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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of the effects of calcium treatment on inclusion morphology in low-alloy steels

Cangemi, Yoan, Manzolini, Anita Valentina January 2024 (has links)
Monitoring the non-metallic inclusions formed in steels is of the utmost importance. In fact, inclusions, depending on their type, can affect both the properties of the steel and its processing. Once the most problematic inclusions have been detected, solutions can be found and applied to counter the arising issues. One such solution is the addition of calcium during ladle treatment to modify the inclusions shapes and avoid the precipitation of problematic inclusions. The focus was put on the detection, analysis and calcium addition countermeasure of inclusions. No clear conclusion could be drawn as to the effects of calcium addition on the inclusions, due to the very high zirconium content of the inclusions. A high zirconium content has a significant impact on the thermodynamics governing inclusion formation and prevents reliable analysis of the results. After discussion with the company, it has been found that the zirconium is not present in the steel grade but instead originates from the samplers that were used. / Övervakning av icke-metalliska inneslutningar som bildas i stål är av yttersta vikt. Faktum är att inneslutningar, beroende på typ, kan påverka både stålets egenskaper och dess bearbetning. När de mest problematiska inneslutningarna har upptäckts kan lösningar hittas och tillämpas för att motverka de uppkomna problemen. En sådan lösning är att tillsätta kalcium under skänkbehandlingen för att ändra inneslutningarnas form och undvika utfällning av problematiska inneslutningar. Fokus låg på detektering, analys och kalciumtillsats som motåtgärd för inneslutningar. Ingen tydlig slutsats kunde dras om effekterna av kalciumtillsats på inneslutningarna, på grund av inneslutningarnas mycket höga zirkoniuminnehåll. En hög zirkoniumhalt har en betydande inverkan på den termodynamik som styr bildandet av inneslutningar och förhindrar en tillförlitlig analys av resultaten. Efter diskussion med företaget har det visat sig att zirkoniumet inte finns i stålsorten utan istället härrör från de provtagare som användes.

Avaliação da gestão e tecnologia Ambiental Aplicada ao pó de aciaria elétrica

Acosta, Clóvis Dutra January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta os métodos de gerenciamento associados ao Pó de Aciaria Elétrica (PAE) gerado no forno elétrico a arco (FEA) e no forno-panela (FP), envolvendo dois grandes tópicos: sistema de gestão ambiental e fatores relacionados à tecnologia. O processo do PAE percorre as seguintes etapas: entrada e beneficiamento da matériaprima, preparação, carregamento e fusão de carga no FEA, formação e retirada de escória, vazamento do aço para a panela, refino no forno-panela, assim como o sistema de captação das emissões atmosféricas e destinação do PAE captado no FEA e FP. Os métodos de gerenciamento foram estruturados em cima do aprendizado técnico, qualitativo e quantitativo adquirido no desenvolvimento das atividades profissionais, dos levantamentos sobre as tecnologias disponíveis para destinação e reciclagem do PAE, dos mapeamentos das características das instalações de captação do PAE de empresas siderúrgicas, bem como das bibliografias e visitas técnicas realizadas. As informações reunidas foram empregadas para desenvolver duas matrizes de avaliação, consolidando assim, um critério para verificar as práticas de gestão ambiental e de tecnologias que estão associadas ao PAE. O principal resultado das matrizes foi a identificação e priorização das necessidades de melhorias, tanto do sistema de gestão ambiental como da área de tecnologia. A avaliação das empresas siderúrgicas, segundo estas matrizes, mostrou quais práticas possuem menores valores e que, por conseqüência, devem requerer maior esforço para melhorar seus desempenhos, bem como aquelas de maior valor que requerem uma consolidação da sua rotina para manterem o elevado nível de desempenho atingido. Como conclusão, foi obtida uma ferramenta robusta que respondeu de forma consistente a avaliação do processo do PAE e a pergunta sobre “O que se encontra mais desenvolvido, os processos de gestão ou os de tecnologia?”. As matrizes de avaliação foram preenchidas por especialistas ambientais de três Empresas siderúrgicas. O resultado obtido com essa ferramenta mostrou que os desempenhos sobre as práticas de gestão são superiores aos desempenhos das práticas de tecnologia e que esta metodologia de avaliação está apta para ser aplicada em qualquer outro processo ou empresa. Ficou evidenciado que o conhecimento e a inteligência ambiental são requisitos para assegurar que as estratégias de médio e longo prazo estejam corretamente alinhadas às boas práticas de gestão e melhores tecnologias disponíveis. / The thesis presents the methods associated with the management of the electric arc furnace (EAF) baghouse dust and ladle furnace (LF) dust. The management methods cover two broad topics: environmental management system practices and technology related factors. The EAF baghouse dust and ladle furnace (LF) dust process has the following steps: input and processing raw materials, EAF charging and melting, slag generation and removal, furnace tapping of the steel to the LF, refining in the LF, as well as the EAF dedusting system, dust recycling and final destination. The management methods were determined based on professional experience of the author, assessment of typical installations of steel plant dedusting system, bibliographies review, available technologies to EAF/LF dust destination and recycling and subject technical literature, as well technical visits undertaken. Collectively the information was used to develop two standard evaluation standard matrices which provide criteria to assess environmental management system practices and technology associated with EAF dust management. The primary goal of the assessments was to identify and prioritize areas for potential improvement - either in environmental management systems area or the technology area. The assessment results showed that steel plants which have practices with lower values, according to these matrices, should require greater effort to improve their performance, while those with good score, will require a consolidation of their routine to maintain the high level of performance already achieved. The matrices were filled by environmental experts from three steelmaking companies. Finally, as a result of this project a rigorous and reliable assessment tool was designed to evaluate the meltshop dust generation and management process and provide a quantitative answer to the following question: `Which area has achieved a higher level of development as it relates to meltshop dust management: environmental management system practices or control technology?’ The results from using this tool have shown that the performance of management practices is superior to the control technology. Furthermore, experiences captured during the assessment indicate this evaluation methodology is fully adaptable and can be applied to other processes and/or other businesses. It was clearly highlighted how knowledge and environmental intelligence are requirements to assure that the medium and long term strategies are properly aligned with the available best practices to environmental management system and control technology.

Modelling of open-eye formation and mixing phenomena in a gas-stirred ladle for different operating parameters

Ramasetti, E. K. (Eshwar Kumar) 15 October 2019 (has links)
Abstract In ladle metallurgy, gas stirring and the behaviour of the slag layer are very important for alloying and the homogenization of the steel. When gas is injected through a nozzle located at the bottom of the ladle into the metal bath, the gas jet exiting the nozzle breaks up into gas bubbles. The rising bubbles break the slag layer and create an open-eye. The size of the open-eye is very important as the efficiency of the metal-slag reactions depend on the interaction between the slag and steel created during the stirring process, and information about the position and size of the open-eye is important for effective alloying practice. Moreover, the open-eye has an effect on the energy balance since it increases heat losses. In this study, experimental measurements and numerical simulations were performed to study the effect of different operating parameters on the formation of the open-eye and mixing time in a water model and industrial ladle. Experimental measurements were performed to study the effect of the gas flow rate, slag layer thickness, slag layer densities and number of porous plugs in a 1/5 scale water model and in a 150-ton steelmaking ladle. For numerical modelling, a multi-phase volume of fluid (VOF) model was used to simulate the system including the behaviour of the slag layer. The numerical simulation of the open-eye size and mixing time was found to be in good agreement with the experimental data obtained from the water model and data obtained from the industrial measurements. / Tiivistelmä Senkkametallurgiassa kaasuhuuhtelu ja kuonakerroksen käyttäytyminen ovat tärkeitä teräksen seostamisen ja homogenisoinnin näkökulmasta. Senkan pohjalla sijaitsevasta suuttimesta puhallettava kaasu hajoaa kupliksi, jotka rikkovat kuonakerroksen ja muodostavat avoimen silmäkkeen. Avoimen silmäkkeen koko on yhteydessä voimakkaampaan kuonan emulgoitumiseen, joka tehostaa metallisulan ja kuonan välisiä reaktioita. Tietoa avoimen silmäkkeen paikasta ja koosta tarvitaan myös tehokkaaseen seostuspraktiikkaan. Avoin silmäke vaikuttaa lisäksi prosessin energiataseeseen lisäten sen lämpöhäviöitä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin kokeellisesti ja laskennallisesti erilaisten operointiparametrien vaikutusta avoimen silmäkkeen muodostumiseen vesimallissa ja terässenkassateollisessa senkassa. Kokeellisia mittauksia tehtiin kaasuhuuhtelun, kuonakerroksen paksuuden, ja suuttimien määrän vaikutuksen tutkimiseksi 1/5-mittakaavan vesimallissa ja 150 tonnin terässenkassa. Numeerisessa mallinnuksessa systeemin ja siihen lukeutuvan kuonakerroksen käyttäytymisen simuloimiseen käytettiin volume of fluid (VOF) –monifaasimenetelmää. Avoimen silmäkkeen kokoon ja sekoittumisaikaan liittyvien numeeristen simulointien havaittiin vastaavan hyvin vesimallista ja teollisista mittauksista saatua kokeellista aineistoa.

A Mathematical and Experimental Study of Inclusion Behaviour at a Steel-Slag Interface

Wikström, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis work is to increase the knowledge of inclusion behavior at the steel-slag interface by mathematical modeling and in-situ Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope experiments. Mathematical models based on the equation of motion predicting liquid and solid inclusion behavior was first investigated. Four main forces, the buoyancy force, the added mass force, the rebound force and the drag force, act on the inclusion as it crosses the interface. There are three types of behavior an inclusion at the steel-slag interface can adopt. These are a) pass, which means that the inclusion is separated to the slag, b) remain, where the inclusion stays at the interface without being fully transferred to the slag or c) oscillate, and the inclusion rises and descends at the interface until the motion is dampened out by the interfacial forces. The studies showed the importance of accurate experimental physical property data. Application of the models to industrial conditions illustrated that useful plots could be made showing the industry how to optimize their interfacial properties in the ladle and tundish to obtain maximum inclusion separation. In-situ Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope (CSLM) experiments were carried out in order to study agglomeration of liquid and semi liquid inclusions at the steel-gas and steel-slag interfaces and in the slag. Liquid-liquid inclusion agglomeration at steel-gas and steel-slag interfaces was seen to not occur without using force. However, when already transferred to the slag the inclusions agglomerated freely due to a higher free energy force. Comparison of experimental and theoretical agglomeration force showed good agreement between experiments and theory. The main conclusion of this work is that inclusion separation is a complex field of study and there exist no model that takes everything into account. Here the tendency for inclusion transfer and how to manipulate the physical properties for inclusion separation together with agglomeration experiments have been studied. For the future maybe coupling of models for computational fluid dynamics, agglomeration, inclusion separation, dissolution and slag entrainment in addition with experimental physical property data can provide a better overview and understanding. / QC 20100823

Controle da geração da drenagem ácida da mineração de carvão pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com escória de aciaria elétrica

Machado, Luciana Angelita January 2013 (has links)
A disposição de rejeitos com potencial de geração de acidez e consequente geração de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) é um dos grandes problemas ambientais enfrentados pela indústria da mineração de carvão, pois a disposição inadequada contamina a água e o solo. A DAM é uma solução aquosa caracterizada por possuir pH geralmente abaixo de 3 e diversos metais dissolvidos. Devido a essas características, a DAM representa grandes riscos ambientais, em especial, aos recursos hídricos, em consequência da solubilização e mobilização de metais pesados. Este problema requer estudos no sentido de encontrar soluções que venham a minimizar os danos causados ao meio ambiente. A utilização de metodologias alternativas para a disposição dos rejeitos de mineração de carvão constitui em uma estratégia básica para a viabilidade de tais empreendimentos. Visando atender a esta necessidade, o presente trabalho estudou o controle da geração da DAM pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com o uso de escória de aciaria elétrica do forno panela (EAE-FP). A metodologia do trabalho incluiu a caracterização dos materiais, ensaios estáticos e ensaios cinéticos. Os ensaios estáticos foram realizados pelo método de contabilização de ácidos e bases, enquanto que os ensaios cinéticos foram realizados pelo método de células úmidas. Após foi realizada a mistura do rejeito de carvão com a EAE-FP em diferentes dosagens e foram dispostas a céu aberto, sujeitas à precipitação pluviométrica. Esses ensaios tiveram por objetivo uma melhor compreensão dos materiais em ambiente controlado e expostos ao intemperismo. Os resultados demonstram que a água que percolou pelo rejeito de carvão apresentou-se ácida e a água que percolou pela EAE-FP, alcalina. Contudo, os problemas ambientais podem ser em grande parte resolvidos pela mistura do rejeito de carvão com EAE-FP em uma proporção de RC:EAE-FP 10:10 estabelecida pelos ensaios estáticos. Os ensaios cinéticos e o experimento ao ar livre demonstram que durante vários meses de ensaios, na proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, ocorre um aumento do pH e uma redução na liberação de acidez, metais e sulfatos na água lixiviada. Análises adicionais de toxicidade para o microcrustáceo (Daphnia similis), peixes (Pimephales promelas) e algas (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) mostraram que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:15, apresentou níveis menores de toxicidade do que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, além da redução na liberação da acidez, metais e sulfato. Os resultados demonstraram a eficácia do método na qualidade da água de percolação tanto em termos de pH, concentrações de metais e toxicidade do efluente. Pode-se concluir que o método de contabilização de ácidos e bases mostra-se adequado para definir a proporção de mistura dos materiais. Essas misturas podem ser empregadas no controle da DAM tanto em depósitos de rejeitos em superfícies como no retorno dos rejeitos de carvão para o subsolo. / The waste disposal with potential to generate acidity and consequent generation of acid mine drainage (DAM) is one of the major environmental problems facing the coal mining industry since the improper disposal contaminates water and soil. DAM is an aqueous solution characterized by having pH below 3 and typically many dissolved metals. Due to these characteristics, the DAM is major environmental risks, especially to water resources as a result of solubilization and mobilization of heavy metals. This problem requires studies to find solutions that will minimize damage to the environment. The use of alternatives for the disposal of tailings coal mining methodologies constitutes a basic strategy for the viability of such projects. Aiming to address this need, this paper studied the control of the generation of DAM by alkali additives method with the use of the ladle slag of electric steelmaking (LSES). The methodology of the study included the characterization of materials, static tests and kinetic assays. The static tests were performed by the recording method of acids and bases, while kinetic assays were performed by the method of wet cells. Upon mixing coal tailing was performed with the LSES in different dosages and were placed in the open, subject to rainfall. These tests were aimed at a better understanding of the materials in a controlled environment and exposed to weathering. The results demonstrate that water leached by coal waste is introduced and acid leached by water LSES alkaline. However, environmental problems can be largely solved by mixing the coal waste with LSES in a ratio of CW:LSES 10:10 established by static tests. Kinetic assays and outdoor experiment demonstrate that several months of tests, the ratio CW:LSES 10:10, there is an increase in pH and a reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulphate in the leach water. Further analysis of toxicity microcrustacean (Daphnia similis), fish (Pimephales promelas) and algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) showed that the proportion leached CW:LSES 10:15, showed lower levels of toxicity than the proportion of leached CW:LSES 10:10, besides the reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulfate. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the method on the quality of percolating water in terms of pH, metal concentration and toxicity of the effluent. It can be concluded that the method of recording of acids and bases proves to be adequate to set the mixing ratio of the materials. These blends can be used to control both DAM tailings deposits on surfaces such as the return of waste coal underground.

Controle da geração da drenagem ácida da mineração de carvão pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com escória de aciaria elétrica

Machado, Luciana Angelita January 2013 (has links)
A disposição de rejeitos com potencial de geração de acidez e consequente geração de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) é um dos grandes problemas ambientais enfrentados pela indústria da mineração de carvão, pois a disposição inadequada contamina a água e o solo. A DAM é uma solução aquosa caracterizada por possuir pH geralmente abaixo de 3 e diversos metais dissolvidos. Devido a essas características, a DAM representa grandes riscos ambientais, em especial, aos recursos hídricos, em consequência da solubilização e mobilização de metais pesados. Este problema requer estudos no sentido de encontrar soluções que venham a minimizar os danos causados ao meio ambiente. A utilização de metodologias alternativas para a disposição dos rejeitos de mineração de carvão constitui em uma estratégia básica para a viabilidade de tais empreendimentos. Visando atender a esta necessidade, o presente trabalho estudou o controle da geração da DAM pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com o uso de escória de aciaria elétrica do forno panela (EAE-FP). A metodologia do trabalho incluiu a caracterização dos materiais, ensaios estáticos e ensaios cinéticos. Os ensaios estáticos foram realizados pelo método de contabilização de ácidos e bases, enquanto que os ensaios cinéticos foram realizados pelo método de células úmidas. Após foi realizada a mistura do rejeito de carvão com a EAE-FP em diferentes dosagens e foram dispostas a céu aberto, sujeitas à precipitação pluviométrica. Esses ensaios tiveram por objetivo uma melhor compreensão dos materiais em ambiente controlado e expostos ao intemperismo. Os resultados demonstram que a água que percolou pelo rejeito de carvão apresentou-se ácida e a água que percolou pela EAE-FP, alcalina. Contudo, os problemas ambientais podem ser em grande parte resolvidos pela mistura do rejeito de carvão com EAE-FP em uma proporção de RC:EAE-FP 10:10 estabelecida pelos ensaios estáticos. Os ensaios cinéticos e o experimento ao ar livre demonstram que durante vários meses de ensaios, na proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, ocorre um aumento do pH e uma redução na liberação de acidez, metais e sulfatos na água lixiviada. Análises adicionais de toxicidade para o microcrustáceo (Daphnia similis), peixes (Pimephales promelas) e algas (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) mostraram que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:15, apresentou níveis menores de toxicidade do que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, além da redução na liberação da acidez, metais e sulfato. Os resultados demonstraram a eficácia do método na qualidade da água de percolação tanto em termos de pH, concentrações de metais e toxicidade do efluente. Pode-se concluir que o método de contabilização de ácidos e bases mostra-se adequado para definir a proporção de mistura dos materiais. Essas misturas podem ser empregadas no controle da DAM tanto em depósitos de rejeitos em superfícies como no retorno dos rejeitos de carvão para o subsolo. / The waste disposal with potential to generate acidity and consequent generation of acid mine drainage (DAM) is one of the major environmental problems facing the coal mining industry since the improper disposal contaminates water and soil. DAM is an aqueous solution characterized by having pH below 3 and typically many dissolved metals. Due to these characteristics, the DAM is major environmental risks, especially to water resources as a result of solubilization and mobilization of heavy metals. This problem requires studies to find solutions that will minimize damage to the environment. The use of alternatives for the disposal of tailings coal mining methodologies constitutes a basic strategy for the viability of such projects. Aiming to address this need, this paper studied the control of the generation of DAM by alkali additives method with the use of the ladle slag of electric steelmaking (LSES). The methodology of the study included the characterization of materials, static tests and kinetic assays. The static tests were performed by the recording method of acids and bases, while kinetic assays were performed by the method of wet cells. Upon mixing coal tailing was performed with the LSES in different dosages and were placed in the open, subject to rainfall. These tests were aimed at a better understanding of the materials in a controlled environment and exposed to weathering. The results demonstrate that water leached by coal waste is introduced and acid leached by water LSES alkaline. However, environmental problems can be largely solved by mixing the coal waste with LSES in a ratio of CW:LSES 10:10 established by static tests. Kinetic assays and outdoor experiment demonstrate that several months of tests, the ratio CW:LSES 10:10, there is an increase in pH and a reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulphate in the leach water. Further analysis of toxicity microcrustacean (Daphnia similis), fish (Pimephales promelas) and algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) showed that the proportion leached CW:LSES 10:15, showed lower levels of toxicity than the proportion of leached CW:LSES 10:10, besides the reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulfate. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the method on the quality of percolating water in terms of pH, metal concentration and toxicity of the effluent. It can be concluded that the method of recording of acids and bases proves to be adequate to set the mixing ratio of the materials. These blends can be used to control both DAM tailings deposits on surfaces such as the return of waste coal underground.

Controle da geração da drenagem ácida da mineração de carvão pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com escória de aciaria elétrica

Machado, Luciana Angelita January 2013 (has links)
A disposição de rejeitos com potencial de geração de acidez e consequente geração de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) é um dos grandes problemas ambientais enfrentados pela indústria da mineração de carvão, pois a disposição inadequada contamina a água e o solo. A DAM é uma solução aquosa caracterizada por possuir pH geralmente abaixo de 3 e diversos metais dissolvidos. Devido a essas características, a DAM representa grandes riscos ambientais, em especial, aos recursos hídricos, em consequência da solubilização e mobilização de metais pesados. Este problema requer estudos no sentido de encontrar soluções que venham a minimizar os danos causados ao meio ambiente. A utilização de metodologias alternativas para a disposição dos rejeitos de mineração de carvão constitui em uma estratégia básica para a viabilidade de tais empreendimentos. Visando atender a esta necessidade, o presente trabalho estudou o controle da geração da DAM pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com o uso de escória de aciaria elétrica do forno panela (EAE-FP). A metodologia do trabalho incluiu a caracterização dos materiais, ensaios estáticos e ensaios cinéticos. Os ensaios estáticos foram realizados pelo método de contabilização de ácidos e bases, enquanto que os ensaios cinéticos foram realizados pelo método de células úmidas. Após foi realizada a mistura do rejeito de carvão com a EAE-FP em diferentes dosagens e foram dispostas a céu aberto, sujeitas à precipitação pluviométrica. Esses ensaios tiveram por objetivo uma melhor compreensão dos materiais em ambiente controlado e expostos ao intemperismo. Os resultados demonstram que a água que percolou pelo rejeito de carvão apresentou-se ácida e a água que percolou pela EAE-FP, alcalina. Contudo, os problemas ambientais podem ser em grande parte resolvidos pela mistura do rejeito de carvão com EAE-FP em uma proporção de RC:EAE-FP 10:10 estabelecida pelos ensaios estáticos. Os ensaios cinéticos e o experimento ao ar livre demonstram que durante vários meses de ensaios, na proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, ocorre um aumento do pH e uma redução na liberação de acidez, metais e sulfatos na água lixiviada. Análises adicionais de toxicidade para o microcrustáceo (Daphnia similis), peixes (Pimephales promelas) e algas (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) mostraram que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:15, apresentou níveis menores de toxicidade do que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, além da redução na liberação da acidez, metais e sulfato. Os resultados demonstraram a eficácia do método na qualidade da água de percolação tanto em termos de pH, concentrações de metais e toxicidade do efluente. Pode-se concluir que o método de contabilização de ácidos e bases mostra-se adequado para definir a proporção de mistura dos materiais. Essas misturas podem ser empregadas no controle da DAM tanto em depósitos de rejeitos em superfícies como no retorno dos rejeitos de carvão para o subsolo. / The waste disposal with potential to generate acidity and consequent generation of acid mine drainage (DAM) is one of the major environmental problems facing the coal mining industry since the improper disposal contaminates water and soil. DAM is an aqueous solution characterized by having pH below 3 and typically many dissolved metals. Due to these characteristics, the DAM is major environmental risks, especially to water resources as a result of solubilization and mobilization of heavy metals. This problem requires studies to find solutions that will minimize damage to the environment. The use of alternatives for the disposal of tailings coal mining methodologies constitutes a basic strategy for the viability of such projects. Aiming to address this need, this paper studied the control of the generation of DAM by alkali additives method with the use of the ladle slag of electric steelmaking (LSES). The methodology of the study included the characterization of materials, static tests and kinetic assays. The static tests were performed by the recording method of acids and bases, while kinetic assays were performed by the method of wet cells. Upon mixing coal tailing was performed with the LSES in different dosages and were placed in the open, subject to rainfall. These tests were aimed at a better understanding of the materials in a controlled environment and exposed to weathering. The results demonstrate that water leached by coal waste is introduced and acid leached by water LSES alkaline. However, environmental problems can be largely solved by mixing the coal waste with LSES in a ratio of CW:LSES 10:10 established by static tests. Kinetic assays and outdoor experiment demonstrate that several months of tests, the ratio CW:LSES 10:10, there is an increase in pH and a reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulphate in the leach water. Further analysis of toxicity microcrustacean (Daphnia similis), fish (Pimephales promelas) and algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) showed that the proportion leached CW:LSES 10:15, showed lower levels of toxicity than the proportion of leached CW:LSES 10:10, besides the reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulfate. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the method on the quality of percolating water in terms of pH, metal concentration and toxicity of the effluent. It can be concluded that the method of recording of acids and bases proves to be adequate to set the mixing ratio of the materials. These blends can be used to control both DAM tailings deposits on surfaces such as the return of waste coal underground.

Posouzení únosnosti rámu kočky mostového licího jeřábu o nosnosti 120/40t - 21m / Verification of carrying capacity crab frame of ladle crane 120/40t - 21m

Hanzelka, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a steel construction of crab frame of ladle crane with lifting capacity of 120 and 40 tons and maximum lifting height of 21 meters. The aim of the work is analysis and assessment of the support frame of crane with a load of fatigue according to ČSN 27 0103/89. For this analysis is used thin shell and beam model. The diploma thesis was developed in cooperation with the Královopolska a.s. company.

3D study of non-metallic inclusions by EEmethod and use of statistics for the estimationof largest size inclusions in tool steel.

Safa, Meer January 2010 (has links)
The control of non-metallic inclusions is very important for the improvement of performance during the application of tool steel. This present study was performed to see the effect of changing of some process parameters during the vacuum degassing of the melt and how these changing parameters affects the characteristics of inclusions in tool steel. The main parameters that were changed during the vacuum degassing were the change of induction stirring, argon flow rate from both the plug 1 and 2 and different ladle ages for different heat. Electrolytic extraction method was used to observe the morphology and characteristics of inclusions as a 3 dimensional view in tool steel. Four lollipop samples from four different heats were used for the experiment and all the samples were after vacuum (AV) degassing. In this study four different types of inclusions were found and they are classified as type 1, 2, 3 and 4. Of them type 1 inclusion was the major one with mostly spherical shaped. This study shows that among the three parameters, induction stirring has the biggest effect for the total number of inclusions per volume in the sample than the other two parameters Heat 4A showed the lowest number of inclusions per volume comparing with the other heats. The main reason behind this can be said that the induction stirring was the lowest comparing with the other heats with moderate argon flow and ladle age of 12. Extreme value analysis was used in this study to predict the probability of getting largest size inclusions in a certain volume of the metal. For the prediction of the largest inclusion size, both the electrolytic extraction (3D) and cross-sectional (2D) method was used. Later in this study comparison was done to determine the accuracy of both the methods and it is concluded that for the type 1 inclusions electrolytic extraction method shows almost similar trend with cross-sectional method and electrolytic extraction method shows better accuracy for the prediction of largest size inclusions than the cross-sectional method. Electrolytic Extraction method is also applicable for the prediction of largest size inclusions for multiple types of inclusions.

Investigation of the scale factor between full scale ladle furnace process and water models

Abelin, Mathias, Blomkvist, Håkan January 2020 (has links)
The ladle furnace process is an important process in the steel manufacturing industry. The purpose of this process is to optimize the composition of the elements in the melt as well as to homogenize the temperature in the liquid. It is common practice to model this process using smaller water models. In order to accurately scale these models a variety of criteria and scaling factors are needed. The central phenomenon which all else is derived from is the two-phase gas plume dominating the fluid flows. The plume, and its dependant parameters are difficult to define. Which ones ought to be used and how to use them has not been standardized. Concerns have been raised whether the most common method of scaling is even applicable in ladle metallurgy. This report gives an account for studies concerning these variables and their effect on the subject. The objective of this report is to highlight ways to improve these simulations with respect to debated parameters. The conclusion of this study points out the reasons for why these variables may be of importance for the modeling of the ladle furnace process. It also specifically mentions future work that should be conducted in order to provide deeper knowledge of thedifferent parameters affecting the method of modeling. / Skänkmetallurgin är en viktigt process inom stålindustrin. Syftet med denna process är att optimera den kemiska sammansättningen i smältan och att homogenisera temperaturen i vätskan. Det är vanligt att modelera denna process med hjälp av vattenmodeller. För att träffsäkert skala dessa modeller krävs en mängd kriterier och skal-faktorer. Det mest centrala fenomenet, utifrån vilket allt annat kan härledas, är två-fas gasplymen som dominerar flödena i skänken. Plymen och dess beroende parametrar är svåra att definera. Vilka som bör användas och hur de används har inte standardiserats. Oro har väckts över om den vanligaste skalningsmetoden ens går att använda i skänkmetallurgi. Denna rapport redogör för studier rörande dessa variabler och deras påverkan på ämnet. Syftet med denna rapport är att belysa olika tillvägagångssätt till att förbättra dessa simulationer med hänsyn till debaterade parametrar. Slutsatsen för denna studie lyfter fram anledningarna till varför dessa variabler är av vikt för modellering för skänkmetallurgin. Även framtida arbete som bör utföras föratt ge djupare förståelse för de olika parametrarna belyses.

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