Spelling suggestions: "subject:"islamic studies"" "subject:"lslamic studies""
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United Kingdom/United States Air Transport Agreement of 1977 and its Amendments: an Analysis.Khan, Anjun Jawaid. January 1984 (has links)
The first post-war air transport agreement between the United States and United Kingdom was signed in Bermuda on February 11, 1946. This agreement became a model for other air transport agreements. The denunciation of this agreement in 1976 by the U.K. triggered the signing of a new agreement on July 23, 1977, which was again to be rejected but in this instance by the U.S. as a model agreement. A review of the negotiations carried out, the attitudes of the contracting parties and the subsequent amendments to this new agreement is made. / Le premier accord d'après-guerre sur le transport aérien entre les Etats-Unis et le Royaume Uni fut le 11 novembre 1946. Cette accord servira de modèle pour d'autres accords au niveau du transport aérien. La dénonciation de cet accord en 1976 par le Royaume Uni amena la conclusion d'un nouvel accord le 23 juillet 1977, qui fut encore rejeté, cependant, par les Etats-Unis, comme cadre de négotiations. Un rappel des discussions encourues, des attitudes des parties contractantes et des amendements subséquents au nouvel accord sera présenté au cours de cette thèse.
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The Figure of Mosas in the Qur'an.Barbezat, Edward F. January 1986 (has links)
This thesis attempts to answer the following questions: 1) In what context do the Mosaic narratives occur? 2) What is the role of Moses? 3) How does the figure of Moses function? 4) To what extent is Moses a "model" for the Prophet Muhammad? The figure of Moses grows to such importance because the narratives well suited the situations in which the Prophet Muhammad and his followers found themselves. Was Moses a "model" or was he, as some Western scholars say, "Made in Muhammad's image"? A study of the relevant materials reveals certain parallels between the situation and mission of the Prophet Muhammad and Moses i.e., Monotheism, the religio-political dimension, gatherlng of a community and, the Exodus and the Hijrah, dealing with opposition and transmission of a revelation. [...] / Cette thèse essaie de répondre aux questions suivantes: 1. Dans quels contextes les récits se développent-ils? 2. Quel est le rôle de Moise? 3. Comment se dégage l'image de Moïse? 4. Jusqu'à quel point Moïse sert-il de "modèle" au Prophète Muhammad? La dimension de la figure de Moise croît progressivement parce que les situations vécues par le Prophète Muhammad et la nouvelle communauté musulmane, ont engendré des récits appropriés. Moise était-il un "modèle" ou a-t-il été "créé à l'image de Muhammad?" L'étude des passages pertinents révèle certains parallèles entre la situation et la mission du Prophète Muhammad et celles de Moise: le monothéisme; la dimension religio-politique; l'Exode, l'Hijrah et le rassemblement d'une communauté; le traitement envers les opposants et la transmission d'une révélation. [...]
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The Language of Islamism: Pakistan's Media Repsonse to the Iranian Revolution.Kassam, Shelina. January 1993 (has links)
The role of Islam in the public life of Pakistan has been a complex and changing one.Since the country' s inception in 1947, Islamism has been the primary language of itspublic discourse in political, cultural, economie and social matters. Nevertheless, there hasbeen little consensus with respect to a c1ear definition of this concept. Islamism hasprovided a fairly flexible and yet powerful mechanism - or language - through whichdifferent political actors have attempted to dorninate public discourse in the country. [...] / Le rôle de l'Islam dans la vie publique du Pakistan a été complexe et variable. Depuis la naissance du pays en 1947,,l'Islamisme a été le langage premier de son discours publique en tout ce qui concerne la vie politique, culturelle, économique et sociale . Malgré cela, il y a eu très peu de consensus quant à une définition claire de ce concept. L'Islamisme a fourni un mécanisme - ou un langage - assez flexible mais aussi très puissant avec lequel les différents acteurs politiques ont tenté de dominer le discours publique du pays. [...]
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Hasbi's Theory of Ijtihad in the Context of Indonesian Fiqh.Wahyudi, Yudian. January 1993 (has links)
This thesis studies the proposal for an Indonesian fiqh, articulated by Muhammad Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy (1904-1975) as an effort to bridge the tension in Islamic law between revelation and reality (c-ada) in Indonesian society. While such an indigenous fiqh can only be created through ijtihad, most Indonesian Muslims believed the gate of ijtihad to have been irrevocably closed and thus they vehemently opposed any suggestion toward creating an Indonesian fiqh. To make itjihad possible once again, Hasbi worked hand in hand with the reformists with the call of "Back to the Qur'ân and the Sunna." The reformists' program consisted of attempts to eliminate "non-Islamic" elements from Muslim life, to open the gate of ijtihad, to bring an end to blind imitation (taqlïd) and to allow for talfiq, a comparative study of fiqh. [...] / Cette thèse étudie le project d'un fiqh indonésien tel qu'articulé par Muhammad Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy (1904-1975) pour combler l'écart qu'il percevait dans le droit islamique entre la révélation et la réalité (c-ada) de la société indonésienne. Alors qu'un fiqh indigène ne peut être conçu que par l'ijtihad la majorité des musulmans indonésiens croient que les portes de l'ijtihad sont irrévocablement fermées et s'opposent donc avec véhémence à toute suggestion visant à créer un fiqh indonésien. Pour rendre l'ijtihad à nouveau possible, Hasbi collabora avec les réformistes à un appel pour le "retour au Coran et à la Sunna." Le programme des réformistes consistait à éradiquer tous les éléments "non-islamiques" de la vie musulmane, à ouvrir les portes de l'ijtihad à mettre fin à l'imitation aveugle (taqlid), et à permettre l'étude comparée du fiqh (talfiq). [...]
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Temporary Marriage "Mut'a": a Juridical Analysis of its Early History.Ahmad, Riadh. January 1995 (has links)
From the beginning and throughout Islamic history, mut-c-a marriage has been a controversial issue, the subject of constant dispute between the jurists of the different legal school in Islam. The view that mut-c-a marriage was permitted by the Prophet and practised by the most prominent Companions in the early period of Islam is not disputed by any Muslim jurist. Rather, the debate between Sunnî and Shî-c-î jurists centers around its legality after that early period. / Dès le début et tout au long de l'histore de l'Islam, le mariage de mut-c-a fut un theme controversé, sujet de longues disputes parmi les docteurs de la loi affiliés a différentes écoles juridiques islamiques. L'affirmation que le mariage de mut-c-a, dans la période matinale de l'Islam, était permis par le Prophete et pratiqué par ses compagnons les plus éminents, n'est contestée par aucun juriste. Le débat entre les juristes sunnites et shi-c-ites est plutôt centré sur sa légalité après cette prèmiere période.
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Perceptions of Islam in Canadian English Print Media, 1983-85, with Reference to Islamic Resurgence.Gowlett, Gerald Darren. January 1995 (has links)
This thesis will endeavour to analyse and evaluate the perceptions of Islam found in Canadian English media through a study of four daily newspapers and one national magazine during the years 1983 to 1985. It will set Canadian English media images of Islam within the context of the history of the perceptions of Islam in the West and in the context of various forms of hegemony exercised by the West over the Middle East in recent history. The thesis will review the critical literature on contemporary perceptions of Islam in Western media before undertaking a specifie study. / Cette thèse tentera d'analyser et d'évaluer les perceptions de l'Islam trouvées dans les média canadiens à travers une étude de quatre journaux quotidiens et un magazine national au cours des années 1983 à 1985. Elle tentera de placer les images de l'Islam présenteés dans les média canadiens dans le contexte de l'histoire des perceptions occidentales de l'Islam ainsi que dans le contexte des formes variées de l'hégémonie, exercées par les pays occidentaux sur le moyen oreint. Cette thèse examinera la littérature critiquant les perceptions contemporaines d'Islam présenteés dans les média occidentaux avant d'entreprendre une étude plus approfondie.
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Struggle Against Soul (Jihad-i Akbar): an Investigation Based on Chihil Hadith of Ayatullah Khomeini 1902-1990.Khaveh, Aboulhassan Haghani. January 1995 (has links)
This thesis attempts to explain the concept of Jihad-i-Akbar (struggle against the self or soul) through an analysis of the mystical thought and activities of the great religious scholar Âyatullàh Rühullâh Khomeini (1902-1990). He was a comprehensive religious scholar who was in addition a political leader and a well-known mystic. This study also analyzes, through a study of Âyatullàh Khomeini's Chihil Hadith (forty traditions), the relationship between 'irfan (mysticism) and social activities and shows how he was able to combine several dimensions of Islam in his public and private life. / Cette thèse vise à une explication du concept de Jihad-i-Akbar (lutte contre le soi ou son âme) en analysant la pensée mystique ainsi que la vie du grand érudit religieux Âyatullàh Rühullàh Khomeini (1902-1990). En plus d'avoir une connaissance profonde des sciences religieuses islamiques, il était aussi un figure politique et un mystique bien connu. L'étude tente aussi à analyser, à travers l'étude de l'oeuvre d'Âyatullâh Khomeini Chihil Hadith (quarante traditions), la relation entre 'irfan (mysticisme) et les activités dans la société, et démontre comment il a su combiner les différentes dimensions de l'Islam dans sa vie publique et privée.
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The Qur'an: Tabarsi's Commentary his Approach to Theological Issues.Abdul, Musa Oladipupo Ajilogba. January 1970 (has links)
Shaykh Tabarsi was a Shi'ite scholar, the only Shi'ite theologian of importance in the twelfth century A.D. He produced a commentary on the Qur'an which scholars, both Shi'ite and Sunnite, have acclaimed as the leading work in the field of tafsir. No Western scholar has done any study on Tabarsi or on any of his works. This dissertation is therefore, the first work in a Western language to be devoted to this important Muslim scholar and theologian.
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Pakistan: Pre-Partition Theories on Her Political Form.Hanafi, La'iq A. January 1972 (has links)
This study attempts to (1) determine the validity of the claim that Pakistan was demanded and achieved on the basis of Islamic Ideology, and (2) assess the pre-partition views of the Muslim leaders concerning the polity of Pakistan. The first chapter is a brief survey of the historical background from 1857-1930 demonstrating the forces effecting Islamic conciousness and separatism. Chapter two analyzes Muhammad Iqbal' s religio-political thought as it emphasized Islamic Ideology and motivated religious modernisme. The balance of the study indicates the increase in the Muslim ambition for religio-political autonomy. The Islamic ideal is further magnified. With the advent of the demand for Pakistan, this ideal united Muslims of divergent views behind the Pakistan cause. Individual differences were set aside but proclamations of the "ideal" brought out two distinct viewpoints: Modernist and Traditionalist. Both agreed on the Islamic ideal, but differed in interpreting its implementation.
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Turkish Language Reform: A Step in the Modernization of Islam in Turkey.Kortepeter, Carl Max. January 1954 (has links)
This thesis represents an attempt to understand the present direction of Turkish Society in terms of its various linguistic and literary reforms. Using a historical approach, we have first determined the role of language in the earlier Islamic-oriented, Ottoman society. After treating the political, economic and intellectual crises of the declining Empire in some detail, we are able to see the lines of the twentieth century intellectual and political developments slowly unfold under the tutelage of the Western-oriented, Turkish leaders. [...]
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