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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Normale und ano[r]male Fruchtbildung bei Juniperus communis L. ein Beitrag zur Morphologie, Entwicklung und Anatomie der Wacholderbeeren (fructus juniperi) /

Kötter, Walther. January 1931 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Hamburgische Universität, 1930. / Lebenslauf. Bibliography: p. [77]-78.

Mapování vegetace v oblasti Rajchéřovska

Kadlecová, Eva January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Dendrologicko-ekologický průzkum Rajchéřovska

Pýcha, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Common juniper (Juniperuscommunis L.) ecology peculiarities in Lithuania / Paprastojo kadagio (Juniperus communis L.) ekologijos ypatumai Lietuvoje

Vaitkevičiūtė, Rasa 23 January 2014 (has links)
Relevance of the problem. Common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) is a characteristic underbrush plant of the dry and infertile forest ecosystems. Under favorable conditions, mostly on exposed slopes, common juniper comprises unique juniper communities. The species occupies a large range, is characterized by ecological plasticity and a large variety of populations (Adams, 2008). In many areas of the range it is an important element of the ecosystem, characterized by a large variety of forms. However, the prevalence of junipers and their ecological importance is often dealt with episodically, and on a wider scale - only in the British Isles (Plantlife, 2007, Thomas, 2007) and in some regions of Russia (Барзут, 2007; Михеева, 2002). Despite the large range, common juniper remains one of the least explored coniferous species. According to the Lithuanian National forest inventory data, common juniper is the most widespread in the south-southeastern Lithuanian pine forests on infertile (Nb) forest sites of normal humidity. Nb site occupies more than one fifth of the Lithuanian forest area, while about 94% of stands on this site type occupy pine stands where common juniper is the most common plant in the underbrush (State Forest Service, 2009). Juniper communities formed in the underbrush under intense forest management conditions generally suffer from economic activity, particularly due to final forest felling, when the largest and most valuable individuals are often damaged or... [to full text] / Paprastasis kadagys (Juniperus communis L.) yra charakteringas sausesnių ir mažiau derlingų miško ekosistemų trako augalas. Esant palankioms sąlygoms dažniausiai atviruo-se šlaituose paprastasis kadagys sudaro unikalias kadagynų bendrijas. Rūšis užima didelį arealą, pasižymi ekologiniu plastiškumu ir didele populiacijų įvairove (Adams, 2008). Daugelyje arealo sričių jis yra svarbus ekosistemos elementas, kuriam būdinga formų įvai-rovė. Tačiau kadagių paplitimas bei jų ekologinė svarba dažniausiai nagrinėjami epizodiš-kai, o plačiau – tik Britų salose (Plantlife, 2007; Thomas, 2007) ir kai kuriuose Rusijos re-gionuose (Барзут, 2007; Михеева, 2002). Nors arealas ir didelis, paprastasis kadagys vis dar yra viena iš mažiausiai ištirtų spygliuočių rūšių. Remiantis Lietuvos Nacionalinės miškų inventorizacijos duomenimis, paprastasis kadagys yra labiausiai paplitęs Pietų-Pietryčių Lietuvos pušynuose normalaus drėgnumo nederlingose (Nb) miško augavietėse. Nb augavietė užima daugiau nei penktadalį Lietuvos miškų ploto, o apie 94 % šios augavietės medynų sudaro pušynai, kuriuose paprastasis ka-dagys yra dažnai aptinkamas trako augalas (Valstybinė miškų tarnyba, 2009). Intensyvaus miškų ūkio sąlygomis medynų trake susiformavusios kadagių bendrijos paprastai nukenčia nuo ūkinės veiklos, ypač nuo pagrindinių miško kirtimų. Jų metu dažnai pažeidžiami arba sunaikinami vertingi stambiausi kadagių individai. Be to, pasikeičia šviesos ir temperatū-ros sąlygos bei hidrologinis režimas, todėl... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Populace jalovce obecného (Juniperus communis) na území PP Česká Kanada v lokalitě Konrac / Population juniper (\kur{Juniperus communis}) in the selected area

KOUPAL, Vít January 2016 (has links)
The paper maps the community of Common Juniper (Juniperus Communis) encountered at Konrac, a site included in the Česká Kanada Nature Preserve. The site itself, or rather the common juniper growing there, does not have the benefit of special legal protection; consequently, no targeted steps have been taken to maintain the juniper community intact in the Konrac landscape - still, the site allowed to monitor the natural development of the community in conditions typical of the current methods of farming. The locality is described to encompass four main types of habitats: stony islands amid meadows; unplowed strips of land around former small fields; peripheries of open stands; and peripheries of close stands. The acquired (and subsequently processed) data point to the conclusion that the habitat at the unplowed margins of fields suits the common juniper communities quite well, even without any human intervention in the farming practices beyond what is implemented on the site now.

Beitrage zur geschichte von Sambucus nigra, Juniperus communis und Juniperus Sabina ...

Lehmann, Heinrich, January 1935 (has links)
Inaug.-diss.--Basel. / Curriculum vitae. "Es lag uns hauptsãchlich daran, die entwicklung der medizinischen kenntnisse ... kennen zu lernen."--Einleitung. "Biographisches register": p. 151-160. "Literaturverzeichnis"; p. 161-171.

Porovnání a zhodnocení výsadeb řízkovanců jalovce obecného (Juniperus communis) z let 1981-1985, původem z PR Mšály / Comparison and evaluation explantates plantings of juniper (Juniperus communis), originally from PR Mšály (1981-1985)

BUBLÍK, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Common juniper (Juniperus communis) is a tree or a shrub. This species is original in the Czech Republic which was very widespread in the landscape. It is from the lowland to the mountain range, which means that it is completely unmistakable for the soil species. It is classified as a critically endangered species in the Czech Republic, due to changes in landscape management. The aim of this work was mapping and surveying the situation on the mentioned localities, where the research was carried out in 2004-2005 and in 2015. At the Na Mšálech locality there were found 135 individuals. Based on the data found, the overall health condition was greatly aggravated by the populations under study, specifically at the Paris site.

Výskyt jalovce obecného (Juniperus communis) v jižní části CHKO Třeboňsko / Juniperus communis ocurrence in South part of Protected Area Trebonsko

DVOŘÁK, Martin January 2009 (has links)
In this work, I ´ve been monitoring occurrence of Juniperus communis in south part of {\clqq}CHKO Třeboňsko``, which is protected area. At first I´ve been studying literature specialized in focusing on problems of occurence Juniperus communis in the world and in this concrete area. Than I was systematically creating a net of all the exemplars in proper area, I ´ve been noting their characteristics and taking a photos. I was statistically analyzing the data and compare with other works, which are engaged in this issue.

Kinetika i modelovanje ekstrakcije ulja iz bobica kleke (Juniperus communis L.) i semenki tikve (Cucurbita pepo L.) natkritičnim ugljendioksidom / Kinetics and mathematical modeling of juniper berry (Juniperus communis L.) essential oil and pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo L.) oil by supercritical carbondioxide

Nikolovski Branislava 18 December 2009 (has links)
<p>U radu su prikazani eksperimentalni rezultati natkritične ekstrakcije etarskog ulja bobica<br />kleke (<em>Juniperus communis</em> L.) i ulja iz semena uljane tikve golice (<em>Cucurbita pepo</em> L.). Ispitan je uticaj pritiska, temperature, stepena usitnjenosti čestica i protoka natkritičnog<br />ugljendioksida na promenu prinosa ulja sa vremenom. U cilju poređenja, usitnjeno seme uljane tikve ekstrahovano je i u ekstraktoru većih dimenzija, NOVA-SWISS, High<br />pressure extraction plant, kao i heksanom i petroletrom u ekstraktoru tipa Sokslet.<br />Praćena je i promena kvaliteta ekstrakata sa vremenom: u etarskom ulju kleke, GC-FID i GC-MS metodama, određen je relativni sadržaj 50 terpenskih jedinjenja i sve komponente ulja su svrstane u 5 osnovnih grupa (monoterpene, seskviterpene, oksidovane monoterpene, oksidovane seskviterpene i ostale komponente). U tikvinom ulju ekstrahovanom natkritičnim ugljendioksidom određen je masnokiselinski sastav GC-MS analizom, sadržaj tokoferola HPLC analizom, sterola i skvalena GC-MS metodom. Određeni su uslovi koji favorizuju ekstrakciju ispitanih jedinjenja za obe sirovine. Dat je dateljan prikaz matematičkih modela koji se koriste za opisivanje natkritične ekstrakcije etarskih ulja i masnih ulja, počev&scaron;i od najop&scaron;tijeg modela koji uključuje diferencijalne bilanse mase za rastvorak u masi natkritičnog fluida, u fluidu unutar pora čestica usitnjenog matrijala i u čvrstoj fazi, koji se uvođenjem određenih pretpostavki pojednostavljuje i svodi na modele koji su izabrani da budu ispitani u okviru ovoga rada. Ispitani su modeli kreireni po analogiji sa hlađenjem vrele kugle u masi fluida, tj. modeli tipa jedne sfere i to: Model jedne sfere-1 (MJS-1), koji pored uticaja koeficijenta efektivne difuzije ulja u materijalu na brzinu prenosa mase uzima u obzir uticaj koeficijenta prenosa mase kroz film natkritičnog fluida oko čestice, pri čemu je njegova vrednost procenjena preko postojećih korelacija; MJS-1 (2 par), u kome je spolja&scaron;nji koeficijent prenosa mase uzet kao drugi prilagodljiv parametar modela; MJS-2, gde je koeficijent efektivne difuzije jedini prilagođeni parametar, Model karakterističnog vremena i pro&scaron;ireni model klipnog toka koji je predložila Sovov&aacute;. Za modelovanje natkritične ekstrakcije ulja semena tikve kori&scaron;ćen je i kombinovani model Honga i sar. Softverskim paketima Mathcad 2001 Professional i Solver dodatka unutar Microsoft Excel 2003, određeni su parametri ispitanih modela u cilju najboljeg slaganja modela sa ekperimentalnim podacima. Za obe ispitane sirovine, među ispitanim modelima, izabrani su modeli koji najbolje opisuju njihovu ekstrakciju natkritičnim ugljendioksidom. Pro&scaron;ireni model klipnog toka koji je predložila Sovov&aacute; pokazao se podjednako dobrim za modelovanje natkritične ekstrakcije obe sirovine i ne&scaron;to bolji od ostalih primenjenih modela.</p> / <p>This study provides results of supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO<sub>2</sub>) extraction of juniper berries (<em>Juniperus communis</em> L.) and pumpkin seeds (<em>Cucurbita pepo</em> L. convar.&nbsp;<em>citrullina</em>) in a laboratorysupercritical fluid extraction apparatus. The influence<br />of pressure, temperature, particle size and carbon dioxide flow on the extraction kinetics of pumpkin seed oil and juniper berry essential oil was studied. Ground pumpkin seeds were also extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide in NOVA-SWISS, High Pressure Extraction Plant, and with hexane and petroleum ether in a laboratory Soxhlet extractor. This work was also aimed to investigate the evolution of the composition of juniper fruit supercritical CO<sub>2</sub> extracts with time, at different extraction pressures and to emphasize the most favorable condition for the extraction of different terpene hydrocarbon groups, reporting the qualitative differences among extracts collected during successive extraction time periods. Juniper berry extracts were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography, using flame ionization (GC-FID) and mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS). More than 200 constituents were detected in the extracts and the contents of 50 compounds were reported in the work. Dependence of the percentage yields of monoterpene, sesquiterpene, oxygenated monoterpene and oxygenated sesquiterpene hydrocarbon groups on extraction time was investigated and conditions that favored the yielding of each terpene groups were emphasized. GC-MS analysis of FAME, prepared by transesterification of pumpkin seed oil with KOH in methanol, was performed. Fatty acid compositions of supercritical CO<sub>2</sub> pumpkin seed extract fractions collected in successive time intervals over the course of the extraction were determined. The same fractions were analyzed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), using diode-array detector (DAD) in order to determine a- and g-tocopherol contents. Sterol and squalene contents were determined by GC-MS analysis, as well. Conditions that favored the yielding of tocopherols, squalene and sterols were emphasized. A general mass transfer model and its simlifications were analysed. Extraction curves were evaluated by &ldquo;hot sphere&rdquo; mathematical models SSM-1 (Single Sphere Model 1 &ndash; in which the external mass transfer coefficient also influences the extraction profile and film mass transfer coefficients were estimated by the correlations), SSM-1 (2 par) (film mass transfer coefficient is used as the second adjustable parameter), SSM-2 (only effective diffusivity influence is considered), Characteristic time model and by the extended Lack&rsquo;s plug-flow model given by Sovov&aacute;. A combined model of Hong et al. was also fitted to the experimental data for pumpkin seed oil SCCO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>extractions. Relative merits of the models are demonstrated. Good agreement between the extended Lack&rsquo;s plug-flow model and the experimental measurements was obtained.</p>

In Vitro Induction Of Growth And Development Of Common Juniper (juniperus Communis L.) From Shoot And Bud Explants

Kocer, Zeynep Ahsen 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of the study was to investigate the optimum conditions for in vitro regeneration of common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) by using indirect organogenesis approach. Throughout the study / callus induction, organogenesis, improved organogenesis and root induction experiments were performed sequentially. It was found that explant position, genotype, gender, treatments and sampling time had significant effects on callus induction rate in common juniper. The results of treatments indicated that IBA (indole-3-butyric acid) at concentration range 0.5-4.0 mg/l combined with MS medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/l BAP (benzylaminopurine), 3 % sucrose and 0.7% agar was the best one among the treatments to induce callus formation from common juniper explants collected as Spring buds. Also, a two-month culture was adequate period for the callus induction of common juniper regardless of position, before transferring the explants into organogenesis media. After a two-month culture in callus induction media, explants were transferred to organogenesis treatments in order to investigate adventitious bud development from callus tissues. There were significant differences among genotypes, treatments and explant-sampling times in initiation of organ development in common juniper. Additionally, it was found that excluding the auxin components while maintaining 1.0-2.0 mg/l BAP concentration in culture media, as refreshing after a month, stimulated the formation and development of adventitious buds and shoots. Among the treatments tested, it was found that 1.0 mg/l BAP plus 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D was the optimum culture media with adventitious bud formation capacity of 37.5% was though ageing of callus significantly affected the frequency of adventitious bud formation. Finally, rooting experiments were performed to investigate rooting efficiency of adventitious shoots. In the adventitious rooting experiments, no rooting was observed in any of the treatments used with common juniper explants. Although whole plantlet development from callus tissues could not be achieved as indirect organogenesis, the results of the study could aid to future studies dealing in vitro regeneration and production of secondary chemicals from common juniper.

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