Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1nvestigation"" "subject:"anvestigation""
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An Investigation of the Role of the Corpus Callosum in the Lateralised Skilled Reaching Task / The Corpus Callosum in the Lateralised Reaching TaskMpandare, Farirai 09 1900 (has links)
Long-term potentiation (LTP), a long-lasting enhancement of synaptic efficacy, is believed to be the mechanism by which memory storage occurs in the brain. Several studies have shown that LTP can be induced in various neural sites, not only by electrical stimulation, but also as a result of behavioural modifications. It has previously been shown that LTP in the primary motor cortex accompanies motor skill learning. One study showed that potentiation occurred following training on a lateralised skilled reaching task. In this task, animals are trained to use only one paw to grasp a small food pellet. An interesting finding that has been uncovered from these studies is that, although only one hemisphere actively participates in the task (the trained hemisphere), the other hemisphere (untrained hemisphere) also shows potentiation. This has led to the hypothesis that the corpus callosum is involved in the transfer of information from one hemisphere to another during training on the reaching task. The nature of this communication, however, is unknown. Two possibilities were considered. The first was that the callosum transfers information that allows the animal to maintain its balance while the reaching paw is elevated. Careful observation of videorecording made while animals performed the task however, failed to reveal any deficits in balance in animals that had undergone a callosal transection. A second possibility is that the corpus callosum transfers information about the task from the trained to the untrained hemisphere such that, even though it does not actively participate in the task, the untrained paw may "know" how to perform above chance level. Analysis of the rate of successful reaching with the untrained paw revealed no advantage for normal animals over transected animals. Work is however, currently underway to increase the number of animals in the study in order to obtain a more conclusive result. / Thesis / Master of Science (MS)
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The use of electronic evidence in forensic investigationNgomane, Amanda Refiloe 06 1900 (has links)
For millions of people worldwide the use of computers has become a central part of life. Criminals are exploiting these technological advances for illegal activities. This growth of technology has therefore produced a completely new source of evidence referred to as ‘electronic evidence’. In light of this the researcher focused on the collection of electronic evidence and its admissibility at trial. The study intends to assist and give guidance to investigators to collect electronic evidence properly and legally and ensure that it is admitted as evidence in court. Electronic evidence is fragile and volatile by nature and therefore requires the investigator always to exercise reasonable care during its collection, preservation and analysis to protect its identity and integrity. The legal requirements that the collected electronic evidence must satisfy for it to be admissible in court are relevance, reliability, and authenticity.
When presenting the evidence in court the investigator should always keep in mind that the judges are not specialists in the computing environment and that therefore the investigator must be able to explain how the chain of custody was maintained during the collection, preservation and analysis of electronic evidence. The complex technology behind electronic evidence must be clearly explained so that the court is able to understand the evidence in a way that an ordinary person or those who have never used a computer before can. This is because the court always relies on the expertise of the investigator to understand electronic evidence and make a ruling on matters related to it. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)
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The Application of Fire Dynamics to Fire ForensicsGosselin, Steven Daniel 18 November 2004 (has links)
"Fire investigative methodologies were researched and analyzed resulting in the development of an organizational tool to be used for conducting fire investigations. The tool, or field-guide, was designed to aid the investigator in processing structural fire scenes. The tool accomplishes this by providing, 1) thirteen forms for properly documenting the scene, 2) flowcharts which can enhance the investigators intuition for the fire’s growth rate and spread, and 3) basic engineering correlations which can be used to help validate hypotheses the investigator may develop. By employing these methods, the field-guide can be effectively used to lead an investigator through the entire investigation process - from data collection, to the formulation of hypotheses, and ultimately, to quantitative validation."
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The use of electronic evidence in forensic investigationNgomane, Amanda Refiloe 06 1900 (has links)
For millions of people worldwide the use of computers has become a central part of life. Criminals are exploiting these technological advances for illegal activities. This growth of technology has therefore produced a completely new source of evidence referred to as ‘electronic evidence’. In light of this the researcher focused on the collection of electronic evidence and its admissibility at trial. The study intends to assist and give guidance to investigators to collect electronic evidence properly and legally and ensure that it is admitted as evidence in court. Electronic evidence is fragile and volatile by nature and therefore requires the investigator always to exercise reasonable care during its collection, preservation and analysis to protect its identity and integrity. The legal requirements that the collected electronic evidence must satisfy for it to be admissible in court are relevance, reliability, and authenticity.
When presenting the evidence in court the investigator should always keep in mind that the judges are not specialists in the computing environment and that therefore the investigator must be able to explain how the chain of custody was maintained during the collection, preservation and analysis of electronic evidence. The complex technology behind electronic evidence must be clearly explained so that the court is able to understand the evidence in a way that an ordinary person or those who have never used a computer before can. This is because the court always relies on the expertise of the investigator to understand electronic evidence and make a ruling on matters related to it. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)
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The analysis of bank account statements to establish evidence of illicit financial activityJordaan, Jason 31 October 2007 (has links)
The analysis of bank account statements to establish evidence of illicit financial activity is an established financial investigation methodology in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, but it is still in its infancy in South Africa. This is further highlighted by virtue of the fact that no uniform analysis methodology is used in South Africa for the analysis of bank account statements. The purpose of the research was to explore the role of such analysis, and the current practises in South Africa and New Jersey in the United States. This was to determine a practical model for the analysis of bank account statements in the South African context. Empirical research led to a proposed process model for such analysis, which was synthesised from current practises in South Africa and New Jersey in the United States. This model is proposed as the basis for the development of a uniform analysis methodology for the examination of bank account statements. / Die analise van bankrekeningstate om bewys van onwettige finasiële aktiwiteite te bepaal is 'n vasgestelde finansiële ondersoek metode in lande soos die Verenigde State en die Verenigde Koningkryk, maar in Suid-Afrika is dit steeds in die begin stadium. Dit is verder beklemtoon deur die feit dat daar geen eenvormige analise metode in Suid-Afrika in gebruik is vir die analise van bankrekeningstate. Die doel van die navorsing was om die rol van hierdie tipe analise, en die huidige praktyk in Suid-Afrika en New Jersey in die Verenigde State te bepaal. Dit was om 'n praktiese model vir die analise van bankrekeningstate in Suid-Afrika te bepaal. Empiriese navorsing het gelui tot 'n voorgestelde proses model vir hierdie tipe analise, wat 'n samesmelting van die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse en New Jersey in die Verenigde State praktyk is. Hierdie model word voorgestel as die beginpunt vir die ontwikkeling van 'n eenvormige analise metode vir die ondersoek van bankrekening state. / Criminology / M.Tech. (Forensic Investigation)
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An analysis of the prosecution-led investigation model in murder casesMyeza, Nkosinathi Wonderboy 15 August 2019 (has links)
The investigation of crime is one area in which the South African Police Service is measured on. There is no doubt that poor application of investigation methods results in acquittal of criminals or, at worst, failing to identify the perpetrator. In murder cases, the response from the communities who are directly affected is usually unpleasant and intolerable. This is so because murder is a crime against human life. One death in the family will have significant, undesirable implications to the family involved and, to a certain extent, the community.
Violent crime such as murder has a negative effect, not only on the family who has lost the loved one, but also has a severe direct impact on the economy. For instance, no potential investors would want to associate themselves with a country where the incidence of violent crimes has become the norm and where the government appears to be reluctant to take tangible actions to remedy the situation. For years, the South African Police Service applied one methodology in murder investigations, even though their crime statistics showed that this type of crime was constantly increasing and required drastic steps to curb it.
This study gives a detailed analysis of the prosecution-led investigation model and its feasibility in murder cases. This research was conducted on the basis that this model appears to work successfully in commercial crimes, judging by the conviction rates reported annually by the National Prosecuting Authority. The study discusses the current investigation model used by the South African Police Service in the investigation of murder and compares it to an intelligence-led investigation model.
It then examines the meaning of the prosecution-led investigation. Finally, international experiences in terms of criminal investigation and prosecution procedures are discussed and compared with those of South Africa. The researcher explored the models from the selected countries and interviews conducted were used as a foundation for describing and explaining the future application of the findings emanating from this research. Using the qualitative approach, data was gathered by means of a literature review and qualitative interviews with the sampled participants to answer the research questions.
The researcher is of the view that this study (analysing the prosecution-led investigation model in murder cases) presents a significant contribution to the development of practical guidelines that can be used to effectively and efficiently investigate murder cases. / Police Practice / D. Phil. (Criminal Justice)
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The analysis of bank account statements to establish evidence of illicit financial activityJordaan, Jason 31 October 2007 (has links)
The analysis of bank account statements to establish evidence of illicit financial activity is an established financial investigation methodology in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, but it is still in its infancy in South Africa. This is further highlighted by virtue of the fact that no uniform analysis methodology is used in South Africa for the analysis of bank account statements. The purpose of the research was to explore the role of such analysis, and the current practises in South Africa and New Jersey in the United States. This was to determine a practical model for the analysis of bank account statements in the South African context. Empirical research led to a proposed process model for such analysis, which was synthesised from current practises in South Africa and New Jersey in the United States. This model is proposed as the basis for the development of a uniform analysis methodology for the examination of bank account statements. / Die analise van bankrekeningstate om bewys van onwettige finasiële aktiwiteite te bepaal is 'n vasgestelde finansiële ondersoek metode in lande soos die Verenigde State en die Verenigde Koningkryk, maar in Suid-Afrika is dit steeds in die begin stadium. Dit is verder beklemtoon deur die feit dat daar geen eenvormige analise metode in Suid-Afrika in gebruik is vir die analise van bankrekeningstate. Die doel van die navorsing was om die rol van hierdie tipe analise, en die huidige praktyk in Suid-Afrika en New Jersey in die Verenigde State te bepaal. Dit was om 'n praktiese model vir die analise van bankrekeningstate in Suid-Afrika te bepaal. Empiriese navorsing het gelui tot 'n voorgestelde proses model vir hierdie tipe analise, wat 'n samesmelting van die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse en New Jersey in die Verenigde State praktyk is. Hierdie model word voorgestel as die beginpunt vir die ontwikkeling van 'n eenvormige analise metode vir die ondersoek van bankrekening state. / Criminology and Security Science / M.Tech. (Forensic Investigation)
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Problématisation, investigations et apprentissages dans les sciences de la vie. : Etude didactico-pédagogique des conditions de possibilité pour des investigations empiriques problématisantes, dans deux domaines biologiques : nutrition et reproduction végétales. / Problematization, investigations and learning in natural science : Didactic-pedagogical study of the conditions of possibility for problematizing empirical investigations, at elementary school, in two biological domains : plant nutrition and reproductionBeuve, Francois xavier 30 May 2017 (has links)
Depuis quelques années déjà, et en référence aux épistémologies rationalistes de Bachelard, Canguilhem et Popper, les relations entre problèmes, savoirs et apprentissages scientifiques sont au centre de nombreuses recherches didactiques. Au cœur de cela les interactions langagières y tiennent une place de premier choix, ce qui explique notamment l'importance accordée au débat scientifique, et dont la représentation du produit, en termes d'activité problématisante, est rendue possible par la réalisation d'“espaces contraintes et nécessités”, lesquels s'appuient sur la distinction centrale du registre empirique et du registre du modèle [ou des modèles], mais également sur la distinction tout aussi centrale de l'assertorique et de l'apodictique, c'est-à-dire de ce qui relève du contingent et du nécessaire. Reste cependant que, si le débat scientifique semble consacré à la construction du problème en jeu, se pose à présent la question, au sein du cadre conceptuel de la problématisation que nous mobilisons, de la fonction même des investigations empiriques, au regard de leur structure propre : participent-elles encore à la construction du problème en jeu et, le cas échéant, à quelles conditions ? De ces quelques constats, le présent travail de recherche vise donc à la conceptualisation, la mise en œuvre et l'analyse de deux dispositifs didactiques en sciences, et ce dans une classe du cycle de consolidation du premier degré, le tout afin de mettre en évidence les quelques éléments pouvant participer à l'activité de problématisation scientifique engagée, notamment dans l'articulation de la construction à la résolution du problème en jeu. / For several years now, and with reference to the rationalist epistemology of Bachelard, Canguilhem and Popper, the relationship between problem, scientific knowledge and learning is the focus of extensive educational research. Language holds a first choice place at the heart of this interaction, which explains more particularly the importance given to scientific debate, and whose representation of the outcome, in terms of problematizing activity, is enabled by creating “spaces of constraints and needs”, which build on the fundamental distinction of an empirical thesaurus and the thesaurus of the model [or the models], and also on the equally fundamental distinction of the apodictic and assertoric, that is what is the contingency and the necessary. Furthermore, though the scientific debate seems centered around the construction of the problem at stake, another question is raised, within the conceptual framework of problematization that we mobilize, the very function of empirical investigations, according to their own structure : are still involved in the construction of the problem at stake and, where appropriate, under what conditions ? Based on these recent findings, this research work aims at the conceptualization, the implementation and the analysis of two teaching-learning science sequence, in a class of year 9 and 10, so as to highlight some elements which may participate in the scientific case of problematization to be surveyed, more particularly in the articulation of the construction to solve the problem at stake.
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An evaluation of the techniques used to collect latent prints from documents : a case study in Addis AbabaSenbeta, habtamu Bekele 10 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research paper is to evaluate the techniques used to collect latent prints from documents in Addis Ababa Police Commission and give some recommendations on how to cope with the problem.
The researcher started off by looking at the general orientation of the research and how the research has been done. Then in the next chapter, the meaning and objective of Forensic Investigation, right or mandate to investigate, the meaning of physical evidence and the prints and techniques used internationally to collect latent prints are discussed. In the third chapter, the best method of collecting latent prints from documents and the method and practice of collecting latent prints from documents at Addis Ababa Police Commission Forensic Evidence Collection Department were discussed. Finally, the finding of the research and some critical recommendations were given.
Latent prints from documents are very crucial to identifying the suspects and for legal proceedings or the court process. Even if it is known by the police officers, the techniques and the materials they are using to collect latent prints are with powders which are less effective. According to the research, the Ninhydrin chemical is the best technique recommended to collect latent prints from documents
This research paper gives a truly unique perspective on how latent prints should be collected from documents.
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Cone Penetration Testing and Hydrogeological Monitoring of a Retrogressive Landslide in Champlain Sea ClayPotvin, JOSHUA 28 September 2013 (has links)
Champlain Sea Clay (also known as Leda Clay) is a sensitive marine clay that was deposited within the limits of the Champlain Sea transgression during the final retreat of the Laurentide ice sheet. Upon isostatic rebound, the watersheds incised deep river valleys throughout the Ottawa region. These sensitive clay river banks have been shown to be highly susceptible to large retrogressive landslides. A cone penetration testing and hydrogeological program was developed in this thesis to characterize a retrogressive landslide along a creek valley consisting mainly of Champlain Sea Clay. As Champlain Sea Clay has been commonly shown to consist of banded layers, a 2 cm2 piezocone, and 5 cm2, 10 cm2 and 15 cm2 CPTu cones were used to demonstrate that the slightly larger 5 cm2 penetrometer was the most practical size for investigating landslides in Champlain Sea Clay. In doing so, the 5 cm2 cone was capable of high resolution stratigraphic profiling, locating remoulded layers for slip surface detection and characterizing the Champlain Sea Clay landslide near Ottawa.
Due to the significant effects of the pore pressure distribution on slope stability and retrogressive behavior, a long term hydrogeological program was initiated which defined the ground water regime and real-time pore pressure data during a retrogressive landslide event. The seasonal change in the ground water regime from rapid snowmelt has shown to be a significant hydrogeological influence on triggering a retrogressive landslide along Mud Creek. With regular monitoring over multiple seasons, the seasonal pore pressure changes can be used to further understand the long term development of retrogressive landslides in Champlain Sea Clay. / Thesis (Master, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2013-09-27 14:13:40.196
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