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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Landboutydskrifte as kultuurhistoriese bron : 'n studie van 'Die Landbouweekblad' en die 'Farmer's Weekly' (1945-1961) aan die hand van 'n aantal geselekteerde kultuuraspekte

Moolman, Anna Magdelena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1990. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The two well-known South African agricultural journals The Farmers Weekly and the Landbouweekblad are important sources for the cultural historian. In this thesis attention is paid to a few selected aspects of post-war culture in South Africa. The period covered stretches from 1945 to 1961. In Section A an introductory background is given, concerning the cultural historian's use of agricultural journals, as well as the epoch as frame within which the information should be interpreted. Chapter 1 concentrates on journalistic sources as primary written sources, and in particular on the contemporary journal. Chapter 2 places agriculture and the agricultural journal in the correct cultural historic perspective. A criptic background is given as to the origin and development of the two journals concerned, as well as an outline of the approach necessary for the use of the different sections in the journals. lt appeared that mechanisation and urbanisation became the two transforming powers with regard to the general cultural climate in South Africa after the Second World War. Chapter 3 focusses hereupon. The theme of Section B is non-material culture. Here attention is paid to folk tales, rhymes and riddles (Chapter 4), folk science (Chapter 5), the most important times in the life cycle of people (Chapter 6) and folk festivals (Chapter 7). The folk tales dealt with are, apart from topics of discussion, true experiences, sagas, legends and jokes. A background discussion will be found, followed by the categorised examples. Folk science is divided into three main sections: folk meteorology, water-witching and folk medicine. Animal as well as human illnesses have been categorised under the latter. Customs and beliefs which evolved around the birth and christaining if a child, courtship and weddings and death and funerals belong under Chapter 6. Regarding folk festivals, a discussion of a few festivals is given with, secondly, a description of a few games, evidently played at such festivals. Material culture is the theme of Section C. Here the following aspects were selected: folk crafts and home industries (Chapter 8), architecture and house interiors and farm and werf layout (Chapter 9), food (Chapter 1 O) and clothing (Chapter 11 ). Home and farm industries are discussed in Chapter 8. Chapter 9 is concerned with the modern home - in the city as well as on the farm - and with the layout of the modern farm and farm yard (werf). A few aspects of the post-war food culture earned themselves further discussion. The rest of Chapter 1 0 is devoted to traditional South African cookery - in the form of recipes, accompanied by a discussion. In the chapter dealing with clothing, the natural phases in fashion between the years 1945 and !,.. 1961 were identified. The discussion of the doting focus'es mainly on women's fashion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die twee bekende Suid-Afrikaanse landboutydskrifte, die Farmer's Weekly en Die Landbouweekblad is belangrike bronne van kultuurhistoriese inligting. In hierdie tesis word op 'n aantal geselekteerde aspekte van die naoorlogse kultuur in Suid-Afrika gekonsentreer. Die tydperk wat gedek word, is 1945 tot 1961. In Afdeling A word daar inleidend 'n agtergrond gegee van die benutting van landboutydskrifte deur die kultuurhistorikus en van die tydvak waarbinne die stof vertolk moet word. In Hoofstuk 1 word daar op joernalistieke bronne as primere geskrewe bronne gekonsentreer en in die besonder op die tydgenootlike tydskrif. Hoofstuk 2 plaas die landbou en landboutydskrif kultuurhistories in perspektief. 'n Kort agtergrond oor die ontstaan ~n groei van die betrokke twee tydskrifte word gegee, en daar word oorsigtelik gewys op die spesifieke benaderings wat die onderskeie afdeli'ngs in die tydskrifte vereis. Uit die landboutydskrifte het geblyk dat meganisasie en verstedeliking nit die Tweede Wereldoorlog die twee omvormende kragte ten opsigte van die bree kultuurklimaat in SuidAfrika geword het. In Hoofstuk 3 word daar hierop gefokus. Afdeling B het die geestelike kultuar as tema. Aspekte wat daariri aandag kry, is: Volkswoordskeppinge (Hoofstuk 4), Volkswetenskap (Hoofstuk 5), Lotstye (Hoofstuk 6) en Volksfeeste (Hoofstuk 7). Onder Volkswoordskeppinge word gespreksonderwerpe, belewenisvertellings, sages, legendes, grappe, rympies en raaisels behandel. 'n Agtergrondbespreking word gegee, waarna die gekategoriseerde voorbeelde wat opgespoor is, volg. Volkswetenskap word hier in drie hoofdele ingedeel: volksweerkunde, waterwys en volksgeneeskunde. By laasgenoemde word aandag aan siektes by diere sowel as die mens gegee en voorbeelde wat gevind is, gekategoriseerd aangebied. Gebruike en gelowe rondom geboorte en doop, hofmaak en die huwelik en derdens die dood en begrafnis word ender lotstye gedek. Die hoofstuk oor volksfeeste bestaan uit 'n bespreking van 'n aantal volksfeeste met as tweede ! deel die beskrywing van enkele speletjies wat klaarblyklik by feesgeleenthede gespeel is. Afdeling C handel oor die stoflike kultuur, waarvan die volgende aspekte geselekteer is: Volksbedrywe (Hoofstuk 8), Huisbou en -inrigting en plaas- en werfuitleg (Hoofstuk 9), Voedselkultuur (Hooptstuk 1 O) en Kleremodes (Hoofstuk 11 ). Volksbedrywe word in twee hoofdele behandel, naamlik huis- en plaasbedrywe. Ten opsigte van huisboujinrigting word daar op die moderne huis gekonsentreer - die stedelike sowel as die plaashuis. Die uitleg van die moderne plaas en werf word volledig bespreek. Slegs 'n aantal naoorlogse aspekte van die voedselkultuur word belig, waarop verder ruimte afgestaan word aan die tradisionele Suid-Afrikaanse kookkuns - in die vorm van resepte, vergesel van 'n bespreking. Kleremodes word aan die hand van die natuurlike fases wat daar in die betrokke tydvak onderskei kan word, behandel. Die klem val hier op vrouemodes

Challenges for journalism education and training in a transforming society : a case study of three selected institutions in post-1994 South Africa

Dube, Bevelyn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated the challenges for journalism education and training (JE&T) in a post-1994 transforming South Africa. Prior to 1994, South Africa had three distinct university systems with different ideological orientations, namely historically Afrikaans-language universities, historically English-language universities, and historically “black” universities. The consequence of these orientations in the university system caused a paradigmatic schism in the field of JE&T. The advent of democracy in 1994 necessitated the questioning of this division in higher education. One could assume that there was need to transform the JE&T curricula so that it could address the challenges of a society in transformation. This study, therefore, aimed to establish whether JE&T curricula in three selected tertiary institutions in post-1994 South Africa have transformed in line with the transformation process in the country. The post-colonial theory, developmental journalism model and Ubuntu philosophy were deemed the most appropriate theoretical points of departure from which to analyse the curricula. A collective case study was used as a research design. To collect data, a mixedmethod approach, which utilised both qualitative and quantitative approaches, was used. Qualitative data were collected through use of programme documents from the selected journalism tertiary institutions and a semi-structured questionnaire, which was distributed to programme coordinators. Quantitative data were obtained through the structured questionnaire which was completed by students in the selected programmes. The qualitative data obtained were analysed using qualitative content analysis, while quantitative data were analysed using the statistical package SPSS version 18. The data were then analysed and discussed in terms of the selected theories. The analysis revealed that the three programmes are highly dependent on Western epistemologies. The programmes have a close relationship with the media industry, a relationship which at times can be a double-edged sword. The findings also show that the programme coordinators of these programmes are not averse to the transformation of curricula provided the process takes into cognisance Western epistemologies. The results also showed that in terms of gender and race, transformation has either been insignificant or non-existent. Lastly, all three programmes do not teach their students to report in indigenous languages. The final conclusion of the study is that JE&T in the selected programmes are not yet addressing the challenges of a transforming post-1994 South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het die uitdagings aan joernalistieke opvoeding en opleiding (JO&O) in ’n post-1994, transformerende Suid-Afrika ondersoek. Voor 1994 het Suid-Afrika drie verskillende universiteitstelsels met verskillende ideologiese oriëntasies gehad, naamlik historiese Afrikaanse universiteite, historiese Engelse universiteite en historiese “swart” universiteite. Die gevolg van hierdie oriëntasies in die universiteitstelsel het ’n paradigmatiese skisma in die veld van JO&O veroorsaak. Die koms van demokrasie in 1994 het die bevraagtekening van hierdie skeiding in hoër onderwys genoodsaak. Die aanname kon gemaak word dat daar ’n behoefte was om JO&O kurrikula te transformeer sodat dit aan die uitdagings van ’n samelewing in oorgang kon beantwoord. Hierdie studie het dus beoog om vas te stel of JO&O kurrikula in drie geselekteerde tersiêre inrigtings in ’n post-1994 SuidAfrika saam met die landgetransformeer het. Die postkoloniale teorie, ontwikkelingsjoernalistiek-teorie en Ubuntu-filosofie is geoordeel om die mees toepaslike teoretiese vertrekpunte te wees om die kurrikula mee te evalueer. ’n Kollektiewe gevallestudie is as navorsingsontwerp gebruik. As dataversamelingsmetodologie is ’n gemengde metodesbenadering gevolg, waarin kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodologieë gebruik is. Kwalitatiewe data is deur’n analise van die programdokumente van die geselekteerde tersiêre instellings versamel, asook deur ’n semi-gestruktureerde vraelys aan die programkoördineerders. Kwantitatiewe data is verkry danksy ’n gestruktureerde vraelys wat deur studente in die onderskeie programme voltooi is. Die kwalitatiewe data is geanaliseer deur kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise, terwyl die kwantitatiewe data geanaliseer is deur die statistiese pakket SPSS weergawe18. Die data is daarna aan die geselekteerde teorieëgetoets en daarvolgens geëvalueer. Die analise het getoon dat die drie programme sterk steun op Westerse epistemologieë. Die drie programme het stewige verhoudings met die mediabedryf, ’n verhouding wat soms ’n tweesnydende swaard kan wees. Die bevindinge toon ook dat die koördineerders van die programme nie onwillig oor die transformasie van kurrikula is nie, met dien verstande die proses neem Westerse epistemologieë in aanmerking. Die resultate het ook aangetoon dat transformasie onbeduidend of nie-bestaande was in terme van geslag en ras. Die drie programme bied ook geen onderrig in inheemse Afrika-tale aan nie. Die finale slotsom van die studie was dat JO&O in die geselekteerde programme nog nie die uitdagings van ’n transformerende post-1994 Suid-Afrika aanspreek nie. / University of Venda

Choosing to be part of the story : the participation of the South African National Editors’ Forum in the democratising process

Barratt, Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Journalism))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This study aims to locate the South African National Editors’ Forum (Sanef) within South Africa’s transformation from apartheid to a nonracial and constitutional democracy. This entails first examining the potential for participation demonstrated by editors’ societies at different democratic stages and defining the ideal democratic roles of journalism. The recent political history of journalism in the country is summarised to draw out the particular obstacles to editors’ unity and the transformation needs in South Africa’s racialised context. Then the forum’s history from 1995 to 2000 is reconstructed in detail using documentary sources. This covers the formation and launch periods of Sanef, and the next couple of years of the forum’s existence. This study is described as a historical, qualitative inquiry from the inside, observing both the sequence of events and the motives related to the context and to concepts of democratic role. It is unusual in that it is a historical study of a journalism society and it uses journalism theories to guide the research and the analysis. The research shows that despite having to overcome divisive issues from their past, the editors chose to play their part across all democratic roles: liberal, social democratic, neoliberal and participative. Activities were mostly linked to the current democratic stage. Many involved the self-transformation of journalism and journalists, leading to the suggestion of a fifth role for journalism in emerging democracies. However, some Sanef projects were not completed despite their significance for democratic journalism and others had no strategic rationale. This study recommends that Sanef be more strategic in its activities and look to other emerging democracies for appropriate solutions to problems. It is suggested that failing to do so could result in more complex problems for journalism in South Africa in the future. Finally, it is noted that the existence of a stable and prominent forum giving editors, senior journalists and journalism educators a united voice in areas of common interest in itself lends serious weight to their democratic participation.

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