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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Envolvimento do núcleo Kölliker-Fuse e do núcleo parabraquial lateral no controle cardiorrespiratório promovido pela ativação dos quimiorreceptores centrais e periféricos. / Involvement of the Kölliker-Fuse nucleus and lateral parabrachial nucleus in cardiorespiratory control elicited by central and peripheral chemoreceptors activation.

Damasceno, Rosélia dos Santos 20 March 2014 (has links)
No presente trabalho, avaliamos o envolvimento da região Kölliker Fuse (KF) e núcleo parabraquial lateral (NPBL) nas respostas cardiorrespiratórias induzidas pela ativação dos quimiorreceptores centrais e periféricos em ratos não anestesiados. A injeção bilateral de muscimol (200 pmol/100 nl) no KF reduziu a ventilação basal (978 ± 100, vs. salina: 1436 ± 155 ml/kg/min). Injeção de muscimol no KF reduziu a hiperventilação (1827 ± 61, vs. salina: 3179 ± 325 ml/kg/min) e a taquicardia (380 ± 9, vs. salina: 423 ± 12 bpm), produzidos pela hipóxia (8% O2 - 10 min). Muscimol no KF reduziu a hiperventilação (1488 ± 277, vs. salina: 3539 ± 374 ml/kg/min) produzida por hipercapnia (7% CO2 - 10 min). Injeção de muscimol no NPBL promoveu um aumento de PAM (D = 119 ± 2, vs. salina: 104 ± 2 mmHg), mas não foi capaz de alterar a hiperventilação produzida por hipóxia e hipercapnia. Nossos experimentos mostram a participação da região KF, e não do NPBL, no controle do respiratório durante a ativação do quimiorreflexo central e periférico. / Here we evaluated the involvement of Kölliker-Fuse region (KF) and lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) in the cardiorespiratory responses elicited by chemoreceptor activation in conscious rats. Bilateral injection of muscimol (200 pmol/100 nl) into the KF decreased resting ventilation (978 ± 100, vs. saline: 1436 ± 155 ml/kg/min). Muscimol injection into the KF reduced the increase in ventilation (1827 ± 61, vs. saline: 3179 ± 325 ml/kg/min) produced by hypoxia (8% O2 - 10 min) or hypercapnia (7% CO2 - 10 min) (1488 ± 277, vs. saline: 3539 ± 374 ml/kg/min). The injection of muscimol into the LPBN increased resting MAP (D =119 ± 2, vs. saline: 104 ± 2 mmHg). Muscimol into the LPBN did not change the increase in ventilation elicited by hypoxia or hypercapnia in unrestrained rats. The results of the present study suggest that KF region, but not LPBN, have mechanisms to control the ventilation in resting, hypoxic or hypercapnic conditions in conscious rats.

Private antitrust law enforcement in cases with international elements

Alen, Balde January 2016 (has links)
The Supreme Court of the United States consented in its Empagran decision that the foreign antitrust injury that is in a dependency relationship with anticompetitive effects (antitrust injury) in the U.S. is to be litigated before the U.S. courts. Since this decision antitrust law litigation in an international context does not depend merely on anticompetitive effects in the U.S., but also on the relationship between anticompetitive effect and (foreign) private antitrust injury. This is something that was not present in pre-Empagran cases. The Supreme Court did not provide conditions on the basis of which the relationship between anticompetitive effects and private antitrust injury could be classified as one of dependency. This means that the Supreme Court left the determination of these conditions to lower U.S. courts. The lower U.S. courts, instead of attempting to determine these conditions, have made foreign private antitrust injury even more difficult to litigate before the U.S. courts. There are three factors that contributed to this development in U.S. case law: the understanding of the Empagran litigation; the understanding of the nature of the international context, and U.S. courts taking a pro-active role in delivering their decisions for which the reasoning is difficult to understand. The greatest obstacle that post-Empagran U.S. courts have placed in front of private antitrust litigants is the requirement that instead of ‘dependency connection’ there should be ‘direct causation’ between anticompetitive effects in the U.S. and litigated (foreign) private antitrust injury. This thesis considers the existing theoretical and practical problems of the current analytical framework under which antitrust violation is analysed in an international context. The thesis introduces the new legal concept of a ‘transborder standard’. This is necessitated by the starting position of this thesis that a factual situation under adjudication cannot be only either ‘domestic’ or ‘foreign’, but can also be ‘transborder’. The introduction of the transborder standard to the existing theoretical framework enables (and requires) the analysis of the factual situation under adjudication in its integrity, bearing in mind also the purpose of private antitrust law enforcement and the right of private parties to be compensated for suffered antitrust injury. The transborder standard provides a framework to analyse antitrust claims brought before the U.S. courts by those private parties who satisfy their private antitrust injury outside the U.S. At the same time, the transborder standard does not enable private litigants to take advantage of simultaneous antitrust litigation before U.S. courts and the courts of non-U.S. countries. ‘Transborder standard’ is a new legal concept. Nevertheless, the existing system of U.S. antitrust law enforcement does support it and, consequently, the transborder standard can be directly applied.

The use of law in the destruction of indigenous religions in Canada and the United States : a comparative perspective

Stamford, Matthew Charles January 2012 (has links)
This thesis will be a historical and comparative treatment of the way law has been applied in both an assimilative and proscriptive manner to destroy Indian religions in the United States and Canada. By producing the first such comparison, it is hoped that the emphasis on different outcomes may promote the cross-border adoption of alternative legal strategies, and ultimately provide something that may have potential as advocacy. The Nineteenth Century saw attempts by the North American governments, often motivated by revulsion, to homogenise their native populations with illegitimate, often illegal and sometimes un-constitutional laws, aimed at the suppression of their religions. In the Twentieth Century there was less overt proscription but rather an acquisitive attitude to native cultural and sacred artefacts which continues to have a destructive impact on their religious practices. Although there have been sporadic attempts to reverse this treatment by repatriating some of these objects, such gestures have come at little governmental cost. It is the continuing restrictions on Indian prayer at sacred sites, often motivated by opposing commercial interests, which reveal the true extent of the forfeit the governments are prepared to pay. An essential part of this study will be an investigation into how international legal doctrines that were ultimately derived from Christianity were introduced into North America to deprive the indigenous peoples of their legal rights. International Law on indigenous peoples will then be re-examined in the present era for doctrines that can be re-incorporated in order to reverse this colonisation. The seminal United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Peoples (2007), together with other more substantive and binding International Law, will be critically assessed for their potential to bolster domestic law and its ambivalent attitude to Indian religious freedom.

Kooperativa identiteter : En kvalitativ studie av KF:s motstridiga företagsideal 1977-1987

Eklann, Karin January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att empiriskt analysera detaljhandelsföretaget Kooperativa Förbundets förhållande till traditioner, företagsideal och marknadsföring under perioden 1977–1987. Mer precist kommer den interna tidningen Kooperatören att studeras med hjälp av de teoretiska begreppen corporate identity, corporate branding och history marketing. KF befann sig i slutet av 1970-talet i en besvärlig sits med en försämrad marknadsposition och en otydlig företagsidentitet. Den allmänna inställningen till konsumentupplysning och konsumtion hade sedan andra världskriget förändrats och medfört att KF befann sig på en marknad med nya krav och behov. Det innebar att KF:s gamla traditioner och ideal inte längre var lika aktuella och företaget ställdes inför en identitetskris. Hur såg den interna diskussionen ut gällande företagsidentiteten och vilka aktörer var drivande? Då krav på nyprofilering hängde över KF kan det, något förenklat, urskiljas två motstridande interna rörelser. Den ena ansåg att företaget och dess värderingar i sin ursprungsform behövdes på marknaden, bara det att konsumenterna var oförmögna att förstå det. Oro uttrycktes för att de kooperativa idealen skulle överges och man ville genom att återberätta företagets grundideal och historia bringa klarhet i vad KF stod för. Den andra rörelsen förespråkade en förändring av företagsformen för att kunna möta den nya marknadens behov. Delar av KF:s ideal och marknadsföringsrutiner skulle därmed moderniseras för att åter tilltala konsumenterna. Dessa röster hördes allt oftare under mitten av 80-talet, vilket bland annat resulterade i att mer kommersiellt inriktad marknadsföring infördes i företagets rutiner.

Object Detection and Tracking

Al-Ridha, Moatasem Yaseen 01 May 2013 (has links)
An improved object tracking algorithm based Kalman filtering is developed in this thesis. The algorithm uses a median filter and morphological operations during tracking. The problem created by object shadows is identified and the primary focus is to incorporate shadow detection and removal to improve tracking multiple objects in complex scenes. It is shown that the Kalman filter, without the improvements, fails to remove shadows that connect different objects. The application of the median filter helps the separation of different objects and thus enables the tracking of multiple objects individually. The performances of the Kalman filter and the improved tracking algorithm were tested on a highway video sequence of moving cars and it is shown that the proposed algorithm yields better performance in the presence of shadows.

Conceptualizing and fighting a global insurgency : extraterritorial use of force against jihadist networks in the cases of al Qaeda and the Islamic State

Steinmeir, Dominik January 2018 (has links)
This thesis seeks to answer the question of how can insur-gent networks of/networked jihadist violent non-state actors be legally conceptualized, what limits are imposed by international and US domestic law on campaigns against such networks, and do those limits allow for effective and legitimate counter-terrorism? It will employ a basic interdisciplinary research de-sign, as defined by Mathias Siems, which uses a legal research question as a starting point, but relies on insights from other disciplines to reach an informed analysis. The thesis will first establish the insurgent nature of ji-hadist groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State by taking the claim of their desire to re-establish the Caliphate seriously. It will establish that 'jihadist international relations' — as op-posed to the broader notion of Islamic international relations — divide the world into the dar al-Islam, the world of Islam, and the dar al-harb, the territory of war, which are in a perpetual state of war. It will show that the attempts to pursue this in-surgent aim are increasingly carried out by affiliate organiza-tions. It will then move on to address the gap in the legal litera-ture, which relates to the problem inherent in the United States' 2001 Authorization of Use of Military Force (AUMF), which authorizes the use of force against al Qaeda and increas-ingly groups connected to it, but does not provide a mechanism to legally conceptualize when such groups are covered by the AUMF. It will put forward a legal framework to conceptualize re-lationships between the al Qaeda and Islamic State core groups and their affiliate and associate organizations by drawing on Is-lamic principles of statehood and by drawing an analogy to es-tablished principles on the responsibility of states and interna-tional organizations for wrongful acts. It will argue that affiliate organizations, through offering an oath of allegiance, become de jure members of the overall network and that attribution of their conduct to the overall network should therefore not de-pend on the level of command and control exercised. Actions of associate groups, on the other hand, should only be attributable to such groups if they exercise overall control. The thesis will then move on to investigate the use of force against affiliate organizations under the jus ad bellum, arguing that such of force is possible in self-defence and with the con-sent of the host state. It will establish that states that become the victim of an armed attack can use force if the host states is unable and unwilling to suppress an imminent armed attack by such groups, and that states can, in certain circumstances, rely on the accumulation of events doctrine, provided that such at-tacks are carried out by members of the same network. It will furthermore argue that the jus ad bellum's necessity require-ment should be understood to mandate non-lethal responses, which the thesis refers to as extraterritorial law enforcement, in certain circumstances. The thesis will then move on to the jus in bello. It will reengage with the idea of a "global" armed conflict frequently invoked by the United States. However, the thesis will argue that such conflicts do not encompass the entire globe, but are, in line with the Tadić decision of the International Criminal Tri-bunal for the Former Yugoslavia, limited to the territory under the control of a party to this conflict. It will then draw heavily on US case law to establish when individuals are part of such organizations, and on principles of the law of armed conflict to establish when strikes against those members are lawful. Finally, it will establish the possibility of extraterritorial law enforcement against such organizations, which refers to extra-territorial operations that have the primary aim of apprehend-ing individuals suspected of unlawful activity, or contribute to such operations, for the purpose of criminal prosecution. It will be stablished that such operations are lawful in self-defence for the purpose of preventing an imminent armed attack and that US law does not put up any significant obstacles for prosecuting individuals brought to the United States in such a manner.

Envolvimento do núcleo Kölliker-Fuse e do núcleo parabraquial lateral no controle cardiorrespiratório promovido pela ativação dos quimiorreceptores centrais e periféricos. / Involvement of the Kölliker-Fuse nucleus and lateral parabrachial nucleus in cardiorespiratory control elicited by central and peripheral chemoreceptors activation.

Rosélia dos Santos Damasceno 20 March 2014 (has links)
No presente trabalho, avaliamos o envolvimento da região Kölliker Fuse (KF) e núcleo parabraquial lateral (NPBL) nas respostas cardiorrespiratórias induzidas pela ativação dos quimiorreceptores centrais e periféricos em ratos não anestesiados. A injeção bilateral de muscimol (200 pmol/100 nl) no KF reduziu a ventilação basal (978 ± 100, vs. salina: 1436 ± 155 ml/kg/min). Injeção de muscimol no KF reduziu a hiperventilação (1827 ± 61, vs. salina: 3179 ± 325 ml/kg/min) e a taquicardia (380 ± 9, vs. salina: 423 ± 12 bpm), produzidos pela hipóxia (8% O2 - 10 min). Muscimol no KF reduziu a hiperventilação (1488 ± 277, vs. salina: 3539 ± 374 ml/kg/min) produzida por hipercapnia (7% CO2 - 10 min). Injeção de muscimol no NPBL promoveu um aumento de PAM (D = 119 ± 2, vs. salina: 104 ± 2 mmHg), mas não foi capaz de alterar a hiperventilação produzida por hipóxia e hipercapnia. Nossos experimentos mostram a participação da região KF, e não do NPBL, no controle do respiratório durante a ativação do quimiorreflexo central e periférico. / Here we evaluated the involvement of Kölliker-Fuse region (KF) and lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) in the cardiorespiratory responses elicited by chemoreceptor activation in conscious rats. Bilateral injection of muscimol (200 pmol/100 nl) into the KF decreased resting ventilation (978 ± 100, vs. saline: 1436 ± 155 ml/kg/min). Muscimol injection into the KF reduced the increase in ventilation (1827 ± 61, vs. saline: 3179 ± 325 ml/kg/min) produced by hypoxia (8% O2 - 10 min) or hypercapnia (7% CO2 - 10 min) (1488 ± 277, vs. saline: 3539 ± 374 ml/kg/min). The injection of muscimol into the LPBN increased resting MAP (D =119 ± 2, vs. saline: 104 ± 2 mmHg). Muscimol into the LPBN did not change the increase in ventilation elicited by hypoxia or hypercapnia in unrestrained rats. The results of the present study suggest that KF region, but not LPBN, have mechanisms to control the ventilation in resting, hypoxic or hypercapnic conditions in conscious rats.

Risks, responsibility and rights in transgenic plant technology governance : a transnational perspective

Oriola, Taiwo Ayodele January 2015 (has links)
Whilst the adoption of commercial transgenic plant agriculture continues to spread globally, it is not necessarily indicative of universal support, and would appear to belie the inherent existential tensions and conflicting rights between transgenic, organic, and conventional plant agricultural systems. These tensions are typically vented via the inevitable adventitious presence of transgenes in non-transgenic crops, and the competing, and often conflicting scientific and acrimonious claims and counter-claims on the merits and proprieties of transgenic plant agriculture for the environment and public health. Nevertheless, the virtual irreversibility of transgenic plant agriculture, the exigencies of feeding the growing world population amidst continuing global food security scares, and the continuing dependency of livestock farming on transgenic plant feedstuff, especially in Europe, underscore the imperatives for mutual co-existence of all three forms of plant agricultural systems. Drawing on the socio-legal theory that risks and responsibility are correlatives, it is argued in the thesis that our “technological society” is also a “risk society”, and as it is for comparable “technologies of risk” in the post-industrial era, the regulatory framework for the co-existence of transgenic and non-transgenic plant agriculture, must of necessity, invoke corresponding responsibility in law for any consequential economic loss and damage to the environment and public health, in order balance and moderate the conflicting rights in the coexistence paradigm for transgenic and non-transgenic plant agriculture. Whilst drawing on relevant and analogous case law and legislations from the United Kingdom, the European Union and North America, the thesis defines the boundaries of inherent risks, responsibility and rights in the current coexistence paradigm for transgenic and non-transgenic plant agriculture, and proposes a modality for an effective sui generis compensation regime, as an integral part of the broader coexistence policy, on the grounds that such a regime could moderate conflicting rights, increase public acceptance, and build public confidence in transgenic plant technology, rather than hinder its continuing global growth and promise.

The Institutional Setting of Education Implementing No Child Left Behind for English Language Learners

Wang, May January 2016 (has links)
Institutional factors affecting implementation of policies are a reflection of the larger political context and setting of money in education. This has an impact on implementing accommodations for English Language Learners in standardized testing under No Child Left Behind. To see if this is true, four states: Indiana, New York, Tennessee and Wisconsin were chosen as examples of state policy adoption and their test contracts were collected from a test company. State accommodations for ELL in testing policy and state costs for standardized tests were analyzed in a comparative review. The diversity of methods in accommodation and lack of correlation between state standardized test costs to product illustrates institutional factors affecting NCLB implementation. Therefore it becomes essential for professional development to support states in implementing NCLB within an institutional context. Addressing these factors will lead to greater educational progress in U.S. federal policies.

Development and Evaluation of an Active Radio Frequency Seeker Model for a Missile with Data-Link Capability / Utveckling och utvärdering av en radarbaserad robotmålsökarmodell med datalänkfunktion

Hendeby, Gustaf January 2002 (has links)
To develop and maintain a modern combat aircraft it is important to have simple, yet accurate, threat models to support early stages of functional development. Therefore this thesis develops and evaluates a model of an active radio frequency (RF) seeker for a missile with data-link capability. The highly parametrized MATLAB-model consists of a pulse level radar model, a tracker using either interacting multiple models (IMM) or particle filters, and a guidance law. Monte Carlo simulations with the missile model indicate that, under the given conditions, the missile performs well (hit rate>99%) with both filter types, and the model is relatively insensitive to lost data-link transmissions. It is therefore under normal conditions not worthwhile to use the more computer intense particle filter today, however when the data-link degrades the particle filter performs considerably better than the IMM filter. Analysis also indicate that the measurements generated by the radar model are neither independent, white nor Gaussian. This contradicts the assumptions made in this, and many other radar applications. However, the performance of the model suggests that the assumptions are acceptable approximations of actual conditions, but further studies within this are recommended to verify this.

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