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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Baja SAE Vehicle Design / Návrh vozidla Baja SAE

Hajdušek, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis describes the design of the Baja SAE vehicle according to the applicable rules. In the beginning is the work focused on search competing vehicles and subsequently on design the first Baja SAE vehicle in the Czech republic. This thesis is systematically divided into chapters according process to the vehicle design. The main part of a master's thesis is design of axle kinematics in software Adams and frame design. The model was designed in Catia V5. The frame was analysed of torsional stiffness and stress in software ANSYS.

Měření a analýza kinematických vlastností zavěšení formule Student Dragon 1 / Measurement and Analysis of Kinematic Properties of Formula Student Dragon 1 Suspension

Martinec, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis is focused on influence of manufacturing inaccuracy on suspension kinematics of Formula Student car Dragon 1. The real kinematics points were measured with 3D optical scanners and then the real vehicle kinematics was analysed. The gained data were compared with the ideal suspension points. For these purposes was used multibody system software MSC ADAMS.

Neutronové hvězdy v okolí galaktického jádra / Neutron stars near a galactic centre

Zajaček, Michal January 2014 (has links)
In this work we study the processes near the Galactic centre, which serves as a paradigm for low- luminosity galactic nuclei. The introductory part of the thesis is a brief review on the radio source Sagittarius A* in the Galactic centre and on its immediate surroundings. The main part of the thesis focuses on the hypothetical population of neutron stars that should be present in large numbers in this region. We analyse the predictions concerning the encounters of this observationally unexplored population with the ambient interstellar medium and we discuss the distribution of their interaction modes with respect to the parameters of the system. We find out that this distribution is strongly dependent on the density of the ambient medium, whereas only weakly dependent on its temperature. The effect of the prolongation of rotational period is negligible on the time-scale of about ten thousand years. In the second part, we predict the evolution of the high-eccentricity passages of clouds and dust- enshrouded stars (with pericentre distances at about 1000 Schwarzschild radii from the black hole). In all studied cases a major part of the matter is diverted from the original path. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Měření a analýza posturální stability a pohybových vzorů osob po trans-femorální amputaci / Measurement and analysis of postural stability and movement patterns of persons after transfemoral amputation

Vyhnal, Ondřej January 2022 (has links)
Title: Measurement and analysis of postural stability and movement patterns of persons after transfemoral amputation. Objectives: The aim of this work is to understand the compensatory mechanisms arising after femoral amputation and to find out what effect the lenght of amputation has on movement patterns in humans after transfemoral amputation and exarticulation in the knee joint. Methods: In my work I used the method of analysis and method of comparison. For the analysis of postural stability, I used standard tools: force plates (Kistler 9286A) and motion recording system (Kistler 9286A). To compare kinematic one-dimensional data, I used the technique of statistical parametric mapping, which is a generalization of classical statistical tests from scalar to one-dimensional data. 8 probands with transfemoral amputation participated in the study. Three successful attempts were recorded, at three speeds with the contact of a residual and amputated limb. The movement of the pelvis in the horizontal, sagittal, transverse planes and the time spent on a residual limb were analyzed. Results: We found that the length of amputation significantly effects postural stability and movement patterns. It was found that the shorter the amputation stump, the less stable the gait, with greater deviations in the...

3D rekonstrukce scény pomocí Cliffordových algeber / 3D scene reconstruction using Clifford algebras

Hrubý, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce má za cíl seznámit čtenáře se stále ještě relativně novou a neznámou oblastí matematiky, s geometrickou algebrou. Nejdříve jsou uvedeny základní definice a poté jsou studovány vlastnosti obecné geometrické algebry. Další velká část textu se věnuje Konformní geometrické algebře, která je v současnosti jedna z nejvíce zkoumaných a aplikovaných geometrických algeber. Jsou popsány její algebraické a geometrické vlastnosti, konkrétně schopnost reprezentovat určité geometrické objekty jako vektory. Taktéž umožňuje počítat jejich průniky a konformní transformace. Další část textu je zaměřena na aplikace Konformní geometrické algebry, nejdříve k popisu kinematiky robotické ruky a poté v binokulárním viděni.

Matematické principy robotiky / Mathematical principles of Robotics

Pivovarník, Marek January 2012 (has links)
Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá matematickými aparátmi popisujúcimi doprednú a inverznú kinematiku robotického ramena. Pre popis polohy koncového efektoru, teda doprednej kinematiky, je potrebné zaviesť špeciálnu Euklidovskú grupu zobrazení. Táto grupa môže byť reprezentovaná pomocou matíc alebo pomocou duálnych kvaterniónov. Problém inverznej kinematiky, kedy je potrebné z určenej polohy koncového efektoru dopočítať kĺbové parametre robotického ramena, je v tejto práci riešený pomocou exponenciálnych zobrazení a Grobnerovej bázy. Všetky spomenuté popisy doprednej a inverznej kinematiky sú aplikované na robotické rameno s troma rotačnými kĺbami. Odvodené postupy sú následne implementované a vizualizované v prostredí programu Mathematica.

Interaktivní editor a prohlížeč animací / Interactive Animation Viewer and Editor

Ducháč, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
Since the introduction of high end graphical workstations, computer animation has quickly replaced the traditional means of animation. Nowadays computer animation has many applications e.g. video games, motion picture industry, media, weather forecasting and many others. This master thesis discusses various techniques used to created animations using computers. Keyframing, is the most common approach in computer animation. Borrowing its name from the concept of traditional hand animation, the workflow process remained the same. Basic principles of animation using key-frames are explained and an Interactive Animation Editor solution based on keyframing is proposed and the implementation of this editor is described. Editor uses the Kochanek-Bartels interpolation of values between each key-frame.

Výpočtové modelování dynamických projevů v kontaktu kola a kolejnice s obecnou geometrií kontaktních povrchů / Numerical Simulations of Dynamic Loads in Wheel-Rail Contact with Shape Irregularities

Jandora, Radek January 2012 (has links)
During life of railway vehicles, shape irregularities develop on wheels and rails because of wear. The shape irregularities then affect forces in wheel-rail contact and cause further damage of contact surfaces, vibrations and noise and increase risk of derailment. A numerical simulation of railway vehicle motion with more details on contact surfaces geometry was created to investigate dynamic contact loads in wheel-rail contact. A variety of methods can be used to evaluate forces in rolling contact, the method chosen for this study was algorithm CONTACT based on boundary element method. Four studies are presented in this papers: contact loads from a wheel with a flat and with a wavy tread pattern, loads on wavy rail and load in a curve. The first three studies investigated effects of existing wear patterns, the last one looked for cause of common wear pattern developing on rails. Results of the studies with worn components used showed that the worst kind of shape irregularities is a flat present on wheel. This type of shape cause loss of contact and following impacts. The study of ride in curve showed that cause of high wear in curves, especially those with small radii, is caused by vibration of wheelset. This vibration is then caused by different length of inner and outer rail and wheels travelling along a different path.

Roboto trajektorijos optimizavimas / Optimization of Robot Trajectory

Luneckas, Tomas 09 July 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamas šešiakojo roboto judėjimas. Pateikiami vienos kojos atvirkštinės kinematikos uždavinio sprendimai Denavito ir Hartenbergo bei geometriniu metodais. Analizuojamas vienos kojos trajektorijos sudarymo metodas ir pateikiams jos aprašymo būdas. Pateikiami galimi trajektorijų pavyzdžiai. Sudaroma trikojės roboto eisenos seka bei diagrama. Darbe pateikiamas roboto valdymo algoritmas ir valdymo programa, atsižvelgiant į apibrėžtus variklių valdymo kriterijus. Eksperimentiškai tiriamas roboto judėjimas lygiu paviršiumi taikant trikoję eiseną. Pagal rezultatus koreguojama eisena. Atliekami trajektorijos pakartojimo tikslumo bandymai. Įvertinus rezultatus pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir pasiūlymai. / Hexapod robot locomotion is analyzed in this paper. Inverse kinematics solutions are proposed for one leg using Denavit-Hartenberg and geometric methods. Trajectory forming for one leg is analyzed and solution for delineating trajectory is introduced. Possible leg trajectory examples are presented. Tripod gait sequence and diagram is designed for robot. Work presents robot control algorithm and program according to motor control parameters. Robot locomotion over regular terrain using tripod gait is tested. Gait then is corrected according to test results. Tests are made for trajectory repeating accuracy. Conclusions and solutions are made according to results.

Golfo mosto kinematiniai rodikliai, jų tarpusavio sąsajos ir ryšys su žaidėjų meistriškumu / Golf swing kinematic indicators, their interrelation and correlation with players skill

Gedvilas, Martynas 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti įvairias golfo mosto kinematines charakteristikas, jų tarpusavio sąsajas ir ryšį su žaidėjų meistriškumu. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Palyginti mažo ir vidutinio meistriškumo golfo žaidėjų mosto kinematines charakteristikas smūgiuojant dviem skirtingomis lazdomis. 2. Nustatyti tirtų kinematinių rodiklių tarpusavio sąsajas ir ryšį su golfo žaidėjų meistriškumu. Rezultatai Mažo meistriškumo (MM) grupės medinės lazdos Nr. 1 (M1) galvutės greitis buvo 140,6 km/h, o vidutinio meistriškumo (VM) – 156,6 km/h. Mojant tiek geležine lazda Nr. 7 (G7), tiek M1 lazdomis VM grupės riešo ulnarinio lenkimo kampinio greičio vidurkiai buvo 1270,3 ir 1302,3 l./s atitinkamai, o MM – 1113,0 bei 1160,5 l./s. Taip pat mosto atgal fazių trukmė VM grupės smūgiuojant abiem lazdomis buvo ilgesnė, o mosto fazių santykiai didesni. Išvados: 1. Smūgiuojant medine lazda Nr. 1 vidutinio meistriškumo grupės atstovų reikšmingai didesnis buvo lazdos galvutės greitis, riešo ulnarinio lenkimo kampinis greitis, smūgiuoto kamuoliuko atstumas, mosto fazių santykis, patikimai ilgesnė mosto atgal fazės trukmė negu mažo meistriškumo golfininkų. 2. Smūgiuojant geležine lazda Nr. 7 vidutinio meistriškumo grupės atstovų patikimai didesnis buvo plaštakų greitis, riešo ulnarinio lenkimo kampinis greitis, smūgiuoto kamuoliuko atstumas, mosto fazių santykis, reikšmingai ilgesnė mosto atgal fazės trukmė. 3. Smūgiuojant geležine lazda Nr. 7 nustatytas stiprus teigiamas ryšys tarp nuokrypio nuo mosto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the research – to indentify different golf swing kinematic indicators, interrelation between them and the correlation to the player's skill. Tasks of the research: 1. To compare the kinematic characteristics of swing of low and middle skill golfers with two different golf clubs. 2. To identify the interrelation among investigated kinematic parameters‘ interfaces and the correlation with the golfers’ skills. Results. Low skill group’s driver head speed was 140,6 km/h, and the average skill group’s ¬– 156,6 km/h. Swinging 7 iron and driver average skill group ulnar wrist flexion angular velocity averages were 1270,3 and 1302,3 d./sec, respectively, and low skill – 1113,0 and 1160,5 d./sec. Additionally backswing phase duration of average skill group with both clubs were longer and had bigger swing phase ratio. Conclusions: 1. Swing with driver were significantly higher in the average skill group in regards to the club‘s head speed, ulnar wrist flexion angular velocity, ball distance, swing phase ratio and significantly longer backswing phase duration in comparison to the low skill golfers. 2. Swing with 7 iron were significantly higher in the average skill group in regards to the hand speed, ulnar wrist flexion angular velocity, ball distance, swing phase ratio and significantly longer duration of the backswing phase. 3. Swing with the 7 iron club show a strong positive relation between the deviation from swing path and angle of the club head. During the swing with... [to full text]

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