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Studies of the regulatory function of L2a in mouse CD8 gene expressionYao, Xin 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available
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A capsular vaccine candidate for non-typhoidal Salmonella2015 July 1900 (has links)
Salmonella infections remain one of the most common food borne diseases worldwide. Gastroenteritis, which can be caused by many non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) serovars, is relatively common in North America. One of the main risk factors of NTS gastroenteritis is travel to endemic areas in the developing world. The current treatment of NTS infections with antibiotics is reserved for severe cases. A growing concern with antibiotic use is that clinical isolates are becoming drug resistant. Although most NTS infections are self-limiting in nature, the burden on the body and recovery can take several months. Thus, it is vital to prevent NTS infections rather than solely rely on treatment.
We have previously discovered two novel surface associated polysaccharides in Salmonella: O-Antigen capsule and X-factor. Not only O-Antigen Capsule is considered a common surface antigen, but its’ genes were found to be expressed during in vivo infections in mice. Such an antigen would be a suitable candidate in developing a vaccine against Salmonella induced gastroenteritis. The goal of this research was to evaluate the use of O-Antigen capsule to develop a traveler’s vaccine for NTS associated gastroenteritis.
Results and Conclusions: We have developed a purification protocol and purified the capsule and X-factor from Salmonella Typhimurium, Enteritidis, and Heidelberg. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was co-isolated with O-Antigen capsule, but removed using Triton extraction. Salmonella LPS is strain-specific and an adaptive immune response against LPS will not provide cross-protection. We generated specific immune sera in rabbits to recognize O-Antigen capsule and X-factor produced by Salmonella Typhimurium and Enteritidis. We used a mouse model to determine the immunization dose of O-Antigen capsule and showed that conjugation is necessary to enhance the immune response in mice.
To boost capsule production, we analyzed PyihUTSRQPO activity using a luciferase-based reporter system. Deletion of a putative transcriptional repressor (YihW) resulted in over 100-fold increase in PyihUTSRQPO confirming YihW as a repressor. We have also looked at the effect of growth media, temperature, and sugar precursors on PyihUTSRQPO activity, and were able to show that PyihUTSRQPO has highest activity in Tryptone broth at 30oC in the absence of any additional sugars.
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The clinical significance of serum squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC) in carcinoma of cervix顔婉嫦, Ngan, Yuen-sheung, Hextan. January 1994 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Medicine / Master / Doctor of Medicine
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Έκφραση συνδεδεμένων εξωκυτταρικών τμημάτων του νικοτινικού υποδοχέα της ακετυλοχολίνης και χρήση τους για την ανάπτυξη αντιγονοειδικής θεραπείας για τη μυασθένειαΕυαγγελάκου, Παναγιώτα 18 June 2014 (has links)
Οι νικοτινικοί υποδοχείς της ακετυλοχολίνης, μέλη της υπερ-οικογένειας των ιοντικών διαύλων ενεργοποιούμενων από προσδέτη, είναι διαμεμβρανικές γλυκοπρωτεΐνες μεγέθους ~290 kDa. Ανάλογα με την τοπολογία και τα φαρμακολογικά τους χαρακτηριστικά οι νικοτινικοί υποδοχείς διακρίνονται σε νευρικούς και μυϊκούς υποδοχείς. Οι νευρικοί υποδοχείς εκφράζονται κυρίως στα περιφερειακά γάγγλια και σε συγκεκριμένα τμήματα του εγκεφάλου, καθώς και σε μη νευρικούς ιστούς όπως είναι τα επιθηλιακά κύτταρα και τα κύτταρα του ανοσοποιητικού συστήματος. Οι μυϊκοί υποδοχείς απαντώνται στις μετασυναπτικές μεμβράνες των νευρομυϊκών συνάψεων των σπονδυλωτών, όπου ενέχονται στη διαβίβαση της νευρικής ώσης στους μυς και στα ηλεκτρικά όργανα ορισμένων ψαριών. Επιπλέον από το φυσιολογικό του ρόλο, ο μυϊκός υποδοχέας της ακετυλοχολίνης αποτελεί στόχο για πολλά κληρονομικά και επίκτητα νοσήματα, με σημαντικότερο και καλύτερα μελετημένο το αυτοάνοσο νόσημα μυασθένεια.
Στο μεγαλύτερο ποσοστό των ασθενών με μυασθένεια (~80%) ανιχνεύονται στο ορό αυτοαντισώματα έναντι του μυϊκού υποδοχέα της ακετυλοχολίνης (αντί-υποδοχέα αντισώματα) τα οποία οδηγούν στην ελάττωση των διαθέσιμων λειτουργικών υποδοχέων στη νευρομυϊκή σύναψη. Η μείωση του αριθμού των υποδοχέων προκαλεί αδυναμία δέσμευσης της ακετυλοχολίνης από τη μετασυναπτική μεμβράνη, αναστολή της σύσπασης του μυ και εκδήλωση μυϊκής κόπωσης και αδυναμίας, συμπτώματα χαρακτηριστικά της μυασθένειας. Οι υποδοχείς της μετασυναπτικής μεμβράνης δύνανται να ελαττωθούν μέσω δράσης του συμπληρώματος, αντιγονικής τροποποίησης ή λειτουργικής παρεμπόδισης.
Οι σύγχρονες θεραπευτικές προσεγγίσεις για τη μυασθένεια είναι μη ειδικές και περιλαμβάνουν τη χορήγηση ουσιών που αναστέλλουν τη δράση της ακετυλοχολινεστεράσης, ανοσοκατασταλτικών και ανοσορυθμιστικών φαρμάκων, ενδοφλέβιων ανοσοσφαιρινών καθώς και την πλασμαφαίρεση. Μια υποσχόμενη αντιγονοειδική θεραπευτική προσέγγιση για την μυασθένεια αποτελεί η μέθοδος της αναοσοπροσρόφησης. Η βασική αρχή αυτή της προσέγγισης έγκειται στην ακινητοποίηση των υπομονάδων του μυϊκού υποδοχέα ως ανοσοπροσροφητών σε ένα σταθερό υπόστρωμα, κατασκευάζοντας έτσι ανοσοπροσροφητικές στήλες. Για την προσέγγιση αυτή απαραίτητη είναι η απόκτηση ενός ανοσοπροσροφητή με διαμόρφωση που να προσομοιάζει αυτή του αντιγόνου-στόχου. Ωστόσο, η απόκτηση μεγάλων ποσοτήτων του υποδοχέα της ακετυλοχολίνης καθίσταται εξαιρετικά δύσκολη εξαιτίας του μεγάλου μεγέθους του, του υδρόφοβου χαρακτήρα του και της αδυναμίας απομόνωσης του σε μεγάλες ποσότητες από φυσικές πηγές. Για τους λόγους αυτούς, η έρευνα προσανατολίζεται στην μελέτη των εξωκυτταρικών περιοχών (ΕΚΠ) του ανθρώπινου νικοτινικού υποδοχέα στις οποίες προσδένεται η πλειονότητα των αυτοαντισωμάτων των μυασθενών.
Η καθήλωση ανασυνδυασμένων ΕΚΠ των υπομονάδων α1, β, γ, δ και ε του υποδοχέα ως ανοσοπροσροφητών εκφρασμένων στο ετερόλογο σύστημα Pichia pastoris είχε περιγραφεί και προηγουμένως από το εργαστήριό μας. Ωστόσο, αν και η χρήση των πρωτεϊνών αυτών ως ανοσοπροσροφητών κατάφερε την αφαίρεση ενός ποσοστού αυτοαντισωμάτων από ορούς μυασθενών, δεν επετεύχθη η ικανοποιητική απομάκρυνσή τους.
Η παρούσα εργασία, είχε ως στόχο την έκφραση και το χαρακτηρισμό των συνδεδεμένων ΕΚΠ των υπομονάδων α1, β, γ ή ε και δ του μυϊκού υποδοχέα της ακετυλοχολίνης στο σύστημα έκφρασης P. pastoris. Στοχεύοντας στη δημιουργία ενός βελτιωμένου ανοσοπροσροφητή, πραγματοποιήθηκε η σύνδεση όλων των ΕΚΠ των υπομονάδων του υποδοχέα χρησιμοποιώντας έναν πεπτιδικό συνδέτη. Τα πενταμερή β-δ-α1-γ-α1 ΕΚΠ και β-δ-α1-ε-α1 ΕΚΠ, κατασκευάστηκαν σε μία προσπάθεια μίμησης της διαμόρφωσης ολόκληρου του υποδοχέα σε ένα μοναδικό πολυπεπτίδιο. Τα πενταμερή, θεωρητικά φέρουν το σύνολο των αντιγονικών επιτόπων που αναγνωρίζουν τα αντισώματα αλλά και τις διεπιφάνειες των υπομονάδων που πιθανολογείται ότι είναι επίσης ανοσογόνες. Παράλληλα, μελετήθηκαν και τα διμερή α1-β ΕΚΠ και β-α1 ΕΚΠ, τα οποία προέκυψαν ως ενδιάμεσα στάδια στην κατασκευή των πενταμερών και φέρουν την πλειονότητα των επιτόπων έναντι των οποίων κατευθύνονται τα αυτοαντισώματα.
Τα πενταμερή β-δ-α1-γ-α1 ΕΚΠ και β-δ-α1-ε-α1 ΕΚΠ εκφράστηκαν επιτυχώς στο ετερόλογο σύστημα P. pastoris σε διαλυτή μορφή αλλά με ιδιαίτερα χαμηλό επίπεδο έκφρασης. Επιπλέον η ανοσοπροσροφητική τους ικανότητα ως προς την αφαίρεση αυτοαντισωμάτων όχι μόνο δεν βελτιώθηκε αλλά παρουσιάστηκε μειωμένη σε σχέση με τις επιμέρους υπομονάδες. Αντίθετα, όσο αφορά στη χρήση συγκαταμερών στη θεραπευτική προσέγγιση για τη μυασθένεια, το διμερές α1-β ΕΚΠ φαίνεται να τηρεί ένα σύνολο προϋποθέσεων έναντι των πενταμερών β-δ-α1-γ-α1 ΕΚΠ, β-δ-α1-γ-α1 ΕΚΠ και β-α1 ΕΚΠ που το καθιστούν καλό υποψήφιο ανοσοπροσροφητή. Σε αυτές συγκαταλέγονται το σχετικά υψηλό επίπεδο παραγωγής του από το ετερόλογο σύστημα έκφρασης του P. pastoris καθώς και το γεγονός ότι απομονώνεται σε καθαρή μορφή. Σε ότι αφορά το ανοσοπροσροφητικό του προφίλ, φέρει την πλειονότητα των επιτόπων έναντι των οποίων κατευθύνονται τα αυτοαντισώματα και τα απομακρύνει εξίσου αποδοτικά όσο και το μείγμα των μεμονωμένων α1 και β ΕΚΠ. Επιπλέον, το α1-β ΕΚΠ ως ένα πολυπεπτίδιο, υπερτερεί έναντι των μεμονωμένων α1 ΕΚΠ και β ΕΚΠ καθώς ο χαρακτηρισμός του όσο αφορά τις δοκιμασίες με στόχο την έγκριση για κλινική χρήση αναμένεται να είναι ευκολότερος έναντι των δύο πρωτεϊνών. Τέλος, η υψηλή χωρητικότητά του ως προς την αφαίρεση αυτοαντισωμάτων μπορεί να εξασφαλίσει χαμηλό κόστος παραγωγής, έναν παράγοντα σημαντικό για την εφαρμογή της αντιγονοειδικής θεραπευτικής προσέγγισης σε μεγάλη κλίμακα.
Ο επιτυχής χαρακτηρισμός του α1-β ΕΚΠ σχετικά με παραμέτρους σταθερότητας, τοξικότητας και ασφάλειας θα μπορούσε να σηματοδοτήσει την έναρξη των κλινικών δοκιμών για τη χρήση του ως ανοσοπροσροφητή στην εφαρμογή της νέας θεραπευτικής προσέγγισης για τη μυασθένεια σε ανθρώπους. / Myasthenia gravis is an antibody mediated autoimmune disease that affects the neuromuscular junction. The muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) is the main antigen in myasthenia gravis. Circulating antibodies against the acetylcholine receptor are the main pathogenic factors, causing loss of the available functional receptors at the neuromuscular junction with the consequent impairment of signal transduction. Muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are transmembrane proteins formed by 5 homologous subunits: two α subunits and three β, γ (in the embryo and replaced by ε in the adult) and δ. Typically, each subunit consists of an N-terminal extracellular domain (ECD), a transmembrane region and a cytoplasmic loop. The ECDs carry most of the epitopes for MG autoantibodies ,with subunit α baring the main immunogenic region.
Current MG treatments include the use of anticholinesterase drugs, immunosuppressants or immunomodulators, plasmapheresis and thymectomy with none of these approaches being specific. The selective removal of anti-AChR antibodies from the blood of MG patients with an extracorporeal technique similar to plasmapheresis could be a therapeutic option. In our laboratory, we aim to develop this method using recombinant extracellular domains (ECDs) of the AChR subunits (α, β, γ, δ and ε) as immunoadsorbents immobilized on CN-Br Sepharose. We have previously described the expression of the individual ECDs in P. pastoris system and their characterization.
The aim of this dissertation was to study and characterize the linked ECDs of the α, β, γ, δ and ε subunits expressed in the yeast P. pastoris system. In an attempt to improve immunoadsorption efficiency we expressed the AChR subunits linked with a flexible peptide linker 24 amino acids long. More specifically we designed and characterized two pentameric constucts namely β-δ-α1-γ-α1 ECD & β-δ-α1-ε-α1 ECD to mimic the whole pentameric extracellular domain of the AChR in a native conformation. We also examined two dimeric constructs (α1-β ECD & β1-α ECD) since these subunits carry the majority of MG epitopes.
Regarding the pentamers, they were successfully expressed in the P.pastoris system but with the expression yield being relatively low. Furthermore their immunoadsorbing ability was limited in comparison with the mixture of all five ECDs. This fact, combined with their small expression yield, poses a serious obstacle for their use in therapy. On the other hand, both expression yield and antibody binding of the α1-β dimer were satisfactory, at least as good as the mixture of individual α and β ECDs. In addiction, the high capacity of thee α1-β ECD in combination with its expression yield suggests that few milligrams of protein could be sufficient for the clearance of the plasma from an average titer patient. Such a quantity could be easily obtained, allowing the large scale application of the method, while reducing the cost. Therefore, the α1-β dimer constitutes a suitable candidate to be used as efficient immunoadsorbent in the development of a specific therapy against MG.
Further characterization of the α1-β ECD, with respect to stability, toxicity and safety aspects, could mark the initiation of animal studies. The successful completion of these studies is crucial for the advancement into clinical trials, for the use of the α1-β ECD as immunoadsorbent in the antigen-specific therapy for myasthenia gravis.
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No description available.
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Development of approaches for immunotherapy by chimeric antigen receptor modified hematopoietic stem cell transferBadowski, Michael Steven January 2009 (has links)
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of the body's own cells. While cancer rates increase with age, this disease afflicts both young and old. Traditional cancer therapy has had three major facets: 1) chemotherapy, which can non-specifically damage healthy tissue, 2) radiation, which can make some types of cancer more likely in the future, and 3) surgery, which can be physically traumatic and is not effective in removing unseen microtumors or circulating metastases. Immunotherapy, by its very nature, is drastically different. Immunotherapy seeks to employ cells or molecules from the immune system, in their original or a modified form, to augment, assist or replace missing elements of the native functioning immune system. Our immunotherapeutic approach has been to develop novel chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) and deliver the engineered transgene into hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). We have developed a novel single chain TCR (scTCR) in which the TCR V-alpha and V-beta segments are joined by a flexible linker. In addition to our scTCR we developed a single chain antibody molecule (scFv) to increase avidity to the tumor antigen and avoid the potential limitation of MHC restriction. Our lab has previously developed a signaling cassette based on the CD3 zeta chain, CD28 and p56Lck proteins which are prominent in the T-cell signaling pathway. The single chain specificities are linked to the signaling cassette that we have shown to function in T-cells. With specificity and signaling coupled, the chimeric antigen receptor can be transduced into hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) via a lentivirus vector. This adoptive immunotherapy can potentially eliminate malignant cells or supplement traditional therapies by providing engineered specificity and a useful method to transfer and expand tumor specific T-cells. We show in this study that the CAR can be delivered effectively to HSC and that the introduced transgene is expressed in multiple cell lineages. We also have developed a novel method of increasing lentiviral transduction efficiency. Both transduced fraction of cells and overall expression can be increased by proper timing and coordination of cell growth, cell cycle phase, vector addition and treatment with heat shock.
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Optimization of Lentivirus Production for Cancer TherapyCamacho, Emely January 2011 (has links)
Vectors based on lentivirus backbones have revolutionized our ability to transfer genesinto many cell types. Lentiviral vectors integrate into the chromatin of target cells and do not transfer any viral genes causing vector replication. Both of these features arecommonly used in gene therapy and have been used clinically in individuals sufferingfrom cancer, infections and genetic diseases. It has been discovered that T-cells can be genetically modified to be used as effective weapons against cancer: therefore virus mustbe produced to deliver the gene of interest into the T-cells. In this project, lentiviralvectors have been produced to transfer the gene coding for a chimeric antigen receptor(CAR) which is directed to CD19 on B-cells. The vectors will, hence, be used to generateCD19 retargeted T-cells in purpose to kill CD19 cells such as B-cell lymphoma andleukemia. We have evaluated two production protocols to determine a feasible method toculture these vectors. We have also stimulate T-cells with two different antibodies (anti-CD3 and anti-CD28) and transduced T-cells. Our results demonstrate that theconcentration of virus was higher after prolonged incubation in 4˚C, which can not beexplained. The stimulation demonstrated that bound anti-CD3 was the best stimulator,and moreover the FACS-analysis showed that addition of anti-CD28 gave a highertransduction level. In conclusion, the viral vectors may be kept in 4˚C for two days beforeconcentrating the virus, and bound anti-CD3 is a better choice than soluble anti-CD3 forstimulation of T-cells.
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An evaluation of the efficiency of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus - nucleoprotein cross priming in vivoDunbar, Erin 11 July 2007 (has links)
During viral infections, CD8+ T cells only respond to a select few epitopes derived from the respective foreign pathogen. These epitopes can be organized into a hierarchy, based on their ability to induce T cell priming. Such phenomenon is known as immunodominance. Cytotoxic T cells can be primed through the direct pathway, or the cross-priming pathway. The latter involves exogenously derived viral epitope presentation by uninfected professional antigen presenting cells.
It has been previously reported that Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis nucleoprotein expressed in HEK cells (HEK-NP) could be cross presented to CD8+ T cells. In these studies we have used this same HEK-NP model to study the effects of LCMV-NP cross priming on the LCMV immunodominance hierarchy following viral challenge. Our results provide strong evidence that cross priming is an efficient route with which to induce cell-mediated immunity. We also highlight a regulatory role for cross priming in immunodominance by showing that a single dose of HEK-NP can completely shift the immunodominance hierarchy of a typical LCMV infection. Furthermore, we see that the induction of LCMV-NP cross priming boosts anti-viral immunity to subsequent LCMV infections.
This work provides strong support for the physiological role that cross priming plays in normal cell-mediated immune responses. It may also provide relevant information to the realm of immunotherapy. / Thesis (Master, Microbiology & Immunology) -- Queen's University, 2007-07-10 14:33:18.115
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Salmonella Enteritidis thin aggregative fimbriae and the extracellular matrixGibson, Deanna Lynn 25 April 2006 (has links)
The formation of the Salmonella extracellular matrix is a multicellular behavior important for environmental persistence. It is comprised of uniquely but ill-defined assembled thin aggregative fimbriae (Tafi), cellulose and uncharacterized polysaccharides. Consequently, investigations were launched into further clarifying Tafi assembly and the polysaccharide constituents of the extracellular matrix.
In the Salmonella agfBAC Tafi operon, the transcription and role of agfC has been elusive. In this study using the clinical isolate, Salmonella Enteritidis 27655-3b,
agfBAC transcripts were detected using a reverse transcriptase and transcription was not enhanced by replacement of a stem-loop structure immediately preceding agfC. AgfChis was purified, localized to the periplasm, and found to specifically bind noncrystalline cellulose suggesting an association with the extracellular matrix. An inframe ÎagfC mutant displayed an abundance of 20 nm fibers, which could be
complemented with agfC in trans, in addition to Tafi and an increase in cell
hydrophobicity. Depolymerization of purified 20 nm fibers required exceptionally
stringent conditions to release what proved to be AgfA subunits revealing the 20 nm
fibers as AgfA assemblages of unique morphology. The role of AgfC in Tafi assembly was investigated further via a novel, quantitative antibody-capture assay of in-frame agf mutants. A soluble antibody-accessible form of AgfA was captured in wt, ÎagfB and ÎagfF strains in support of the extracellular nucleation-precipitation pathway of Tafi assembly, but not in ÎagfC or ÎagfE mutants. These results suggest that AgfC and AgfE are required for AgfAâs extracellular assembly and thus may act as atypical AgfAspecific chaperones which facilitate Tafi assembly. The implications of these results are presented in an assembly model for Tafi.
Additional investigations revealed that Salmonella produces an O-Antigen capsule co-regulated with the extracellular matrix. Structural analysis of purified extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) yielded a repeating oligosaccharide unit similar to
iv that of lipopolysaccharide O-Antigen with modifications. Putative carbohydrate
transport and regulatory operons important for capsule expression, designated emcA-H
and emcIJ, were identified by screening a random transposon library with immune serum generated to the capsule. The absence of capsule was confirmed by generating various in-frame Îemc mutants where emcG and emcE were shown to be important in capsule assembly and translocation. Luciferase-based expression studies showed that,
AgfD differentially regulated the emc operons in coordination with extracellular matrix genes. Survival assays demonstrated the capsule is important for desiccation tolerance.
The emc genes were found to be conserved in Salmonellae and thus, the O-Antigen extracellular matrix capsule may be a conserved survival strategy important for
environmental persistence.
Finally, a compositionally unique acidic EPS was found associated with the
extracellular matrix. In-frame ÎbcsA, ÎemcG and ÎagfA mutants but neither ÎagfAÎbcsA nor ÎagfD mutants bound calcofluor, a β-glucan binding fluorescent agent, suggesting that multicellular behavior itself and not necessarily AgfD alone was
influencing EPS expression. A transposon library was screened by ELISA using serum
generated against purified EPS. This identified mutations inactivating genes involved in quorum sensing AI-2 degradation, flagella repression and Tafi and TolA expression. All mutations resulted in the loss of multicellular behavior and immunologically decreased levels of Tafi. This is the first report that implicates quorum sensing AI-2 degradation and flagella repression as part of the regulatory circuit for Tafi expression.
Together, the results reveal Tafi uses assembly factors to facilitate extracellular
polymerization which likely assists the formation of a network of branched, amorphous fimbriae. Tafi together with EPS form the extracellular matrix: Tafi stabilizes the EPS on the microbial communities; EPS imparts it with physical properties such as hydration, charge and diffusion barriers that protect it from adverse environmental conditions such
as desiccation and antimicrobials. This probably contributes to Salmonella survival in the environment and facilitates its cyclic lifestyle.
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The roles of Hsp70 proteins in antigen processing and presentationWinchester, Christopher Charles January 1997 (has links)
The ability of members of the hsp70 family to bind to peptides in vivo and in vitro suggests that they may be involved in the processing of antigens for binding to Major Histocompatibility (MHC) class I and/or class n molecules. The aims of this thesis have been to provide evidence for the involvement of hsp70s in antigen processing and to characterise the binding of peptides by hspTOs by structural and functional studies. Firstly, the peptide-binding domains of two hsp70s, hsp70hom and PBP74, were expressed in isolation from the rest of the molecule for structure determination. Both of these hsp70s were implicated in antigen processing: hsp70hom in the class I pathway, due to its cytoplasmic localisation and constitutive expression, and the presence of its gene in the MHC; and PBP74 in the class n pathway because published work indicated that it was localised to endosomes and that antibodies against it inhibited antigen processing. The expression and purification of both peptide-binding domains was very successful, and one dimensional NMR experiments indicated that they were folded. However, it was not possible to determine their structures by NMR spectroscopy or X-ray crystallography because they aggregated in solution at high concentrations. Instead, the structure of the C-terminal region of hsp70hom, which includes its peptidebinding domain, was modelled based on the known structure of the equivalent portion of dnaK, the hsp70 of E.coli. The structure of hsp70hom is predicted to be very similar to that of dnaK, and modelling studies suggest that it is likely to bind peptides in a closely related fashion. The modelling of complexes between hsp70hom and two peptides suggest that the peptide-binding groove is very versatile, accounting for the broad peptide-binding specificity of hsp70s. The interactions of hsp70hom and PB74 with peptides were investigated using plate binding assays and isothermattitration calorimetry. A biotinylated peptide bound to the peptide-binding domain of hsp70hom, immobilised in plastic wells, with a Kd of <25 μM, which is within the range of Kds reported for other hsp70-peptide complexes (0.1-100 μM). In solution, isothermal titration calorimetry showed that the binding of peptides to the peptide-binding domains of hsp70hom and PBP74 was likely to be entropically rather than enthalpically driven, and, therefore, the interactions involved are likely to be predominantly hydrophobic. Secondly, PBP74, an hsp70 thought to be involved in the class II antigen processing pathway in endosomes, was localised by immunofluorescence microscopy. It was shown to be a mitochondrial protein, and is, therefore, unlikely to be involved in antigen processing. The presence of other members of the hsp70 family in lysosomes purified from a B cell line by Percoll density gradient centrifugation was investigated using antibodies that reacted with many Afferent members of the hsp70 family. No hsp70s were detected in these late endocytic compartments, even after heat shock or serum starvation. However, the presence of an hsp70 in endosomes, or of a member of this family not detected by the antibodies used, in lysosomes, cannot be ruled out. A third approach investigated the induction of the three hsp70 genes found in the MHC by four cytokines. The hsp70-l and hsp70-2 genes are induced at the mRNA level by IFN-γ and IL- 1, while TNF induces hsp70-2 alone. This data supports a role for the heat-inducible hsp70 in MHC class I antigen processing, as it appears to be coregulated with known members of this antigen processing pathway. The expression of hsp70hom was unaffected by any of the four cytokines examined. In addition, the mitochondrial hsp70 (which is not encoded in the MHC) appears to be induced by IFN-γ at the protein level. The research presented in this thesis provides a greater understanding of the peptide-binding properties of two hsp70s. Further work is necessary to show conclusively whether any of the hsp70s is involved in antigen processing.
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