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Considerações sobre o atrito para processos de forjamento a frio através do ensaio de compressão do anelGeier, Martin January 2007 (has links)
São realizadas análises teóricas e experimentais do atrito nos processos de forjamento a frio, através do ensaio de compressão do anel. Os modelos de atrito de Amonton-Coulomb (μ), atrito interfacial (m) e de Levanov (f) são investigados com auxílio de softwares comerciais de simulação de processos de forjamento. Diferentes condições de lubrificação foram aplicadas para o aço baixa liga 16MnCr5 e a liga de alumínio AA6351 nas condições recozido e encruado. O atrito foi analisado, utilizando os softwares MSC.Superforge e Qform, em função dos resultados obtidos e as condições de lubrificação e estado do material. Valores paramétricos do atrito adquiridos através de correlação teórico-experimental são condizentes com a literatura, indicando a relação do atrito com o material de trabalho, inclusive com seu grau de encruamento. Os modelos de atrito m e f apresentaram maior sensibilidade com relação ao estado do material. / Experimental and theoretical analyses of friction in cold forging process are evaluated by means of the ring compression test. Friction models from Amonton- Coulomb (μ), interfacial friction (m) and Levanov’s model (f) are investigated by aid of numerical simulation software. Different lubricants are applied for low carbon steel alloy 16MnCr5 under annealed and work-hardened conditions. Friction is analyzed by means of lubricant and material conditions using MSC.Superforge and Qform numerical simulation softwares. Acquired frictional parameter values obtained by theoretical-experimental correlation agree with literature, showing friction’s relationship with workpiece material and its hardening level. Friction models m and f presented better sensitivity when concerning the material’s hardening level.
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Aspectos da melhoria da estampabilidade de chapas de aço baixo teor de carbono. / Aspects of formability improvement of low carbom steel sheets.André Sereno Lopes 09 August 2006 (has links)
O processo de conformação de chapas planas, estampagem, consiste na obtenção de peças conforme o projeto do processo e do produto. Faz-se necessária uma margem de segurança para que as variações de processo e do material possam ser absorvidas e o sucesso seja alcançado no processo de produção do componente. O presente trabalho mostra aspectos de estampabilidade de uma chapa de aço de baixo teor de carbono, o material mais utilizado no processo de estampagem. Estes aspectos são descritos e demonstrados como influenciam no processo de estampagem. No caso prático apresentado, evidencia-se que com a aplicação dos conhecimentos científicos de comportamento mecânico do material obtém-se uma melhoria no desempenho do processo e, conseqüentemente, na redução de custos e no aumento de competitividade. Como objetivo principal, tem o presente trabalho estudar a influência da redução a frio de acabamento do processo de relaminação no coeficiente de encruamento e mostrar como este estudo teve participação na solução e aplicação de uma peça-exemplo. Conseqüentemente há como objetivos secundários o estudo da influencia do tamanho de grão no coeficiente de encruamento, o desenvolvimento da textura cristalográfica antes e após a conformação da peça-exemplo e demonstrar a importância da utilização do método de elementos finitos no processo de conformação por estampagem para determinação dos tipos de conformação predominante no processo. Para realização do trabalho foram utilizados dois aços de baixo teor de carbono com composição química semelhantes porem com processos de fabricação diferenciados. Atenção especial foi dada a redução aplicada na laminação de acabamento de ambos os aços, através do uso de medidores de espessura e redução através de raios-X. Os aços foram caracterizados antes da conformação da peça-exemplo quanto a orientação cristalográfica através de difração de raios-X e EBSD, quanto as propriedades mecânicas através de ensaios mecânicos de tração e quanto a microestrutura e tamanho de grão através de metalografia. Foi realizada uma simulação de estampagem da peça-exemplo através de elementos finitos afim de determinar o tipo de conformação predominante na região mais solicitada da peça-exemplo. A peça exemplo foi conformada na pratica e caracterizada a distribuição das deformações através da medições da rede circulo previamente impressa na superfície da chapa na região mais solicitada conforme previamente determinado através da simulação. A orientação cristalográfica da região mais solicitada também foi caracterizada. Os resultados mostram a influencia de uma pequena variação na redução, 0,73% e 0,34%, aplicada na laminação de acabamento no coeficiente de encruamento. Para confirmação de que a redução aplicada foi a principal influenciadora no resultado o coeficiente de encruamento foi calculado através de equações disponíveis na literatura que correlacionam composição e tamanho de grão com o coeficiente de encruamento. A textura preferencial dos dois aços também foi avaliada através de figuras de função de orientação da distribuição e o comportamento dos dois aços foi relativamente semelhante, onde o aço com melhor desempenho demonstrou um aumento na componente {223} também conhecida como γ'. O estudo através de elementos finitos mostra que região mais solicitada da peça tem conformação predominada por estiramento. Por fim é mostrada a melhor distribuição das deformações na peça-exemplo produzida com aço de maior coeficiente de encruamento. Concluindo o trabalho permitiu a avaliação da influencia da redução aplicada na laminação de acabamento de aços de baixo teor de carbono nas propriedades mecânicas do aço e também o resultado deste comportamento mecânico na peça-exemplo adotada.Também permitiu avaliar a evolução da textura cristalográfica dos dois aços escolhidos antes e após a conformação da peça-exemplo. / The forming process of plain sheets, stamping, consists on the obtainment of parts according to the project of the process and the product. A safety margin becomes necessary so that the process variations and of the material can be absorbed and the success is reached in the process of production of the component. The present paper shows aspects of formability of a steel sheet of low carbon content, the most used material in the stamping process. These aspects are described and demonstrated how they influence the stamping process. In the presented case, it is proven that with the application of the scientific knowledge of mechanical behavior of the material an improvement in the performance of the process is reached and, consequently, the reduction of costs and the increase of competitiveness. As main objective, the present work study the influence of the cold reduction applied on skin pass of the cold rolling process on the strain hardening coefficient and to show how this study had participated on the solution and application of an part. Consequently it has as secondary objective the study of influences of the size of grain in the coefficient of strain hardening, the development of texture before and after forming of the part and to demonstrate the importance of the use of the method of finite elements in the forming process for determination of the predominant types of forming in the stamping process. For accomplishment of this paper two steel of low carbon content had been used with similar chemical composition but with differentiated rolling processes of manufacture. Special attention was given to the reduction applied in the skin pass of both steel, through the use of measurers of thickness and reduction through x-ray. The steel had been characterized before the stamping of the part above crystallographic texture through x-ray diffraction and EBSD, above mechanical properties through mechanical tensile tests and above microstructure and size of grain through metallography. A simulation of stamping process of the part through finite elements was carried out with the objective of determine the type of predominant forming in the most requested region of the part. The part was formed in mechanical presses and characterized the distribution of the deformations through the measurements circle grids, previously printed in the surface of the sheet, in the region most requested as previously determined through the simulation. The crystallographic orientation of the most requested region was also characterized. The results show influence of a small variation in the rolling reduction, 0.73% and 0.34%, applied in the skin pass on the strain hardening coefficient. For confirmation that the pplied skin pass was the main influence in the strain hardening coefficient result, was calculated hrough available equations in literature that correlate composition and grain size with the strain hardening coefficient. The preferential texture of two steel was also evaluated through figures of orientation function distribution and the behavior of two steel was relatively similar, where the steel with better performance demonstrated an increase in the {223} component also known as γ'. The study through finite elements shows that the more requested region of the part has forming predominated for stretching. Finally the best distribution of the deformations in the part produced with steel of higher coefficient of train hardening is shown. Concluding the work allowed the evaluation of influences of the skin pass on the rolling of steel of low carbon content in the mechanical properties of the steel and the result of this mechanical behavior in the adopted part. Also it allowed to evaluate the evolution of the crystallographic texture of two steel chosen before and after.
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Performance Evaluation of CBN Tools in High-Speed Dry Turning of AISI 1018 Low Carbon SteelZhang, Kan January 2019 (has links)
Increasing productivity is a constant demand for the manufacturing industry. Low-carbon-steel is one of the most commonly used ferrous materials in the part manufacturing market. Improving productivity as well as making the process eco-friendly by implementing a dry machining condition is the essential goal of this study.
Built-up-edge (BUE) is often formed in the low-carbon-steel machining process, which, results in poor surface finish and short tool life. The high-speed-machining technique can be used to reduce the BUE formation and realize an increase in productivity. Cubic boron nitride (CBN) tools are most commonly used in hard turning and cast-iron machining at high cutting speeds. There are a limited number of studies regarding low-carbon-steel machining with CBN under a high-speed and with a dry machining condition. In this study, the investigation shows the preferable type of CBN tool and the wear mechanisms involved during finish turning operations of AISI 1018 under high speed and dry machining conditions.
Test results show that a low CBN content with a TiCN binder and smaller grain size offers the best tool life and surface integrity of the final part. Currently manufacturers use coated carbide tools with a recommended cutting speed of 200-300m/min with coolant to complete the finishing process for turning low carbon steel parts. In this study, by implementing CBN tools under the dry condition at 500 m/min cutting speed (speed was selected from the preliminary test performed using the uncoated CBN from 500 to 1200 m/min), the buildup edge formation has been reduced, tool life was measured to increase by 307% compared to the benchmark tool (Coated Carbide), and surface finish was measured in the range of 0.8-1.6μm Ra. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Hydrophobicity of Magnetite Coating on Low Carbon SteelAkhtar, Mst Alpona 08 1900 (has links)
Superhydrophobic coatings (SHC) with excellent self-cleaning and corrosion resistance property is developed on magnetite coated AISI SAE 1020 steel by using a simple immersion method. Roughness measurement, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), contact angle measurement (CAM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), potentiodynamic polarization test, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and qualitative characterization of self-cleaning behavior, antifouling property and durability of the coatings are assessed. A water contact angle as high as 152o on the coated surface with excellent self-cleaning and resistivity to corrosion and good longevity in atmospheric air is obtained. Self-cleaning test results prove that these surfaces can find applications in large scale production of engineering materials. Potentiodynamic polarization tests and EIS tests confirm that the superhydrophobic low carbon steel surfaces have better resistance to corrosion compared to bare steel and magnetite coated steel in 3.5% NaCl solution. But the longevity of the coated steel surfaces in 3.5% salt solution is limited, which is revealed by the immersion durability test. However, hydrophobic coatings (HC) have better stability in normal tap water, and it can stay unharmed up to 15 days. Finally, hydrophobic coatings on low carbon steel surface retains hydrophobic in open atmosphere for more than two months. Results of this investigation show surface roughness is a critical factor in manufacturing hydrophobic steel surfaces. Higher contact angles are obtained for rougher and more uniform surfaces. A linear mathematical relationship (y =6x+104; R2 = 0.93) is obtained between contact angle (y) and surface roughness (x).
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Estudo comparativo de tubos submersos anti-clogging no processo de lingotamento contínuo / Comparative study of submerged nozzles anti-clogging in the process of continuous castingGomes, Noraldo Hipolito Guimarães 19 September 2008 (has links)
O processo de lingotamento contínuo de produtos planos de aço tem sido alvo de incessantes estudos devido a sua importância na produção de bobinas laminadas a partir de placas, para um grupo muito diversificado de clientes, dentre os quais, destacam-se as indústrias automobilística e de eletrodomésticos (\"linha branca\"), que têm se mostrado muito exigentes. No entanto, por tratar-se de aços desoxidados ao alumínio, é comum a ocorrência de formação de um depósito de óxido de alumínio (alumina), no interior do tubo submerso do processo de lingotamento contínuo, o que diminui seu diâmetro interno, levando à restrição de passagem do aço líquido pelo seu interior, provocando a perda de produtividade devido à necessidade de se reduzir a velocidade de lingotamento e até mesmo a contaminação do aço com inclusões de alumina, principalmente naqueles seqüenciais com um elevado tempo de lingotamento, próximo de dez horas. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se um tubo com um material interno anti-clogging que na literatura é chamado de C-less, para minimizar e/ou evitar a deposição de alumina e com uma linha de escória reforçada com uma camada de zircônia (ZrO2) mais espessa e mais nobre, para resistir ao ataque da escória. O objetivo desta dissertação foi comparar tubos de diferentes fornecedores, avaliando as principais variáveis que têm influência direta na sua performance: perfil de aquecimento, taxa de erosão na linha de escória, índice de obstrução e parâmetros físico-químicos através da correlação dos materiais antes e após uso (post-mortem). Os resultados encontrados mostraram uma melhor performance dos tubos do fornecedor \"M\", que apresentaram menores taxas de desgaste e, conseqüentemente, maior potencial de vida (maior tempo de lingotamento) após análise da linha de escória, que pode ser atribuída a uma melhor distribuição dos grãos de zircônia na matriz (maior homogeneidade), além de apresentarem grãos mais finos e desta forma, reduzindo os espaços \"vazios\" na matriz, propícios ao ataque da escória por meio de um desequilíbrio químico entre esta escória líquida e o refratário. Além disto, seu material anti-clogging e projeto de distribuição do mesmo na peça, propiciaram um melhor resultado em relação à obstrução pela deposição de alumina ao longo do corpo do tubo submerso. / The continuous casting process of steel plane products has been objective of incessant studies due to its importance in the production of laminated coils starting from slabs, for a very diversified group of customers, among all the automobile industries and of appliances (\"home appliances\"), that have been showing very demanding. However, for being low carbon aluminum killed steels, is common the occurrence of aluminum oxide (alumina) deposit formation, inside of submerged nozzle in continuous casting process, what decreases its internal diameter, taking to the restriction of passage of the liquid steel for its interior, provoking the productivity loss due to the need of being reduced the casting speed and even the contamination of the steel with alumina inclusions, mainly in those sequential with a high casting time, close of ten hours. For so much, a submerged nozzle was developed with a internal anti-clogging material that it is called C-less in the literature, to minimize and/or to avoid the alumina building up and with a slag reinforced line with a zirconium layer (ZrO2) thicker and more noble, slag attack resist to. The dissertation objective was compare submerged nozzles from different suppliers, evaluating the main variables that have direct influence in its performance: heating profile, slag line erosion rate, clogging index and physical-chemical parameters through the materials correlation before and after use (post-mortem). The results showed submerged nozzle\'s better performance from supplier \"M\", that presented smaller waste rates and, consequently, last longer live (larger time of casting) after analysis of the slag line, that can be attributed to a better distribution of the zirconium grains in the head office (larger homogeneity), besides they present finer grains and this way, reducing the empty \" spaces \" in the head office, favorable to slag attack by means of a chemical unbalance between this liquid slag and the refractory. Besides, its anti-clogging material and project distribution in the same piece, they propitiated a better result in relation to the clogging for the alumina building up along the body of the submerged nozzle.
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Influence of metallurgical phase transformation on crack propagation of 15-5PH stainless steel and 16MND5 low carbon steelLiu, Jikai 07 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ou study focuses on the effects of phase transformations on crack propagation. We want to understand the changes of fracture toughness during welding. In this work, fracture toughness is expressed by J-integral. There are many experimental methods to obtain the critical toughness JIC but they are impractical for our investigation during phase transformation. That is the reason why we have proposed a method coupling mechanical tests, digital image correlation and finite element simulation. The fracture tests are implemented on pre-cracked single edge notched plate sample which is easy for machining and heat conduct during phase transformation. The tests are conducted at different temperatures until rupture. Digital image correlation gives us the displacement information on every sample. Each test is then simulated by finite element where the fracture toughness is evaluated by the method G-Theta at the crack propagation starting moment found by potential drop method and digital image correlation technical. Two materials have been studied, 15Cr-5Ni martensitic precipitation hardening stainless steel and 16MND5 ferritic low carbon steel. For these two materials, different test temperatures were chosen before, during and after phase transformation for testing and failure characterization of the mechanical behavior. Investigation result shows that metallurgical phase transformation has an influence on fracture toughness and further crack propagation. For 15-5PH, the result of J1C shows that the as received 15-5PH has higher fracture toughness than the one at 200°C. The toughness is also higher than the original material after one cycle heat treatment probably due to some residual austenite. Meanwhile, pure austenite 15-5PH at 200°C has higher fracture toughness than pure martensitic 15-5PH at 200°C. For 16MND5, the result also proves that the phase transformation affects fracture toughness. The as received material has bigger J1C than the situation where it was heated to 600°C. On the other hand, the material at 600°C just before isothermal bainite transformation after the austenitization during cooling process also has higher fracture toughness than the one at 600°C before austenitization. These two conclusions are consistent well with the result of 15-5PH. But the final situation of 16MND5 after one cycle heat treatment has a slightly smaller J1C than the receiving situation. It means that one cycle heat treatment hasn't an significant influence on 16MND5fracture toughness. Conclusions show that one should pay attention to the heating period before austenitization of the substrate material when people do the welding as the higher temperature will bring the lower fracture toughness during this process. While during cooling period, the fracture toughness doesn't change a lot during, before or after the cooling induced phase transformation. Even for 15-5PH, it has a better fracture toughness after the martensite transformation than before.
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Influence of weldiing modes to strength and residual of low carbon steel joints / Suvirinimo režimų įtaka mažaanglio plieno jungčių stiprumui ir liekamiesiems įtempimamsJohns Eyioma, Izuwah 17 June 2014 (has links)
In this study, microstructural, micro hardness evaluation and residual stress distribution, of low carbon steel after single pass gas metal arc welding technique (GMAW) were investigated. The goal of this investigation were to reveal the microstructures, micro hardness, residual stress distribution and tensile strength of welded joints by using welding current as varying parameter. In order to realize this objective, welded plate of low carbon steel with thickness of 2.5mm and 250mm long by 200mm wide were welded together with different welding current of 70A, 100A through MIG process. Four different parts of samples were tried. The first part of samples was annealed in a furnace to a temperature of 750 and allowed to cool in air before welding. While the second was not heated, third and fourth trials were heated to a temperature of 200˚C and 580˚C respectively after the welding and allowed cooling in air. Nikon optic microscope and CSM micro hardness testing instrument were used to determine the microstructure of the weld bead and HAZ of the samples, and hardness tests were carried out at different zones of welded joint.
Micro hardness behavior was observed by using CSM instrument using 20N load for indentation, which reveals the correlation between hardness, elasticity and plasticity on the heat affected zone (HAZ) and weld bead of the welded plates. The samples were subjected to tensile strength and the distribution of residual stress of the weld. Tensile strength test... [to full text] / Šiame darbe aprašomi mikrostruktūros, mikrokietumo nustatymo bei liekamųjų įtempimų pasiskirstymo tyrimai mažo anglingumo plienuose po lankinio suvirinimo. Tyrimo tiksla - nustatyti suvirintos jungties mikrostuktūros ir mikrokietųmo priklausomybę nuo suvirinimo srovės, kaip kintamo dydžio. Remiantis užduotimi buvo suvirintos 2.5 mm storio, 250 mm ilgio ir 200 mm pločio mažaanglio plieno plokštės, naudojant skirting dydžio (70A ir 100A) suvirininant apsauginių dujų aplinkoje (MIG) srovę. Buvo paruoštos keturios partijos bandinių. Pirmoji partija, proies suvirinant, buvo atkaitinta 750°C temperatųroje, ir ataušintas ore. Tuo tarpu antroji partija nebuvo apdorojama, o trečioji ir ketvirtoji atleista 200 C° ir 580°C temperatūroje ir atvėsinta ore. Suvirinimo vonelės ir erminio poveikio zonos mikrostruktūrai tirti bei mikrokietumui nustatyti buvo naudotas Nicon optinis mikroskopas bei CSM mikrokietumo bandymų įrenginys. Matuojant CSM įrenginiu, 20N įspaudimo apkrova, buvo pastebėtas įdomus kietuvo būvis, kuris atskleidė ryšį tarp kietumo, elastingumo ir plastiškumo esantį suvirintų plokštelių terminio poveikio zonoje bei suvirinimo vonelėje. Buvo matuojamas suvirintų bandinių stiprumas tempiant ir liekamųjų įtempimų pasiskirstymas. Tempimo stiprumo bandymų duomenys parodė ducharakteringus suirimo atvejus – plastiio-elastinio bei trapaus tipo. Liekamųjų įtempimų bandymų rezultati neparodė rėikšmingos liekamųjų įtempimų įtakos pasirinktomis sąlygomis suvirintuose bandiniuose.
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Estudo comparativo de tubos submersos anti-clogging no processo de lingotamento contínuo / Comparative study of submerged nozzles anti-clogging in the process of continuous castingNoraldo Hipolito Guimarães Gomes 19 September 2008 (has links)
O processo de lingotamento contínuo de produtos planos de aço tem sido alvo de incessantes estudos devido a sua importância na produção de bobinas laminadas a partir de placas, para um grupo muito diversificado de clientes, dentre os quais, destacam-se as indústrias automobilística e de eletrodomésticos (\"linha branca\"), que têm se mostrado muito exigentes. No entanto, por tratar-se de aços desoxidados ao alumínio, é comum a ocorrência de formação de um depósito de óxido de alumínio (alumina), no interior do tubo submerso do processo de lingotamento contínuo, o que diminui seu diâmetro interno, levando à restrição de passagem do aço líquido pelo seu interior, provocando a perda de produtividade devido à necessidade de se reduzir a velocidade de lingotamento e até mesmo a contaminação do aço com inclusões de alumina, principalmente naqueles seqüenciais com um elevado tempo de lingotamento, próximo de dez horas. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se um tubo com um material interno anti-clogging que na literatura é chamado de C-less, para minimizar e/ou evitar a deposição de alumina e com uma linha de escória reforçada com uma camada de zircônia (ZrO2) mais espessa e mais nobre, para resistir ao ataque da escória. O objetivo desta dissertação foi comparar tubos de diferentes fornecedores, avaliando as principais variáveis que têm influência direta na sua performance: perfil de aquecimento, taxa de erosão na linha de escória, índice de obstrução e parâmetros físico-químicos através da correlação dos materiais antes e após uso (post-mortem). Os resultados encontrados mostraram uma melhor performance dos tubos do fornecedor \"M\", que apresentaram menores taxas de desgaste e, conseqüentemente, maior potencial de vida (maior tempo de lingotamento) após análise da linha de escória, que pode ser atribuída a uma melhor distribuição dos grãos de zircônia na matriz (maior homogeneidade), além de apresentarem grãos mais finos e desta forma, reduzindo os espaços \"vazios\" na matriz, propícios ao ataque da escória por meio de um desequilíbrio químico entre esta escória líquida e o refratário. Além disto, seu material anti-clogging e projeto de distribuição do mesmo na peça, propiciaram um melhor resultado em relação à obstrução pela deposição de alumina ao longo do corpo do tubo submerso. / The continuous casting process of steel plane products has been objective of incessant studies due to its importance in the production of laminated coils starting from slabs, for a very diversified group of customers, among all the automobile industries and of appliances (\"home appliances\"), that have been showing very demanding. However, for being low carbon aluminum killed steels, is common the occurrence of aluminum oxide (alumina) deposit formation, inside of submerged nozzle in continuous casting process, what decreases its internal diameter, taking to the restriction of passage of the liquid steel for its interior, provoking the productivity loss due to the need of being reduced the casting speed and even the contamination of the steel with alumina inclusions, mainly in those sequential with a high casting time, close of ten hours. For so much, a submerged nozzle was developed with a internal anti-clogging material that it is called C-less in the literature, to minimize and/or to avoid the alumina building up and with a slag reinforced line with a zirconium layer (ZrO2) thicker and more noble, slag attack resist to. The dissertation objective was compare submerged nozzles from different suppliers, evaluating the main variables that have direct influence in its performance: heating profile, slag line erosion rate, clogging index and physical-chemical parameters through the materials correlation before and after use (post-mortem). The results showed submerged nozzle\'s better performance from supplier \"M\", that presented smaller waste rates and, consequently, last longer live (larger time of casting) after analysis of the slag line, that can be attributed to a better distribution of the zirconium grains in the head office (larger homogeneity), besides they present finer grains and this way, reducing the empty \" spaces \" in the head office, favorable to slag attack by means of a chemical unbalance between this liquid slag and the refractory. Besides, its anti-clogging material and project distribution in the same piece, they propitiated a better result in relation to the clogging for the alumina building up along the body of the submerged nozzle.
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Chemicko-tepelné zpracování ocelí / Chemical-heat treatment of steelsRozum, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with study of surface layers of low-carbon steels formed by chemical-heat treatment. The first three chapters consist of theoretical part of the thesis, there are explained basic physical principles of these technologies and described individual types, the third chapter deals with the application of chemical-heat treated low-carbon steels in mechanical engineering. The experimental part of thesis deals with analysis of surface layers of two low-carbon steels formed using plasma nitrocarburizing and gas nitrocarburizing. The properties of these layers are evaluated based on the results of mechanical tests (hardness tests) and observation of microstructure. The thesis is completed by discussion, where the achieved results are evaluated.
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Моделирование оптимальных химического состава и температурного интервала горячей деформации для низкоуглеродистой высокопрочной трубной стали 06Г2МБ : магистерская диссертация / Simulation of the optimal chemical composition and temperature range of hot deformation for low-carbon high-strength pipe steel 06G2MBЛобанова, Л. А., Lobanova, L. A. January 2022 (has links)
Объектом исследования являются причины зарождения протяженных вязких разрушений магистральных трубопроводов. Материалом исследования являлась низкоуглеродистая трубная сталь 06Г2МБ. В работе рассмотрены возможности, по средствам программного обеспечения Thermo-Calc, установить оптимальные параметры производства стали 06Г2МБ для недопущения формирования в металле возможных первопричин зарождения вязких трещин. Проведены термодинамические расчеты по определению температуры АC3. Построены математические модели, позволяющие оптимизировать химический состав стали в момент выплавки с целью предотвращения химической неоднородности в центральной области непрерывно-литых слябов (фазовой ликвации) и, соответственно, минимизировать количество дефектов кристаллизации. / The research object is the causes of the extended viscous fractures origin of main pipelines. The study material was low-carbon pipe steel 06Mn2MoB. The paper considers the possibilities, using the Thermo-Calc software, to establish the optimal parameters for the steel 06Mn2MoB production to prevent the formation of possible root causes of the viscous cracks initiation in the metal. Thermodynamic calculations were carried out to determine the AC3 temperature. Mathematical models have been constructed that allow optimizing the chemical composition of steel at the time of smelting in order to prevent chemical heterogeneity in the central region of continuously cast slabs (phase segregation) and, accordingly, to minimize the number of crystallization defects.
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