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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Political connections and economic outcomes: three empirical essays

Castells, Pau 05 October 2012 (has links)
Aquesta tesi esta composada per tres assaigs. Cadascún dels assaigs presenta investigació empírica original i independent analitzant els impactes de les connexions politiques sobre l’economia. Els articles fan una contribució significativa a aquesta literatura empírica, al mateix temps que subratllen les limitacions i desafiaments amb els que actualment s’enfronten els investigadors d’aquest camp. La recerca que aquí es presenta aplica desenvolupaments als metodes de recerca empirica que milloren la fiabilitat dels resultats. En el segon capitol s’estima l’impacte d’un aconteixement sorpresa a nivell polític sobre els retorns financers del mercat espanyol. Això inclou els impactes específics en determinats sectors i empreses que estan connectades políticament. En els últims dies de la campanya electoral per les eleccions generals espanyoles de l’any 2004, atacs terroristes van causar la mort de 191 persones que viatjaven en tren a la capital del país, Madrid. Quatre dies mes tard, el partit a l’oposició va guanyar les eleccions generals, en contra de totes les prediccions i enquestes que s’havien fet anteriorment a l’acció terrorista. Aquest canvi d’expectatives presenta una oportunitat única per aplicar tècniques d’event study per contrastar hipòtesis de política econòmica. L’anàlisi mostra que les hipòtesis de captura de polítics per empreses, junt amb problemes d’agència en empreses privatitzades i amb dispersió accionarial, no són rebutjades per les dades. En el tercer capítol, intento superar algunes de les limitacions de la recerca empírica en aquest camp, i exploro l’impacte de les connexions polítiques a les empreses en el rendiment empresarial. Ho faig fent servint les dos principals tècniques empíriques que es fan servir més comunment a la literatura economica: anàlisi centrat en establir les reaccions dels mercats financers a esdeveniments d’índole política; i anàlisi economètric de l’impacte de les connexions polítiques en el rendiment contable de les empreses. Els resultats de l’anàlisi indiquen que en els primers anys dels segle XXI, les connexions polítiques podrien haver tingut un impact negatiu sobre el rendiment de les empreses espanyoles. Tot i que els resultats basats en les reaccions dels mercats financers no són concloents, l’anàlisi economètric sobre mesures contables mostra una relació negativa i estadísticament significativa entre connexions polítiques i beneficis empresarials. Els resultats son consistents quan s’utilitzen diferents variables per mesurar el nivell de connexions polítiques, i també sota diverses especificacions economètriques que incloen regressions amb mètodes de variables instrumentals. Finalment, el capítol 4 considera l’influencia del sector privat en les decisions preses des de l’administració pública. Això contrasta amb l’anàlisi presentat en els dos capítols anteriors i a la majoria de recerca empírica en aquest camp, on el que es considera es generalment l’impacte de les connexions polítiques sobre els resultats econòmics empresarials. L’anàlisi està basat en dades del Regne Unit sobre la concessió de subsidis a empreses per dur a terme recerca i desenvolupament. L’agència responsable de la concessió de subsidis al Regne Unit, la Technology Strategy Board, s’encarrega en primer lloc d’identificar àrees de prioritat tecnològica. Un cop aquestes arees són aprovades i dotades de recursos pel Govern, l’agència s’encarrega de convocar concursos i seleccionar les propostes guanyadores. Els resultats de l’anàlisi suggereixen que el programa de subsidis, tot i ser efectiu en corretgir alguns errors de mercat, està esbiaixat en la distribució dels subsidis cap a aquelles empreses que estan directament connectades amb l’agència. / This thesis is composed by three essays, each presenting independent and original empirical research on the impacts of political connections on the economy. This research makes a significant contribution to such empirical literature. It also highlights the limitations and challenges that are currently faced by researchers in this field and applies developments to the empirical methods which improve the reliability of results. In Chapter 2 I estimate the impact of a surprise political event on the financial returns of the Spanish markets, including the specific impacts on selected sectors and politically connected companies. In the last days of the electoral campaign for the 2004 general election in Spain, on Thursday March 11th 2004, a series of simultaneous terror attacks caused the death of 191 persons in commuting trains in the capital Madrid. Four days later, the opposition party won the election, against all predictions that were made prior to the terror attacks. This change in expectations presents us with a unique opportunity to take advantage of event study techniques to test some politico-economic hypotheses. The analysis shows that such hypothesis of capture of politicians by firms, in itself and combined with agency problems in privatized firms with dispersed shareholdings, is not rejected by the data. In Chapter 3, I undertake to overcome some of the constraints in the empirical literature by exploring the impact of political connections on firm performance by employing the two main empirical approaches that have been applied to ascertain the impact of connections on the performance of firms: analysis of financial markets reactions to political events; and econometric analysis of the impact of political connections on accounting-type measures of firm performance. The results of the analysis indicate that in Spain, in the first years of the 21st century, political connections may have had a negative impact on firms’ profits. Even though results from the financial markets-based analysis are inconclusive, the econometric analysis of accounting-based measures of performance shows a negative and highly statistically significant negative impact of political connections on firm’s performance. The results hold regardless of the particular variable or measure that is used to proxy for political connectedness, and under different considerations of the degree of connections that is considered. The results also hold when controlling for the potential endogeneity that may exist - whereas connections to politicians might result in better (worse) business performance, also changes in business performance might lead to higher (lower) connections. Finally, Chapter 4 considers the influence of the private sector on decisions taken by the public sector. This is in contrast with chapters 2 and 3, and most of the empirical literature on political connections, which consider the impacts of politicians on the economic outcomes of the private sector. The analysis is based on UK data where as in most countries R&D grants are conceded in a beauty contest process. The Technology Strategy Board (TSB), the UK agency responsible for offering such grants, jointly with its funding Government Department, identifies technology and research priority areas, after which specific competitions are run and winning projects selected. The results suggest that whilst the R&D cooperative programme is to an extent effective in targeting the market failures it aims to address, its allocation of grants across the private sector is biased towards connected businesses, after controlling for company and sector specific factors.

The effect of managerial ownership on the demand for conservatism.

Eersteling, Gjalt January 2016 (has links)
In this paper the relation between managerial ownership and conservatism is examined. Managerial ownership decreases agency problems caused by the separation of ownership and control. Managerial ownership increases the time horizon of managers and decreases expropriating behaviour. Conservatism is hypothesized to have the same effect on managers due to the asymmetric timeliness of earnings. This suggest that in firms with lower managerial ownership a demand for conservatism arises to substitute for the alignment function of managerial ownership. This paper test this with two approaches. The first replicates the methodology of previous literature. The findings provide no evidence for substitution between managerial ownership and conservatism. Because the estimators of the first methodology are biased a second method is used applying fixed effects. Consistent with the first approach no supporting evidence is found. However, it finds that firms in the sample have conservative accounting. The main implication of this paper is that rewarding managers with shares is not decreasing their conservative behaviour.

Cash Holdings and CEO Turnover

Intintoli, Vincent J., Kahle, Kathleen M. 12 1900 (has links)
Chief Executive Offier (CEO) characteristics, such as the level of risk aversion, are known to affect corporate financial policies, and therefore are likely to impact corporate liquidity decisions. We examine changes in cash holdings around CEO turnover events, a period in which discrete changes in managerial preferences and abilities are likely to have the most dramatic effect on cash holdings. Our results suggest that cash holdings increase significantly following forced departures. The increase is persistent over the successor's tenure and is robust to controls for the standard firm-level determinants of cash holdings and corporate governance characteristics. We find that higher cash holdings arise mainly through the management of net working capital, as opposed to asset sales or reductions in investment. This suggests that the changes are optimal for shareholders rather than an indication of serious agency problems. This conclusion is supported further by our finding that the marginal value of cash does not decrease following the turnover.


Sun, Chia-Liang 22 August 2008 (has links)
Family or group-owned corporations and informed trading are two features of Taiwan¡¦s capital market. Is there any relationship between the two features? Can we solve this kind of problem by some mechanism of corporate governance? These issues are common concerns for participants of capital markets and government policy makers, therefore, there are many scholars devoting themselves in the related research. This study adopts the work of McInish and Wood (1992), who measure informed trading by calculating standardized bid-ask spread. Moreover, some variables, such as trading volume, risk, stock price, company size, and listing market are taken into account because the literature indicates they may affect bid-ask spread. According to the concept of voting rights and cash flow rights introduced by La Porta, Lopez-De-Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny (2002) and the concept of fraction of cash flow rights on the voting rights introduced by Claessens, Djankov, and Lang (2000), we use the difference ratio, which is one minus the fraction of voting rights over the cash flow rights, to measure the degree of central agency problems. The corporate governance variables, such as board size, the proportion of outside directors, and institutional shareholdings are employed as moderating variables. Multiple regression models are used to test the hypotheses. According to the test results, we find that the more cash flow rights deviate from voting rights the more informed trading will be and it can be alleviated by increasing board size and hiring big CPA firms for audit purpose; while it can be worsen by adopting more outside directors and institutional shareholdings.

Do Multiple Large Shareholders Affect Financing and Operating Strategies, and Firm Performance: Teen-aging of East Asian Owners

2014 November 1900 (has links)
We investigate how the evolution of ownership structure affects corporate financial and operating performance and corporate strategies. In particular, we study whether the shift in control rights away from the dominant shareholder mitigates agency problems and accordingly expropriation of minority investors by the controlling shareholder. More specifically, does the increase in power of the second large shareholder manifest in the firm’s operating and financial performance, and financing and operating strategies? Using ownership data for 1996 and 2008 representing 403 firms from nine East Asian countries, we find strong and robust evidence that the change in the voting rights of the second largest shareholder over these twelve years is associated with higher firm valuation, better operating performance, better access to long term financing, more efficient operation management strategies and a higher dividend payout ratio. Consistent with prior literature that finds multiple large shareholders play an internal governance role and mitigate agency problems, our findings imply that an increase in the voting rights of the second large shareholder improves firm’s corporate governance and mitigates agency problems consequently increasing firm performance and improving strategies.

Agency Problems and Cash Savings from Equity Issuance

Anthony, Andrea 29 September 2014 (has links)
I examine the effect of ownership structure on firms' propensities to save the proceeds of a share issuance as cash. Specifically, I focus on changes in cash savings at the time of a seasoned equity offering (SEO), a moment at which the firm experiences a large inflow of cash, to determine whether ownership structures such as managerial blockholdings or the presence of institutional investors materially affect firms' decisions regarding their level of cash savings. I find that firms with managerial blockholders are more inclined to save share issuance proceeds as cash, relative to firms with outside blockholders or no blockholders present. This finding could be interpreted as consistent with either managerial entrenchment or incentive alignment, so I distinguish between these competing forces by examining SEO announcement returns. The market's reaction to SEO announcements when managerial blockholders are present is significantly worse on average when the firm has excess cash, lending support to the entrenchment explanation. I also find that firms with greater total institutional ownership save more cash from equity issuance, which is consistent with the theory that greater firm monitoring allows optimal corporate cash holdings to increase because shareholders are less concerned about potential misuses of cash.

Equity Valuation of Modern Master Limited Partnerships

Mandell, Aaron 18 August 2015 (has links)
Using a sample of 57 master limited partnerships (MLPs) formed from corporate assets between 1982 and 2011, I examine the share price effects on parent corporations from forming MLPs. Specifically, I compare announcement period returns during the first and second waves of MLP formations—1982-1987 and 1988-2011, respectively—to assess the effect of structural changes in the MLP agency and operating environments on the market response to MLP formation. I document significantly higher 3-day and 5-day announcement period returns for second wave MLP formations, suggesting that changes to the MLP agency and operating environments have enhanced the value impact of MLP formation. I also find evidence that parent corporations benefit from the increased opportunity to exploit conflicts of interest with the MLP, which arise from these changes. Finally, I examine the prediction of prior literature that MLP formation improves the parent company’s information environment, finding support for this assertion in the form of reduced idiosyncratic return volatility.

O financiamento de inovações por meio do venture capital: adequação dos instrumentos jurídicos brasileiros / Financing of innovations through venture capital: adequacy of the Brazilian legal instruments.

Nakasone, William Joji 04 June 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como finalidade o estudo dos instrumentos jurídicos previstos no Direito Brasileiro utilizados nas operações de venture capital, tendo em vista a sua capacidade de lidar com os problemas de agência na cadeia de investimento das referidas operações. O estudo fundamenta-se na importância desse mercado no financiamento de inovações, que, por sua vez, possuem importância vital para o desenvolvimento dos países. Particularmente, tais operações atuam para suprir a falta de financiamentos disponíveis para empresas recém-constituídas, de pequeno e médio porte, com alto potencial de introduzir inovações no mercado. A literatura estrangeira revela-nos que problemas de agência são consideravelmente altos na cadeia de investimento de venture capital, tendo em vista a alta assimetria informacional entre agentes e principais nas relações entre investidores e venture capitalists, e venture capitalists e empreendedores. A mesma literatura anota que os instrumentos jurídicos desempenham papel fundamental no alinhamento dos interesses das partes nas relações retromencionadas, para que as operações sejam viabilizadas. Diversas avenças e mecanismos são previstos em tais instrumentos, com este propósito, tendo em conta as condições deste mercado em particular. No Brasil, para que o mercado de venture capital se desenvolva, os instrumentos jurídicos devem lidar com tais problemas, e é nessa análise que concentramos nossos estudos. / This research has as it purposes the study of legal instruments provided for in the Brazilian Law and used in venture capital transactions, taking into account their capacity of dealing with agency problems inherent to the investment chain of referenced transactions. The study has its grounds on the importance of such market to the financing of innovations, which, in its turn, have vital importance to the development of nations. Particularly, said transactions work to correct the lack of available financing to start up small and medium companies with high potential to introduce innovations into the market. The foreign literature shows that agency problems are considered high in the venture capital investment chain, taking into account the high information asymmetry between principals and agents to the relationships between investors and venture capitalists, and venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. The same literature affirms that the legal instruments perform fundamental role in the alignment of parties interests in the aforementioned relationships, so that the transactions are made feasible. A variety of covenants and mechanisms are set forth in such instruments with this purpose, considering the conditions of such particular market. In Brazil, in order to develop the venture capital market, the legal instruments have to deal with such problems, and that is the focus of our analysis.

Asset Substitution Incentives and Uncertain Tax Choices

Roger T Godwin (6861416) 13 August 2019 (has links)
The equity holders of a firm typically control investment choices but enjoy limited liability, since the value of equity is the firm’s value in excess of the value of debt and other fixed claims. The asset substitution problem allows equity holders to expropriate value from other claimants by shifting downside risk from failed projects. To do so, equity holders substitute riskier investments for those with less risk. In the context of tax choices, firms pursue uncertain tax projects to reduce their current or future tax payments. Given the negative consequences of tax uncertainty documented by prior studies, understanding why firms pursue more uncertain tax projects is important for both internal and external stakeholders. In this study, I construct a model of the firm that highlights how asset substitution incentives influence the adoption of uncertain tax projects. I confirm the inferences from this model empirically to illustrate when firms are more likely to prefer more uncertain tax projects due to the investment distortion created by asset substitution incentives. Specifically, I find that firms in financial distress, firms with high growth potential, and loss firms adopt more uncertain tax projects than other firms. These results provide relevant insight for debt holders, regulators, and enforcement bodies.

Decisões de investimento das firmas brasileiras: assimetria de informação, problemas de agência e oportunidades de investimento / Investment decisions of Brazilian firms: asymmetric information, agency problems and investment opportunities

Pellicani, Aline Damasceno 23 April 2015 (has links)
Esse trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a sensibilidade do investimento ao fluxo de caixa de 356 firmas brasileiras de capital aberto no período de 1997-2010, considerando a estrutura de propriedade e controle. As firmas são classificadas a priori entre subinvestimento e superinvestimento, e reagrupadas conforme o nível de oportunidades de investimento do setor industrial. Com uma versão do modelo acelerador de investimento, estimado pelo método GMM System, o estudo mostra que essa sensibilidade poderia sinalizar oportunidades de investimento, problemas de agência do fluxo de caixa livre e problemas de assimetria de informação. Particularmente, discute-se que o superinvestimento pode ser oriundo tanto dos problemas de agência do fluxo de caixa livre quanto ser uma sinalização ao mercado do volume de oportunidades de investimento. Além disso, também é investigado se firmas com controle familiar, estruturadas como pirâmides e pirâmides controladas por família têm influência sobre o volume de recursos próprios aplicados para financiar os investimentos. As estimativas mostram que os investimentos das firmas consideradas com subinvestimento e grandes oportunidades de investimento podem não ser sensíveis ao fluxo de caixa quando o excesso de direito de voto sobre o direito de propriedade do maior acionista é baixo. Por outro lado, para as firmas consideradas com superinvestimento e poucas oportunidades de investimento, o controle familiar e a pirâmide controlada por família poderiam intensificar essa sensibilidade, caso o controlador detenha níveis extremos de excesso de controle. Esse estudo proporciona evidências de que a maior aplicação de recursos próprios nos investimentos das firmas com superinvestimento e grandes oportunidades de investimento seria, principalmente, uma característica de firmas familiares com o menor desvio entre o direito de voto e o direito de propriedade. Como uma análise adicional, o presente estudo investiga se a relação entre a sensibilidade do investimento ao fluxo de caixa e o excesso de controle do maior acionista é não linear. Os resultados estimados evidenciam a não linearidade dessa relação, exceto para as firmas piramidais familiares classificadas com superinvestimento e poucas oportunidades de investimento. / This study investigates the investment-cash flow sensitivity of a sample of 356 Brazilian listed firms on the period of 1997-2010, considering the ownership and control structure. Firms are grouped into underinvestment and overinvestment, and re-classified according to industrial investment opportunities. Using a version of the accelerator investment model, estimated by the System GMM, the results show that the investment-cash flow sensitivity may indicate asymmetric information, investment opportunities and agency problems of free cash flow. Specifically, it is discussed that the overinvestment may be signaling high investment opportunities or agency problems of free cash flow. The purpose of this study is also investigate whether family control, pyramidal ownership structure, and pyramidal controlled by families (pyramidal-family firms) can influence the level of internal capital used to finance investments. The results show that the investment of underinvestment firms with high industrial investment opportunities may be not sensitive to cash flow when the excess of control rights over cash flow rights of the largest ultimate shareholder is lower. However, for overinvestment firms with low industrial investment opportunities, the family control and pyramidal-family may intensify the investment-cash flow sensitivity when the excess of control rights is high. For lower levels of excess of control rights, the results support that higher investment-cash flow sensitivity of overinvestment firms with high industrial investment opportunities may signal profitability potential of family firms. As an additional analysis, it is also investigated whether the relationship between investment-cash flow sensitivity and the excess of control rights is non-linear. The results confirm the non-linearity of this relationship, except to pyramidal-family firms into the overinvestment group with low industrial investment opportunities.

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