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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A laser based straightness monitor for a prototype automated linear collider tunnel surveying system

Moss, Gregory Richard January 2013 (has links)
For precise measurement of new TeV-scale physics and precision studies of the Higgs Boson, a new lepton collider is required. To enable meaningful analysis, a centre of mass energy of 500GeV and luminosity of 10<sup>34</sup>cm<sup>-2</sup>s<sup>-1</sup> is needed. The planned 31km long International Linear Collider is capable of meeting these targets, requiring a final emittance of 10 micro-radians horizontally and 35nmrad vertically. To achieve these demanding emittance values, the accelerator components in the main linacs must be aligned against an accurately mapped network of reference markers along the entire tunnel. An automated system could map this tunnel network quickly, accurately, safely and repeatedly; the Linear Collider Alignment and Survey (LiCAS) Rapid Tunnel Reference Surveyor (RTRS) is a working prototype of such a system. The LiCAS RTRS is a train of measurement units that accurately locate regularly spaced retro-reflector markers using Frequency Scanning Interferometry (FSI). The unit locations with respect to each other are precisely reconstructed using a Laser Straightness Monitor (LSM) and tilt sensor system, along with a system of internal FSI lines. The design, commissioning, practical usage, calibration, and reconstruction performance of the LSM is addressed in this work. The commissioned RTRS is described and the properties of the LSM components are investigated in detail. A method of finding the position of laser beam spots on the LSM cameras is developed, along with a process of combining individual spot positions into a more robust measurement compatible with the data from other sub-systems. Laser beam propagation along the LSM is modelled and a robust method of reconstructing CCD beam spot position measurements into positions and orientations of the LSM units is described. A method of calibrating LSM units using an external witness system is presented, along with a way of using the overdetermined nature of the LSM to improve calibration constant errors by including data taken from unwitnessed runs. The reconstruction uncertainty, inclusive of both statistical and systematic effects, of the LSM system is found to be of 5.8 microns × 5.3 microns in lateral translations and 27.6 microradians × 34.1 microradians in rotations perpendicular to the beam, with an uncertainty of 51.1 microradians in rotations around the beam coming from a tilt-sensor arrangement.

Laser beam interaction with materials for microscale applications

Nowakowski, Krzysztof A. 12 December 2005 (has links)
"Laser micromachining is essential in today’s advanced manufacturing, of e.g., printed circuit boards and electronic components, especially laser microdrilling. Continued demands for miniaturization, in particular of high-performance MEMS components, have generated a need for smaller holes and microvias as well as smaller and more controllable spot-welds than ever before. All these neeeds require smaller taper of the microholes and more stable and controlled laser micromachining process than currently available. Therefore considerable attention must be focused on the laser process parameters that control critical specifications such as accuracy of the hole size as well as its shape and taper angle, all of which highly influence quality of the laser micromachining processes. Determination of process parameters in laser micromachining, however, is expensive because it is done mostly by trial and error. This Dissertation attempts to reduce the experimental time and cost associated with establishing the process parameters in laser micromachining by employing analytical, computational, and experimental solutions (ACES) methodology."

Θερμομηχανική προσομοίωση των προηγμένων διεργασιών συγκόλλησης με τριβή-ανάμιξη και με ακτίνα λέιζερ

Μωραΐτης, Γεράσιμος 11 January 2011 (has links)
Τα κριτήρια σχεδιασμού στις σύγχρονες κατασκευές και κυρίως στην αεροναυπηγική και ναυπηγική βιομηχανία, στοχεύουν στην παραγωγή δομικών στοιχείων με μειωμένο βάρος και χαμηλότερο κόστος, ενώ ταυτόχρονα, απαιτείται να παρουσιάζουν υψηλότερες επιδόσεις και ικανοποιητική δομική ασφάλεια. Οι στόχοι αυτοί έχουν διαμορφώσει μια σχεδιαστική τάση η οποία οδηγεί στην αντικατάσταση των ‘παραδοσιακών’ διαφορικών δομών (differential structures) με ‘σύγχρονες’ ολοκληρωμένες δομές (integral structures). Η τάση αυτή βρίσκει εφαρμογή κατά κύριο λόγο στην αεροναυπηγική, όπου η μείωση του βάρους χωρίς υποβάθμιση της ασφαλούς λειτουργίας αποτελεί βασικό και μόνιμο στόχο. Η αυξημένη παραγωγή δομικών στοιχείων ολοκληρωμένων δομών έχει οδηγήσει σε συνεχή αύξηση της εφαρμογής διεργασιών συνένωσης με έμφαση στις προηγμένες διεργασίες συγκόλλησης. Οι διεργασίας συγκόλλησης οι οποίες, λόγω των πλεονεκτημάτων τους, βρίσκονται στην αιχμή της τεχνολογίας είναι η Συγκόλληση με Τριβή και Ανάμιξη (Friction Stir Welding – FSW) και η Συγκόλληση με Ακτίνα Λέιζερ (Laser Beam Welding – LBW). Η εφαρμογή συγκολλήσεων στην παραγωγή ολοκληρωμένων δομών έχει πολλά τεχνολογικά πλεονεκτήματα έναντι των άλλων τύπων σύνδεσης, ωστόσο, συνοδεύονται από την ανάπτυξη Παραμενουσών Τάσεων και στρεβλώσεων στο τελικό προϊόν, κάτι το οποίο, ανάλογα με την εφαρμογή, μπορεί να προκαλέσει σημαντικά προβλήματα. Συγκεκριμένα, οι στρεβλώσεις επηρεάζουν τη λειτουργικότητα του δομικού στοιχείου, αφού μεταβάλλουν την γεωμετρία του, ενώ οι παραμένουσες τάσεις, αναπροσαρμόζοντας το εσωτερικό εντατικό πεδίο, επιδρούν στη δομική τους ακεραιότητα. Όπως είναι γνωστό με κατάλληλη επιλογή των παραμέτρων της διεργασίας (π.χ. ταχύτητα συγκόλλησης, ισχύς κτλ) μπορεί να επιτευχθεί μείωση των αναπτυσσόμενων παραμενουσών τάσεων και στρεβλώσεων. Επίσης, τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει αποδειχθεί ότι η προσομοίωση μιας διεργασίας συγκόλλησης μπορεί να βοηθήσει σημαντικά στην επιλογή του βέλτιστου συνδυασμού των παραμέτρων της. Για το λόγο αυτό, μεγάλο μέρος της ερευνητικής δραστηριότητας στην περιοχή των προηγμένων διεργασιών συγκόλλησης έχει στραφεί προς την ανάπτυξη αξιόπιστων μεθοδολογιών προσομοίωσης, οι οποίες με δεδομένο (input data) τις παραμέτρους της διεργασίας μπορούν να δώσουν σαν αποτέλεσμα (output data) κρίσιμες απαντήσεις όσον αφορά στις τεχνολογικές ιδιότητες της συγκόλλησης. Βάσει των ανωτέρω, σκοπός της παρούσης διατριβής είναι η ανάπτυξη ολοκληρωμένων μεθόδων θερμομηχανικής προσομοίωσης των προηγμένων διεργασιών συγκόλλησης FSW και LBW με κύριο στόχο την πρόβλεψη των παραμενουσών τάσεων και των στρεβλώσεων καθώς και τη μελέτη της επίδρασης τους στη δομική ακεραιότητα των παραγόμενων δομικών στοιχείων. Ένα από τα σημαντικότερα και ίσως το κρισιμότερο στάδιο κατά την προσομοίωση μιας θερμομηχανικής διεργασίας είναι η εξομοίωση της θερμικής πηγής και ο υπολογισμός του θερμικού φορτίου, γιατί μια εσφαλμένη εκτίμηση του θερμικού φορτίου προκαλεί λανθασμένη πρόβλεψη της θερμοκρασιακής κατανομής και κατά συνέπεια εισάγει σφάλματα στον υπολογισμό των παραμενουσών τάσεων και των στρεβλώσεων. Στη βάση αυτή, τόσο για την περίπτωση της FSW όσο και για την LBW αναπτύχθηκαν μεθοδολογίες για τον προσδιορισμό των θερμικών πηγών τους και συνοδεύτηκαν από θερμικά μοντέλα για την πρόβλεψη του θερμοκρασιακού ιστορικού. Ακολούθως, το θερμοκρασιακό ιστορικό ασκείται υπό τη μορφή εξωτερικού φορτίου σε ένα θερμομηχανικό μοντέλο από όπου υπολογίζονται οι παραμένουσες τάσεις και οι στρεβλώσεις της διεργασίας. Τέλος, η εσωτερική εντατική κατάσταση του συγκολλημένου δομικού στοιχείου συνυπολογίζεται στο εντατικό πεδίο λόγω της φόρτισης λειτουργίας της κατασκευής και γίνεται πρόβλεψη των συντελεστών έντασης τάσης (Stress Intensity Factors - SIFs ) έτσι ώστε να εκτιμηθεί η επίδρασης της συγκόλλησης στη δομική ακεραιότητα. Τόσο το θερμομηχανικό όσο και το θραυστομηχανικό μοντέλο μπορούν να προσαρμοσθούν σε πολλούς διαφορετικούς τύπους σύνδεσης και ρηγμάτωσης, αντίστοιχα. / The design criteria in modern structures aim to the production of components with reduced weight and low cost, as well as, with higher performance and increased safety. The above goals lead to a tendency of replacing traditional differential structures with more modern integral structure, mainly in aeronautic sector where the weight and cost reduction, without decrease of safety, comprises the main target of the current research effort. The production of integral structures requires the adaptation of existing forming processes as well as the development and optimization of advanced welding processes. The most promising welding processes in aeronautics and maritime industries currently are the Friction Stir Welding–FSW and Laser Beam Welding-LBW. Despite of the many technological advantages of FSW and LBW process, their application in the production of integral structures leads to the development of Residual Stress (RS) and distortion fields which can cause significant problems. Specifically, distortions can effect on the components assembly, while, RS affect the structural integrity. However, an appropriate selection of process parameters can significantly reduce the RS and distortions levels. The usual way to optimize process parameters is experimental trial and error approach; recently, process simulation has been proven efficient, too. The present work aims to the development of efficient methodologies for the thermomechanical simulation of FSW and LBW processes in order to predict temperature history, as wells as RS and distortion fields. Consequently, the RS field is used for the determination of the welding effects on the structural integrity of the welded component. Generally, the reliability of a simulation methodology of any thermo-mechanical process, such as welding, is seriously affected by many parameters; two of them are very base, namely, the accurate determination of the heat input introduced to the material (thermal load) and the accurate representation of thermal and mechanical boundary conditions. As the boundary conditions determined by the welder and it is usually easy to transfer in a numerical model, one of the most difficult simulation issues is the appropriate determination of the heat input which will lead to an accurate prediction of the material temperature history. For this reason, one of the main objectives of the present work is to develop methodologies for the accurate thermal load calculation in both FSW and LBW processes. After the validation of the developed methodologies with respect to experimental measurements, the defined heat sources are used in global thermal models in order to predict the temperature histories which, thereinafter, are introduced in the thermo-mechanical models to predict the developed RS and distortion fields. Finally, the structural integrity of the welded component, under the effect of both RS field and service loading is studied; different possible ‘fracture scenarios’ are investigated based on the Stress Intensity Factor concept and the Elastic Fracture Mechanics principles.

Desenvolvimento de processos de microusinagem com laser de pulsos ultracurtos / Micro machining process development with ultrashort laser pulses

MIRIM, DENILSON de C. 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T17:33:21Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T17:33:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O desenvolvimento de sistemas laser com pulsos ultracurtos trouxe a possibilidade de usinagem de estruturas muito pequenas em praticamente qualquer tipo de material. Neste trabalho foi dada continuidade a estudos já iniciados no Centro de Lasers e Aplicações (CLA) com os materiais dielétricos, introduzindo a largura temporal dos pulsos laser como mais uma variável e utilizando os conhecimentos adquiridos para a determinação de limiares de ablação e parâmetros de incubação em alguns metais como: aço AISI 1045, aço inoxidável VI138, cobre eletrolítico e molibdênio. A ausência de calor no processo de ablação dos metais torna-se muito difícil, pois a criação de uma camada de íons é muito prejudicada pela mobilidade eletrônica ao seu redor. Assim a ablação de metais com pulsos ultracurtos, tem como principal mecanismo a explosão de fase associada a outros processos que também contribuem na ablação, porém em menor escala, como a explosão coulombiana e a fusão ultrarrápida. Além disso, propriedades como a constante de acoplamento elétron-fônon e a condutividade térmica assumem um papel importante e devem ser levadas em conta na investigação do processo de ablação dos metais. Este trabalho possibilitou a obtenção de parâmetros de operação nos quais o calor transferido para a rede é minimizado, possibilitando a microusinagem de precisão e alterações controladas na morfologia da superfície de diversos metais. Os resultados propiciaram assim condições para novos desenvolvimentos e aplicações práticas de usinagem com pulsos ultracurtos. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Biomêcanica aplicada na avaliação de propriedades de implantes ortopédicos metálicos tratados por feixe laser / Applied biomechanics to evaluate the properties of laser beam treated orthopedic implants

PIERETTI, EURICO F. 09 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-10-09T19:31:24Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-09T19:31:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A marcação por feixe laser em superfícies é utilizada para assegurar a identificação e a rastreabilidade em biomateriais. A texturização via feixe laser confere maior aderência às superfícies dos dispositivos médicos implantáveis. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento da superfície do aço inoxidável austenítico ABNT NBR ISO 5832-1 submetido à marcação e texturização com feixe laser de fibra óptica, alterando-se a frequência dos pulsos; frente ao seu comportamento biomecânico, por meio de: ensaios de resistência à tração, fadiga e desgaste; verificar a susceptibilidade à corrosão localizada, por ensaios eletroquímicos em solução que simula os fluidos corpóreos; e caracterizar a sua microestrutura. Os tratamentos alteraram a rugosidade e a dureza dos biomateriais em função do aumento da frequência dos pulsos. A microestrutura e composição química das superfícies sofreram mudanças que afetaram diretamente a camada passiva dos aços inoxidáveis. Este efeito foi comprovado com o uso de SVET, XPS e caracterização de propriedades eletrônicas do filme passivo. Os dois tipos de tratamentos implicaram em aumento de susceptibilidade magnética das superfícies. Os parâmetros utilizados para as marcações e texturizações não causaram diminuição na viabilidade celular, de modo que não apresentou citotoxicidade mesmo após incubação prolongada. Este biomaterial mostrou-se adequado perante os ensaios biomecânicos, uma vez que os tratamentos a laser, nas condições utilizadas, não induziram a formação de tensões superficiais de magnitude capaz de levar à fratura por fadiga, indicando vida em fadiga infinita; tampouco se pôde relacionar a região de fratura por tração com as marcações a laser. O volume de desgaste diminuiu em função do aumento da dureza produzido pela elevação da frequência do pulso nas texturizações. O caráter visual das marcações e texturizações por feixe laser foi assegurado após a maioria dos ensaios realizados. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Investigation of Melt Pool Thermo-hydrodynamic Behaviour inLaser Beam Welding ofTi-6Al-4V through Numerical Simulation / Undersökning av smältans termohydrodynamik vid lasersvetsning avTi-6Al-4V genom numerisk simulering

Noori Rahim Abadi, Seyyed Mohammad Ali January 2021 (has links)
Laser is an efficient and widely used heat source in metal processing suchas welding and additive manufacturing. It has some great advantages compared to the other conventional heat sources like electron beam and arc namely: ability of handling complicated joint geometries and producing large components. Laser beam welding encompasses many complex physical phenomena such asheat transfer, metal melting, flow and solidification, free surface deformation, evaporation and possibly vaporization. The aim of this research work istwo-fold: gain deeper process understanding and improve the model reliability. Deeper process understanding is sought on the effect of beam shaping on themelt pool. To achieve improved model reliability, a good support consists in using qualitative experimental data representing the process. Thus, 3D validation of the melt pool geometry is performed while it was usually 2D inprevious research works. Furthermore, a new calculation procedure for laser absorption is introduced. To conduct this research work, a Computational Fluid Dynamics approach is used. A solver, capable of tracking the deformation of the melt free surface, is developed in OpenFOAM. Concerning beam shaping, it is found that not only the melt pool size as previously known but also the melt flow pattern is modified through elongating the beam shape.This last result could not be revealed by former studies as the non-transparent media hinders optical observation. New in-process quantitative measurements performed by a project partner are used to test the model. Weaknesses of the former absorptivity models are highlighted, as well as the limitations of the proposed model. Finally, the results show that the proposed absorptivity model function of local surface conditions leads to much better agreement with experimental results compared to the former constant absorptivity model. The maximum discrepancy compared to the experimental measurement, which is observed for the melt pool depth, can indeed be reduced to about 10%. / Laser är en effektiv och allmänt använd värmekälla vid svetsning och additiv tillverkning. Den har några viktiga fördelar jämfört med andra konventionella värmekällor såsom elektronstråle och elektrisk ljusbåge, nämligen: den kan ofta användas till komplicerade svetsgeometrier, och den kan producera stora komponenter. Lasersvetsning involverar olika sammansatta fysikaliska fenomen såsom värmeöverföring, metallsmältning, flöde, stelning, ytdeformation, avdunstning och i vissa fall förångning. Syftet med mitt forskningsarbete är tvåfaldigt: att få en djupare processförståelse och att förbättra modellens tillförlitlighet. Fördjupad processförståelse eftersträvades för att förstå hur formen på laserstrålen påverkar svetssmältan. För att uppnå förbättrad modellsäkerhet behövs experimentella data av hög kvalitet som representerar processen. Således utfördes 3D-validering av smältgeometrin medan det vanligtvis var 2D i tidigare forskningsarbeten. Dessutom har en ny modell för laserabsorption föreslagits. I forskningen har numerisk strömningssimulering (Computational Fluid Dynamics) använts för att simulera processen och en numerisk lösare, som kan spåra deformationen av den rörliga smälta ytan, är utveckladi programvaran OpenFOAM. Beträffande laserstrålens utbredning visar resultaten att svetssmältans storlek och även svetssmältansflöde modifieras genom att laserstråleformen förlängs. Medan den förra är känd från tidigare experimentella studier upptäcktes den senare inte före denna studie eftersomdet icke-transparenta mediet hindrar optisk observation. Nya (in-process) kvantitativa mätningar utförda av en projektpartner har använts för att testa modellerna. Svagheter i den tidigare absorptionsmodellen framhävdes, liksom begränsningarna i den föreslagna modellen. Slutligen visade resultaten att den föreslagna modellen där laserabsorptionen är en funktion av lokala ytförhållanden ledde till en bättre overensstämmelse med mätningar jämfört med den tidigare modellen med konstant laserabsorbtion. Den maximala avvikelsen jämfört med experimentell mätning, som observerades med avseende på smältbassängsdjupet, kunde reduceras till cirka 10%. / <p>Till licentiatuppsats hör 2 inskickade artiklar, som inte visas nu.</p>

Detektor pozice laserového svazku / Position sensing detector

Ha, Tuan January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with design of a laser position detector. Different types of sensor are mentioned and compared at the beginning. Special attention is paid to quadrant sensor. Its pros and cons are discussed with designing methods. The sensor is simulated in Matlab to test its output response. Then the laboratory tests follow to meassure real response of the chip. Then follows the design of the detector based on measured and simulated data. In the conclusion of this thesis parameters of created device are evaluated.

Digitalizace snímaní rozložení optické intenzity / Digitalization of the optical intensity distribution scanning

Škrob, Robin January 2008 (has links)
This Master’s thesis solves a design and construction of device for gathering and transfer of data into computer. The device should replace graph plotter, by which is measured the optical intensity of a laser beam. From this characteristic it is possible to determine other parameters of the laser beam, such as halfwidth of the beam, angle of divergence and Rayleigh length. The described device - “data gatherer” - measures two voltage values – voltage detected on photodiode and voltage detected on distance moved by photodiode. Measured values of voltage are processed and sent through a serial line into the computer. A pre-amplifier is connected to the control part for both channels of measured values with possibility of amplification. Computer application, which performs graphic interpretation of the measured values, serves as user control peripheral. The product of this project is compact device operating under OS Windows with graphic output.

Adaptive interferometric velocity measurements using a laser guide star

Czarske, J., Radner, H., Büttner, L. 29 August 2019 (has links)
We have harnessed the power of programmable photonics devices for an interferometric measurement technique. Laser interferometers are widely used for flow velocity measurements, since they offer high temporal and spatial resolutions. However, often optical wavefront distortions deteriorate the measurement properties. In principle, adaptive optics enables the correction of these disturbances. One challenge is to generate a suitable reference signal for the closed loop operation of the adaptive optics. An adaptive Mach Zehnder interferometer is presented to measure through a dynamic liquid-gas phase boundary, which can lead to a misalignment of the interfering laser beams. In order to generate the reference signal for the closed loop control, the Fresnel reflex of the phase boundary is used as Laser Guide Star (LGS) for the first time to the best of the authors’ knowledge. The concept is related to the generation of artificial stars in astronomy, where the light transmitted by the atmosphere is evaluated. However, the adaptive interferometric flow velocity measurements at real world experiments require a different concept, since only the reflected light can be evaluated. The used LGS allows to measure the wavefront distortions induced by the dynamic phase boundary. Two biaxial electromagnetically driven steering mirrors are employed to correct the wavefront distortions. This opens up the possibility for accurate flow measurements through a dynamic phase boundary using only one optical access. Our work represents a paradigm shift in interferometric velocity measurement techniques from using static to dynamic optical elements.

Investigating the effect of extending powder particle size distribution of Ti-6Al-4V produced by powder bed fusion laser beam process : Influence of process parameters on material integrity

Squillaci, Linda January 2023 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the topic of PBF-LB applied to titanium alloys. Of allalloys, an α + β is chosen, named Ti-6Al-4V. The selection of this particular alloy is driven by its current widespread use in many industrial applications where high strength coupled with low density are both desirable properties. For the last 50 years, parts made with this alloy have been cast or forged and then machined to achieve the final geometry. There is now an opportunity totransform this process chain by additive manufacturing, hence reducing material waste and achieving near net shape from powder feedstock. The process is summarised as follows: a laser selectively melts areas on a build plate where powder is pre-placed. Then a successive powder layer is spread and the process is repeated until completion. Upon removal of the part from the build plate, loose powder in the chamber is collected and recycled whenever possible. The design freedom provided by powder bed fusion methods enables production of intricate geometries and added functionality, despite the need for post-build consolidation and/or microstructural adjustments. Today’s fine and narrow powder cuts (e.g., 15-50μm) are designed to be coupled with low layer thicknesses (i.e., 30μm) to achieve smooth surfaces and high resolutions of small features e.g., internal cooling channels. However, costs associated with production of fine and narrow powder cuts are substantial as refinement of batches requires multiple sieving steps. In addition, resulting building times are considerably long (i.e., days), therefore a beneficial alternative could be that of exploring higher layer thicknesses together with wider and coarser powder cuts. The main idea of this work is to investigate the effects of employing a powder with a wider size distribution 15-90μm. The aim is to reduce the sievingrequired and consequently decrease the costs of developing and building parts made by PBF-LB. An extensive microstructural investigation is conducted on single tracks and cubes built with 27 different process parameter combinations, which also attempts to establish correlations between characteristics of tracks and responses measured in cubes. As a second step, the amount of residual porosity of asbuilt cubes is chosen as the discriminant for further mechanical testing of sub and super-β transus high-pressure heat treated material. / Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på additiv tillverkning av titanlegeringar med laser pulverbädd metoden. Den legering som främst är i fokus är Ti-6Al-4Vsom är en α+β legering. Anledningen till valet av denna titanlegering är att det är den vanligast förekommande titanlegeringen och att den används i ett antal olika industriella tillämpningar där hög styrka i kombination med låg vikt är önskvärda egenskaper. Under de senaste 50 åren har komponenter utav denna legering tillverkats med gjutning eller smide, följt av bearbetning till slutlig geometri. Med hjälp av additiv tillverkning finns nu en möjlighet att förändra tillverkningskedjan i vilket minskat materialspill och en mer nära-slutgeometri kan erhållas direkt genom användning av metallpulver som utgångsmaterial. Processen kan summeras enligt följande: en laser smälter ett förbestämt område på en byggplatta som täckts mer pulver. Därefter adderas ytterligare ett lager med metallpulver ovanpå, på vilket samma process sker igen, och igen osv, tills hela detaljen är färdigtillverkad. När detaljen ska tas loss ifrån byggplattan samlas det kvarvarande icke-smälta pulvret upp och återanvänds i så stor utsträckning som möjligt. Frihetsgraderna vid design i processen möjliggör tillverkning av komplexa geometrier och adderade funktionaliteter, även fast efterbehandling och/eller justeringar av mikrostrukturen kan behövas. Dagens smala pulverstorleksfördelning (tex 15-50μm) är avsedd att ge tunna lagertjocklekar (tex 30μm) för att åstadkomma en fin yta och hög upplösning av små geometrier, såsom exempelvis interna kylkanaler. Men kostnaderna som det innebär att framställa och sortera ut fina och smala kornstorleksfördelningarär avsevärd eftersom det innebär flera steg med silning. Vidare leder de tunnalagertjocklekarna till långa byggtider (typiskt dagar). Ett alternativ, som därför vore fördelaktigt, är att undersöka möjligheten med att bygga tjockare lager med en bredare och större pulverstorleksfördelning. Huvudfokuset i detta arbete fokuserar på att undersöka effekterna av att använda en bredare pulverpartikelstorleksfördelning 15-90μm, med syfte at minska silningsbehovet och därmed reducera kostnaden för att utveckla och tillverka detaljer med laser pulverbädd additiv tillverkning. En omfattande mikrostrukturundersökning har gjorts på enkelsträngar och kuber byggda med 27 olika processparameter-kombinationer, vilket samtidigt försöker identifiera korrelationer mellan enkelsträngarnas karaktäristik med resultaten uppmätta hos kuberna. I ett nästa steg har material, som tillverkats med processparametrar som renderade i minst/mest porer hos kuberna, mekaniskt provats efter att det högtrycksvärmebehandlats över- respektive under β-transus. / <p>Paper A is not included due to the copyright.</p><p>Paper B and C are to be submitted.</p>

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