Spelling suggestions: "subject:"degative act"" "subject:"begative act""
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The experience and handling of workplace bullying / Adéle BothaBotha, Adéle January 2011 (has links)
Previous studies have established that for some people a typical day at work starts with immense feelings of distress, anxiety and irritability caused by workplace bullying. Not only does bullying behaviour in the workplace have a negative impact on a person’s professional life, but it is also detrimental to the effectiveness of the organisation. A survey focussing on the perceived exposure to bullying and victimisation in the workplace was administered to a sample of 159 employees employed by a mine in Mpumalanga. The results uncovered that more than a quarter of the participants reported that they had experienced workplace bullying. The study also discovered that line managers experienced more negative acts than senior managers. While those who only experience a brief spell of bullying behaviour at work survive their experience relatively unscathed, previous studies have also indicated that others are affected in a significant physical and psychological way. In conclusion this study determined that workplace bullying is an actual occurrence, not only internationally but also in South Africa. Employees and employers can therefore only benefit from understanding this unique workplace phenomenon. This article provides the opportunity for employed people to recognise the nature and prevalence of workplace bullying in order to prevent it from becoming a silent epidemic. Researchers generally accept that bullying is behaviour that is aggressive or negative and carried out repeatedly. Previous research established that bullying can occur in any context where people interact. This article open by synthesising a conceptual framework of negative acts as an interactive form of organisational behaviour from the available literature. Empirical research was done in order to investigate the prevalence of negative acts. The study found that more than a quarter of the participants had experienced bullying at some stage during their career with managers and supervisors predominantly reported as the perpetrators. The study also found that behaviour that tends to isolate individuals was generally reported as the most frequently experienced form of negative acts. By understanding workplace bullying both employers will be able to implement influence strategies aimed at dealing with this workplace phenomenon at levels of protection, intervention and dispute resolution. In conclusion it has been established that workplace bullying is not only a real problem in international workplaces, but also in South Africa. This means that employers not only have to cope with the consequences of employees performing badly but also behaving badly. This article presents an opportunity to understand negative behaviour in the workplace. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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The experience and handling of workplace bullying / Adéle BothaBotha, Adéle January 2011 (has links)
Previous studies have established that for some people a typical day at work starts with immense feelings of distress, anxiety and irritability caused by workplace bullying. Not only does bullying behaviour in the workplace have a negative impact on a person’s professional life, but it is also detrimental to the effectiveness of the organisation. A survey focussing on the perceived exposure to bullying and victimisation in the workplace was administered to a sample of 159 employees employed by a mine in Mpumalanga. The results uncovered that more than a quarter of the participants reported that they had experienced workplace bullying. The study also discovered that line managers experienced more negative acts than senior managers. While those who only experience a brief spell of bullying behaviour at work survive their experience relatively unscathed, previous studies have also indicated that others are affected in a significant physical and psychological way. In conclusion this study determined that workplace bullying is an actual occurrence, not only internationally but also in South Africa. Employees and employers can therefore only benefit from understanding this unique workplace phenomenon. This article provides the opportunity for employed people to recognise the nature and prevalence of workplace bullying in order to prevent it from becoming a silent epidemic. Researchers generally accept that bullying is behaviour that is aggressive or negative and carried out repeatedly. Previous research established that bullying can occur in any context where people interact. This article open by synthesising a conceptual framework of negative acts as an interactive form of organisational behaviour from the available literature. Empirical research was done in order to investigate the prevalence of negative acts. The study found that more than a quarter of the participants had experienced bullying at some stage during their career with managers and supervisors predominantly reported as the perpetrators. The study also found that behaviour that tends to isolate individuals was generally reported as the most frequently experienced form of negative acts. By understanding workplace bullying both employers will be able to implement influence strategies aimed at dealing with this workplace phenomenon at levels of protection, intervention and dispute resolution. In conclusion it has been established that workplace bullying is not only a real problem in international workplaces, but also in South Africa. This means that employers not only have to cope with the consequences of employees performing badly but also behaving badly. This article presents an opportunity to understand negative behaviour in the workplace. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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Att mäta utsatthet för mobbning på arbetsplatsen : Svensk översättning och validering av skalaWestner, Isabelle January 2017 (has links)
Mobbning på arbetsplatsen kan definieras som återkommande psykiska kränkningar, ofta riktade mot en person från en eller flera kolleger. Dessa handlingar sker frekvent och över en längre period. Konsekvenser till följd av mobbning är psykiska, psykosomatiska och sociala besvär. Olika mätmetoder kan ge upphov till skilda resultat och frekvenser för förekomsten av mobbning på arbetsplatsen. Ett korrekt mått på utsatthet för mobbning är viktigt för samhälle och organisation för att kunna anpassa resurser för att hantera problemet. Ett internationellt ofta använt verktyg för att mäta utsatthet för mobbning på arbetsplatsen är Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised (NAQ-R), som har dokumenterad validitet och visat på goda psykometriska egenskaper. Syftet med den aktuella studien var att översatta och validera NAQ-R till svenska samt att jämföra resultaten med tidigare valideringar. Ett urval på 133 personer besvarade en webbenkät med NAQ-R, skalor för arbetsbelastning, rollkonflikter samt hälsa. Ett antal analyser genomfördes för att testa reliabilitet, begreppsvaliditet, samband med variabler som tidigare visat sig ha ett samband med mobbning, samt faktorstruktur. Resultatet visade hög intern konsistens, begreppsvaliditet samt starka samband med arbetsbelastning och rollkonflikter vilka är faktorer som i tidigare forskning visats kunna leda till mobbning på arbetsplatsen. Resultatet visar också ett starkt samband med ohälsa som en konsekvens av mobbning vilket går i linje med tidigare forskning. Sammantaget tyder aktuell studie på att den svenska översättningen av NAQ-R (NAQ-R-S) är ett tillförlitligt och trovärdigt instrument för att mäta mobbning på arbetsplatsen.
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Arbetsplatsmobbning riktad mot HR-anställda : En kvantitativ enkätstudie / Workplace-bullying toward HR-practitioners : A quantitative survey based studyGustavsson, Karl, Magnusson, Marcus January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka förekomsten av arbetsplatsmobbning mot HR-anställda, samt om det fanns några könsrelaterade skillnader gällande tendensen att fallaoffer för arbetsplatsmobbning. Sammanlagt kontaktades 300 organisationer genom ettsystematiskt urval och 58 enkätsvar samlades in. En svensk översättning av verktygetNAQ-R (Rosander & Blomberg, 2018) användes för att identifiera respondenter utsatta förarbetsplatsmobbning. Av de 58 svar som samlades in hade två (3%) respondenter blivitutsatta för arbetsplatsmobbning. Detta var en lägre siffra än vad som tidigare forskningrapporterat inom den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Analys genom användning av MannWhitney U-test visade att det inte fanns några signifikanta könsrelaterade skillnader. Vårslutsats är därför att det inom HR-yrket är ovanligare att falla offer för arbetsplatsmobbningän i det svenska arbetslivet i stort, och att det inte finns några könsrelaterade skillnadergällande tendensen att falla offer för arbetsplatsmobbning inom HR-yrket.
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Priekabiavimo mokykloje bei psichologinių traumų šeimoje ir moksleivių sveikatos sutrikimų sąsajos / The associations between school bullying, psychological injuries in the family and health oucomes among studentsVareikiene, Inga 15 June 2006 (has links)
Aims of the study–to investigate the associations between school bullying, psychological injuries in the family and health outcomes among students.
Methods Questionnaire information on bullying by methods of D. Olweus, Norwegian scientist. The psychological state was measured by the sense of coherence, self-esteem, loneliness, happiness, and communication skills. Health outcomes were headache, stomach ache, back pain, anxiety, etc. Family injuries were stress in the family, domestic violence, crisis. Totally 588 students were investigated among all the 670 studying in X Kaunas gymnasium. Response rate 87.8%.
Results. Totally 138 (23.6%) were involved in the bullying process, among them 76 (12.9%) were bullied frequently, 46(7.8%) were bullies and 16 (2.7%) were involved in the two-way bullying process. The prevalence of frequent bullying among boys was 58 (24.1%) and among girls 34 (9.8%) (p<0.0001), among 5-9 grades it was 72 (18.3%) and among 10-12 grades 20(10.3%) (p=0.012). Though the prevalence of bullies was more often among 10-12 grades-29 (14.9 %) than 5-9 grades 33 (8.4%, p=0.015). 11.8% of students suffered from severe conflicts in the family and permanent tension. Crises (divorces, death or incurable disease of the close family member, severe financial problems) were met by 15.1%. Stress at home 6 times increased the risk of low sense of coherence, 8 times the risk of poor self-rated health, while frequent bullying 4 times in the 5-9 grades group. Though the... [to full text]
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Jūrininkų psichologinių ir socialinių darbo sąlygų ir sveikatos sutrikimų sąsajos / The association between psychosocial factors at workand adverse health outcomes among seafarersJonutytė, Inga 03 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti psichologinių ir socialinių darbo sąlygų ir jūrininkų fizines ir psichologine sveikatos sutrikimu sąsajas .
Tyrimo metodai: duomenys buvo surinkti vienmomentinės anketinės apklausos būdu, ištyrus 370 Klaipėdos jūrininkų ligoninėje dėl privalomojo sveikatos patikrinimo besikreipiančius jūrininkus. Anoniminės anketinės apklausos būdu, naudojantis norvegų pasiūlytu Negatyvaus elgesio darbe klausimynu, buvo surinkta informacija apie jūrininkų patiriamo negatyvaus elgesio darbe formas, trukmę. Tiriamieji informavos apie diagnozuotus sveikatos sutrikimus. Tirta jūrininkų vidinė darna, potrauminio streso sutrikimo simptomai, minimalūs psichikos sveikatos sutrikimai. Tyrimo duomenys buvo analizuojami statistiškai, taikant SPSS 13,0 for Windows programą. Apskaičiuotas Spirmano koreliacijos koeficientas tikslu įvertinti jūrininkų patiriamo psichologinio teroro darbe sąsajas su gydytojo diagnozuotais fizinės sveikatos sutrikimais bei psichologinės sveikatos rodmenimis.
Rezultatai: bent vieną negatyvaus elgesio aktą per 6 mėnesius patyrė 75 proc. jūrininkų savo darbe, 25 proc. jūrininkų nepatyrė nė vieno negatyvaus elgesio akto. Dažno psichologinio teroro jūrininkų darbe paplitimas siekė 3,8 proc., atsitiktinio – 10,1 proc. 2,3 proc. jūrininkų nurodė, kad labai jaučia stresą darbe. Stebėtos statistiškai reikšmingos sąsajos tarp jūrininkų patiriamo psichologinio teroro darbe ir arterinės hipertenzijos (r =0,154), kaklo/peties skausmų (r =0,138), migrenos (r =0,15... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aims of the study–to evaluate the associations between psychological terror in the workplace and adverse health outcomes.
Methods. totally 370 seafarers, attending the mandatory health examination in the Marine health care centre. The Lithuanian version of the Norwegian Negative Acts Questionnaire was used for the investigation of the prevalence and duration of negative acts among seafarers. The investigated seafarers were asked about diagnosed by the physician health outcomes over the last twelve months. The questionnaires on the sense of coherence, post-traumatic stress disorder and minor psychological disorders (psychological distress) were distributed as well. The statistical software SPSS 13.0 for Windows was used in the statistical analysis. The associations between psychological terror in the workplace and adverse health outcomes were evaluated by Spirman’s correlation coefficient.
Results. 75.0% of the investigated seafarers were exposed to at least one negative act over the last six months, only 25.0% were not exposed. The prevealence of severe bullying was 3.8%, the prevalence of occasional bullying was 10.1%. 2.3% of the investigated seafarers perceived severe stress in the workplace. Statistically significant associations between psychological terror and arterial hypertension (r=0.154), neck/shoulder pain (r=0.138), migraine (r=0.158), diseases, prostate diseases (r=0.122), hand/arm pain (r=0.196), non allergic skin diseases (r=0.138) were observed... [to full text]
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bullying is a major global issue which has received a lot of recognition
because of its negative effects on victims’ health and work productivity. There
have been many attempts to mitigate the effects of workplace bullying, leading
researchers to extensively study the phenomenon in various contexts and
relationships. Information on workplace bullying in the academic context,
precisely relationships between academic advisors and graduate student
advisees, is however, lacking. This study aimed at filling in the gap by
seeking information about communicative behaviors from advisors that graduate advisees
characterized as bullying, and common responses graduate advisees resorted to
in the face of adversity. We also sought to understand why advisees may have responded
to maltreatment in specific ways. We, therefore, proposed a working model which
hypothesized a relationship between advisor negative acts, commitment levels of
advisees, and advisee responses. Using Amazon’s Mechanical (MTurk) to recruit
our sample, participants filled out a survey which included a few demographic
questions, the revised version of the Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ-R) to
measure advisor negative acts, the Exit-Voice-Loyalty-Neglect (EVLN) typology
to measure advisee responses, and the Investment Model Scale (IMS) to measure
advisee commitment levels to the work relationship with advisors. We verified
the reliability and validity of the scales adopted for this study and ran some
correlation and mediation analyses to answer our research questions and test
our hypotheses. From our findings, we learned that most advisees reported personal
insults occurring more frequently in their work relationships with advisors.
Advisees also reported a high commitment to the work relationships with their
advisors, despite maltreatment, and often responded by adopting the voice or
neglect strategy. Findings from this exploratory study imply there is more
information to be sought on workplace bullying between advisees and advisors in
academic contexts.</p>
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