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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sídelní struktura areálu kultury nálevkovitých pohárů na polykulturním sídlišti ve Velkých Přílepech / Residential structure of the area of a Funnel beaker culture at multiculture settlement at Velké Přílepy.

Juřinová, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
in English The submitted thesis adresses the processing of material culture from the archaeological excavation in Velké Přílepy (district of Prague-west), where the settlement of Funnel Beaker culture was uncovered. The study is a sequel to my bacheolor's thesis (defended in 2010) which evaluated only one part of the excavated settlement and significantly improves its corpus of finds. Therefore there is now a complete analysis of the whole widespread settlement area in an open position without any fortification. Close to sixty structures were documented and dated (based on ceramic analysis) to the Siřem and Salzmündphase of Funnel Beaker culture on this researched area. Thanks to the excavation, an exceptionally rich collection of ceramic production from the Early Eneolithic period (10 105 pieces altogether) exists. Other settlements belonging to the Funnel Beaker culture in the vicinity of Velké Přílepy are also considered in this thesis. Together with this settlement, they create a unique area of settlements of the aforementioned culture.

Proměny tradičních lidových řemesel v Japonsku ve 20. století / Transformation of the Traditional Folk Crafts in Japan in the 20th Century

Richterová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
Japan, as a country with remarkably strong tradition of craftsmanship, undertook significant changes in this area in the 20th century. One of the main areas in this field is a Japanese folk pottery. The aim of this paper is to present how the ceramic craft and all its aspects transformed from the Meiji Restoration to the present. Firstly, it focuses on introducing the styles of folk pottery and the way traditional potters in the Tokugawa period worked, then it focuses on various influences which affected the field and the changes that brought. In the final part, the work focuses on the description of ceramic craft nowadays, the comparison with the past and tries to contemplate on the philosophy of tradition.

Pramoninių atliekų panaudojimo statybinėje keramikoje tyrimai / Reserch on the Application of Industrial Waste to Building Ceramics

Kizinievič, Olga 04 July 2006 (has links)
Waste is one of the biggest problems in every European country. Formation of waste reveals technological level of a country and creates costs to a society from the economical and ecological point of view. In Europe waste is usually collected and loaded in dumps. Recently, amounts of waste burning are increasing. The effects of waste burning and dumps are obvious: during burning the pollution spreads to an environment, affecting global climate warming; also extremely toxic pollutants (dioxins and furans) and their volatile derivatives form. At present the major part of waste in Lithuania is taken to dumps. Most of dumps in the country do not satisfy even the environmental and sanitary-hygienic requirements. Stiffening the ecological requirements, applying directives of European Union, most dumps will be closed. The waste at the moment ending in dumps may be processed and recycled in future. The integrated application of local raw materials together with various wastes may solve many environmental problems in Lithuania and may affect positively the European ecological balance. To investigate the possibilities to apply the waste, causing the most problems in our country, to the production of building ceramics made of local easily fusible hydro-micous clays. To determine the most optimal quantities of additives such as oil industry waste (used catalyst of GP534 grade, Russia) and shredded rubber of auto tyres, to select the most suitable burning regimes, to analyse the... [to full text]

Pramoninių atliekų panaudojimo statybinėje keramikoje tyrimai / Research on the Applications of Industrial Waste to Building Ceramics

Kizinievič, Olga 05 July 2006 (has links)
Waste is one of the biggest problems in every European country. Formation of waste reveals technological level of a country and creates costs to a society from the economical and ecological point of view. In Europe waste is usually collected and loaded in dumps. Recently, amounts of waste burning are increasing. The effects of waste burning and dumps are obvious: during burning the pollution spreads to an environment, affecting global climate warming; also extremely toxic pollutants (dioxins and furans) and their volatile derivatives form. At present the major part of waste in Lithuania is taken to dumps. Most of dumps in the country do not satisfy even the environmental and sanitary-hygienic requirements. Stiffening the ecological requirements, applying directives of European Union, most dumps will be closed. The waste at the moment ending in dumps may be processed and recycled in future. The integrated application of local raw materials together with various wastes may solve many environmental problems in Lithuania and may affect positively the European ecological balance. To investigate the possibilities to apply the waste, causing the most problems in our country, to the production of building ceramics made of local easily fusible hydro-micous clays. To determine the most optimal quantities of additives such as oil industry waste (used catalyst of GP534 grade, Russia) and shredded rubber of auto tyres, to select the most suitable burning regimes, to analyse the... [to full text]

Investigation and description of modern and archeological ceramics / Šiuolaikinės ir archeologinės keramikos tyrimas ir apibūdinimas

Krapukaitytė, Aušra 07 July 2009 (has links)
The elemental composition of the samples of modern and archaeological ceramics was determined using the energy dispersive X-ray analysis, flame atomic absorption spectrometry, titrimetric and spectrophotometric analysis methods. It has been shown that the qualitative and quantitative composition of all the samples is different. It has been established that silicon and aluminium are the main elements in all the samples. SiO2 accounts for 46–60 % of the composition of the ceramics, Al2O3 – for some 17–33%. The amounts of Fe, Na, Mg, K, Ca and Ti discovered in the samples are several times lesser. EDX analysis can successfully be used in determining the main elements whose amounts exceed 0.5% of the overall elemental composition. In order to determine the exact composition of ceramics one has to employ the FAAS analysis method. To determine in a credible manner the amount of aluminium in ceramics, one can use the titrimetric method, and the amount of silicon and titanium – spectrophotometric methods. Upon examination of the modern and archaeological ceramics by diffraction analysis it has been established that the main phase of all the samples is the same – quartz SiO2, however their phase composition varies. In different samples the following phases have been discovered: calcite, dolomite, kaolinite, albite, microcline, muscovite, mullite, hematite, rutile, diopside, corundum, titanite, and sodium anorthite. Being aware of the phase composition, it has been established that the... [to full text] / Šioje daktaro disertacijoje pirmoje dalyje nustatyta šiuolaikinės, o antroje dalyje – archeologinės keramikos gaminių elementinė ir fazinė sudėtis, bei ištirta morfologija. Šiuolaikinės ir archeologinės keramikos pavyzdžių elementinė sudėtis nustatyta Rentgeno spindulių dispersinės analizės (EDX), liepsnos atominės absorbcinės spektrometrijos (LAAS), titrimetrinės ir spektrofotometrinės analizės metodais. Parodyta, kad visų keraminių pavyzdžių kokybinė bei kiekybinė sudėtis yra skirtinga Nustatyta, kad visuose keramikos mėginiuose pagrindiniai elementai yra silicis ir aliuminis. SiO2 sudaro 46 – 60% keramikos sudėties, Al2O3 – apie 17 – 33%. Fe, Na, Mg, K, Ca ir Ti mėginiuose rasta kelis kartus mažiau. EDX analizė gali būti sėkmingai naudojama nustatant pagrindinius elementus, kurių kiekiai viršija 0,5 % bendros elementinės sudėties. Norint nustatyti tikslią keramikos sudėtį ir pėdsakinius elementus reikia naudoti LAAS analizės metodą. Aliuminio kiekį keramikoje patikimai galima nustatyti titrimetriniu, o silicio ir titano kiekį – spektrofotometriniais metodais. Ištyrus šiuolaikę ir archeologinę keramiką Rentgeno spindulių difrakcine analize (XRD), nustatyta, kad visų keramikų pagrindinė fazė yra vienoda – silicio dioksidas SiO2, tačiau jų bendra fazinė sudėtis skiriasi. Skirtinguose kermikos pavyzdžiuose buvo aptikos šios fazės: kvarcas, dolomitas, kaolinas, albitas, mikroklinas, muskovitas, mulitas, hematitas, rutilas, diopsidas, korundas, titanitas, natrio anortitas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Kernavės viduramžių keramika / Medieval pottery from kernavė

Baltramiejūnaitė, Dovilė 01 July 2014 (has links)
Keramikos studijos – informatyvus šaltinis archeologiniams paminklams pažinti. Pasirinkta šio darbo tema apima Kernavės viduramžių apžiestą keramiką. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – pasekti Kernavės keramikos raidą viduramžių Kernavės miesto ir vėliau čia egzistavusio miestelio chronologinėse ribose. Didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas XIII-XIV a. puodininkystės raidos tendencijoms stebėti, tuo tarpu miestelio keramika naudojama daugiau kaip lyginamoji medžiaga pokyčių stebėjimui ir išryškinimui. Tikslo įgyvendinimui tyrinėti technologiniai, morfologiniai, puošybiniai keramikos požymiai, stebėtas jų stabilumas ar kaita laike ir erdvėje, įvertinta šių požymių reikšmė. Didžiąją dalį nagrinėjamos Kernavės keramikos sudaro įvairių dydžių puodai, kurie sąlygiškai suskirstyti į funkcines grupes: mažus puodelius, puodus, puodynes, galėjusius atlikti maisto gamybos, pernešimo, saugojimo funkcijas. Specializuotų apžiestos keramikos indų sutinkama retai - dauguma jų priklauso miestelio laikotarpiui Technologinių gamybos požymių kaita aptariamu laikotarpiu nėra žymi. XIII-XIV a. pokyčiai dažniau pastebima ne diachroninėje, o erdvinėje plotmėje. Molio liesinimui dažniausiai naudotas grūstas granitas, sienelės formuotos iš volelių, o XIV a. ir iš juostų, apžiedžiant puodui buvo suteikiama forma ir/ar nulyginamas paviršius. XIV a. II p. keramikoje pastebima kiek spartesnė gamybinių požymių kaita – smulkėja priemaišos, puodai apžiedžiami intensyviau, sienelių storis tolygesnis, jos kruopščiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of this study is medieval wheel-turned pottery of Kernavė. The main goal of this work is to observe the development of pottery of medieval town and later settlement of Kernavė. Particular attention is paid to the pottery making traditions in 13th-14th centuries. Pottery from the later settlement meanwhile is used mainly as the comparative material in order to observe some changes through time. Technological, morphological and ornamental properties of pottery were identified for the study of their significance and evolution through time and space. The majority of pottery under consideration can be attributed to the pots of different sizes. These pots were differentiated into several functional groups: small pots, pots and jars. All these groups could be used for a variety of purposes such as cooking, transportation or storage. The amount of single-purpose vessels is very small and even these few belong to the settlement which was established in the 15th century in the place of earlier town. The evolution of technological attributes of Kernavė’s pottery in the Middle-ages is quite gradual. It is especially characteristic to the pottery of the 13th-14th centuries when most of discrepancies in pottery are influenced mainly by the individual peculiarities of every potter but not by the chronological differences. Crushed granite is typically used as a temper, the intensity of turning varies from the subtle surface smoothing to the partial forming of vessel. However... [to full text]

ZNAČKY NA DNECH STŘEDOVĚKÝCH KERAMICKÝCH NÁDOB V JIHOZÁPADNÍCH ČECHÁCH. NÁLEZY V KONTEXTU RANĚ A VRCHOLNĚ STŘEDOVĚKÉHO OSÍDLENÍ NA OKRESE KLATOVY. / Pottery marks on marks on vessels in Middle Ages in south-east Bohemia. Archeological finds in kontextof medieval settlemnt in Klatovy district.

PTÁK, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The work deals with the issue of marks on pottery vessels in the Early and High Middle Ages in the present-day Klatovy district. An introductory chapter summarizes findings on the issue of the pottery and marking of the vessels. Furthermore, the work discusses settlement in a particular area (archaeological findings, secular and religious architecture, written records). The work also includes an experimental section, which summarizes the findings on the desk preparation, marking of the vessel sub-base issue and the pottery burning itself. A possibility of identification of identical remarks is discussed on the basis of a simple test. The thesis also contains maps, tables and illustrations of particular archaeological findings.

Středověká šlechtická sídla na hranici jižních a středních Čech (Hrad Šelmberk a jeho archeologický výzkum v roce 2006) / The Mediaeval Noble Residences on the Boundary of the South and Middle Bohemia Regions (The Castle Selmberk/Schallenberg and it´s Archaeological Research of 2006

JANDA, František January 2013 (has links)
The handed-in thesis is divided in two parts. The first part is focused on the problems of residences in a limited area on the connected line of the towns: Veselí nad Lužnicí in the south, Bechyně in the southwest, Milevsko in the west, Sedlec - Prčice in the northwest, Votice in the north, Načeradec in the northeast and Chýnov in the east. It tries to give a survey of evolution and typology of particular noble and royal residences in the above mentioned area (archaeological findings, written sources, available bibliography). The second part deals with the material culture of the Šelmberk Castle acquired at the archaeological research in 2006. The aim of this part is analysis, synthesis and interpretation of stratified findings which were obtained from four archaeological excavations with a various amount of layers. Another part of the thesis is maps, charts as well as a depiction of particular findings including photo documentation.

Habánská keramika jako inspirace pro současné ztvárnění užitných předmětů / Haban ceramics as an isnpiration for contemporary rendition utility

SEGIZBAEVA, Anastasija January 2016 (has links)
The target of my diploma thesis is a transformation of the Habana decorum into an actual utilizable object and examination of its impact on current design. This thesis is divided into two correlative parts theoretical and practical. The main subject of both these parts is the Habana ceramics. The theoretical part deals with the history, development and further proceeding of the Habana ceramics, including the focus on the current artists who are engaged in Habanas. In the practical part I am demonstrating my own creation of the Habana decorum using the appropriate materials.

Komunikace - triptych reliéfů / Communication - a relief triptych

UHERKOVÁ, Iveta January 2010 (has links)
ANOTATION My diploma thesis called ?Communication? consists of two parts ? a theoretical part and a practical part. The aim of the theoretical part is to clarify the motivational resources which strongly influenced the manipulation with the topic. This part deals with my inspiration, clarifies the reasons why I chose this topic, and it also deals with the material and the technological process until the final installation of the work. This part also consists of picture documentation, draw designs and plastic sketches. The second practical part deals with an artwork itself. The three ceramic reliefs are portraying converging horizontal lines. It is connected with a simple geometry which precisely explains the dynamics of the communication joints. The aim was to create abstract reliefs which express movement, a variety of directions, relevancy and harmony.

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