Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datent heat"" "subject:"datent meat""
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Fluxes of Sensible and Latent Heat and Carbon Dioxide in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary LayerSahlée, Erik January 2007 (has links)
Oceans cover about 70% of the earth’s surface. They are the largest source of the atmospheric water vapour and act as enormous heat reservoirs. Thus in order to predict the future weather and climate it is of great importance to understand the processes governing the exchange of water vapour and heat between the ocean and atmosphere. This exchange is to a large extent mediated by turbulent eddies. Current numerical climate and weather forecast models are unable to resolve the turbulence, which means that the turbulent exchange needs to be simplified by using parameterizations. Tower based measurements at the Östergarnsholm Island in the Baltic Sea have been used to study the air-sea turbulent exchange of latent and sensible heat and the heat flux parameterizations. Although the measurements are made at an island, data obtained at this site is shown to represent open ocean conditions during most situations for winds coming from the east-south sector. It is found that during conditions with small air-sea temperature differences and wind speeds above 10 m s-1, the structure of the turbulence is re-organized. Drier and colder air from aloft is transported to the surface by detached eddies, which considerably enhance the turbulent heat fluxes. The fluxes where observed to be much larger than predicted by current state-of-the-art parameterizations. The turbulence regime during these conditions is termed the Unstable Very Close to Neutral Regime, the UVCN-regime. The global increase of the latent and sensible heat fluxes due to the UVCN-regime is calculated to 2.4 W m-2 and 0.8 W m-2 respectively. This is comparable to the current increase of the radiative forcing due to anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, reported in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change fourth assessment report (IPCC AR4). Thus the UVCN-effect could have a significant influence when predicting the future weather and climate.
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The Behaviour of the Latent Heat Exchange Coefficient in the Stable Marine Boundary LayerLindgren, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
Knowledge of the turbulent fluxes at the sea surface is important for understanding the interaction between atmosphere and ocean. With better knowledge, improvements in the estimation of the heat exchange coefficients can be made and hence models are able to predict the weather and future climate with higher accuracy. The exchange coefficients of latent and sensible heat during stable stratification vary in the literature. Therefore it is necessary to investigate the processes influencing the air-sea exchange of water vapour and heat in order to estimate these values. With measurements from a tower and a directional waverider buoy at the site Östergarnsholm in the Baltic Sea, data used in this study have been sampled from the years 2005-2007. This site represents open-ocean conditions during most situations when the wind comes from the south-east sector. The neutral exchange coefficients, CEN and CHN, have been calculated along with the non-dimensional profile functions for temperature and wind to study the dependence of stability and other parameters of relevance. It was found that CEN increased slightly with wind speed and reached a mean value of approximately 1.45×10-3. The highest values of CEN were observed during near neutral conditions and low wave ages. CHN attained a mean value of approximately 0.77×10-3 and did not show any relation to wind speed or to wave age. No significant dependence with wind or wave direction could be shown for either CEN or CHN in the sector 80-220°. The stability correction, performed to reduce the dependence on stratification for CEN and CHN, was well performed for stabilities higher than 0.15. The stability is represented by a relationship between the height and the Obukhov-length (z/L). Validity of the non-dimensional profile functions for temperature and wind showed that, for smaller stabilities, these functions gave higher values than the corresponding functions recommended by Högström (1996). The profile funtions for temperature was shown to have a larger scatter while the profile functions for wind was less scattered and deviated more from the functions given by Högström / Kunskap om turbulenta flöden i det marina gränsskiktet är viktigt för att förstå växelverkan mellan atmosfär och hav. Med bättre kunskap kan förbättringar i bestämningen av utbyteskoefficienterna för latent och sensibelt värme erhållas. Det medför att modeller kan prognostisera väder och framtida klimat med högre noggrannhet. Utbyteskoefficienterna för latent och sensibelt värme har för stabil skiktning olika värden i litteraturen. Detta gör det nödvändigt att undersöka de processer som påverkar utbytet av vattenånga och värme mellan luft och hav för att kunna bestämma dessa värden. Data som har använts i den här studien insamlades mellan år 2005 och 2007 från en boj och ett torn vid mätplatsen Östergarnsholm i Baltiska havet. För det flesta situationer, när vinden blåser från syd-ost, representerar mätplatsen ett förhållande likvärdigt det över öppet hav. De neutrala utbyteskoefficienterna, CEN och CHN, och de dimensionslösa profilfunktionera för temperatur och vind, och , har beräknats för att studera beroendet av stabilitet samt andra relevanta parametrar. Beräkningarna visade att CEN ökade något med vindhastighet och hamnade på ett medelvärde av ungefär 1.45×10-3. De högsta värdena på CEN observerades vid nära neutrala förhållanden och låga vågåldrar. CHN uppmättes till att ha ett medelvärde på ungefär 0.77×10-3 och uppvisade inget beroende med vindhastighet eller vågålder. Inget märkbart beroende med vind- eller vågriktning kunde visas för CEN eller CHN i sektorn 80-220°. Stabilitetskorrektionen, utförd för att reducera beroendet av atmosfärens skiktning för CEN och CHN, var bra för stabiliteter högre än 0.15. Stabiliteten representeras av förhållandet mellan höjden och Obukhov-längden (z/L). Utvärdering av de dimensionslösa funktionerna för temperatur och vind visade att dessa funktioner, för små stabiliteter, gav högre värden än motsvarande funktioner som rekommenderas av Högström (1996). Värdena på profilfunktionerna för temperatur hade större spridning än värdena på profilfunktionerna för vind och avvek mer från funktionerna givna av Högström.
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Confinement effect on semiconductor nanowires propertiesNduwimana, Alexis 02 November 2007 (has links)
Confinement effect on semiconductor nanowires properties.
Alexis Nduwimana
100 pages
Directed by Dr. Mei-Yin Chou
We study the effect of confinement on various properties of semiconductor
nanowires. First, we study the size and direction dependence of the band gap of
germanium nanowires. We use the density functional theory in the local density approximation. Results shows that the band gap decreases with the diameter The susceptibility of these nanowires is also computed. Second, we look at the confinement effect on the piezoelectric coefficients of ZnO and AlN nanowires. The Berry phase method is used. It is found that depending on passivation, thepiezoelectric effect can decrease or increase. Finally, we study the size and direction dependence of the melting temperature of silicon nanowires. We use the molecular dynamics with the Stillinger Weber potential. Results indicate that the melting temperature increases with the nanowire diameter and that it is direction dependent.
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Experimental Investigation Of Phase Change Materials Used In Prototype Military SheltersErkal, Zafer 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the possible usage of phase change materials in military shelters with the aim of decreasing the heating effect of the solar radiation is presented. In order to meet the rapidly growing demand for energy in military applications, a passive cooling technique, specifically, storing thermal energy with phase change materials is analyzed by using experimental approach. Not only different types of phase change materials but also different amounts of them are examined during the solar loading experiments. In order to simulate solar heat loading on prototype military shelters, solar radiation test or in other words sunshine test that is stated in military standard MIL
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Surface Energy Budget Over A Land Surface In The TropicsArunchandra, S C 04 1900 (has links)
Atmospheric convection is sensitive to the nature of the surface and its temperature. Both dry (without cloud) and moist (with cloud) convections depend on the surface temperature. Surface temperature is of critical importance in several practical applications like human comfort and crop cultivation. In the climate change scenario too, variations in the surface temperature take the center stage. Therefore, prediction of surface temperature is important. The evolution of the temperature is governed by the energy equation and the surface temperature by the surface energy balance. Important components of the surface energy balance are radiation (incoming solar radiation, reflected solar radiation, incoming and outgoing longwave radiation), sensible and latent heat fluxes and heat flux into the ground (called ground heat flux). A large number of individual and collective observations have been carried out in the past to understand the atmospheric boundary layer and the surface energy budgets. However a major share of the observations is from mid-latitudes. There have been few experiments carried out in India, for example, MONTBLEX, LASPEX, etc. One common drawback among these experiments is that the data time series is discontinuous and continuous measurements covering an entire season are lacking. Moreover these measurements were not comprehensive and hence did not allowed to calculate complete surface energy balance – in some cases radiation data is not available while in some humidity data. Therefore, continuous time series of sufficient duration and covering all variables needed to look at the seasonal energy balance based on measurements alone is missing in the Indian context. New programmes with the main objective of predicting convection are being planned in India. For example, PROWNAM (Prediction of Regional Weather with Observational Meso-Network and Atmospheric Modeling) is aimed at predicting the short term weather at SHAR and STORM (Severe Thunderstorms – Observations and Regional Modeling) aims to predict the occurrence of severe thunderstorms in the northeastern India. In both these programmes, measurement of all components of surface energy balance is one of the main objectives. However, the minimum configuration and data accuracy requirements for the flux towers, sensitivity of computed fluxes on data accuracy have not been carefully evaluated. This thesis is aimed at filling this gap.
As a part of my work, a 10 m high micrometeorological tower was installed in an open area within the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Air Field. Temperature, relative humidity and wind speed and direction instruments were mounted at two levels, 2 m and 8 m. All components of radiation were measured. Data, sampled every 5 s and averaged for 2 minutes were continuously stored, starting May 2006 onwards. Soil temperature was measured at 4 depths, 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm. In addition, a sonic anemometer capable of measuring 3 components of velocity and air temperature was installed at 2 m height, and data was collected for more than a month to enable the calculation of momentum and buoyancy fluxes using the Eddy correlation method (ECM).
The present work evaluated the sensitivity of the fluxes for small calibration errors and quantified the minimum data accuracies and configuration needed for flux measurement with the Profile method (PM). After applying corrections, the comparison of fluxes from PM and ECM are in good agreement. The complete long-term surface energy balances is calculated in terms of source and sink. One aspect that emerges from the observation is that the seasonal variation in the sink term is relatively small (150-170 Wm-2) whereas the source term shows much larger variation from 180-250 Wm-2. A method has been implemented by which the ground surface temperature can be estimated by using the subsurface temperature timeseries by the method of Fourier decomposition and using the Fourier heat conduction equation. In addition we can compute the thermal diffusivity of the soil by using the amplitude and phase information of the sub-surface soil time series. The estimated temperatures from this method and one that estimated from radiation method are in good agreement with the maximum difference being less than 0º C.
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Flux associations and their relationship to the underlying heterogeneous surface characteristicsBrown Mitic, Constance Maria. January 1999 (has links)
This thesis consists of analysis of three different data sets: (i) Aircraft-based eddy correlation data collected above irrigated and non-irrigated agricultural land in Southern California during the California Ozone Deposition Experiment (CODE) summer 1991; (ii) micrometeorological tower data, collected over grape and cotton canopies as part of CODE; (iii) aircraft-based eddy correlation flux data above two grid sites in the Canadian boreal forest during the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS), spring and summer of 1994 and 1996. / Results from the CODE aircraft data document composition and size of the dominant structures, which transport heat and gases (H2O, CO 2 and ozone) over water stressed and non-water stressed surfaces, and the relative frequency with which structures carrying only a single scalar, or given combinations of scalars, were encountered along the flight paths. Interpretation of results provides further evidence for the existence of a second (nonphysiological) sink for ozone. The relative preponderance of structures that carry moisture, carbon dioxide and ozone simultaneously, particularly in the gradient-up mode, reflects the importance of vegetation as co-located source/sink for these scalars. The detrending procedures described in this study may help to define a more effective separation between local and mesoscale events in biosphere-atmosphere interaction. / Results from the CODE tower data indicates a single vegetated ozone sink for the grape site, but a vegetated as well as a non-vegetated sink for the cotton site. For both sites, structures simultaneously transporting significant flux contributions of CO2, H2O, heat and ozone dominate during unstable conditions. During stable conditions, unmixed single flux structures dominated over cotton but not over grape. The results of this study contribute empirical evidence about the relationship between ozone uptake and the physical and physiological state of vegetation, as well as the limitations placed on eddy scales in simulation models. / Results from the BOREAS aircraft data shows a decoupling between the surface and the atmosphere, where the patterns of vegetation, greenness and surface temperature may be quite dissimilar to those of the fluxes of sensible heat, latent heat and---to a lesser degree---CO2. Reasons for this lie in the extraordinary boundary layer conditions, high vapour pressure deficit, moist soil and hot canopies, and the response of the vegetation to these conditions. Analysis of the coherent structure compositions to some extent permits the characterization of the different sources and sinks. Overall, this study shows the importance of understanding the various interacting components of soil, vegetation and atmosphere when attempting to design process-based models for predictions in 'micrometeorologiacally' complex ecosystems.
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Variabilité des flux turbulents de surface au sein du bassin versant d'Ara au Bénin / Surface turbulent flux variability within the ara watershed in beninDoukouré, Moussa 31 March 2011 (has links)
La circulation atmosphérique en Afrique de l'Ouest est caractérisée par des vents de sud-ouest (mousson) pendant la saison humide et par des vents de nord-est (harmattan) pendant la saison sèche. Cette alternance des saisons est due aux variations de pression liée à l'état des surfaces (rugosité, albédo, végétation) en réaction au forçage solaire. Ces mêmes états de surface génèrent une variabilité de flux turbulents de surface et des circulations secondaires qui rendent complexes les analyses des mesures effectuées sur place en vue de documenter les interactions surface-atmosphère. La modélisation fine échelle (LES) couramment utilisée dans l'étude de la couche limite atmosphérique est requise pour pouvoir palier à ces difficultés en raison de sa capacité à prendre en compte les flux turbulents en 3D et sur topographie complexe. Notre site d'étude est le bassin versant d'ARA située au Nord du Bénin dans un contexte Soudanien avec des propriétés de surface variables. Une analyse climatique est effectuée sur la base des observations de radiosondage, de radar UHF et de stations au sol afin d'extraire des données composites représentatives des saisons sèche et humide. Ces données composites ont servi par la suite à forcer le modèle Méso-NH dans sa version LES. Pour pouvoir caractériser les échelles de longueur des flux turbulents de surface relatives aux saisons sèche et humide, les données standard de forçage de surface de Méso-NH que sont le relief GTOPO30 (1km de résolution) et la végétation ECOCLIMAP (1km de résolution) ont été respectivement remplacer par le SRTM (90m de résolution) et les données de SPOT/HRV (20m de résolution) reéchantillonné à 90m de résolution. A l'aide d'outils statistiques comme la variographie 2D et le suivi Lagrangien, il ressort que la variabilité spatiale de la chaleur sensible H est gouvernée par le couple vent-relief tandis que celle de la chaleur latente E est difficile à mettre en lien sur végétation hétérogène (SPOT/HRV) en saison sèche. En saison humide, la variabilité spatiale du champ H dépend du vent tandis que celle du champ E dépend de la végétation. Cette étude révèle dans tous les cas que les échelles caractéristiques de ces deux champs diffèrent dans les mêmes conditions de forçage de surface et atmosphérique. / West Africa atmosphere circulation is characterized by south-westerly wind (monsoon regime) during the wet season and north-easterly wind (harmattan regime) during the dry season. This alternation of wind regime is due to surface pressure variability linked to surface heterogeneities. Surface heterogeneities generate surface flux variability, secondary circulation and make complex analysis when trying to document surface-atmosphere feedbacks. LES modelling usually used for boundary-layer studies due to its potential to take into account 3D turbulence over complex topography, is used here to overcome these difficulties. Our site of interest is located in north of Benin characterized by Soudanian climate and heterogeneous surface properties. Climate analysis are first performed with radiosoundings, UHF radar, and EC station data in order to extract composite profile representing dry and wet season.. These composite profiles are then used to force atmosphere part of the Méso-NH LES model. To characterize turbulent fluxes length scales relative to dry and wet season, standard surface forcing data with Méso-NH like GTOPO30 orography (1km ) and ECOCLIMAP vegetation (1km) are respectively replaced by SRTM (90m) and SPOT/HRV vegetation data (20m) resampled to 90m. Along with statistical tools like 2D variography and Lagrangian, we notice that during dry season on heterogeneous vegetation, sensible heat flux H is more driven by wind and orography while we not able to discuss the latent heat flux E case. During wet season with the same surface forcing, it appears that H is driven by wind while E is more dependent to vegetation variability. Our study concludes in all case that H and E are not characterized by the same length scale.
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Contribution à l'étude des performances d'un séchoir serre avec stockage de chaleur dans des matériaux à changement de phase. / A study on thermal performance of a solar greenhouse dryer with heat storage in phase change materialsAumporn, Orawan 07 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail concerne une étude numérique des performances thermiques d’un séchoir- serre équipé d’une unité de stockage de chaleur solaire dans des matériaux à changement de phase (MCPs). L'unité de stockage de chaleur solaire, placée sous le sol de la serre, est composée d’une couche de MCPs (paraffine) disposée entre une plaque en acier et une couche de béton. L'écoulement de l'air asséchant se déroule par convection forcée et le produit disposé sur les claies du séchoir est la banane (Bananas Musa ABB CV. Kluai "Namwa"). Les équations de transfert de chaleur dans la serre, basées sur la méthode nodale, sont déduites d'un bilan thermique établi pour les différents composants du séchoir-serre. Les transferts de chaleur dans les couches de MCPs et de béton sont décrits respectivement par le modèle enthalpique et l'équation de la conduction. Le modèle de cinétique de séchage de la banane est celui d’Oswin modifié. Les équations de transferts sont résolues par une méthode implicite aux différences finies et les algorithmes de Gauss et de Thomas. Nous analysons l'influence du débit d'air asséchant et de l’irradiation solaire sur les distributions spatio-temporelles des températures des composants de la serre et de l'unité de stockage, la durée de séchage, les efficacités thermiques du séchoir-serre et de l'unité de stockage d'énergie. Cette modélisation est complétée par des simulations du fonctionnement du séchoir serre-unité de stockage de chaleur en utilisant la notion de journée type et les données météorologiques de Nakorn Pathom (Thaïlande) et par une analyse de faisabilité technico-économique. Les résultats montrent notamment que l’unité de stockage de chaleur contribue à la réduction de la durée de séchage et augmente les performances thermiques du séchoir et l’unité de stockage. / This work is about a numerical study of the thermal behavior of a solar greenhouse dryer and a heat storage unit in phase change materials (PCMs). The heat storage unit containing of PCMs (paraffin) is disposed between a metal plate and a concrete layer and placed under the floor of the greenhouse. The air drying flows along the greenhouse by forced convection and the products placed on the dryer's rack is bananas (Bananas Musa ABB CV Kluai "Namwa"). The heat transfer equations in the greenhouse are based on the nodal method and deduced from a thermal balance on the different components of the solar greenhouse dryer. The heat transfers in the PCMs and the concrete slab are described by the enthalpy method and the conduction equation, respectively. The banana drying kinetic is described by the model modified of Oswin. Transfer equations are solved using an implicit finite difference method associated to Gauss and Thomas algorithms. We analyze the effects of the air drying volumetric flow rate and the solar irradiance on the temperature distribution of the greenhouse dryer and the heat storage unit, the drying time, the solar greenhouse dryer and heat storage unit efficiencies. This modeling is complemented by simulations of the solar greenhouse dryer with the heat storage unit using the day type and the meteorological data of Nakorn Pathom (Thailand) and by an economic analysis. The results show that the heat storage unit provides the reduction of the drying time and increases the thermal performances of the solar greenhouse dryer and the heat storage unit.
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Modelling Evapotranspiration from Satellite Data using semi-empirical Models : Applications to the Indian SubcontinentEswar, R January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The major aim of this work is to develop a framework for the estimation of Evapotranspiration (ET) over the Indian landmass using remote sensing (RS) datasets in a repeated and consistent manner with improved spatial resolution.
Different RS based ET models exist in the literature, out of which, the triangle, the S-SEBI and the Sim-ReSET models were compared for the estimation of daytime integrated latent heat flux (λEday). These three models were chosen as they can be driven only with RS based inputs without the need for any ground measurements. The results showed that the application of simpler contextual models may yield better results than physically based models when ground data is limited or not available.
To improve the spatial resolution of one of the key surface variable, Land Surface Temperature (LST), the performance of five different vegetation indices Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Fraction Vegetation Cover (FVC), Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI), Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) and Modified SAVI (MSAVI) were tested in the existing DisTrad disaggregation model. Results suggested that the most commonly used vegetation indices NDVI and FVC yielded better results only under wet conditions. Under drier surface conditions, using NDWI for disaggregation resulted in relatively higher accurate LST.
A model for spatial disaggregation of Evaporative Fraction (EF) called DEFrac (Disaggregation of Evaporative Fraction) was developed based on the relationship between EF and NDVI to obtain finer spatial resolution EF from coarser resolution estimates. The experimental results suggested that the DEFrac model developed in this study, yielded more accurate disaggregated EF. The disaggregated EF was further used to get disaggregated λEday.
Finally, The issue of lack of proper ET dataset over India was addressed by developing two data products one over entire India at 0.05° spatial resolution and the second product over the Kabini basin at 1 km spatial resolution. Both the products were developed with a temporal resolution of 8-day and for the period 2001–2014. The developed ET products were validated against ground observed data at seven sites across India and against ET simulated by a hydrological model over a forested watershed. Further the developed ET products were compared with some other global ET products such as MOD16, LandFlux Eval synthesis ET and GLEAM ET. Analyses revealed that only in regions where ET is predominantly driven by rainfall and where irrigation is not applied at very large scales, the global ET products tend to capture the ET patterns satisfactorily. On the other hand, the ET products developed in this work captured the spatial and temporal patterns of ET quite realistically all across India.
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Počítačové modelování teplotní hystereze při změně skupenství / Computer modelling of phase change hysteresisPetrášová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with computer modeling of temperature hysteresis during phase change, namely complete and partial phase change. There is performed a review of methods for modeling temperature hysteresis based on the enthalpy method and the effective heat capacity method. In the case of complete phase change, there are several methods that use the effective heat capacity method, as well as the heat source method, which, on the contrary, is a certain analogy of the enthalpy method. The following are works dealing with modelling of partial phase change, the most interesting of which is due to the validation method of static hysteresis and the method designed by Bony and Citherlet. The second part of this thesis deals with the hysteresis behavior of the material with phase change, which is organic paraffin RT 27. The input data obtained by differential scanning calorimetry was converted to the dependence of the enthalpy on temperature. These curves was represented by piecewise linear function. In the case of partial phase transformations, a modeling method based on the methods proposed by Bonym and Citherlet was designed. An one-dimensional model enabling thermal simulation of the material was implemented in the MATLAB software environment. The results obtained with this simulation are finally compared with a model that does not consider thermal hysteresis.
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