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Historie českého šermu od jeho počátků do roku 1938 / History of the Czech fencing since its beginning till 1938Čapek, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Title: History of the Czech fencing since its beginning till 1938. Objectives: Analyze historical development of the Czech fencing since its beginning to 1938. I would like to pay attention to the development of the Czech fencing federation, the most important results, the World fencing championship in Piešťany and also one of the greatest Czech club ČŠK Riegel. Methods: Most of the information I got in the National Archives in Prague. Moreover I got the publications and copies of magazines in the library of fencing club ČŠK Riegel, where they have history of their club in sheets from year to year. I used yearbooks and annual reports, where were reported the most important moments in the history of the federation. I also used the publications received from the Czech fencing association and publications dedicated to the sport of fencing in general. Results: The result is a comprehensive history of the Czech fencing till 1938. Keywords: Fencing, history, Czech fencing federation.
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Specifika obchodu a podnikání na ruském trhu na příkladu vybraných firem / Specifics of doing business in Russia based on examples of chosen companiesUllmannová, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
Thesis is about specifics of russian market and different factors influencing chosen companies operating there. It is devided into four main parts. PEST factors of the russian market are analyzed in the first part. The second and third part is dealing with strategies of czech companies Karex Corp. and Avia Ashok Leyland Motors Ltd. that are present in Russia. It includes also recommondation for the future strategy. Comparison of two companies based on their approach to russian specifics and PEST factors is done in the last part.
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Vnější ekonomická rovnováha Ruské federace / Russian External Economic BalanceGorbacheva, Olga January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the Russian external economic balance, particularly with the balance of payments, indebtness and the rubl exchange rate. The first chapter introduces the theory of balance of payments. The second chapter includes a theoretical approach to exchange rate and development of the ruble exchange rate. Furthermore, I focus on the status of current and financial account of Russian balance of payments in the years 2000-2010. The fifth chapter is focused on analysis of Russian indebtness.
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Dopravní infrasturuktura Ruské federace / Transport infrastructure of Russian FederationŠapošnikov, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Subject of current diploma thesis is study of transport infrastructure of Russian Federation. Study is reviewing development of transport after revolution to the present day, describes transportation network and main parts of it with emphasis on freight transportation. Study shows role of each form of transportation within the state and as a part international trade, shows major problems in every sector, prospects or development and strategic targets. Russian import-export structure proves, that country exports resources as main commodity and imports goods and services, which is a reason or importance of Sankt-Peterburg and Siberian regions and their development. Study also analyzes further dialogue regarding integration of Russia into European transportation network via corridors and cooperation in the matter of unification of technical and other norms and working on Nord Stream and other projects. Main inhibitor of integration process is underdevelopment of legislative and economical conditions and fragmentation of Russian government in key strategic decisions regarding long-term projects and obsolescence of Russian infrastructure. Cooperation can be profitable to both sides, to EU it brings resources and new markets, to Russia increase of economic welfare and modernization of standards).
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Specifika podnikatelského prostředí v Rusku a možnosti uplatnění českých subjektů na tomto trhu / Specificity of Russian business environment and possibilities of Czech firm to enter this marketErmilov, Andrei January 2009 (has links)
This work is aimed to give complete information about Russian market to Czech enterprising subject, which think over entering this market. The interest about entering to the market of Russian Federation is growing up, but there is shortage of information. In my work I tried to show Russian business environment from different points of view.
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An evaluation of the impact the economic crisis has on European integrationTheunissen, Esmerelda Theresa January 2017 (has links)
Research submitted to the faculty of Humanities at the University of the Witwatersrand in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in International Relations, 2017 / Since the emergence of the global economic crisis the European Union has been confronted with many challenges. The European vision of stability, growth, prosperity and economic convergence is at stake as the mechanisms of European integration have been revolving around the influential theories of supranationalism and intergovernmentalism. Due to the economic crisis, European integration has turned out to be of interest in Europe therefore, an empirical analysis is important to identify the setbacks on collective action. A research method has been applied to present systematic and explanatory knowledge and track the decisions and resolutions from 2010 – 2015 made by the EU supranational body with respect to the impact this crisis had on the process of European integration. This research examines how effectively the EU responded to the Eurozone crisis, especially under its revised mechanisms outlined in the Lisbon treaty. The research looks at the EU’s decision making mechanisms in view of the crisis. Case specific expectations on the reactions to the Eurozone crisis were examined emphasising the Greek sovereign debt crisis to ascertain the weakness of governance in Greece and in the EU. / XL2018
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"Building Tomorrow Today" : a re-examination of the character of the controversial "workerist" tendency associated with the Foundation of South African Trade Unions (Fosatu) in South Africa, 1979-1985.Byrne, Sian Deborah 20 February 2014 (has links)
This report is concerned with unpacking the influential yet misunderstood “workerist”
phenomenon that dominated the major independent (mostly black) trade unions born in the
wake of the 1973 Durban strikes. “Workerism” is widely recognized as being concentrated in
the Federation of South African Trade Unions (Fosatu). Workerism remains a source of much
controversy in labour and left circles; this is due to the massive influence it commanded within
the with black working class in its brief heyday, and the formidable challenge it presents to the
legitimacy of nationalist movements and narratives attempting (then and now) to stake claims
on the leadership of the liberation struggle. This controversy has yet to be resolved: both
popular and scholarly attempts to theorise its politics are marked by demonstrable
inconsistencies and inaccuracies, often reproducing existing polemical narratives that conceal
more than they reveal. This paper contributes to that debate by deepening our understanding of
the core politics of the important workerist phenomenon – through an examination of primary
documents and interviews with key workerist leaders.
I argue that workerism was a distinctive, mass-based and coherent multiracial current,
hegemonic in the black trade unions but spilling into the broader anti-apartheid movement in
the 1970s and 1980s. It stressed class struggle, non-racialism, anti-capitalism, worker selfactivity
and union democracy, and was fundamentally concerned with the national liberation
of the oppressed black majority. However, it distanced itself from the established traditions of
mainstream Marxism and Congress nationalism – coming to a quasi-syndicalist1 position on
many crucial questions, although this ran alongside a far more cautious “stream”, akin to
social democracy. It fashioned a radical approach to national liberation that combined anticapitalism
with anti-nationalism on a programme that placed trade unions (not parties) centrestage
– a notable characteristic that made it the object of much suspicion and hostility.
In the longer term, workerists developed a two-pronged strategy. This centred on,
first, “building up a huge, strong movement in the factories” – strategically positioned at key
loci of power in the economy (key sectors, plants and regions), with a view to “pushing back
the frontiers of control”; second, it incorporated an extensive programme of popular education
to ignite the growth of a “counter-hegemonic” working class politics, consciousness, identity
and culture, thereby “ring-fencing workers from the broader nationalist history of our country”
and continent. Right at the epicentre of this radical project was the creation of a conscious,
accountable and active (in workplaces and communities) layer of worker leaders or “organic
I contend that a simple conflation of workerism with a form of Marxism, although
prevalent in the literature, is misleading and inaccurate. Rather, workerism cannot be
understood unless in relation to the far more eclectic and varied international New Left –
through which it drew influence (direct and indirect) from a variety of sources, including
revolutionary libertarian currents like anarchism, syndicalism and council communism, as well
as others such as social democracy, and dissident forms of Marxism.
But the unhappy co-existence of these contradictory tendencies (quasi-syndicalism
and social democracy) interacted with a New Left-inspired, at times anti-theoretical,
pragmatism to leave workerism weakened - hampered by inconsistencies and
contradictions, expressed in ambivalent actions that were at once libertarian and more
statist, revolutionary and reformist, spontaneous and premeditated, “boycottist” and
“engagist”. This left a vacuum in the liberation struggle, paving a way for the
resurgence of nationalism under ANC leadership.
1 Here I refer to the historical tradition of anarcho- and revolutionary syndicalism, not the so-called
“Leninist critique”.
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A geopolítica da Rússia nos governos de Vladimir Putin : as ações econômico-político-militares e a teoria neo-eurasiana /Camargo, Felipe Rodrigues de. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: José Gilberto de Souza / Banca: Selma Lúcia de Moura Gonzales / Banca: André Roberto Martin / Resumo: A Rússia a partir do primeiro governo de Vladimir Putin apresentou maior proatividade em suas ações na esfera das relações internacionais. O território russo foi diminuído após o fim da União Soviética, mas com a presença de Putin tornou-se um projeto o reestabelecimento da influência sobre as antigas fronteiras, constituindo parcerias e unindo os países ex-soviéticos em organizações de cooperação militar e comercial. Além de embarcar em um novo paradigma com relação as suas parcerias estratégicas, tendo por foco a China, Irã, Síria, Venezuela e os países dos BRICS (Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul). Em forte oposição aos Estados Unidos e União Europeia utilizando-se de duras medidas coercitivas por meio de seu potencial energético do petróleo e do gás. Soma-se essas ações com a particular característica de Putin em articular e aplicar suas políticas, sendo muitas vezes, qualificadas por centralizadoras e autoritárias. Portando o objetivo do trabalho é analisar a geopolítica russa, com Vladimir Putin no governo. Para tal será avaliado o desenvolvimento econômico por intermédio de dados intrínsecos a sociedade e ao panorama global do comércio mundial. Também será observado as ações políticas internacionais e atitudes militares, utilizando embasamento jornalístico que descreva as principais ações de impacto da Rússia. Em uma escala temporal do ano 2000 até 2015. Esses itens serão sustentados teoricamente pela proposta de Teoria Política de Dugin, o Neo-eurasianismo. / Abstract: Russia has showing more proactivity in the international relations since the first government of Vladimir Putin. The Russian territory was dwindled after the end of the Soviet Union, but with Putin's presence the reestablish of the influence on the old frontiers became a project, creation partnerships by means uniting former Soviet countries in military and commercial cooperation organizations. In addition to showing on a new paradigm in relation to its strategic partnerships, focusing on China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). In strong opposition to the United States and European Union using hard coercive measures through its energy potential of oil and gas. Putin's particular characteristic in articulating and applying his policies. The purpose of the work is to analyze Russian geopolitics, with Vladimir Putin in government. For that will be evaluated economic development through data intrinsic to society and the global panorama of world trade. International political actions and military attitudes will also be observed, using a journalistic background describing the main impact actions of Russia. On a time scale from the year 2000 to 2015. These items will be theoretically supported by Dugin's proposal for Political Theory, Neo-eurasianism. / Mestre
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Criação do Conhecimento intra e interorganizacional em organizações esportivas / Creation of intra and interorganizational knowledge in sports organizationsArantes, Alexandre Ribeiro 03 December 2018 (has links)
O conhecimento é um dos aspectos relevantes da gestão das organizações de diferentes setores, com impacto na maximização dos recursos organizacionais. Apesar do tema Criação do Conhecimento obter o reconhecimento no mercado organizacional como fonte valiosa de vantagem competitiva, ele ainda é incipiente e pouco explorado na gestão das entidades esportivas. Em termos de produção científica, a partir de 2016 há um crescente interesse de estudiosos de outros países sobre criação e a gestão do conhecimento no segmento das organizações e em eventos esportivos, entretanto no Brasil o tema é pouco explorado. Tendo em vista este cenário, a questão norteadora da pesquisa foi: como é realizado o processo de Criação do Conhecimento e como esse conhecimento é compartilhado nas organizações esportivas? O estudo se caracteriza como pesquisa descritiva e predominantemente como de abordagem quantitativa. Foram estudadas 27 federações paulistas olímpicas, através da aplicação de questionário composto, além do Perfil do ambiente de estudo; por blocos que correspondem as categorias do processo de criação do conhecimento analisadas: Processo de Criação do Conhecimento; Fluxos de informação e conhecimento; Condições e fatores que atuam na Criação do Conhecimento; Ferramentas no apoio à Criação do Conhecimento, e Conhecimento, aprendizagem e comunicação. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram gestores e funcionários administrativos das entidades de diferentes níveis hierárquicos. Os resultados obtidos de 48% das federações respondentes revelaram que a criação de conceitos é realizada com maior frequência em reuniões formais e informais, seguido das experiências adquiridas na realização e organização dos eventos, também, ouvindo os filiados e demais agentes entre eles os técnicos, atletas, confederação brasileira da modalidade, árbitros, entre outros. Entretanto, o mesmo não se aplica no relacionamento com os órgãos governamentais, visando importar conhecimento. Com relação as decisões a serem tomadas, são realizadas por meio de dados anteriores que permitem prever tendências e planejar cenários futuros, o que pode ser identificado no investimento em melhoria de sistemas de TI. Os treinamentos são oferecidos em sua grande maioria para seu público externo, e os relativos aos recursos humanos do ambiente interno são realizados por iniciativa própria. Menos da metade dos respondentes afirmaram que os colaboradores possuem autonomia com liberdade de ações para decisões, assim como são estimulados a desafios, a serem proativos e ambiciosos. As equipes internas de trabalho contendo colaboradores de outras áreas foi confirmada por metade dos respondentes e praticamente não existe o rodízios de funções. Os resultados permitem supor que não existem ações ou programas voltados à Criação e ao Compartilhamento do Conhecimento. A análise dos resultados sugerem a necessidade de \"mudança\" na cultura organizacional, nas rotinas estabelecidas, que demonstram estar estandardizadas nas organizações estudadas. São apontadas as limitações e sugestões para analisar aspectos não contemplados nesta pesquisa / Knowledge is one of the relevant aspects of the management of organizations from different sectors, with an impact on the maximization of organizational resources. Although the topic Knowledge Creation obtains recognition in the organizational market as a valuable source of competitive advantage, it is still incipient and little explored in management of sports organizations. In terms of scientific production, since 2016 there is a growing interest of scholars from other countries on the creation and management of knowledge in the segment of organizations and sports events, in Brazil, however, the theme is little explored. Given this scenario, the guiding question of the research was: How is the Knowledge Creation process carried out and how is this knowledge shared in sports organizations? The study is characterized as descriptive research and predominantly as a quantitative approach. A total of 27 olympic federations of São Paulo were studied through the application of a composite questionnaire, in addition to the Profile of study environment; by blocks that correspond to the knowledge creation process cathegories analyzed: Process of Creation of Knowledge; Information and knowledge flows; Conditions and factors that act in the Creation of Knowledge; Tools in support of the Creation of Knowledge, and Knowledge, learning and communication. The subjects of the research were managers and administrative employees of entities of different hierarchical levels. The results obtained from 48% of respondent federations revealed that the creation of concepts is carried out more frequently in formal and informal meetings, followed by the experiences acquired in the conduction and organization of the events, also listening to the members and other agents among them the coaches, athletes, Brazilian confederation of the sport, referees, among others. However, the same does not apply in the relationship with government agencies, seeking to import knowledge. With regard to the decisions to be made, they are carried out using previous data that allows forecasting trends and planning future scenarios, which can be identified in the investment in improvement of IT systems. The trainings are mostly offered to its external audience, and those related to the human resources of the internal environment are carried out on their own initiative. Less than half of the respondents stated that employees have autonomy with freedom of action for decisions, as well as being encourged in challenges and to be proactive and ambitious. The internal work teams containing collaborators from other areas were confirmed by half the respondents and there is practically no rotation of functions. The results allow us to assume that there are no actions or programs aimed at Knowledge Creation and Sharing. The analysis of the results suggest the need for \"change\" in the organizational culture, in the established routines, which prove to be standardized in the organizations studied. Limitations and suggestions to analyze aspects not contemplated in this research are pointed out
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Proposta de arquitetura para federações de nuvens computacionais acadêmicas / Design proposal for academic cloud computing federationsWinckler, Gabriel Araujo von 22 October 2014 (has links)
A computação em nuvem tem recebido um grande destaque, ao propor um novo e eficiente mecanismo para disponibilizar recursos computacionais. Dos investimentos cada vez maiores nessa plataforma, inclusive pela academia, surge a oportunidade de compartilhar estes recursos computacionais entre diferentes instituições. As grades computacionais são um mecanismo bem estabelecido para o compartilhamento de alguns tipos de recursos computacionais. Através do entendimento de como isso é feito nestas estruturas, esse trabalho avalia as soluções existentes e propõe um arquitetura alternativa que permite a criação das federações de nuvens computacionais. / Cloud computing is a new model to provide computing resources. The growing interest and investments on this platform creates an opportunity to share this resources across different institutions. The grid computing is the standard way of achieving this. Using grid as reference, this work survey current technologies and present an alternative design to allow the development of academic cloud computing federations.
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