Spelling suggestions: "subject:"islamic studies"" "subject:"lslamic studies""
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Socio-Religious contribution of Chishti Sufis (From Hazrat khwajah Moinuddin Chishti to Hazrat Khwajah Nizamuddin Awliya)Anbu, Sagaya Pushpa A 09 1900 (has links)
Chishti Sufis
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Mawlana Abu-L-Kalam Azad's Concept of Religion and Religions According to his Tarjumanu-L-Qur'an: a Critique.Hahn, Ernest Norman. January 1965 (has links)
After the death of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, it was reported that the Secretary of the Congress Parliament Party suggested that Nehru's portrait be placed in the only vacant panel in the Central Hall of Parliament along side the eleven portraits which had already been installed. It is not coincidental that one of these eleven panels bears the portrait of a Muslim, and it is even less coincidental that this portrait is of Abu-l-Kalam Azad. [...]
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Dr. H. Abdul Karim Amrullah: His Influence in the Islamic Reform Movement in Minangkabau in the Early Twentieth Century.Djamal, Murni. January 1975 (has links)
This thesis is intended to describe the part played, by Dr. H. Abdul Karim Amrullah in the Islamic Reform Movement in Minangkabau in the early twentieth century and to evaluate the extent of his influence in this movement. Together with Dr. H. Abdullah Ahmad and Shaykh Muhammad Jamil Jambek, he belonged to the leading figures of the movement. It is to Dr. H. Abdul Karim Amrullah that we owe the introductlon of the Muhammadiyah (non-political Muslim organization), and the Sumatra Thawlib (a Muslim Reformist School System) which was later to develop into a political party, Persatuan Muslimin Indonesia, PERMI, (Indonesian Muslim Association) / Cette thèse se propose de d'écrire le rôle joué par le Docteur Haji Abdul Karim Amrullah dans le mouvement Islamique de réforme à Minangkabau au dêbut du vingtième siécle et d'éxaminer l'a portée de son influence dans ce mouvement. Avec le Docteur Abdullah Ahmad et le Shaykh Muhammad Jamil Jambek il appartenait au groupe des personalités les plus importantes dans ce mouvement. C'est au Docteur Haji Abdul Karim Amrullah que revient le mérite d'avoir introduit les Muhammadiyah (un groupment Musulman non-politlique) et la réforme Musulmane des écoles connué sous le nom de Sumatia Thawalib qui devait plus tard se développer comme un parti politique le Persatuan Muslimin Indonesia, PERMI (Association Musulmane Indonésienne).
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a Study of al-Durar al-kamina as a Source for the History of the Mamluk Empire.Escovitz, Joseph H. January 1974 (has links)
Several scholars have attempted to characterize the secretaries of the bureaucracies of the Islamic empires during various eras. Most claim that these secretaries (kuttab) were a closely knit caste of professional bureaucrats with no ties to the class of religious notables, the 'ulama'. In opposition to this view, I. Lapidus, in his book Muslim Cities in the Later Middle Ages, claims that 'ulama' were to be found in all branches of the Mamluk bureaucracy, even among the supposedly haughty secretaries of the chancery. It is the purpose of this thesis to comment on this dispute by studying the biographies of the Mamluk chancery as presented in the biographical dictionary. [...] / Plusieurs savants ont essayé de caractériser les secrétaires des bureaucraties des empires islamiques pendant de diverses époques. La plupart avance que ces secrétaires (kuttab) étaient une caste fermée de bureaucrates professionels, sans lien à cet avis, I. Lapidus, dans son livre Muslim Cities in the Later Middle Ages, soutient que des 'ulama' se trouvaient dans les branches de la bureaucratie des Mameloukes, même entre les secrétaires de la chancellerie, supposément hautains. Le but de cette thèse est de commenter ce débat en étudiant les biographies des secrétaires de la chancellerie mamelouke comme elles sont presentées dans le dictionnaire biographique contemporaine. [...]
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Prophethood from the Perspective of the Qur'an.Fiegenbaum, J.W. January 1973 (has links)
The title expresses the intent of this study. Against the background of the history of prophethood in the Ialamic tradition and a consideration of scholarly studies of the phenomenon, this thesis investigates some fundamental issues from the perspective of the Qur'an, a source which has been slighted in previous studies. The results of this study may be summarized in three main points. [...] / Le titre exprime les intentions de cette étude. En se fondant sur l'histoire de la prophétie dans la tradition islamique et sur l'examen des études érudites de ce phénomène, cette thèse examine, du point de vue du Coran, quelques problèmes fondamentaux négligés dans les études antérieures. Les résultats de cette étude peuvent être résumés en trois points. [...]
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the Concept of Sunnah in the Muwatta' of Malik B. Anas.Guraya, Muhammad Yusuf. January 1969 (has links)
There are a variety of opinions about the Sunnah whether it is based on the practice of the Muslim community or on the Hadith etc. In the face of these opinions, it seems pertinent to determine what is the concept of Sunnah in the Muwatta', a earliest comprehensive work on the subject. Our studies demonstrate that the concept of Sunnah in the Muwatta' is not necessarily based on the Hadith i.e. "the past," either verbal or practical. Rather "the past" is judged by "the present". It is also not a simple record of the practice of the Muslim community in Madinah. It is rather a "normative practice of Malik" (al-Sunnah 'indana). This normative practice of Malik was based on the recognized Islamic religious norms and on the accepted standard of conduct derived from the religlous and ethical principles introduced by the Prophet. Later this normative practice of Malik was taken as "the actual practice" of the people of Madinah.
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Sokoto-Emirate Relations, 1804-1903: an Analysis.Hann, Nicholas M. January 1973 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with ascertaining the nature of Sokoto-Emirate relations in the nineteenth century, and pays particular attention to the question of Sokoto's authority, or its ability to influence and determine the direction of emirate affairs over which it supposedly had dominion. The methodology employed to achieve such an end has been the examination, in as far as was possible, of certain prerogatives which Sokoto possessed and which placed it in its ascendant position vis-a-vis its subordinate emirate components. By elucidating the strengths and weaknesses of Sokoto's position and defining the limitations on its power to influence and control certain aspects of emirate affairs, this investigation attempts to place the problem of authority in a clearer perspective and provide a better understanding of governmental processes and procedures in the Sokoto Caliphate. / Cette thèse a pour but de préciser la nature de relations entre Sokoto et les émirais dans le dix-neuvième siècle. Elle a trait en particulier à la question de l'autorité de Sokoto, c'est-à-dire, son abilité d'influencer et de diriger les affaires des émirats. La facon de procéder a consisté en l'examination de certains droits que possédait Sokoto, et qui placaient Sokoto dans une position supérieure vis-à-vis les émirats. En éclaireissant les points forts el les faiblesses de la position de Sokoto, cet oeuvre va essayer de clarifier le problème de l'autorité pour faire mieux comprendre le processus gouvernemental dans le califat de Sokoto.
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the Concept of Pleasure Propounded by Nasir-I Khusraw.Hunzai, Ghulam Abbas. January 1993 (has links)
This study is intended to investigate the concept of pleasure as developed by Nasir-i Khusraw, a prominent Isma'ili philosopher and theologian of the fifth century hijrah. This concept seems to be one of the central themes of Nasir's thought system. From Nàsir's works, it appears that according to him the concept of pleasure is not simply an ethical problem but a cosmic principle active and functional on all the existential levels. Every being experiences pleasure in its specific way by performing the function assigned to it. Through this function or activity every being perpetuates its existence and preserves its well-being. On the sub-human levels i.e. mineral, vegetative and animal, the principle of pleasure is a driving force which enables these levels to preserve their respective well-being. However, from the human level till the level of the Universal Soul this principle gains an increasingly epistemological character as it is connected with the soul's activity of acquiring knowledge. / Cette étude a pour but d'investiguer le concept du plaisir exposé par Nasir-i Khusraw, éminent philosophe et théologien Isma'ili du cinquième siècle de l'hégire. Ce concept semble être un des thèmes centraux du système de pensee de Nasir. D'après l'oeuvre de Nasir, il apparait que le concept du plaisir n'est pas seulement un problème éthique mais aussi un principe cosmique actif et fonctionnel à tous les niveaux de l'existence. Chaque être fait l'expérience du plaisir d'une façon qui lui est spécifique en performant la fonction qui lui est assignée. C'est par cette fonction ou activité que chaque être perpétue son existence et préserve son bien-être. Aux niveaux sous-humains, à savoir minéral végétal et animal, le principe du plaisir est une force conductrice permettant à ces niveaux de préserver leur bien-être propre. Cependant, du niveau humain jusqu'à celui de l'Ame Universelle, ce principe gagne un caractère épistémologique croissant puisqu'il est connecté à l'activité de l'âme de l'acquisition de la connaissance.
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the Evolution of the Rule of Law: the Origins and Function of Legal Theory.Ibrahim, Bilal. January 2005 (has links)
The thesis examines the origins and function of legal theory (usul al-fiqh) within the context of the development of early Islamic law. I argue against the depiction of the development of law as a series of compromises between traditionalism and rationalism. Rather, by evading the demands of traditionalism, law evolved into a complex doctrinal entity rooted in the social structures of third century Abbasid society. This revision of the development of law provides a context to evaluate early works of legal theory. Moreover, in context of my analysis of the development of law, I attempt to explain the emergence of legal theory as an independent discipline and its function within the greater structure of law. / Cette thèse analyse les origines et fonctions de la théorie juridique (usul al-fiqh) dans le contexte du développement du début la loi Islamique. J'argumente contre la description du développement de la loi en tant que série de compromis entre le traditionalisme et le rationalisme. Au contraire, en éludant les demandes du traditionalisme, la loi évolue dans une entité doctrinale complexe enraciné dans les structures sociales de la société Abbasid du troisième siècle. Cette révision du développement de la loi apporte un contexte pour évaluer les travaux antérieurs de la théorie juridique. De plus, dans le contexte de mon analyse du développement de la loi, j'essaye d'expliquer l'émergence de la théorie juridique comme une discipline indépendante et ses fonctions dans une structure juridique générale.
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the Crisis of the Intellectuals in the United Arab Republic, Especially as Reflected in Muhammad Hasanayn Haykal's Azmat al-Muthaqqafin.Koning, Karen Lee. January 1971 (has links)
Concerned with mobilizing its populace for a summer swing to socialism in 1961, the governemtn of the U.A.R. was pressed to resolve its conflicts with the intellectuals and then to suggest ways to minimize them within the context of the country's developing pains. Although his efforts appear appropriate for wooing the technical intelligentsia and the general public to the socialist schemes, casualties of his discussion are a complete and profound interpretation of intellectuals in crisis and therefore the self-defined "true" intellectual. Haykal's remarks have been evaluated against a background of developments in the U.A.R. especially before and after 1961.
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