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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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The use of mobile communication technology in professional identity development : a case of using whatsapp messenger to teach inquiry-based pedagogy to university chemistry teachers

Mutanga, Patrick 07 May 2021 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Setswana / This study investigated the feasibility of using WhatsApp Messenger as a tool to enhance the professional identity and inquiry-based pedagogy through the professional development of university chemistry teachers. The epistemological interpretive paradigm was used to guide the study. The study assumed a naturalistic, exploratory investigation. The qualitative research methodology was used to conduct the study. Nine university teachers were purposively sampled from three universities (three teachers from each university) for the study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, participant observations, and focus group discussions. Data analysis was completed using the thematic networks analysis. Ethics considerations were observed by not disclosing personal information of the participants or information about the universities where they represented. This study was guided by four theoretical underpinnings: the connectivism theory, the transformative learning theory, the expectancy-value theory, and the dual systems theory. The primary research question guiding this study was: How does the professional identity of university chemistry teachers develop as they learn IBP through WhatsApp Messenger? A two-pronged approach was used in the research: (1) comparing the professional identity of the teachers before and after the course, and (2) observing and describing the professional identity process as the teachers undertook the course. The results from the interviews conducted before the teachers undertook the WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP course showed that most teachers had a negative professional identity. They had become teachers for a variety of reasons, but they did not consider themselves teachers and believed they would leave university teaching if opportunities arose in the industry. They had no formal qualifications in pedagogy, and they did not believe that such knowledge was necessary. The majority of these teachers used teacher-centred approaches. Results from participant observations during the WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP course showed that the course slowly imparted to the teachers the norms associated with not only IBP, but other teaching approaches as well. WhatsApp Messenger provided a flexible online platform where the teachers interacted and exchanged ideas without the need to meet in a physical space. The results from the interviews conducted after the teachers participated in the WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP course showed that the participants' professional identity had changed positively. They now recognised the importance of pedagogy in teaching, they positively identified with the teaching profession, and some were considering acquiring formal qualifications in pedagogy. / Lolu cwaningo beluphenya ithuba lokusetshenziswa kwangempela kwe-WhatsApp Messenger njengethuluzi lokuqinisa isithombe sesisebenzi kanye nohlelo lokufundisa olwencike phezu kophenyo lothisha besifundo seKhemistri (chemistry) enyuvesi, ngohlelo lokuthuthukisa abasebenzi. Uhlelo lwepharadayimu echazayo ye-ephistemoloji lwasetshenziswa ukuhlahla indlela yesifundo, okuyindlela enqume ukulandela indlela yemvelo, ephenyayo. Umethodoloji wocwaningo olwencike kuKhwalithi (Qualitative) lusetshenzisiwe ukwenza ucwaningo, ndawonye nothisha basemanyuvesi ayisishiyagalolunye abakhethwe ngenhloso kumanyuvesi amathathu (abathathu kwinyuvesi eyodwa). Idatha yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezimbaxambili (semi-structured interviews), ngokubheka izenzo zomdlalindima (participant observation) kanye nezingxoxo zeqembu eliqondiwe (focus group discussions), kanti ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kwenziwa kwaqedwa ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lokuhlaziya oluwuthungelelwano lwendikimba (thematic network analysis). Kubonakele ukulandelwa komgomo wokuziphatha ngokungadaluli ulwazi lomuntu ongumdlalindima noma ulwazi olumayelana namanyuvesi ababewameleyo. Ucwaningo beluholwa yizinhlaka ezine zethiyori: i-connectivism theory, i-transformative learning theory, i-expectancy-value theory kanye nama-dual systems theory. Umbuzo wokuqala wezocwaningo ohola ucwaningo bewuthi: Ngabe isithombe sobizo lobuthishela wekhemistri enyuvesi sithuthukiswa kanjani ngesikhathi befunda uhlelo lwemfundo eyencike ekuphenyeni (inquiry-based pedagogy (IBP) ngokusebenzisa i-WhatsApp Messenger? Indlela embaxambili iye yasetshenziswa: 1) ukuqhathanisa isithombe sobizo lobuthishela ngaphambi nangemuva kwesifundo,, kanye no-2) baqhathanisa isithombe sobizo lobuthishela sothisha ngaphambi nangemuva kwesifundo, kanye no 2) babheke futhi bachaza uhlelo lwezimpawu zokwakha isithombe sobizo lobuthishela njengoba othisha baye badlala indima kulesi sifundo. Imiphumela evela kwizinhlolovo ezenziwe ngaphambi kokuba othisha bahambele isifundo se-WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP, ikhombise ukuthi iningi lothisha libe nesithombe sobizo esibi. Baye bafundela ubuthishela ngezizathu ezahlukahlukile, kodwa abakaze bazibona bangothisha futhi baye bacabanga ukuyeka inyuvesi uma ngabe kuvela amathuba kwimboni. Abakaze babe neziqu zokufundisa, kanti abazange bakholwe ukuthi ulwazi olunjalo kwakunesidingo sokuba nalo, kanti iningi lothisha lwalandela indlela izindlela ezencike kuthisha. Imiphumela evela ekubukeni izenzo zothisha ngesikhathi sesifundo se-IBP ikhombise ukuthi isifundo kancane kancane sinikeze othisha izimfundiso ezithile, kanti futhi nezinye izindlela zokufundisa. Uhlelo lwe-WhatsApp Messenger lunikeze inkundla ye- inthanethi engenamngcele lapho othisha bebahlangana futhi baphakelane ngemibono nhlangothi zombili ngaphandle kwesidingo sokuhlangana endaweni ephathekayo. Ngemuva kwesifundo se-IBP abadlalindima baye babika ukuthi babone izithombe zobizo lwabo zizinhle kakhulu. Manje sebeyakwazi ukubaluleka kwendlela yephedagogi ekufundiseni, bazibona behambisane kahle kakhulu nobizo lobuthishela. Kanti abanye baze bacabanga ukuthola ezinye iziqu ezisemthethweni zobizo lobuthisha. / Thuto e, e dirile dipatlisiso tsa kgonagalo tsa go dirisa WhattsApp Messenger jaaka sediriso sa go tlotlomatsa tlhaolo ya borutegi le potsiso theo ya thuto ya sekolo ya barutabana ba Yunibesithi ba thuto ya khemise, ka tlhabololo ya borutegi. Go dirisitswe pharataeme ya phetolo ya episitemoloji go kaela thuto e e tsaletseng botlhagiso jwa tlhago le tlhotlhomiso. Thutatsela ya patlisiso e e boleng e ne ya dirisiwa go tsamaisa thuto, le barutabana ba ba robongwe ba diyunibesithi tse di neng di na le maikemisetso a bosupi go tswa mo diyunibesithi tse tharo (ba bararo go tswa mo go nngwe le nngwe ya tsona). Didatha di ne di kgobokantswe ka seka-popego sa dipuisano, kelotlhokomelo ya batsayakarolo le tsepamiso ya setlhopha sa dipuisano, fa tshekatsheko ya datha e feditswe ka go dirisa tshekatsheko ya kgokagano ya thitokgang. Kelotlhoko ya maitshwaro e ne e na le tlhokomelo ka go se senole tshedimosetso ya batsayakarolo kgotsa tshedimosetso ka diyunibesthi tse e leng baemedi ba tsona. Thuto e ne e kaelwa ke metheo e mene ya tiori: tiori ya kopano, tiori ya phetogo ya thuto, tiori ya boleng jo bo solofetsweng le tiori ya thulaganyo. Potso e kgolo ya patlisiso e e kaelang thuto e ne e le: tlhaolo ya borutegi e gola jaang mo barutabaneng ba yunibesithi ba thuto ya Khemise fa ba ithuta thuto ka theo-potsiso ya petakoji (IBP) ka WhatsApp Messenger? Go thapilwe tlhagiso e e tlhagelelang gabedi 1) go farologanya tlhaolo ya barutabana pele le morago ga khoso le 2) go ela tlhoko le go tlhalosa tshedimosetso ya tlhaolo ya borutegi jaaka barutabana ba batsayakarolo mo khosong. Dipholo tsa tsamaiso ya potsotherisano e e neng e le teng pele ga go tsena khoso ya WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP, di bontsha gore ba bantsi ba na le tlhaolo ya borutegi jo bo sa siamang. Ba ne ba nna barutabana ka mabaka a a rileng a a sa tshwaneng fela ba sa ipone sentle jaaka barutabana, ka megopolo ya go tlogela Yunibesithi fa ditšhono tsa intasetari di tlhagelela. Ba ne ba sena boatlhodi jwa semmuso ba petakoji, mme ba ne ba sa dumele gore kitso e jaana e a tlhokagala, ka bone bontsi bo ne bo tsaletswe ditlhagiso tsa go tsepama mo borutabaneng. Dipholo tsa kelotlhoko ya batsayakarolo mo nakong ya khoso ya IBP di bontsha gore khoso e e neetse barutabana ditlwaelo tse di rileng tse di sa tsamaisaneng fela le IBP gape le ditlhagiso tse dingwe tsa borutabana. WhatsApp Messenger e kgona go abelana mo polatefomong e e bonolo ya inthanete mo barutabaneng ba ba tlhaeletsanang le go abelana dikakanyo kwa ntle ga tlhokego ya go kopana mo lefelong ka sebele. Morago ga khoso ya IBP batsayakarolo ba begile gore ba leba ditlhaolo tsa bone tsa borutegi ka letshwao la koketso. Jaanong ba lemogile botlhokwa jwa petakoji mo go ruteng, se se tlhagisiwa ka letshwao la koketso mo boruteging jwa go ruta, ba bangwe ba ntse ba akanya go nna le boatlhodi jwa semmuso ka mo petakoji. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Curriculum Studies)

Use of information and communication technology in teaching primary school learners experiencing barriers to learning in Ekurhuleni North district / Ukusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe bezolwazi nezokuxhumana (ict) ekufundiseni abafundi abasesikoleni sebanga eliphansi abahlangabezana nezihibhe zokufunda endaweni yase-Ekurhuleni North district / U shumiswa ha thekhinolodzhi ya mafhungo na vhudavhidzani kha u funza vhagudiswa vha tshikolo tsha phuraimari u tshenzhela zwithivheli zwa u guda vhubvaduvha ha tshitiriki tsha Ekurhuleni / Ukusetjenziswa kwethekinoloji yezelwazi nezokuthintana ekufundisweni kwabafundi abahlangabezana neenqabo zokufunda esikolweni sebanga eliphasi Ekurhuleni North district

Shuro, Vimbai 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English, Zulu, Venda and Ndebele / The objective of this study was to investigate the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the teaching and learning of learners experiencing barriers to learning in ordinary primary school classrooms in Ekurhuleni North district in Gauteng Province. The study sought to establish the role and use of ICT and how it enhances teaching and learning of learners experiencing barriers to learning. Data were collected using in-depth interviews and non-participant observation and this allowed the researcher to ask open-ended questions and also to observe participants using ICT. Six teachers from three primary schools in Ekurhuleni North district were used and purposive sampling was used to select these participants. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse data. The study revealed that ICT increases learners’ motivation and concentration span, helps learners to participate effectively, assists in the grasping of concepts and minimises barriers to learning. The study recommends that teachers should be trained on the use of ICT and it should also be incorporated as an important pedagogical method to facilitate teaching and learning of learners experiencing barriers to learning. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukuphenya ukusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe bezolwazi kanye nezokuxhumana (ICT) ohlelweni lokufunda nokufundisa abafundi abahlangabezana nezihibhe zokufunda emagunjini okufundela sikoleni esejwayelekile sebanga eliphansi esifundeni sase-Ekurhuleni North district in Gauteng Province. Ucwaningo lufuna ukuthola indima kanye nokusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe be-ICT kanye nokuthi lokhu kuluqinisa kanjani uhlelo lokufunda nokufundisa kubafundi abahlangabezana nezihibhe zokufunda. Idatha yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezijulile kanye nokubukisisa izenzo zabadlalindima, okuyinto evumele umcwaningi ukuba abuze imibuzo evulekile futhi abukisise nendlela abadlalindima abasebenzisa ngayo ubuchwepheshe be-ICT. Uhlelo lwesampuli enenhloso (Purposive sampling) yasetshenziswa ukukhetha othisha ababengabadlalindima, abayisithupha abaphuma kwizikole ezintathu zamabanga aphansi esifundeni sase-Ekurhuleni North district. Uhlelo lokuhlaziya indikimba (Thematic content analysis) lwasetshenziswa ukuhlaziya idatha. Ucwaningo luye lwaveza ukuthi ubuchwepheshe be-ICT lwengeze ugqozi kanye nokugxila komqondo wabafundi esifundweni, ukubasiza ukuba bazibandakanye ngempumelelo, basize ekubambeni ngengqondo amagama futhi banciphise izihibhe zokufunda. Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi othisha baqeqeshelwe amakhono okusebenzisa ubuchwepheshe be-ICT, okuyiyona ndlela engathathwa njengesemqoka ohlelweni lokufundisa nokufunda kwabafundi abahlangabezana nezihibhe zokufunda. / Tshipikwa tsha ngudo iyi ho vha u todisisa u shumiswa ha thekhinolodzhi ya mafhungo na vhudavhidzani (ICT) kha u funza na u gudisa vhagudiswa vhane vha tshenzhela zwithivheli zwa ngudo kha kilasirumu dzo doweleaho dza zwikolo zwa phuraimari ngei vhubvaduvha ha tshitiriki tsha Ekurhuleni Vunduni la Gauteng. Thodisiso yo toda u bveledza mishumo na u shumiswa ha ICT na uri zwo khwinisa hani u guda na u funzwa ha vhagudiswa vhane vha tshenzhela zwithivheli zwa u ngudo. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu dzo tandavhuwaho, saizwi zwi tshi tendela vhadzheneleli u tandavhudza phindulo dzavho na u sedza hu si na u dzhenelela, u tendela mutodisisi u vhudzisa mbudziso dzine wa ṋetshedza phindulo wo vhofholowa na u sedza vhadzheneleli hu tshi khou shumiswa ICT. Ho shumiswa tsumbonanguludzwa dzo sedzaho kha vhukoni u nanga vhadededzi vha rathi u bva kha zwikolo zwiraru zwa phuraimari Vhubvaduvha ha tshitiriki tsha Ekurhuleni sa vhadzheneleli. Ho shumiswa ngona ine ya fulufhelwa ya u saukanya data. Thodisiso yo wanulusa uri ICT i engedza thuthuwedzo ya vhagudiswa na u futelela, na u vha thusa u dzhenelela nga mafulufulu, u vha thusa kha u fara mitalukanyo na u fhungudza zwithivheli kha u guda. Ngudo yo themendela uri vhadededzi vha gudiswe u shumisa ICT, ine ya nga tanganyiswa sa ngona ya ndeme ya pfunzo u konisa u guda na u funzwa ha vhagudiswa vhane vha tshenzhela zwithivheli zwa u guda. / Umnqopho werhubhululweli kuphenya ukusetjenziswa kwethekinoloji yezelwazi kanye nezokuthintana ekufundiseni nekufundeni kwabafundi abahlangabezana neenqabo ekufundeni esikolweni nje esijayelekileko ngeenkumbeni zesikolo sebanga eliphasi endaweni ye-Ekurhuleni North district esifundeni se-Gauteng Province. Irhubhululo lifuna ukwazi indima ye-ICT kanye nokusetjenziswa kwe-ICT nangendlela ithekinoloji iqinisa ngayo ihlelo lokufunda nokufundisa abafundi abahlangabezana neenqabo zokufunda. Idatha ibuthelelwe ngokusebenzisa iinhlolombono ezidephileko kanye nokuqalisisa izenzo zabadlalindima, okuyinto evumele umrhubhululi ukobana abuze imibuzo evulekileko kanye nokuqalisisa abadlalindima abasebenzisa i-ICT. Ihlelo lesampula eneHloso (Purposive sampling) lisetjenzisiwe ukukhetha abotitjhere abasithandathu, bakhethwa eenkolweni ezintathu zamabanga aphasi esiphandeni se-Ekurhuleni North district njengabadlalindima. Ihlelo lokutsenga uMnyombo (Thematic content analysis) lisetjenzisiwe ukuhlathulula idatha. Irhubhululo liveze ukuthi i-ICT ingezelela ummoya wokukhuthazeka kanye nommoya wokuqalisisa ngokomkhumbulo, kubasiza ukobana badlale indima ngepumelelo, basize ekubambeni amagama begodu baphungule iinqabo zokufunda. Irhubhululo lincoma bona abotitjhere babandulwe ekusebenziseni i-ICT, okulihlelo begodu elifanele lithathwe njengendlela eqakathekileko lokufundisa ukusiza ukufundisa nokufunda kwabafundi abahlangabezana neenqabo zokufunda. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

A grounded theory of hazing in Gauteng secondary schools / Umqondo wenzululwazi ozinzile wokufikiswa ezikoleni zamabanga aphezulu eGauteng / Teori ya kgoboketso le tshekatsheko ya thupiso dikolong tse di phagamego tsa Gauteng

Huysamer, Carolyn Ann 12 1900 (has links)
Hazing is an ancient, universal practice. In past and modern societies, the need to join a group is an aspect of our humanity. The process of joining a group frequently includes the need to be hazed in order to legitimate full membership. This study uses the theoretical frameworks of Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu’s perspectives of social order, Henri Tajfel and John Turner’s theory of social identity, and Albert Bandura’s theory of moral disengagement to look at individuals joining groups. In particular, the study has sought to ascertain why those who haze are motivated to act. A grounded theory has been developed through interviewing young adults, who while in positions of leadership as Grade 12 learners in Gauteng schools, planned hazing activities. The grounded theory shows that hazing while enacted by an individual is not solely driven by that person, but rather hazing is a means of cultural reproduction. The mechanism through which hazing occurs focuses on achieving a sense of belonging, conforming to a given culture and consenting to hazing. The hazer is motivated to pass on aspects of the school’s culture, namely school traditions, hierarchical structures, means and standards of discipline, and showing appropriate respect to others. The hazer believes that this can be achieved as those being hazed will comply if they can avoid being humiliated. The developed theory is grounded and was verified through interviewing stakeholders in the school community who had extensive knowledge of the school culture and of Grade 12 learners. / Ukufikisa kungumkhuba wasemandulo, owenziwa emhlabeni wonke. Emiphakathini yasendulo neyenamuhla, isidingo sokuhlanganyela neqembu elithile yinto eyingxenye yobuntu bethu. Inqubo yokuhlanganyela neqembu elithile kuvame ukufaka kukona isidingo sokufikiswa ukuze umuntu abe yilungu ngokuphelele. Lolu cwaningo lusebenzisa izinhlaka zemiqondo yezinzululwazi ezingoMichel Foucault noPeter Bourdieu wokuhleleka kwezenhlalakahle, umbono kaHenri Tajfel noJohn Turner wokuzibandakanya kwabantu kwezenhlalo kanye nombono ka-Albert Bandura wokuziphatha ngendlela engahambisani nemigomo yokulunga ukuze kubukwe abantu abajoyina amaqembu. Ngokusempeleni, ucwaningo lufuna ukubheka ukuthi labo abafikisayo bakhuthazwa yini. Umqondo wenzululwazi wakhiwa ngokuba kubuzwe intsha esencane imibuzo, intsha eyayihlela izinhlelo zokufikisa eyayisezikhundleni zokuhola abafundi ngenkathi yenza iBanga 12 ezikoleni zaseGauteng. Umbono wenzululwazi ozinzile uveza ukuthi ukufikiswa, yize kwenziwa umuntu oyedwa kusuke kungaholwa yilowo muntu kuphela, kodwa ukufikiswa kuyindlela yokukhiqiza kabusha ngokwesiko. Indlela okwenziwa ngayo lokhu kufikisa igxile ekufezeni umuzwa wokuba yingxenye yabathize, ukuguqukela osikweni nasekuvumeleni ukufikiswa. Lowo okunguye ofikisayo usuke efuna ukudlulisela phambili izingxenye zamasiko esikole, njengemikhuba, ukwakheka ngokushiyana kwamazinga, izindlela nemigomo yokuziphatha kahle, kanye nokubonisa inhlonipho kwabanye. Lowo okunguye ofikisayo ukholelwa ekutheni lokhu kungafezwa njengoba labo abafikiswayo bezokwenza lokho okuthiwa abakwenze inqobo nje uma bezogwema ukuhlukunyezwa. Umqondo wenzululwazi osunguliwe uzinzile futhi waqinisekiswa ngokufaka ababambiqhaza imibuzo emiphakathini yezikole eyayinolwazi olunzulu maqondana nesiko lesikole kanye nabafundi beBanga 12. / Thupiso ke mokgwa wa kgale, wa lefase ka bophara. Ditshabeng tsa kgale le tsa mehleng ye, tlhoko ya go tsenela sehlopha ke karolo ya botho bja rena. Tshepetso ya go tsenela sehlopha gantsi e akaretsa tlhoko ya thupiso go kgonthisisa boleloko bjo bo feletsego. Nyakisiso ye e somisa mahlamo a teori a Foucault, dipono tsa Pierre Bourdieu tsa thulaganyo ya setshaba, teori ya Henri Tajfel le John Turner ya boitshupo bja setshaba, le teori ya Albert Bandura ya tlogelo ya melawana ya boitshwaro go lekola batho ba ba tsenelago dihlopha. Ka kakaretso, nyakisiso ye e lekile go kgonthisisa gore gobaneng bao ba rupiswago ba hlohleletswa go tsea magato. Teori ya kgoboketso le tshekatsheko e tsweleditswe ka go botsisa baswa dipotsiso bao, ge ba sa le maemong a boetapele bjalo ka barutwana ba Mphato wa 12 dikolong tsa Gauteng, ba rulagantsego ditiro tsa go sira. Teori ya kgoboketso le tshekatsheko e laetsa gore thupiso bjale ka ge e diragatswa ke motho ga e susumetswe ke motho yoo a le nosi, eupsa thupiso ke mokgwa wa pusoloso ya setso. Mokgwa wo thupiso e diregago ka wona o tsepeletse go fihlelela boikwelo bja go amogelega, go latela setso se se filwego le go dumelelana le thupiso. Morupisi o hlohleletswa go fetisetsa dikarolo tsa setso tsa sekolo, e lego ditso tsa sekolo, dibopego tsa haerakhi, mekgwa le maemo a tayo, le go laetsa tlhompho ya maleba go ba bangwe. Morupisi o dumela gore se se ka fihlelelwa bjalo ka ge bao ba rupiswago ba obamela ge ba ka thibela go goboswa. Teori ye e hlabolotswego e kgobokeditswe le go sekasekwa gomme e ile ya tiiswa ka go ka botsisa bakgathatema dipotsiso sekolong sa setshaba bao ba nago le tsebo ye e tseneletsego ya setso sa sekolo le ya barutwana ba Mphato wa 12. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)

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