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The Impacts of Life Stress, Self-esteem and Social Support to Drug Rehabilitants¡¦ Life Adaptation -Evidence from Kaohsiung Drug Abuser Treatment CenterLai, Yi-Wen 09 August 2011 (has links)
Previous studies suggest that the major source of pressure for inmates or drug rehabilitants is from prison or drug abuser treatment center. The objectives of this research is thus to understand the impacts of life stress, self-esteem and social support to drug rehabilitants¡¦ life adaptation in drug abuser treatment center, and be able to provide practical suggestions to treatment center in order to advance the effectiveness of drug abuse treatment.
This study employs quantitative research method, and uses survey questionnaire to collect data from 260 drug rehabilitants in the Kaohsiung Drug Abuser Treatment Center. 230 drug rehabilitants completed their questionnaires. The major findings include the followings. According to one-way analysis of variance, drug rehabilitants with different socio-demographic backgrounds yield dissimilar results toward life stress, self-esteem and social support. In terms of life stress, the younger the abuser is the more life stress he/she would have. In terms of self-esteem, the older the abuser is the better self-affirmation he/she would possess. In terms of social support, the younger the offender is the less social support he/she would have. In our regression model, all three variables including life stress, self-esteem and social support reach significant level with social support most heavily weighted factor in explaining drug rehabilitants¡¦ life adaptation in drug abuser treatment center.
Based upon the aforementioned findings, it is believed that the treatment center should give up the dogmas of conventional rehabilitation treatment, and adopt a more pluralistic approach in order to reduce life stress, promote self-esteem and increase social support for drug rehabilitants. The effectiveness of drug rehabilitation treatment can thus be improved.
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Study of Chinese Female Spouses¡¦ Life Adaptation in Taiwan A case study of the Chinese Female Spouses in Taipei CountyWu, shen 13 February 2005 (has links)
The cross-Strait marriages have gradually been increasing since 1987 when the Taiwan government lifted the restrictions on its nationals to travel to China, either as tourist, or to visit their long lost relatives who are living in China. The growing number further increased when in 1992, the government allowed, with restrictions, the Taiwanese businessmen to invest in China. Henceforth, tourism, cultural, economic and social interactions, including intermarriages had an unprecedented increase. Likewise, on the same year, the government allowed Taiwanese men to marry Chinese women and has set out the rules allowing the Chinese spouses to settle down in Taiwan. The cross strait marriages are now considered a social phenomenon, especially when the number of Chinese spouses reached 198,031 in August 2004. They are now considered as one of Taiwan¡¦s minority groups that need special consideration from both the government and society. The Chinese spouses who are mostly women, come from different cultural, social and political environment, thus, are faced with more challenges and difficulty in phasing in, both in their domestic life and the Taiwan community, in general. It is in this context of this vulnerability, that Taiwan society should give preferential attention to the Chinese spouses.
This study aims to explore the Chinese female spouses¡¦ family backgrounds, individual personalities, motives for marriage, ways of finding their partners, how they get oriented to Taiwan¡¦s way of life and how these new adaptations affect their life. In the light of these detailed information, the study seeks to further understand the Chinese female spouses¡¦ predicaments both in spiritual and material aspects, and surface their most urgent needs.
This study also aims to provide a new perspective of the Chinese female spouses so that Taiwan society can be compassionate and overcome the existing prejudices against them. Further, a better understanding of the Chinese spouses¡¦ predicament would enable the government to draw up policies that will protect their rights and interests as ¡§genuine Taiwanese daughters-in-law.¡¨
The research approach of the study is qualitative and the researcher conducted in-depth interview among 20 Chinese female spouses who live in Taipei County and Taipei City. The conclusions of this study are as follows:
I. The structure of Chinese spouse:
A. The number of female spouse overwhelmingly outnumbers the number of male spouses.
B. The pattern of cross-Strait marriages is that of an ¡§old husband marries a young wife¡¨. More than one-third of cross-strait marriages are second marriages.
C. Most of these Chinese spouses are in manual labors or unemployed.
D. The cross-Straits marriages are closely related to the cross-Straits businesses, which start from the eastern coast to middle China and goes westward to the inland.
E. Most of the Chinese spouses live in big cities after they came to Taiwan and most of them reside in Taipei County and Taipei City.
F. Taiwan spouses¡¦ educational backgrounds gradually became better than those of their Chinese female spouses.
II. The Chinese women¡¦s motives for marrying Taiwanese men have gradually changed. Chinese women have changed the reasons to choose their partners from better economic standing to better or compatible personalities. The second consideration is whether there is love between the couple. The economic capability is now the last consideration for their marriages.
III. The different ways of how they find their partners has a big influence on the Chinese female spouses¡¦ adjustment to Taiwan¡¦s lifestyle. Those who were free to choose their partners have better accommodation in Taiwan, and those who were arranged to know their husbands by their relatives or friends, were mostly disappointed. Some of them even felt they were deceived into marriage, thus they regretted their marriages and are driven to depressions.
IV. The major and key factors that influence the Chinese female spouses¡¦ life adaptation in Taiwan are more of the legal issues, more specifically, their rights to residence, rights to status and rights to work. The other problems include: lack of support network or mechanisms in Taiwan society, the unequal treatment between men and women, and the social discrimination against them.
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Chinese Brides in Taiwan: a perspective of SociologyLiu, Chien-Chia 09 July 2003 (has links)
The major research instrument is interview. We interviewed 13 Chinese brides in Kaohsiung area and the main purpose of this study is to realize the way they interpret their experience of life change. They can provide us abundant discourses and we can experience the plentiful content of the group. We can conclude from the content of interview that the interviewed Chinese brides would adopt different strategies to cope with different issues. They want to strive for the ¡§distinction¡¨ and approved social positions in Taiwan society and would manage their impression by various tactics. Since the Chinese brides haven¡¦t gathered together as a category, their goals and tactics of acting still stay in individual level. They take different roles in different field and construct their images in diverse strategies.
We try to classify the Chinese brides in different fields by two main variables: the distribution of capital and ability of motion. The categorizing index is not immobile, but it would modify in changing situation. The purpose of establishing generalized rules is to present the multiplicity and complex power relationship of the Chinese brides phenomenon.
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Bildterapi vid bröstcancer : kvinnors berättelser i ord och bild /Öster, Inger, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Univ., 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Yrsel ur patientens perspektiv : en klinisk och epidemiologisk studie på personer med öronrelaterad yrsel /Mendel, Barbro, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Experience of adjuvant treatment among postmenopausal women with breast cancer : health - related quality of life, symptom experience, stressful events and coping strategies /Browall, Maria, January 2008 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2008. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Att leva med hemodialysbehandling /Hagren, Birger January 2004 (has links)
Lic.-avh. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 2 uppsatser.
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Life after myocardial infarction in Swedish women and men : coping, social support and quality of life over the first year /Kristofferzon, Marja-Leena, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser. Pp 65-76: Bibliography.
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山地、平地國中生場地獨立性、內外控信念與生活適應關係之研究 / A study of the field independence 、the locus of control and life adaptation among the junior middle school from mountain and plain蔡俊傑, Tsay Jiun Jye Unknown Date (has links)
,並比較性別 ( 男、女 ) ,地區 ( 山地、平地 ) 國中學生的差異情形
計分析等步驟歸納結論, 所使用的統計方法包含, 多變項變異數分析、
變異數分析、t考驗與 Scheffe' 法事後比較。三、研究工具「藏圖測驗
究結果 (一)場地獨立性方面 1.男、女國中生在場地獨立性上無顯著差異
。 2.山地、平地國中生在場地獨立性上有顯著差異;且平地國中生比山
地國中生更傾向場地獨立。 (二)內外控信念方面 1.男、女國中生在內外
控信念上有顯著差異;且女國中生比男國中生更傾向內控。 2.山地、平
內控。 (三)生活適應方面 1.男、女國中生在生活適應(個人適應、社會
適應)有顯著差異;且女國中生在生活適應( 個人適應、社會適應)比男國
中生適應較佳。 2.山地、平地國中生在生活適應(個人適應、社會適應)
有顯著差異;且平地國中生在生活適應( 個人適應、社會適應)比山地國
中生適應較佳。 (四)場地獨立性、內外控信念及生活適應的關係 1.國中
生的場地獨立性與內外控信念,在生活適應( 個人適應、社會適應 )無交
互作用。 2.場地獨立性與內外控信念無顯著相關。 3.場地獨立性與生活
適應(個人適應、社會適應)無顯著相關。 4.內外控信念與生活適應(個人
適應、社會適應)有顯著的正相關;即愈內控的人在生活適應( 個人適應
、社會適應)愈佳。 (五)「知覺--期待型式」與生活適應的關係不同「知
覺 -- 期待型式」國中生在生活適應 ( 個人適應、 社會適應) 顯著差異
;其中以「場地獨立 -- 內控」適應最為佳,其次為「場地依賴-- 內控
」, 再次為「場地依賴 -- 外控」,最後為「場地獨立 -- 外控」。和
諧組與不和諧組在生活適應 ( 個人適應、社會適應 ) 無顯著差異。五、
建議 (一)山地方面--提供優秀人才及適當的教育資源 (二)內外控信念與
場地獨立方面--採適性輔導 (三)教育方式--多鼓勵、多關懷、提供適當
自主 (四)本研究的限制及對未來的建議 1.就樣本而言--擴大取樣範圍
2.就研究變項而言--可再加入其他自變項 3.就研究工具而言--編擬適當
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退休人員的退休生活適應與家庭、社會支持--以台北市為例 / The retirees post-retirement adaptation and their family and social support: a case study of Taipei City莊馨然, Chuang, Hsin Jan Unknown Date (has links)
依據本研究發現,提供以下建議:1.未來能透過教育來加強家庭傳統價值,維持優良孝道觀念。2.在老年生活消費上建立補貼或優惠制度,紓緩經濟壓力、加強居住硬體設備並考量安養機構普及化、廣設老人活動中心。3.提供多元休閒選擇以維持人際互動、宣導志願服務以傳承經驗並發揮所長。4.結合社區環境並使老人教育課程多元化、政府主動推廣醫療照護訊息,讓大家能預先認識而預作準備。 / Since Taiwan became an aging country in 1993, increase in population aging rate has been more dramatic than Europe and North America. In addition to being a new aging country, decrease in fertility rate has turned Taiwan’s population structure into reverse pyramid. This phenomenon indicates a need to re-interpret senior post-retirement plans. Retirement is a crucial turning point in life; yet, retirees now face, on average, 20-30 years of retirement which is substantially longer then before. For citizens to - as captured in a Chinese saying- ‘live long live good’, improving the adaptability of post-retirement life becomes a critical question in contemporary society.
This study focuses on retirees of Taipei City, their post-retirement adaptation, and family and social support received after retirement. This study conducted in-depth interviews with 10 retirees, between the ages of 56-82 and have retired for at least 2 years.
The findings of this study are:
1.In terms of family support, emotional sustainment ranks as the most important element. Furthermore, the majority of interviewees reported that their source of emotional support are their children and grandchildren, then followed by spouse, family and friends. This shows company and emotional consolation provided by junior generations is a critical factor in determining whether or not the retirees adapts to the post-retirement life.
2.Secondly, in terms of instrumental support, traditional tendency to rely on children has changed, retirees now prepare and plan by themselves, as align with the change in social structure. Sometimes the retirees even provide assistance to their children, siblings and friends. In terms of information support, interviewees reported a more balanced two directional and interactive method of communication, yet another difference from traditional understanding.
3.Retirement means change of social statues, distancing of personal relationship, and etc., but through leisure and entertainment arrangement, lifelong learning program, volunteer participations, retirees gain confidence in self development and through contribution, and consequently decrease feeling of uneasiness with the change in social statues.
4.Information provided by government and social institutions on health, living arrangement, leisure and entertainment, education and volunteering opportunities, makes it possible for retirees to find suitable resource and prepare before retirement takes place.
5.From the perspective of support source, old friends and other friends/neighbors may both easily provide material resource and information, yet a major distinction lies in the fact that only old friends can offer emotional consolation. Hence, limited personal relationship still remains an irrefutable fact.
6.With the development of information technology and increase in knowledge accessibility, most of the interviewees reported no serious adaptability issues. Furthermore, they generally hold healthy attitude toward the end of life and their arrangement, accepting the natural course of life with embracement. Finally, all interviewees identified leading a healthy life to be the prime goal in post-retirement life.
Recommendations based on the findings of this study:
1.The value of family should be implemented in future education to stress and maintain the concept of filial piety.
2.The government should devote specific senior subsidy and other incentive programs, because relieving financial pressure would be key to stabilizing post-retirement life. Furthermore, policies on facility and hardware establishment should focus on poularizing senior homes and dissemination of senior activity centers.
3.Options for leisure and entertainment should be expanded to maintain personal interaction and volunteer promotion, as these are effective ways for retirees to share their valuable life experience as well as crucial source for confidence-building.
4.Education on the diversity of post-retirement life and information on health care should be community-based, rendering knowledge more accessible to the population would better encourage understanding and preparation before retirement.
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