Spelling suggestions: "subject:"invasions"" "subject:"d'invasions""
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Molecular ecology of two invasive legumes (Acacia saligna and Paraserianthes lophantha)Thompson, Genevieve Dawn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Large-scale human-mediated movements of organisms promote the establishment of species outside their native ranges and a very small proportion of these species become invasive. Invasive species management typically assumes that introduced species are single, static evolutionary units that are genetically analogous to their native counterparts. However, studies have shown that native and introduced populations of a number of introduced plants differ vastly in their genetic composition. These differences may negatively affect the overall success of control and management programmes, particularly for species that are intra-specifically diverse. The influence of intra-specific diversity on the invasion process was tested in two widely exported tree species that are native to Western Australia, Acacia saligna (three subspecies) and Paraserianthes lophantha (two subspecies).
Climate matching between the native and introduced range (using species distribution models, SDM) is widely used to forecast future invasion risks, however, it is unknown if SDMs can detect intra-specific niche differences in invasive plants. The SDMs I developed for the subspecies of A. saligna detected intra-specific differences within the native range, but did not predict the full invasive distribution in South Africa. Unsurprisingly, SDMs agreed with genetic analyses (based on nuclear microsatellites, nuclear DNA, and chloroplast DNA) and did not assign South African populations to any subspecies of A. saligna. South African populations were assigned to a novel genetic entity likely produced by human cultivation practices. A global phylogeny identified this cultivated genotype in introduced populations in eastern Australia and Portugal, while the remaining introduced populations differed markedly in their genetic composition. Overall, A. saligna‘s high intra-specific diversity and complex introduction history generated a variety of genetic patterns across the current global distribution of the taxon.
Global populations of P. lophantha were processed using a similar approach to that used for A. saligna, and aimed to determine if the same pathways and modes of introduction produced analogous genetic patterns in a closely related species. Diverse arrays of genotypes were identified in introduced populations of P. lophantha, suggesting inconsistent sampling of a variety of native sources. Further work is however needed to clarify the morphological and genetic differences (if any) between the intra-specific entities, and identify exactly which P. lophantha subspecies were introduced outside of their native range,
The variation in the global distribution of genetic diversity observed in A. saligna and P.lophantha demonstrated that intra-specific genetic variation, human usage, and the pathway and manner of introduction interact during several phases of the invasion process and collectively determine the introduced genetic patterns. The dissimilarity in the distribution of genotypes in both species suggests that they might not behave the same way throughout their introduced range. Consequently, management insights might not be transferrable between regions. More generally, my findings provide an important contribution to the debate whether (and how quickly) introduced and native populations should be treated as fundamentally different entities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Grootskaalse menslike verskuiwing van organismes bevorder die vestiging van spesies buite hul natuurlike voorkomsareas en 'n klein hoeveelheid van hierdie spesies word indringers. Tydens die bestuur van indringerspesies word dit tipies aanvaar dat ingevoerde indringerspesies enkele, statiese evolusionêre eenhede is wat analoog is aan hul inhmeemse eweknieë. Studies het egter getoon dat inheemse en uitheemse populasies van 'n aantal ingevoerde plante aansienlik verskil in hul genetiese samestelling. Hierdie verskille kan 'n negatiewe invloed op die algehele sukses van beheer- en bestuursprojekte hê, veral vir die spesies wat intra-spesifiek divers is. Die invloed van intra-spesifieke diversiteit op die indringingsproses is getoets aan twee boomspesies, inheems aan Wes-Australië, wat wyd uitgevoer word: Acacia saligna (drie subspesies) en Paraserianthes lophantha (twee subspesies).
Vergelyking van klimaatstoestande tussen n spesie se in- en uitheemse voorkomsareas word wyd gebruik om toekomstige indringingsrisiko te voorspel. Dit was voor hierdie navorsing onduidelik of spesie verspreiding modelle (SVMs) intra-spesifieke nis-verskille in indringerplante kan uitwys. SVMs wat vir die subspesies van A. saligna ontwikkel is, kon intra-spesifieke verskille in Wes-Australië uitwys, maar het nie die volle verspreiding van die spesies in Suid-Afrika voorspel nie. Onverbasend, is geen Suid-Afrikaanse populasies deur genetiese analise (gebaseer op die kern mikrosatelliete, kern-DNS, en chloroplas-DNS) toegewys aan 'n subspesie van A. Saligna nie. Suid-Afrikaanse populasies het 'n nuwe genetiese entiteit wat waarskynlik gekweek is deur menslike verbouingspraktyke. 'n Globale filogenie het hierdie verboude genotipe in addisionele ingevoerde populasies in die ooste van Australië en Portugal geïdentifiseer. Mikrosatelliet genotipes van uitheemse populasies wêreldwyd in Oos-Australië, Israel, Italië, Nieu-Seeland, Portugal, Suid-Afrika, Spanje en die VSA verskil merkbaar in hul genetiese samestelling. A. saligna se hoë intra-spesifieke diversiteit en komplekse geskiedenis van invoer (wat verbouing, wye verspreiding en hoë ―propagule druk betrek), het 'n verskeidenheid van genetiese patrone oor die huidige globale verspreiding van die takson gegenereer. Om te bepaal of 'n globale uiteenlopende genetiese patroon binne nouverwante spesies bestaan, is globale bevolkings van Paraserianthes lophantha verwerk deur gebruik te maak van 'n soortgelyke benadering as wat vir A. saligna gebruik is. Globale populasies van beide studie-spesies bestaan uit 'n diverse verskeidenheid van genotipes. Resultate dui daarop dat P. lophantha van 'n verskeidenheid inheemse bronne ingevoer is. Om te identifiseer watter P. lophantha subspesies buite hul natuurlike voorkomsarea versprei is, word verdere werk benodig om die morfologiese en genetiese verskille (indien enige) tussen die intra-spesifieke entiteite vas te stel.
In hierdie tesis het ek gewys dat intra-spesifieke genetiese variasie, menslike gebruik en invoering-geskiedenis saam werk om genetiese patrone in uitheemse populasies te vorm. Verder het ek die waarde van die gebruik van verskillende molekulêre benaderings om indringing geskiedenis te verstaan, gedemonstreer. Die verskil in die verspreiding van die genotipes van A. saligna en P. lophantha dui daarop dat hulle moontlik nie op dieselfde manier dwarsdeur hul uitheemse verspreidingsarea mag optree nie. Bestuursinsigte mag gevolglik nie oordraagbaar wees tussen streke nie. Meer algemeen, bied my bevindings 'n belangrike bydrae tot die debat of (en hoe vinnig) inheemse en ingevoerde populasies behandel moet word as fundamenteel verskillende entiteite.
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The effects of invasive trees in riparian zones and implications for management and restoration : insights from Eucalyptus invasions in South AfricaTererai, Farai 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Worldwide, invasive alien plants (IAPs) alter aspects of invaded ecosystems including geomorphology, above-ground vegetation, soil seed banks and soil nutrient regimes, thereby affecting the long-term stability of ecosystems. In many cases these invasions call for various management interventions, including restoration. Effects of alien plant invaders on native ecosystems are widely acknowledged, but compared to terrestrial ecosystems, riparian habitats are poorly studied. Riparian habitats are inherently rich in biodiversity, but are particularly prone to invasion by IAPs because of their dynamic nature and because these ecosystems are affected by many anthropogenic activities. This enhances the proliferation of IAPs, especially trees such as Tamarix spp. (e.g. in the southwestern United States), Salix spp. (e.g. in Australia), and Australian Acacia spp. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis (in South Africa). Initiatives such as the Working for Water (WfW) programme in South Africa that are focusing on clearing IAPs, particularly in riparian zones, have reported much success in the short term, but ecosystem recovery remains limited. There is a poor understanding of the nature of the impacts of invasive trees, and of the opportunities that exist for ecosystem restoration. The objective of my thesis was to investigate the effects of the widespread invasions of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in riparian zones.
Methodological constraints have been identified as one reason for limited success of restoration projects. Many studies examining the effects of IAPs used a comparative approach of uninvaded (reference) and invaded sites. However, this approach often fails to separate cause from effect. An experimental removal approach has been suggested as an alternative, but it is often inappropriate for large invasive trees owing to time and cost constraints. I used a comparative gradient approach, involving sampling along a continuum from uninvaded sites, and varying E. camaldulensis invasion densities categorised as “lightly”, “moderately” and “heavily” invaded (hereafter the gradient of invasion), each with four replicates (n = 16). This approach enabled me to detect trends that could be reliably attributed to invasion. Furthermore, my study attempted to provide a comprehensive understanding of the effects of IAPs in invaded ecosystems by considering various components of the ecosystem and integrating their feedback relationships to establish the net effects on ecosystem processes. The riparian zone is a unique ecosystem which provides an opportunity for such a multifaceted study examining and integrating the effects of invasive trees on riparian geomorphology, above-ground vegetation, soil seed banks, and soil properties.
I studied the effects of E. camaldulensis invasion in riparian zones along the Berg River in the Mediterranean-type climate zone of the Western Cape, South Africa. I asked the questions 1) Are environmental conditions (i.e. the riparian environment created by geomorphological processes) altered by Eucalyptus invasion and if so, are these conditions less suitable for recruitment of indigenous species? 2. Has Eucalyptus invasion altered the composition of indigenous species (potentially limiting post-clearing propagule supply)? 3: How does Eucalyptus invasion change the composition of the riparian soil seed bank; and its potential to re-initiate ecosystem recovery? 4: Do soil properties (physical and chemical) change with Eucalyptus invasion?
Data for all four questions were collected in the same sites to enable cross comparisons. For the first question, I employed photogrammetry techniques in a GIS and remote sensing environment to analyse repeated aerial photographs (1938 -2010) to reconstruct the invasion history and riparian geomorphology evolutionary dynamics. For the second and third questions, I compared richness, diversity, evenness and composition of resident above-ground and seed bank vegetation between uninvaded sites and the gradient of invaded sites. For the fourth question, I compared a set of variables describing physico-chemical properties in uninvaded sites to the gradient of invaded sites seasonally.
Results of the geomorphology study showed that the riparian zone has been very dynamic over the 70 years, with a 13.5% net decrease in area. There was evidence of channel narrowing, riverbank steepening and river bed incision in areas that were densely invaded. No significant trends were detected in hydrometeorological data. The above-ground vegetation study revealed that species richness, diversity and structural attributes (e.g. height, relative cover and mean basal diameter) of native species decreased consistently along the invasion gradient. Invasion also altered native and alien plant species composition, both of which showed a high preference for lightly invaded sites. The seed bank study revealed that E. camaldulensis invasion had no significant effect on total and native species richness, diversity and evenness, however the effects were bigger on native than alien species. Alien species density was significantly higher than native species density. Invasion also influenced the composition of the native seed bank. However, native seed banks were more diverse than above-ground plant assemblages with some native fynbos species occurring only in the seed bank. In the soil study, I found that soil pH levels were significantly lower in invaded sites than in uninvaded sites in all seasons. Litter cover and thickness increased significantly with invasion intensity. Soil moisture decreased consistently with invasion intensity while temperature increased in winter and spring. Total macro, micro and available nutrients did not vary significantly along the invasion gradient (p > 0.05), but exchangeable cation content was significantly higher in uninvaded than in invaded sites, especially in winter and spring.
Narrowing of river channel and steepening of river banks reduces the suitability of the riparian zone to perform certain ecological functions such as soil seed storage and providing space for vegetation to grow. This reduces opportunities for seedling recruitment and consequently reduces species diversity. Conversely, the reduction of species diversity in above-ground vegetation reduces seed input into the soil leading to depauperate soil-stored seed banks. The abundance of seeds of Acacia mearnsii in the soil-stored seed bank poses a threat of secondary invasions post clearing of E. camaldulensis if this is adopted as a management action.
The study was successful in addressing the stated objectives. The transition from a native-dominated riparian plant community to a monoculture of E. camaldulensis over c. 50 years has resulted in marked changes to riparian geomorphology and above-ground vegetation, but has yet to radically change the total soil seed bank and soil nutrient concentrations. The findings offer support to the WfW clearing initiatives and show that potential for recovery of native species after removal of the invasive eucalypts still exists. This knowledge not only enhances effectiveness of restoration and long term management of riparian ecosystems, but also advances the field of riparian ecology and restoration. Further experimental work is needed to establish the mechanisms responsible for the changes associated with Eucalyptus invasion. The contribution of agriculture in shaping channel morphology also needs to be investigated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die langtermyn stabiliteit van ekosisteme wêreldwyd word bedreig deur uitheemse indringer plante (UIPs) wat, onder andere, die geomorfologie, bo-grondse plantegroei, onder-grondse saadbanke en voedingstofstatus van ekosisteme kan verander. In baie gevalle word bestuursoperasies vir indringer plante vereis, en sluit onder andere herstel (restorasie) in. Die invloed van UIPs op inheemse ekosisteme word wyd erken, maar kennis oor oewerbank-habitatte, in vergeleke met ander terrestriële ekosisteme, skiet steeds tekort. Oewerbank-habitatte is inherent ryk aan biodiversiteit maar uiters sensitief vir indringing deur UIPs. Dit is weens die dinamiese aard van hierdie ekosisteme asook vele menslike aktiwiteite in hierdie tipe habitat. Dit dra by tot die vermeerdering van UIPs, veral bome wat byvoorbeeld insluit Tamarix (tamariske) (bv. in die suid-wes van die Verenigde State van Amerika), Salix (wilger) (in bv. Australië) en die Australiese Acacia (wattel) en Eucalyptus spesies (bloekom) in Suid Afrika. Inisiatiewe soos die Werk vir Water (WvW) program in Suid Afrika fokus juis daarop om UIPs vanuit oewerbank areas te verwyder, en alhoewel groot sukses in die kort termyn behaal is, is die herstel van ekosisteme steeds beperk. Daar is dus min inligting beskikbaar oor die impak van indringer bome en gevolglik ook oor geleenthede vir die herstel van hierdie ekosisteme. My tesis ondersoek die impak van die wydverspreide voorkoms van die indringer, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, in oewerbank-omgewings.
Beperkte metodes is tans beskikbaar om die impak van indringer plante te ondersoek, en dit is geïdentifiseer as een van die oorsake vir die beperkte sukses van herstelprojekte. Baie studies ondersoek die effekte van UIPs deur natuurlike areas sonder enige indringer plante te vergelyk met areas waar UIPs voorkom. Hierdie tipe benadering kan ongelukkig, in meeste gevalle, nie onderskei tussen die oorsaak en die impak nie. ʼn Alternatiewe voorstel is om UIPs eksperimenteel te verwyder, maar is ongelukkig nie van toepassing op groot bome nie weens die tyd en kostes verbonde hieraan. Ek het gebruik gemaak van ʼn vergelykende-gradiënt benadering wat steekproefnemings langs ʼn geleidelike kontinuum van natuurlike areas sonder enige indringer plante na areas wat effens gematig, en erg ingedring is (hiernaas bekend as die indringer-gradiënt) deur die indringer, E. camaldulensis. Die steekproefnemings van elke kategorie van indringing (geen, effens, gematig en erg) is vier keer herhaal (n = 16). Hierdie benadering het my toegelaat om neigings te identifiseer wat met sekerheid toegeskryf kan word aan die teenwoordigheid van indringers. My studie het ook verder gemik om ʼn omvattende beskrywing van die impak van UIPs in ekosisteme met indringers te verskaf deur verskeie komponente van die ekosisteem, sowel as hul terugvoer-verhoudinge, in ag te neem, en sodoende die totale effek op ekosisteem prosesse te bepaal. ʼn Oewerbank is ʼn unieke ekosisteem wat ʼn geleentheid bied vir ʼn veelsydige studie wat die impakte van indringer bome op oewerbank-geomorfologie, bo-grond plantegroei, grond saadbanke en grondeienskappe, kan bestudeer en integreer.
Ek het die impak van die teenwoordigheid van die indringer, E. camaldulensis in oewerbank areas langs die Bergrivier, wat ʼn Meditereense-tipe klimaat het, in die Wes Kaap, Suid Afrika, bestudeer. My studie het die volgende vrae gevra: 1) Is omgewings-omstandighede (bv. die oewerbank-omgewing geskep deur geomorfologiese prosesse) verander deur die teenwoordigheid van die Eucalyptus indringing, en indien wel, is hierdie omstandighede minder geskik vir inheemse spesies?; 2) Het die indringing van Eucalyptus gelei tot ʼn verandering in die samestelling van inheemse spesie gemeenskappe (moontlik beperkte plant voorplantings materiaal nadat die indringer verwyder is)?; 3) Hoe verander die indringing van Eucalyptus die samestelling van saad teenwoordig in die grond (saad bank) van die oewerbank en het dit die potensiaal om ekosisteem-herstel weer aan die gang te sit?; 4) Verander indringer Eucalyptus grond eienskappe (fisies en chemies)?
Data vir al vier vrae is by dieselfde plek versamel om vergelykings te kan tref. Vir die eerste vraag het ek fotogrammetrie-tegnieke in ʼn Geografiese Inligting Stelsel (GIS) en afstandwaarnemings-omgewing toegepas om herhaalde lugfotos (1938-2010) te analiseer om die indringings geskiedenis sowel as die oewerbank se geomorfologiese evolusionêre dinamika saam te stel. Vir die tweede en derde vraag, het ek die aantal, diversiteit, gelykheid en samestelling van die bo-grond en saad bank plantegroei tussen natuurlike (geen indringers) en die gradiënt met indringers vergelyk. Vir die vierde en laaste vraag, het ek ʼn stel veranderlikes wat die fisies-chemiese eienskappe van die natuurlike omgewing sonder indringers beskryf, vergelyk met die eienskappe van die indringers gradiënt op ʼn seisoenale basis.
Die resultate van die geomorfologiese studie wys dat die oewerbank omgewing baie dinamies was oor die afgelope 70 jaar met ʼn totale afname van 13.5% in rivieroewer-area in die gebied wat bestudeer is. Daar is ook bewyse vir ʼn vernouing van die kanaal, toename in die steilte van die rivierbank sowel as insnyding in die rivierbedding in areas wat ernstige indringing ervaar. Daar was geen beduidende neigings in die hidro-meteorologiese data nie. Die studie van die bo-grondse plantegroei het gewys dat die aantal plantspesies, diversiteit en strukturele kenmerke (bv. hoogte, dekking en gemiddelde basale diameter) van inheemse spesies afneem soos wat die indringings gradiënt toeneem. Indringing verander ook die inheemse sowel as uitheemse plant spesies samestelling. Beide inheemse en uitheemse spesies het areas wat slegs effense indringing wys, verkies. ʼn Studie van die saad bank (aantal sade in die grond) het gewys dat die indringer, E. camaldulensis geen merkwaardige invloed op die aantal, diversiteit en gelykheid van die totale en inheemse spesies teenwoordig gehad het nie. Die aantal uitheemse spesies was merkwaardig meer as die aantal inheemse spesies. Alhoewel indringing ook die samestelling van die inheemse saadbank beïnvloed het, was die inheemse saad bank, waarvan sommige spesies slegs daar voorgekom het, meer divers as die bo-grond plant samestellings. ʼn Studie van die grond het gewys dat die pH vlakke, afgesien van die seisoen, aansienlik laer is in die areas met indringers in vergeleke met areas sonder die indringers. Die hoeveelheid en dikte van plantmateriaal op die grond neem ook toe met ʼn toename in indringers. Die waterinhoud van die grond het afgeneem met ʼn toename in indringers en temperatuur het verhoog in beide winter en lente. Die totale makro- en mikrovoedingstowwe het nie merkwaardig gewissel saam met die indringingsgradiënt nie (p > 0.05), maar die uitruilbare katioon inhoud was aansienlik hoër, veral in die winter en lente-maande, in die areas sonder indringers in vergelyking met die areas met indringers.
Vernouing van rivierkanaal en versteiling van rivieroewers verminder die geskiktheid van die oewersone om sekere ekologiese funksies te verrig soos grond-saadstoring en die verskaffing van ruimte vir plante om te groei. Dit verminder geleenthede vir werwing van saailinge en verminder gevolglik spesiediversiteit. Aan die ander kant, die vermindering van die spesiediversiteit in die bogrondse plantegroei verminder saadinsette in die grond en dit lei tot verarming van grondgestoorde saadbanke. Die oorvloed van sade van Acacia mearnsii in die grondgestoorde saadbank hou die bedreiging van sekondêre indringing in na die skoonmaak van E. camaldulensis indien dit wel as 'n bestuursaksie aangeneem word.
Hierdie studie het die uiteengesette doelwitte suksesvol aangespreek. Die oorgang van ʼn oewerbank-gemeenskap wat hoofsaaklik uit inheemse plante bestaan na ʼn gemeenskap wat slegs uit E. camaldulensis bestaan, oor ʼn periode van ongeveer 50 jaar, het duidelike veranderinge tot gevolg gehad. Hierdie veranderinge is veral opmerklik in die oewerbank-geomorfologie en bo-grondse plantegroei, maar tot op hede is dit nog nie so opmerklik in die saadbank en grond-voedingstowwe konsentrasies nie. Hierdie bevindinge bied ondersteuning aan die WvW verwyderings-ondernemings en wys dat daar wel moontlike herstel van inheemse spesies kan wees na die verwydering van die indringer Eucalyptus. Hierdie kennis dra nie net by tot verhoogde effektiwiteit van herstelwerk en langtermyn-bestuursplanne nie, maar ook tot die navorsingsveld van oewerbankekologie en-herstel. Verdere eksperimentele navorsing word benodig om die moontlike meganismes wat verantwoordelik is vir die waargeneemde veranderinge, geassosieerd met Eucalyptus indringing, te verduidelik. Die bydrae van landbou tot die vorming van kanaal morfologie moet ook verder bestudeer word.
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Distribution and impact of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), in South AfricaLuruli, Ndivhuwo Mord 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Invasion by the notorious tramp species, the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) has caused major concern around the globe, owing to its displacement of native ant species and other invertebrates where it invades. This species was first recorded in South Africa in 1901 in Stellenbosch, Western Cape Province (WCP), and has now become a significant pest in most urban and agricultural areas in the country. The Argentine ant has received relatively little attention in South Africa compared to other countries (e.g. California, North America). To date the extent of invasion by this species countrywide, as well as its impact on the local ant fauna inside protected areas, has not been quantified. In this study, the impact of the Argentine ant on native ant fauna inside three protected areas in the WCP (Helderberg Nature Reserve (HNR), Jonkershoek Nature Reserve (JNR) and Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve KBR)) was assessed. Species richness and diversity were compared between invaded and uninvaded bait stations at each protected area. Several native ant species were found to be displaced by the Argentine ant from all three protected areas, although three species: Meranoplus peringueyi, Monomorium sp. 8 and Tetramorium quadrispinosum, were found coexisting with it. Invaded bait stations had significantly lower ant species richness and species turnover than uninvaded bait stations. Uninvaded bait stations contained eight times more native ant species than invaded bait stations. Thus, the invasion of protected areas by the Argentine ant has severe negative consequences for the species richness and assemblage structure of native ants, leading to the biotic homogenization of these local ant communities. The distribution range of the Argentine ant inside the three protected areas (HNR, JNR, KBR), as well as microhabitat preferences that may facilitate the spread of this species inside these reserves, was also assessed. Helderberg Nature Reserve was the most invaded protected area, with the highest level of the Argentine ant occupancy, while JNR and KBR had lower occupancy levels. At all the three protected areas, this species was dominant at lower altitudinal areas, and also showed a clear preference for areas with high anthropogenic disturbances, i.e. around buildings and on lawns (picnic areas). In this study, there was no evidence that moisture availability facilitates the distribution and spread of the Argentine ant inside these reserves. Finally, a combination of published literature records, museum records and records collected in the current study was used to quantify the current distributional extent of the Argentine ant throughout urban South Africa. This is the first study quantifying the distribution and extent of invasion by the Argentine ant throughout the country. The Argentine ant was found in six of the nine South African Provinces, and its extent of occurrence includes approximately half of the country’s land surface area. Discontinuities in the distribution of the Argentine ant across the country revealed that range expansion of the Argentine ant in South Africa is occurring predominantly via human-mediated jump dispersal, rather than naturally via nest diffusion. This study clearly demonstrated that the Argentine ant is well established across South Africa as well as inside protected areas. The Argentine ant invasion was influenced by the presence of human modified landscapes (i.e. buildings) both at low and high altitude, and this was associated with higher rates of native ant species displacement at these areas. Therefore, limiting the development of recreational areas, such as buildings and picnic sites inside protected areas will result in the lower rate of spread of the Argentine ant. This will in turn lower the extent of displacement of native ant species. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Indringing deur die Argentynse mier (Linepithema humile Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is ‘n bron van groot kommer regoor die wêreld, as gevolg van sy vermoë om inheemse mier spesies en ander ongewerweldes te verplaas. Hierdie spesie is vir die eerste keer aangeteken in Suid-Afrika in 1901, in Stellenbosch, Weskaap Provinsie (WCP), en het ‘n belangrike pes geword in die meeste stedelike en landelike gebiede in die land. Die Argentynse mier het betreklik min aandag gekry in Suid-Afrika, in vergelyking met ander lande (bv. California, Noord Amerika). Tans is die omvang van die landwye indringing van hierdie spesie, sowel as sy impak op die plaaslike mier fauna binne beskermde areas, nog nie bepaal nie. In hierdie studie word die impak van die Argentynse mier op die inheemse mier fauna binne drie beskermde areas in die WCP (Helderberg Natuurreservaat (HNR), Jonkershoek Natuurreservaat (JNR) en Kogelberg Biosfeerreservaat (KBR)) bepaal. Spesierykheid en diversiteit was vergelyk tussen ingedringde en oningedringde lokaas stasies in elke beskermde area. Verskeie inheemse mier spesies was deur die Argentynse mier verplaas in al drie beskermde areas, alhoewel drie spesies: Meranoplus peringueyi, Monomorium sp. 8 en Tetramorium quadrispinosum het saam met dit voorgekom. Ingedringde lokaas stasies het beduidend laer mier spesierykheid en spesies omset gehad as oningedringde lokaas stasies. Dus, die indringing van beskermde areas deur die Argentynse mier het ernstige negatiewe gevolge vir die spesierykheid en gemeenskap struktuur van inheemse miere, wat lei tot die biotiese verarming van hierdie plaaslike mier gemeenskappe. Die verspreidingsarea van die Argentynse mier binne die drie beskermde areas (HNR, JNR, KBR), en die mikrohabitat voorkeure wat die verspreiding van die spesie binne hierdie reservate kan vergemaklik, was ook vasgestel. Helderberg Natuurreservaat was die mees ingedringde beskermde area, met die hoogste vlak van Argentynse mier besetting, terwyl JNR en KBR laer besettingsvlakke gehad het. By al drie die beskermde areas was hierdie spesie dominant by laer hoogtes bo seevlak en het ‘n duidelike voorkeur getoon vir areas met hoë menslike versteuring d.i. rondom geboue en op grasperke (piekniek areas). In hierdie studie was daar geen bewyse dat vog beskikbaarheid die voorkoms en verspreiding van die Argentynse mier binne die reservate vergemaklik nie. Ten slotte, ‘n kombinasie van gepubliseerde literatuur verslae, museum dokumente en verslae wat in hierdie studie versamel is, was gebruik om die huidige verspreidingsomvang van die Argentynse mier te bepaal. Dit is die eerste studie wat die verspreiding en omvang van indringing in stedelike Suid Afrika van die Argentynse mier dwarsdeur die land bepaal. Die Argentynse mier is gevind in ses van die nege provinsies in Suid-Afrika, en die omvang van sy voorkoms sluit bykans die helfte van die land se landoppervlaksarea in. Onderbrekings in die verspreiding van die Argentynse mier deur die land het blootgelê dat die uitbreiding van die voorkomsgebied van die Argentynse mier in Suid-Afrika hoofsaaklik gebeur deur mens bemiddelde verspreiding eerder as natuurlike nesverspreiding. Hierdie studie het duidelik gedemonstreer dat die Argentynse mier goed gevestig is regoor Suid-Afrika sowel as in beskermde areas. Die Argentynse mier indringing was beïnvloed deur mensgewysigde landskappe (d.i. geboue) by lae en hoë hoogtes bo seevlak, en dit was verwant aan hoër vlakke van verplasing van inheemse mier species in hierdie areas. Dus, die beperking van ontwikkeling van rekreasie areas, soos geboue en piekniekareas, in beskermde gebiede sal lei tot laer vlakke van verspreiding van die Argentynse mier. Dit sal, op sy beurt, die omvang van verplasing van die inheemse mier spesies verminder.
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Alien species and propagules in the Antarctic : movements through space and timeLee, Jennifer Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Botany and Zoology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although the impacts of biological invasions are widely appreciated, a bias exists in research effort to post‐dispersal processes because of the difficulties of measuring propagule pressure and the detecting of newly established species. Here the Antarctic is used as a model system in which to quantify the initial dispersal of alien species and investigate the factors that contribute to the establishment and range dynamics of alien species once they have arrived in the region.
Human movements are known to transport alien species into the Antarctic, some of which have successfully established and had wide ranging consequences in recipient ecosystems. Considering terrestrial flora, this research found that over 700 seeds from 99 taxa, including some species known to be invasive, are transported into the Antarctic each year in association with South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) passenger luggage and cargo. The first ever assessment of propagule drop‐off indicated that 30‐50% of these propagules will enter the recipient environment. Further results suggested that the construction of the British Antarctic Survey Halley VI station will facilitate the transport of over 5000 seeds from 34 taxa into the region, making this a significant pathway for introductions.
Propagule pressure due to SANAP logistics is also considerable for marine species. Fouling assemblages on the external hull surfaces of the SANAP resupply vessel, the SA Agulhas, form only once the vessel’s anti‐fouling paint has been damaged by travel through sea ice and are characterised by low diversity. Ice scour prevents fouling assemblages from being transported to the Antarctic continent, but assemblages remain largely intact when travelling to sub‐Antarctic Islands. In the sea‐chests of the vessel populations of a known invasive, Mytilus galloprovincialis, were found with some individuals having survived transportation to the Antarctic region on multiple occasions.
Once species have overcome initial dispersal barriers, they face further ecological and physiological challenges in order to establish in the recipient region. The parasitoid wasp Aphidius matricariae was first recorded on Marion Island in 2001. Surveys around the island show that adult abundance and the frequency of aphid parasitism are highest adjacent to a common anchor point of the SA Agulhas and decline away from this region. Genetic diversity was low, suggesting that the population was established from a single introduction. This highlights that high propagule pressure is not necessary for successful establishment of introduced invertebrates.
Another species that has overcome the dispersal barrier is the terrestrial slug Deroceras panormitanum, which was introduced to Marion Island in the 1970’s and has since spread throughout much of the coastal habitat of the island. For this species range limits are set by intolerance of low temperature and salinity, and abundance structure is characterized by patches and gaps which are associated with this species inability to tolerate dry conditions.
To prevent further alien introductions in the region, targeted management of high risk pathways is required. In addition, increased vigilance is needed to detect and manage newly established aliens before their ranges expand. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel die impak van biologiese indringings in die breë waardeer word, bestaan daar vooroordeel in navorsingspogings ten opsigte van na‐verspreidingsprosesse, weens die moeilikhede om verspreidingseenheid druk te meet en in die opsporing van nuut gevestigde spesies. Hier word die Antarktiese streek as ‘n model sisteem gebruik waarin die aanvanklike verspreiding van uitheemse spesies gekwantifiseer kan word en om die faktore wat bydrae tot die vestiging en grens dinamika van uitheemse spesies te ondersoek, wanneer hulle in ’n streek aangekom het.
Menslike bewegings is bekend daarvoor om uitheemse spesies na die Antarktiek te vervoer, sommige waarvan suksesvol gevestig het en omvattende gevolge in die ontvanger ekosisteme gehad het. Aangaande terrestriële flora het hierdie navorsing gevind dat oor die 700 sade van 99 taxa, insluitende sommige spesies wat bekend is om indringend te wees, jaarliks na die Antarktiek vervoer word in assosiasie met die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Antarktiese Program (SANAP) se bagasie en vrag. Die eerste waardebepaling van verspreidingseenheid afgooi het aangedui dat 30‐50% van hierdie verspreidingseenhede die ontvanger omgewing sal binnedring. Verdere resultate het voorgestel dat die konstruksie van die Britse Antarktiese Opname Halley VI stasie die vervoer van 5000 sade van 34 taxa sal fasiliteer die streek in, wat dit ’n betekenisvolle weg maak vir indringings.
Verspreidingseenheid druk is ook, as gevolg van die SANAP logistiek, aanmerklik vir mariene spesies. Vuilgoed versamelings op die eksterne omhullende oppervlaktes van die SANAP her‐voorsieningsvaartuig, die SA Agulhas, vorm wanneer die vaartuig se anti‐vuilgoed verf beskadig is met reis deur see‐ys en word gekenmerk deur lae diversiteit. Ys skuring voorkom dat vuilgoed versamelings vervoer word na die Antarktiese kontinent, maar versamelings bly grootliks vasgeheg wanneer na sub‐Antarktiese eilande gereis word. Populasies van ’n welbekende indringer, Mytilus galloprovincialis, is gevind in die see‐storingsarea van die vaartuig, met sommige individue wat die vervoering na die Antarktiese streek oorleef het op verskeie geleenthede. Wanneer spesies die aanvanklike verspreidingshindernisse oorkom het, staar hulle verdere ekologies en fisiologiese uitdagings in die gesig ten einde in die ontvanger streek te vestig. Die parasitiese wespe Aphidius matricariae is vir die eerste keer op Marion aangeteken in 2001. Opnames om die eiland toon dat volwasse oorvloed en die frekwensie van plantluis parasitisme die hoogste is aangrensend die algemene ankerpunt van die SA Agulhas en afneem weg van die omgewing af. Genetiese diversiteit was laag, wat voorstel dat die populasie gevestig het van ’n enkele bekendstelling. Dit lig uit dat hoë verspreidingseenheid druk nie nodig is vir die suksesvolle vestiging van bekendgestelde invertebrata nie.
‘n Ander spesie wat die verspreidingshindernisse oorkom het is die landslak Deroceras panormitanum wat in die 1970’s op Marion Eiland bekendgestel is en wat sedertdien versprei het oor meeste van die kushabitat van die eiland. Vir hierdie spesie word grens limiete vasgestel deur onverdraagsaamheid vir lae temperature en saliniteit en die oorvloedstruktuur word gekenmerk deur laslappe en gapings wat geassosieer word met die spesie se onvermoë om droë kondisies te hanteer.
Om verdere uitheemse bekendstellings in die streek te voorkom, word geteikende bestuur van hoë risiko weë vereis. Toenemende waaksamheid is bykomend nodig vir die opsporing en bestuur van nuutgevestigde uitheemse spesies voordat hulle grense verbreed.
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Public and scientific discourses on biological invasions : social representations of invasive non-native species in ScotlandSelge, Sebastian January 2011 (has links)
Invasive non-native species are believed to be one of the biggest threats to biodiversity. Until now biological invasions have been mainly studied from a biological perspective and much research has been undertaken to investigate species’ ecology and potential options for management. Comparatively little attention has been devoted to questions regarding the social construction of the issue. This is despite invasion biologists increasingly acknowledging the fundamental importance of human perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and values inherent in debates about invasive non-native species. This thesis employs a mix of methods from the social sciences to investigate the social construction of biological invasions. Research conducted here is based on the theory of social representations. Thus, taking a social scientific perspective, the thesis contributes to both the development of the theory and an identification of beliefs inherent in the debate on biological invasions and their relationship to people’s attitudes towards species and their management. Those species attributes that predominantly shape the debate – but yet appear to be under-researched – are identified. Based on the findings in this thesis I argue that invasion biology would benefit from a more explicit and transparent use of its concepts and terminology. This will have implications also for the communication with policy makers, conservation managers and the general public. Recommendations for future research are discussed along with limitations of the thesis.
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Judeus e marranos no Brasil holandês: pioneiros na colonozação de Nova York (séculoXVII) / Jews and Marranos in Dutch Brazil: pioneers in the colonization of New York (séculoXVII)Levy, Daniela Tonello 30 June 2008 (has links)
Os holandeses ocuparam durante 24 anos o nordeste brasileiro: Pernambuco, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte e Itamaracá. (1630-1654). Nesse período, Pernambuco se transformou numa verdadeira metrópole, com uma vida cultural intensa, onde poetas, cientistas e filósofos tornaram o Brasil num centro intelectual único na América do Sul. Nesse contexto, os judeus puderam constituir uma comunidade com escolas, sinagogas e cemitério, dando sua contribuição ao enriquecimento da vida cultural da região. No ano de 1654, os portugueses reconquistaram o Nordeste e os holandeses foram expulsos. Junto com os holandeses, foram também expulsos cerca de 600 judeus, pois no império português só a religião católica era permitida. Após sofrerem várias vicissitudes durante a viagem, vinte e três brasileiros; homens, mulheres e crianças, conseguiram chegar à Nova Amsterdã, atual Nova Iorque. O início da vida foi difícil. Nova Iorque era então uma insignificante vila, semideserta, governada por um calvinista fanático, que impôs sérias dificuldades aos recém-chegados. Depois de numerosas atribulações, os vinte e três judeus conseguiram sobreviver exercendo um pequeno comércio que logo se expandiu. Depois da guerra pela independência norte-americana, os descendentes dos sefaraditas alcançaram plena cidadania. A religião deixou de ser empecilho. Os judeus não eram mais uma minoria tolerada, mas cidadãos norte-americanos plenos. Os brasileiros e seus descendentes espalharam-se por diversas regiões dos Estados Unidos, e se sobressaíram na luta pelos direitos civis, pela tolerância e liberdade. Os Henrique, os Lucena, os Andrade, os Costa, os Gomes, os Ferreira ajudaram a construir um novo mundo de cidadãos livres e iguais / The Dutch invaded and occupied the Brazilian Northeast (Pernambuco, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte and Itamaracá) for 24 years (1630-1624); In this period, Pernambuco evolved into a real metropolis, with an intense cultural life, where poets, scientists and philosophers transformed Brazil into an intellectual center unique in South America. In this context the Jews were able to constitute a community with schools, synagogues and a cemetery, and to give their contribution to the enrichment of the cultural life of the region. In the year of 1654 the Portuguese conquered the Northeast and expelled the Dutch. With them were also expelled about 600 Jews, because in the Portuguese Empire only Catholics were allowed. After a dangerous voyage, 23 jews from Brazil, men, women and children were able to arrive to New Amsterdam, today New York. The beginning of life in North America was hard. New Amsterdam was a small village, hardly populated and ruled by a fanatic Calvinist that imposed serious difficulties to the newly arrived. After various vicissitudes, the 23 sephardim were able to survive, by a small merchant business that soon grew up. After the American war of Independence, the descendants of these Jews obtained their citizenship. The religion was not anymore an obstacle. Jews were not anymore a tolerated minority, but North Americans citizens. The Brazilians and their descendants sprayed for various regions of the United States and were important in the struggle for the civil rights, for tolerance and freedom. The Henrique, Lucena, Andrade, Costa, Gomes and Ferreira helped to build a new world of free and equal citizens
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Diet of the Purple Swamphen in south Florida and invasion pathways of nonnative avian species in FloridaUnknown Date (has links)
The spread of nonnative invasive species has become the second greatest threat to global biodiversity, making management of invasive species a critical component of the conservation of biodiversity worldwide. Managers and conservation biologists often lack basic life history data, as well as quantitative and theoretical models to predict risk of invasion or other negative effects. I contribute information to both categories by providing life history information (diet and morphology) of the Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio) and by characterizing the invasion pathways that nonnative avian species in Florida follow. I found Purple Swamphens are predominantly eating and selecting for Eleocharis cellulosa. Additionally, there is a large amount of variation in nonnative avian species’ propensity to colonize natural habitat and the time it takes to do so. Nine out of 15 species investigated colonized natural habitat and the time it took them to do so ranged from 8 to 41 years. It is through a combination of various techniques that ecologists will begin to fully understand the importance of studying nonnative species as well as reducing the impact that nonnatives have on native ecosystems. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015 / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Modelling species invasions in heterogeneous landscapesGilbert, Mark January 2016 (has links)
Biological invasions are devastating ecosystems and economies world-wide, while many native species' survival depends on their ability to track climate change. Characterising the spread of biological populations is therefore of utmost importance, and can be studied with spatially explicit, discrete-time integro-difference equations (IDEs), which reflect numerous species' processes of demography and dispersal. While spatial variation has often been ignored when implementing IDE models, real landscapes are rarely spatially uniform and environmental variation is crucial in determining biological spread. To address this, we use novel methods to characterise population spread in heterogeneous landscapes. Asymptotic analysis is used for highly fragmented landscapes, where habitat patches are isolated and smaller than the dispersal scale, and in landscapes with low environmental variation, where the ecological parameters vary by no more than a small factor from their mean values. We find that the choice of dispersal kernel determines the effect of landscape structure on spreading speed, indicating that accurately fitting a kernel to data is important in accurately predicting speed. For the low-variation case, the spreading speeds in the heterogeneous and homogeneous landscapes differ by ϵ<sup>2</sup>, where ϵ governs the degree of variation, suggesting that in many cases, a simpler homogeneous model gives similar spread rates. For irregular landscapes, analytical methods become intractable and numerical simulation is needed to predict spread. Accurate simulation requires high spatial resolution, which, using existing techniques, requires prohibitive amounts of computational resources (RAM, CPU etc). We overcome this by developing and implementing a novel algorithm that uses adaptive mesh refinement. The approximations and simulation algorithm produce accurate results, with the adaptive algorithm providing large improvements in efficiency without significant losses of accuracy compared to non-adaptive simulations. Hence, the adaptive algorithm enables faster simulation at previously unfeasible scales and resolutions, permitting novel areas of scientific research in species spread modelling.
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Axis axis em foco : efeitos da introdução e modelagem da invasãoEtges, Matheus Fragoso January 2016 (has links)
Vertebrados exóticos são introduzidos intencionalmente como recurso, como uma alternativa para fins econômicos ou de lazer. Aqueles que se tornam capazes de expandir espontaneamente as novas populações em áreas naturais são conhecidas como invasores e frequentemente estão implicados em efeitos indesejados em populações, comunidades e ecossistemas autóctones. Uma destas espécies é o cervo axis Axis axis, introduzido mundialmente para a caça. Apesar da sua ampla distribuição e utilização, pouco se sabe sobre seus efeitos nas áreas invadidas e em quais regiões esta espécie pode se tornar invasora. Isto dificulta as tomadas de decisão, pois avaliar os efeitos da introdução e prever as áreas em risco de invasão são tarefas fundamentais para estratégias de prevenção, priorização e ações de controle. Assim, esse trabalho teve como objetivos revisar os efeitos do cervo axis em áreas invadidas, utilizando um protocolo de revisão sistemática, e modelar a possível distribuição mundial e regional desta espécie, utilizando variáveis bioclimáticas. Realizamos buscas por estudos sobre efeitos em áreas alóctones em três bancos de dados, utilizando três conjuntos de palavras chaves. Classificamos os estudos que atenderam aos critérios do protocolo segundo o nível de inferência sobre os efeitos em Efeito Demonstrado e Efeito Sugerido. Extraímos os tipos de efeitos relatados e a região de ocorrência. Para a modelagem de distribuição, utilizamos o algoritmo Maxent e variáveis preditoras bioclimáticas. Os pontos de ocorrência utilizados incluem sua distribuição original e três regiões onde a espécie é invasora e das quais foi possível obter ou estimar coordenadas. A revisão sistemática resultou em apenas quatro trabalhos classificados em Efeito Demonstrado, os quais apontam a competição com espécies nativas, alteração da composição florística e faunística e facilitação da entrada de outras espécies invasoras. Os efeitos sugeridos incluem seis trabalhos mostrando a ocorrência de parasitas, um caso de hibridização com outra espécie de cervídeo em cativeiro e um estudo mostrando a degradação das áreas de florestas causada pelo cervo axis em conjunto com outras espécies invasoras. O modelo de distribuição demonstra que amplas extensões da América do Sul, África Central e Sudeste Asiático são suscetíveis à invasão, portanto, nestas áreas deve-se evitar a introdução e controlar a expansão. O sul do Brasil, Uruguai, norte da Argentina e Paraguai são possíveis áreas de ocorrência segundo os modelos bioclimáticos. / Alien vertebrates are intentionally introduced for leisure and economic purposes. Those who become able to expand their populations in the new areas are known as invasive and are often involved in undesirable effects in indigenous populations, communities and ecosystems. The axis deer was introduced worldwide for hunting. Despite its wide distribution and use, little is known about its effects on the invaded areas and regions in which this species can become invasive. This complicates the decision-making because assessing the effects of the introduction and predict areas at risk of invasion are key tasks for prevention strategies, prioritization and control actions. Like this. So, this study aimed to summarize the effects of the axis deer in invaded areas using a systematic review protocol and to model the potential distribution of this species globally and in South America using bioclimatic variables. To summarized the effects we conducted searches for studies on non-native areas in three databases, using three sets of key-words and classified the studies that met the criteria of the protocol according to the level of inference about the effects they investigated. We extracted the types mentioned effects and occurrence region. To model the potential distribution based on bioclimatic variables we used the program Maxent. We used occurrences from the original distribution and three regions where the species is invasive about which geographical coordinates could be obtained or estimated. Four studies demonstrated effects of the axis deer due to competition with native species, changes in the floristic and faunistic composition and facilitation of other invasion processes. Six studies speculated the occurrence of disease transmition, hybridization with other species and difuse degradation of forest areas in combination with other invasive species. The distribution model demonstrated that large extensions of South America, Central Africa and Southeast Asia are susceptible to invasion. In the southern cone of South America Brazil, Uruguay, northern Argentina and Paraguay include extensive areas prone to invasion based on the bioclamatic models.
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Genetic Dissection Of An Invasive Hybrid SwarmUnknown Date (has links)
Biological invasions are a global threat to aquatic biodiversity. Of particular concern are invasive freshwater fishes because they have high establishment rates, and introductions can result in the displacement and extirpation of native species through a range of processes including competition and hybridization. Though it is well known that invasive freshwater fishes commonly spread following introduction events, little is known about how fast and far they may move. Additionally, observations of hybridization involving invasive stream fishes have been linked to elevated turbidity; however, the extent to which impaired water clarity influences reproductive isolation among invasive and native species remains poorly understood. To better understand how invasive freshwater fishes disperse, and how turbidity affects reproductive isolation between native and non-native species, I carried out a series of three related studies. First, I evaluated genetic variation across the native and invasive ranges of red shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis), throughout the United States. Second, I characterized genetic variation and clinal stability across a hybrid swarm involving native blacktail shiner (Cyprinella venusta stigmatura) and invasive red shiner in the Upper Coosa River Basin (UCRB), USA. Third, I examined whether turbidity influences pre-mating social interactions between invasive red shiner and native blacktail shiner. MtDNA haplotypes from native range populations of red shiner form four divergent lineages and suggest that introduced populations in the western and eastern US originate from dissimilar genetic lineages. I also recovered a previously undescribed lineage of Cyprinella that has been cryptically introduced into the western US. Examination of the hybrid swarm in the UCRB revealed that the proportion of hybrids increased between 2005 and 2011, and that the hybrid swarm is continuing to expand both upstream and downstream. Under turbid conditions, I found that pre-mating social interactions increased, and that native blacktail shiner females are especially likely to interact with invasive red shiner males. Localized control or removal may be effective in managing non-native red shiner; further monitoring, however, is needed to help identify additional factors contributing to hybrid swarm movement. Furthermore, integrating knowledge of species behavior into management planning could help deter the further establishment and spread of invasive red shiner. / acase@tulane.edu
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