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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Citoslovce ve španělštině a češtině s přihlédnutím ke katalánštině / Interjections in Czech and Spanish with regard to Catalan Language

Žežulková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse the interjections in Spanish and Czech with regard to Catalan. The thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical one is focused on the definition of interjections form the grammatical point of view; moreover, it describes the distinction between proper and improper interjections. Subsequently, it goes through the role of interjections in the field of pragmatics, especially in terms of interpretation of the utterance and expression of its modal meanings. According to the predominant function, they are classified into mainly three categories - expressive, apellative and phatic. The practical part is focused on analysing some of the most important Spanish proper interjections: eh, ah, oh, ay, bah, uy, ja, zas, pum, hum and uf and their Catalan equivalent eh, ah, oh, ai, bah, ui, ha ha, zas (or xac), pum, hum and uf. The analysis is based on the linguistic corpus InterCorp. The most important part of the practical part are Spanish interjections and their Czech equivalents, while the Catalan ones are considered complementary. Key words: interjections - Spanish - Czech - Catalan - modality - pragmatics - linguistic corpus

Word-final imaala in contemporary Levantine Arabic : a case of language variation and change

Durand, Emilie Pénélope 12 July 2011 (has links)
The phenomenon of word-final imaala, or taa-marbuuTa raising, in the Levantine dialects of Arabic was well documented about 50 years ago by renowned Arabists who described the phenomenon as a purely phonological one. Today, after some major historical and sociological changes have taken place in Arab societies, this feature deserves to be revisited since this might shed some light on the processes of language change in those societies. The scope of this paper is to look into the issue of word-final imaala in contemporary Levantine Arabic (specifically after raa) through a wide lens, and to establish 1) whether there are patterns governing the production of taa marbuuTa after raa, and 2) whether the existing phonological rules account for all instances of word-final imaala as they appear in the speech of Levantine speakers nowadays. In order to do that, instances of all word tokens ending in -ra were extracted from 252 phone conversations recorded in 2004 and found in the LDC Levantine database. Those tokens were analyzed and the word-forms they represent were divided based on whether they exhibit any instances on word-final imaala. It soon became clear that the existing sound rules cannot account for all current instances of taa-marbouTa raising. Two main factors were identified as having a possible effect on the production of taa marbuuTa after raa: word frequency and phonological word classes. Because of a lack of speaker-related information in the database coupled with some imaala-related discrepancies found in the transcriptions of the conversations, it was impossible to determine the exact social meaning(s) of word-final imaala in Levantine communities. However, this study shows that enough changes have taken place since the 1960’s in terms of taa-marbuuTa raising, to consider it a case of language change in progress. This study also establishes some hypotheses which can be used as the base for a future sociolinguistic study whose scope will be to assign social meaning to word-final imaala in Levantine dialects. / text

Метеорологическая метафора в британском медиадискурсе: синтаксический и семантический профили : магистерская диссертация / Meteorological metaphor in the British media discourse: syntactic and semantic profiles

Якимук, Ю. С., Yakimuk, Y. S. January 2024 (has links)
Работа посвящена изучению отличительных характеристик метафор со сферой-источником «Метеорология», используемых в современных периодических изданиях Великобритании для иллюстрации образов социальной жизни общества, путем построения синтаксического и семантического профилей их коллокатов. Материалом данного исследования послужила коллекция публицистических текстов, содержащих компоненты-метеонимы и опубликованных в британских периодических изданиях на английском языке в период с 2022 по 2023 гг. Было проанализировано 694 фрагмента текстов с метеонимами, описывающих движение воздуха, в метафорическом употреблении. В первой части работы рассматриваются общие вопросы терминологии: вводятся понятия дискурса и медиадискурса, анализируются подходы к определению «корпуса», рассматривается роль метафоры в познании мира, изученность метеорологической метафоры и ее место в классификации метафорических моделей. Во второй части работы раскрываются особенности употребления метафор с компонентом-метеонимом, характеризующим движение воздуха. В ходе анализа глагольных коллокаций выявляются основные группы глаголов, используемых с метеонимами в метафорическом значении: глаголы существования, социальной деятельности, социальных отношений и интеллектуальной деятельности. Большое внимание уделяется характеристике адъективных коллокаций, часто встречаемых с прилагательными следующих семантических групп: «значимость», «оценка факта, события, явления относительно времени» и «общая оценка». Кроме того, отмечается широкое использование сравнений с предлогом “like” и наречием “as”. Описание коллокаций сопровождается переводом и пояснением значения, а также определением коннотации. Материалы диссертации могут быть использованы при сопоставительном исследовании лингвокультурных особенностей языковых картин мира и при подготовке лекционных курсов по современной теории метафоры, когнитивной лингвистики и медиадискурса, а также при обучении изучающих английский язык метеорологической лексике, при написании курсовых и дипломных работ студентами языковых вузов. / The work is devoted to the study of the distinctive characteristics of metaphors with the source sphere "Meteorology", used in modern periodicals of Great Britain to illustrate images of the life of society, by constructing syntactic and semantic profiles of their collocations. The material of this study was a collection of journalistic texts containing meteorological names and published in British periodicals in English in the period from 2022 to 2023. 694 fragments of texts with meteorological names describing the movement of air in metaphorical use were analyzed. In the first chapter of the work, general issues of terminology are considered: the concepts of discourse and media discourse are introduced, approaches to the definition of "corpus" are analyzed, the role of metaphor in cognition of the world is considered, meteorological metaphor and its place in the classification of metaphorical models are studied. In the second chapter of the work, the peculiarities of the use of metaphors with a meteorological component characterizing the movement of air are revealed. The analysis of verbal collocations reveals the main groups of verbs used in meteorological metaphors: verbs of existence, social activity, social relations and intellectual activity. A lot of attention is paid to the characterization of adjectival collocations, often found with adjectives of the following semantic groups: "significance", "assessment of a fact, event, phenomenon relative to time" and "general assessment". In addition, there is widespread use of comparisons and similes with the preposition “like” and the adverb “as". The description of collocations is accompanied by a translation and explanation of the meaning, as well as the analysis of connotation. The materials of the thesis can be used in a comparative study of the linguistic and cultural features of linguistic worldviews and in the preparation of lecture courses on the modern theory of metaphor, cognitive linguistics and media discourse, as well as in teaching English language learners meteorological vocabulary, and when writing term papers and theses by students of language universities.

K lexikografickému zpracování terminologie historických věd z perspektivy němčina-čeština / On the Lexicographical Treatment of Historical Sciences Terminology in a German-Czech Dictionary

Vavřinková, Pavla January 2019 (has links)
This theses focuses on the terminology of History Science and its lexicographical treatment in a German-Czech dictionary of terms. It starts with a problematics of special languages and terminology, followed by characteristics of Czech and German lexicography. It analyses vocabularies of terms and on its basis proposed new concept for them.

Lexikální prvky jazyka nacistického období a jejich lexikografické zpracování / Lexical elements of National Socialist language and their lexicographic treatment

Kolář, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with lexical elements of National Socialist language and its aim is to study their lexicographic treatment. The theoretical part first of all sketches the elementary historical connection among language, lexicography and the political regime and it explains the effect of the politics on language through three historical examples, among which the language of the Third Reich is the most important one. As far as the language of the Third Reich is concerned, the attitudes of the NSDAP to language and language maintenance are further explained. The theoretical part is concluded by characterization and overview of the most important lexicographic projects which were implemented during the National Socialism. The practical part focuses on the contemporary lexicographic treatment of certain chosen lexemes which were mostly used during the period of National Socialism. This treatment is mostly based on the comparison of their past and their contemporary meanings and their representation in the contemporary discourse. The various types of discourse are analyzed by the corpus methods developed at the Institute of German Language in Mannheim.

Prefixace v současné španělštině / Prefixation in Contemporary Spanish

Řepíková, Kamila January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis takes a comprehensive look at the matter of prefixation in contemporary Spanish and it is therefore divided into two parts. In the first one, we occupy ourselves with the area of constructional morphology and tackle theoretical matters. From the more general topics of word formation we then proceed to prefixation itself which we then attempt to define and describe in more detail. We outline the issues of concept delimitations, definition of prefixation, classification of prefixes and other controversial matters related to this process in the Spanish language. The second part of the thesis is of a more practical nature. There, we focus on the semantic meanings (locative and gradative) some prefixes may acquire. We then concentrate on specific prefixes (entre-, inter-, sobre-, super-), their distribution among word classes, and finally, using InterCorp, a parallel language corpus, we study Czech equivalents of selected elements.

Barvy v české a ruské frazeologii (Srovnávací analýza sémantiky pojmenování barev na základě korpusových dat a frazeologických slovníků) / Colours in Phraseology of Czech and Russian (Comparative Analysis of Colour Terms Semantics on the basis of Linguistic Corpora and Phraseological Dictionaries)

Timoshchenko, Tatiana January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with basic colour terms (in the conception of B. Berlin and P. Kay) in Czech and Russian idioms. The theoretical framework applied in this research incorporates the main tenets of cognitive semantics (the language is anthropocentric, it is interrelated with the mind, the lexical meaning is motivated by bodily experience of speakers, the categorization as a crucial way of reality interpretation). According to it the semantics of colour terms are presented as a structured mental category that consists of individual concepts (meanings), which are inter- linked with one another. The core of this thesis presents the analysis of the Czech and Russian dictionaries and the corpus data, in terms of which the prototypes of each colour term are revealed and visual schemes of their metaphorical and metonymic meaning extension are charted. The findings lead to designate the similarities and the differences in the meaning of studied terms, in particular to determinate some features, which are peculiar for linguistic worldview of Czech and Russian.

Разработка англо-русского частотного словаря стоматологических терминов : магистерская диссертация / The development of an English-Russian frequency dictionary of dental terms

Грачева, Е. В., Gracheva, E. V. January 2022 (has links)
Работа посвящена созданию англо-русского частотного словаря стоматологических терминов на базе корпуса текстов с применением метода лемматизации. Теоретическая часть исследования, содержащая информацию об особенностях составления частотных словарей, подробный анализ терминосистемы в сфере стоматологии и её перевода, послужила базой для практической работы. Благодаря лемматизации и последующей ручной работы в частотный словарь попала только специализированная лексика в сфере стоматологии, что способствовало сокращению объёма частотного словаря и повышению его качества. / The paper is devoted to the development of an English-Russian frequency dictionary of dental terms using the lemmatization method based on the corpus of texts developed in the Sketch Engine program. The theoretical part containing information about the peculiarities of compiling frequency dictionaries, a detailed analysis of the dental terminology and its translation served as the basis for the practical work. Applying the method of lemmatization, we included only dental terminology in the frequency dictionary, without taking into account the commonly used vocabulary, which contributed to reducing the volume of the frequency dictionary and improving its quality.

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