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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Désagrégation spatiale de températures Météosat par une méthode d'assimilation de données (lisseur particulaire) dans un modèle de surface continentale / Spatial downscaling of Meteosat temperatures based on a data assimilation approach (Particle Smoother) to constrain a land surface model

Mechri, Rihab 04 December 2014 (has links)
La température des surfaces continentales (LST) est une variable météorologiquetrès importante car elle permet l’accès aux bilans d’énergie et d’eau ducontinuum Biosphère-Atmosphère. Sa haute variabilité spatio-temporelle nécessite desmesures à haute résolution spatiale (HRS) et temporelle (HRT) pour suivre au mieuxles états hydriques du sol et des végétations.La télédétection infrarouge thermique (IRT) permet d’estimer la LST à différentesrésolutions spatio-temporelles. Toutefois, les mesures les plus fréquentes sont souventà basse résolution spatiale (BRS). Il faut donc développer des méthodes pour estimerla LST à HRS à partir des mesures IRT à BRS/HRT. Cette solution est connue sous lenom de désagrégation et fait l’objet de cette thèse.Ainsi, une nouvelle approche de désagrégation basée sur l’assimilation de données(AD) est proposée. Il s’agit de contraindre la dynamique des LSTs HRS/HRT simuléespar un modèle en minimisant l’écart entre les LST agrégées et les données IRT àBRS/HRT, sous l’hypothèse d’homogénéité de la LST par type d’occupation des sols àl’échelle du pixel BRS. La méthode d’AD choisie est un lisseur particulaire qui a étéimplémenté dans le modèle de surface SETHYS (Suivi de l’Etat Hydrique du Sol).L’approche a été évaluée dans une première étape sur des données synthétiques etvalidée ensuite sur des données réelles de télédétection sur une petite région au Sud-Est de la France. Des séries de températures Météosat à 5 km de résolution spatialeont été désagrégées à 90m et validées sur une journée à l’aide de données ASTER.Les résultats encourageants nous ont conduit à élargir la région d’étude et la périoded’assimilation à sept mois. La désagrégation des produits Météosat a été validée quantitativementà 1km à l’aide de données MODIS et qualitativement à 30m à l’aide dedonnées Landsat7. Les résultats montrent de bonnes performances avec des erreursinférieures à 2.5K sur les températures désagrégées à 1km. / Land surface temperature (LST) is one of the most important meteorologicalvariables giving access to water and energy budgets governing the Biosphere-Atmosphere continuum. To better monitor vegetation and energy states, we need hightemporal and spatial resolution measures of LST because its high variability in spaceand time.Despite the growing availability of Thermal Infra-Red (TIR) remote sensing LSTproducts, at different spatial and temporal resolutions, both high spatial resolution(HSR) and high temporal resolution (HTR) TIR data is still not possible because ofsatellite resolutions trade-off : the most frequent LST products being low spatial resolution(LSR) ones.It is therefore necessary to develop methods to estimate HSR/HTR LST from availableTIR LSR/HTR ones. This solution is known as "downscaling" and the presentthesis proposes a new approach for downscaling LST based on Data Assimilation (DA)methods. The basic idea is to constrain HSR/HTR LST dynamics, simulated by a dynamicalmodel, through the minimization of their respective aggregated LSTs discrepancytoward LSR observations, assuming that LST is homogeneous at the land cover typescale inside the LSR pixel.Our method uses a particle smoother DA method implemented in a land surfacemodel : SETHYS model (Suivie de l’Etat Hydrique de Sol). The proposed approach hasbeen firstly evaluated in a synthetic framework then validated using actual TIR LSTover a small area in South-East of France. Meteosat LST time series were downscaledfrom 5km to 90m and validated with ASTER HSR LST over one day. The encouragingresults conducted us to expand the study area and consider a larger assimilation periodof seven months. The downscaled Meteosat LSTs were quantitatively validated at1km of spatial resolution (SR) with MODIS data and qualitatively at 30m of SR withLandsat7 data. The results demonstrated good performances with downscaling errorsless than 2.5K at MODIS scale (1km of SR).

Modelling of directional thermal radiation and angular correction on land surface temperature from space / Modélisation du rayonnement thermique directionnel et corrections angulaires de la température de surface mesurée à distance

Ren, Huazhong 24 May 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est la modélisation du rayonnement thermique directionnel des surfaces et de la correction angulaire sur la LST par des méthodes empiriques et physiques ainsi que l'analyse de validation sur le terrain. L'émissivité directionnelle des surfaces naturelles a été obtenue à partir du produit émissivité MODIS et est ensuite utilisée dans l'algorithme de split-window de correction angulaire sur la LST. Les modèles de paramétrage de l'émissivité directionnelle et du rayonnement thermique ont été développés. En ce qui concerne les pixels non iso-thermiques, la méthode de jour-TISI a été proposée pour obtenir l'émissivité directionnelle et la température effective à partir de données multi-angulaires infrarouges médian et thermique. Cela a été validé à l'aide de données aéroportée. Le modèle de noyaux Kernel BRDF a été vérifié dans le domaine de l'infrarouge thermique et son extension a servi à la normalisation angulaire de la LST. Un nouveau modèle, FovMod, qui concerne l'empreinte du capteur au sol, a été développé pour simuler la température de brillance directionnelle de couvert végétal en rang. Basé sur le résultat de la simulation de FovMod, une empreinte optimale pour la validation de champ de vue a été obtenue. Cette thèse a étudié systématiquement le rayonnement thermique directionnel et les corrections angulaires sur la température de surface et ses résultats amélioreront la précision sur la température et émissivité à partir de données de télédétection. Ils fourniront également des indices pour la conception de capteurs infrarouges thermiques multi-angulaires aéro/spatio portés et également pour la mesure au sol des paramètres de surface. / The aim of this thesis is the modeling of surface directional thermal radiation and angular correction on the LST by using empirical and physical methods as well as the analysis of field validation. The work has conducted to some conclusions. The directional emissivity of natural surfaces was obtained from MODIS emissivity product and then used in the split-window algorithm for angular correction on LST. The parameterization models of directional emissivity and thermal radiation were developed. As for the non-isothermal pixels, the daytime-TISI method was proposed to retrieve directional emissivity and effective temperature from multi-angular middle and thermal infrared data. This was validated using an airborne dataset. The kernel-driven BRDF model was checked in the thermal infrared domain and its extension was used to make angular normalization on the LST. A new model, namely FovMod that concerns on the footprint of ground sensor, was developed to simulate directional brightness temperature of row crop canopy. Based on simulation result of the FovMod, an optimal footprintfor field validation of LST was obtained. This thesis has systematically investigated the topic of directional thermal radiation and angular correction on surface temperature and its findings will improve the retrieval accuracy of temperature and emissivity from remotely sensed data and will also provide suggestion for the future design of airborne or spaceborne multi-angular thermal infrared sensors and also for the ground measurement of surface parameters.

Landsat derived land surface phenology metrics for the characterization of natural vegetation in the Brazilian savanna

Schwieder, Marcel 30 August 2018 (has links)
Die Brasilianische Savanne, auch bekannt als der Cerrado, bedeckt ca. 24% der Landoberfläche Brasiliens. Der Cerrado ist von einer einzigartigen Biodiversität und einem starken Gradienten in der Vegetationsstruktur gekennzeichnet. Großflächige Landnutzungsveränderungen haben dazu geführt, dass annähernd die Hälfte der Cerrado in bewirtschaftetes Land umgewandelt wurde. Die Kartierung ökologischer Prozesse ist nützlich, um naturschutzpolitische Entscheidungen auf räumlich explizite Informationen zu stützen, sowie um das Verständnis der Ökosystemdynamik zu verbessern. Neue Erdbeobachtungssensoren, frei verfügbare Daten, sowie Fortschritte in der Datenverarbeitung ermöglichen erstmalig die großflächige Erfassung saisonaler Vegetationsdynamiken mit hohem räumlichen Detail. In dieser Arbeit wird der Mehrwert von Landsat-basierten Landoberflächenphänologischen (LSP) Metriken, für die Charakterisierung der Cerrado-Vegetation, hinsichtlich ihrer strukturellen und phänologischen Diversität, sowie zur Schätzung des oberirdischen Kohlenstoffgehaltes (AGC), analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass LSP-Metriken die saisonale Vegetatiosdynamik erfassen und für die Kartierung von Vegetationsphysiognomien nützlich sind, wobei hier die Grenzen der Einteilung von Vegetationsgradienten in diskrete Klassen erreicht wurden. Basierend auf Ähnlichkeiten in LSP wurden LSP Archetypen definiert, welche die Erfassung und Darstellung der phänologischen Diversität im gesamten Cerrado ermöglichten und somit zur Optimierung aktueller Kartierungskonzepte beitragen können. LSP-Metriken ermöglichten die räumlich explizite Quantifizierung von AGC in drei Untersuchungsgebieten und sollten bei zukünftigen Kohlenstoffschätzungen berücksichtigt werden. Die Erkenntnisse dieser Dissertation zeigen die Vorteile und Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von LSP Metriken im Bereich der Ökosystemüberwachung und haben demnach direkte Implikationen für die Entwicklung und Bewertung nachhaltiger Landnutzungsstrategien. / The Brazilian savanna, known as the Cerrado, covers around 24% of Brazil. It is characterized by a unique biodiversity and a strong gradient in vegetation structure. Land-use changes have led to almost half of the Cerrado being converted into cultivated land. The mapping of ecological processes is, therefore, an important prerequisite for supporting nature conservation policies based on spatially explicit information and for deepening our understanding of ecosystem dynamics. New sensors, freely available data, and advances in data processing allow the analysis of large data sets and thus for the first time to capture seasonal vegetation dynamics over large extents with a high spatial detail. This thesis aimed to analyze the benefits of Landsat based land surface phenological (LSP) metrics, for the characterization of Cerrado vegetation, regarding its structural and phenological diversity, and to assess their relation to above ground carbon. The results revealed that LSP metrics enable to capture the seasonal dynamics of photosynthetically active vegetation and are beneficial for the mapping of vegetation physiognomies. However, the results also revealed limitations of hard classification approaches for mapping vegetation gradients in complex ecosystems. Based on similarities in LSP metrics, which were for the first time derived for the whole extent of the Cerrado, LSP archetypes were proposed, which revealed the spatial patterns of LSP diversity at a 30 m spatial resolution and offer potential to enhance current mapping concepts. Further, LSP metrics facilitated the spatially explicit quantification of AGC in three study areas in the central Cerrado and should thus be considered as a valuable variable for future carbon estimations. Overall, the insights highlight that Landsat based LSP metrics are beneficial for ecosystem monitoring approaches, which are crucial to design sustainable land management strategies that maintain key ecosystem functions and services.

Vegetace ve městě - hodnocení časových změn vlivu vegetačního krytu na místní klima pomocí metod dálkového průzkumu Země / Urban vegetation - temporal analysis of urban vegetation impact on local climate using remote sensing

PAVLÍČKOVÁ, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The urban heat island (UHI) is a phenomenon of noticeably higher temperatures in the cities as compared to their respective surrounding areas. This thesis aims at characterizing the influence of city expansion to the urban heat island phenomenon. The study is carried out in a city of Caceres in the Spanish province of the same name. A model input data is obtained with Landsat multispectral images. The analysis of satellite images shows that functional vegetation cover and water surfaces help in mitigating urban heat island effect. However, the Caceres city expansion does not influence the urban heat island intensity. A possible explanation for it is as the city expanded the ratio of vegetation to dry land remains constant in time.

Funções de predição espacial de propriedades do solo / Spatial prediction functions of soil properties

Rosa, Alessandro Samuel 27 January 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The possibility of mapping soil properties using soil spatial prediction functions (SSPFe) is a reality. But is it possible to SSPFe to estimate soil properties such as the particlesize distribution (psd) in a young, unstable and geologically complex geomorphologic surface? What would be considered a good performance in such situation and what alternatives do we have to improve it? With the present study I try to find answers to such questions. To do so I used a set of 339 soil samples from a small catchment of the hillslope areas of central Rio Grande do Sul. Multiple linear regression models were built using landsurface parameters (elevation, convergence index, stream power index). The SSPFe explained more than half of data variance. Such performance is similar to that of the conventional soil mapping approach. For some size-fractions the SSPFe performance can reach 70%. Largest uncertainties are observed in areas of larger geological heterogeneity. Therefore, significant improvements in the predictions can only be achieved if accurate geological data is made available. Meanwhile, SSPFe built on land-surface parameters are efficient in estimating the psd of the soils in regions of complex geology. However, there still are questions that I couldn t answer! Is soil mapping important to solve the main social and environmental issues of our time? What if our activities were subjected to a social control as in a direct democracy, would they be worthy of receiving any attention? / A possibilidade de mapear as propriedades dos solos através do uso de funções de predição espacial de solos (FPESe) é uma realidade. Mas seria possível construir FPESe para estimar propriedades como a distribuição do tamanho de partículas do solo (dtp) em um superfície geomorfológica jovem e instável, com elevada complexidade geológica e pedológica? O que seria considerado um bom desempenho nessas condições e que alternativas temos para melhorá-lo? Com esse trabalho tento encontrar respostas para essas questões. Para isso utilizei um conjunto de 339 amostras de solo de uma pequena bacia hidrográfica de encosta da região Central do RS. Modelos de regressão linear múltiplos foram construídos com atributos de terreno (elevação, índice de convergência, índice de potência de escoamento). As FPESe explicaram mais da metade da variância dos dados. Tal desempenho é semelhante àquele da abordagem tradicional de mapeamento de solos. Para algumas frações de tamanho o desempenho das FPESe pode chegar a 70%. As maiores incertezas ocorrem nas áreas de maior heterogeneidade geológica. Assim, melhorias significativas nas predições somente poderão ser alcançadas se dados geológicos acurados forem disponibilizados. Enquanto isso, FPESe construídas a partir de atributos de terreno são eficientes em estimar a dtp de solos de regiões com geologia complexa e elevada instabilidade. Mas restam dúvidas que não consegui resolver! O mapeamento de solos é importante para a resolução dos principais problemas sociais e ambientais do nosso tempo? E se nossas atividades estivessem submetidas ao controle da população como em uma democracia direta, seriam elas dignas de receber atenção?

Role of Aerosols in Modulating the Intraseasonal Oscillations of Indian Summer Monsoon

Bhattacharya, Anwesa January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we have presented a systematic analysis of the change of cloud properties due to variation in aerosol concentration over Indian region using satellite observations, and Weather Research and Forecasting Model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) simulations. The Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) based Microwave Imager (TMI) estimates (2A12) have been used to compare and contrast the characteristics of cloud liquid water and ice over the Indian land region and the surrounding oceans, during the pre-monsoon (May) and monsoon (June–September) seasons. Based on the spatial homogeneity of rainfall, we have selected five regions for our study (three over ocean, two over land). In general, we find that the mean cloud liquid water and cloud ice content of land and oceanic regions are different, with the ocean regions showing higher amount of CLW. A comparison across the ocean regions suggests that the cloud liquid water over the or graphically influenced Arabian Sea (close to the Indian west coast) behaves differently from the cloud liquid water over a trapped ocean (Bay of Bengal) or an open ocean (Equatorial Indian Ocean). Specifically, the Arabian Sea region shows higher liquid water for a lower range of rainfall, whereas the Bay of Bengal and the Equatorial Indian Ocean show higher liquid water for a higher range of rainfall. Apart from geographic differences, we also documented seasonal differences by comparing cloud liquid water profiles between monsoon and pre-monsoon periods, as well as between early and peak phases of the monsoon. We find that the cloud liquid water during the lean periods of rainfall (May or June) is higher than during the peak and late monsoon season (July-September) for raining clouds over central India. However, this is not true over the ocean. As active and break phases are important signatures of the monsoon progression, we also analyzed the differences in cloud liquid water during various phases of the monsoon, namely, active, break, active-to-break (a2b) and break-to-active (b2a) transition phases. We find that the cloud liquid water content during the b2a transition phase is significantly higher than that during the a2b transition phase over central India. We speculate that this could be attributed to higher amount of aerosol loading over this region during the break phase. We lend credence to this aerosol-liquid water/rain association by comparing the central Indian cloud liquid water with Southeast Asia (where the aerosol loading is significantly smaller) and find that in the latter region, there are no significant differences in cloud liquid water during the different phases of their monsoon. The second part of our study involves evaluating the ability of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) to simulate the observed variation of cloud liquid water and rain efficiency. We have used no chemistry option, and the model was run with constant aerosol concentration. The model simulations (at 4.5 km resolution) are done for the month of June–July 2004 since this period was particularly favorable for the study of an active–break cycle of the monsoon. We first evaluate the sensitivity of the model to different parameterizations (microphysical, boundary layer, land surface) on the simulation of rain over central India and Bay of Bengal. This is done to identify an “optimal” combination of parameterizations which reproduces the best correlation with observed rain over these regions. In this default configuration (control run), where the aerosol concentration is kept constant throughout the simulation period, the model is not able to reproduce the observed variations of cloud liquid water during the different phases of an active-break cycle. To this end, we proceeded to modify the model by developing an aerosol-rain relation, using Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) and TRMM 3B42 data that realistically captures the variation of aerosol with rain. It is worth highlighting here that our goal was to primarily isolate the indirect effect of aerosols in determining the observed changes in cloud liquid water (CLW) during the active-break phases of the Indian monsoon, without getting into the complexity of a full chemistry model such as that incorporated in WRF-Chem. Moreover, the proposed modification (modified run) is necessitated by the lack of realistic emission estimates over the Indian region as well as the presence of inherent biases in monsoon simulation in WRF. The main differences we find between the modified and control simulations is in the mean as well as spatial variability of CLW. We find that the proposed modification (i.e., rate of change of aerosol concentration as a function of rain rate) leads to a realistic variation in the CLW during the active-break cycle of Indian monsoon. Specifically, the peak value of CLW in the b2a (a2b) phase is larger (smaller) in the modified as compared to the control run. These results indicate a stronger change in CLW amount in the upper levels between the two transition phases in the modified scheme as compared to the control simulation. More significantly, we also observe a change in sign at the lower levels of the atmosphere, i.e., from a strong positive difference in the control run to a negative difference in the modified simulation, similar to that observed. Additionally, we investigated the impact of the proposed modification, via CLW changes, on cloud coverage, size of clouds and their spatial variability. We find that the transformation of optically thin clouds to thick clouds during the break phase was associated with larger cloud size in modified compared to the control simulation. Moreover, the higher rate of decay of the spatial variability of CLW with grid resolution, using the modified scheme, suggests that clusters of larger clouds are more in the modified compared to control simulation. Taken together, the interactive aerosol loading proposed in this thesis yields model simulations that better mimic the observed CLW variability between the transition phases.

Spatio-temporal characterization of fractal intra-Urban Heat Islets

Anamika Shreevastava (9515447) 16 December 2020 (has links)
<div><br></div><div>Extreme heat is one of the deadliest health hazards that is projected to increase in intensity and persistence in the near future. Temperatures are further exacerbated in the urban areas due to the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect resulting in increased heat-related mortality and morbidity. However, the spatial distribution of urban temperatures is highly heterogeneous. As a result, metrics such as UHI Intensity that quantify the difference between the average urban and non-urban air temperatures, often fail to characterize this spatial and temporal heterogeneity. My objective in this thesis is to understand and characterize the spatio-temporal dynamics of UHI for cities across the world. This has several applications, such as targeted heat mitigation, energy load estimation, and neighborhood-level vulnerability estimation.</div><div><br></div><div>Towards this end, I have developed a novel multi-scale framework of identifying emerging heat clusters at various percentile-based thermal thresholds T<sub>thr</sub> and refer to them collectively as <i>intra-Urban Heat Islets</i>. Using the Land Surface Temperatures from Landsat for 78 cities representative of the global diversity, I have showed that the heat islets have a fractal spatial structure. They display properties analogous to that of a percolating system as T<sub>thr</sub> varies. At the percolation threshold, the size distribution of these islets in all cities follows a power-law, with a scaling exponent = 1.88 and an aggregated Area-Perimeter Fractal Dimension =1.33. This commonality indicates that despite the diversity in urban form and function across the world, the urban temperature patterns are different realizations with the same aggregated statistical properties. In addition, analogous to the UHI Intensity, the mean islet intensity, i.e., the difference between mean islet temperature and thermal threshold, is estimated for each islet, and their distribution follows an exponential curve. This allows for a single metric (exponential rate parameter) to serve as a comprehensive measure of thermal heterogeneity and improve upon the traditional UHI Intensity as a bulk metric.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>To study the impact of urban form on the heat islet characteristics, I have introduced a novel lacunarity-based metric, which quantifies the degree of compactness of the heat islets. I have shown that while the UHIs have similar fractal structure at their respective percolation threshold, differences across cities emerge when we shift the focus to the hottest islets (T<sub>thr</sub> = 90<sup>th</sup> percentile). Analysis of heat islets' size distribution demonstrates the emergence of two classes where the dense cities maintain a power law, whereas the sprawling cities show an exponential deviation at higher thresholds. This indicates a significantly reduced probability of encountering large heat islets for sprawling cities. In contrast, analysis of heat islet intensity distributions indicates that while a sprawling configuration is favorable for reducing the mean Surface UHI Intensity of a city, for the same mean, it also results in higher local thermal extremes. </div><div><br></div><div>Lastly, I have examined the impact of external forcings such as heatwaves (HW) on the heat islet characteristics. As a case study, the European heatwave of 2018 is simulated using the Weather Research Forecast model with a focus on Paris. My results indicate that the UHI Intensity under this HW reduces during night time by 1<sup>o</sup>C on average. A surface energy budget analysis reveals that this is due to drier and hotter rural background temperatures during the HW period.</div><div>To analyze the response of heat islets at every spatial scale, power spectral density analysis is done. The results show that large contiguous heat islets (city-scale) persist throughout the day during a HW, whereas the smaller islets (neighborhood-scale) display a diurnal variability that is the same as non-HW conditions. </div><div><br></div><div>In conclusion, I have presented a new viewpoint of the UHI as an archipelago of intra-urban heat islets. Along the way, I have introduced several properties that enable a seamless comparison of thermal heterogeneity across diverse cities as well as under diverse climatic conditions. This thesis is a step towards a comprehensive characterization of heat from the spatial scales of an urban block to a megalopolis.</div><div><br></div>

Defining viable solar resource locations in the Southeast United States using the satellite-based GLASS product

Kavanagh, Jolie 09 August 2022 (has links) (PDF)
This research uses satellite data and the moment statistics to determine if solar farms can be placed in the Southeast US. From 2001-2019, the data are analyzed in reference to the Southwest US, where solar farms are located. The clean energy need is becoming more common; therefore, more locations than arid environments must be observed. The Southeast US is the main location of interest due to the warm, moist environment throughout the year. This research uses the Global Land Surface Satellite (GLASS) photosynthetically active radiation product (PAR) to determine viable locations for solar panels. A probability density function (PDF) along with the moment statistics are utilized to determine statistic thresholds from solar farms in the Southwest US. For the Southeast US, three major locations were determined to be a viable option: Mississippi Delta, Northwest Florida, and Southwestern Alabama. This research shows that solar farms can be efficient in areas with more convective cloud cover, such as the Southeast US.

Spatiotemporal analysis of extreme heat events in Indianapolis and Philadelphia for the years 2010 and 2011

Beerval Ravichandra, Kavya Urs 12 March 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Over the past two decades, northern parts of the United States have experienced extreme heat conditions. Some of the notable heat wave impacts have occurred in Chicago in 1995 with over 600 reported deaths and in Philadelphia in 1993 with over 180 reported deaths. The distribution of extreme heat events in Indianapolis has varied since the year 2000. The Urban Heat Island effect has caused the temperatures to rise unusually high during the summer months. Although the number of reported deaths in Indianapolis is smaller when compared to Chicago and Philadelphia, the heat wave in the year 2010 affected primarily the vulnerable population comprised of the elderly and the lower socio-economic groups. Studying the spatial distribution of high temperatures in the vulnerable areas helps determine not only the extent of the heat affected areas, but also to devise strategies and methods to plan, mitigate, and tackle extreme heat. In addition, examining spatial patterns of vulnerability can aid in development of a heat warning system to alert the populations at risk during extreme heat events. This study focuses on the qualitative and quantitative methods used to measure extreme heat events. Land surface temperatures obtained from the Landsat TM images provide useful means by which the spatial distribution of temperatures can be studied in relation to the temporal changes and socioeconomic vulnerability. The percentile method used, helps to determine the vulnerable areas and their extents. The maximum temperatures measured using LST conversion of the original digital number values of the Landsat TM images is reliable in terms of identifying the heat-affected regions.

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