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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Restitution sonore spatialisée sur une zone étendue: Application à la téléprésence

Nicol, Rozenn 14 December 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail de thèse qui est rapporté dans le présent document a porté sur la réalisation d'un système de restitution sonore spatialisée pour la visioconférence. La principale contrainte de ce projet a résidé dans la taille de la zone d'écoute qui doit être sufisamment grande pour englober plusieurs auditeurs simultanément. Chaque auditeur doit également pouvoir se déplacer au sein de la zone d'écoute. A l'issue d'un tour d'horizon des différentes méthodes de spatialisation sonore existantes (stéréophonie, techniques binaurales, système ambisonique...) dont la pertinence a été examinée du point de vue du contexte de visioconférence, une approche holophonique a été finalement choisie. Attendu qu'elle s'avère être la solution la plus pertinente pour obtenir une zone d'écoute étendue. Un prototype de système holophonique pour la visioconférence a ainsi été conçu et réalisé. D'un point de vue théorique, l'holophonie dérive du Principe de Huygens. Elle constitue l'équivalent acoustique de l'holographie et consiste à reproduire un champ sonore à partir d'un enregistrement sur une surface. Sur la plan pratiqu, le champ sonore est enregistré par un réseau de microphones auquel on substitue un réseau de haut-parleurs de géométrie identique à la restitution. Le concept de Wavefield Synthesis qui a été mis au point à l'UTD (Université Technologique de Delft) définit un exemple de mise en oeuvre d'un système holophonique. Le prototype qui a été développé au cours de cette thèse s'en est largement inspiré. En particulier les simplifications mises en évidence à l'UTD, principalement afin de réduire la taille du réseau de transducteurs et leur nombre, ont été retenues. On a néanmoins eu le souci constant d'analyser la pertinence de la démarche menée à l'UTD et de l'approfondir. Ainsi les questions de l'échantillonnage spatial et de la troncature du réseau de transducteurs ont fait l'objet d'études spécifiques. Au final, le système holophonique qui a été mis au point se compose d'une antenne de haut-parleurs pilotés par une carte DSP. Il a été validé à la fois en environnement anéchoïque et dans un studio expérimental de visioconférence. Au delà de la réalisation d'un système de spatialisation sonore pour la visioconférence, le second objectif de cette thèse visait une meilleure compréhension des procédés de spatialisation sonore à partir de l'approche générale que définit l'holophonie. Cet objectif a été atteint en reliant le système ambisonique à l'holophonie. Il est montré que, loin de constituer deux méthodes distinctes, les systèmes ambisonique et holophonique sont fondés sur des processus analogues et qu'en réalité, le système ambisonique est un cas particulier de l'holophonie. De ce résultat, un formalisme unifiée de la reconstruction de champ sonore a été dégagé, il permet une comparaison directe des performances des deux méthodes, en termes d'enco age et de décodage de l'information spatiale du champ sonore. Il en ressort que, bien que le système ambisonique soit très séduisant sur le plan théorique, il se heurte à de nombreux problèmes de mise en œuvre. Par suite, l'holophonie reste la méthode la plus robuste sur le plan pratique.

Predicting the sound field from aeroacoustic sources on moving vehicles : Towards an improved urban environment

Pignier, Nicolas January 2017 (has links)
In a society where environmental noise is becoming a major health and economical concern, sound emissions are an increasingly critical design factor for vehicle manufacturers. With about a quarter of the European population living close to roads with heavy traffic, traffic noise in urban landscapes has to be addressed first. The current introduction of electric vehicles on the market and the need for sound systems to alert their presence is causing a shift in mentalities requiring engineering methods that will have to treat noise management problems from a broader perspective. That in which noise emissions need not only be considered as a by-product of the design but as an integrated part of it. Developing more sustainable ground transportation will require a better understanding of the sound field emitted in various realistic operating conditions, beyond the current requirements set by the standard pass-by test, which is performed in a free-field. A key aspect to improve this understanding is the development of efficient numerical tools to predict the generation and propagation of sound from moving vehicles. In the present thesis, a methodology is proposed aimed at evaluating the pass-by sound field generated by vehicle acoustic sources in a simplified urban environment, with a focus on flow sound sources. Although it can be argued that the aerodynamic noise is still a minor component of the total emitted noise in urban driving conditions, this share will certainly increase in the near future with the introduction of quiet electric engines and more noise-efficient tyres on the market. This work presents a complete modelling of the problem from sound generation to sound propagation and pass-by analysis in three steps. Firstly, computation of the flow around the geometry of interest; secondly, extraction of the sound sources generated by the flow, and thirdly, propagation of the sound generated by the moving sources to observers including reflections and scattering by nearby surfaces. In the first step, the flow is solved using compressible detached-eddy simulations. The identification of the sound sources in the second step is performed using direct numerical beamforming with linear programming deconvolution, with the phased array pressure data being extracted from the flow simulations. The outcome of this step is a set of uncorrelated monopole sources. Step three uses this set as input to a propagation method based on a point-to-point moving source Green's function and a modified Kirchhoff integral under the Kirchhoff approximation to compute reflections on built surfaces. The methodology is demonstrated on the example of the aeroacoustic noise generated by a NACA air inlet moving in a simplified urban setting. Using this methodology gives insights on the sound generating mechanisms, on the source characteristics and on the sound field generated by the sources when moving in a simplified urban environment. / I ett samhälle där buller håller på att bli ett stort hälsoproblem och en ekonomisk belastning, är ljudutsläpp en allt viktigare aspekt för fordonstillverkare. Då ungefär en fjärdedel av den europeiska befolkningen bor nära vägar med tung trafik, är åtgärder för minskat trafikbuller i stadsmiljö en hög prioritet. Introduktionen av elfordon på marknaden och behovet av ljudsystem för att varna omgivningen kräver också ett nytt synsätt och tekniska angreppssätt som behandlar bullerproblemen ur ett bredare perspektiv. Buller bör inte längre betraktas som en biprodukt av konstruktionen, utan som en integrerad del av den. Att utveckla mer hållbara marktransporter kommer att kräva en bättre förståelse av det utstrålade ljudfältet vid olika realistiska driftsförhållanden, utöver de nuvarande standardiserade kraven för förbifartstest som utförs i ett fritt fält. En viktig aspekt för att förbättra denna förståelse är utvecklingen av effektiva numeriska verktyg för att beräkna ljudalstring och ljudutbredning från fordon i rörelse. I denna avhandling föreslås en metodik som syftar till att utvärdera förbifartsljud som alstras av fordons akustiska källor i en förenklad stadsmiljö, här med fokus på strömningsgenererat ljud. Även om det aerodynamiska bullret är fortfarande en liten del av de totala bullret från vägfordon i urbana miljöer, kommer denna andel säkerligen att öka inom en snar framtid med införandet av tysta elektriska motorer och de bullerreducerande däck som introduceras på marknaden. I detta arbete presenteras en komplett modellering av problemet från ljudalstring till ljudutbredning och förbifartsanalys i tre steg. Utgångspunkten är beräkningar av strömningen kring geometrin av intresse; det andra steget är identifiering av ljudkällorna som genereras av strömningen, och det tredje steget rör ljudutbredning från rörliga källor till observatörer, inklusive effekten av reflektioner och spridning från närliggande ytor. I det första steget löses flödet genom detached-eddy simulation (DES) för kompressibel strömning. Identifiering av ljudkällor i det andra steget görs med direkt numerisk lobformning med avfaltning med hjälp av linjärprogrammering, där källdata extraheras från flödessimuleringarna. Resultatet av detta steg är en uppsättning av okorrelerade akustiska monopolkällor. Steg tre utnyttjar dessa källor som indata till en ljudutbredningsmodel baserad på beräkningar punkt-till-punkt med Greensfunktioner för rörliga källor, och med en modifierad Kirchhoff-integral under Kirchhoffapproximationen för att beräkna reflektioner mot byggda ytor. Metodiken demonstreras med exemplet med det aeroakustiska ljud som genereras av ett NACA-luftintag som rör sig i en förenklad urban miljö. Med hjälp av denna metod kan man få insikter om ljudalstringsmekanismer, om källegenskaper och om ljudfältet som genereras av källor när de rör sig i en förenklad stadsmiljö. / <p>QC 20170425</p>

Análise não linear geométrica de cascas laminadas reforçadas com fibras / Geometrically nonlinear analysis of fiber reinforced laminated shells

Sampaio, Maria do Socorro Martins 03 February 2014 (has links)
Em geral, as formulações disponíveis na literatura para a análise de cascas laminadas reforçadas com fibras substituem o meio original heterogêneo por um homogêneo equivalente, que dificulta a identificação das tensões fibra-matriz, ou requerem que a malha de elementos finitos seja disposta de modo que os nós dos elementos finitos de fibra coincidam com os nós dos elementos finitos de casca, que é uma exigência bastante restritiva e que aumenta o número de graus de liberdade do sistema de equações resultante. Neste sentido, o objetivo geral desta tese consiste em desenvolver uma formulação para a inclusão de fibras longas e curtas aleatórias nas diversas lâminas de cascas laminadas anisotrópicas com não linearidade geométrica utilizando o método dos elementos finitos sem aumentar o número de graus de liberdade do sistema de equações resultante e sem a necessidade de coincidência de nós na discretização das fibras e da matriz. Nesta formulação, o elemento finito triangular de casca laminada utilizado para discretizar a matriz possui dez nós e sete graus de liberdade por nó, sendo três translações, três componentes do vetor generalizado e a taxa de variação linear da deformação ao longo da espessura. As fibras curvas, curtas aleatórias ou longas, são introduzidas, em qualquer camada do laminado, por meio de relações cinemáticas que garantem sua aderência à matriz sem a introdução de novos graus de liberdade no sistema de equações resultante. Para discretizá-las são utilizados elementos finitos unidimensionais de ordem qualquer com três graus de liberdade por nó e que consideram consistentemente a não linearidade geométrica. Todas as grandezas envolvidas são escritas em relação à configuração inicial do corpo, caracterizando a descrição Lagrangeana total ou material do movimento. Para modelar o comportamento do material adota-se a Lei Constitutiva de Saint-Venant-Kirchhoff que relaciona de forma linear o tensor de tensões de Piolla-Kirchhoff de segunda espécie e o tensor de deformações de Green-Lagrange. O equilíbrio é encontrado a partir do Princípio da Mínima Energia Potencial Total e o sistema não linear de equações resultante é resolvido utilizando-se o procedimento iterativo de Newton-Raphson. As ações externas podem ser introduzidas ao sistema de forma total ou incremental e a contribuição das fibras para a energia do sistema é adicionada na matriz global do problema. Os exemplos numéricos testados validam e demonstram as potencialidades da formulação proposta. / In general, the Finite Element (FE) formulations available in the literature for the analysis of fibre reinforced laminated shells replace the original heterogeneous medium by an equivalent homogeneous one, which makes difficult the identification of fiber-matrix stress distribution, or require that the finite element mesh is arranged in a way that the fibre finite element nodes coincide with the shell finite element ones, which is a very restrictive requirement and increases the number of degrees of freedom of the resulting system of equations. In this sense, the objective of this thesis is to develop a formulation for the inclusion of long and random short fibres in any layer of FE laminated anisotropic shells developing large displacement and rotations without increasing the number of degrees of freedom and the necessity of matching nodes in the discretization of the fibre and the matrix. In this formulation, the triangular laminated shell finite element used to discretize the matrix has ten nodes and seven degrees of freedom per node, that are, three translations, three components of a generalized vector and the linear rate of strain variation along the thickness. The curved fibres, long or random short, are introduced in any layer of the laminate shell by means of kinematic relation to ensure its adherence to the matrix without introducing new degrees of freedom in the resulting system of equations. To discretize them, any order one-dimensional finite elements with three degrees of freedom per node are used. These fibres elements are consistently considered by Geometric nonlinearity. All involved variables are written with respect to the initial configuration of the body, characterizing the Total Lagrangian description. To model the behavior of the material we use the Saint-VenantKirchhoff Constitutive Law that relates linearly the second Piolla-Kirchhoff stress tensor and Green-Lagrange strain tensor. The equilibrium is achieved from the Principle of Minimum Potential Energy and the non-linear system of equations is solved by the Newton-Raphson iterative procedure. External loads may be introduced to the system by one or various steps and the contribution of fibres to the energy of the system is added to the global matrix of the problem. The numerical examples validate and demonstrate the potential of the proposed formulation.

Análise não linear geométrica de cascas laminadas reforçadas com fibras / Geometrically nonlinear analysis of fiber reinforced laminated shells

Maria do Socorro Martins Sampaio 03 February 2014 (has links)
Em geral, as formulações disponíveis na literatura para a análise de cascas laminadas reforçadas com fibras substituem o meio original heterogêneo por um homogêneo equivalente, que dificulta a identificação das tensões fibra-matriz, ou requerem que a malha de elementos finitos seja disposta de modo que os nós dos elementos finitos de fibra coincidam com os nós dos elementos finitos de casca, que é uma exigência bastante restritiva e que aumenta o número de graus de liberdade do sistema de equações resultante. Neste sentido, o objetivo geral desta tese consiste em desenvolver uma formulação para a inclusão de fibras longas e curtas aleatórias nas diversas lâminas de cascas laminadas anisotrópicas com não linearidade geométrica utilizando o método dos elementos finitos sem aumentar o número de graus de liberdade do sistema de equações resultante e sem a necessidade de coincidência de nós na discretização das fibras e da matriz. Nesta formulação, o elemento finito triangular de casca laminada utilizado para discretizar a matriz possui dez nós e sete graus de liberdade por nó, sendo três translações, três componentes do vetor generalizado e a taxa de variação linear da deformação ao longo da espessura. As fibras curvas, curtas aleatórias ou longas, são introduzidas, em qualquer camada do laminado, por meio de relações cinemáticas que garantem sua aderência à matriz sem a introdução de novos graus de liberdade no sistema de equações resultante. Para discretizá-las são utilizados elementos finitos unidimensionais de ordem qualquer com três graus de liberdade por nó e que consideram consistentemente a não linearidade geométrica. Todas as grandezas envolvidas são escritas em relação à configuração inicial do corpo, caracterizando a descrição Lagrangeana total ou material do movimento. Para modelar o comportamento do material adota-se a Lei Constitutiva de Saint-Venant-Kirchhoff que relaciona de forma linear o tensor de tensões de Piolla-Kirchhoff de segunda espécie e o tensor de deformações de Green-Lagrange. O equilíbrio é encontrado a partir do Princípio da Mínima Energia Potencial Total e o sistema não linear de equações resultante é resolvido utilizando-se o procedimento iterativo de Newton-Raphson. As ações externas podem ser introduzidas ao sistema de forma total ou incremental e a contribuição das fibras para a energia do sistema é adicionada na matriz global do problema. Os exemplos numéricos testados validam e demonstram as potencialidades da formulação proposta. / In general, the Finite Element (FE) formulations available in the literature for the analysis of fibre reinforced laminated shells replace the original heterogeneous medium by an equivalent homogeneous one, which makes difficult the identification of fiber-matrix stress distribution, or require that the finite element mesh is arranged in a way that the fibre finite element nodes coincide with the shell finite element ones, which is a very restrictive requirement and increases the number of degrees of freedom of the resulting system of equations. In this sense, the objective of this thesis is to develop a formulation for the inclusion of long and random short fibres in any layer of FE laminated anisotropic shells developing large displacement and rotations without increasing the number of degrees of freedom and the necessity of matching nodes in the discretization of the fibre and the matrix. In this formulation, the triangular laminated shell finite element used to discretize the matrix has ten nodes and seven degrees of freedom per node, that are, three translations, three components of a generalized vector and the linear rate of strain variation along the thickness. The curved fibres, long or random short, are introduced in any layer of the laminate shell by means of kinematic relation to ensure its adherence to the matrix without introducing new degrees of freedom in the resulting system of equations. To discretize them, any order one-dimensional finite elements with three degrees of freedom per node are used. These fibres elements are consistently considered by Geometric nonlinearity. All involved variables are written with respect to the initial configuration of the body, characterizing the Total Lagrangian description. To model the behavior of the material we use the Saint-VenantKirchhoff Constitutive Law that relates linearly the second Piolla-Kirchhoff stress tensor and Green-Lagrange strain tensor. The equilibrium is achieved from the Principle of Minimum Potential Energy and the non-linear system of equations is solved by the Newton-Raphson iterative procedure. External loads may be introduced to the system by one or various steps and the contribution of fibres to the energy of the system is added to the global matrix of the problem. The numerical examples validate and demonstrate the potential of the proposed formulation.

A framework for efficient hierarchic plate and shell elements

Weise, Michael January 2017 (has links)
The Mindlin-Reissner plate model is widely used for the elastic deformation simulation of moderately thick plates. Shear locking occurs in the case of thin plates, which means slow convergence with respect to the mesh size. The Kirchhoff plate model does not show locking effects, but is valid only for thin plates. One would like to have a method suitable for both thick and thin plates. Several approaches are known to deal with the shear locking in the Mindlin-Reissner plate model. In addition to the well-known MITC elements and other approaches based on a mixed formulation, hierarchical methods have been developed in the recent years. These are based on the Kirchhoff model and add terms to account for shear deformations. We present some of these methods and develop a new hierarchic plate formulation. This new model can be discretised by a combination of C0 and C1 finite elements. Numerical tests show that the new formulation is locking-free and numerically efficient. We also give an extension of the model to a hierarchical Naghdi shell based on a Koiter shell formulation with unknowns in Cartesian coordinates.:1 Introduction 2 Plate theory 3 Shell theory 4 Conclusion

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