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Jūrininkų psichologinių ir socialinių darbo sąlygų ir sveikatos sutrikimų sąsajos / The association between psychosocial factors at workand adverse health outcomes among seafarersJonutytė, Inga 03 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti psichologinių ir socialinių darbo sąlygų ir jūrininkų fizines ir psichologine sveikatos sutrikimu sąsajas .
Tyrimo metodai: duomenys buvo surinkti vienmomentinės anketinės apklausos būdu, ištyrus 370 Klaipėdos jūrininkų ligoninėje dėl privalomojo sveikatos patikrinimo besikreipiančius jūrininkus. Anoniminės anketinės apklausos būdu, naudojantis norvegų pasiūlytu Negatyvaus elgesio darbe klausimynu, buvo surinkta informacija apie jūrininkų patiriamo negatyvaus elgesio darbe formas, trukmę. Tiriamieji informavos apie diagnozuotus sveikatos sutrikimus. Tirta jūrininkų vidinė darna, potrauminio streso sutrikimo simptomai, minimalūs psichikos sveikatos sutrikimai. Tyrimo duomenys buvo analizuojami statistiškai, taikant SPSS 13,0 for Windows programą. Apskaičiuotas Spirmano koreliacijos koeficientas tikslu įvertinti jūrininkų patiriamo psichologinio teroro darbe sąsajas su gydytojo diagnozuotais fizinės sveikatos sutrikimais bei psichologinės sveikatos rodmenimis.
Rezultatai: bent vieną negatyvaus elgesio aktą per 6 mėnesius patyrė 75 proc. jūrininkų savo darbe, 25 proc. jūrininkų nepatyrė nė vieno negatyvaus elgesio akto. Dažno psichologinio teroro jūrininkų darbe paplitimas siekė 3,8 proc., atsitiktinio – 10,1 proc. 2,3 proc. jūrininkų nurodė, kad labai jaučia stresą darbe. Stebėtos statistiškai reikšmingos sąsajos tarp jūrininkų patiriamo psichologinio teroro darbe ir arterinės hipertenzijos (r =0,154), kaklo/peties skausmų (r =0,138), migrenos (r =0,15... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aims of the study–to evaluate the associations between psychological terror in the workplace and adverse health outcomes.
Methods. totally 370 seafarers, attending the mandatory health examination in the Marine health care centre. The Lithuanian version of the Norwegian Negative Acts Questionnaire was used for the investigation of the prevalence and duration of negative acts among seafarers. The investigated seafarers were asked about diagnosed by the physician health outcomes over the last twelve months. The questionnaires on the sense of coherence, post-traumatic stress disorder and minor psychological disorders (psychological distress) were distributed as well. The statistical software SPSS 13.0 for Windows was used in the statistical analysis. The associations between psychological terror in the workplace and adverse health outcomes were evaluated by Spirman’s correlation coefficient.
Results. 75.0% of the investigated seafarers were exposed to at least one negative act over the last six months, only 25.0% were not exposed. The prevealence of severe bullying was 3.8%, the prevalence of occasional bullying was 10.1%. 2.3% of the investigated seafarers perceived severe stress in the workplace. Statistically significant associations between psychological terror and arterial hypertension (r=0.154), neck/shoulder pain (r=0.138), migraine (r=0.158), diseases, prostate diseases (r=0.122), hand/arm pain (r=0.196), non allergic skin diseases (r=0.138) were observed... [to full text]
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Darbo santykių ypatumai dirbant laivuose / The Peculiarities of Employment Relations of SeamenPlekavičiūtė, Neringa 06 June 2005 (has links)
Lithuania as a marine state is strongly motivated to create a favourable employment relationship system satisfying the interests of seamen. All marine states are interested that their citizens would work in national fleets and would not be forced to look for work on the ships of other states or on the ships of “convenient flags”. Work analyses the peculiarities of work on ships on the basis of legal act differentiation, i.e. it analyses how employment relationships are regulated by general and specific legal acts. The analysis of employment relationships of different institutions is performed by comparing provisions applied to employees in general and to seamen exclusively in order to highlight the peculiarities of work on ships. The work is based on international: ILO and EU and Lithuanian legal acts. The peculiarities of work on ships is revealed examining main aspects of employment relationships. Employment requirements for seamen as well as employment contracts with seamen and the terms and conditions thereof: payment, work and rest time, vacations – are analysed. Work safety, implementing authorities and liability for injuries of the employees are also discussed. The analysis of the project of ILO consolidated maritime labour conventions is provided. This instrument is intended to facilitate the procedure of ILO standard ratification, i.e. to enable the member states to implement more ILO maritime labour conventions into national law by one ratification act and this way... [to full text]
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