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Homemaker and former clientele evaluation of the Homemaker Service of Lane CountyLeonard, Marcia A. 01 January 1980 (has links)
A program evaluation of the Homemaker Service of Lane County, through use of the Homemaker Opinion Survey and the Former Clientele Satisfaction Survey was implemented because of the interest expressed by the program director to evaluate the program. The master report of the evaluation was submitted to the Homemaker Service of Lane County under the title "Report of the Homemaker and Former Clientele Evaluation of the Homemaker Service of Lane County, 1979." Chapter IV (Findings) of this report, "Homemaker and Former Clientele Evaluation of the Homemaker Service of Lane County," is a condensed version of that found in the master report. The reader is referred to the master for more detailed descriptive tables found in that report.
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A Novel Lightweight Lane Departure Warning System Based on Computer Vision for Improving Road SafetyChen, Yue 14 May 2021 (has links)
With the rapid improvement of the Advanced Driver Assistant System (ADAS), autonomous driving has become one of the most common hot topics in recent years. While driving, many technologies related to autonomous driving choose to use the sensors installed on the vehicle to collect the information of road status and the environment outside. This aims to warn the driver to perceive the potential danger in the fastest time, which has become the focus of autonomous driving in recent years.
Although autonomous driving brings plenty of conveniences to people, the safety of it is still facing difficulties. During driving, even the experienced driver can not guarantee focus on the status of the road all the time. Thus, lane departure warning system (LDWS) becomes developed. The purpose of LDWS is to determine whether the vehicle is in the safe driving area. If the vehicle is out of this area, LDWS will detect it and alert the driver by the sensors, such as sound and vibration, in order to make the driver back to the safe driving area.
This thesis proposes a novel lightweight LDWS model LEHA, which divides the entire LDWS into three stages: image preprocessing, lane detection, and lane departure recognition. Different from the deep learning methods of LDWS, our LDWS model LEHA can achieve high accuracy and efficiency by relying only on simple hardware.
The image preprocessing stage aims to process the original road image to remove the noise which is irrelevant to the detection result. In this stage, we apply a novel algorithm of grayscale preprocessing to convert the road image to a grayscale image, which removes the color of it. Then, we design a binarization method to greatly extract the lane lines from the background. A newly-designed image smoothing is added to this stage to reduce most of the noise, which improves the accuracy of the following lane detection stage.
After obtaining the processed image, the lane detection stage is applied to detect and mark the lane lines. We use region of interest (ROI) to remove the irrelevant parts of the road image to reduce the detection time. After that, we introduce the Canny edge detection method, which aims to extract the edges of the lane lines. The last step of LDWS in the lane detection stage is a novel Hough transform method, the purpose of it is to detect the position of the lane and mark it.
Finally, the lane departure recognition stage is used to calculate the deviation distance between the vehicle and the centerline of the lane to determine whether the warning needs to turn on. In the last part of this paper, we present the experiment results which show the comparison results of different lane conditions. We do the statistic of the proposed LDWS accuracy in terms of detection and departure. The detection rate of our proposed LDWS is 98.2% and the departure rate of it is 99.1%. The average processing time of our proposed LDWS is 20.01 x 10⁻³s per image.
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[EN] The quality of traffic on two-lane roads is closely linked to the possibility of making the overtaking maneuver that is especially critical in addition to the level of risk posed to do it. Options to facilitate overtaking are providing a path with geometric conditions for overtaking can be performed on the road with enough opportunities or provide a cross section that facilitates this advancement by auxiliary lanes. In this research, the second option with passing and climbing lanes was discussed.
To characterize the passing maneuver on steep grades an experimental study that allowed access to data and important information for calibrating TWOPAS, a microscopic traffic simulation model of two-lane roads, which is main element of the Traffic Analysis Module (TAM) that integrates the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) was developed. TWOPAS was validated in other two-lane road with very different characteristics to the road considered during calibration thereby evaluating the usefulness of this simulation model was completed.
Considering a target of this research the TWOPAS was applied in the analysis of auxiliary lanes in a multitude of scenarios, around 98,000, where traffic volumes, longitudinal gradients, initiation and length of the auxiliary lane and percentage of trucks were varied; the influence of random variation of traffic generated wealth of information for the scope of this paper and considered for further analysis. A computational tool, the PEMAT, which allows automatic execution of TWOPAS (TAM), capturing the results of each simulation and generating outputs in terms of operational indicators was created.
Among the results of the analysis of auxiliary lanes are factors to consider the effect of passing and climbing lanes in the Percentage Time Spent Following (PTSF) and the Average Travel Speed (ATS) to adapt the procedure of Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) in 2010 and to estimate the level of service on two-lane road sections with individual auxiliary lanes.
The manuals for the calculation of the capacity and level of service on conventional roads does not cover the diversity of geometric and traffic conditions so that a procedure for analyzing the transit operation in any conventional road was proposed to facilitate overtaking by consideration of a number of auxiliary lanes in both directions of traffic simulation model with TWOPAS; thus overtaking can be solved for any configuration of road and transit improvements in methods in manuals or technical guidance. / [ES] La calidad de la circulación en carreteras convencionales está estrechamente vinculada con la posibilidad de realizar la maniobra de adelantamiento que es especialmente crítica además por el nivel de riesgo que supone realizarla. Las opciones para facilitar el adelantamiento son proveer en el trazado las condiciones geométricas para que el adelantamiento se pueda realizar a lo largo de la vía con suficientes oportunidades pero cuando esta se dificulta se dispone de la alternativa de proveer una sección transversal que facilite este adelantamiento mediante los carriles auxiliares. En este trabajo de investigación se abordó esta segunda opción con los carriles de adelantamiento y de ascenso.
Para caracterizar la maniobra de adelantamiento en pendientes ascendentes se hizo un estudio experimental que permitió disponer de datos y extraer información importante para la calibración de un modelo de simulación microscópica del tránsito en carreteras convencionales denominado TWOPAS, el cual es elemento principal del Traffic Analysis Module (TAM) que integra el Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM). TWOPAS fue validado en otra carretera convencional de características bien diferentes a la considerada en la calibración que completó la evaluación de la utilidad de este modelo de simulación.
Orientado hacia el objetivo de este trabajo de investigación se aplicó el TWOPAS en el análisis de carriles auxiliares en una multiplicidad de escenarios, alrededor de 98.000, en los cuales se variaron los volúmenes de tránsito, pendientes longitudinales, inicio y longitud del carril auxiliar, porcentaje de camiones y considerando la influencia de la variación aleatoria del tránsito que generó gran cantidad de información para el alcance de este trabajo y para nuevos análisis. Se creó una herramienta computacional, el PEMAT, que permite la ejecución automática del TWOPAS (TAM), la captura de los resultados de cada simulación y la generación de las salidas en términos de indicadores operacionales.
Entre los resultados obtenidos del análisis de carriles auxiliares están factores para considerar el efecto de carriles de adelantamiento y ascenso en el Porcentaje de Tiempo Consumido en el Seguimiento (PTSF) y la Velocidad Media de Recorrido (ATS) para adaptar el procedimiento del Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) de 2010 para estimar el nivel de servicio en tramos de carretera convencional con carriles auxiliares individuales.
Los manuales para el cálculo de la capacidad y el nivel de servicio en carreteras convencionales no cubre la diversidad de condiciones geométricas y de tránsito por lo que se propuso un procedimiento para adelantar el análisis de la operación del tránsito en cualquier carretera convencional para facilitar el adelantamiento mediante la consideración de una serie de carriles auxiliares en los dos sentidos de circulación de dicha vía sustentado en la aplicación de la simulación con el modelo TWOPAS de manera que puede atenderse la necesidad de demanda de adelantamiento para cualquier configuración de carretera y condición de tránsito mejorando los métodos contemplados en los manuales o guía técnicas. / [CA] La qualitat de la circulació en carreteres convencionals està estretament vinculada amb la possibilitat de realitzar la maniobra d'avançament que és especialment crítica a més per el nivell de risc que suposa el realitzar-la. Les opcions per facilitat l'avançament son proveir en el traçat les condicions geomètriques per a que l'avançament es puga realitzar al llarg de la via amb suficients oportunitats però quan aquesta es dificulta es disposa de l'alternativa de proveir una secció transversal per facilitar aquest avançament mitjançant els carrils auxiliars. En aquest treball d'investigació es va abordar aquesta segona opció amb els carrils d'avançament i d'ascens.
Per caracteritzar la maniobra d'avançament en pendent ascendent es va fer un estudi experimental que va possibilitar disposar de dades i extraure informació important per a la calibració d'un model de simulació microscòpica del trànsit en carreteres convencionals denominat TWOPAS, el qual es element principal del Traffic Analysis Module (TAM) que integra l'Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM). TWOPAS va ser validat en un altra carretera convencional de característiques ben diferents a la considerada en la calibració que va completar la avaluació de la utilitat de aquest model de simulació.
Orientat a l'objectiu d'aquest treball d'investigació es va aplicar el TWOPAS en l'anàlisi de carrils auxiliars en una multiplicitat d'escenaris, voltant els 98.000, en els quals es variaren els volums de trànsit, pendents longitudinals, inici i longitud del carril auxiliar, percentatge de camions i tenint en compte la influència de la variació aleatòria del trànsit que va generar gran quantitat d'informació per al alcans d'aquest treball i per a nous anàlisis. Es va crear una ferramenta computacional, el PEMAT, que permet la execució automàtica del TWOPAS (TAM), la captura dels resultats de cada simulació i la generació de les eixides en terminis d'indicadors operacionals.
Entre els resultats obtinguts de l'anàlisi de carrils auxiliars estan factors per considerar l'efecte de carrils d'avançament i ascens en el Percentatge de Temps Consumit en el Seguiment (PTSF) i la Velocitat Mitjana de Recorregut (ATS) per a adaptar el procediment del Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) de 2010 per a estimar el nivell de servici en trams de carretera convencional amb carrils auxiliars individuals.
Els manuals per al càlcul de la capacitat i el nivell de servici en carreteres convencionals no cobreixen la diversitat de condicions geomètriques i de trànsit per el que es va proposar un procediment per avançar l'anàlisi de la operació del trànsit en qualsevol carretera convencional per a facilitat l'avançament mitjançant la consideració d'una sèrie de carrils auxiliars en els dos sentits de circulació d'eixa via sustentat en l'aplicació de la simulació amb el model TWOPAS de manera que es puga atendre la necessitat de demanda d'avançaments per a qualsevol configuració de carretera i condició de trànsit millorant els mètodes contemplats en els manuals o guies tècniques. / Valencia Alaix, VG. (2016). ELABORACIÓN DE PROCEDIMIENTOS PARA FACILITAR EL ADELANTAMIENTO EN CARRETERAS CONVENCIONALES APLICANDO SIMULACIÓN [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62413
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Metric Postulates for Plane GeometryMahaffy, Donald L. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate Saunders MacLane's axioms for plane geometry. The wording of the axioms has been modified; however, the concept suggested by each axiom remains the same.
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Assessing Benefits in Vehicle Speed and Lateral Position when Chevrons with Full Retroreflective Sign Posts are Implemented on Rural Horizontal CurvesRe, Jonathan M. 16 January 2010 (has links)
Driving a horizontal roadway curve requires a change in vehicle alignment and a
potential reduction in speed. Curves may present a challenging situation during adverse
conditions or to inattentive drivers. Chevron signs provide advanced warning and
positive guidance throughout the curve. Some agencies place supplemental
retroreflective material on sign posts to enhance the signs? conspicuity and visibility.
The objective of this study was to determine any incremental benefits in vehicle speed
and lateral lane position when retroreflective material was applied to Chevron sign posts
(ChevFull). This study analyzed three separate evaluation scenarios in a before, after,
and after-after experimental design. There was an existing Baseline evaluation with no
vertical delineation, a standard Chevron evaluation, and an experimental ChevFull
treatment evaluation. Data collection measured vehicle speed and lateral position data at
the point of curvature and mid-point on two separate curves. Findings showed that both
Chevrons and the ChevFull treatment moved vehicles away from oncoming traffic by
about 15 inches. Overall, there was little difference between the lateral position findings
of the two Chevron treatment scenarios. Chevrons achieved a 1.28 MPH reduction in
mean vehicle speed from the Baseline evaluation and the ChevFull treatment obtained a
2.20 MPH reduction. The findings determined that the benefits of the ChevFull
treatment were not substantial. The author recommends that the MUTCD should
continue to present the ChevFull treatment as an optional delineation tool. Based on this
research, the author does not recommend any changes to the MUTCD.
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The effect of weaving maneuvers on operation of a free right-turn lane at ramp terminalsPark, Minchul 12 April 2006 (has links)
Service interchange ramp terminals provide access from the local highway or urban
street system to the freeway. In urban areas, the ramp terminals at the arterial road are
usually signalized for separation of all high-volume conflicting movements. If right-turn
or other movements exiting from the ramp terminals are high, a free right-turn lane,
which improves operations for right-turn and through exiting traffic, is sometimes
provided at the ramp terminals with an exclusive lane for right-turn vehicles on a
departure leg.
If the ramp terminal is closely followed by the next downstream intersection,
weaving maneuvers will occur since some vehicles make a right turn at the ramp
terminal and make a left turn at the downstream intersection. These weaving vehicles
usually slow down or stop on the free right-turn lane in order to find an acceptable gap in
the arterial road traffic. These slowing or stopping vehicles may cause safety and
operational problems. This research evaluates the effect of these weaving maneuvers on
the operations of a free right-turn lane at the ramp terminals. To provide a means for evaluating free right-turn lane operations, a linear
regression model was developed to predict the delay on the free right-turn lane caused
by stopped or slowed vehicles planning on making a weaving maneuver. The variables
for this model were arterial through volumes, weaving volumes, number of lanes, and
ramp spacing within the interchange. The regression model was based upon the results
of the CORSIM traffic simulation model that was calibrated using field data obtained
from the study site in College Station, Texas.
Once the predicted model was developed, the model validation was performed
using the field data to check the accuracy of its prediction. A statistical measure was
performed for quantifying the difference between the observed and predicted delay on
the free right turn lane. From the research results, it was concluded that the weaving
maneuvers influence the operation of a free right-turn lane and cause delay on the free
right-turn lane.
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The life and works of Johann Christoph Pepusch (1667-1752), with special reference to his dramatic works and cantatasCook, Frederick Donald January 1982 (has links)
No description available.
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Franklin K. Lane a biography /Olson, Keith W. January 1964 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin, 1964. / Typescript. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Bibliography: leaves 346-361.
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Evaluating and updating the Kansas Department of Transportation’s lane closure guide in the Kansas City metropolitan area using Traffic Management Center dataNye, Benjamin Gilbert January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Civil Engineering / Eric J. Fitzsimmons / Each year maintenance and rehabilitation occur on interstates and highways to repair damage, improve rideability, and increase safety. To perform many of these activities a short or long-term work zone is required. However, short and long-term work zones can have significant impacts on traffic flow, especially during peak travel times. To mitigate the impact of work zones, the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) has developed a lane closure guide to assist KDOT personnel and contractors in determining times during the day that a lane can be closed to traffic. The existing lane closure guide was comprised of limited data sources and assumptions based on past traffic counts. The purpose of this research study was to evaluate the existing guide and update it using a consistent data source that reflects current roadway conditions.
During the evaluation of the existing lane closure guide, several inconsistencies with traffic counts, directional splits, and adjustment factors were found. To eliminate the consistencies, data from the Kansas City Traffic Management Center was used. During the procedure of updating the lane closure guide a repeatable data extraction process and a quality assurance/quality control process were utilized.
In addition to updating the KDOT lane closure guide, sensor data verification was performed on one KC Scout sensor on K-10 using road tubes. The data from the road tubes was then compared to the data extracted from KC Scout during the same time interval. The comparison found the road tubes and KC Scout counted statistically the same number of cars for the chosen interval. However, the comparison found the road tube’s average speed for chosen interval to be on average 10 percent higher than KC Scout, which was statistically significant.
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Prediction of Mandatory Lane Changing Behavior Using Artificial Neural Network ModelWang, Yile January 2017 (has links)
The prediction results demonstrated that the method using six frames of variables as the input vectors for the BPNN model could improve the model prediction accuracy. Also, the number of nodes used in the hidden layer had a significant impact on the performance of the BPNN model. The results indicated that the best prediction accuracies in advance of a driver’s actual driving behavior with a lead time of 1s, 1.5s, and 1.8s were at 89.6%, 84.9%, 78.8% for merge events, and for non-merge events were at 92.2%, 87.5%, 81.1% respectively. / Recently, the applications of some driver assistance systems on vehicles have reduced vehicle accidents. However, studies have shown that the number of vehicle accidents caused by improper lane-changing behavior remains at a high level. Therefore, research has been focusing on developing a lane-changing assistance system to increase the safety level of driving in traffic. Many researchers have attempted to predict lane-changing behavior, and a general trend in the study of predicting driving behavior is the greater application of computational artificial intelligence.
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is one of the artificial intelligence methods, and it is well-known for its high reliability in a variety of applications. An ANN model can mimic human thinking and behavior due to its ability to capture the complex relationship among different variables in an environment of uncertainty. In this thesis, a BP (back-propagation) Neural Network model established by two methods was developed to predict a driver’s mandatory lane-changing decisions (merge or non-merge) at an early stage by considering driving environment features as the input vectors. Vehicle trajectory data from the Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) dataset was used for training and testing the model. The results of the proposed model indicated that the prediction accuracies in advance of a driver’s actual driving behavior with a lead time of 1s, 1.5s, and 1.8s were at 89.6%, 84.9%, 78.8% for merge events, and for non-merge events were at 92.2%, 87.5%, 81.1% respectively. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc) / Lane-changing behavior at freeway on-ramps has a significant effect on driving safety and the stability of traffic flow. During the lane-changing process, the information processed by drivers is more complicated than that processed while remaining in a lane. If drivers fail to accurately judge the appropriate lane-changing time or the relative movement characteristics of related vehicles, vehicles accidents may occur. Thus, accurate prediction of lane-changing behavior is essential for a driving assistance system to ensure driver safety.
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