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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Police cooperation in the European Union : a comparative analysis of European level institutional and organisational developments and national level policies and structures

Swallow, Paul January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

European police cooperation : police accountability and the policing of internationally-mobile offending in England and Wales

Norman, Paul January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

La lutte contre le crime organisé aux Émirats arabes unis : stratégie et coopération / The fight against organized crime in the United Arab Emirates : strategy and cooperation

Alnuaimi, Buti 19 December 2018 (has links)
Consacrer une thèse à la lutte contre le crime organisé aux Émirats Arabes Unis peut paraître assez étonnant. La sécurité dans ce pays atteint un niveau très élevé et les autorités gardent un contrôle très ferme sur une population composée à 90% d’étrangers. Considérés généralement comme un des pays les plus sûrs au monde, le crime organisé n’a pas sa place aux Émirats. Mais le sujet se justifie parce que la lutte contre le crime organisé ne se conçoit que dans un cadre global qui met au premier plan les pays aux économies avancées. Les Émirats sont parties prenantes à la stratégie et à la coopération internationale qui se développent fermement depuis plus d’une trentaine d’années pour réduire les organisations criminelles. Ces organisations toujours actives ont été rejointes par des organisations terroristes qui se financent par des trafics et des activités illégales. Cette jonction entre le crime et le terrorisme, prouvée par les enquêtes sur le terrain, est un facteur d’aggravation de l’instabilité et un défi pour les forces de police. Dans le Golfe, région sensible, il convient de surveiller étroitement les flux commerciaux qui peuvent dissimuler des activités criminelles. Mais il faut aussi, détecter les flux financiers issus d’activités criminelles qui sont recyclés dans l’économie prospère des Émirats. Sur ces deux plans, les Emirats jouent un rôle décisif en raison de ses moyens financiers importants, des technologies de surveillance et de la volonté politique de ses dirigeants. Cette thèse replace l’action des Emirats dans le cadre normatif et institutionnel fixé par des traités, relayé sur place par le droit national. Dans ce domaine, il n’est pas raisonnable de viser la disparition du crime organisé qui est une activité liée à la globalisation des échanges mondiaux. L’objectif des Emirats est de ne pas permettre l’implantation du crime organisé sur son territoire. De ce point de vue, ce but est atteint et les efforts des autorités et des forces de police des Emirats sont tendus vers une consolidation de ce résultat pour l’avenir. / A thesis devoted to the fight against organized crime in the United Arab Emirates may seem rather surprising. Security in this country is at a very high level and the authorities maintain a very strong control over a 90% foreign population. Generally regarded as one of the safest countries in the world, organized crime has no place in the UAE. But the subject is justified because the fight against organized crime can only be conceived in a global framework that puts countries in advanced economies at the forefront. The UAE is a major partner in the strategy and international cooperation that has been developing steadily for more than 30 years to reduce criminal organizations. These still active organizations have been joined by terrorist organizations that finance themselves through trafficking and illegal activities. This junction between crime and terrorism, proven by field investigations, is a factor in worsening instability and a challenge for police forces. In the Gulf, there is a need to closely monitor trade flows that may conceal criminal activity. But it is also necessary to detect financial flows from criminal activities that are recycled in the prosperous economy of the UAE. On both counts, the UAE plays a decisive role because of its significant financial resources, surveillance technologies and the political will of its leaders. This thesis places the action of the Emirates in the normative and institutional framework established by treaties, relayed by national law. In this area, it is unreasonable to target the disappearance of organized crime, which is an activity linked to the globalization of world trade. The achievable objective of the Emirates is not to allow the implantation of organized crime on its territory. From this point of view, this goal is achieved and the efforts of UAE authorities and police forces are tense towards a consolidation of this result for the future.

O crime organizado transnacional e as redes criminosas: presença e influência nas relações internacionais contemporâneas / The Transnational organized crime and the criminal network: presence and influence in contemporary international relations.

Werner, Guilherme Cunha 26 March 2009 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho é compreender como os Estados e os órgãos de segurança articulam-se no combate do crime organizado transnacional. As hipóteses foram analisadas em três perspectivas: 1.) identificação das mudanças ocorridas no crime organizado que levaram à superação do conceito tradicional de organização hierárquica para a sua nova articulação através das redes difusas de atuação econômica, com a abertura de espaço para a atuação de novos atores; 2.) definição da influência da transnacionalização do crime na mudança da percepção dos Estados em relação à segurança, transpondo o debate da perspectiva política para a perspectiva da segurança humana, identificado no processo de securitização proposto pela Escola de Copenhague, através das medidas adotadas no plano interno, regional e internacional; e 3.) observação da influência que os valores compartilhados exercem nos órgãos destinados à manutenção da segurança, possibilitando a criação das comunidades de cooperação policial internacional. Conclui pela necessidade de alterar os paradigmas de análise do crime organizado, traçando novas perspectivas sob o enfoque do processo de securitização, da segurança humana, da cooperação e do consenso, com destaque ao papel exercido pela Interpol e a Europol. / The objective of this work is to understand how the states and the public safety security articulate fight against transnational organized crime. The hypotheses were tested in three perspectives: 1.) Identification of changes in organized crime that led to overcome the traditional concept of hierarchical organization and its new articulation through the diffuse economical networks activity, with the opening of space for the performance of new actors, 2.) Define the crime transnationalization influence in the State changing perception in relation to security, transposing the discussion of political perspective to the perspective of human security, identified in the securitization process, developed by the School of Copenhagen through, and the measures adopted in the internal, regional and international level, and 3.) Observe the influence of shared values on the organs responsible for security maintaining, enabling the creation of international police cooperation. Concluded by the need to change the paradigms of analysis on organized crime, setting out new perspectives in focus of the securitization process, human security, cooperation and consensus, highlighting the role played by Interpol and Europol

O crime organizado transnacional e as redes criminosas: presença e influência nas relações internacionais contemporâneas / The Transnational organized crime and the criminal network: presence and influence in contemporary international relations.

Guilherme Cunha Werner 26 March 2009 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho é compreender como os Estados e os órgãos de segurança articulam-se no combate do crime organizado transnacional. As hipóteses foram analisadas em três perspectivas: 1.) identificação das mudanças ocorridas no crime organizado que levaram à superação do conceito tradicional de organização hierárquica para a sua nova articulação através das redes difusas de atuação econômica, com a abertura de espaço para a atuação de novos atores; 2.) definição da influência da transnacionalização do crime na mudança da percepção dos Estados em relação à segurança, transpondo o debate da perspectiva política para a perspectiva da segurança humana, identificado no processo de securitização proposto pela Escola de Copenhague, através das medidas adotadas no plano interno, regional e internacional; e 3.) observação da influência que os valores compartilhados exercem nos órgãos destinados à manutenção da segurança, possibilitando a criação das comunidades de cooperação policial internacional. Conclui pela necessidade de alterar os paradigmas de análise do crime organizado, traçando novas perspectivas sob o enfoque do processo de securitização, da segurança humana, da cooperação e do consenso, com destaque ao papel exercido pela Interpol e a Europol. / The objective of this work is to understand how the states and the public safety security articulate fight against transnational organized crime. The hypotheses were tested in three perspectives: 1.) Identification of changes in organized crime that led to overcome the traditional concept of hierarchical organization and its new articulation through the diffuse economical networks activity, with the opening of space for the performance of new actors, 2.) Define the crime transnationalization influence in the State changing perception in relation to security, transposing the discussion of political perspective to the perspective of human security, identified in the securitization process, developed by the School of Copenhagen through, and the measures adopted in the internal, regional and international level, and 3.) Observe the influence of shared values on the organs responsible for security maintaining, enabling the creation of international police cooperation. Concluded by the need to change the paradigms of analysis on organized crime, setting out new perspectives in focus of the securitization process, human security, cooperation and consensus, highlighting the role played by Interpol and Europol

Aplicacions de tècniques de fusió de dades per a l'anàlisi d'imatges de satèl·lit en Oceanografia

Reig Bolaño, Ramon 25 June 2008 (has links)
Durant dècades s'ha observat i monitoritzat sistemàticament la Terra i el seu entorn des de l'espai o a partir de plataformes aerotransportades. Paral·lelament, s'ha tractat d'extreure el màxim d'informació qualitativa i quantitativa de les observacions realitzades. Les tècniques de fusió de dades donen un "ventall de procediments que ens permeten aprofitar les dades heterogènies obtingudes per diferents mitjans i instruments i integrar-les de manera que el resultat final sigui qualitativament superior". En aquesta tesi s'han desenvolupat noves tècniques que es poden aplicar a l'anàlisi de dades multiespectrals que provenen de sensors remots, adreçades a aplicacions oceanogràfiques. Bàsicament s'han treballat dos aspectes: les tècniques d'enregistrament o alineament d'imatges; i la interpolació de dades esparses i multiescalars, focalitzant els resultats als camps vectorials bidimensionals.En moltes aplicacions que utilitzen imatges derivades de satèl·lits és necessari mesclar o comparar imatges adquirides per diferents sensors, o bé comparar les dades d'un sòl sensor en diferents instants de temps, per exemple en: reconeixement, seguiment i classificació de patrons o en la monitorització mediambiental. Aquestes aplicacions necessiten una etapa prèvia d'enregistrament geomètric, que alinea els píxels d'una imatge, la imatge de treball, amb els píxels corresponents d'una altra imatge, la imatge de referència, de manera que estiguin referides a uns mateixos punts. En aquest treball es proposa una aproximació automàtica a l'enregistrament geomètric d'imatges amb els contorns de les imatges; a partir d'un mètode robust, vàlid per a imatges mutimodals, que a més poden estar afectades de distorsions, rotacions i de, fins i tot, oclusions severes. En síntesi, s'obté una correspondència punt a punt de la imatge de treball amb el mapa de referència, fent servir tècniques de processament multiresolució. El mètode fa servir les mesures de correlació creuada de les transformades wavelet de les seqüències que codifiquen els contorns de la línia de costa. Un cop s'estableix la correspondència punt a punt, es calculen els coeficients de la transformació global i finalment es poden aplicar a la imatge de treball per a enregistrar-la respecte la referència.A la tesi també es prova de resoldre la interpolació d'un camp vectorial espars mostrejat irregularment. Es proposa un algorisme que permet aproximar els valors intermitjos entre les mostres irregulars si es disposa de valors esparsos a escales de menys resolució. El procediment és òptim si tenim un model que caracteritzi l'esquema multiresolució de descomposició i reconstrucció del conjunt de dades. Es basa en la transformada wavelet discreta diàdica i en la seva inversa, realitzades a partir d'uns bancs de filtres d'anàlisi i síntesi. Encara que el problema està mal condicionat i té infinites solucions, la nostra aproximació, que primer treballarem amb senyals d'una dimensió, dóna una estratègia senzilla per a interpolar els valors d'un camp vectorial bidimensional, utilitzant tota la informació disponible a diferents resolucions. Aquest mètode de reconstrucció es pot utilitzar com a extensió de qualsevol interpolació inicial. També pot ser un mètode adequat si es disposa d'un conjunt de mesures esparses de diferents instruments que prenen dades d'una mateixa escena a diferents resolucions, sense cap restricció en les característiques de la distribució de mesures. Inicialment cal un model dels filtres d'anàlisi que generen les dades multiresolució i els filtres de síntesi corresponents, però aquest requeriment es pot relaxar parcialment, i és suficient tenir una aproximació raonable a la part passa baixes dels filtres. Els resultats de la tesi es podrien implementar fàcilment en el flux de processament d'una estació receptora de satèl·lits, i així es contribuiria a la millora d'aplicacions que utilitzessin tècniques de fusió de dades per a monitoritzar paràmetres mediambientals. / During the last decades a systematic survey of the Earth environment has been set up from many spatial and airborne platforms. At present, there is a continuous effort to extract and combine the maximum of quantitative information from these different data sets, often rather heterogeneous. Data fusion can be defined as "a set of means and tools for the alliance of data originating from different sources with the aims of a greater quality result". In this thesis we have developed new techniques and schemes that can be applied on multispectral data obtained from remote sensors, with particular interest in oceanographic applications. They are based on image and signal processing. We have worked mainly on two topics: image registration techniques or image alignment; and data interpolation of multiscale and sparse data sets, with focus on two dimensional vector fields. In many applications using satellite images, and specifically in those related to oceanographic studies, it is necessary to merge or compare multiple images of the same scene acquired from different captors or from one captor but at different times. Typical applications include pattern classification, recognition and tracking, multisensor data fusion and environmental monitoring. Image registration is the process of aligning the remotely sensed images to the same ground truth and transforming them into a known geographic projection (map coordinates). This step is crucial to correctly merge complementary information from multisensor data. The proposed approach to automatic image registration is a robust method, valid for multimodal images affected by distortions, rotations and, to a reasonably extend, with severe data occlusion. We derived a point to point matching of one image to a georeferenced map applying multiresolution signal processing techniques. The method is based on the contours of images: it uses a maximum cross correlation measure on the biorthogonal undecimated discrete wavelet transforms of the codified coastline contours sequences. Once this point to point correspondence is established, the coefficients of a global transform could be calculated and finally applied on the working image to register it to the georeferenced map. The second topic of this thesis focus on the interpolation of sparse irregularly-sampled vector fields when these sparse data belong to different resolutions. It is proposed a new algorithm to iteratively approximate the intermediate values between irregularly sampled data when a set of sparse values at coarser scales is known. The procedure is optimal if there is a characterized model for the multiresolution decomposition / reconstruction scheme of the dataset. The scheme is based on a fast dyadic wavelet transform and on its inversion using a filter bank analysis/synthesis implementation for the wavelet transform model. Although the problem is ill-posed, and there are infinite solutions, our approach, firstly worked for one dimension signals, gives an easy strategy to interpolate the values of a vector field using all the information available at different scales. This reconstruction method could be used as an extension on any initial interpolation. It can also be suitable in cases where there are sparse measures from different instruments that are sensing the same scene simultaneously at several resolutions, without any restriction to the characteristics of the data distribution. Initially a filter model for the generation of multiresolution data and their synthesis counterpart is the main requisite but; this assumption can be partially relaxed with the only requirement of a reasonable approximation to the low pass counterpart. The thesis results can be easily implemented on the process stream of any satellite receiving station and therefore constitute a first contribution to potential applications on data fusion of environmental monitoring.

Essai d'une théorie générale de l'entraide policière internationale / Towards a general theory of the international mutual help between the polices

Herran, Thomas 16 November 2012 (has links)
L’entraide policière internationale, en raison de la multiplicité de ses sources et de ses applications, apparaît comme un phénomène pluriel difficile à appréhender. Sa mise en œuvre différenciée dans les différents espaces géographiques et les nombreuses évolutions qu’elle a connues aggravent sa complexité. L’objet de la présente étude est de proposer une grille de lecture dont l’ambition est de donner une vision plus claire et plus cohérente. En définitive, deux types d’entraide se dessinent : l’assistance et la coopération. Ce résultat est révélé par une étude notionnelle et conforté par la modélisation du régime. L’étude de la notion permet de révéler, malgré une définition unitaire, la nature duale de l’entraide policière. Cette dualité se répercute sur le régime puisque deux types distincts apparaissent : l’assistance s’apparente au régime de droit commun et la coopération prend les traits d’un régime spécial. En filigrane, il apparaît que l’entraide policière internationale emprunte à la procédure pénale et au droit international leurs caractères et leurs facteurs d’influence. / Due to the several sources and its implementation, the international mutual help between the polices tends to be a concept difficult to understand. The different ways to set up the cooperation in the different part of the world and the several evolutions known, are increasing the difficulties to understand its complexity. This study wants to show and give a clearer vision of this mutual help. Basically, there are two kinds of mutual helps: the assistance and the cooperation. The result appears after a notional study and is consolidated by the establishment of a framework. Despite a commom definition, the study of the notion reveals a duality in the international mutual help between the polices. This duality has an impact on the legal framework, as two types of frameworks are appearing: the assistance relates on the common law system and the cooperation tends to be a specific framework. Finally, it appears the international mutual helps between the polices borrows from the criminal proceedings and from the international rights their caracteristics and their influences.

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