I offer the concrete recommendations for managers of regional website.
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Marketingová komunikace na Internetu se zaměřením na copywriting / Marketing communication on the Internet with the focus on copywritingKašparová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to recommend the best communication mix and at the same time ways and content of communication for educational and similar kind of institutions. The first part of the thesis focuses on influence of the Internet on marketing and investigates options of communication tools which the institutions can choose from. The second part of the thesis covers a copywriting topic which means ways how to work with communication content. The next part focuses on real example of educational institution and its way of looking for the best communication mix with examples of issues which can occur in the real praxis. At the end the thesis summarizes important steps which together create instructions how to accomplish the best communication mix on the internet for educational institutions.
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Možnosti využití sociálních sítí pro podporu podnikání ve zdravotnictví / Possibilities of using social networks to support business in the healthcare sectorMasárová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the problem of using social networks in the healthcare sector of the Czech Republic. Its aim is to analyze the current state of the use of social networks by mammography centers, and according to the results of the analysis to define a set of recommendations on how to effectively communicate and use social networks in order to support a business. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first provides the theoretical basis of the chosen topic, defines the main concepts, stated the most widely used social networks in the Czech Republic and their characteristics suitable for internet marketing. The second part begins with characterizing of the Czech healthcare sector, continues with Porter five forces analysis, which defines possible restrictions on doing business in this sector. Then the analysis of the use of social networks in health care organizations follows. Identified recommendations useful for the successful acting of mammography centers on social networks are based on the results of the analysis. These recommendations are designed for a particular mammography center, but with a bit of abstraction are suitable to other entities in the healthcare sector.
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Marketingová komunikace banky na sociálních sítích / Marketing communication of a bank on social networksZilvar, Adam January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis is concerned with marketing communication of a bank on social networks. The aim of the thesis is to identify the possibilities of marketing promotion on social networks and thereafter perform an analysis of current communication of Česká spořitelna and based on it provide suggestions for improvements. The communication on social networks is a relatively new a dynamically developing area and companies devote increasingly larger parts of the marketing budgets to this form of communication. The benefits of this work are therefore a summary of new findings in this field, overview of forms of promotion on Facebook and Twitter and evaluation of communication of Česká spořitelna using comparison with an internet bank Air Bank and using best practices. At the end of the thesis I present suggestions for improvements of communication of Česká spořitelna on social networks.
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Marketingová stratégia vybranej firmy / Marketing strategy of chosen companyČížová, Natália January 2015 (has links)
The basic feature of our time is constant change. The world is becoming more globalized, needs and desires of consumers are changing and consumer is changing itself, because he is more informed and has greater purchasing power. Technical and technological progress changes the way we look at the world. Competition strengthens and the way of trading is modernizing. For all these reasons, the marketing strategy is in many ways a necessity for businesses. The diploma thesis is divided into theoretical and analytical part and the main objective is the analysis and proposal of marketing strategy of chosen company in regard to a theoretical part, analysis results and information obtained.
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Specifika internetového marketingu na ruském trhu / Specifics of internet marketing in Russian marketChernutskiy, Stanislav January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on specifics and importance of internet (online) marketing in terms of Russian market. Thesis determines threats and opportunities arising of coexistence of local and global platforms, their role and effectiveness in modern marketing. The theoretical part describes modern trends, selected tools and measurement methods of internet marketing. The practical part contains implementation of knowledge obtained in the theoretical part and analysis of internet marketing in Russia. Diploma work underlines the importance of using both global and local platforms for the best results. The evidence is based on similar performance marketing campaigns in Yandex Direct and Google AdWords.
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The protection of the online consumer through online dispute resolution and other models of redressSchulze Suedhoff, Ulrich 11 1900 (has links)
Traditional redress mechanisms such as litigation and traditional
alternative dispute resolution generally fail to strengthen consumer confidence
in e-commerce. Rather they may represent an additional source of uncertainty.
In particular litigation fails to offer the certainty the consumer seeks. To date,
neither European nor American courts have found reliable criteria for
determining Internet jurisdiction and have failed to provide consistency in their
decisions. In addition, uncertainty arising from unclear concepts on the
enforcement level and the high volume of disputes with low monetary value
have led to the development of online ADR providers that allow individuals from
across the world to settle disputes. Both online mediation and online arbitration
serve consumers as appropriate instruments to enforce their rights arising out
of online disputes. They are designed for disputes with small monetary value
and are capable of overcoming jurisdictional obstacles. On the enforcement
level, online arbitration based on the New York Convention provides the
consumer with a powerful tool on global level. Online consumer arbitration can
ensure a maximum of enforceability if the consumer arbitration rules of online
ADR providers incorporate the requirements of the New York Convention.
In addition or instead of online ADR, businesses increasingly rely on
other dispute avoidance and dispute settlement instruments in order to promote
consumer confidence. Some of those models employed by e-commerce
companies succeed in promoting trust, while others do so only to a limited
extent. In particular, mandatory credit card chargeback regimes give consumers
an effective and quick means of disputing a transaction with a merchant at
almost no cost. On the other hand, escrow services seem to be less appropriate
for the typical small amount e-commerce transaction mainly since consumers
are generally not willing to pay the added costs for the use of the escrow
service for the average small amount transaction. Trustmark and seal programs
provide the potential to give guidance to the consumer about consumer
protection standards of the online seller before any damage is done and offer
effective and inexpensive certification, monitoring and enforcement procedures.
However, to date trustmark and seal systems have applied these powerful tools
only to a limited extent. A proliferation of trustmark and seal programs make it
hard for consumers to distinguish between differences in the programs and to
assess their quality. Rating and feedback systems provide an immediate and
inexpensive source of information to buyers about sellers and a strong incentive
for good performance to repeat sellers. These systems are prone to abuse and
information gathered through these systems is often unreliable.
In my thesis I argue that traditional litigation no longer provides the most
appropriate means of dispute settlement in the case of small amount crossborder
consumer transactions. Neither do traditional ADR mechanisms provide
the most convenient and efficient method of settling online consumer disputes.
Online ADR and several other models of redress successfully replace traditional
mechanisms since they better meet the challenges of online disputes and live
up to recognised consumer protection principles. I argue that online arbitration
based on international arbitration law such as the New York Convention
presents a particularly viable instrument for the settlement of the average smallamount
online consumer disputes. After having sketched the jurisdictional
hurdles for the resolution of online disputes I analyse whether both online ADR
and other trust-creating models are capable of providing an efficient and fair
redress instrument for the consumer. For this purpose, the practises and
policies of online dispute resolution providers are mirrored in recognised
consumer protection principles and the international legal framework. Likewise
the potential and limits of other trust-creating models are explored under the
question of to what extent they serve the consumer as a viable instrument to
impose her rights. The guiding questions of this evaluation will be if and to what
extent these recently evolved institutions meet - according to their policies and
practises - the challenges set up by the particularities of online consumer
transactions. / Law, Peter A. Allard School of / Graduate
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Internetový marketing webového portálu se zaměřením na optimalizaci pro vyhledávače / Website internet marketing with a focus on search engine optimizationHavíř, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
This thesis gives an insight into the field of internet marketing with a special focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). For the purpose of this thesis one website is selected and analysed in order to determine how successfully SEO has been performed. Different sources of visitors are analyzed and their activity is measured. The goal of this thesis is to give a set of recommendations to the operators of this website. Based on those recommendations the operators should be able to increase the number of visitors. In addition, this work also contains a comprehensive overview of basic internet marketing methods with a more detailed overview of different factors which influence SEO. This focus is both on OnPage and OffPage factors.
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