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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patofiziološka procena peripartalnog metaboličkog stresa kod visokoproduktivnih krava upotrebom endokrinih i metaboličkih kriterijuma

Cincović Marko 12 June 2013 (has links)
<p>Period rane laktacije odlikuje se nagatvnim energetskim bilansom i stanjem metaboličkog stresa. Ovakvo stanje nastaje kao posledica smanjenog unosa hrane, porođaja i započinjanja laktacije. Usled negativnog energetskog bilansa organizam povećano tro&scaron;i sopstvene reserve I ulazi u fazu katabolizma. Cilj ove disertacije je da se ispita metabolička, hematolo&scaron;ka, celularna i proizvodna adaptacija krava u funkciji delovanja anaboličkih i kataboličkih indikatora stresa. Katabolički indikatori stresa su: neesterifikovane masne kiseline (čija koncentracija raste kao posledica povećane lipidne mobilizacije) i kortizol (čija vrednost raste usled stresa tokom porođaja). Anabolički indikatori su: insulin (anabolički hormone u organizmu sisara) i IGF-I (indikator anaboličkog delovanja STH). Krave su klasifikovane na osnovu pojedinačnog i kombinovanog delovanja anaboličkih i kataboličkih indikatora stresa. Upotreba četiri odabrana indikatora metaboličkog stresa (insulin, IGF-I, NEFA i kortizol) u prvoj nedelji posle teljenja može pomoći u analizi metaboličkog stresa i produktivnosti krava, &scaron;to se zaključuje na osnovu delovanja indikatora<br />Created by Simpo PDF Creator Pro (unregistered version) http://www.simpopdf.com<br />c<br />stresa na metabolički profil, krvnu sliku, imunolo&scaron;ke i celularne parametre, telesnu kondiciju, proizvodnju mleka i reproduktivnu efikasnost krava. Vrednosti anaboličkih i kataboličkih indikatora se mogu koristiti samostalno ili u kombinaciji, a najbolju mogućnost procene daje upotreba NEFA bilo da se radi o pojedinačnoj ili kombinovanoj upotrebi indikatora.Određivanjem koncentracije navedena četiri indikatora metaboličkog stresa u prvoj nedelji posle teljenja možemo predvideti karakter metabolizma, dubinu metaboličkog stresa i proizvodnju krava u laktaciji koja sledi.</p> / <p>Early lactation period is characterized by negative energy balance and metabolic stress condition. This situation arises as a consequence of reduced food intake, birth and initiation of lactation. Due to negative energy balance increased body using own reserves and is entering to a phase of catabolism. The goal of this dissertation is to examine the metabolic, hematologic, and cellular adaptation of cows in production function and anabolic activity of catabolic stress indicators. Catabolic stress indicators are nonesterified fatty acids - NEFA (whose concentration increases as a result of increased lipid mobilization) and cortisol (the value of which increases due to stress during labor). Anabolic indicators were: insulin (anabolic hormones in mammals) and IGF-I (an indicator of anabolic activity STH). Cows were classified on the basis of individual and combined effects of anabolic and catabolic stress indicators. Using the four selected indicators of metabolic stress (insulin, IGF-I, NEFA and cortisol) in the first week after calving can help in the analysis of metabolic stress and productivity of cows, which<br />Created by Simpo PDF Creator Pro (unregistered version) http://www.simpopdf.com<br />f<br />concludes on the basis of indicators of stress effects on metabolic profile, blood count, and cellular immune parameters, body condition, milk production and reproductive efficiency of cows. Anabolic and catabolic values of indicators may be used singly or in combination, and provides the best opportunity to assess the use of NEFA either a single or combined use of indicators. It is possible to use concentrations of the four indicators of metabolic stress in the first week after calving predict the nature of metabolism, metabolic stress and depth of production in cows in the next lactation.</p>

Sezono, laktacijos mėnesio ir laikymo sąlygų įtaka pieno sudėties pokyčiams ir kokybės rodikliams LVA praktinio mokymo ir bandymų centro karvių bandoje / The influence of the conditions of a season, lactation month and keeping on the changes of milk composition and quality indices in a cow herd of Practical Instruction and Research Centre under Lithuanian Veterinary Academy

Lakačauskienė, Asta 17 March 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: ištirti praktinio mokymo centro karvių bandos pieno sudėties ir kokybės rodiklių kaitą atskirais laktacijos mėnesiais, sezonais bei keičiantis laikymo sąlygoms. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Susipažinti su LVA praktinio mokymo ir bandymų centre karvių veislėmis; 2. Išnagrinėti atrinktų karvių grupių pieno kokybės rodiklius ir kokybę, palyginti su atitinkamų veislių Lietuvoje vidurkiu; 3. Išnagrinėti laktacijos mėnesio įtaką pieno kokybės rodikliams; 4. nustatyti sezono įtaką pieno kokybės rodikliams. Išvados: 1. Lietuvos juodmargių įprastinėmis laikymo sąlygomis pieno kiekis buvo 9 % didesnis nei Lietuvos juodmargių, laikomų šaltomis sąlygomis, Vokietijos juodmargių – 22 % didesnis nei tos pačios veislės karvių, laikomų šaltomis sąlygomis, Olandijos juodmargių – 14,9 % didesnis nei tos pačios veislės juodmargių šaltoje karvidėje ir Danijos juodmargių – 7 % didesnis nei tos pačios veislės juodmargių šaltoje karvidėje; 2. Lietuvos juodmargių produktyvumas šalto tipo karvidėje buvo didesnis už kitų juodmargių veislių produktyvumą tomis pačiomis laikymo sąlygomis (14,4 % didesnis už Vokietijos juodmarges, 14,6 % didesnis už Olandijos juodmarges ir 25 % didesnis už Danijos juodmarges). Šis rodiklis demonstruoja Lietuvos juodmargių veislės didesnį atsparumą šalto laikymo sąlygoms; 3. Didžiausias pieno riebalų kiekis (4,63 %) buvo nustatytas Danijos juodmargių karvių piene, laikomų šaltomis sąlygomis; 4. Pieno riebalai ir pieno baltymai kito nepriklausomai nuo laktacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Place and methods of work fulfillment: the work was carried out in the Department of Animal Science of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy and Practical Instruction and Research Centre under Lithuanian Veterinary Academy in 2006 – 2008 years of postgraduate studies. 84 cows of equal period of lactation were selected: 58 cows in Muniškiai farm and 26 cows in Giraitė farm. Cows were selected considering that the most producing period of lactation would coincide with cattle-shed period. The conditions of cow keeping are different. In Muniškiai cattle-shed they are kept in standard conditions: they spend time in a pasture in summer and bound to standing places in winter. They are milked in their standing places. Giraitė cattle-shed is of cold type, where cattle are kept loosely. Here cows are kept in cold conditions in groups consisting of 30 – 40 cows. They are herded in a pasture in summer. The cows are milked in Swedish DeLaval “Tandem” type milker. The cows are fed with the same fodder and the schedule of work is also the same. The data has been analyzed statistically using “Excel” spreadsheet. Review of the work: in a period of 2006 – 2007 years milk yield of Lithuanian black-and-white cows was 434 kg less than of German, 768 kg less than of Dutch and 1409 kg less than of Danish black-and-white cows. Lithuanian black-and-white cows provided 25 – 77 kg of butterfat less than Dutch, German or Danish cows. Lithuanian black-and-white cows had proteins 0,05 % less than the same Danish... [to full text]

Pieninių galvijų reprodukcinių, produktyvumo bei tešmens sveikumo rodiklių tarpusavio ryšiai / The interrelationships between reproduction, productivity and udder health traits in dairy cattle

Nekriošienė, Liudmila 18 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti įvairių pieninių veislių karvių reprodukcinių savybių, produktyvumo bei tešmens sveikumo rodiklius ir nustatyti jų tarpusavio ryšius. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti: a) karvių reprodukcines savybes; b) karvių produktyvumo rodiklius; c) karvių somatinių ląstelių skaičių piene; 2. Palyginti skirtingų karvių veislių reprodukcinių savybių, produktyvumo bei tešmens sveikumo rodiklius; 3. Nustatyti tirtų rodiklių koreliacijos koeficientus. Išvados: 1. Tirtos karvės buvo vidutiniškai 3,64±0,032 laktacijos, vidutinė laktacijos trukmė – 228,47±3,576 dienų, vidutinė veršingumo trukmė – 281,72±1,280 dienų, karvės vidutiniškai sėklintos 1,95±0,034 kartų, neveršingumo laikotarpis vidutiniškai truko 154,06±3,566 dienų ir laikotarpis tarp apsiveršiavimų – 448,76±3,156 dienų. Vidutinis pieno kiekis per laktaciją buvo 5046,8±73,817 kg, pieno riebumas – 4,35±0,016 proc., riebalų kiekis – 214,60 ±2,844 kg, baltymingumas – 3,23±0,007 proc., baltymų kiekis – 162,32±2,191 kg, SLS piene – 407,03±23,328 tūkst./cm3. 2. Išanalizavus atskirų veislių karvių reprodukcines savybes nustatyta, kad ilgiausia veršingumo trukmė buvo LŽ veislės karvių (285,14±2,040), trumpiausia – VJ veislės karvių (279,32±1,994). Mažiausiai kartų sėklintos VJ veislės karvės (1,80±0,197), daugiausiai – LŽ veislės karvės (2,02±0,086). Trumpiausias neveršingumo laikotarpis nustatytas LŽ veislės karvių (139,91±6,310), ilgiausias – SP veislės karvių (182,53±20,981). Ilgiausias laikotarpis tarp... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of work: To evaluate the different breeds of dairy cow reproductive performance, productivity and udder health traits and to establish interrelationships between between them. Place of research: The work was carried out in the Departament of Animal Breeding and Genetics of Veterinary Academy and also in the dairy cow‘s farm during 2011 – 2013 years studies. The results of survey: Cows were on average 3.64 ± 0.032 lactation. The average duration of lactation - 228.47 ± 3,576 days. The average gestation period - 281,72 ± 1.280 days. Cows inseminated an average of 1.95 ± 0.034 times. The servis period lasted an average of 154.06 ± 3,566 days and the interval between calving - 448.76 ± 3.156 days. Average milk production per lactation was 5046.8 ± 73.817 kg, of milk fat - 4.35 ± 0.016 percent., fat - 214.60 ± 2.844 kg, protein - 3.23 ± 0.007 percent., protein - 162.32 ± 2.191 kg, milk SCC - 407.03 ± 23,328 thousand/cm3. The analysis of individual cows reproductive traits showed that the longest pregnancy lasted Lithuanian reds cows (285.14 ± 2.040), the shortest - German black & whites cows (279.32 ± 1.994). At least once inseminated German black & whites cows (1.80 ± 0.197), mainly - Lithuanian reds cows (2.02 ± 0.086). The servis period the shortest period of Lithuanian reds cows (139.91 ± 6.310), the longest - Simental cows (182.53 ± 20.981). The longest interval between calving the Holstein black & whites cows (496.14 ± 7.152), the shortest - Lithuanian black & whites... [to full text]

Profil proteina i sastav masnih kiselina mleka magarice balkanske rase tokom perioda laktacije / Donkey milk balkan breeds, protein profile, fatty acid composition, lactation

Gubić Jasmina 28 March 2016 (has links)
<p>U okviru doktorske disertacije ispitan je nutritivni kvalitet mleka magarice balkanske rase tokom laktacije. Prosečna suva materija mleka magarice balkanske rase iznosi 9,26%. Sadržaj proteina tokom laktacije kreće se od 1,40% do 1,92%. Prosečan sadržaj mlečne masti je 0,61%, a sadržaj laktoze iznosi 6,50%. Sadržaj analiziranih minerala: Ca, Na, K, Mg, P i Zn se povećava tokom laktacije i maksimalna vrednost utvrđena je 170. dana. Primenom kapilarne elektroforeze definisan je profil proteina mleka magarice balkanske rase. Identifikovane su sledeće proteinske frakcije: &alpha;s1-kazein, &alpha;s2-kazein, &beta;-kazein (A, F), &alpha;-laktalbumin (A, C), &beta;-laktoglobulin, lizozim, laktoferin, serum albumin i imunoglobulin čiji sadržaj opada tokom perioda laktacije. Sadržaj &alpha;-laktalbumina se kreće od 3090 mg/l do 1990 mg/l, a lizozima varira od 1040 mg/l do 2970 mg/l. Navedene frakcije proteina su najzastupljenije u mleku magarice balkanske rase. Laktoferin i imunoglobulin su frakcije sa najmanjim udelom u mleku magarice balkanske rase. Kori&scaron;ćenjem gasne hromatografije/masene spektrometrije utvrđen je sastav masnih kiselina mleka. Udeo esencijalne linolne kiseline (C18:2 n6) kreće se u opsegu od 7,08%, do 9,69%, a udeo &alpha;-linoleinske kiseline (C18:3 n3) varira od 5,85% do 7,83%.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sastav mleka magarice balkanske rase kompariran je sa nutritivnim karakteristikama humanog mleka tokom 40. i 90. dana laktacije. Utvrđene su značajne razlike u sadržaju proteina mleka, mlečne masti i minerala. Odnos kazeina i proteina surutke kreće se od 0,68 do 0,75 u mleku magarice, dok u humanom mleku varira od 0,59 do 0,70. Udeo -linoleinske kiseline (C18:3 n3) je oko 2,5 puta veći u mleku magarice u odnosu na humano mleko.<br />Generalno se može zaključiti da mleko magarice balkanske rase ima specifične nutritivne karakteristike koje variraju u zavisnosti od sastava hrane za životinje i analiziranog perioda laktacije.</p> / <p>Nutritional quality of Balkan donkey milk during lactation was investigated within this thesis. The mean content of dry matter, fat and lactose in the Balkan donkey milk was 9.26%, 0.61% and 6.50%, respectively. Protein content during lactation period ranged from 1.40% to 1.92%. Content of the analyzed minerals: Ca, Na, K, Mg, Zn and P increased during the lactation period and reached their maximum value at 170th day. The protein profile of Balkans donkey milk was defined by application of capillary electrophoresis when the following protein fractions: &alpha;s1-kazein, &alpha;s2-kazein, &beta;-kazein (A, F), &alpha;-laktalbumin (A, C), &beta;-laktoglobulin, lysozyme, lactoferrin, serum albumins and immunoglobulins, whose content decreases during lactation period,were identified. &alpha;-lactalbumin contents ranged from 3090 mg/l to 1990 mg/ and lysozyme varies between 1040 mg/l to 2970 mg/l. These two protein fractions were the most abundant in the Balkan donkey milk, while lactoferrin and immunoglobulin were at least represented. The fatty acid composition of Balkan donkey milk was determined using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The share of the essential linoleic (C18: 2 n6) and &alpha;&nbsp;- linolenic (C18: 3 n3) acid rangred from 7.08 % to 9.69% and from 5.85 % to 7.83 %.</p><p>Nutritional quality of Balkan donkey milk has been compared with the nutritional quality of human milk during the 40th and 90th day of lactation. Significant differences in the protein content of milk, fat and minerals were found. The ratio of casein and whey protein ranged from 0.68 to 0.75 in the Balkan donkey milk, while in human milk this value varies from 0.59 to 0.70. The share of &alpha;-linolenic acid (C18:3 n3) is around 2.5 times higher in donkey than in human milk.<br />The main conclusion is that Balkan donkey milk has specific and unique nutritional quality which depend on the feed composition and on the analyzed period of lactation.</p>

Juodmargių ir žalųjų veislės karvių pieno sudėties bei kokybės rodiklių kaita veikiant laktacijos mėnesiui ir sezonui / Fluctuation of indexes of consist and quality of milk of black and white and red-spotted cows during different months and seasons of lactation

Zubė, Egidijus 19 April 2007 (has links)
To analyze fluctuation of indexes of consist and quality of milk of black and white and red-spotted cows during different months and seasons of lactation. The work was performed in Lithuanian Academy of Veterinary, department of stockbreeding as well as public enterprise Pieno Tyrimai during Master studies 2005-2007. During the analysis, data of controlled cows’ productivity was analyzed according to accounting information of cattle breeding. During the analysis we evaluated 98 Lithuanian black and white cows, Lithuanian red-spotted cows, as well as Ayrshire cows. Milk yield of Lithuanian black and white cows was 1160 kg of milk more than Ayrshire and 252 kg of milk more than Lithuanian red-spotted. Average milk yield of Ayrshire cows was 92 kg more than Lithuanian red-spotted. There was 0.53–0.83% of fat in milk of Lithuanian black and white cows, protein was 0.24–0.25% less than in Ayrshire or Lithuanian red-spotted. Lithuanian black and white cows had 1.0–15.0 kg of milk fat (or 0.3 –4.8%), milk protein – 23.0–25.0 kg (or 11.2–9.4%) more than in Ayrshire or Lithuanian red-spotted. During all periods of lactation most milk fat were found in milk of Ayrshire cows (5.05%), least in Lithuanian black and white cows (4.21%). Milk fat of Lithuanian black and white and Lithuanian red-spotted was less in comparison with Ayrshire cows. During all months of lactation most amount of protein was found in Lithuanian red-spotted and Ayrshire (3.69-3.68%), and least – in Lithuanian black... [to full text]

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