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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La conception phénoménologique de l'espace / Phenomenological Conception of Space / Fenomenologické pojetí prostoru

Luhanová, Eliška 19 May 2016 (has links)
La thèse se préoccupe de la nature d’expérience que le moi percevant fait avec les autres étants et des conditions qui rendent leur rencontre possible. L’attention est centrée sur le rôle de la spatialité qui représente un caractère distinctif des étants sensibles corporels. La thèse s’inscrit dans le courant de la philosophie néo-phénoménologique. Dans les paragraphes d’introduction, les directives méthodiques de l’approche phénoménologique sont formulées, ainsi que la spécificité de la néophénoménologie,caractérisée comme une pensée qui se distancie de l’égocentrisme dominant la phénoménologie classique, notamment husserlienne. L’exposé part de l’esquisse d’une théorie phénoménologique de la perception (chap. I) et saisit les caractéristiques ontologiques élémentaires des étants donnés (chap. II). Le chapitre suivant traite brièvement les questions concernant la nature du champ phénoménal, caractérisé comme structure de donations possibles des étants (chap. III). Les chapitres suivants décrivent le mode spatial de l’être des étants qui se donnent au moi (chap. IV) et la spatialité propre au moi qui fait expérience (chap. V). L’attention est portée notamment à la liaison essentielle entre l’étant et son contexte ; ce motif est suivi jusqu’à l’insertion de l’étant dans le tout spatial du monde. Quant à la spatialité du moi, son corps est caractérisé comme un corps percevant et perçu,donné du dedans et du dehors à la fois. Le rôle des différences spatiales pour la constitution et la distinction de l’expérience du moi et des autres étants est élucidé. Le chapitre final montre que la spatialité du monde partagé implique aussi les autres moi possibles, ce qui fonde la valeur intersubjective de l’expérience sensible (chap. VI). / Phenomenological Conception of Space. The thesis focuses on the nature of experience which a perceiving self has with other beings and on the conditions which make such an encounter possible. It emphasises the role of the spatiality, which is seen as a defining characteristic of corporeal sensible beings. Broadly speaking, the work belongs to post-phenomenological philosophy. The Introduction summarises the main methodological principles of a phenomenological approach and presents post-phenomenology as a specific discourse which rejects the egocentrism typical of classical, especially Husserlian phenomenology. The exposition proper starts with an outline of a phenomenological theory of perception (Chapter I) and continues by offering an outline of the basic ontological characteristics of sensibly given entities, especially of their trans-empirical nature (Chapter II). The following chapter briefly treats some issues related to the nature of a phenomenal field, which is described as a structure of possible ways in which beings can manifest themselves (Chapter III). The subsequent chapters form the main core of the thesis. They deal with the spatial manner of being of entities which manifest themselves (Chapter IV) and of the self which experiences them (Chapter V). The main emphasis is on the essential bond which connects the given entities with their context,whereby this idea is generalised to the level of situating them within the spatial unity of the world. Regarding the spatiality of self, the main focusis on investigating the bipolar nature of one’s own body as bothperceiving and perceived, an entity which manifests itself internally andexternally, and the role of spatial distinctions in the formation and differentiation of the experience which a self has with itself and withother beings. The concluding chapter implies that a possible other self may be an integral part of the spatially differentiated shared world, thus establishing an intersubjective validity of sensory experience (Chapter V). / Předkládaná práce se zabývá povahou zkušenosti, kterou vnímající já činís jinými jsoucny, a podmínkami, za jakých je takové setkávání možné.Vyzdvihuje přitom zejména roli prostorovosti, která je určujícím znakemtělesných smyslových jsoucen. Práce se řadí do proudu postfenomenologickéfilosofie. V úvodní části jsou vystižena hlavnímetodologická vodítka fenomenologického přístupu a zároveň jeodstíněna post-fenomenologie jako typ myšlení, které se odklání odegocentrismu typického pro klasickou, zejm. husserlovskoufenomenologii. Vlastní výklad vychází od náčrtu fenomenologické teoriesmyslového vnímání (kap. I) a pokračuje vystižením základníchontologických charakteristik smyslově daných jsoucen, zejména jejichtransempirické povahy (kap. II). V následující kapitole se výklad krátcedotýká otázek spojených s povahou fenomenálního pole, jejžcharakterizuje jako strukturu možných daností jsoucen (kap. III). Následujíkapitoly, které tvoří vlastní jádro práce a týkají se prostorového způsobubytí dávajících se jsoucen (kap. IV) a já, jež činí se jsoucny zkušenost (kap.V). Podtržena je zejména bytostná vazba jsoucna na kontext, přičemžúvaha je vedena až k zasazení jsoucna do prostorového celku světa.V případě prostorovosti já je rozvíjena zejména dvojpólovost vlastníhotěla jako vnímajícího i vnímaného, daného zevnitř i zvenčí, a roleprostorových diferencí pro utváření a rozlišení zkušenosti já se sebousamým a s jinými jsoucny. Závěrečná kapitola naznačuje, žek prostorovosti sdíleného světa patří i možná druhá já, což zakládámožnost intersubjektivní platnosti zkušenosti (kap. VI).Klíčová slova: fenomenologie, ontologie, prostor, prostorovost, MauriceMerleau-Ponty, Jan Patočka.

Na hranicích metafyziky. Pokus o interpretaci Patočkovy filosofie negativního platonismu / At the Borders of Metaphysics. An Attempt to Interpret Patočka's Philosophy of Negative Platonism

Sladký, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
The thesis aims to interpret the philosophy of negative Platonism, which Jan Patočka developed during the 1950s. In the first part, negative Platonism, whose preliminary notion is derived from the interpretation of the eponymous programme essay, is studied in the context of contemporary philosophical discussion and Patočka's subjectivist humanistic conception he developed in the latter half of the 1940s as well as his lectures on classical philosophy. The second part contains author's own systematic interpretation of negative Platonism, including the reconstruction of the textual corpus of Patočka's programme. Finally, the third part, which considers first the inspirational sources of the observed project, reviews negative Platonism and outlines a concept, with which Patočka replaced negative Platonism in the late 1950s. The thesis aims to outline the philosophy of negative Platonism as an important stage in Patočka's philosophical development as well as a significant part of the modern history of European thinking.

Fenomenologické pojetí prostoru / Phenomenological Conception of Space

Luhanová, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
of Ph.D. Thesis Phenomenological Conception of Space Eliška Luhanová The thesis focuses on the nature of experience which a perceiving self has with other beings and on the conditions which make such an encounter possible. It emphasises the role of the spatiality, which is seen as a defining characteristic of corporeal sensible beings. Broadly speaking, the work belongs to post-phenomenological philosophy. The Introduction summarises the main methodological principles of a phenomenological approach and presents post-phenomenology as a specific discourse which rejects the egocentrism typical of classical, especially Husserlian phenomenology. The exposition proper starts with an outline of a phenomenological theory of perception (Chapter I) and continues by offering an outline of the basic ontological characteristics of sensibly given entities, especially of their trans- empirical nature (Chapter II). The following chapter briefly treats some issues related to the nature of a phenomenal field, which is described as a structure of possible ways in which beings can manifest themselves (Chapter III). The subsequent chapters form the main core of the thesis. They deal with the spatial manner of being of entities which manifest themselves (Chapter IV) and of the self which experiences them (Chapter V). The...

O postavení člověka ve světě (Úvahy v pozdním díle Jana Patočky) / On the Role of Man in the World (Contemplations in the Late Works of Jan Patočka)

PIZINGER, David January 2007 (has links)
Annotation This work is interested in the late philosophy of Jan Patočka. The leading idea is to find basic motives in Patočka{\crq}s concept of The care of soul, and tries to make a connection to his life and social context. One of the most important expressions of the social reality is art. Jan Patočka{\crq}s continuing theme was the problem of human exsitence. How to live an authentic life. The post modern art is also interested in being authentic. The man according to Patočka is a personality determined by going out of his self and by finding this self from a different point of view. That is the question for performing arts: How to express the inside to be visible, how to make it a partner of a dialogue? Which means that Jan Patočka{\crq}s philosophy can be realized by some special kind of praxis. A praxis which is not practical as such. In the works of Jan Patočka, Being and social role play a substantial role. The problem of narration {--} a myth as a part of the process of young man{\crq}s identification and his acceptance from the society. The question of how to be a part of a society implicates another one: what are the foundations of society? What is the idea of European society? Questions concerning the heritage of Europe are {--} in anticipation {--} questions about the sense of Europe (or the European Union) today. In general, is there a possibility to live together, in any kind of human comunity? Through society he gets back to individuality with its questions. Patočka tries to ask concrete questions, expecting answers from Being itself. What is important: he doesn{\crq}t want to make a comprehensive system (following the example of Platón), he only urgently seeks the questions which can open the Being's truth. The sources: This work uses Jan Patočka`s texts from the 1970s. It compares them with texts from the field of art and tries to find their historical context.

Problém transcendence u Jana Patočky / The Problem of Transcendence in Jan Patočka

Frei, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the problem of transcendence as it appears in Patočka's most relevant papers covering all periods of his work. The problem, conceived as an act of an individual, is examined in its three structural moments - its How, Whence, and Whereto. As for the How, the thesis discerns two kinds of transcendence: a constant and unconscious one that is mostly a matter of sensual perception, and a deliberate one that consists in reflection and, in Patočka's papers from the 60s on, in practical action as well. The Whence is usually the sphere of calculability and utilitarity, or a state when man is distracted in manipulating things and identifies himself with roles that are connected with this manipulation. In all this, human mortality is in control. The Whereto, in Patočka, is symbolized as World, Universal Life, Idea, Being, Appearing and suchlike. In the experience of transcendence, the thesis discovers an active and a passive aspect that may be stressed more or less in particular descriptions. The same applies to the aspects of affirmation and negation between the act of transcendence itself and its empirical manifestations. The thesis, at last, shows three possible failures of transcendence, as indicated by Patočka. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Phénoménologie de l'espace politique : chez Maurice Merleau-Ponty et Jean Patocka / Phenomenology of political space

Di Fazio, Caterina 24 May 2018 (has links)
Phénoménologie de l'espace politique est une étude à la fois généalogique et phénoménologique d'un sujet auquel la philosophie ne se confronte que rarement, à savoir l'espace politique. Les principaux acteurs en sont Maurice Merleau-Ponty et Jan Patočka. Il s'agit donc d'une thèse de philosophie contemporaine, pour ce qui concerne les auteurs étudiés, tandis que l'objet de notre recherche est politique - comme en témoigne le fait que même l'expression «espace politique» n'est pas utilisée dans le domaine philosophique. Puisque notre objectif est de conduire une recherche à la fois politique et phénoménologique sur l'espace politique, il sera essentiel de l'aborder simultanément de ces deux points de vue. Il s'agira en effet de tracer une généalogie de l'espace politique, précédée par une étude phénoménologique du concept d'espace et de celle de mouvement. Nous en tirerons l'idée centrale de la partie plus proprement politique, à savoir l'opposition, dans la pensée politique moderne, entre apparition et représentation, ou en d'autres termes, entre immédiateté et médiation, que l'on peut trouver respectivement chez Machiavel et Hobbes et chez les auteurs qui, au XXe siècle, ont étudié leurs œuvres, notamment Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jan Patočka et Carl Schmitt. C'est à partir de ces concepts d'apparition et de représentation, et de leur opposition, que nous allons développer une analyse à la fois phénoménologique et politologique de l'espace politique. / Phenomenology of Political Space is an attempt to provide both a genealogical and a phenomenological account of a subject that philosophy rarely confronts, namely political space. Our analysis thus encompasses all the dimensions of political space - political, historical, geographical, and juridical - without dismissing any of them. It aims at showing the intrinsic connection between phenomenology and modern and contemporary political thought. It does so by identifying the two opposing models of political space, respectively shaped by Machiavelli and Hobbes, which we claim correspond to two opposing systems of visibility: a logic of appearance versus a logic of representation. It then moves to the contemporary phenomenological approach and gives both a phenomenology of movement and a phenomenology of political space. The central idea is the opposition, in modern and contemporary political thought, between appearance and representation, or in other words, between immediacy and mediation, as the terms are used respectively by Machiavelli and Hobbes, as well as by other authors who, in the twentieth century, studied their works (Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jan Patočka, Carl Schmitt). Our current research focuses on both their conceptions of movement, desire and fear; and on their interpretation of political space.

Zápas o věčné a nekonečné (S.Kierkegaard a J.Patočka) / The Struggle for the Eternal and the Infinite (S.Kierkegaard and J.Patočka)

Trlifajová, Justina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the struggle for the Eternal and the Infinite in the works of Kierkegaard and Patočka. It starts with their respective concepts of existence. Based on them, positive and negative aspects of the relation of existence and transcendence are described. The main guiding principle of the description is the movement of the infinite resignation and the movement of the faith in Fear and Trembling, which is compared with the de-objectifying and all-founding force of the Idea in Negative platonism. It turns out that in the relation between existence and transcendence, one can discern the two basic meanings of the transcendent reality. These meanings, together with the positive and negative aspects of the relation of existence to transcendence, form the dialectic of positive and negative, in which the struggle for the Eternal nad the Infinite is set, as well as the struggle for an authentic human existence.

Patočka a modernita: studie k Patočkově dialogu s dílem Maxe Webera a jeho významu v rámci současné civilizační analýzy / Patočka and Modernity: a study of Patočka's dialogue with Max Weber and its importance in the context of contemporary civilizational analysis

Homolka, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Patočka and Modernity Jakub Homolka Abstract: This thesis deals with the work of Jan Patočka (1907-1977), probably the most important Czech philosopher of the twentieth century, and with his understanding of modernity. More precisely, the thesis focuses on Patočka's work from the perspective of contemporary civilizational analysis, which leads our attention especially to Patočka's dialogue with the work of the German sociologist Max Weber (1864-1920). The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part introduces Patočka's work in general; it summarizes the situation of Patočka's heritage, subsuming existing findings and future challenges. The second part discusses the perspective of civilizational analysis, a subdiscipline of contemporary historical sociology, and explains the link between this field of research and Patočka's work. Finally, the third part presents an interpretation of Patočka's work which emphasizes the very perspective of civilizational analysis: the focus is on Patočka's dialogue with Weber's work, which is most notably expressed in the philosopher's idea of "rational civilization". In this way, the thesis contributes to the existing interpretations of Patočka's work as well as to the discussions of the theoretical concept of civilizational analysis. Key words: Jan Patočka; Max Weber;...

Patočka a modernita: studie k Patočkově dialogu s dílem Maxe Webera a jeho významu v rámci současné civilizační analýzy / Patočka and Modernity: a study of Patočka's dialogue with Max Weber and its importance in the context of contemporary civilizational analysis

Homolka, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Patočka and Modernity Jakub Homolka Abstract: This thesis deals with the work of Jan Patočka (1907-1977), probably the most important Czech philosopher of the twentieth century, and with his understanding of modernity. More precisely, the thesis focuses on Patočka's work from the perspective of contemporary civilizational analysis, which leads our attention especially to Patočka's dialogue with the work of the German sociologist Max Weber (1864-1920). The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part introduces Patočka's work in general; it summarizes the situation of Patočka's heritage, subsuming existing findings and future challenges. The second part discusses the perspective of civilizational analysis, a subdiscipline of contemporary historical sociology, and explains the link between this field of research and Patočka's work. Finally, the third part presents an interpretation of Patočka's work which emphasizes the very perspective of civilizational analysis: the focus is on Patočka's dialogue with Weber's work, which is most notably expressed in the philosopher's idea of "rational civilization". In this way, the thesis contributes to the existing interpretations of Patočka's work as well as to the discussions of the theoretical concept of civilizational analysis. Key words: Jan Patočka; Max Weber;...

"Platónský motiv" v Patočkově filosofii / "Platonic motive" in Patočka's philosophy

Jíra, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The main purpose of the doctoral thesis is to show "platonic motive" in Patočka's philosophy as unitary movement of thought, which exists in Patočka's thought since the thiertes to the sixties of the twentieth century. The aim is motivated by general question of relationship between modern thinking and European philosophical tradition. The thesis pursues to display, that Patočka's thinking makes possible to see and overcome an alienation contemporary European man from European philosophicaly tradition. The doctoral thesis has five chapters. First four chapters interpret socratic and platonic motives in Patočka's philosophy in chronological order (Patočka's philosophy in the thierties; philosophy of the Eternity and historicity; negative platonism; care of the soul and Europe). Chapter five contains intepretation of main question of doctoral thesis, it is question of unity of "platonic motive" in Patočka's philosophy. This question proceeds in three interpretative steps. In the first interpretative step are Patočka's all socratic and platonic motives reduced to three leading thoughts, that represent "platonic motive" as such: thoughts chōrismos, transendence and care of the soul. In second interpretative step the opposition "givenness- freedom" is established as a common core of the three thoughts. The...

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