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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Opportunities and contraints in the restoration of riparian ecosystems invaded by alien trees : insights from the Western Cape, South Africa

Ruwanza, Sheunesu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Invasive alien species are widely considered to be the second most significant threat to biodiversity globally following direct habitat destruction. The invasion of riparian systems worldwide by alien plants has contributed to profound changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In South Africa, river banks and river beds are amongst the most severely invaded landscapes, with the most damaging invaders, especially in the Fynbos Biome, being trees and shrubs of the Australian genera Acacia and Eucalyptus. Although large-scale management operations are underway to clear invasive trees and restore ecosystems, little is known regarding opportunities and constraints of native species recovery after alien clearing. The core aim of this thesis is to consider whether key aspects of two widely cited restoration models (successional and alternative-state models) are useful for guiding effective management of severely-invaded riparian vegetation. As a study system, I used the Berg River in the Western Cape, South Africa which is severely impacted by invasive trees, especially Eucalyptus camaldulensis. By linking the studies of constraints for restoration and opportunities for native species recovery, the aim was to provide new possibilities for restoration in riparian zones. The thesis starts by examining constraints to restoration following alien invasion, in particular allelopathy which is one of the factors that exacerbate the impacts of Eucalyptus invasion and inhibit recovery of natural vegetation after clearing. I further assess opportunities for both passive (based on the successional model) and active restoration (based on the alternative-state model) following different strategies for removing invasive trees. The aim is to determine the effectiveness of the different models for sustainable, goal-directed management. Finally, I investigate soil-related properties namely water repellency, soil moisture and infiltration that benefit from alien clearing and subsequent recovery of native vegetation. Work on allelopathy as a restoration constrain showed that the presence of E. camaldulensis along the Berg River negatively affects the recovery of native species. Eucalyptus camaldulensis is allelopathic and induces soil water repellency. I recommend the removal of E. camaldulensis from riparian systems as this has the potential to restore soils to a non-allelopathic and non-repellent state that can pave way for native vegetation recovery. Native vegetation recovery showed mixed results. Restoration based on the successional model was generally efficient, whereas restoration based on tenets of the alternative-state model was inefficient mainly due to the several constraints active restoration faced. Native species recovery was successful on both completely cleared and thinned sites that were treated four years ago. Cover of native trees and shrubs was higher in both completely cleared and thinned sites compared to invaded sites, indicating that both methods promote indigenous vegetation recovery and set the ecosystem on a trajectory towards recovery. To improve recovery through thinning, I propose a new four-stage process to guide management in ensuring good recovery of key native species. Numerous challenges associated with active restoration following fell & stack burning and fell & removal were observed on sites that were treated one year ago. Germination of introduced native species was low in both fell & removal and fell & stack burning sites. Secondary invasion of alien herbs and graminoids, dry summer conditions and low seed germination hindered early native species establishment and recovery. Therefore, for active restoration to achieve its goals, effective recruitment and propagation strategies need to be established. Recruitment of native species was non-existent in the sites that were not seeded; this is attributed to the dominance of alien herbaceous species and graminoids and the depletion of native species in the soil seed bank. Reduction of water repellency of soils after removal of the invasive trees is important as it has the potential to affect the success of native vegetation recovery. On sites where native vegetation was recovering well, soil water repellency ranged from moderately repellent in thinned sites to non-repellent in completely cleared sites. Therefore, successful native species recovery has the potential to improve soil-related ecosystem functions, which will possibly help towards restoring indigenous vegetation. I conclude that the invasive alien tree E. camaldulensis negatively affects the native riparian ecosystem and that strategies to remove the species are needed. Recovery of native vegetation composition, structure and ecosystem function depends on the degree of ecosystem degradation and remaining ecosystem resilience. Besides having clear and effective restoration goals, restoration efforts should also develop realistic solutions to overcome numerous challenges and constraints, before any restoration plan is implemented. Successfully restored riparian ecosystems have potential to increase river flow and may lead to increased availability of water to agriculture, recreation, conservation and for domestic use, resulting in significant water security in South Africa. Both the successional model and the alternative-state model emphasize the need to identify restoration constraints. This study identified allelopathy as an important constrain for restoration and recommends measures to address it so as to facilitate restoration. Recovery based on the successional model was more effective than recovery based on the alternative-state model, which faced several constraints. Models of alternative-states incorporate system thresholds and feedbacks that might explain why the degraded system faced recovery challenges and remained resilient to restoration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Naas habitatverlies word indringer spesies as die grootste bedreiging vir biodiversiteit beskou. Die indringing van riviersisteme wêreldwyd deur uitheemse plante dra by tot groot veranderinge in die biodiversiteit en ekosisteem funksie. In Suid-Afrika, veral in die Fynbos Bioom, is rivieroewers en -beddings van die landskappe wat die meeste ingedring word, meestal deur skadelike indringers soos bome en struike van Australiese genera soos bv. Acacia en Eucalyptus. Alhoewel grootskaalse bestuursoperasies besig is om die indringers te verwyder en ekosisteme te herstel, is min bekend omtrent die geleenthede en beperkinge vir die herstel van inheemse spesies na die verwydering van indringers. Die hoofdoel van hierdie tesis is om die nut te bepaal van die sleutel faktore van twee wyd aangehaalde restorasie modelle (suksessie en alternatiewe-toestand modelle) om die effektiewe bestuur van hewig ingedringde oewers te lei. Die Berg Rivier in die Wes Kaap, Suid-Afrika, is gebruik as studie area. Die Berg Rivier is hewig geimpakteer deur indringers, veral deur Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Die doel was om nuwe geleenthede vir restorasie in rivier areas te voorsien, deur die studies oor beperkinge vir restorasie en geleenthede vir inheemse spesie herstel te verbind. Hierdie tesis begin deur die beperkinge van restorasie na indringing te ondersoek, veral allelopatie wat een van die faktore is wat die impakte van Eucalyptus indringing verhoog en die herstel van natuurlike plantegroei na verwydering van indringer inhibeer. Verder bepaal ek die geleenthede vir beide passiewe (gebaseer op die suksessie model) en aktiewe restorasie (gebaseer op die alternatiewe-toestand model) wat volg op verskillende strategieë van verwydering van indringer bome. Die doel is om die effektiwiteit van die verskillende modelle vir volhoubare, doel georiënteerde bestuur te bepaal. Laastens het ek die grond verwante eienskappe ondersoek naamlik, water terugdrywing, grondvog en infiltrasie wat voordeel trek uit indringer verwydering en die daaropvolgende herstel van inheemse plantegroei. Resultate van allelopatie as ʼn restorasie beperking het getoon dat die teenwoordigheid van E. camaldulensis langs die Berg Rivier die herstel van inheemse spesies negatief beïnvloed. Eucalyptus camaldulensis is allelopaties en gee aanleiding tot grondwater terugdrywing. Ek beveel aan die verwydering van E. camaldulensis vanuit rivier sisteme omdat dit die potensiaal het om grond na nie-allelopatiese en nie-terugdrywende toestand te herstel wat die weg kan baan vir die herstel van inheemse plante groei. Die herstel van inheemse plantegroei het gemengde resultate gewys. Restorasie gebaseer op die suksessie model was oor die algemeen meer doelmatig, teenoor restorasie gebaseer op die idee van ʼn alternatiewe-toestand model, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van verskeie beperkinge wat aktiewe restorasie in die gesig staar. Inheemse spesie herstel was suksesvol op beide die totaal indringer verwyderde en uitgedunde areas, wat vier jaar vantevore behandel is. Dekking van inheemse bome en struike was hoër in beide heeltemal skoongemaakte en uitgedunde areas wanneer die vergelyk word met ingedringde areas. Dit dui daarop dat beide metodes inheemse plantegroei herstel promoveer en die ekosisteem op ʼn baan na herstel plaas. Om herstel deur uitdunning te verbeter stel ek ʼn vier-stadium proses voor om bestuurders te lei vir goeie herstel van sleutel inheemse spesies. Verskeie uitdagings geassosieer met aktiewe restorasie wat volg op val-en-stapel brand en val-en-verwyder is geobserveer in areas wat ʼn jaar van te vore behandel is. Ontkieming van aangeplante inheemse spesies se sade was laag in beide die val-en-verwyder en die val-en-stapel brand areas. Sekondêre indringing van uitheemse kruie en graminoiede, droë somers toestande en lae saad ontkieming hinder die vroeë inheemse spesie vestiging en herstel. Dus, vir aktiewe restorasie om sy doel te bereik moet effektiewe werwing en verspreidings strategieë in plek wees. Daar was geen werwing van inheemse spesies in die areas wat nie gesaai was nie. Dit kan toegeskryf word in die dominansie van uitheemse kruie spesies and graminoiede en die uitputting van inheemse spesies in die grond saadbank. Vermindering van water terugdrywing van grond ná verwydering van indringer bome is belangrik aangesien dit die potensiaal het om die sukses van inheemse plantegroei herstel te affekteer. Die areas waar inheemse plantegroei goed herstel het, het grondwater terugdrywing gevarieer van gemiddeld afstootlik in die uitgedunde areas na nie-afstootlik in die heeltemal skoongemaakte areas. Dus, suksesvolle inheemse spesie herstel het die potensiaal om die grondverwante ekosisteem funksies te verbeter, wat moontlik sal bydra tot die herstel van inheemse plantegroei. Ek kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die indringer boom E. camaldulensis die inheemse rivier ekosisteem negatief affekteer en dat strategieë om hierdie spesie te verwyder nodig is. Herstel van inheemse plantegroei samestelling, struktuur en ekosisteem funksie hang af van die graad van ekosisteem verval en die oorblywende ekosisteem weerstandigheid. Behalwe die verwyderings en effektiewe restorerings doelwitte, moet restorasie pogings ook realistiese oplossings vir die oorkombaarheid van verskeie uitdagings en beperkinge ontwikkel voor enige restorasie plan geïmplementeer kan word. Suksesvolle herstel van rivier ekosisteme het die potensiaal vir verhoogde rivier vloei en mag moontlik lei tot ʼn verhoogde beskikbaarheid van water vir landbou, ontspanning, natuurbewaring en vir huishoudelike gebruik, en kan dus ʼn beduidende bydrae kan lewer tot water sekuriteit in Suid Afrika. Beide die suksessie model en die alternatiewe-toestand model beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid om restorasie beperkinge te identifiseer. Hierdie studie identifiseer allelopatie as ʼn belangrike beperking tot restorasie en maak aanbevelings om dit aan te spreek en om restorasie te fasiliteer. Herstel gebaseer op die suksessie model was meer effektief as herstel gebaseer op die alternatiewe-toestand model wat verskeie beperkings in die gesig staar. Die alternatiewe-toestand modelle inkorporeer sisteemdrumpels en terugvoer wat moontlik kan verduidelik waarom gedegradeerde sisteme herstel uitdagings getoon het en weerstandig teenoor restorasie gebly het.

The behavioural ecology of the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata, as an invasive species

Deacon, Amy E. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, as an invasive species. Its non-native distribution, the biology behind its success and the reasons for its introduction are examined. A worldwide email survey revealed that the guppy is established in at least 73 countries outside of its native range and that mosquito control schemes and the release of unwanted aquarium fish are the two primary routes of introduction. Knowledge gaps were identified; primarily the scarcity of scientific evidence for negative impacts of guppy introductions and similarly for mosquito control efficacy. Replicated mesocosm experiments demonstrated that female guppies are capable of routinely establishing populations, and that these retain behavioural viability over several generations. The first mesocosm study suggested that founders with very different evolutionary histories were equally good at establishing populations. The second mesocosm study suggested that monandrous females were extremely successful at establishing behaviourally viable populations, with no decline in behavioural variation. The effectiveness of guppies as mosquito control agents was examined in two related foraging experiments. The first study found little evidence for the presence of ‘prey switching’ in guppies, questioning the validity of previous work advocating their introduction to stabilise prey populations. The second study revealed a preference for non-vector mosquito larvae in a two-prey system. However, both mosquito species were consumed equally readily when habitat complexity increased. The presence of conspecifics affected female foraging behaviour. The presence of males reduced the strength of prey preference in the first study, and the presence of conspecifics of either sex removed prey preference in the second. Both demonstrate that multi-prey systems have important implications for the efficacy of poeciliids in biological control. Despite severe demographic bottlenecks, their adaptability and ability to rapidly increase in numbers enable guppies to establish and persist when introduced. Such bottlenecks are typical of introduction scenarios, warning that particular caution should be exerted when introducing this species, or other livebearing fish, to natural water bodies.

Development of in vivo tumour models for non-invasive proof-of-principle investigation of novel therapeutic agents : engineering and characterisation of bioluminescent cell reporter systems for in vivo analysis of anti-cancer therapy pharmacodynamics

O'Farrell, Alice Claire January 2011 (has links)
Despite significant advances in cancer treatment, clinical response remains suboptimal and there is a continued requirement for improved chemotherapeutics. The attrition rate for new therapies is high, due principally to lack of in vivo efficacy and poor pharmacodynamics. Consequently better systems are required to determine in vivo preclinical efficiency and drug-target interactions. Engineering of cancer cells to express fluorescent or bioluminescent proteins, either endogenously or under the control of specific gene promoters, and their detection by noninvasive optical imaging has the potential to improve preclinical drug development. In this study, a panel of colorectal cancer cell lines were engineered to express fluorescent and luminescent proteins either constitutively or under control of gene-promoters for the DNA damage response gene p53 or the cell cycle regulator p21, both important pharmacodynamic sensors. These cell lines were characterised for their potential as in vivo models of primary and metastatic tumour therapy response, several showing significant potential. In addition to the development of these models, this study also addressed the pharmacokinetics of different luciferase substrates and identified optimal temporal and dose characteristics for each. Furthermore, a new application for bioluminescent imaging was developed and validated for use in preclinical evaluation of vascular disrupting agents, a new generation of cancer therapeutic. This study demonstrates that despite the dynamic and variable nature of fluorescent and bioluminescent imaging, reproducible results can be obtained if appropriate precautions are taken. The models developed herein will expedite cancer drug development whilst reducing and refining the use of animals in research.

Modeling flood-induced processes causing Russell lupin mortality in the braided Ahuriri River, New Zealand

Javernick, Luke Anthony January 2013 (has links)
The braided rivers and floodplains in the Upper Waitaki Basin (UWB) of the South Island of New Zealand are critical habitats for endangered and threatened fauna such as the black stilt. However, this habitat has degraded due to introduced predators, hydropower operations, and invasive weeds including Russell lupins. While conservation efforts have been made to restore these habitats, flood events may provide a natural mechanism for removal of invasive vegetation and re-creation of natural floodplain habitats. However, little is understood about the hydraulic effects of floods on vegetation and potential mortality in these dynamic systems. Therefore, this thesis analyzed the flood-induced processes that cause lupin mortality in a reach of the Ahuriri River in the UWB, and simulated various sized flood events to assess how and where these processes occurred. To determine the processes that cause lupin mortality, post-flood observations were utilized to develop the hypothesis that flood-induced drag, erosion, sediment deposition, inundation, and trauma were responsible. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate and quantify these individual processes, and results showed that drag, erosion, sediment deposition and inundation could cause lupin mortality. Utilizing these mortality processes, mortality thresholds of velocity, water depth, inundation duration, and morphologic changes were estimated through data analysis and evaluation of various empirical relationships. Delft3D was the numerical model used to simulate 2-dimensional flood hydraulics in the study-reach and was calibrated in three stages for hydraulics, vegetation, and morphology. Hydraulic calibration was achieved using the study-reach topography captured by Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and various hydraulic data (depth, velocity, and water extent from aerial photographs). Vegetation inclusion in Delft3D was possible utilizing a function called ‘trachytopes’, which represented vegetation roughness and flow resistance and was calibrated utilizing data from a lupin-altered flow conveyance experiment. Morphologic calibration was achieved by simulating an observed near-mean annual flood event (209 m3 s-1) and adjusting the model parameters until the simulated morphologic changes best represented the observed morphologic changes captured by pre- and post-flood SfM digital elevation models. Calibration results showed that hydraulics were well represented, vegetation inclusion often improved the simulated water inundation extent accuracy at high flows, but that local erosion and sediment deposition were difficult to replicate. Simulation of morphological change was expected to be limited due to simplistic bank erosion prediction methods. Nevertheless, the model was considered adequate since simulated total bank erosion was comparable to that observed and realistic river characteristics (riffles, pools, and channel width) were produced. Flood events ranging from the 2- to 500-year flood were simulated with the calibrated model, and lupin mortality was estimated using simulation results with the lupin mortality thresholds. Results showed that various degrees of lupin mortality occurred for the different flood events, but that the dominant mortality processes fluctuated between erosion, drag, and inundation. Sediment deposition-induced mortality was minimal, but was likely under-represented in the modeling due to poor model sediment deposition replication and possibly over-restrictive deposition mortality thresholds. The research presented in this thesis provided greater understanding of how natural flood events restore and preserve the floodplain habitats of the UWB and can be used to aid current and future braided river conservation and restoration efforts.

The spatial distribution of alien and invasive vascular plant species on sub-Antarctic Marion Island

Ramaswiela, Tshililo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc )--Stellenbosch University, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The patterns of spread of non-indigenous species and the factors influencing their distribution have been studied infrequently on Southern Ocean Islands, where the prevention and control of biological invasions is a priority for conservation management. Owing to its remoteness and relatively small size, sub-Antarctic Marion Island provides an ideal opportunity to investigate the patterns of spread of invasive species and the factors likely influencing the distribution of alien species. Therefore, this study provides a spatially explicit documentation of the alien and invasive vascular plant species on Marion Island, the change in their distribution patterns through time, an assessment of the correlates of the current distributions, documentation of species rich areas, and provides recommendations for control based on these data and life history data available for each species. To ensure comprehensive coverage for the current estimate of distributions, a combination of a systematic (spatially explicit) survey and an ad hoc data collection method was used to examine the abundance and occupancy of each alien plant species across the island. The spatially explicit survey was used to identify sampling sites on a ½ minute by ½ minute scale (926 m × 926 m) which resulted in 348 sites across the island, whereas 2356 additional presence records were added during the ad hoc sampling. The residence time of each species was also estimated from the first records reported in various literature. While it has been documented in many studies that residence time is an important factor explaining species distribution, this study showed that distribution of alien species on Marion Island is not explained by residence time. The alien plant species on Marion Island differ markedly in their occupancy, distribution and rate of expansion. Agrostis stolonifera, Cerastium fontanum, Poa annua and Sagina procumbens are all expanding their ranges, whereas the range of Stellaria media appears to be contracting. Cerastium fontanum is the most widespread species on Marion Island while Sagina procumbens is the most abundant (number of records) and most rapidly expanding species on both Marion and Prince Edward Islands. Generalized linear models demonstrated that altitude, distance to human disturbed sites, and nearest neighbour presence are all significant and often strong correlates of spatial variation in alien vascular plant species richness and individual species presences on Marion Island. In particular, alien species richness on Marion Island declines sharply with increasing elevation, and that the distribution of the most widespread species is spatially aggregated. The surroundings of the Meteorological station and Mixed Pickle hut exhibit high richness and a high likelihood of the presence of individual species. None of the models developed for this study resulted in habitat type being significant explanatory variable for the distribution of any of the alien plant species, although from the records alone it is clear that the salt spray vegetation type is avoided. Together with assessments of the life history of the species, the current distribution data suggest that few alien plant species can be easily eradicated. Most are already too widespread already for cost effective eradication. Moreover, given the current rate of spread of Agrostis stolonifera, Cerastium fontanum, Poa annua and Sagina procumbens, and their apparent lack of habitat preference, it seems likely that within the next few decades many lowland habitats will be dominated by these species. By contrast, Rumex acestosella, Agrostis gigantea, Agropyron repens, Juncus effusus, Luzula cf. multiflora and the newly established shrub species should be the subject of control or eradication efforts. This thesis provides comprehensive baseline data on alien vascular plant distributions as a benchmark for future assessments. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verspreidingspatrone van uitheemse spesies en die faktore wat hulle verspreiding beïnvloed is selde op Suidelike Oseaan Eilande bestudeer, waar die voorkoming en beheer van biologiese indringing ‘n prioriteit is vir bewaringsbestuur. Te danke aan sy afgeleëndheid en relatiewe klein grootte, voorsien sub-Antarktiese Marion Eiland ‘n ideale geleentheid om die patrone van verspreiding van indringer spesies en die faktore wat moontlik die verspreiding van uitheemse spesies beïnvloed te ondersoek. Daarom voorsien hierdie studie ‘n ruimtelik eksplisiete dokumentering van die uitheemse en indringer vaatplant spesies op Marion Eiland, die verandering in hulle verspreidingspatrone oor tyd, ‘n bepaling van die korrelasies van die huidige verspreidings, dokumentering van spesiesryke areas, en voorsien aanbevelings vir beheer gebasseer op hierdie data en die lewensloopdata beskikbaar vir elke spesie. Om omvattende dekking vir die huidige skatting van vespreidings te verseker, is ‘n kombinasie van sistematiese en ad hoc metodes gebruik om die talrykheid en besetting van elke uitheemse spesie oor die eiland te ondersoek. Die ruimtelik eksplisiete opname is gebruik om moniteringsplotte op ‘n ½ minuut by ½ minuut skaal (926 m × 926 m), met die resultaat van 348 plotte oor die eiland, terwyl 2356 addisionele voorkomsrekords bygevoeg is tydens die ad hoc versameling. Die verblyftyd van elke spesie is ook beraam vanaf die eerste rekords in die literatuur. Terwyl dit aangeteken is dat verblyftyd ‘n belangrike faktor is om spesie verspreiding te verduidelik, wys hierdie studie dat verspreiding van uitheemse spesies op Marion Eiland nie verduidelik word deur verblyftyd nie. Die uitheemse spesies op Marion Eiland verskil aansienlik in hulle besetting, verspreiding en tempo van uitbreiding. Agrostis stolonifera, Cerastium fontanum, Poa annua en Sagina procumbens brei almal hulle areas uit, terwyl die area van Stellaria media bleik te krimp. Cerastium fontanum is die mees wydverspreide spesie op Marion Eiland, terwyl Sagina procumbens die oorvloedigste (aantal rekords) en die vinnigste uitbreidende spesie is op beide Marion en Prince Edward Eiland. Veralgemeende lineêre modelle het aangetoon dat hoogte, afstand na menslike versteurde plotte, en naaste buurman teenwoordigheid almal betekenisvol is en gereeld sterk korreleer met ruimtelike variasie in uitheemse vaatplant spesierykheid en individuele spesie voorkoms op Marion Eiland. Uitheemse spesierykheid op Marion Eiland neem in besonder sterk af met ‘n toename in hoogte en die verspreiding van die mees wyduitgebreide spesies is ruimtelik saamgesteld. Die omgewing om die Weerstasie en Mixed Pickle hut toon hoë rykheid en ‘n hoë waarskynlikheid van die voorkoms van individuele spesies. Nie een van die modelle wat vir hierdie studie ontwikkel is toon ‘n belangrikheid in habitat tipe as ‘n verduidelikbare veranderlike vir die verspreiding van enige van die uitheemse plant spesies nie, alhoewel vanuit die rekords alleen is dit duidelik dat soutsproei plantegroei nie verkies word nie. Tesame met ondersoeke oor die lewensloop van die spesies, stel die huidige verspreidingsdata voor dat min uitheemse plant spesies maklik uitgeroei kan word. Die meeste is eenvoudig te wydverspreid vir koste effektiewe uitroeiing. Voorts, gegewe die huidige tempo van uitbreiding van Agrostis stolonifera, Cerastium fontanum, Poa annua en Sagina procumbens en hulle skynbare gebrek aan habitat voorkeur, is dit hoogs waarskynlik dat baie van die laerliggende habitatte binne die volgende paar dekades gedomineer sal word deur hierdie spesies. In teenstelling, Rumex acestosella, Agrostis gigantea, Agropyron repens, Juncus effusus, Luzula cf. multiflora en die nuutgevestigde struik spesie moet die fokus wees van beheer/uitroeiing pogings. Hierdie tesis voorsien omvattende basislyn data oor uitheemse vaatplantverspreidings as ‘n standaard vir toekomstige ondersoeke. / This project was funded by the South African National Antarctic Programme of the National Research Foundation (NRF – SANAP). Additional funding was provided by The Prince Edward Islands book fund.

A perspective on the seed bank dynamics of Acacia saligna

Strydom, Matthys 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConEcol)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Acacia saligna, or Port Jackson, is an Australian Acacia which has spread throughout the Western and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa where it has become invasive and a prominent feature of the vegetation. In areas where A. saligna establishes it replaces natural vegetation, alters ecosystem processes and interferes with agricultural practices. Consequently large management efforts have been made to eradicate this invasive alien tree. However, its large and persistent soil stored seed bank, even in the presence of management and biological control agents, poses a serious obstacle to its successful removal. Furthermore the reproductive output and the size of the seed bank of A. saligna over its whole distribution as well as the variation of seed production and the seed bank with environmental conditions in time and space is poorly known. Understanding the seed bank dynamics of A. saligna in time and space is essential for reducing invasive success and achieving management objectives. This study has filled this knowledge gap through studying the seed production and seed bank of A. saligna over its invaded range in South Africa, including how environmental factors influence these factors in time and space. The seed rain of A. saligna was assessed at 10 sites across its distribution in South Africa. The seed rain of A. saligna at the sites was determined through the use of seed rain traps. Twenty five traps were placed out at every site during November 2010 (pre-dehiscence) which was collected again during April 2011 (postdehiscence). The seed bank of A. saligna was estimated through sampling at 25 sites across its distribution range in South Africa. The seed bank was sampled during April 2010 (postdehiscence), November 2010 (pre-dehiscence) and April 2011 (post-dehiscence) through taking 50 litter and soil samples at every site which gave a total sampling size of 3 750 for both the seed in the soil and litter over its distribution in South Africa. In addition the average tree diameter, tree density, average number of Uromycladium tepperianum induced galls per tree, the summer aridity index, De Martonne aridity index, winter concentration of precipitation, temperature of coldest month and the soil texture for every site was determined. The damage done by the seed feeding weevil, Melanterius compactus, was also estimated for the seed rain study sites. Water availability during the hot summer months was assessed as the most important factor governing seed production and seed bank size. Riparian and non-riparian water regimes were shown to be important in understanding the seed bank dynamics of A. saligna over its distribution range in the Cape Floristic Region. In non-riparian A. saligna populations the seed production and consequently the size of the seed bank and its rate of accumulation is limited by both water and temperature and in riparian A. saligna populations, only by temperature. Therefore, two environmental gradients influence the seed bank dynamics of Port Jackson in South Africa. In non-riparian A. saligna populations the number of seed produced and the accumulation of seed in the seed bank generally increases along the west coast of South Africa from Clanwilliam towards Cape Town and along the south coast from Cape Town towards Port Elizabeth. Seed banks are larger closer to the coast, when A. saligna populations of similar age are compared. In riparian A. saligna populations, the number of seed produced generally increases from Port Elizabeth towards Cape Town and from Cape Town towards Clanwilliam, again, with larger seed banks being accumulated closer to the coast, when populations of similar age are compared. This study provides managers with a useful tool for prioritising management efforts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Acacia saligna of Port Jackson is ‘n indringerplant in Suid-Afrika wat afkomstig is uit Suid-Wes Australië. Acacia saligna is ‘n onmisbare kenmerk van die plantegroei in die Wes en Oos-Kaap. Waar Port Jackson vestig, verplaas dit natuurlike plantegroei, verander dit ekosisteem prossesse en verhinder dit landbou praktyke. Gevolglik is groot bestuurspogings aangewend om hierdie indringer plant uit te roei. In die teenwoordigheid van bestuursprogramme en biologiese beheer bly A. saligna lewensvatbaar as ‘n gevolg van die plant se groot blywende grond saadreserwes. Verder is die saad produksie en saadbank grootte van A. saligna oor sy verspreiding bereike asook hoe dit met omgewingstoestande in tyd en ruimte interreageer en varieer grootendeels onbekend. ‘n Goeie en omvattende begrip van die saadbankdinamika is belangrik om die indringings vermoë van die plant te verlaag en om bestuursdoelwitte te bereik. Hierdie studie vul die bestaande gaping in die kennis aangaande die saadbank dinamika van A. saligna aan deur die saadproduksie en die saadreserves van die indringerplant oor sy verspreiding in Suid-Afrika te bestudeer, insluitend hoe omgewingstoestande die saadbankdinamika beïnvloed in tyd en ruimte. Die saadreën vir 10 A. saligna populasies was bepaal deur die gebruik van saadlokvalle. Vyf-entwintig lokvalle was uitgeplaas in elke bestudeerde Port Jackson perseel gedurende November 2010 (voor-saadval) wat weer gaan haal is gedurende April 2011 (na-saadval). Die saadbank van A. saligna was bepaal in 25 populasies van die boom gedurende April 2010 (na-saadval), November 2010 (voor-saadval) en April 2011 (na-saadval) deur die neem van 50 blaar- en grondmonsters by elke perseel wat ‘n totaal van 3 750 blaar- en grondmonster gee oor die hele verspreiding van A. saligna in Suid-Afrika. Verder is die gemiddelde boomdeursnee, boomdigtheid, gemiddelde Uromycladium tepperianum geinduseerde galle per boom, die somers droogtheids indeks, De Martonnes droogtheids indeks, die winter konsentrasie van presipitasie, die temperatuur van die koudste maand en die grond tekstuur van elke Port Jackson stand bepaal. Die skade wat die saad voedende kewer, Melanterius compactus, aanrig aan die sade van A. saligna is ook vir die persele waar die saadreën eksperiment uitgevoer is, bepaal. Die beskikbaarheid van water vir A. saligna in die droë somermaande is bepaal as die belangrikste faktor wat die grootte van die saadproduksie en saadbank beïnvloed. Oewer en nie-oewer water omgewings is bevind as noodsaaklik om die saadbank dinamika van A. saligna oor die indringerplant se verspreidingareas in die Kaap Floristiese Streek te verstaan. In nie-oewer A. saligna populasies word saadproduksie en gevolglik die grootte en tempo van akkumulasie van die saadbank deur beide water en temperatuur omstandighede beperk, terwyl in oewer A. saligna populasies word die indringerplant slegs deur temperatuur omstandighede beperk. Gevolglik blyk dit dat twee water beskikbaarheids gradiënte bestaan waarop die plant reageer wat dan uitgedruk word in die plant se saad produksie en gevolglik ook die plant se saadbank. In nie-oewer Port Jackson populasies neem die saadproduksie en die tempo waarteen die saadbank akkumuleer algemeen toe langs die weskus van Clanwilliam na Kaapstad en van Kaapstad na Port Elizabeth, met grootter saadproduksie en saadbank akkumulasie nader aan die kusgebiede, wanneer A. saligna populasies van dieselfde ouderdom vergelyk word. In oewer Port Jackson populasies neem die saadproduksie en die tempo waarteen die saadbank akkumuleer algemeen toe van Port Elizabeth na Kaapstad en van Kaapstad na Clanwilliam, met grootter saadproduksie en saadbank akkumulasie nader aan die kusgebiede, wanneer A. saligna populasies van dieselfde ouderdom vergelyk word. Hierdie studie verskaf bestuursplanne met ‘n nuttige raamwerk waarvolgens uitroeiing en beheer programme vir A. saligna beplan kan word.

Earthworms In Vermont Forest Soils: A Study Of Nutrient, Carbon, Nitrogen And Native Plant Responses

Melnichuk, Ryan 01 January 2016 (has links)
Anthropogenic activities surrounding horticulture, agriculture and recreation have increased dispersal of invasive earthworms. The introduction of earthworms initiates many physical and chemical alterations in forest soils previously unoccupied by earthworms. Three trials were performed to assess the effects of earthworms on soil-water dynamics, C and N and defensive/storage compound production by a native plant. The first trial was a greenhouse experiment, performed to assess the impact of two ecologically contrasting invasive earthworm species on percolate and evaporative soil water loss. Mesocosms were constructed to simulate a typical forest Entisol commonly penetrated by the species of interest, Lumbricus terrestris and Amynthas agrestis. Earthworms were added in pair and combination to replicate an average population density observed in Vermont. Percolate water was collected and evaporative water loss balance was recorded over a period of 140 days. C and N were quantified in A-horizon bulk and aggregate soil as well as the subsoil. Residual surface leaf litter was also quantified. Results indicated significantly increased evaporative water loss where either worm was present. Conversely, percolate water loss was significantly reduced in presence L. terrestris alone. C and N analysis revealed that only L. terrestris had a significant effect on aggregate soil C. While the abundance of many herbaceous species is reduced at invasive earthworm sites, Arisaema triphyllum anecdotally have greater densities where earthworms are present. It has been hypothesized that the greater density is caused by a trait that allows this plant to store Ca, often observed at increased concentrations in earthworm invaded soils as Ca-oxalate Here, we tested the hypothesis that oxalate increases in A. triphyllum when earthworms are present. As such, we conducted a two-way factorial greenhouse trial to test whether the changes to soil properties made by two invasive earthworm species (Amynthas agrestis and Lumbricus rubellus) or their physical presence (and bioturbation) had an effect on the plant production of oxalate. Upon quantification of variable soluble oxalate in corms after senescence, we found that earthworm presence increased water soluble and total oxalate significantly as well as marginally significantly in the case of HCl soluble oxalate. No significant changes in oxalate concentrations were observed under soil treatments alone. Carbon and nitrogen are found extensively in both terrestrial and atmospheric cycles. A shift in the equilibrium of these elements can suggest a strong interaction between an introduced variable (invasive earthworms in this case) and the abiotic environment. To better understand changes in soil properties with earthworm invasion, a 112-day mesocosm study was undertaken to examine C and N dynamics. Two epi-endogeic invasive earthworm species Lumbricus rubellus and Amynthas agrestis were selected for study. Greenhouse gas production by total mesocosm and soil were monitored. Gas flux measurements on 11 dates indicate both worm species increase CO2 and N2O emitted from mesocosm system as well as soil. Mesocosm total C and N (mass balance) indicate significantly more N but no change in C where earthworms are present. This indicates a disruption of denitrification by earthworm invasion that results in increased N2O emissions. This research is the first to examine these variables in concert and confirms holistic view is essential when examining natural systems.

Spawning Site Selection and Fry Development of Invasive Lake Trout in Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Simard, Lee 01 January 2017 (has links)
Since their discovery in Yellowstone Lake in 1994, Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) have been the object of an intensive gillnet suppression program due to their predation on native Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri). Managers are also interested in targeting early life stages to augment suppression. A benthic sled was used to sample for Lake Trout eggs at 24 locations, hypothesized to be spawning sites, that encompassed a range of depths, slopes, and substrate composition to determine the location and characteristics of spawning sites in Yellowstone Lake. Lake Trout eggs were collected at seven sites, five of which had not been previously confirmed as spawning sites. Habitat characterization at these sites indicate Lake Trout spawning in Yellowstone Lake is limited to areas with rocky substrate, but is not constrained to areas with interstitial spaces or contour breaks as is seen within the species' native range. Lake Trout fry were captured around Carrington Island, an additional spawning site in Yellowstone Lake, in 2014 and 2015. These fry were significantly larger at each developmental stage, consumed more food beginning at earlier stages, and were captured much later into the summer than fry captured at a spawning site in Lake Champlain. The lack of potential egg and fry predators in Yellowstone Lake could be driving these differences in spawning site selection and fry behavior. This information will allow managers to identify additional spawning locations for suppression and evaluate the impact their efforts might have on the Lake Trout population in Yellowstone Lake.

Potentiel d'infestation des populations sauvages de lis indigènes (Lilium canadense et L. philadelphicum) par le criocère du lis (Lilioceris lilii)

Bouchard, Anne-Marie January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


Vidwans, Ketan 30 July 2012 (has links)
Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) differs from Open Surgery as surgeons view the surgical site indirectly on a monitor. The view shown is typically from an angled endoscope off to one side of the surgery (i.e., uncollocated with the view of the hands). This makes camera navigation a challenging ability to learn. MIS thus requires longer training periods, more practice and mental effort to achieve proficiency. Current training setups and Operating Room (OR) environments lack appropriate real-time visual cues for navigation and other perception related information that could help with learning and performance in the OR. The purpose of this research was to design and develop graphical aids for improving understanding of camera navigation and depth perception in a trainer box necessary for enhancing surgeon’s skills to perform endoscopic surgery. For the former, two alternate training methods: 1) using no graphics (control group) and 2) using three different types of graphics conveying different information, were considered for this study. The effectiveness of the training was evaluated by a comparative analysis of different performance measures across all the groups. It was observed that training using graphics did improve the performance of participants in performing a minimally invasive surgery training task. For the latter, the use of a proximity sensor was explored.

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