Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kallikreinkinin"" "subject:"kallikreinmediated""
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Darstellung und Charakterisierung von Urinkallikrein vergleichende Untersuchungen bei Normalpersonen und essentiellen Hypertonikern /Sickel, Birgit, January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Köln, 1987.
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Rôle du système kallicréine-kinines dans le diabète et ses complications / Role of the kallikrein-kinins system in diabetes and its complicationsPotier, Louis 14 February 2014 (has links)
Le système kallicréine-kinines (SKK) est un système peptidique vasodilatateur. Les métabolites actifs du système, les kinines, sont produites par la kallicréine tissulaire (TK), et agissent via leurs deux récepteurs, B2 et B1. Le SKK a été impliqué dans les processus physiopathologiques conduisant au diabète de type 2. Son rôle est bien établi dans la protection des complications cardiovasculaires et rénales du diabète. Nous avons étudié le rôle du SKK dans le développement des anomalies métaboliques liées à l'obésité en utilisant des souris déficientes en TK dans deux modèles d'obésité (mutation ob/ob et régime gras). Nous n'avons pas mis en évidence d'effet de la déficience en TK sur les anomalies glucidiques dans ces deux modèles. Chez l'homme, nous avons étudié l'effet d'un polymorphisme génétique de la TK dans une cohorte de 4843 sujets de la population générale suivi pendant 9 ans. Nous n'avons pas observé d'effet d'un déficit partiel en activité TK sur l'apparition des troubles glucidiques.Ensuite, nous avons étudié l'effet de la stimulation du SKK par des agonistes spécifiques de chaque récepteur lors d'une ischémie reperfusion cardiaque. Chez les souris non diabétiques, l'agoniste B2 réduit la taille de l'infarctus. L'agoniste B1 n'a pas d'effet. Chez les souris diabétiques, l'agoniste B2 n'a pas d'effet. En revanche, l'agoniste B1 diminue la taille de l'infarctus. On observe une induction de la synthèse du B1R dans le c¿ur diabétique.Nos travaux clarifient le rôle du SKK dans le développement du diabète et de ses complications cardiaques. L'effet des agonistes ouvre une nouvelle piste thérapeutique dans la prise en charge des du syndrome coronarien aigu. / Kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) is a vasodilator peptide system. Kinins, the active peptides, are produced by tissue kallikrein (TK), and act via their two receptors, B1 and B2. KKS was involved in the pathophysiological process leading to type 2 diabetes. Its role is well established in the protection of cardiovascular and renal complications of diabetes. We studied the role of SKK in the development of metabolic abnormalities associated with obesity using TK deficient mice in two models of obesity (Ob/Ob and high fat diet). We did not observed any effect of TK deficiency on metabolic parameters in these two models. In humans, we studied the effect of a polymorphism of TK in a population-based cohort of 4843 subjects followed for 9 years. We did not observe any effect of a partial deficiency in TK on the occurrence of metabolic disorders. Next, we studied the effect of specific agonists of B1 and B2 receptors in cardiac ischemia reperfusion injury. In non-diabetic mice, the B2 agonist reduces infarct size. Agonist B1 has no effect. In diabetic mice, B2 agonist had no effect. In contrast, B1 agonist reduces infarct size. Overexpression of B1R is observed in the diabetic heart. Our work clarifies the role of SKK in the development of diabetes and its cardiac complications. Agonists of kinins receptors could be a new therapeutic approach in the management of acute coronary syndrome.
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Strukturelle und funktionelle Analyse der Interaktion des Blutgerinnungsfaktors XI mit H-Kininogen / Structural and functional analysis of coagulation factor XI binding to H-kininogenRenné, Thomas January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Im Blutplasma und auf Zelloberflächen bildet H-Kininogen entweder mit dem Blutgerinnungsfaktor XI oder Plasmakallikrein Komplexe. Die beiden Proteasenvorstufen binden über ihre homologen schweren Ketten, die jeweils aus vier Apple Domänen bestehen (F1-F4 bei Faktor XI und P1-P4 bei Kalllikrein), an HK. Die Kalllikrein/Kininogen Interaktion wird über Domäne P2 vermittelt. Im Gegensatz dazu soll FXI über F1 an Kininogen binden. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Lokalisation der Kininogen-Bindungsstelle des Faktors XI und ein funktioneller Vergleich der Kalllikrein/Kininogen und Faktor XI/Kininogen Komplexe. Es zeigt sich, dass die relative Bindungsaffinität von HK an rekombinante Faktor XI-Einzeldomänen in der Reihenfolge F2 >> F4 > F1 >> F3 abfällt. Die Bedeutung der F2 Domäne für die Kininogen Bindung wird durch den monoklonale Antikörper αP2 unterstrichen, der die Faktor XI/Kininogen und die Kalllikrein/Kininogen Bindung mit einem apparenten IC50 von 8 nM blockiert und dessen Epitop auf die F2 Domäne kartiert wird. Eine Thrombozyten-spezifische Faktor XI-Splicevariante, der die N-terminale Hälfte der F2 Domäne fehlt, bindet 5-fach schlechter als Faktor XI an Kininogen. Nach Aktivierung wird Kallikrein und ein chimäres Faktor XI-Protein, bei dem F2 durch P2 ersetzt wurde, in P2 gespalten, was zur Verlust der Bindungsaffinität zu Kininogen führt. Im Gegensatz bleibt die Bindung von aktiviertem Faktor XI oder einem chimärem Kalllikrein-Protein, bei dem die P2 Domäne durch F2 ersetzt wurde, nach Aktivierung an Kininogen gebunden. Diese Daten zeigen, dass Faktor XI und Kallikrein über ihre Domänen 2 an Kininogen binden. Trotz homologer Bindungsmotive unterscheiden sich Faktor XI/Kininogen und Kallikrein/Kininogen Komplexe in ihrer Stabilität nach Aktivierung. Die Daten tragen dazu bei, die Regulation der Kallikrein-vermittelten Bradykininbildung bei Entzündungsprozessen und die Faktor XI-getriebene Fibrinbildung besser zu verstehen. / Factor XI (FXI), the zymogen of the blood coagulation protease FXIa, and the structurally homologous protein plasma prekallikrein circulate in plasma in non-covalent complexes with H-kininogen (HK). HK binds to the heavy chains of FXI and of prekallikrein. Each chain contains four apple domains (F1 - F4 for FXI; P1 - P4 for prekallikrein). Previous studies had indicated that the HK binding site on FXI is located in F1, while the major HK binding site on prekallikrein is on P2. To determine the contribution of each FXI apple domain to FXI/HK complex formation, we examined binding of recombinant single apple domain-tPA fusion proteins to HK. The order of affinity from highest to lowest is F2 >> F4 > F1 >> F3. Monoclonal antibodies against F2 are superior to F4 or F1 antibodies as inhibitors of HK binding to FXI. Antibody αP2, raised against prekallikrein, cross-reacts with FXI F2 and inhibits FXI/HK binding with an IC50 of 8 nM. HK binding to a platelet specific FXI variant lacking the N-terminal half of F2 is reduced > 5-fold compared to full-length FXI. A chimeric FXI molecule in which F2 is replaced by P2, is cleaved within P2 during activation by factor XIIa, resulting in greatly reduced HK binding capacity. In contrast, wild-type FXI is not cleaved within F2, and its binding capacity for HK is unaffected by factor XIIa. Our data show that HK binding to FXI involves multiple apple domains, with F2 being most important. The findings demonstrate a similarity in mechanism for FXI and prekallikrein binding to HK. Although the zymogens complex HK via homologous binding motives the stability of FXI/HK and kallikrein/HK complexes is largely diffent following activation. The data may help to understand kallikrein-driven bradykinin formation in inflammation and FXI-mediated fibrin generation in thrombosis.
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Untersuchungen zur Pathophysiologie und therapeutischer Relevanz des Blutgerinnungsfaktors XII nach experimentellem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma / Studies on the pathophysiology and therapeutic relevance of the coagulation factor XII following experimental traumatic brain injuryHopp-Krämer, Sarah January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Das Schädel-Hirn-Trauma (SHT) entsteht durch äußere Gewalteinwirkung auf den Kopf und verursacht mechanisch eine Schädigung des Hirngewebes. Zusätzlich tragen sekundäre Pathomechanismen, wie Entzündungsprozesse und die Schädigung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke (BHS), dazu bei, dass sich das initial geschädigte Läsionsareal im Laufe der Zeit vergrößert. Vor allem bei jungen Erwachsenen ist das SHT eine der häufigsten Ursachen für bleibende Behinderungen und Todesfälle. Aufgrund der schweren Auswirkungen des SHT und der bislang fehlenden Therapieoptionen ist die Identifizierung neuer Zielstrukturen für eine kausale Therapie von größter Bedeutung. Ausgehend von tierexperimentellen Studien ist das Kallikrein-Kinin-System (KKS) ein besonders erfolgversprechender Angriffspunkt zur Behandlung des SHT. Die Aktivierung des KKS über den Gerinnungsfaktor XII (FXII) und die darauf folgende Bildung von Bradykinin sind mit dem Entstehen von Hirnödemen und Entzündungsreaktionen assoziiert. Vorangegangene Studien haben weiterhin die Frage aufgeworfen, ob und in welchem Maße thrombotische Prozesse einen Einfluss auf die Pathophysiologie und die sekundären Hirnschädigungen nach SHT haben. Da FXII sowohl das KKS als auch die intrinsische plasmatische Gerinnungskaskade initiiert und somit zur Fibrinbildung beiträgt, stand FXII im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen dieser Dissertation. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Fragen, (I) inwiefern FXII eine Rolle bei der sekundären Hirnschädigung nach Trauma spielt und (II) ob thrombotische Prozesse ein pathophysiologisches Merkmal nach Trauma darstellen. In zwei unterschiedlichen Trauma-Modellen wurden FXII-defiziente Tiere und mit einem spezifischen Inhibitor des aktivierten FXII (FXIIa) behandelte Tiere gegen Kontrolltiere nach SHT verglichen. Die Analyse der funktionellen Ausfallerscheinungen und des Ausmaßes an neuronaler Degeneration zeigte, dass FXII-Defizienz und FXIIa-Inhibition vor den Auswirkungen eines SHT schützen. Als zugrundeliegende Mechanismen wurden die Reduktion von thrombotisch verschlossenen Gefäßen in der Mikrovaskulatur des Gehirns sowie der Schutz vor BHS-Störungen und verringerte inflammatorische Prozesse identifiziert. Weiterhin wurde festgestellt, dass eine Blockade der intrinsischen Gerinnungskaskade über FXII keine intrazerebralen Blutungen auslöst. In Gewebeproben von Patienten mit SHT wurde gezeigt, dass Thrombozytenaggregate auch im klinischen Verlauf auftreten und sich somit die tierexperimentellen Befunde auf die humane Situation übertragen lassen. Insgesamt tragen die Ergebnisse dazu bei, die komplexen und vielfältigen Pathomechanismen nach SHT besser zu verstehen und vor allem die Relevanz thrombo-inflammatorischer Prozesse nach SHT aufzuzeigen. Die gezielte Blockade des FXII(a) könnte als therapeutisches Prinzip zur Abschwächung der Sekundärschaden nach SHT geeignet sein. / Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the result of an outside force causing mechanical disruption of the brain tissue. In addition, delayed pathogenic events, like inflammatory processes and blood-brain barrier damage occur, which collectively exacerbate the injury. In young adults, TBI is one of the main reasons for permanent disability and death. Because of its severe consequences and the lack of causal treatment, the identification of novel therapeutic options is of utmost importance. Based on animal studies, the kallikrein-kinin-system (KKS) is a very promising target to treat secondary injury processes following TBI. The activation of the KKS via coagulation factor XII (FXII) and the subsequent formation of bradykinin are tightly associated with the development of brain edema and inflammation. Recent studies have raised the question to what extent thrombotic processes might influence the pathophysiology and secondary injury processes following TBI. As FXII is not only the starting point of the KKS, but also the initiator of the intrinsic coagulation cascade which leads to fibrin formation, FXII was the center of interest for this dissertation. The work presented here deals with the issue, (I) whether FXII plays a role in the development and aggravation of secondary injury processes after trauma and (II) if thrombotic processes display a pathophysiological feature in TBI. In two different models of brain trauma, FXII-deficient mice and mice treated with a specific inhibitor of activated FXII (FXIIa) were compared to their respective control groups after trauma induction. The analyses of the functional outcome and the amount of neurodegenerative processes showed a distinct amelioration in favor of the genetically modified and treated animals. As underlying mechanisms, the reduction of thrombotic vessels in the brain microvasculature and additionally, protection from blood-brain barrier damages and less inflammation were identified. Moreover, it was observed that interference with the intrinsic coagulation cascade via FXII does not lead to the formation of intracerebral bleedings. The evaluation of human brain tissue surgically obtained following TBI demonstrated that platelet aggregates occur regularly in the course of brain trauma and that they seem to contribute to the secondary injury processes and the ischemia-like injury pattern. Taken together, the results contribute to the understanding of the highly complex and heterogeneous pathomechanisms following TBI, especially concerning thrombo-inflammatory processes. The targeted pharmacological blocking of FXII(a) could be a useful therapeutic principle in the treatment of TBI-associated pathologic processes.
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Isolation, identification, immunolocalisation and elucidation of the role of plasma kallikrein in human tissues.Cerf, Marlon Eugene. January 2000 (has links)
Introduction: Plasma kallikrein (PK) is a cofactor in blood coagulation and
modulates inflammation through the release of bradykinin (BK). Previously it was believed that plasma prekallikrein (PPK), the precursor of PK and a member of the serine protease superfamily, was synthesised exclusively by hepatocytes and secreted into circulation. However, recent studies show that various human tissues contain PPK mRNA. In this study we sought to determine in which human tissues PK is expressed.
Methods: Following approval by the Ethics Committee at the University of Natal, tissue samples from the spinal cord, 13 different regions of the brain, 7 different blood vessels and various other organs were collected at autopsy within 24h of death (n =10). Sections were probed using polyclonal antibodies specific for PK. PK concentrations in extracts of these tissues were measured by competitive EllSA.
Results: A Western blot analysis demonstrated the monospecificity of the
antibody for the PK protein. The presence of immunoreactive PK in cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans served as a positive control for each
immunolabeling experiment. The hepatocytes, renal distal convoluted tubules and epithelial cells lining the bronchiole and pulmonary alveoli labeled positively for PK. In the gastrointestinal tract tissue, immunoreactive PK was visualised in the acinar cells of the salivary gland, in stromal and glandular duct cells of the oesophagus, and in some chief and glandular cells in the stomach. Some of the above-mentioned tissues contained a few inflammatory cells which stained intensely for PK.
Immunoreactive PK was visualised in the endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells of the all the blood vessels examined, except the renal vein. Increased immunolabeling for PK in the endothelial cells, foam cells and macrophages was observed in arteries with atheromatous plaques.
In neural tissue immunoreactive PK was observed in neurons, ependymal cells, fibre tracts, and in secretory cells of the anterior pituitary gland. Immunolabeling for PK was visualised in some neurons of the spinal cord and in different brain regions viz. hypothalamus, cerebral cortex, thalamus, brain stem and hippocampus. In sections of the hypothalamus and spinal cord, we observed immunolabeling for PK in ependymal cells lining the third ventricle and central canal respectively. Positive labeling for PK was evident in fibre tracts of the pons, medulla and hippocampus. No immunoreactive PK was visualised in the choroid plexus or cerebellum.
High amounts of PK were measured by competitive ELlSA in extracts of the
pancreas (12.94 ± 2.04 /-lg/ml), the pons (1.67 ± 1.46 /-lg/ml) and aorta (0.44 ± 0.14 /-lg/ml). The basilar artery (0.09 ± 0.07 /-lg/ml) and spinal cord (0.09 ± 0.04 /-lg/ml) had the least PK concentrations.
Discussion and Conclusions: We have shown that the PPK mRNA
demonstrated in various human tissues is most likely translated into protein by the immunolocalisation of PK within specific cells in the different tissues examined. The actions of PK within these tissues may be two fold, firstly by its kininogenase activity it may release BK from high molecular weight kininogen, or alternatively, PK may act as a proteolytic enzyme on other proteins. With respect to the latter) PK may be involved in the processing of protein precursors, for example precursors of the digestive enzymes found in saliva and in gastric secretion, insulin precursors in the pancreas, and hormonal precursors in the pituitary gland. The localisation of PK and B1 and B2 kinin receptors in the kidney, lung, stomach, blood vessels and brain suggests that the effects of PK in these tissues are mediated by BK-receptor interaction. These may include the
regulation of glucose uptake in the pancreas, water and ion transport in the
kidney, and local and systemic blood pressure in the cardiovascular system. The presence of immunoreactive PK in neurons suggests that BK-receptor mediated interaction may regulate neurophysiological processes such as synaptic transmission. Immunolabeling for PK in polymorphonuclear leukocytes observed in some of these tissue sections suggests the potential to mediate the inflammatory process. / Thesis (M.Med.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000
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An immunocytochemical study of the kallikrein-kinin system on the circulating neutrophil.Naidoo, Yugenthree. January 1996 (has links)
Inflammation is the normal biological response to tissue injury, and is characterised by the interactive activation of multiple mediators and cell types. One response to tissue injury is the production of pain, not only by direct trauma to sensory fibres, but also through the release of mediators from sensory nerve terminals. One such mediator is kinin which is a vasoactive peptide considered to play a primary role in inflammation by causing constriction of venules, dilation of arterioles, increasing permeability of the capillary membrane, and interacting with sensory nerve terminal transmitters to evoke pain. The kinin forming enzymes (kallikreins) reach inflammation sites either on the surface of migrating neutrophils or by transudation from plasma. The kininogen molecule which contains the kinin moiety, has been localised on the external surface of the neutrophil, and provides the substrate from which kinins can be cleaved through enzymatic action. The cellular actions
of kinins are mediated through B2 receptors, which are also located on the external surface of the neutrophils. In addition, the induced effects of kinins are regulated by B1 receptors. The formation of nitric oxide (NO) from arginine released from the kinin C terminus, and receptor membrane signal transduction by nitric oxide following kinin receptor activation is discussed. A molecular response to cell injury is the formation of chemotactic mediators that attract neutrophils to sites of inflammation. The question whether neutrophils contribute to
circulating levels of kinins was examined in infections and inflammatory disorders. This novel hypothesis was tested using circulating neutrophils harvested from patients with tuberculosis meningitis and pneumonia. These neutrophils showed a distinct loss of only the kinin moiety from the kininogen molecule located on the external surface. The confocal images of fixed, permeabilised neutrophils provided multi-dimensional constructs, and the intensity of fluorescence reflected the relative amounts of the molecule present in both neutrophils harvested from healthy volunteers as well as patient blood. The immunocytochemical labelling experiments using colloidal gold as markers, confirmed, at
the ultrastructural level, the presence or disappearance of the kinin moiety from the kininogen molecule on the neutrophil surface. The cell component of synovial fluid in rheumatoid athritis (RA) consists mainly of neutrophils. This study demonstrates the absence of the kinin moiety from circulating and synovial fluid neutrophils from patients with RA, as well as an increased signal from immunolabelled B2 receptors in synovial fluid neutrophils. These findings support the hypothesis that in RA, kinins are released during the inflammatory response in the joints, and suggests that there is an upregulation of the B2 receptor at the site of inflammation. Neutrophils chemotactically drawn to the site of inflammation become activated to release kinin from the kininogen molecule, and thereafter re-enter the circulation where they were
harvested systemically. B2 receptors may be upregulated following activation by kinins or by other mediators present in the inflammatory milieu. Interleukin-1 has been shown to upregulate kinin receptors on human synovial cells. Anti-peptide antibodies to the loops of cloned B1 and B2 receptors have provided powerful probes for the cellular identification of the two kinin receptor families. Mapping of the B2 receptors showed upregulation on the neutrophils gathered from inflamed joints. However, no activation of the Br receptors was observed in normal blood neutrophils as well as those obtained from the different disease states. / Thesis (M.Med.)-University of Natal, 1996.
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Einfluss mechanischer Dehnung von alveolaren Typ-II-Zellen auf die Bildung von Bradykinin durch das Kallikrein-Kinin-SystemKnauth, Jessica 05 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Papel do receptor B2 de cininas na terapia da neurodegeneração dopaminérgica em modelo animal / Targeting Kinin-B2 receptors for the treatment of dopaminergic neurodegeneration in an animal modeSouza, Hellio Danny Nobrega de 13 September 2018 (has links)
A Doença de Parkinson (DP) é um distúrbio neurodegenerativo, caracterizada em parte pela perda de neurônios dopaminérgicos da via nigroestriatal, originada na substância negra com projeções para o estriado, causando vários déficits motores. Atualmente, o tratamento mais utilizado é a administração de L-DOPA, um análogo da dopamina. Porém, essa droga apresenta eficácia limitada e induz diversos efeitos colaterais. A exploração dos efeitos neuroprotetores, proliferativos e neuroregenerativos da bradicinina (BK) em modelo animal de DP pode conduzir à substituição celular do tecido lesionado pela 6-hidroxidopamina (6-OHDA). De fato, a BK e seus receptores possuem um grande espectro de ações fisiológicas, estando classicamente envolvida no controle da homeostase cardiovascular e inflamação, além de exercer efeitos protetores em fisiopatologias do sistema nervoso, como em modelos de acidente vascular cerebral. Vários tipos celulares têm suas vias de sinalização associadas à ativação do receptor B2 de cininas (B2BKR). Trabalhos anteriores de nosso grupo mostraram que a BK está envolvida na diferenciação neural de células progenitoras neurais por um loop autócrino que resulta em ativação do B2BKR. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho mostram a eficácia do tratamento com BK, um agonista de B2BKR, em animais submetidos à lesão da via nigro-estriatal induzida por 6-OHDA. Além disso, há uma recuperação comportamental e histológica desses animais quando tratados com Captopril®, um potencializador dos efeitos farmacológicos da BK, e com [Phe8Ψ(CH-NH)Arg9]-Bradicinina, agonista estável do receptor B2BKR. Assim, concluímos que a ativação de B2BKR pela BK desencadeiaum processo de neuroregeneração dopaminérgica de animais submetidos à lesão por 6-OHDA. Trabalhos recentes mostram que o receptor B2BKR desempenha um importante papel neuroprotetor em modelo animal da Doença de Alzheimer, o que corrobora nossos achados. Juntos, esses resultados contribuem para o estabelecimento da ação neuroprotetora e neurorregenerativa da BK no modelo de animal de neurodegeneração dopaminérgica, tornando-a uma excelente candidata para aplicação em terapias de reparo neuronal. / Parkinson\'s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder partially characterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons from the nigrostriatal pathway, originated in the substantia nigra with projections to the striatum, which causes several motor deficits. Currently, the most commonly used drug for PD treatment is levodopa. However, it has limited efficacy and induces several side effects. Elucidation of the neuroprotective, proliferative and neuroregenerative effects of bradykinin (BK) in animal models of PD can culminate in cellular replacement of the tissue damaged by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). In fact, BK and its receptor have several physiological effects, being classically involved in the control of cardiovascular homeostasis and inflammation. Besides, BK exerts protective effects on nervous system pathophysiology, as observed in stroke models. Several cell types have their signaling pathways associated with the B2 kinin receptor (B2BKR) activation. Previous work from our group showed that BK is involved in differentiation of neural progenitor cells by an autocrine loop that results in activation of B2BKR. The results presented in this thesis show the efficacy of treatment with BK, through B2BKR activation, in animals submitted to nigrostriatal pathway injury induced by 6-OH dopamine. Furthermore, behavioral and histological recoveries of these animals were observed when treated with Captopril®, a potentiator of BK pharmacological effects, and with [Phe8Ψ (CH-NH) Arg9] -BK, a stable agonist of the B2BKR receptor. Thus, we conclude that BK activation of B2BKR triggers neuroregenerative processes in animals submitted to 6- OHDA injury. Recent studies showed that the B2BKR receptor plays an important neuroprotective role in an animal model of Alzheimer\'s disease, which corroboratesour findings. Together, these results contribute to the establishment of the neuroprotective and neuroregenerative actions of BK - an excellent candidate for neural repair therapies.
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Caracterização do sistema calicreína-cinina durante o processo ovulatório de bovinos / Characterization of kallikrein-kinin system during the ovulation process in bovineIlha, Gustavo Freitas 25 February 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) has been described as an important mediator of physiologic processes. Kallikreins use kininogen (KNG) as substrate to generate bradykinin, the principal active peptide of the KKS which acts through two types of receptors, the B1R and B2R. The objective of this study was to characterize some components of KKS in different compartments of ovary during the ovulation process in bovine. mRNA expression pattern of KNG, B1R and B2R was assessed in theca and granulosa cells and bradykinin concentration and kallikrein-like activity in follicular fluid of bovine peri-ovulatory follicles. In order to obtain a peri-ovulatory follicle (≥ 12mm), twenty-seven cows were submitted to estrus synchronization protocol and ovariectomized by colpotomy at 0, 3, 6, 12 or 24 hours after a GnRH-analog injection (gonadorelin; 100 μg, IM). Follicular fluid was aspirated for enzymatic assays and granulosa and theca cells were harvested for mRNA analysis. The mRNA expressions in follicular cells were evaluated by real-time RT-PCR and data represented as relative to housekeeping gene cyclophilin. Bradykinin concentration and Kallikrein-like activity was measured in follicular fluid by enzymatic immunoassay and selective substrate cleavage, respectively, and the absorbance measured using a plate reader. KNG mRNA expression was similar for both follicular cell types (P>0.05), while B2R expression in theca cells and B1R expression in theca and granulosa cells showed different profiles during peri-ovulatory period (P<0.05). Bradykinin concentration and kallikrein-like activity in follicular fluid were different (P<0.05) according the time during ovulation process. The results provide an important characterization of the presence and possible regulation of KKS during ovulation in bovine. / O sistema calicreína-cinina (KKS) tem sido descrito como um importante mediador de processos fisiológicos. Calicreínas utilizam o cininogênio (KNG) como substrato para formar a bradicinina, que é o principal peptídeo ativo do KKS o qual atua através de dois tipos de receptores, o B1R e B2R. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar os principais componentes do KKS em diferentes compartimentos ovarianos durante o processo ovulatório de bovinos. A expressão de RNAm de KNG, B1R e B2R foi mensurada em células da teca e granulosa, e concentração de bradicinina e atividade de calicreína no fluido folicular de folículos peri-ovulatórios bovinos. Para obter um folículo peri-ovulatório (≥ 12mm), vinte e sete vacas foram submetidas a um protocolo de sincronização de cios e ovariectomizadas por colpotomia 0, 3, 6, 12 ou 24 horas após uma injeção de um análogo ao GnRH (gonadorelina; 100 μg, IM). O fluido folicular foi aspirado para os ensaios enzimáticos e as células da teca e granulosa dissecadas para análise do RNAm. A expressão do RNAm em células foliculares foi avaliada por PCR em tempo real e os dados representados em relação ao gene constitutivo ciclofilina. A concentração de bradicinina e atividade de calicreína foram mensuradas no fluido follicular por imunoensaio enzimático e clivagem de substrato seletivo, respectivamente, e sua absorbância mensurada por leitor de placas. A expressão de RNAm para o KNG não variou em ambos os tipos celulares nos diferentes tempos (P>0,05), enquanto que para B2R a expressão em células da teca e expressão para B1R nas células da teca e granulosa apresentaram diferentes padrões durante o período peri-ovulatório (P<0,05). A concentração de bradicinina e a atividade de calicreína no fluido follicular foram diferentes (P<0,05) de acordo com o tempo durante o processo ovulatório. Estes resultados demonstram que o KKS está presente e há indicativos de sua regulação durante a ovulação em bovinos
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Papel do receptor B2 de cininas na terapia da neurodegeneração dopaminérgica em modelo animal / Targeting Kinin-B2 receptors for the treatment of dopaminergic neurodegeneration in an animal modeHellio Danny Nobrega de Souza 13 September 2018 (has links)
A Doença de Parkinson (DP) é um distúrbio neurodegenerativo, caracterizada em parte pela perda de neurônios dopaminérgicos da via nigroestriatal, originada na substância negra com projeções para o estriado, causando vários déficits motores. Atualmente, o tratamento mais utilizado é a administração de L-DOPA, um análogo da dopamina. Porém, essa droga apresenta eficácia limitada e induz diversos efeitos colaterais. A exploração dos efeitos neuroprotetores, proliferativos e neuroregenerativos da bradicinina (BK) em modelo animal de DP pode conduzir à substituição celular do tecido lesionado pela 6-hidroxidopamina (6-OHDA). De fato, a BK e seus receptores possuem um grande espectro de ações fisiológicas, estando classicamente envolvida no controle da homeostase cardiovascular e inflamação, além de exercer efeitos protetores em fisiopatologias do sistema nervoso, como em modelos de acidente vascular cerebral. Vários tipos celulares têm suas vias de sinalização associadas à ativação do receptor B2 de cininas (B2BKR). Trabalhos anteriores de nosso grupo mostraram que a BK está envolvida na diferenciação neural de células progenitoras neurais por um loop autócrino que resulta em ativação do B2BKR. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho mostram a eficácia do tratamento com BK, um agonista de B2BKR, em animais submetidos à lesão da via nigro-estriatal induzida por 6-OHDA. Além disso, há uma recuperação comportamental e histológica desses animais quando tratados com Captopril®, um potencializador dos efeitos farmacológicos da BK, e com [Phe8Ψ(CH-NH)Arg9]-Bradicinina, agonista estável do receptor B2BKR. Assim, concluímos que a ativação de B2BKR pela BK desencadeiaum processo de neuroregeneração dopaminérgica de animais submetidos à lesão por 6-OHDA. Trabalhos recentes mostram que o receptor B2BKR desempenha um importante papel neuroprotetor em modelo animal da Doença de Alzheimer, o que corrobora nossos achados. Juntos, esses resultados contribuem para o estabelecimento da ação neuroprotetora e neurorregenerativa da BK no modelo de animal de neurodegeneração dopaminérgica, tornando-a uma excelente candidata para aplicação em terapias de reparo neuronal. / Parkinson\'s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder partially characterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons from the nigrostriatal pathway, originated in the substantia nigra with projections to the striatum, which causes several motor deficits. Currently, the most commonly used drug for PD treatment is levodopa. However, it has limited efficacy and induces several side effects. Elucidation of the neuroprotective, proliferative and neuroregenerative effects of bradykinin (BK) in animal models of PD can culminate in cellular replacement of the tissue damaged by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). In fact, BK and its receptor have several physiological effects, being classically involved in the control of cardiovascular homeostasis and inflammation. Besides, BK exerts protective effects on nervous system pathophysiology, as observed in stroke models. Several cell types have their signaling pathways associated with the B2 kinin receptor (B2BKR) activation. Previous work from our group showed that BK is involved in differentiation of neural progenitor cells by an autocrine loop that results in activation of B2BKR. The results presented in this thesis show the efficacy of treatment with BK, through B2BKR activation, in animals submitted to nigrostriatal pathway injury induced by 6-OH dopamine. Furthermore, behavioral and histological recoveries of these animals were observed when treated with Captopril®, a potentiator of BK pharmacological effects, and with [Phe8Ψ (CH-NH) Arg9] -BK, a stable agonist of the B2BKR receptor. Thus, we conclude that BK activation of B2BKR triggers neuroregenerative processes in animals submitted to 6- OHDA injury. Recent studies showed that the B2BKR receptor plays an important neuroprotective role in an animal model of Alzheimer\'s disease, which corroboratesour findings. Together, these results contribute to the establishment of the neuroprotective and neuroregenerative actions of BK - an excellent candidate for neural repair therapies.
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