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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of fog on stratification and turbulent fluxes over the ocean / Påverkan av dimma på skiktningen och turbulenta flöden över hav

Lennartsson, Linda January 2004 (has links)
In this thesis a case of advection fog over the Baltic Sea is studied. The period examined is from June 5th to 7th 1995. Data is taken from the instrumented mast, situated on the island Östergarnsholm, a small and flat island without trees outside of Gotland. From the measurements among others the heat flux, relative humidity and temperature are analyzed. In the evening June 5th 1995 the fog is advected in over Östergarnsholm. This can both be seen from the increasing relative humidity and the decreasing temperature. Before the fog arrived the boundary layer was stably stratified. This stratification quickly changed to neutral as the fog reaches Östergarnsholm. After careful evaluation the neutral stratification is shown not to be neutral at all. The stratification closest to the ground up to 15 meters is unstable and above the stratification is stable. From this the conclusion is made that the fog is low only 15 meters high during this period. At noon June 6th the air temperature decreases dramatically below the sea surface temperature at the same time as the relative humidity increases up to 100%. The fog is now thick enough to have most of the outgoing radiation coming from the top, which decreases the temperature a few degrees. As the stability is investigated it shows unstable stratification up to the highest level (28 meters). The assumption is made that the fog is at least 30 meters deep. Also the normalized standard deviations for temperature and vertical velocity are examined to find out if they behave as the variation in the undisturbed boundary layer.2 / Sammanfattning av ”Påverkan av dimma på skiktningen och turbulenta flöden över hav” I detta arbete studeras ett fall av advektions dimma över Östersjön. Perioden undersökt är från den 5 till den 7 juni 1995. Mätmasten står på ön Östergarnsholm, en liten och låg ö utan träd utanför Gotland. Ur mätningarna fås bl.a. värmeflödet, relativa fuktigheten och temperaturen. På kvällen den 5 juni 1995 advekteras dimman in över Östergarnsholm. Detta ses både från att relativa fuktigheten stiger och att temperaturen sjunker. Innan dimman anlände var gränsskiktet stabilt skiktat. Denna skiktning ändrades snabbt till neutral då dimman når fram. Denna till synes neutrala skiktning visade sig efter noggrannare undersökning att inte alls vara neutral. Skiktet närmast marken upp till 15 meters höjd visade sig vara instabilt och däröver var det stabilt. Utifrån detta dras slutsatsen att dimman är låg endast 15 meter hög under denna period. Vid 12 tiden på dagen den 6 juni sjunker lufttemperaturen dramatiskt under ytvatten temperaturen samtidigt som relativa fuktigheten stiger upp till 100 %. Dimman är nu så pass tjock att den största delen av utstrålningen sker ifrån toppen vilket sänker luft temperaturen flera grader. Då stabiliteten undersöks visar den sig vara instabil skiktad ända upp till högsta mät nivån (28 meter). Antagandet görs att dimman är minst 30 meter djup. Även normaliserad standard avvikelse för temperaturen och den vertikala hastigheten undersöks för att ta reda på om de uppvisar samma variation som i det ostörda gränsskiktet.

An investigation of the accuracy and long term trends of ERA-40 over the Baltic Sea / En undersökning gällande noggrannheten och trender i ERA-40 över Östersjön

Nilsson, Gabriella January 2004 (has links)
Meteorological measurements from the research station at Östergarnsholm in the Baltic Sea between 1995 and 2001 are used to evaluate the ERA-40 data base over the Baltic Sea. This includes comparisons of mean parameters and turbulent fluxes. The statistics concern all the data available when the measuring site was exposed to open sea conditions, and includes about 1500 hours of data. Seasonal data is compared as well. Regarding all the mean parameters compared, ERA-40 is partly in line with the results from the measurements, with various scatter. Temperature is too warm, wind speed is lower as well as relative humidity and sea surface temperature is systematically overestimated. The heat fluxes are generally overestimated by ERA-40 when compared to heat fluxes calculated by the bulk formulae, sensible heat flux with a mean value of 5W/m2 and latent heat flux with 9W/m2. The overestimation is larger for high fluxes and during high wind speeds. Friction velocity is too large in ERA-40. There are indications that the ERA-40 data over the Baltic Sea is somewhat influenced by land. A second objective for this study is to detect possible trends occurring at Östergarnsholm over a long term perspective with the aid of the complete 44 year long data set. An increasing trend in temperature can be observed, which is in agreement with other long term temperature series in the region. / Sammanfattning av ”En undersökning gällande noggrannheten och trender i ERA-40 över Östersjön” Meteorologisk mätdata från forskningsstationen på Östergarnsholm i Östersjön åren 1995 till 2001 används för att evaluera databasen ERA-40 över Östersjön. Granskningen utförs genom jämförelser av medelparametrar och turbulenta flöden. Statistiken omfattar hela den datamängd som fanns tillgänglig då havsförhållanden antas råda på Östergarnsholm. Årstidsstatistik är också representerad. ERA-40 stämmer delvis överens med de uppmätta värdena, spridningen varierar för olika parametrar. Temperaturen är generellt för varm, vindhastigheten såväl som relativa fuktigheten är för låg medan vattentemperaturen överskattas systematiskt. Värmeflödena är i allmänhet överskattade i jämförelse med flöden beräknade med bulkformeln, det sensibla värmeflödet med 5W/m2 i medeltal och det latenta med 9W/m2. Modellen överskattar höga flöden mer, vilka främst är representerade vid höga vindhastigheter. Friktionshastigheten är mestadels alltför hög i ERA-40. Ett andra syfte med denna undersökning är att med hjälp av hela den 44 år långa dataserien finna eventuella trender över Östergarnsholm. Temperaturen visar en ökande trend vilket tycks stämma överens med andra långtidsserier i Sverige.

Effects of Upwelling Events on the Atmosphere

Hagelin, Susanna January 2006 (has links)
During an upwelling event the cold bottom-water is brought to the sea surface. This cools the atmosphere from below and the stratification becomes more stable. When the atmosphere is more stable the turbulence is reduced and, as a consequence, so are the turbulent fluxes. This study is investigating four periods of upwelling from the Östergarnsholm-site, in the Baltic Sea east of Gotland, during the summer of 2005. The air measurements are taken at a tower at the southernmost tip of Östergarnsholm while the measurements in the water are from a buoy moored 1 km south-southeast of the tower. During all the upwelling events the wind is south-westerly, along the coast of Gotland. This means that the buoy is not within the flux footprint area and is perhaps not always representative of what happens there. All the periods show a stabilization of the atmosphere as the SST (Sea Surface Temperature) decreases. The heat fluxes, especially the latent heat flux, decreases as the SST decreases. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, in the summer, is usually higher than the amount in the surface water of the seas because the oceans are a net sink of CO2. The air-sea flux of CO2 is to a large extent controlled by this difference. Therefore the flux of CO2 is usually directed to the sea. The deep-water contains more CO2 than the surface water because the phytoplankton near the surface removes CO2 through photosynthesis. The deep-water is also colder and can solve more CO2. During an upwelling event this CO2-rich water is brought to the surface. As an upwelling event progresses the difference in CO2-concentration between the air and the sea is reduced, sometimes reversed, and the flux decreases. This is what happens in three of the investigated periods in this study. During the fourth period a counter gradient flux is observed. / När en uppvällning inträffar förs kallt djupvatten upp till havsytan. Det kalla vattnet kyler atmosfären nedifrån, något som leder till mer stabil skiktning. När atmosfären blir mer stabilt skiktad dämpas turbulensen och det medför att de turbulenta flödena också avtar. I den här studien analyseras fyra perioder med uppvällning. Mätningarna kommer från Östergarnsholm, öster om Gotland, under sommaren 2005. Mätningarna i luften är tagna från en mast vid Östergarnsholms södra udde. Mätningarna i vattnet kommer från en boj som är förankrad 1 km sydsydöst om masten. Vid samtliga uppvällnings-perioder i den här studien är vinden sydvästlig (längs Gotlandskusten). Det betyder att bojen inte befinner sig inom flödenas footprint-area och dess mätningar är kanske inte hela tiden representativa för vad som händer i footprint-arean. Samtliga undersökta perioder visar på en stabilisering av atmosfären då havsytans temperatur avtar. Värmeflödena, i synnerhet det latenta värmeflödet, avtar i samband med att temperaturen i havsytan sjunker. Halten av CO2 i atmosfären är vanligtvis högre än halten i havens ytvatten (under sommaren) eftersom de är en nettosänka för CO2 globalt sett. CO2-flödet mellan havsytan och atmosfären styr till en stor del av denna skillnaden i CO2-halt. Det innebär att CO2-flödet är riktat neråt, mot havet. Havens djupvatten innehåller mer CO2 därför att växtplankton nära ytan reducerar CO2-halten genom fotosyntesen. Djupvattnet är också kallare och kan därför lösa mer CO2. Under en uppvällning förs detta CO2-rika vatten upp till ytan. När en uppvällning fortskrider minskar skillnaden i CO2-halt mellan hav och atmosfär (ibland kan CO2-halten i ytvattnet även komma att överstiga atmosfärens halt) och flödet avtar. Tre av perioderna i den här studien visar på ett avtagande flöde. Den fjärde perioden uppvisar ett flöde motriktat CO2-gradienten.

Laboratory Measurements of the Moist Enthalpy Transfer Coefficient

Jeong, Dahai 01 January 2008 (has links)
The enthalpy (sensible and latent heat) exchange processes within the surface layers at an air-water interface have been examined in 15-m wind-wave tunnel at the University of Miami. Measurements yielded 72 mean values of fluxes and bulk variables in the wind speed (referred to 10 m) range form 0.6 to 39 m/s, covering a full range of aerodynamic conditions from smooth to fully rough. Meteorological variables and bulk enthalpy transfer coefficients, measured at 0.2-m height, were adjusted to neutral stratification and 10-m height following the Monin-Obukhov similarity approach. The ratio of the bulk coefficients of enthalpy and momentum was estimated to evaluate Emanuel's (1995) hypothesis. Indirect "Calorimetric" measurements gave reliable estimates of enthalpy flux from the air-water interface, but the moisture gained in the lower air from evaporation of spray over the rough water remained uncertain, stressing the need for flux measurements along with simultaneous spray data to quantify spray's contribution to the turbulent air-water enthalpy fluxes.

Humidity Structures in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer / Fuktighetsstrukturer i det marina atmosfäriska gränsskiktet

Svensson, Andreas January 2002 (has links)
The turbulence structure over the sea was studied with the emphasis on humidity. The data sets used came from the island of Östergarnsholm outside Gotland in the Baltic Sea. The study included spectral and quadrant analyses of the wind, temperature and humidity parameters from one measuring level. The wave state of the sea was deduced from data from a wave rider buoy anchored 4 km from the site.Two turbulence instruments for humidity were compared, the MIUU instrument (hot wire) and an open pass infrared gas analyser from LI-COR. The comparison showed that the LI-COR instrument resolved the high frequency fluctuations of the humidity better. The unstable cospectra of the sensible and latent heat fluxes were studied and categorised. It was found that many cospectra have two or more maxima. The higher frequency maxima gained influence when the stratification became near neutral.The quadrant analyses showed that the structures of humidity flux were similar to those of the heat flux. The sources of the flux were studied using different ratios. The ratio between events of moist updrafts and dry downdrafts were extensively studied. It was shown that the events of moist updrafts were more dominating during swell than during growing sea. When the results of the spectral and quadrant analyses were combined, it was shown that the smaller sized eddies of heat dominate the events of warm updrafts and that the large eddies dominate the cold downdrafts. The bulk transfer number for moisture, the Dalton number (CE), was found to be almost constant with stratification for unstable runs. The mean value was calculated to (1.0±0.3)·10-3. / Målet för denna studie var turbulensstrukturer över hav med särskild tonvikt på fuktigheten. I denna studie har använts observationer från en mast på ön Östergarns-holm, strax öster om Gotland. Arbetet innefattar spektral- och kvadrantanalys av vind, temperatur och fuktighet från en mätnivå. Havets aktuella tillstånd mättes med en vågboj förtöjd 4 km från masten. Två turbulensinstrument för fuktighet jämfördes, MIUU-instrumentet (varmtråds-instrument) och ett instrument från företaget LI-COR som mäter infraröd absorption. Jämförelsen visade att LI-COR-instrumentet löser upp de högfrekventa fuktighets-fluktuationerna bättre. Instabila cospektra för sensibelt och latent värmeflöde studerades och kategoriserades. Det visade sig att många cospektra hade två eller flera maxima. Det högfrekventa maximumet fick ökad betydelse när skiktningen blev nära neutral. Kvadrantanalyserna visade att strukturerna för värme- och fuktighetsflödet är liknande. Källan för flödena studerades med hjälp av olika kvoter. Av särskilt intresse var kvoten mellan tillfällen med fuktiga uppvindar och torra nedvindar. Det visade sig att tillfällen med fuktiga uppvindar var mer dominerande vid dyning än vid upp-byggande vågor. När resultaten från spektral- och kvadrantanalysen kombinerades, visade det sig att de små virvlarna med värme dominerar vid tillfällen med varma uppvindar och att de stora virvlarna dominerar vid kalla nedvindar. Utbyteskoefficienten CE för fuktighet, även kallad Dalton-talet, är nästan konstant för de instabila fallen. Medelvärdet av CE beräknades till (1,0±0,3)·10-3.

The Influence of Waves on the Heat Exchange over Sea / Våginflytandet på värmeutbytet över hav

Sahlée, Erik January 2002 (has links)
The main focus of this study is the influence of waves on the heat transfer over sea. In particular, the bulk transfer coefficient CH (the Stanton number), has been investigated for possible wave influence. Measurements from the site Östergarnsholm in the Baltic Sea have been used. The site has a large sector with undisturbed over water fetch. Data during the period 1995-1999 have been used. It is shown that CH behaves differently as it approach z/L=0 from the unstable side depending on the wave state. During growing sea, CH makes a rapid drop as it passes over neutrality, strikingly different from swell conditions where CH makes a much ’smoother’ transition. This difference is also shown to exist for the kinematic heat flux. Based on the definition of CH, it is suggested that one of the reasons of CH’s different behaviour for different stratification and wave state, is ought to be sought in the kinematic heat flux itself. A comparison of the w,θ cospectra during growing sea and swell conditions, showed differences. For growing sea, the larger size eddies dominates the heat flux during unstable conditions. There is no significant difference in peak frequency for different grade of instability. The swell cases showed a more inconsistent behaviour as it approached neutrality, with the peak frequency shifting for different stability ranges. The correlation coefficient between u, the longitudinal wind component, and w, the vertical wind component, Ru,w is also investigated in this study. It is shown that Ru,w is exposed to some wave influence. A comparison of Ru,w as a function of wave age, for neutral and non-neutral stratification is made. For swell cases and non-neutral stratification Ru,w makes a rapid drop and assumes values close to zero. This is not seen for the neutral cases although there is a slight decrease. It is concluded that a certain amount of positive heat flux and inactive turbulence is needed to see this drop in the correlation coefficient. / Sammanfattning av ”Våginflytandet på värmeutbytet över hav” Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det existerar ett våginflytande för värmeutbytet över hav och speciellt eventuellt våginflytande på utbyteskoefficienten CH (Stantons tal). Mätdata från Östergarnsholm utanför Gotland har använts. Denna mätstation har en stor sektor i vilken vindens anloppssträcka ostört är påverkad av hav. Data från perioden 1995–1999 har använts. Stantons tal CH beter sig annorlunda vid övergången från instabil till stabil skiktning beroende på havsytans tillstånd. Vid uppbyggande sjö gör CH ett ’hopp’ då det passerar neutral skiktning. För dyning finns inte detta hopp utan övergången är mycket mjukare. Denna skillnad observeras också hos det turbulenta värmeflödet. Baserat på definitionen av CH föreslås det att dess olika beteende för olika skiktning och vågtillstånd finns att söka i beteendet hos det turbulenta värmeflödet. En jämförelse av cospektrat för vertikal vind, w, och potentiell temperatur, θ, visar att där finns olikheter mellan uppbyggande sjö och dyning. Under instabila förhållanden och uppbyggande sjö domineras värmeflödet av storskaliga virvlar. Det existerar ingen signifikant skillnad i maximal värdets frekvens för olika grad av instabilitet. Dyningsfallen visar ett mer varierat beteende med en maximalvärdes frekvens som skiftar för olika stabilitetsområden. I studien undersöks också korrelationskoefficienten mellan longitudinal vind u, och vertikal vind w, Ru,w. Det visas att Ru,w är utsatt för ett visst våginflytande. Ru,w som en funktion av vågålder jämförs för neutral och icke-neutral skiktning. För dyning och icke-neutral skiktning så faller Ru,w snabbt till små värden nära noll. Detta resultat skiljer sig för neutral skiktning där Ru,w bara gör en svag minskning. Slutsatsen är att det krävs en viss mängd positivt värmeflöde och inaktiv turbulens för att se det kraftiga avtagandet hos korrelationskoefficienten.

An Airborne Investigation of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Structure in the Hurricane Force Wind Regime

Zhang, Jun 20 December 2007 (has links)
As part of the ONR sponsored Coupled Boundary Layer/Air-Sea Transfer (CBLAST) experiment, data from the NOAA WP-3D research aircraft measurements into major Hurricanes in the 2002-2004 seasons are analyzed to investigate the structure of the boundary layer. The turbulent fluxes of momentum and enthalpy are derived using the eddy correlation method. For the first time, the momentum and enthalpy fluxes were directly measured in the boundary layer of a hurricane with wind speeds up to 30 m/s. A new bulk parameterization of the momentum and enthalpy flux is developed. The vertical structure of turbulence and fluxes are presented for the entire boundary layer in the rain free region between the outer rainbands. The turbulent kinetic energy budget was estimated for the hurricane boundary layer between the outer rainbands. The universal spectra and cospectra of the wind velocity, temperature and humidity are also derived. A case study on the effects of roll vortices on the turbulent fluxes is conducted, which confirmed the existence of the boundary layer rolls and gave the first estimate of their modulation of the momentum and sensible heat flux. The CBLAST data provided an invaluable perspective on the evaluation and development of the boundary layer parameterization suited for the hurricane models. Studies on entrainment processes above of the mixed layer and turbulent transport processes induced by the inflow are recommended in the future.

A Helicopter Observation Platform for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Studies

Holder, Heidi Eichinger January 2009 (has links)
<p>Spatial variability of the Earth's surface has a considerable impact on the atmosphere at all scales and understanding the mechanisms involved in land-atmosphere interactions is hindered by the scarcity of appropriate observations. A measurement gap exists between traditional point sensors and large aircraft and satellite-based sensors in collecting measurements of atmospheric quantities. Point sensors are capable of making long time series of measurements, but cannot make measurements of spatial variability. Large aircraft and satellites make measurements over large spatial areas, but with poor spatial and temporal resolution. A helicopter-based platform can make measurements on scales relevant for towers, especially close to the Earth's surface, and can extend these measurements to account for spatial variability. Thus, the Duke University Helicopter Observation Platform (HOP) is designed to fill the existing measurement gap. </p><p>Because measurements must be made in such a way that they are as uncontaminated by the platform itself as much as is possible, it is necessary to quantify the aerodynamic envelope of the HOP. The results of an analytical analysis of the location of the main rotor wake at various airspeeds are shown. Similarly, the results of a numerical analysis using the commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics software Fluent are shown. The optimal flight speed for the sampling of turbulent fluxes is found to be around 30 m/s. At this airspeed, the sensors located in front of the nose of the HOP are in advance of the wake generated by the main rotor. This airspeed is also low enough that the region of high pressure due to the stagnation point on the nose of the HOP does not protrude far enough forward to affect the sensors. Measurements of differential pressures, variables and turbulent fluxes made while flying the HOP at different airspeeds support these results. No systematic effects of the platform are seen at airspeeds above about 10 m/s.</p><p>Processing of HOP data collected using the current set of sensors is discussed, including the novel use of the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) to detrend and filter the data. The EMD separates the data into a finite number of Impirical Mode Functions (IMFs), each of which is unique and orthogonal. The basis is determined by the data itself, so that it need not be known a priori, and it is adaptive. The EMD is shown to be an ideal tool for the filtering and detrending of HOP data using data gathered during the Cloud and Land Surface Interaction Campaign (CLASIC). </p><p>The ability of the HOP to accurately measure atmospheric profiles of potential temperature is demonstrated. During experiments conducted in the marine boundary layer (MBL) and the convective boundary layer (CBL), HOP profiles are evaluated using profiles from an elastic backscatter lidar. The HOP and the lidar agree on the height of the boundary layer in both cases, and the HOP effectively locates other atmospheric structures.</p><p>Atmospheric sensible and latent heat fluxes, turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) and horizontal momentum fluxes are also measured, and the resulting information is used to provide context to tower-based data collected concurrently. A brief comparison made over homogeneous ocean conditions yields good results. A more exhaustive evaluation is made using short HOP flights made over an orchard during the Canopy Horizontal Turbulence Study (CHATS).</p> / Dissertation

Estudo do comportamento dos fluxos de calor e massa no bioma caatinga na região semiárida da Paraíba.

BORGES, Camilla Kassar. 15 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-15T13:45:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CAMILLA KASSAR BORGES - TESE (PPGMet) 2017.pdf: 4598580 bytes, checksum: ef4afc927cf3418b3a0269f56b6304a5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T13:45:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CAMILLA KASSAR BORGES - TESE (PPGMet) 2017.pdf: 4598580 bytes, checksum: ef4afc927cf3418b3a0269f56b6304a5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-23 / Capes / Ambientes áridos e semiáridos correspodem a 1/3 da superfície terrestre, nessas localidades a água é elemento importante e limitante para o crescimento da vegetação e produtividade de biomassa do ecossistema. A região semiárida no Brasil compreende em torno de 11,5% do território nacional, onde 76% desta foi originalmente composta pelo bioma Caatinga, tendo o déficit hídrico como característica marcante, média pluviométrica inferior a 800 mm e temperaturas elevadas de médias anuais variando entre 25oC e 30oC. Pesquisas sobre a dinâmica dos fluxos de massa e energia nesses ambientes não têm recebido tanta atenção, apesar de serem especialmente vulneráveis às alterações ambientais. E, técnicas como a de eddy covariance (EC) tem contribuído para estimar a magnitude e padrões das trocas turbulentas entre o ecossistema e a atmosfera. Neste estudo micrometeorológico, para uma área de Caatinga densa (CD) e outra de Caatinga rala (CR), pertencentes ao Instituto Nacional do Semiárido (INSA) em Campina Grande – PB, durantes os anos 2013 e 2014, observou-se que o albedo (α) e o saldo de radiação (Rn) foram mais intensos na CR em comparação a CD, pois a magnitude da radiação de onda curta incidente esteve mais elevada nessa área. Constatou-se que a maior parte da radiação líquida converteu-se em fluxo de calor sensível (H), principalmente durante o período seco na CR, seguida do fluxo de calor latente (LE) e bem menor partição em fluxo de calor no solo (G), em geral cerca de 50% para H e 20% para LE. Constatou-se através do fechamento do balanço de energia que os fluxos turbulentos (H+LE) foram subestimados em relação à energia disponível à superfície (Rn-G), sendo que na CD essa discrepância foi maior chegando a ser superiores a 30%. O ecossitema nos dois locais de estudo atuou como sumidouros de CO2, sequestrando mais de 700 gC/m2 e 550 gC/m2 para a CD e CR, respectivamente. / Arid and semi-arid environments correspond to 1/3 of the terrestrial surface, in these localities water is an important and limiting element for vegetation growth and ecosystem biomass productivity. The semiarid region in Brazil comprises around 11.5% of the national territory, where 76% of this was originally composed by the Caatinga biome, with water deficit as a striking feature, average rainfall less than 800 mm and high temperatures of annual averages ranging between 25oC and 30oC. Research on the dynamics of mass and energy fluxes in these environments have not received much attention, although they are especially vulnerable to environmental change. And, techniques such as eddy covariance (EC) have contributed to estimating the magnitude and patterns of turbulent exchanges between the ecosystem and the atmosphere. In this micrometeorological study, for an area of dense Caatinga (DC) and another of sparse Caatinga (SC) belonging to the National Institute of the Semiarid (INSA) in Campina Grande - PB, during the 2013 and 2014 years, it was observed that the albedo (α) and the net radiation (Rn) were more intense in the SC compared to DC, since the magnitude of incident short wave radiation was higher in this area. It was found that most of the net radiation it converted to sensible heat flux (H), mainly during the dry period in the SC, followed by the latent heat flux (LE) and much smaller partition in soil heat flux (G), usually about 50% for H and 20% for LE. Through the energy balance closure, it was verified that the turbulent fluxes (H + LE) were underestimated in relation to the available energy to the surface (Rn-G), being that in the DC this discrepancy was greater and reaching more than 30%. The ecosystem at the two study sites acted as CO2 sinks, sequestering more than 700 gC/m2 and 550 gC/m2 for DC and SC, respectively.

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: A study of mean levels and air-sea fluxes over the Baltic Sea

Wittskog, Cristoffer January 2005 (has links)
The Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere has increased dramatically since the start of the industrialisation. The effects that the increase of CO2 has on the future climate are still not fully investigated. CO2 in the atmosphere contributes to the, for all life on earth, necessary greenhouse effect. It is confirmed that higher CO2 concentration in the atmosphere increases the green house effect, which results in higher temperature. The main source to the increase of CO2 is burning of fossil fuels. The change in land use is also a contribution to the increase of the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. The largest sinks of CO2 are organic consumption and oceanic uptake. The organic consumption of CO2 varies a lot at higher latitudes due to the difference in vegetation between the seasons. During the warmer seasons the consumption of CO2 is large and during the winters the consumptions of CO2 is practically zero. The ocean uptake of CO2 varies also a lot during the year because the CO2 dissolves more easily in cold water. The purpose of this study is to analyse CO2 concentration and air-sea fluxes of CO2 measured at Östergarnsholm, a small flat island east of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, and compare the results to previous studies. The CO2 concentration data was collected between 1997 – 1999 and 2001 – 2003. The CO2 flux data was collected between 2001 and 2003. The analysis of the CO2 concentration showed that for the period 1997 to 1999, the CO2 concentration at Östergarnsholm was lower than for the reference series from a Polish site in the Baltic Sea. A correction was made by adding 27 ppm to the Östergarnsholm series. The annual fluctuations of CO2 concentration at Östergarnsholm are significant (about 40 ppm). During the summer 1998, the expected decrease was not as large as it should be because of the El Niño outbreak 97/98 and the locally cold and rainy summer. The direct measured CO2 fluxes were corrected with the well known Webb correction before they were analysed. The CO2 fluxes are wind dependant – higher wind speed give higher CO2 flux. The CO2 fluxes are also dependant of the difference in partial pressure between the air and the water. Parameterised CO2fluxes were calculated and compared to the direct measured CO2 fluxes. The parameterisations use a quadratic as well as a cubic wind dependency. To calculate the parameterised CO2 fluxes, a fixed value of the difference in partial pressure between the air and the water was used because the CO2 in the water was not measured. The parameterised CO2 fluxes wind dependency agreed with the direct measured CO2 fluxes. / Koldioxid(CO2)-koncentrationen i atmosfären har ökat stadigt sen början av industrialiseringen. Effekten som de ökade CO2-halterna kommer ha på framtidens klimat är ännu inte helt utrett. CO2 bidrar till den livsviktiga växthuseffekten. Det är en ökning av växthusgaser, bland annat CO2, som leder till en ökning av växthuseffekten. Ökad växthuseffekt leder till högre temperatur på jorden. Den största ökningen av CO2 i atmosfären beror på förbränning av fossila bränslen. Även förändringen i markanvändning leder till ökade halter av CO2. De största sänkorna av CO2 är den organiska konsumtionen av CO2 och havens upptag av CO2. Den organiska konsumtionen av CO2 varierar mycket under året och är som störst under de varmare månaderna. Havens upptag av CO2 varierar också mycket under året eftersom havens förmåga att lösa CO2 beror på vattnets temperatur. Syftet med den här studien är att analysera CO2-koncentrationen och CO2-flödena mellan hav och luft på Östergarnsholm, en liten, låg ö öster om Gotland. Resultaten jämförs med tidigare studier. CO2-koncentrationsdata samlades in mellan 1997 – 1999 och 2001 – 2003. CO2-flödesdata samlades in mellan 2001 och 2003. Analysen av CO2-koncentrationen visar att under perioden 1997 till 1999 är CO2- halterna för låga på Östergarnsholm. En korrektion gjordes genom att lägga till 27 ppm till de uppmätta CO2-halterna. Årsvariationerna av CO2-halterna är mycket tydliga men sommaren 1998 sjunker inte CO2-halten till så låga värden som de borde vara. Att CO2-halterna inte sjönk mer beror dels på El Niño-utbrottet 97/98 och dels på den lokalt kalla och regniga sommaren. De direkt mätta CO2-flödena korrigerades med hjälp av den välkända Webbkorrektionen innan de analyserades. CO2-flödena är beroende av vindhastigheten – högre vindhastighet ger högre CO2-flöden. CO2-flödena beror också på skillnaden i CO2-halt mellan luften och havet. Parameteriserade CO2-flöden beräknades och jämfördes med de direkt mätta CO2-flödena. De parameteriserade CO2-flödena beräknas antingen med kvadratiskt eller kubiskt vindberoende. För att beräkna parameteriserade CO2-flöden användes ett fast värde på skillnaden i CO2-halt mellan luften och vattnet eftersom CO2-halten i vattnet inte mäts. De parameteriserade CO2- flödenas vindberoende stämde överrens med de direkt mätta CO2-flödena.

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