Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dodine."" "subject:"bodine.""
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NMR Studies of the Hydration Equilibria of Mesylate and Dialkyl Phosphate Derivatives of Acetone; and Investigations of Novel Hypervalent Iodine CompoundsChun, Joong-Hyun January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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This project was undertaken with the aim of developing a method for the assay of iodoamino acids in human serum. The iodoamino acids were separated by an ion exchange technique, and the resulting solutions analyzed for iodine using neutron activation analysis. This analytical system was applied to the analysis.of a number of serum samples from hypothyroid and hyperthyroid subjects. This allowed the division of each of these conditions into a number of classes in terms of the deviation of the individual iodoamino acid concentration from their normal ranges. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Cations and Oxy-Cations of IodineSenior, John Brian 08 1900 (has links)
<p> The behaviour of iodic acid, of mixtures of iodic acid and iodine, and of various other iodine compounds as solutes in sulphuric and fluorosulphuric acids has been studied, using mainly cryoscopic and conductimetric techniques. Evidence has been obtained for the existence of polymeric species containing iodine (V), of the oxy-cation IO+, of the iodine cation, I+, in small concentrations in equilibrium with its disproportionation products, and of the cations I3+, I5+ and I2Cl+. The reaction of iodosyl sulphate with disulphuric acid has been studied. Conductimetric studies have been made of solutions of water, potassium nitrate and potassium perchlorate in fluorosulphuric acid. The results of some spectrophotometric
and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments are also reported.</p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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The development of new strategies to access pyridinium salts are highly sought out due to their advantageous structures, which have diverse applications across materials science, biological processes, and organic synthesis. As synthetic intermediates, these scaffolds can be used as precursors to valuable piperidine derivatives and have recently emerged as important cross coupling handles for metal-catalyzed processes. Unfortunately, current methods to access pyridinium salts are limited; they require harsh conditions, rely on the presence of an amine functional handle, and are not amenable to diverse structural variation. In Chapter 1, a summary of various syntheses and the reactivity of pyridinium salts is provided.
This dissertation provides new strategies to access pyridinium salts. The first method is via aminolactonization of alkenoic acids, resulting in 1° pyridinium salts (Chapter 2). The second method is a regioselective synthesis of 3-aminopiperidine salts via diamination of olefins (Chapter 3). Both methods are promoted by nitrogen-ligated hypervalent iodine reagents (N-HVIs). These novel class of reagents serve as “heterocyclic group transfer reagents,” incorporating diverse pyridinium salts under mild conditions and in excellent yields. Heterocyclic Group Transfer reactions have resulted in new classes of pyridinium salts that can be further functionalized via simple known methods to access diverse piperidine motifs, providing an innovative approach to substitution patterns that were previously challenging to synthesize. These strategies have also enabled pyridinium salts to be viewed as a synthetic platform for diversity-oriented amine synthesis. Chapter 4 will elaborate on the synthesis of different classes of 3-aminopiperidine motifs using hypervalent iodine reagents; these motifs have been previously synthesized using transition metal catalysis. / Chemistry
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Cellular radiotoxicity of iodine-123Smit, B. S. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Auger electron emitter iodine-123 was examined in the form of 4-
[12311iodoantipyrineand as [12311Nal for its effectiveness in killing cells of different
sensitivity to photon irradiation. Micronucleus assays showed that 4-
[12311iodoantipyrineis two to three times more effective in cell inactivation than
C2311Nai.This can be attributed to the fact that antipyrine, for reason of its lipid
solubility, can enter cells and can reach the cell nucleus, whereas C231]Nai is
excluded from the cytoplasm. The differential targeting of intra- and extracellular
compartments was confirmed by radionuclide uptake experiments. In the nucleus,
Auger decay conceivably is located on the DNA where it may invoke high-LET
irradiation damage. Irradiation damage by [12311Naisl by long range y-irradiation and
hence low-LET. Results of the present study demonstrate however that the
enhancement of MN-frequency seen with 4-[123I]iodoantipyrine over [12311Nalis
similar for all cell lines and that the narrowing of MN-response expected for 4-
[12311iodoantipyrinedoes not occur. Experiments with the free radical scavenger,
DMSO, indicated nearly identical dose reduction factors for both iodine-123
carriers. These two observations strongly suggest that the cell inactivation by 4-
[12311iodoantipyrine is not by high-LET direct ionisation of DNA, but due to an
indirect effect. The indirect radiation effect of Auger decay in the nucleus is
attributed to shielding of DNA by histones. Such a protection mechanism is not
unrealistic if it is realised that histones and DNA associate in a 1: 1 weight ratio and
that higher order folding of the nucleosome chain into solenoids, loops, and
chromatids generates considerable protein density. In the nucleosome core, the
histone acta mer measures 7 nm and closely approximates the 10 nm dimention of
the Auger electron range. It is suggested that the interlacing of protein density with
DNA density suppresses direct ionisation from Auger decay at the DNA and directs
the majority of Auger decay to the histones. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Auger-elektron-uitstraler, jodium-123, is ondersoek in die vorm van 4-
[123l]jodoantipirien en [12311Nal om die effektiwiteit te bepaal waarmee dit selle met
verskillende grade van sensitiwiteit vir fotonbestraling doodmaak. Mikrokerntellings
toon aan dat 4-[123I]jodoantipirien selle twee tot drie maal meer effektief inaktiveer
as [12311Nal.Dit kan toegeskryf word aan die feit dat antipirien, as gevolg van sy
vetoplosbaarheidseienskappe, die selle kan binnedring en die kern bereik, teenoor
[12311Nalwat uitgesluit word uit die sitoplasma. Die differensiële blootstelling van
intra- en ekstrasellulere gebiede is bevestig deur radionukliedopname eksperimente.
In die selkern vind Auger verval waarskynlik by die DNA plaas waar dit hoë-LET
stralingskade veroorsaak. Stralingskade afkomstig van [1231]Nalis deur langafstand
y-strale en dus lae-LET. Die resultate van die huidige studie bewys egter dat die
verhoogde mikrokernfrekwensie van 4-[12311jodoantipirienteenoor [1231]Nal dieselfde
is vir al die sellyne en dat die vernouïng van mikrokernreaksie soos verwag met 4-
[12311jodoantipirien, nie plaasvind nie. Eksperimente met die vryradikaalopruimer,
DMSO, dui op feitlik identiese dosis-modifiseringsfaktore vir beide jodium-123
draers. Hierdie twee waarnemings is 'n besliste aanduiding dat die selinaktivering
deur 4-[12311jodoantipiriennie deur hoë-LET direkte ionisering van DNA plaasvind nie,
maar eerder deur indirekte stralingsaksie. Die indirekte stralingseffek van Augerverval
in die kern kan toegeskryf word aan afskerming van DNA deur histone. So 'n
beskermingsmeganisme is nie onrealisties nie, as in ag geneem word dat histone en
DNA in 'n 1: 1 gewigsverhouding assosieer en dat hoër orde vouïng van die
nukleosoomketting tot solenoïede, lusse en chromatiede 'n beduidende
protïendigtheid genereer. In die nukleosoomkern is die histoon-oktameer ongeveer 7
nm in deursnit en dus vergelykbaar met die 10 nm reikafstand van die Auger
elektrone. Dit word voorgestel dat die ineengeweefdheid van die protien-digtheid
met die DNA-digtheid die direkte ionisering van die DNA tydens Auger verval
onderdruk en dat die meeste van die Auger verval in die histone plaasvind.
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Ciclofuncionalizações utilizando iodo/iodo(III) / Cyclofunctionalization using iodine/iodine(III)Scarassati Filho, Paulo 15 May 2019 (has links)
Na primeira parte da tese são apresentados os resultados referentes aos estudos mecanísticos da reação de ciclização de álcoois homoalílicos com o sistema iodo/iodo(III). Os experimentos demonstraram que essa reação ocorre pela intermediação de espécies eletrofílicas hipoiodídicas e que apenas um intermediário acíclico contribui efetivamente para a formação do produto desejado. Na segunda parte da tese são discutidos os resultados obtidos na ciclização com iodo/iodo(III) para uma série de substratos insaturados. Essa metodologia mostrou-se versátil, permitindo que uma grande variedade de derivados tetra-hidrofurânicos metóxi-substituídos pudessem ser obtidos a partir de álcoois primários e secundários. Em todas as reações uma mistura de diastereoisômeros cis/trans foi obtida em rendimentos moderados. Aplicando-se esse método a 4-alquenóis e ácidos carboxílicos insaturados, apenas produtos análogos aos obtidos em protocolos clássicos de ciclização eletrofílica puderam ser acessados. Nesses casos, devido a uma limitação dos substratos, a ciclização ocorre exclusivamente pelo ataque intramolecular da hidroxila/carboxila levando à formação do anel de cinco membros. Submetendo sulfonamidas homoalílicas ao sistema iodo/iodo(III) produtos de coiodação foram isolados. Pirrolidinas metóxi-substituídas foram obtidas empregando-se t-BuOK como base para promover a ciclização. Esse método se mostrou efetivo no caso de substratos suscetíveis à migração, contendo grupos arila na ligação dupla e também foi aplicado com sucesso para os álcoois homoalílicos primários e secundários, o que permitiu obter em alguns casos os tetra-hidrofuranos em rendimentos maiores do que no método convencional. / In the first part of the thesis are presented the results regarding the mechanistic studies of the cyclization reaction of homoalyl alcohols with the iodine/iodine(III) system. The experiments demonstrated that this reaction occurs through the intermediation of hypoiodidic electrophilic species and that only an acyclic intermediate effectively contributes to the formation of the desired product. In the second part of the thesis the results obtained in the cyclization with iodine/iodine(III) for a series of unsaturated substrates are discussed. This methodology proved to be versatile, allowing a large variety of methoxy-substituted tetrahydrofuran derivatives to be obtained from primary and secondary alcohols. In all reactions a mixture of cis/trans diastereoisomers was obtained in moderate yields. Applying this method to 4-alkenols and unsaturated carboxylic acids, only products analogous to those obtained in classical electrophilic cyclization protocols could be accessed. In these cases, due to a limitation of the substrates, the cyclization occurs exclusively by the intramolecular hydroxyl/carboxyl attack leading to the formation of the five-membered ring. Subjecting homoalyl sulfonamides to the iodine/iodine(III) system co-iodination products were isolated. Methoxy-substituted pyrrolidines were obtained using t-BuOK as a base to promote cyclization. This method proved to be effective in the case of substrates susceptible to migration, containing aryl groups in the double bond and was also successfully applied to the primary and secondary homoalyl alcohols, which in some cases allowed the tetrahydrofurans to be obtained in higher yields than in the conventional method.
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Estudo e desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de produção de iodo-125 a partir de xenônio-124 pelo método de ativação neutrônica / Study and development of a new methodology for production of iodine-125 from xenon-124 through the method of neutron activationCosta, Osvaldo Luiz da 17 September 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma nova metodologia de produção de iodo-125, que resultou na primeira produção deste radionuclídeo no Brasil. Cápsulas de alumínio foram projetadas, fabricadas e avaliadas para que suportassem condições de pressão, temperatura e fluxo de nêutrons no reator nuclear IEA-R1 do IPEN sem a ocorrência de liberação de material radioativo. Foram projetados, desenvolvidos e fabricados sistemas de carregamento, descarregamento e recuperação dos gases para a manipulação do gás xenônio e do iodo. Foi desenvolvido um novo método de lavagem da cápsula, para dissolução do iodo-125 adsorvido nas paredes, por meio de imersão em banho ultrassônico. Foram irradiadas três cápsulas no reator nuclear IEA-R1, por um período de aproximadamente 60 h contínuas, a um fluxo de nêutrons de 5,5 x 1013 n cm-2 s-1. Foi produzido um total de 13,53 GBq (365,73 mCi) de iodo-125, e o único contaminante encontrado foi o radionuclídeo iodo-126. Na análise radioquímica, pelo método de cromatografia em papel ascendente, o iodo-125 em solução de NaOH apresentou percentual de iodeto acima de 98%, superior à exigência da farmacopeia americana para soluções de iodo radioativo que é de 95%. Para a análise radionuclídica foi desenvolvida uma fonte planar, a base de resina epoxídica, para a contagem do iodo-125 em detector de germânio de alta pureza. A correlação entre o iodo-125 e o iodo-126 produzido apresentou valores entre 0,5 e 0,7% após um período de decaimento de 10 d, grau de pureza suficiente para a utilização em técnicas de radioimunoensaio. / A new methodology of iodine-125 production was developed in this work, performing the first production of iodine-125 in Brazil. Aluminium capsules were designed, manufactured and evaluated to support condition as pressure, temperature and neutron flux in IEA-R1 Nuclear Reactor without releasing radioactive material into reactor pool. It was designed, developed and manufactured systems to load, unload and recover gases to manipulate the xenon gas and the iodine. A new method of capsule rinsing was developed, to dissolve the iodine-125 adsorbed in the walls, using immersion in ultrasonic bath. Three capsules were irradiated in IEA-R1 Nuclear Reactor for approximately 60 h continuous, at a neutron flux of 5.5 x 1013 n cm-2 s-1. It was produced a total of 13.53 GBq (365.73 mCi) of iodine-125 and the radionuclide iodine-126 was the only contaminant found. In radiochemical analysis, by ascending paper chromatography method, the iodine-125 in NaOH solution presented a percentage over 98%, higher than American pharmacopeia requirements for iodine radioactive solutions which is 95%. A planar source was developed, based on epoxy resin, to iodine-125 radionuclidic analysis in high purity germanium detector. The correlation between iodine-125 and iodine-126 produced showed values between 0.5 and 0.7% after a 10 d decay period, a purity grade enough to apply in radioimmunoassay techniques.
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Purificação de 123I e 131I para marcação de biomoléculas / 123I and 131I purification for biomolecules labelingCatanoso, Marcela Forli 10 August 2011 (has links)
O 123I e 131I são dois radioisótopos de iodo amplamente utilizados em medicina nuclear. O 123I é utilizado para diagnóstico através da técnica de SPECT e produzido no IPEN em cíclotron a partir da reação 124Xe (p,2n)123Cs->123Xe-> 123I. Já o 131I pode ser utilizado tanto para o diagnóstico quanto para o tratamento devido às suas características físicas de decaimento β- e sua elevada emissão de raios-γ. Sua produção no IPEN é realizada utilizando um reator nuclear a partir da reação indireta: 130Te(n, γ)->131Te->131I, onde são irradiados alvos contendo Te. Os radiofármacos preparados com estes radioisótopos passam por um rigoroso controle de qualidade onde a pureza química dos radioisótopos primários 123I e 131I está dentro dos limites estabelecidos atualmente. Entretanto, a presença de alguns contaminantes químicos prejudica a marcação de biomoléculas (anticorpos monoclonais e peptídeos) que produziriam radiofármacos de primeira geração para a área de oncologia. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste na obtenção de um método de purificação dos radionuclídeos 123I e 131I para uma maior eficiência na marcação de biomoléculas, estabelecendo também controle do processo nos métodos de produção destes radioisótopos. A metodologia foi dividida em 3 etapas: Determinação da pureza radionuclídica através da análise de amostras de 123I e 131I no detector de germânio-hiperpuro (HPGe), determinação da pureza química de 123I e 131I através da técnica de ICP-OES e análise do comportamento de 131I em diversos adsorvedores para posterior utilização dos adsorvedores mais adequados para os testes de purificação, analisando o comportamento dos possíveis contaminantes. Quanto a pureza radionuclídica, pode-se observar a presença de radionuclídeos de Te e Co nas amostras de 131I e radionuclídeos de Te, Tc e Co para 123I. A análise de pureza química determinou a presença principalmente de Al e Mo nas amostras de 123I, provenientes do material do porta-alvo e da janela do porta-alvo e Al e Te nas amostras de 131I, provenientes da cápsula de Al utilizada na irradiação e do alvo, respectivamente. O estudo de retenção e eluição de 131I selecionou os meios adsorvedores mais promissores para sua purificação, no caso a resina catiônica Dowex 50WX4 que apresentou excelente eluição de 131I e retenção das impurezas radionuclídicas presentes em sua solução. / The 123I and 131I are iodine radioisotopes widely used in Nuclear Medicine. The radioisotope 123I is used in diagnosis through the SPECT technique and is routinely produced at IPEN in cyclotron through the reaction: 124Xe (p, 2n) 123Cs -> 123Xe -> 123I. The radioisotope 131I is used both in diagnosis and therapy due to its physical characteristics of decay by β- and its γ-ray emissions that are softened with the use of specific collimators for diagnosis. It is routinely produced at IPEN using the nuclear reactor through the indirect reaction: 130Te (n, γ) ->131Te -> 131I, irradiating compounds containing Te. The radiopharmaceuticals prepared with these radioisotopes go through rigorous quality control tests and the chemical purity of the primary radioisotopes 123I and 131I are within the permissible limits currently defined. However, the presence of some chemical contaminants can prejudice the biomolecules labeling (monoclonal antibodies and peptides), that will produce radiopharmaceuticals of first generation to the oncology area. The aim of this work was to obtain a new purification method of these radioisotopes, allowing the labeling of biomolecules and also to established a process control on those radioisotopes. The methodology was separated on 3 steps: Evaluation of 123I e 131I radionuclidic purity using a hiperpure germanium detector, chemical purity using ICP-OES and the retention and elution study of 131I in several absorbers to choose the most appropriate for the purification tests analyzing the behavior of the possible contaminants. The radionuclidic analyses showed the presence of Te and Co on 131I samples and Te, Tc e Co on 123I samples. The chemical purity analyses showed the presence of Al and Mo in 123I, coming from the window material of the target holder and the presence of Al and Te in 131I samples, coming from the target holder and the target, respectively. The retention and elution study selected the most promising adsorber to the purification technique, in this case, the Dowex 50WX4 cationic exchange that showed an excellent 131I elution and the retention of radionuclidic and chemical impurities present in the solution.
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Purificação de 123I e 131I para marcação de biomoléculas / 123I and 131I purification for biomolecules labelingMarcela Forli Catanoso 10 August 2011 (has links)
O 123I e 131I são dois radioisótopos de iodo amplamente utilizados em medicina nuclear. O 123I é utilizado para diagnóstico através da técnica de SPECT e produzido no IPEN em cíclotron a partir da reação 124Xe (p,2n)123Cs->123Xe-> 123I. Já o 131I pode ser utilizado tanto para o diagnóstico quanto para o tratamento devido às suas características físicas de decaimento β- e sua elevada emissão de raios-γ. Sua produção no IPEN é realizada utilizando um reator nuclear a partir da reação indireta: 130Te(n, γ)->131Te->131I, onde são irradiados alvos contendo Te. Os radiofármacos preparados com estes radioisótopos passam por um rigoroso controle de qualidade onde a pureza química dos radioisótopos primários 123I e 131I está dentro dos limites estabelecidos atualmente. Entretanto, a presença de alguns contaminantes químicos prejudica a marcação de biomoléculas (anticorpos monoclonais e peptídeos) que produziriam radiofármacos de primeira geração para a área de oncologia. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste na obtenção de um método de purificação dos radionuclídeos 123I e 131I para uma maior eficiência na marcação de biomoléculas, estabelecendo também controle do processo nos métodos de produção destes radioisótopos. A metodologia foi dividida em 3 etapas: Determinação da pureza radionuclídica através da análise de amostras de 123I e 131I no detector de germânio-hiperpuro (HPGe), determinação da pureza química de 123I e 131I através da técnica de ICP-OES e análise do comportamento de 131I em diversos adsorvedores para posterior utilização dos adsorvedores mais adequados para os testes de purificação, analisando o comportamento dos possíveis contaminantes. Quanto a pureza radionuclídica, pode-se observar a presença de radionuclídeos de Te e Co nas amostras de 131I e radionuclídeos de Te, Tc e Co para 123I. A análise de pureza química determinou a presença principalmente de Al e Mo nas amostras de 123I, provenientes do material do porta-alvo e da janela do porta-alvo e Al e Te nas amostras de 131I, provenientes da cápsula de Al utilizada na irradiação e do alvo, respectivamente. O estudo de retenção e eluição de 131I selecionou os meios adsorvedores mais promissores para sua purificação, no caso a resina catiônica Dowex 50WX4 que apresentou excelente eluição de 131I e retenção das impurezas radionuclídicas presentes em sua solução. / The 123I and 131I are iodine radioisotopes widely used in Nuclear Medicine. The radioisotope 123I is used in diagnosis through the SPECT technique and is routinely produced at IPEN in cyclotron through the reaction: 124Xe (p, 2n) 123Cs -> 123Xe -> 123I. The radioisotope 131I is used both in diagnosis and therapy due to its physical characteristics of decay by β- and its γ-ray emissions that are softened with the use of specific collimators for diagnosis. It is routinely produced at IPEN using the nuclear reactor through the indirect reaction: 130Te (n, γ) ->131Te -> 131I, irradiating compounds containing Te. The radiopharmaceuticals prepared with these radioisotopes go through rigorous quality control tests and the chemical purity of the primary radioisotopes 123I and 131I are within the permissible limits currently defined. However, the presence of some chemical contaminants can prejudice the biomolecules labeling (monoclonal antibodies and peptides), that will produce radiopharmaceuticals of first generation to the oncology area. The aim of this work was to obtain a new purification method of these radioisotopes, allowing the labeling of biomolecules and also to established a process control on those radioisotopes. The methodology was separated on 3 steps: Evaluation of 123I e 131I radionuclidic purity using a hiperpure germanium detector, chemical purity using ICP-OES and the retention and elution study of 131I in several absorbers to choose the most appropriate for the purification tests analyzing the behavior of the possible contaminants. The radionuclidic analyses showed the presence of Te and Co on 131I samples and Te, Tc e Co on 123I samples. The chemical purity analyses showed the presence of Al and Mo in 123I, coming from the window material of the target holder and the presence of Al and Te in 131I samples, coming from the target holder and the target, respectively. The retention and elution study selected the most promising adsorber to the purification technique, in this case, the Dowex 50WX4 cationic exchange that showed an excellent 131I elution and the retention of radionuclidic and chemical impurities present in the solution.
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Comparação entre métodos de fixação de iodo radioativo em substrato de prata para confecção de fontes utilizadas em Braquiterapia / Comparison between methods for fixing radioactive iodine in silver substrate for manufacturing brachytherapy sourcesSouza, Carla Daruich de 13 July 2012 (has links)
Dentre as diversas formas de se tratar o câncer de próstata, a braquiterapia com sementes de iodo-125 é uma opção que apresenta ótimos resultados e menor ocorrência de efeito colateral. No presente trabalho diferentes métodos de deposição de iodo radioativo em substrato de prata foram comparados com o propósito de eleger a alternativa mais adequada para a produção rotineira de sementes de iodo-125 do IPEN. A metodologia utilizada foi escolhida com base na infraestrutura disponível e na experiência dos pesquisadores presentes. Por essa razão, utilizou-se o iodo-131 para realização dos testes (mesmo comportamento do iodo-125). Quatro métodos foram selecionados: Método 1 (teste de eletrodeposição baseado no método desenvolvido por D. Kubiatowicz) com a eficiência de 65,16%; Método 2 (Reação química baseada no método desenvolvido por D. Kubiatowicz - HCl) com o resultado de 70,80% de eficiência; Método 3 (Reação química baseada no método desenvolvido pela Dra Maria Elisa Rostelato aquecimento/sulfeto) com 55,80% de eficiência; Método 4 (IQ-IPEN) apresentou o melhor resultado de eficiência, 99%. Como há mais fixação do material radioativo (que representa praticamente todo o custo da semente) por esse método, o preço final é o mais barato, sendo esse o método sugerido para ser implementado no laboratório de produção de fontes de braquiterapia do IPEN. Além disso o método é o mais rápido. / Among the different ways to treat prostate cancer, brachytherapy with iodine- 125 seeds is an option that provides good results and fewer side effects. In the present study several deposition methods of radioactive iodine in a silver substrate were compared in order to choose the most suitable alternative for the routine production to be implemented at IPENs laboratory. The methodology used was chosen based on the available infrastructure and experience of the researchers present. Therefore, the I131 was used for testing (same chemical behavior as I131). Four methods were selected: Method 1 (test based on electrodeposition method developed by D.Kubiatowicz) presented 65.16% efficiency; Method 2 (chemical reaction based on the method developed by D. Kubiatowicz - HCl) with the result of 70.80% efficiency; method 3 (chemical reaction based on the method developed by Dr. Maria Elisa Rostelato) with 55.80% efficiency; Method 4 (IQ-IPEN) resulted in 99% efficiency. Since this method has more radioactive material fixation (which represents virtually the entire cost of the seed), the final price is the cheapest. This method is the suggested one to be implemented in the IPENs laboratory for brachytherapy sources production. Besides, the method is the fasted one.
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