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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating price performance on initial public offers: a comparative analysis of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the Nigerian Stock Exchange

Mutemeri, Pauline 06 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The advancement and development of the financial sector is fundamental for building an efficient economic system that enhances foreign and domestic investments. The aim of this study was to compare the relationship between the price performance of initial public offerings and macroeconomic indicators in the South African and the Nigerian economy. With the increase of IPO listing on both stock exchanges, it is of paramount importance that an analysis and examination of IPO performance and its contribution to the economy is conducted. Using the 91 and 19 initial public offerings that were listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the Nigerian Stock Exchange respectively during the years 2005 to 2015, price performance was measured by using the market-adjusted abnormal returns and the wealth relative model. The linear ordinary least squares regression model was used to measure the relationship between initial public offering performance and macroeconomic indicators. Based on the mean market adjusted returns, initial public offerings listed between 2005 and 2015 were under-priced. The regression model established that the first day, week and month price changes in Nigeria were 0.19, 0.48 and 0.77 times higher respectively than to South Africa. The regression analysis found that inflation and interest rates were positively correlated with price changes at the end of the first month of trade, whereas gross domestic product growth was not statistically significant. Therefore, to evade financial loss, investment decision making processes should consider factors such as geographic location, interest rates, inflation and the industry prior to making the decision. / Die bevordering en ontwikkeling van die finansiële sektor is fundamenteel vir die ontwikkeling van ʼn doeltreffende ekonomiese stelsel wat buitelandse en binnelandse investering aanmoedig. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verhouding tussen die prysprestasie van aanvanklike openbare aanbiedinge en makro-ekonomiese aanwysers in die Suid-Afrikaanse en Nigeriese ekonomie te vergelyk. Met die toename in AOA-notering op albei aandelebeurse, is dit uiters belangrik dat ’n ontleding van en ondersoek na AOA-prestasie en sy bydrae tot die ekonomie uitgevoer word. Deur gebruikmaking van die 91 en 19 aanvanklike openbare aanbiedinge wat onderskeidelik op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs en die Nigeriese Effektebeurs gedurende die tydperk 2005 tot 2015 genoteer is, is prysprestasie gemeet deur gebruikmaking van die markaangepaste abnormale opbrengste en die rykdomrelatiewe model. Die lineêre gewone kleinste kwadrate-regressiemodel is gebruik om die verwantskap tussen die prestasie van aanvanklike openbare aanbod en makro-ekonomiese aanwysers te meet. Op grond van die gemiddelde markaangepaste opbrengste was aanvanklike openbare aanbiedinge wat tussen 2005 en 2015 genoteer is, onderprys. Die regressiemodel het vasgestel dat die eerste dag-, week- en maandprysveranderinge in Nigerië onderskeidelik 0.19, 0.48 en 0.77 keer hoër as in Suid-Afrika was. Die regressieontleding het bevind dat inflasie en rentekoerse ’n positiewe korrelasie gehad het met prysveranderinge aan die einde van die eerste handelsmaand, terwyl bruto binnelandse produk se groei nie statisties beduidend was nie. Derhalwe, om finansiële verlies te ontduik, behoort investeringbesluitnemingsprosesse faktore soos geografiese ligging, rentekoerse, inflasie en die bedryf in aanmerking te neem voordat besluite geneem word. / Ukuqhubekela phambili kanye nentuthuko yomkhakha (sector) yezezimali kubalulekile ekwakheni inqubo yezomnotho esebenza kahle neqhubekela phambili ukutshalwa kwezimali zangaphandle kanye nezangaphakathi ezweni. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuqhathanisa ubuhlobo phakathi kokusebenza kwentengo yama-initial public offerings kanye nezinkomba zama-macroeconomic kumnotho weNingizimu Afrika kanye nowase-Nigeria. Ngokwenyuka kwe-IPO listing kuwo womabili ama-stock exchange, kubaluleke kakhulu ukuthi kwenziwe uhlaziyo nohlolo lokusebenza kwe-IPO kanye nomthelela wakho kumnotho kumele kwenziwe. Ngokusebenzisa ama-initial public offerings ka 91 no 19 kwi-Johannesburg Stock Exchange kanye nakwi-Nigerian Stock Exchange ngokuhambisana phakathi kweminyaka ka 2005 kanye no 2015, ukusebenza kwamanani entengo kwakalwa ngokusebenzisa ama-market-adjusted abnormal returns kanye ne-wealth relative model. Imodeli ye-linear ordinary least squares regression model kwasetshenziswa ukukala ubuhlobo phakathi kwama-initial public offering performance kanye nezinkomba ze-macroeconomic. Ngokulandela i-mean market-adjusted returns, ama-initial public offerings okwafakelwa kuhla phakathi kweminyaka ka 2005 kanye no 2015 kwakufakelwe ngentengo ephansi. I-regression model yathola ukuthi ngosuku lokuqala, ngeviki, kanye nenyanga, ukushintsha kwamanani entengo eNigeria, kwakungu 0.19, 0.48 kanye ne 0.77 ngezihlandla eziphezulu kuneNingizimu Afrika. Uhlaziyo lwe-regression analysis lwathola ukuthi i-infleshini kanye namazinga enzalo achaphazeleka ngendlela enhle ngokuhambisana noshintsho lwentengo ekupheleni kwenyanga yokuqala yokuhwebelana, lapho khona ukukhula kwe-gross domestic project kwakungakhulile kakhulu ngokwezibalo. Ngakho-ke, ukugwema ulahlekelo kwezezimali, izinqubo zokuthatha izinqumo ngotshalo-mali kumele kubonelele izinto ezifana nendawo okuyi-geographical location, amazinga enzalo, i-infleshini kanye nemboni ngaphambi kokuthatha isinqumo. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Business Management)

The relationship between dividend policy and agency problems of financial services companies listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange

Bhomoyi, Mzwamadoda Nelson 01 1900 (has links)
The relevance or irrelevance of dividend payments has been the topic of much discussion for the past eight decades. The primary objective of this study was to determine the relationship between dividend policy and agency problems of financial services companies listed on the (JSE). Dividend Policy and the Agency Theory underpinned the study. Secondary data of sampled listed financial companies for the period 2005-2016 was sourced from IRESS database. Data was analysed using EViews version 9. The results revealed that the presence of institutional ownership resolves the asymmetry information problems, and, reduces the need to pay dividends. The results also revealed that 54.69% of JSE listed companies under the financials’ services sector practise dividend decisions. The results further revealed that the dividend payout ratio is positively correlated with ROE and LEV, and negatively correlated INST, DIRS and FOREIGN variables. The results confirmed the existence of agency problems on listed financial services companies. / Ukubaluleka okanye ukungabaluleki kokuhlawula izahlulo bekusoloko kusisihloko sengxoxo kumashumi asibhozo eminyaka edluleyo. Injongo ephambili yesi sifundo yayikukufumanisa ulwalamano phakathi komgaqo nkqubo wezahlulelo neengxaki zobumeli (ubuarhente) beenkampani ezinikezela ngeenkonzo zemicimbi yoqoqosho nezidweliswe kwiJohannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE). Izisekelo zesi sifundo nguMgaqo Nkqubo Wezahlulo (Dividend Policy) neNgcingane Yobumeli (Agency Theory). Iqela lesibini ledatha yeenkampani ezidwelisiweyo kwiminyaka ye-2005– 2016 yafunyanwa kwiqula leedatha elaziwa ngokuba yi-IRESS database. Idatha yahlalutywa ngokusebenzisa isixhobo sohlalutyo iEViews version 9. Iziphumo zadiza ukuba ubukho babanini kwiziko loshishino buyazisombulula iingxaki zonxibelelwano olungalingani kakuhle kwaye kuyasicutha isidingo sokuhlawula izahlulo. Kwakhona, iziphumo zadiza ukuba ama-54.69% eenkampani ezidweliswe kwiJSE, phantsi kodidi lweenkampani ezinikezela ngeenkonzo zemicimbi yoqoqosho, enza izigqibo zezahlulo. Iziphumo zaphinda zadiza ukuba intlawulo yezahlulo ihambelana kakuhle neenqobo zeROE neLEV, kanti azihambelani neenqobo zeINST, ezeDIRS kunye nekuthiwa ziFOREIGN. Ezi ziphumo zangqina ukuba kukho iingxaki zobumeli/ubuarhente kwiinkampani ezinikezela ngeenkonzo zemicimbi yoqoqosho / Bonnete le go se be bonnete ga ditefelo tša letseno e bile hlogo ya ditherišano tše dintši mo mo dingwagasome tše seswai tša go feta. Nepo ya motheo ya thuto ye ke go ela kamano gare ga pholisi le mathata a dikhamphani tša ditirelo tša Matlotlo tšeo di lego lenaneong la Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE). Pholisi ya Ditseno le Teori ya Etšensi ke motheo wa thuto ye. Datha ya magareng ya dikhamphani tša mašeleng tšeo di lego lenaneong la paka ya 2005–2016 e be e hwetšagala go tšwa go lenaneo la datha la IRESS. Datha e sekasekilwe go šomišwa EViews version 9. Dipoelo di utullotše gore go ba gona ga bong ka gare ga sehlongwa go rarolla mathata a tshedimošo ya go se lekalekane, le go fokotša nyakego ya go lefa mašokotšo. Dipoelo le tšona di tšweleditše go re diperesente tše 54.69 tša dikhamphani tšeo di lego lenaneong la JSE ka fase ga ditirelo tša sekgao sa go phethagatša diphetho tša mašokotšo. Dipoelo di tšwetša pele go utulla go re ditekanyetšo tša ditefelo tša mašokotšo du sepelelana gabotse le ROE le LEV, le go sepelelana gannyane le INST, DIRS le FOREIGN. Dipoelo di netefatša go ba gona ga mathata a Etšensi ao a ngwadilwego lenaneong la dikhamphani tša ditirelo tša mašeleng / Abstracts in English, Zulu, Sepedi / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

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