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Constraint based network communications in a virtual environment of a proprietary hardwareBhonagiri, Saaish, Mudugonda, Soumith Kumar January 2022 (has links)
The specialized hardware remains a key component of the mobile networks, but at the same time, the telecom industry is adapting a vision of a fully programable distributed end-to-end network with cloud style management and Software-Defined Networking. In the specialized hardware programmable network, it will be possible to place workloads across abstracted compute and networking infrastructure. But, whereas virtualization standard compute resources is a mature technology and well supported in cloud management systems such as OpenStack and Kubernetes, this is not the case for specialized hardware with more complex constraints. There is a significant gap in terms of advanced constraints and service level aware schedulers. The main objective of this thesis is that the specialised hardware needs to adapt to the features of edge computing. Edge computing provides the opportunity to explore how technologies can advance industrial processes. To achieve flexibility by choosing where the workload should be processed on the board based on available resources. Utilising this technology, highly intensive applications can be handled at the network’s edge. There is a necessity to virtualize the proprietary hardware and run workloads in VMs and containers. In this thesis, we discuss kernel bypass, PCI passthrough and MPI communication technologies in a virtual environment by considering the hardware constraints and software requirements so that these technologies can be integrated into OpenStack and Kubernetes in future.
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Pushing Traffic into the Digital Age : A Communication Technology Comparison and Security Assessment / Pushing Traffic into the Digital Age : A Communication Technology Comparison and Security AssessmentKrantz, Christoffer, Vukota, Gabriela January 2020 (has links)
With the rapid advances of technology, digitisation of many facets of our existence is taking place in an attempt to improve everyday life. The automotive industry is following suit, attempting to introduce connected traffic technology that is meant to improve traffic fluidity and safety. To facilitate this, connected vehicles aim to create solutions for the sharing of information between other vehicles, infrastructure - such as traffic light controllers, and pedestrians. In an attempt to further investigate the connected vehicle landscape of today, the thesis compared the two most prominent technologies, DSRC and cellular communication. An essential part of this comparison was highlighting the potential attacks that the two technologies could be exposed to. This was done in order to open up a discussion on what technology is the most suitable to focus on for the future both in terms of viability and security. DSRC has been considered the prominent communication technology for connected vehicles, but the development has stagnated. As such, the ever-evolving cellular technology is looking like the superior technology. This, however, is reliant on 5G delivering the speeds, stability and security promised. The state of constant vehicular connection is going to lead to many issues and concerns, both for the privacy of the individual but also the safety of the public. While connected traffic aims to solve a number of issues from traffic accidents to emissions - if the security of the communication is not constantly evolving to meet the rapid development of new technology, the consequences of connecting such a delicate system might nullify the potential benefits.
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Virtualizace vstupních a výstupních operací v počítačových sítích / Virtualization of I/O Operations in Computer NetworksRemeš, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This work deals with virtualization of computer systems and network cards in high-speed computer networks, and describes implementation of the SR-IOV virtualization technology support in the COMBO network card platform. Various approaches towards network card virtualization are compared, and the benefits of the SR-IOV technology for high performance applications are described. The work gives overview of the COMBO platform and describes design and implementation of the SR-IOV technology support for the COMBO platform. The work concludes with measurement and analysis of the implemented technology performance in virtual machines. The result of this work is the COMBO cards' support for the SR-IOV technology, which makes it possible to use them in virtual machines with wire-speed performance preserved. This allows future COMBO cards to be used as accelerators in the networks utilizing the Network Function Virtualization.
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Virtualizace I/O operací v oblasti počítačových sítí / I/O Virtualization in NetworkingPerešíni, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Existuje veľa rôznych dôvodov pre spoločnosti a organizácie, prečo by mali investovať do virtualizácie. Asi najväčší dôvod je finančná motivácia, pretože nasadenie virtualizácie môže ušetriť nemálo peňazí. Táto práca sa zaoberá práve problémom virtualizácie I/O operácií v sieťovom prostredí. Cieľom práce je tvorba softvérových ovládačov pre I/O virtualizáciu, ktoré by mohli pracovať s hardvérovo akcelerovanými sieťovými kartami. Hlavným prínosom ovládačov by mala byť použiteľnosť a čo najmenšia strata prenosového výkonu vo virtualizovanom prostredí. Pred popisom finálnych detailov ovládačov je však potrebné uviesť potrebné teoretické základy. Teoretická časť sa zaoberá súčasnými trendami vo virtualizácii I/O, technológiami ako sú virtio, vhost, SR-IOV, VFIO a mdev. V praktickej časti sú navrhuté dva spôsoby riešenia problému. Prvým je použitie technológie virtio (emulácia softvéru). Druhé je založené na technológii VFIO-mdev (hybridná paravirtualizácia). Pokiaľ sa jedná o výkon a konfigurovateľnosť zariadení, oba prístupy majú rôzne benefity. Tieto riešenia majú aj svoje nevýhody, ako je zložitosť riešenia a náročnosť integrácie do systému. Požadované ciele boli úspešne dosiahnuté vo forme prototypu ovládača nfb_mdev.
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