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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scale dependence in the properties of galaxy clusters

Lloyd-Davies, Edward Justin January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Mapping the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect toward MACS J0717.5+3745 with NIKA

Adam, R., Bartalucci, I., Pratt, G. W., Ade, P., André, P., Arnaud, M., Beelen, A., Benoît, A., Bideaud, A., Billot, N., Bourdin, H., Bourrion, O., Calvo, M., Catalano, A., Coiffard, G., Comis, B., D’Addabbo, A., De Petris, M., Démoclès, J., Désert, F.-X., Doyle, S., Egami, E., Ferrari, C., Goupy, J., Kramer, C., Lagache, G., Leclercq, S., Macías-Pérez, J.-F., Maurogordato, S., Mauskopf, P., Mayet, F., Monfardini, A., Mroczkowski, T., Pajot, F., Pascale, E., Perotto, L., Pisano, G., Pointecouteau, E., Ponthieu, N., Revéret, V., Ritacco, A., Rodriguez, L., Romero, C., Ruppin, F., Schuster, K., Sievers, A., Triqueneaux, S., Tucker, C., Zemcov, M., Zylka, R. 09 February 2017 (has links)
Measurement of the gas velocity distribution in galaxy clusters provides insight into the physics of mergers, through which large scale structures form in the Universe. Velocity estimates within the intracluster medium (ICM) can be obtained via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect, but its observation is challenging both in term of sensitivity requirement and control of systematic effects, including the removal of contaminants. In this paper we report resolved observations, at 150 and 260 GHz, of the SZ effect toward the triple merger MACS J0717.5 + 3745 (z = 0.55), using data obtained with the NIKA camera at the IRAM 30 m telescope. Assuming that the SZ signal is the sum of a thermal (tSZ) and a kinetic (kSZ) component and by combining the two NIKA bands, we extract for the first time a resolved map of the kSZ signal in a cluster. The kSZ signal is dominated by a dipolar structure that peaks at -5.1 and + 3.4 sigma, corresponding to two subclusters moving respectively away and toward us and coincident with the cold dense X-ray core and a hot region undergoing a major merging event. We model the gas electron density and line-of-sight velocity of MACS J0717.5 + 3745 as four subclusters. Combining NIKA data with X-ray observations from XMM-Newton and Chandra, we fit this model to constrain the gas line-of-sight velocity of each component, and we also derive, for the first time, a velocity map from kSZ data (i. e. that is model-dependent). Our results are consistent with previous constraints on the merger velocities, and thanks to the high angular resolution of our data, we are able to resolve the structure of the gas velocity. Finally, we investigate possible contamination and systematic effects with a special care given to radio and submillimeter galaxies. Among the sources that we detect with NIKA, we find one which is likely to be a high redshift lensed submillimeter galaxy.
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Sivanandam, Suresh January 2010 (has links)
We study specific aspects of the relationship between the stellar content and the intracluster media (ICM) of galaxy clusters. First, we attempt to solve the long-standing difficulty in explaining the highly enriched ICM by including a previously unaccounted for stellar component: the intracluster stars. To determine the relative contributions of galactic and intracluster stars to the enrichment of the intracluster medium (ICM), we present X-ray surface brightness, temperature, and Fe abundance profiles for a set of twelve galaxy clusters for which we have extensive optical photometry. Assuming a standard IMF and simple chemical evolution model scaled to match the present-day cluster early-type SN Ia rate, the stars in the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) plus the intracluster stars (ICS) generate 31⁺¹¹₋₉%, on average, of the observed ICM Fe within r₅₀₀(∼ 0.6 times r₂₀₀, the virial radius). Because the ICS typically contribute 80% of the BCG+ICS Fe, we conclude that the ICS are significant, yet often neglected, contributors to the ICM Fe within r₅₀₀. However, the BCG+ICS fall short of producing all the Fe, so metal loss from stars in other cluster galaxies must also contribute. By combining the enrichment from intracluster and galactic stars, we can account for all the observed Fe. These models require a galactic metal loss fraction (0.84(−0.14)^(+0.11)) that, while large, is consistent with theoretical models of Fe mass not retained by galactic stars. The SN Ia rates, especially as a function of galaxy environment and redshift, remain a significant source of uncertainty in further constraining the metal loss fraction. Second, we study the effects of ram-pressure stripping on infalling galaxies using a warm molecular hydrogen (H₂) as a tracer by carrying out a Spitzer infrared spectrograph (IRS) survey of four galaxies with signatures of ram-pressure stripping. We have discovered two galaxies, ESO 137-001 and NGC 4522, with warm H₂ tails stretching 20 kpc and 4 kpc in length, respectively. In the case of ESO 137-001 where we measure a warm H₂ mass loss rate of ∼ 2 − 3 M⊙ yr⁻¹, we estimate that the galaxy will lose all of its gas in a single pass through the cluster core. Strong warm H₂ emission is detected in one other galaxy, CGCG 97-073, which a region within its tail that is mainly dominated by H₂ emission. The warm H₂ observed in these three galaxies share similar temperature and column density properties with warm H₂ masses ranging from 10⁶ − 10⁸ M⊙. From a comparison with the SINGS warm H₂ sample, our results indicate that these galaxies experiencing significant ram-pressure stripping show anomalously high warm H₂ emission that cannot be explained purely from star formation. This adds credence to the hypothesis that H₂ within these galaxies is being shock-heated from the interaction with the ICM. We also discover that stripping of warm and hot dust, as measured at 8 μm and 24 μm, is a common feature of the galaxies observed in our sample. In the case of NGC 4522, we capture the turbulent nature of the stripping process. We measure the star formation rates using published Hα and measured 24 μm luminosities for all of our galaxies and find that some of them have suppressed star formation rates compared to similar mass counterparts in the field. We find a possible association between Hα and warm H₂ emission in three of the four galaxies observed. We conclude that the variation of H₂ properties observed in our sample is likely due to the galaxies being in different stages of ram-pressure stripping. Finally, we report on our efforts to improve the performance of the Lochkeed Arizona Infrared Spectrometer (LAIRS), a near-IR, tunable filter imager. We have made significant progress in identifying the sources of key issues such as the a highly asymmetric line profile and the unstable performance of the servo controller at the MMT. Solutions have been implemented for these issues, such as a revised mounting strategy for the tunable filter plates and a completely new controller with higher bandwidth. Significant progress has been made towards resolving these issues, but a few issues remain before LAIRS meets all of its requirements.
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Numerical studies of diffusion and amplification of magnetic fields in turbulent astrophysical plasmas / Estudos numéricos de difusão e amplificação de campos magnéticos em plasmas astrofísicos turbulentos

Lima, Reinaldo Santos de 17 May 2013 (has links)
In this thesis we investigated two major issues in astrophysical flows: the transport of magnetic fields in highly conducting fluids in the presence of turbulence, and the turbulence evolution and turbulent dynamo amplification of magnetic fields in collisionless plasmas. The first topic was explored in the context of star-formation, where two intriguing problems are highly debated: the requirement of magnetic flux diffusion during the gravitational collapse of molecular clouds in order to explain the observed magnetic field intensities in protostars (the so called \"magnetic flux problem\") and the formation of rotationally sustained protostellar discs in the presence of the magnetic fields which tend to remove all the angular momentum (the so called \"magnetic braking catastrophe\"). Both problems challenge the ideal MHD description, usually expected to be a good approximation in these environments. The ambipolar diffusion, which is the mechanism commonly invoked to solve these problems, has been lately questioned both by observations and numerical simulation results. We have here investigated a new paradigm, an alternative diffusive mechanism based on fast magnetic reconnection induced by turbulence, termed turbulent reconnection diffusion (TRD). We tested the TRD through fully 3D MHD numerical simulations, injecting turbulence into molecular clouds with initial cylindrical geometry, uniform longitudinal magnetic field and periodic boundary conditions. We have demonstrated the efficiency of the TRD in decorrelating the magnetic flux from the gas, allowing the infall of gas into the gravitational well while the field lines migrate to the outer regions of the cloud. This mechanism works for clouds starting either in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium or initially out-of-equilibrium in free-fall. We estimated the rates at which the TRD operate and found that they are faster when the central gravitational potential is higher. Also we found that the larger the initial value of the thermal to magnetic pressure ratio (beta) the larger the diffusion process. Besides, we have found that these rates are consistent with the predictions of the theory, particularly when turbulence is trans- or super-Alfvénic. We have also explored by means of 3D MHD simulations the role of the TRD in protostellar disks formation. Under ideal MHD conditions, the removal of angular momentum from the disk progenitor by the typically embedded magnetic field may prevent the formation of a rotationally supported disk during the main protostellar accretion phase of low mass stars. Previous studies showed that an enhanced microscopic diffusivity of about three orders of magnitude larger than the Ohmic diffusivity would be necessary to enable the formation of a rotationally supported disk. However, the nature of this enhanced diffusivity was not explained. Our numerical simulations of disk formation in the presence of turbulence demonstrated the efficiency of the TRD in providing the diffusion of the magnetic flux to the envelope of the protostar during the gravitational collapse, thus enabling the formation of rotationally supported disks of radius ~ 100 AU, in agreement with the observations. The second topic of this thesis has been investigated in the framework of the plasmas of the intracluster medium (ICM). The amplification and maintenance of the observed magnetic fields in the ICM are usually attributed to the turbulent dynamo action which is known to amplify the magnetic energy until close equipartition with the kinetic energy. This is generally derived employing a collisional MHD model. However, this is poorly justified a priori since in the ICM the ion mean free path between collisions is of the order of the dynamical scales, thus requiring a collisionless-MHD description. We have studied here the turbulence statistics and the turbulent dynamo amplification of seed magnetic fields in the ICM using a single-fluid collisionless-MHD model. This introduces an anisotropic thermal pressure with respect to the direction of the local magnetic field and this anisotropy modifies the MHD linear waves and creates kinetic instabilities. Our collisionless-MHD model includes a relaxation term of the pressure anisotropy due to the feedback of the mirror and firehose instabilities. We performed 3D numerical simulations of forced transonic turbulence in a periodic box mimicking the turbulent ICM, assuming different initial values of the magnetic field intensity and different relaxation rates of the pressure anisotropy. We showed that in the high beta plasma regime of the ICM where these kinetic instabilities are stronger, a fast anisotropy relaxation rate gives results which are similar to the collisional-MHD model in the description of the statistical properties of the turbulence. Also, the amplification of the magnetic energy due to the turbulent dynamo action when considering an initial seed magnetic field is similar to the collisional-MHD model, particularly when considering an instantaneous anisotropy relaxation. The models without any pressure anisotropy relaxation deviate significantly from the collisional-MHD results, showing more power in small-scale fluctuations of the density and velocity field, in agreement with a significant presence of the kinetic instabilities; however, the fluctuations in the magnetic field are mostly suppressed. In this case, the turbulent dynamo fails in amplifying seed magnetic fields and the magnetic energy saturates at values several orders of magnitude below the kinetic energy. It was suggested by previous studies of the collisionless plasma of the solar wind that the pressure anisotropy relaxation rate is of the order of a few percent of the ion gyrofrequency. The present study has shown that if this is also the case for the ICM, then the models which best represent the ICM are those with instantaneous anisotropy relaxation rate, i.e., the models which revealed a behavior very similar to the collisional-MHD description. / Nesta tese, investigamos dois problemas chave relacionados a fluidos astrofísicos: o transporte de campos magnéticos em plasmas altamente condutores na presença de turbulência, e a evolução da turbulência e amplificação de campos magnéticos pelo dínamo turbulento em plasmas não-colisionais. O primeiro tópico foi explorado no contexto de formação estelar, onde duas questões intrigantes são intensamente debatidas na literatura: a necessidade da difusão de fluxo magnético durante o colapso gravitacional de nuvens moleculares, a fim de explicar as intensidades dos campos magnéticos observadas em proto-estrelas (o denominado \"problema do fluxo magnético\"), e a formação de discos proto-estelares sustentados pela rotação em presença de campos magnéticos, os quais tendem a remover o seu momento angular (a chamada \"catástrofe do freamento magnético\"). Estes dois problemas desafiam a descrição MHD ideal, normalmente empregada para descrever esses sistemas. A difusão ambipolar, o mecanismo normalmente invocado para resolver estes problemas, vem sendo questionada ultimamente tanto por observações quanto por resultados de simulações numéricas. Investigamos aqui um novo paradigma, um mecanismo de difusão alternativo baseado em reconexão magnética rápida induzida pela turbulência, que denominamos reconexão turbulenta (TRD, do inglês turbulent reconnection diffusion). Nós testamos a TRD através de simulações numéricas tridimensionais MHD, injetando turbulência em nuvens moleculares com geometria inicialmente cilíndrica, permeadas por um campo magnético longitudinal e fronteiras periódicas. Demonstramos a eficiência da TRD em desacoplar o fluxo magnético do gás, permitindo a queda do gás no poço de potencial gravitacional, enquanto as linhas de campo migram para as regiões externas da nuvem. Este mecanismo funciona tanto para nuvens inicialmente em equilíbrio magneto-hidrostático, quanto para aquelas inicialmente fora de equilíbrio, em queda livre. Nós estimamos as taxas em que a TRD opera e descobrimos que são mais rápidas quando o potencial gravitacional é maior. Também verificamos que quanto maior o valor inicial da razão entre a pressão térmica e magnética (beta), mais eficiente é o processo de difusão. Além disto, também verificamos que estas taxas são consistentes com as previsões da teoria, particularmente quando a turbulência é trans- ou super-Alfvénica. Também exploramos por meio de simulações MHD 3D a influência da TRD na formação de discos proto-estelares. Sob condições MHD ideais, a remoção do momento angular do disco progenitor pelo campo magnético da nuvem pode evitar a formação de discos sustentados por rotação durante a fase principal de acreção proto-estelar de estrelas de baixa massa. Estudos anteriores mostraram que uma super difusividade microscópica aproximadamente três ordens de magnitude maior do que a difusividade ôhmica seria necessária para levar à formação de um disco sustentado pela rotação. No entanto, a natureza desta super difusividade não foi explicada. Nossas simulações numéricas da formação do disco em presença de turbulência demonstraram a eficiência da TRD em prover a diffusão do fluxo magnético para o envelope da proto-estrela durante o colapso gravitacional, permitindo assim a formação de discos sutentados pela rotação com raios ~ 100 UA, em concordância com as observações. O segundo tópico desta tese foi abordado no contexto dos plasmas do meio intra-aglomerado de galáxias (MIA). A amplificação e manutenção dos campos magnéticos observados no MIA são normalmente atribuidas à ação do dínamo turbulento, que é conhecidamente capaz de amplificar a energia magnética até valores próximos da equipartição com a energia cinética. Este resultado é geralmente derivado empregando-se um modelo MHD colisional. No entanto, isto é pobremente justificado a priori, pois no MIA o caminho livre médio de colisões íon-íon é da ordem das escalas dinâmicas, requerendo então uma descrição MHD não-colisional. Estudamos aqui a estatística da turbulência e a amplificação por dínamo turbulento de campos magnéticos sementes no MIA, usando um modelo MHD não-colisional de um único fluido. Isto indroduz uma pressão térmica anisotrópica com respeito à direção do campo magnético local. Esta anisotropia modifica as ondas MHD lineares e cria instabilidades cinéticas. Nosso modelo MHD não-colisional inclui um termo de relaxação da anisotropia devido aos efeitos das instabilidades mirror e firehose. Realizamos simulações numéricas 3D de turbulência trans-sônica forçada em um domínio periódico, mimetizando o MIA turbulento e considerando diferentes valores iniciais para a intensidade do campo magnético, bem como diferentes taxas de relaxação da anisotropia na pressão. Mostramos que no regime de plasma com altos valores de beta no MIA, onde estas instabilidades cinéticas são mais fortes, uma rápida taxa de relaxação da anisotropia produz resultados similares ao modelo MHD colisional na descrição das propriedades estatísticas da turbulência. Além disso, a amplificação da energia mangética pela ação do dínamo turbulento quando consideramos um campo magnético semente, é similar ao modelo MHD colisional, particularmente quando consideramos uma relaxação instantânea da anisotropia. Os modelos sem qualquer relaxação da anisotropia de pressão mostraram resultados que se desviam significativamente daqueles do MHD colisional, mostrando mais potências nas flutuações de pequena escala da densidade e velocidade, em concordância com a presença significativa das instabilidades cinéticas nessas escalas; no entanto, as flutuações do campo magnético são, em geral, suprimidas. Neste caso, o dínamo turbulento também falha em amplificar campos magnéticos sementes e a energia magnética satura em valores bem abaixo da energia cinética. Estudos anteriores do plasma não-colisional do vento solar sugeriram que a taxa de relaxação da anisotropia na pressão é da ordem de uma pequena porcentagem da giro-frequência dos íons. O presente estudo mostrou que, se este também é o caso para o MIA, então os modelos que melhor representam o MIA são aqueles com taxas de relaxação instantâneas, ou seja, os modelos que revelaram um comportamento muito similar à descrição MHD colisional.
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Cosmologie via les observations d'amas de galaxies par effet Sunyaev-Zel'dovich avec NIKA2 / Cosmology from Sunyaev-Zel’dovich observations of galaxy clusters with the NIKA2

Ruppin, Florian 27 September 2018 (has links)
La distribution de masse dans l'Univers telle que tracée par les amas de galaxies constitue une sonde cosmologique puissante. La caractérisation des processus associés à l'origine et à la croissance des grandes structures permet de contraindre des paramètres cosmologiques via l'étude de la distribution des amas en fonction de leur masse et de leur redshift. Cependant, il existe un désaccord statistiquement significatif observé entre les contraintes cosmologiques établies par l'étude des anisotropies primaires du fond diffus cosmologique et celles issues de l'analyse de la distribution des amas de galaxies. Cela pourrait signifier que le modèle standard de la cosmologie est incomplet. L'une des méthodes d'observation des amas de galaxie exploite l'effet Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) qui permet de contraindre la pression du gaz contenu dans ces derniers. Cette observable peut être directement liée à la masse des amas via une relation d'échelle et un profil de pression. Il est donc essentiel de caractériser précisément ces derniers afin de limiter les potentiels biais et effets systématiques affectant les analyses cosmologiques. Cette thèse présente l'ensemble des travaux réalisés dans cet objectif. Elle porte sur des thématiques allant des observations SZ effectuées avec la caméra NIKA2 installée au télescope de 30 mètres de l’IRAM jusqu'à l'estimation des paramètres cosmologiques en passant par l'analyse des données brutes de NIKA2 et des cartes SZ réalisées.Une part du travail de thèse présenté dans ce document est consacrée à l'étude et l’amélioration des différentes étapes effectuées, depuis les observations d'amas de galaxies au télescope avec la caméra NIKA2 jusqu'à la production de cartes de l'effet SZ. Les procédures développées pour estimer les performances instrumentales de NIKA2 sont détaillées et la chaîne d'analyse utilisée pour réduire les données brutes est présentée.Les travaux réalisés dans cette thèse ont également consisté à caractériser les propriétés thermodynamiques d'amas de galaxies via des analyses jointes combinant les cartes SZ NIKA2 avec des données X mesurées par le satellite XMM-Newton. Nous détaillons les méthodes employées dans le logiciel de traitement des données SZ créé pour le grand programme SZ de NIKA2, la procédure de déprojection non-paramétrique développée pour caractériser le profil de pression des amas de galaxies et les résultats de la première observation SZ avec NIKA2.Les dernières activités présentées sont dédiées aux analyses réalisées afin de quantifier l'impact du grand programme SZ de NIKA2 sur la cosmologie. Nous analysons l'effet des perturbations dynamiques du milieu intra-amas sur la caractérisation du profil de pression avec NIKA2 via l'utilisation d'amas de la simulation numérique MUSIC. Finalement, nous détaillons l'étude permettant d'estimer l'impact d'une variation du profil de pression universel sur l'estimation des paramètres cosmologiques déduite du spectre de puissance de l'effet SZ mesuré par Planck. / The mass distribution in the Universe, as traced by galaxy clusters is a powerful cosmological probe. The characterization of the processes associated with the origin and the growth of the large scale structures enables constraining cosmological parameters by studying the distribution of clusters according to their mass and redshift. However, a tension is observed between the cosmological constraints established by the study of the primary anisotropies of the cosmological background and those resulting from the analysis of the distribution of galaxy clusters. This may imply that our cosmological model is incomplete. The observation of clusters from the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect allows us to constrain their gas pressure. This observable can be directly linked to the mass of galaxy clusters via a scaling relation and a pressure profile. It is thus essential to characterize the latter precisely in order to limit the potential bias and systematic effects affecting cosmological analyses. This thesis presents the work carried out to this end. It covers topics ranging from SZ observations made with the NIKA2 camera installed at the IRAM 30-metre telescope to the estimation of cosmological parameters, and including the analysis of NIKA2 raw data and the SZ maps produced.Part of the thesis work presented in this document is dedicated to the study and the improvement of the different tasks carried out, from the observations of galaxy clusters with the NIKA2 camera to the production of maps of the SZ effect. The procedures developed to estimate the NIKA2 instrumental performance are detailed and the analysis pipeline used to analyze the raw data is presented.The work carried out in this thesis also consisted in characterizing the thermodynamic properties of galaxy clusters using joint analyzes that combine the NIKA2 SZ maps with X-ray data measured by the XMM-Newton satellite. We detail the methods used in the SZ data processing software created for the NIKA2 SZ large program, the non-parametric deprojection procedure developed to characterize the pressure profile of galaxy clusters and the results of the first SZ observation with NIKA2.The last activities presented are dedicated to the analyses carried out to quantify the impact of the NIKA2 SZ large program on cosmology. We analyze the effect of dynamic disturbances of the intracluster medium on the characterization of the pressure profile with NIKA2 via the use of clusters from the MUSIC N-body simulation. Finally, we detail the study realized in order to estimate the impact of a modification of the universal pressure profile on the estimation of cosmological parameters derived from the power spectrum of the SZ effect measured by Planck.
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Numerical studies of diffusion and amplification of magnetic fields in turbulent astrophysical plasmas / Estudos numéricos de difusão e amplificação de campos magnéticos em plasmas astrofísicos turbulentos

Reinaldo Santos de Lima 17 May 2013 (has links)
In this thesis we investigated two major issues in astrophysical flows: the transport of magnetic fields in highly conducting fluids in the presence of turbulence, and the turbulence evolution and turbulent dynamo amplification of magnetic fields in collisionless plasmas. The first topic was explored in the context of star-formation, where two intriguing problems are highly debated: the requirement of magnetic flux diffusion during the gravitational collapse of molecular clouds in order to explain the observed magnetic field intensities in protostars (the so called \"magnetic flux problem\") and the formation of rotationally sustained protostellar discs in the presence of the magnetic fields which tend to remove all the angular momentum (the so called \"magnetic braking catastrophe\"). Both problems challenge the ideal MHD description, usually expected to be a good approximation in these environments. The ambipolar diffusion, which is the mechanism commonly invoked to solve these problems, has been lately questioned both by observations and numerical simulation results. We have here investigated a new paradigm, an alternative diffusive mechanism based on fast magnetic reconnection induced by turbulence, termed turbulent reconnection diffusion (TRD). We tested the TRD through fully 3D MHD numerical simulations, injecting turbulence into molecular clouds with initial cylindrical geometry, uniform longitudinal magnetic field and periodic boundary conditions. We have demonstrated the efficiency of the TRD in decorrelating the magnetic flux from the gas, allowing the infall of gas into the gravitational well while the field lines migrate to the outer regions of the cloud. This mechanism works for clouds starting either in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium or initially out-of-equilibrium in free-fall. We estimated the rates at which the TRD operate and found that they are faster when the central gravitational potential is higher. Also we found that the larger the initial value of the thermal to magnetic pressure ratio (beta) the larger the diffusion process. Besides, we have found that these rates are consistent with the predictions of the theory, particularly when turbulence is trans- or super-Alfvénic. We have also explored by means of 3D MHD simulations the role of the TRD in protostellar disks formation. Under ideal MHD conditions, the removal of angular momentum from the disk progenitor by the typically embedded magnetic field may prevent the formation of a rotationally supported disk during the main protostellar accretion phase of low mass stars. Previous studies showed that an enhanced microscopic diffusivity of about three orders of magnitude larger than the Ohmic diffusivity would be necessary to enable the formation of a rotationally supported disk. However, the nature of this enhanced diffusivity was not explained. Our numerical simulations of disk formation in the presence of turbulence demonstrated the efficiency of the TRD in providing the diffusion of the magnetic flux to the envelope of the protostar during the gravitational collapse, thus enabling the formation of rotationally supported disks of radius ~ 100 AU, in agreement with the observations. The second topic of this thesis has been investigated in the framework of the plasmas of the intracluster medium (ICM). The amplification and maintenance of the observed magnetic fields in the ICM are usually attributed to the turbulent dynamo action which is known to amplify the magnetic energy until close equipartition with the kinetic energy. This is generally derived employing a collisional MHD model. However, this is poorly justified a priori since in the ICM the ion mean free path between collisions is of the order of the dynamical scales, thus requiring a collisionless-MHD description. We have studied here the turbulence statistics and the turbulent dynamo amplification of seed magnetic fields in the ICM using a single-fluid collisionless-MHD model. This introduces an anisotropic thermal pressure with respect to the direction of the local magnetic field and this anisotropy modifies the MHD linear waves and creates kinetic instabilities. Our collisionless-MHD model includes a relaxation term of the pressure anisotropy due to the feedback of the mirror and firehose instabilities. We performed 3D numerical simulations of forced transonic turbulence in a periodic box mimicking the turbulent ICM, assuming different initial values of the magnetic field intensity and different relaxation rates of the pressure anisotropy. We showed that in the high beta plasma regime of the ICM where these kinetic instabilities are stronger, a fast anisotropy relaxation rate gives results which are similar to the collisional-MHD model in the description of the statistical properties of the turbulence. Also, the amplification of the magnetic energy due to the turbulent dynamo action when considering an initial seed magnetic field is similar to the collisional-MHD model, particularly when considering an instantaneous anisotropy relaxation. The models without any pressure anisotropy relaxation deviate significantly from the collisional-MHD results, showing more power in small-scale fluctuations of the density and velocity field, in agreement with a significant presence of the kinetic instabilities; however, the fluctuations in the magnetic field are mostly suppressed. In this case, the turbulent dynamo fails in amplifying seed magnetic fields and the magnetic energy saturates at values several orders of magnitude below the kinetic energy. It was suggested by previous studies of the collisionless plasma of the solar wind that the pressure anisotropy relaxation rate is of the order of a few percent of the ion gyrofrequency. The present study has shown that if this is also the case for the ICM, then the models which best represent the ICM are those with instantaneous anisotropy relaxation rate, i.e., the models which revealed a behavior very similar to the collisional-MHD description. / Nesta tese, investigamos dois problemas chave relacionados a fluidos astrofísicos: o transporte de campos magnéticos em plasmas altamente condutores na presença de turbulência, e a evolução da turbulência e amplificação de campos magnéticos pelo dínamo turbulento em plasmas não-colisionais. O primeiro tópico foi explorado no contexto de formação estelar, onde duas questões intrigantes são intensamente debatidas na literatura: a necessidade da difusão de fluxo magnético durante o colapso gravitacional de nuvens moleculares, a fim de explicar as intensidades dos campos magnéticos observadas em proto-estrelas (o denominado \"problema do fluxo magnético\"), e a formação de discos proto-estelares sustentados pela rotação em presença de campos magnéticos, os quais tendem a remover o seu momento angular (a chamada \"catástrofe do freamento magnético\"). Estes dois problemas desafiam a descrição MHD ideal, normalmente empregada para descrever esses sistemas. A difusão ambipolar, o mecanismo normalmente invocado para resolver estes problemas, vem sendo questionada ultimamente tanto por observações quanto por resultados de simulações numéricas. Investigamos aqui um novo paradigma, um mecanismo de difusão alternativo baseado em reconexão magnética rápida induzida pela turbulência, que denominamos reconexão turbulenta (TRD, do inglês turbulent reconnection diffusion). Nós testamos a TRD através de simulações numéricas tridimensionais MHD, injetando turbulência em nuvens moleculares com geometria inicialmente cilíndrica, permeadas por um campo magnético longitudinal e fronteiras periódicas. Demonstramos a eficiência da TRD em desacoplar o fluxo magnético do gás, permitindo a queda do gás no poço de potencial gravitacional, enquanto as linhas de campo migram para as regiões externas da nuvem. Este mecanismo funciona tanto para nuvens inicialmente em equilíbrio magneto-hidrostático, quanto para aquelas inicialmente fora de equilíbrio, em queda livre. Nós estimamos as taxas em que a TRD opera e descobrimos que são mais rápidas quando o potencial gravitacional é maior. Também verificamos que quanto maior o valor inicial da razão entre a pressão térmica e magnética (beta), mais eficiente é o processo de difusão. Além disto, também verificamos que estas taxas são consistentes com as previsões da teoria, particularmente quando a turbulência é trans- ou super-Alfvénica. Também exploramos por meio de simulações MHD 3D a influência da TRD na formação de discos proto-estelares. Sob condições MHD ideais, a remoção do momento angular do disco progenitor pelo campo magnético da nuvem pode evitar a formação de discos sustentados por rotação durante a fase principal de acreção proto-estelar de estrelas de baixa massa. Estudos anteriores mostraram que uma super difusividade microscópica aproximadamente três ordens de magnitude maior do que a difusividade ôhmica seria necessária para levar à formação de um disco sustentado pela rotação. No entanto, a natureza desta super difusividade não foi explicada. Nossas simulações numéricas da formação do disco em presença de turbulência demonstraram a eficiência da TRD em prover a diffusão do fluxo magnético para o envelope da proto-estrela durante o colapso gravitacional, permitindo assim a formação de discos sutentados pela rotação com raios ~ 100 UA, em concordância com as observações. O segundo tópico desta tese foi abordado no contexto dos plasmas do meio intra-aglomerado de galáxias (MIA). A amplificação e manutenção dos campos magnéticos observados no MIA são normalmente atribuidas à ação do dínamo turbulento, que é conhecidamente capaz de amplificar a energia magnética até valores próximos da equipartição com a energia cinética. Este resultado é geralmente derivado empregando-se um modelo MHD colisional. No entanto, isto é pobremente justificado a priori, pois no MIA o caminho livre médio de colisões íon-íon é da ordem das escalas dinâmicas, requerendo então uma descrição MHD não-colisional. Estudamos aqui a estatística da turbulência e a amplificação por dínamo turbulento de campos magnéticos sementes no MIA, usando um modelo MHD não-colisional de um único fluido. Isto indroduz uma pressão térmica anisotrópica com respeito à direção do campo magnético local. Esta anisotropia modifica as ondas MHD lineares e cria instabilidades cinéticas. Nosso modelo MHD não-colisional inclui um termo de relaxação da anisotropia devido aos efeitos das instabilidades mirror e firehose. Realizamos simulações numéricas 3D de turbulência trans-sônica forçada em um domínio periódico, mimetizando o MIA turbulento e considerando diferentes valores iniciais para a intensidade do campo magnético, bem como diferentes taxas de relaxação da anisotropia na pressão. Mostramos que no regime de plasma com altos valores de beta no MIA, onde estas instabilidades cinéticas são mais fortes, uma rápida taxa de relaxação da anisotropia produz resultados similares ao modelo MHD colisional na descrição das propriedades estatísticas da turbulência. Além disso, a amplificação da energia mangética pela ação do dínamo turbulento quando consideramos um campo magnético semente, é similar ao modelo MHD colisional, particularmente quando consideramos uma relaxação instantânea da anisotropia. Os modelos sem qualquer relaxação da anisotropia de pressão mostraram resultados que se desviam significativamente daqueles do MHD colisional, mostrando mais potências nas flutuações de pequena escala da densidade e velocidade, em concordância com a presença significativa das instabilidades cinéticas nessas escalas; no entanto, as flutuações do campo magnético são, em geral, suprimidas. Neste caso, o dínamo turbulento também falha em amplificar campos magnéticos sementes e a energia magnética satura em valores bem abaixo da energia cinética. Estudos anteriores do plasma não-colisional do vento solar sugeriram que a taxa de relaxação da anisotropia na pressão é da ordem de uma pequena porcentagem da giro-frequência dos íons. O presente estudo mostrou que, se este também é o caso para o MIA, então os modelos que melhor representam o MIA são aqueles com taxas de relaxação instantâneas, ou seja, os modelos que revelaram um comportamento muito similar à descrição MHD colisional.
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Influence du trou noir supermassif central dans l’amas de galaxies MACS J1447.4+0827

Latulippe, Myriam 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Nouvelles observations et techniques d'apprentissage automatique appliquées aux galaxies et aux amas de galaxies

Rhea, Carter 10 1900 (has links)
Les amas de galaxies sont l'une des plus grandes structures dans l'univers et jouent le rôle d'hôte de plusieurs phénomènes complexes. Bien qu'il existe beaucoup d'études portant sur leur formation et leur évolution, l'avènement récent de l'apprentissage automatique en astronomie nous permet d'investiguer des questions qui, jusqu'à maintenant, demeuraient sans réponse. Même si ce mémoire se concentre sur l'application de techniques d'apprentissage automatique aux observations en rayons X des amas de galaxies, nous explorons l'usage de ces techniques à son homologue à une échelle réduite : les galaxies elles-mêmes. Malgré le fait que les trois articles présentés dans ce mémoire se concentrent sur différents aspects de la physique, sur de différentes échelles et sur de différentes techniques, ils forment une base d'études que je continuerai pendant mon doctorat : l'usage des nouvelles techniques pour investiguer la physique des régions galactiques et extragalactiques. Dans le premier article, nous introduisons les premières observations en rayons X d'un amas de galaxies lointain qui détient des attributs particuliers comme une formation stellaire hors pair (∽ 900 M⊙/an). Dans cet article, nous employons les techniques traditionnelles en astronomie rayons X pour déterminer si ce taux de formation stellaire est dû à un courant de refroidissement désinhibé. Puisque l'objet est très lointain (z=1.7), il faut faire nos calculs sans beaucoup de photons et il faut donc utiliser les indices par procuration. Nous déterminons que la galaxie centrale est séparée d'une distance de plus de 50 kpc du coeur froid de l'amas. À cause de cette séparation, le trou noir supermassif central n'est pas alimenté et il ne peut pas prévenir le courant de refroidissement. Ceci est le premier exemple d'un amas de galaxies où nous observons l'échec de la rétroaction d'un trou noir supermassif. De plus, ceci nous fournit un autre mécanisme qui peut créer la lumière intra-amas. Dans le deuxième article présenté ici, nous examinons l'émission rayons X provenant du milieu intra-amas extrêmement chaud des amas de galaxies. Nous développons une méthode compréhensive qui détermine le nombre de composantes thermiques sous-jacentes dans un spectre de plasma. Notre nouvelle technique est basée sur une combinaison d'algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique non supervisé (analyse de composantes principales) et d'apprentissage automatique supervisé (arbre aléatoire). Nous créons un ensemble de 100 000 observations synthétiques et réalistes de Chandra qui représentent le gaz chaud dans les amas de galaxies voisines. Après la réduction de notre ensemble d'entraînement à ses 25 composantes principales, nous entraînons notre classificateur afin qu'il puisse déterminer le nombre de composantes thermiques sous-jacentes. Une fois l'étape d'entraînement terminée et l'optimisation des hyperparamètres terminée, nous appliquons la méthodologie à l'amas de galaxies de Persée. En plus de créer une carte de l'amas qui indique le nombre de composantes thermiques nécessaires afin de modéliser précisément l'émission du gaz chaud, nous avons développé un ensemble d'outils numériques qui calculent les températures associées. Nos résultats sont en accord avec plus d'une décennie d'études sur l'amas de galaxies de Persée et nous indiquent qu'il faut utiliser plusieurs composantes thermiques pour modéliser le milieu intra-amas correctement. Le troisième article présenté dans ce mémoire emploie de nouveau l'apprentissage automatique pour résoudre une question précédemment sans réponse nécessaire pour la caractérisation précise de la cinématique de gaz chaud dans les galaxies. Nous avons construit un réseau de neurones convolutif qui estime la vitesse et l'élargissement des raies d'émission d'un spectre de galaxies en visible. Une fois construit, nous l'appliquons aux données synthétiques qui répliquent les observations réelles de SITELLE du programme SIGNALS. En utilisant notre réseau bien entraîné, nous caractérisons l'émission d'une cible de SIGNALS : la galaxie M33. Nos résultats indiquent que notre algorithme surpasse les méthodes standards et s'adapte bien aux procédures d'ajustement spectral. En outre, notre méthodologie augmente la vitesse des calculs par plus d'un ordre de grandeur. Bien que l'algorithme soit entraîné spécifiquement pour SITELLE, on peut faire de petites modifications pour l'utiliser avec des autres interféromètres tels que MUSE et ses futurs analogues dans la prochaine génération de télescopes. Notez que j'ai mené à titre de premier auteur deux des trois articles présentés dans ce mémoire et apporté des contributions majeures au troisième. Les trois articles ont déjà été acceptés pour publication ou ont déjà été soumis et révisés une fois. / Galaxy clusters are one of the largest structures in the universe and host several complex physical phenomena. Although a wealth of knowledge already exists on their formation and evolution, the recent advent of machine learning in the astronomical sciences has allowed us to probe questions heretofore unanswered. While this thesis does focus heavily on the application of machine learning techniques to X-ray observations of galaxy clusters, it takes the techniques applied there to galaxy cluster's smaller counterparts: the individual galaxies themselves. Although the three papers presented here focus on distinct physics, scales, and techniques, they all form a basis of studies that I will continue during my doctorate: using new techniques to probe the underlying physics of galactic and extragalactic regions. The first paper introduced is a study of a galaxy cluster near the beginning of the epoch of cluster formation exhibiting peculiar attributes such as an elevated stellar formation rate (∽ 900M⊙/yr). In this paper, we employ traditional techniques in X-ray astronomy to determine whether or not the prodigious formation rate is due to an uninhibited cooling core. Since the object is so distant (z=1.7), we must execute our calculations with relatively few photons and thus rely on proxy measures. We determine that there exists a strong cooling flow offset by over 50 kpc from the central galaxy. Because of this offset, the AGN is not fueled and thus fails to heat up the cooling flow. This is the first example of a galaxy cluster in which we observe the failure of AGN feedback. Additionally, this provides another mechanism for the creation of intracluster light. The second article presented here focuses on X-ray emission from the hot intra-cluster medium within the galaxy cluster. We develop a comprehensive method for determining the number of underlying thermal components in the plasma's spectra. Our novel technique relies on a combination of an unsupervised learning algorithm (principal component analysis) and a supervised learning algorithm (random forest classification). We create a set of 100,000 realistic mock Chandra observations of the hot X-ray emitting gas in nearby galaxy clusters. After reducing our synthetic training set to its 25 most important principal components, we trained a random forest classifier to distinguish between the number of underlying thermal components. After successful testing and hyperparameter optimization, we applied the methodology third paper featured in this thesis once again employs machine learning to solve a previously undetermined question necessary for the accurate characterization of the kinematics of the warm gas in galaxies. We constructed a convolutional neural network to estimate the velocity and broadening parameters from the optical spectra of emission-line nebula and applied it to synthetic data replicating real SITELLE observations from the SIGNALS program. With a trained and optimized network in hand, we apply our methodology to a target of the SIGNALS program: the galaxy M33. Our results indicate our algorithm out-performs previous methods and nicely complements spectral fitting procedures. Moreover, the methodology increases calculation speeds by more than an order of magnitude -- thus greatly reducing the time needed to determine the kinematic parameters. Although the algorithm was trained for SITELLE data, this method can be readily ported to other IFUs such as MUSE. I have led two of the papers presented in this memoire and made major contributions to the third. All three papers have been either accepted for publication or have already been submitted and revised once. to the Perseus Cluster. In addition to creating a map of the cluster indicating the number of thermal components required to accurately model the thermal emission, we developed a suite of analysis routines to determine the temperatures of the underlying components. Our results are in agreement with over a decade of studies on the Perseus cluster and indicate that multiple temperature components are required for the accurate study of its intracluster medium.
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Nouvelles observations radio de l'amas de galaxies MS 0735.6+7421 avec le Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array

Bégin, Théophile 07 1900 (has links)
Les amas des galaxies sont l’une des plus grandes structures liées gravitationnellement de l’univers. Leur dynamique est complexe et bien que plusieurs études multi-longueur d’onde ont été effectuées depuis la fin du 20ème siècle, il persiste plusieurs incertitudes sur les subtilités de leur dynamique. À ce jour, le consensus scientifique est que les trous noirs supermassifs actifs au centre des amas ont un impact important sur l’évolution de ces structures. Le trou noir central agit comme centre gravitationnel, mais lorsque ce trou noir est actif, son rôle ne se limite pas seulement à son impact gravitationnel. D’une part, les trous noirs actifs ont un rôle crucial dans l’émission thermique des amas. En effet, les jets radio influencent l’émission rayons-X des amas en poussant mécaniquement le milieu intra-amas qui émet en rayons-X via l’émission Bremsstrahlung. Ce phénomène engendre la formation de cavités rayons-X qui constituent une preuve de la rétroaction énergétique du trou noir sur l’ensemble de l’amas. Un tel phénomène est nécessaire afin d’expliquer les résultats observationnels qui témoignent d’un refroidissement moins important que prédit théoriquement au centre des amas à cœur froid. D’autre part, il existe de plus en plus d’études qui supportent l’hypothèse que les trous noirs actifs ont un rôle dans la (ré-)accélération de particules relativistes responsables de l’émission synchrotron au cœur des amas à cœur froid. Ces structures appelées mini-halos sont typiquement diffuses en radio et donc difficiles à détecter. Dans ce mémoire, nous étudierons en détail l’émission radio de l’amas de galaxies massif à cœur froid MS 0735.6+7421 (z = 0.216). Cet amas est unique puisqu’il possède les jets radio les plus énergétiques détectés au centre d’un amas à cœur froid. Il s’agit donc d’un exemple de trou noir actif parmi les plus extrêmes connus. Cet objet constitue ainsi une cible parfaite afin d’étudier le lien qui unit la rétroaction du trou noir actif central et l’émission synchrotron au centre des amas à cœur froid. Pour réaliser cette étude, nous avons effectué une analyse radio exhaustive de MS 0735.6+7421 à l’aide de données acquises sur le Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. Cette analyse a permis de détecter une nouvelle structure radio diffuse jamais détectée auparavant. Cette nouvelle structure possède une puissance radio à 1.4 GHz qui concorde avec celles des mini-halos les plus lumineux. Le résultat principal de notre étude supporte donc l’hypothèse selon laquelle il existe un lien fondamental entre la rétroaction du trou noir actif central et la formation de mini-halos au centre des amas à cœur froid. / Galaxy clusters are one of the largest gravitationally bound structures in the universe. They exhibit complex dynamics and even though several multi-wavelength studies have been conducted since the end of the 20th century, there are still a lot of uncertainties concerning their evolution. To this day, the scientific consensus is that the active supermassive black hole at the center of the cluster has a profound impact on the cluster’s evolution. Indeed, the central supermassive black hole has a substantial gravitational impact, but when the black hole actively accretes material, its role goes beyond its gravitational influence. Active supermassive black holes have a crucial role in terms of the thermal emission in clusters. Indeed, the radio jets influence the X-ray emission of clusters by mechanically pushing the intracluster medium which emits in X-ray via Bremsstrahlung emission. This leads to the formation of X-ray cavities which are proof of the energetic feedback of the central supermassive black hole on the cluster. Such a phenomenon is required to reconcile the observational results that report less cooling at the center of cool core clusters than what is theoretically predicted. Moreover, there are more and more studies that support the hypothesis that active supermassive black holes have a crucial role in the (re-)acceleration of seed particles responsible for synchrotron emission at the center of cool core clusters. These structures are named mini-halos and are usually difficult to detect because they are diffuse. In this Master’s thesis, we will study the radio emission of the massive cool core galaxy cluster MS 0735.6+7421 (z = 0.216). This cluster is unique because it exhibits the most powerful radio jets ever detected at the center of a cool core cluster. It thus contains one of the most powerful active supermassive black holes known. This object is a perfect target to study the link between active black hole feedback and synchrotron emission in cool core clusters. To conduct this study, we performed a radio analysis of MS 0735.6+7421 with new data obtained with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. This analysis led to the discovery of an extended diffuse radio structure. This newly detected structure has a radio power at 1.4 GHz that matches the most luminous mini-halos known in the literature. The principal result of our study argues in favor of the hypothesis that there is a fundamental link between active black hole feedback and the formation of mini-halos at the center of cool core clusters.
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L'impact des trous noirs les plus massifs de l’Univers sur le coeur des amas de galaxies

Richard-Laferrière, Annabelle 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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