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Étude fonctionnelle de deux facteurs de transcription intervenant dans la régulation du développement du grain de maïs : ZmZOU impliqué dans la communication embryon-albumen et ZmAFL4 impliqué dans l'accumulation de réserves / Transcriptional study of two transcription factors involved in maize kernel development : ZmZOU involved in embryo-endosperm communication and ZmAFL4 involved in reserves accumulationGrimault, Aurélie 28 November 2014 (has links)
Le grain de maïs est composé de 3 compartiments : l’embryon et l’albumen issus de la double fécondation et l’enveloppe d’origine maternelle. Le développement du grain et l’accumulation de réserves demande l’établissement d’une communication étroite entre l’embryon et l’albumen pour coordonner leur développement respectif. Si, des régulateurs majeurs impliqués dans le développement de la graine d’Arabidopsis ont été décrits, ces connaissances restent parcellaires chez les céréales. Les objectifs de ma thèse consistaient d’une part à étudier le contrôle de la communication entre l’embryon et l’albumen et d’autre part la régulation du remplissage du grain de maïs. Par l’analyse de lignées transgéniques sous exprimant ZmZHOUPI (ZmZOU-RNAi), nous avons établi que ce facteur de transcription à domaine bHLH, bien que s’exprimant exclusivement dans l’albumen, affecte significativement le développement de l’embryon (taille de l’embryon, persistance du suspenseur). L’analyse de données RNAseq (grains sauvages versus grains ZmZOU-RNAi) a permis d’identifier des gènes cibles potentiels de ZmZOU. De plus, nous avons montré que 3 facteurs de transcription de type bHLH homologues d’INDUCER OF CBP EXPRESSION (ICE) forment un partenariat avec ZmZOU.D’autre part, nous avons étudié les homologues d'ABA INSENSITIVE3, FUSCA3 et LEAFY COTYLEDON2 (AFL) qui forment un réseau de facteurs de transcription, à domaine B3, régulant l’accumulation d’huile et de protéines de réserves dans l’embryon d’Arabidopsis. Grâce à des analyses phylogénétiques et d’expression, nous avons établi que chez le maïs le réseau AFL, constitué de 5 membres (ZmAFLs), est partiellement conservé. Par dosages et analyse d’expression, nous avons montré que ZmAFL4, en particulier, est impliqué dans le contrôle de la biosynthèse de l’amidon dans l’albumen. / Maize kernel is composed of three major compartments: an embryo and an endosperm both produced by double fertilization and the maternally derived seed coat. Seed development and reserves accumulation demands coordination and thus communication between embryo and endosperm allowing specific growth of each compartment. While major regulators involved in seed development have been already described in Arabidopsis, knowledge in cereals remains limited. My thesis purposes were to study on one hand the control of communication between embryo and endosperm and on the other hand regulation of maize kernel filling.By analysis of transgenic lines knock down ZmZHOUPI (ZmZou-RNAi), we showed that this bHLH domain transcription factor, exclusively expressed in endosperm, affect significantly embryo development, size of embryo proper and suspensor persistence. RNAseq data analyses let find putative direct targets of ZmZOU. Additionally, we identified ZmZOU partners, 3 bHLH domain transcription factor homologs of INDUCER OF CBP EXPRESSION (ICE).Furthermore, we studied homologs of three B3 domain transcription factors named ABA INSENSITIVE3, FUSCA3 et LEAFY COTYLEDON2 (AFL) which form a regulatory network governing oil and seed storage proteins accumulation in Arabidopsis embryo. By phylogenetic and expression analysis, we established that 5 genes (ZmAFLs) constitute in maize a partially conserved AFL network. Through dosage and expression analysis, we established that particularly ZmAFL4 is involved in starch biosynthesis regulation.
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The biofuel market is dominated by ethanol and biodiesel derived from cellulosic and lipid-based biomass crops. This is largely due to the relatively low costs and reliability of production. At present, production of non-food plant-derived oils for biofuel production in the U.S. is minimal. A research team from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), an independent Australian federal government research institution, has developed an efficient transgenic system to engineer oil production in tobacco leaves. This novel system is comprised of multiple transgenes that direct the endogenous metabolic flux of oil precursors towards triacylglycerol (TAG) production. Additional genes were incorporated to store and protect the accumulated oil in vegetative tissues. Preliminary greenhouse tests by the CSIRO research group indicated an oil content of > 30% by dry weight (DW) in tobacco leaf lamina. Here we evaluated two transgenic lines against a non-transgenic control in 2017 and 2018 in greenhouse and field production systems. The 2017 pilot study showed that the high leaf-oil tobacco line was viable and will grow in the field in Kentucky. Chemical analyses revealed significantly higher oil content compared to the non-transgenic control despite several logistical setbacks. These promising discoveries prompted the deployment of additional transgenic line assessments and further data validation in 2018. Line evaluations in 2018 revealed that the LEC2:WRI1:DGAT:OLE transgenic line had the highest leaf oil content (≥ 19.3% DW-1) compared to both the WRI1:DGAT:OLE transgenic line (≤ 5.6% DW-1) and non-transgenic control (≤ 2.1% DW-1). The results of this research will contribute to the successful development of transgenic tobacco lines engineered to accumulate high concentrations of TAG in the leaves.
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