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Investigation of the biomechanics of running and rapid change-of-direction tasks /Golden, Grace M. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Oregon State University, 2007. / Printout. Includes bibliographical references. Also available on the World Wide Web.
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The relative effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy combined with transcutaneous flurbiprofen versus spinal manipulative therapy combined with either menthol or non-medicated placebo patches in the management of sacroiliac syndromeMoodley, Lineshnee January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)- Dept. of Chiropractic, Technikon Natal, 2002. 1 v. (various pagings) / McGregor et al ( 1998) stated that approximately 50 – 80 % of the population in Western society will experience low back pain at some point. According to Cibulka and Koldehoff (1999), the sacroiliac joint is a common cause of low back pain that is overlooked. This study aimed to provide insight into the relative effectiveness of three different approaches in the management of sacroiliac syndrome. Giles and Muller (1999) concluded that spinal manipulative therapy was an effective form of treatment for spinal pain syndromes whilst Burgos et al (2001) states that the use of transcutaneous non-steroidal anti-inflammatories in the management of musculoskeletal conditions is a common therapeutic strategy. This investigation aimed to determine the relative effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy combined with transcutaneous flurbiprofen (TransAct® patches ) versus spinal manipulative therapy combined with either menthol or non-medicated placebo patches in the management of sacroiliac syndrome, in terms of objective and subjective measures.
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Joint Attention and its Relation to Social Outcomes: Typically Developing Children and Children with AutismJanuary 2010 (has links)
abstract: Previous research has suggested that the social interactions parents engage in with their typically developing children are critical to the relationships children form with peers later in development. Fewer studies, however, have investigated the relation between parent and child interactions and peer relations in children with autism. The current study aimed to investigate the relation between parent-child joint attention skills, social competence and friendship quality in children with autism and in typically developing children. A matched sample of 20 preschool-aged children with autism and 20 preschool-aged typically developing children were observed interacting with their parents in a laboratory setting. Approximately one year later, parents filled out a questionnaire assessing their child's social competency and quality of friendships with peers. Results indicated significant group differences between children with autism and typically developing children in all study variables, with children with autism displaying less initiation of joint attention, lower social competence and low quality friendships. Additionally, child initiated joint attention was positively related to social competence for both groups; effects were not moderated by diagnosis status. It is concluded that parent and child interactions during the preschool years are important to the development of social competence with peers. Intervention and policy implications are discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Family and Human Development 2010
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Les combinaisons de droits réels : indivisions et démembrements en matière immobilière / Combinations of real rightsFerracci, Alexandre 30 March 2018 (has links)
Longtemps considérées comme de regrettables anomalies altérant la figure du propriétaire, unique souverain sur sa chose, les techniques du démembrement et de l’indivision sont désormais incontournables. Parce qu’elles permettent de multiplier, sur un même bien, le nombre de bénéficiaires des utilités qu’il procure, ces modes d’attribution provoquent la mise en concurrence d’une pluralité d’intérêts qui, lorsqu’ils divergent, sont source de conflits de pouvoirs. Tandis que ces conflits se résolvent ordinairement grâce à l’application des règles propres à chacune de ces techniques, la situation se complexifie néanmoins lorsque plusieurs d’entre-elles s’agrègent sur un même bien. Cet enchevêtrement de modes hétéroclites d’attribution des utilités est source de confusions : quotes-parts indivises, usufruits, droits d’usage et autres servitudes s’entrecroisent, troublant d’autant la lecture correcte de la répartition des prérogatives entre les différents titulaires de droits sur le bien. Déterminer avec justesse l’étendue des pouvoirs de chacun d’eux nécessite donc de questionner l’articulation des différents droits réels en présence pour mettre en exergue leurs convergences et oppositions. Ce faisant, l’analyse méthodique de ces enchevêtrements de droits permet de dévoiler l’existence de véritables structures combinatoires organisant les différents modes d’attribution. Étudier le contentieux sous l’angle de ces différentes combinaisons permet de résoudre plus aisément les conflits résultant de ces enchevêtrements de droits, tout en proposant une systématisation intelligible des différentes règles et décisions gouvernant la matière / Long regarded as unfortunate anomalies altering the figure of the unique owner of its object, the techniques of dismemberment and joint possession are now unavoidable. The main reason being that they enable one to multiply, on a particular object, the number of beneficiaries of the utilities that they offer, these modes of attribution result in creating a competition of varied interests which, when diverging, lead to conflicting powers. If these conflicts can naturally be solved by applying the specific rules attached to each of these techniques, the situation becomes far more complex when several aggregate around the same thing. This entanglement of these heterogeneous modes of allocation to these utilities is a source of great confusion. Undivided shares, usufruct, user rights and other easements then come into contact, disturbing the correct reading of the distribution of prerogatives between the different holders of rights over the thing. Determining with accuracy the extent of the powers of everyone of them requires one to question the articulation of the real and actual rights in order to highlight their conveniences and oppositions. In doing so, the methodical analysis of this entanglement of rights makes it possible to reveal the existence of true combinatorial structures that frame and organize the diverse existing modes of allocation. While a few of these structures seem to allow a fairly equal treatment of rights over the object, other structures tend to organize them into a hierarchy
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Automated Quasi-static In Vitro Knee Joint Simulator: Construction and ValidationLicon, Luis Roberto 20 December 2018 (has links)
Anterior cruciate ligaments (ACL) are among the most common reported ligament injuries in athletes. This injury has been linked to changes in joint stability, neuromuscular activity and contact mechanics. In vitro simulators have proven to provide valuable insights on the potential effects of muscle activity on joint stability. The University of Ottawa Knee Simulate (UOKS) is a mechanical load driven quasi-static apparatus that provides the framework to explore pressure changes in knee compartments and the resultant kinematics in response to six individual muscle loads applied around an unconstrained joint. The main objective of the present work was to develop an automated loading mechanism for the UOKS. Furthermore, the secondary objective was to evaluate the accuracy, precision, reliability and validity of the newly automated system.
Six transmission units were designed, built and tested as part of the development of the automated mechanism adapted to the UOKS. Load cells were used to obtain real time feedback of the load created by the transmission units. A software controller was programmed using LABVIEW to control these transmissions as a graphic user interface (GUI). Each transmission was tested independently and compared to an external master load cell. Furthermore, four cadaveric knee joints were mounted and suspended inside the UOKS for experimentation. Seven different loading conditions were tested with the ACL intact and after the ACL was severed. Pressure and kinematic data were recorded to correlate the changes in these variables due to changes in loading conditions simulated by the UOKS.
The controlled loading experiment of the automated mechanism showed the accuracy of the controller to be within +/-1N, and multiple trials showed the system’s capability to produce loads. Additionally, the results showed the controller to have an ICC of 0.99 between the load produced and the target load. The comparison between feedback load cells and the master load cell displayed unique results regarding each transmission and the loads being applied. The results showed overestimations and underestimations with unique load difference trends for each transmission. Nevertheless, the relative difference measured by the master load cell was below 10% in all the transmissions.
This study demonstrated that the controller was accurate and reliable when producing loads. On the other hand, the results of the integration analysis showed the presence of losses in the system when transmitting the loads from the actuators to the front of the UOKS. These losses were different for each transmission, likely due to the independence of each pulley system. Nevertheless, the automated loading mechanism proved to be a valid replacement for the original static loading mechanism previously used by the UOKS and is capable of reliably simulating six independent loading conditions.
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Análise da intensidade e frequencia dos ruídos articulares da articulação temporomandibular no movimento de lateralidade /Castro, Gizelle Leite de. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Araildo Lima da Silva / Co orientador: José Libório de Faria Junior / Banca: Messias Borges Silva / Banca: Clifford Neves Pinto / Resumo: A ATM articulação mais complexa do corpo humano. Sua disfunção acarreta uma série de problemas sempre acompanhado de dores no qual grande parte da população mundial apresenta DTMs , necessitando a busca de tratamento.Há ausência de parâmetros existentes e mundialmente aceitos para avaliações e diagnósticos comprometem os objetivos do tratamento que atualmente depende mais da experiência clínica do terapeuta do que evidências científicas. Desta forma este trabalho contribui para avaliação e diagnósticos mais precisos, com o seu principal objetivo a análise da freqüência e intensidade dos ruídos articulares no movimento de lateralidade por meio de um sistema de aquisição de dados. Composto por um conjunto estetoscópio/microfone equipamento para condicionamento e aquisição de sinais e aplicativos computacionais para registro, análise e aplicação dos dados. A caracterização e a análise dos sons articulares da ATMs, poderão ser analisados em tempo real, sendo um método prático, simples, funcional e de baixo custo. Sendo mais um aparato para o profissional da equipe multidisciplinar, auxiliando na sua pratica clínica e na sua experiência profissional. O Teste T-Student comprovou com um nível de significância de 5% que os portadores ou não de patologias das DTMs, influi de maneira significativa tanto nos dados da amplitude, freqüência e deslocamento / Abstract: The TMJ one of the most completed articulation of the body whose disjunctions entails a series of problems accompanied by pain is the focus of this essay.The abseno of a word wide parameters which are accepted commits the goal of treatments which nowadays depends more on the experience of the therapist rather than on scientific evidences.The objective of this essay is to analyze the intensity and frequency of noises in the TMJ in lateral movements.A system has been developed throughout a set of stethoscope, microphone, conditioning equipment and data analyses.The images which were obtained were analysed through various software providing the dados the data of the TMJ movement. The procedures adopted to standardize the measurement method of frequency and intensity of noises in the TMJ were the objectives of this essay. One of the conclusions is the T-Student which proved that 5% of the carriers of the pathology influences in amplitude, frequency and displacement data / Mestre
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Análise do exercício de agachamento utilizando o método de Kane /Nogueira, Rodrigo Pereira. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: José Elias Tomazini / Banca: José Geraldo Trani Brandão / Banca: Renato Rocha / Resumo: O sedentarismo é crescente na população mundial e com ele cresce a incidência das doenças crônicas degenerativas. Em contrapartida têm-se os exercícios físicos que são recomendados para a prevenção, tratamento e reabilitação dessas doenças. A musculação é um desses exercícios e sua prática cresce cada dia mais. Dentre todos os exercícios que podem ser realizados na musculação, está o agachamento, que é muito utilizado para fortalecer a musculatura dos membros inferiores, porém a execução errônea do mesmo pode acarretar lesões irreversíveis ao praticante. Atualmente são utilizados conceitos biomecânicos para estudar e compreender os esforços mecânicos acerca do agachamento visando a proteção do sistema musculoesquelético. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo aplicar o método de Kane a um modelo de corpo humano buscando analisar os torques articulares e as forças nos tendões musculares dos membros inferiores durante o exercício de agachamento. A instrumentação contou com modelo biomecânico bidimensional (2D) desenvolvido a partir do método de Kane, que consiste na análise do sistema multicorpo através de conceitos de velocidades, forças ativas e inércia generalizadas. Os resultados de pico de torque encontrados foram de 36,9 N.m no tornozelo, 51 N.m no joelho e 119,1 N.m no quadril. Os resultados de picos de força nos tendões musculares foram de 1290 N no gastrocnêmio, 723 N no quadríceps e 730 N nos isquiotibiais. O método se mostrou eficaz ao calcular os esforços mecânicos nas articulações de membros inferiores, porém são necessários mais estudos englobando um maior número de variáveis para completa elucidação do assunto. / Abstract: Physical inactivity is increasing in the world population and with it the incidence of chronic degenerative diseases grows. In contrast, there are the exercises that are recommended for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of these diseases. Strength training is one of these exercises and their practice grows every day. Among all the exercises can be performed, is the squat, which is widely used to strengthen the muscles of the lower limbs, however the erroneous execution can result in irreversible damage. Biomechanical concepts are currently used to study and understand the mechanical stress on the squat in order to protect the musculoskeletal system. This study aims to apply the Kane's method to a human body model seeking to analyze the joint torques and muscle forces in the tendons of the lower limbs during the squat. The instrumentation featured biomechanical model with two-dimensional (2D) developed from Kane's method, which consists of analysis of multibody systems using concepts of generalized speed, generalized active forces and generalized inertia. The results of peak torque were 36.9 N.m in the ankle, 51 N.m in the knee and 119.1 N.m in the hip. The results of peak strength in the muscle tendons were 1290 N in the gastrocnemius, 723 N in the quadriceps to 730 N in the hamstrings. The method was reliable to calculate the mechanical stress on the joints of the lower limbs, but more studies are needed covering a larger number of variables to complete elucidation of this subject. / Mestre
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The mathematical modelling of ball-joints with frictionSage, R. M. January 1987 (has links)
At present the effects of friction are not included in three-dimensional mechanism simulation packages because of the difficulty of determining a friction model for joints such as the spherical joint where the frictional resistance to motion depends not only upon the coefficient of friction and the magnitude of the loading on the joint but also on the pressure distribution within the joint resulting from that loading. Thus the basis of this thesis has been the development of a mathematical model of the effects of friction in a spherical joint which could then be incorporated into a mechanisms simulation program. The model developed has shown that the main factors determining the magnitudes and directions of the frictional effects produced in a spherical joint, apart from the coefficient of friction and the magnitude of the loading, are the extent of the contact area between the ball and the socket and the magnitude of the angle between the axis of rotation of the joint and the direction of the applied load. Experimental results were obtained using apparatus that enabled the frictional moment produced on the socket of a joint to be measured while allowing the angle between the axis of rotation of the ball and the direction of the applied load to be varied between measurements. These results, obtained for a range of values of the coefficient of friction, confirm that this angle is a significant factor in the model and that the model usefully determines the frictional effects produced in a spherical joint.
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Determinação do intervalo de pressão necessário para estimular resposta dolorosa em pacientes com DTM de origem miogênicaRafael dos Santos Silva 29 April 2003 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar um intervalo de pressão capaz de estimular resposta dolorosa em pacientes com sinais e sintomas compatíveis com Disfunção Temporomandibular (DTM), quando comparado a um grupo controle. Para isso, foram selecionados 77 pacientes com sinais e sintomas de DTM de origem miogênica concomitante ou não com alguma patologia articular. Para o grupo controle, foram selecionados 75 indivíduos livres de qualquer queixa dolorosa compatível com DTM. Os indivíduos dos dois grupos foram palpados por um único examinador nos seguintes pontos: corpo do masséter, temporal anterior, temporal médio e temporal posterior. Os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente num nível de significância de 5%. O grupo sintomático apresentou limiar de dor à pressão (LDP) significativamente menor em comparação ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). O masséter apresentou LDP significativamente menor, seguido pelo temporal anterior, médio e posterior (p < 0,001). O lado direito apresentou LDP significativamente menor que o lado esquerdo (p=0,033). Obteve-se uma correlação negativa significativa entre o LDP obtido e a Escala de Análise Visual (p < 0,001). Não foi encontrada correlação entre o LDP obtido e o tempo de experiência com a dor (p=0,310). Foi verificado que o intervalo de pressão mais confiável para o masséter foi de 1,01 - 1,5 kg/cm2, para o temporal anterior e médio foi de 1,51 - 2 kg/cm2 e para o temporal posterior foi de 2,01 - 3 kg/cm2. Os autores concluíram que a palpação mostrou ser um exame confiável para se detectar sensibilidade muscular em pacientes de DTM / The aim of this study was to determine a digital pressure interval able to elicit painful response in patients with signs and symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) when compared to a comparison group. Seventy-seven individuals with myogenic TMD comprised the symptomatic group, while seventy-five TMD symptom-free individuals were selected as controls. The pressure pain thresholds (PPT) were obtained with the aid of an algometer by pressuring the following muscles: masseter and anterior, medium and posterior temporalis. Values of sensitivity and specificity were determined for different pressure intervals. A lower PPT was found for all muscles in the symptomatic group (p < 0,001). The lowest PPT was found for the masseter muscle, followed by the anterior, medium and posterior temporalis. The left side has shown higher PPT than the right side (p < 0,05). A significant negative correlation was found between the PPT and the Visual Analogue Scale (p < 0,001). However, a significant correlation between the PPT and the time of pain experience was not found (p < 0,05). The authors concluded that, within the limitations of this study, the most appropriate pressure interval was 1,01 - 1,5 kg/cm2 for the masseter, 1,51 - 2 kg/cm2 for the anterior and medium temporalis, and 2,01 - 3 kg/cm2 for the posterior temporalis. Yet, according to the above figures, a standardized palpation can be considered a reliable technique in the examination of TMD patients
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Osteomielitis por Shewanella putrefaciens: reporte de caso y revisión de literaturaGuinetti-Ortiz, Katia, Bocanegra-Jesús, Alejandra, Gómez de la Torre-Del Carpio, Andrea 29 November 2016 (has links)
Shewanella putrefaciens is a Gram-negative bacillus and marine pathogen that rarely causes disease in humans. We report a case of osteomyelitis by this organism in a 48-year-old male patient, who presented with pain and erythema of the right foot that was initially diagnosed as cellulitis and did not revert despite treatment. He was transferred to Lima where osteomyelitis was diagnosed and started on empirical treatment with partial regression. A biopsy and culture of the compromised area found S. putrefaciens. The infection was treated according to the antibiotic sensitivity profile of the pathogen. S. putrefaciens infection represents a rare opportunistic infection of devitalized or exposed areas of the body. It is associated with residence in coastal areas and commonly affects the skin and soft tissues. Exceptional cases of osteomyelitis have been reported, but this is the first that involves the metatarsal bones.
Shewanella putrefaciens es un bacilo Gram negativo, patógeno marino que rara vez ocasiona enfermedad en humanos. Se presenta un caso de osteomielitis por este microorganismo en un paciente varón de 48 años, procedente de Chimbote. Presentó dolor y eritema en el pie derecho, inicialmente diagnosticado como celulitis, pero que no revirtió pese al tratamiento. Fue transferido a Lima donde se diagnosticó osteomielitis e inició tratamiento empírico con escasa mejoría. Por ello, se realizó una biopsia y cultivo de la zona comprometida, el metatarso, en el cual se aisló Shewanella putrefaciens. Se trató de acuerdo al perfil de sensibilidad. La infección por Shewanella putrefaciens representa una rara infección oportunista, que se localiza en áreas desvitalizadas o expuestas del cuerpo. Se asocia a vivir en zonas costeras, afectando comúnmente piel y tejidos blandos. Se han reportado casos excepcionales de osteomielitis. Este es el primero que involucra metatarso.
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