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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Non-dimensional gradient functions for water vapor and carbon dioxide in the marine boundary layer / Dimensionslösa gradientfunktioner för vattenånga och koldioxid i det marina gränsskiktet

Vahlberg, Caroline January 2015 (has links)
A better understanding of the exchange processes taking place over the oceans is of great importance since the oceans cover about 70 % of the Earth’s surface. With better knowledge the turbulent fluxes can be more accurate parameterized, which is essential in order to improve the weather- and climate models. In this study, the non-dimensional gradient functions for water vapor (Φq) and carbon dioxide (Φc) in the marine boundary layer have principally been studied. The quality of the instrumentation used in the study has also been evaluated. The study is mainly based on tower measurements of turbulent fluxes and vertical profiles of water vapor and carbon dioxide, taken from the Östergarnsholm Island located in the Baltic Sea. The measurements have been shown to represent open-sea conditions for most situations when the winds are coming from the east-south sector, even though the measurements are obtained over land. It was found that the best fitting non-dimensional gradient functions for water vapor during unstable conditions were Φq = 2(1–18z/L)–1/2 and Φq = 1.2(1–14z/L) –1/2 at the 10 and 26 m level on the tower, respectively. No unique relationship could be established for Φq during stable conditions. Φq showed a dependence with wind direction and could for winds coming from the sector 80°– 160° be described with the relationship Φq = 1.2 + 10.7z/L during stable conditions. For the wind sector 50°– 80° the relationship for Φq was found to be Φq = 1.8 + 7.1z/L during stable conditions. A high degree of scatter was apparent in the calculated values of Φc during both stable and unstable conditions and did not seem to show any Monin-Obukhov similarity behaviour. The results indicate that there might be measurement problems with the instruments measuring the turbulent fluxes of carbon dioxide, but further studies are needed in order to draw a firm conclusion about the quality of the instruments. The profile measurements of water vapor seem to work fine, but more studies of carbon dioxide are needed before a statement can be made regarding the quality of the profile measurements of carbon dioxide. / Skiktet närmast marken kallas det atmosfäriska gränsskiktet och karaktäriseras av turbulens, dvs. oregelbundna virvelrörelser av olika storlekar som uppstår av vindens friktion mot jordytan (land eller hav) eller av luftens uppvärmning av jordytan. Genom turbulens kan utbyte av värme, vattenånga, momentum, koldioxid och andra gaser ske mellan jordytan och atmosfären. Turbulenta utbytesprocesser i det atmosfäriska gränsskiktet är viktiga att studera för att kunna beräkna ett turbulent flöde från en yta i väder- och klimatmodeller. Genom en ökad förståelse av flödena kan dessa bli mer noggrant parametriserade (dvs. en fysikalisk process som sker på en mindre skala eller är för komplex för att kunna beskrivas i en modell förenklas genom att beskriva processen med hjälp av ett antal kända parametrar som kan upplösas i modellen), vilket är grundläggande för att kunna förbättra modellerna. Flödena beräknas med hjälp av de s.k. dimensionslösa gradientfunktionerna, vilka relaterar flödet av en viss turbulent kvantitet, t.ex. värme, momentum, vattenånga, koldioxid etc., till dess vertikala gradient. Enligt Monin-Obukhovs similaritetsteori ska funktionerna vara universella och endast bero på den atmosfäriska stabiliteten. I denna studie har de dimensionslösa gradientfunktionerna för vattenånga (Φq) och koldioxid (Φc) i det marina gränsskiktet huvudsakligen analyserats. Kvaliteten på de instrument som har använts i studien har också utvärderats. I studien har främst data av turbulenta flöden och vertikala profiler av vattenånga och koldioxid använts som erhållits från ett torn på ön Östergarnsholm i Östersjön. Även om mätningarna sker över land har det visat sig att de för de flesta situationer när vinden blåser från sektorn ost-syd representerar likvärdiga förhållanden som gäller över öppet hav. Resultaten visade på att uttrycken Φq = 2(1–18z/L)–1/2 respektive Φq = 1.2(1–14z/L)–1/2 bäst beskriver de dimensionslösa gradientfunktionerna för vattenånga under instabila förhållanden på mäthöjderna 10 respektive 26 m. Något unikt uttryck för Φq under stabila förhållanden kunde inte fastställas. Φq visade ett beroende av vindriktning och kunde under stabila förhållanden beskrivas med uttrycket Φq = 1.2 + 10.7z/L för vindsektorn 80°– 160°. För vindar i sektorn 50°– 80° kunde Φq beskrivas enligt Φq = 1.8 + 7.1z/L under stabila förhållanden. En stor spridning syntes i de beräknade värdena av Φc under både stabila och instabila förhållanden och verkade inte följa Monin-Obukhov’s similaritetsteori. Resultatet tyder på att det kan vara mätproblem med de instrument som mäter de turbulenta flödena av koldioxid, men fler studier behövs för att kunna dra en definitiv slutsats om instrumentens kvalitet. Profilmätningarna av vattenånga verkar fungera bra, men fler studier om koldioxid måste utföras innan ett uttalande angående kvaliteten på profilmätningarna av koldioxid kan göras.

Usando a decomposição em modos empíricos para determinação de fluxos turbulentos entre oceano/atmosfera / Using the empirical mode decomposition to determine ocean/atmosphere turbulent fluxes

Martins, Luís Gustavo Nogueira 08 April 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Turbulent fluxes may be directly determined as the statistical covariance between quantities locally observed. Besides environmental and instrumental difficulties associated with taking high frequency measurements over the ocean, there is a source of uncertainty inherent to the estimation of turbulent fluxes in the atmosphere, and it is their contamination by nonturbulent motion. This problem is directly related to the time window over which the covariances are determined and to the cospectral gap that, in theory, separates turbulent and nonturbulent events. In this work, we use a methodology based in the Empirical Mode Decomposition, which allows the precise identification of the cospectral gap for each temporal interval over which the fluxes are determined. Furthermore, this novel methodology allows filtering out oscillation modes associated with nonturbulent events, therefore allowing the use of a time window over which the large turbulent eddies are completely sampled. To test the method, data from two oceanic cruises have been used. One is from project HalocAST-2010 (over Eastern Pacific), and the other is from project Acex 2012 (over Southwestern Atlantic). The use of the new method in 4-h time series resulted in an increase of the absolute values of the fluxes of sensible heat, latent heat and momentum, with respect to those determined with the traditionally used 10-minute time series. For CO2 fluxes, it has been observed a large reduction of the average absolute fluxes, suggesting that such measurement may be largely contaminated by nonturbulent fluxes. When compared to bulk estimates, fluxes obtained by the new methodology show reduced scatter with respect to those determined from fixed 10-minute windows. The scatter reduction of the CO2 flux estimates allowed the determination of a functional relationship between piston velocity and wind speed, which is not possible to be obtained from the 10-minute estimates. / Fluxos turbulentos são determinados diretamente através da covariância estatística de medidas localmente obtidas. Além das dificuldades ambientais e instrumentais encontradas na realização de medidas de alta frequência em regiões oceânicas, existe uma fonte de incerteza inerente às estimativas de fluxos turbulentos na atmosfera que é a contaminação desses pelos movimentos de mesoescala. Esse problema está diretamente relacionado com a janela temporal em que as covariâncias são calculadas e a lacuna espectral que separa os eventos turbulentos dos não-turbulentos. Nesse trabalho, utilizamos uma metodologia baseada na Decomposição em Modos Empíricos que permite a identificação da lacuna coespectral para cada intervalo em que os fluxos são calculados. Além disso, essa nova metodologia possibilita a filtragem dos modos de oscilação associados aos eventos não-turbulentos, permitido que seja usada uma janela temporal em que os grandes turbilhões sejam suficientemente amostrados. Foram utilizadas as medidas obtidas nos cruzeiros realizados pelos projetos HalocAST-2010 (leste do Pacífico) e ACEx-2012 (Atlântico Sudoeste). O uso da nova metodologia em séries de 4 h resultou em um aumento nos valores absolutos dos fluxos médios de calor sensível, latente e momento em comparação aos tradicionalmente calculados a partir de séries de 10 min. Isso mostra que, além da remoção da contribuição dos eventos de mesoescala, uma melhor representação do transporte associado aos grandes turbilhões também foi obtida. No caso do CO2, foi observada uma grande redução no valor absoluto dos fluxos médios, sugerindo que essa medida possa estar sendo fortemente contaminada pelos eventos não-turbulentos. Quando comparados com estimativas de bulk, os fluxos obtidos pela nova metodologia apresentam menor espalhamento que os calculados a partir de janelas de 10 min. A redução no espalhamento das medidas dos fluxos de CO2, possibilitou a determinação de uma relação funcional da velocidade de transferência com a velocidade do vento, que não pôde ser observada de maneira clara a partir das medidas de 10 min.

Avaliação dos fluxos turbulentos de CO2, calor sensível e latente em função da profundidade óptica do aerossol sobre o arco do desflorestamento da Amazônia Legal Brasileira / Evaluation of CO2, Sensible and Latent Heat Turbulent Fluxes as Function of Aerosol Optical Depth over the Deforestation Arch in the Legal Brazilian Amazon

Renato Kerches Braghiere 28 June 2013 (has links)
Em dosséis com arquitetura foliar complexa, a radiação solar difusa pode potencializar a capacidade fotossintética, porque os penetra de modo mais eficiente. Apesar dos diversos estudos realizados nesse sentido em diferentes regiões do globo, os mecanismos e impactos do efeito da fertilização difusa sobre a América do Sul ainda continuam sendo pouco conhecidos. O Arco do Desflorestamento da Amazônia é um cenário ideal para sua maior investigação, tanto pela presença de complexos ecossistemas, quanto pela grande carga de aerossóis lançada para a atmosfera, em decorrência da queima de biomassa. Um estudo baseado em três diferentes localidades do Arco do Desflorestamento da Amazônia foi conduzido, a fim de relacionar a profundidade óptica dos aerossóis com alguns fluxos de superfície. Os resultados mostraram efeitos significativos da presença dos aerossóis tanto na troca de gás carbônico entre a vegetação e a atmosfera, quanto na troca de energia. Ainda, os fluxos mostraram ser sensíveis também às mudanças na temperatura, umidade e vento, além da influência do próprio ciclo diurno. Em cenários hipotéticos, foi possível isolar apenas o efeito do aerossol. O comportamento do fluxo de gás carbônico à presença dos aerossóis não foi o mesmo para as três localidades, o que indica uma grande dependência do fenômeno com as características da vegetação local. Na Reserva Biológica do Jaru e Ilha do Bananal, as trocas de gás carbônico entre a atmosfera e a superfície são favorecidas na presença de aerossóis, podendo atingir valores até 55% maiores em Jaru. Entretanto, Sinop apresentou uma redução de aproximadamente 12% no valor médio do fluxo de gás carbônico, para o período avaliado. Os fluxos de energia mostraram ser afetados negativamente pela presença dos aerossóis. Na Ilha do Bananal, a média do fluxo de calor sensível em cenários sem aerossóis foi em torno de 60% maior, e de até 13% maior para o fluxo de calor latente em Sinop. Devido aos processos de absorção e espalhamento da radiação solar pelos aerossóis, menos energia atinge a superfície e, portanto, há menos disponibilidade para a realização de tais trocas, como esperado. / In complex architecture canopies, the diffuse solar radiation can enhance photosynthetic capacity, as it penetrates more efficiently on them. Although several studies have been conducted on this topic over the world, the mechanisms and impacts of the \"diffuse fertilization effect\" over South America still remains poorly understood. The Amazon Deforestation Arch provides an ideal scenario for its further investigation, by the presence of complex ecosystems and by the large amounts of aerosols released into the atmosphere due to biomass burning. A study based on three different sites in the Amazon Deforestation Arch was conducted in order to relate the aerosol optical depth with some surface fluxes. The results showed significant effects of the aerosol presence in both, the exchange of carbon dioxide between the vegetation and the atmosphere, and the energy exchange. Still, the fluxes also showed to be sensitive to changes in temperature, humidity and wind velocities, as well as the influence of the diurnal cycle itself. In hypothetical scenarios, it was possible to isolate only the aerosol effect. The carbon dioxide flux behavior due to the aerosol presence was not the same for all the three locations, showing that it depends on the local vegetation characteristics. At the Jaru Biological Reserve and Bananal Island, the carbonic gas exchanges between the atmosphere and the surface increased under the aerosol presence, achieving values up to 55% higher in Jaru. However, Sinop showed a decrease by approximately 12% in the average value of the carbon dioxide flux for the evaluated period. Energy fluxes showed to be negatively affected by the presence of aerosols. In the Bananal Island the average of sensitive heat flux in scenarios without aerosols was around 60% higher, and up to 13% higher for the latent heat flux in Sinop. Due to absorption and scattering of solar radiation by the aerosols, less energy reaches the surface, and therefore there is less availability to perform such exchanges, as expected.

Variabilité multi-échelles de la météorologie et des aérosols en situation littorale sous influence industrielle / Multi-scale variability of meteorology and aerosols in littoral situation under industrial influence

Gengembre, Cyril 19 June 2018 (has links)
Sur un site multi-influencé par des émissions urbaines et industrielles, l'analyse de la pollution aux aérosols, au voisinage des sources, requiert une connaissance multi-échelles de la dynamique atmosphérique. une campagne de mesure a été développée afin d'étudier la variabilité météorologique et micro-météorologique et l'évolution des particules, en particulier, submicroniques, sur une durée d'une année. Des oscillations de la concentration en aérosols, autour de la moyenne régionale, ont été identifiées le long du littoral dunkerquois, et attribuées aux phénomènes météorologiques locaux à proximité des industries. Des méthodes de reconnaissance et d'apprentissage supervisé, faisant appel aux mesures par anémomètre ultrasonique et aux profils verticaux du vent par lidar Doppler, ont été mises en œuvre pour établir la variabilité de phénomènes pertinents dans les événements de pollution de l'air : brise de mer, brouillard, front et tempête. L'analyse d'une base de données de six ans a permis de montrer que l’occurrence annuelle des brises de mer est corrélée à celle du nombre de journées anticycloniques. Par ailleurs, la fréquence annuelle des brouillards pourrait être liée à la concentration annuelle régionale en aérosols. L'analyse des covariances du vent a révélé deux situations contrastées, à faible et à fort flux turbulents. Le brouillard et la brise de mer, de faible flux, génèrent une pollution élevée aux PM₁, et sont le siège d'une forte concentration en aérosols organiques oxygénés (aérosols secondaires). Les situations à fort flux, favorisant les échanges verticaux, sont associées à une forte variabilité des sulfates particulaires. L'observation de longue durée a permis de mettre en évidence la construction d'épisodes de pollution particulaire, au cours de séquences de phénomènes météorologiques locaux, du fait des sources locales, mais aussi par incorporation de la pollution à plus grande échelle. / On a site that is multi-influenced by urban and industrial emissions, the analysis of aerosol pollution, in the vicinity of sources, requires a multi-scale knowledge of atmospheric dynamics. A measurement campaign was developed in order to study the meteorological and micro-meteorological variability and the evolution of particles, in particular, submicronic evolution, during a one-year period.Oscillations of the aerosol concentration around the regional average were identified along the Dunkirk coastline, and were attributed to the local meteorological phenomena close to the industries. Recognition and machine learning methods using measurements by an ultrasonic anemometer and vertical wind profiles by a Doppler lidar, were implemented to define the variability of relevant phenomena in air pollution events : sea breeze, fog, front and storm. A six-years database analysis has highlighted a correlation between the annual sea breeze occurrence and the annual number of anticyclonic days. Furthermore, the annual fog frequency could be connected with the annual regional concentration of aerosols. Analysis of wind covariance revealed two contrasting situations, low-level and high-level turbulent fluxes. The fog and the sea breeze, with low-level fluxes, generate a high PM₁ pollution and are in favor of a high organic oxygenated aerosols concentration (secondary aerosols). High-level fluxes situations, favoring vertical exchanges, are associated with a large variability of sulfate aerosols. The long-term observation, made it possible to highlight the development of episodes of particulate pollution during local weather phenomena, owing to the local emissions, but also by taking into account the larger-scale pollution.

Représentation des flux turbulents à l’interface air-mer et impact sur les transports de chaleur et d’eau dans un modèle de climat / Representation of turbulent fluxes at the air-sea interface and impact on transport of heat and water in a climate model

Torres, Olivier 07 January 2019 (has links)
Les flux turbulents à l’interface air-mer représentent le lien entre l’océan et l’atmosphère et jouent donc un rôle majeur dans le système climatique. Dans les modèles de climat, les processus turbulents sont des processus sous-maille, non résolus explicitement, et doivent donc être paramétrés. Ils sont estimés à partir des variables d’états atmosphériques et océaniques au moyen de modèles mathématiques qu’on nomme « paramétrisations bulk ». Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de caractériser et comprendre les liens entre la représentation des flux turbulents à l’interface air-mer et le fonctionnement d’un modèle de climat à différentes échelles de temps dans les régions tropicales. Pour étudier ces liens, j’ai développé une stratégie de modélisation utilisant un modèle 1D atmosphérique (SCM), un modèle de circulation générale océanique (OGCM) où atmosphérique (AGCM) et un modèle couplé (GCM). L’analyse des simulations SCM permet d’étudier la réponse directe d’un modèle à la modification de la paramétrisation des flux turbulents. On montre que cette dernière régule la quantité d’eau, d’énergie et de quantité de mouvement disponible pour le système et donc son fonctionnement. Elle représente plus de 60% des différences de flux de chaleur latente simulées entre deux modèles de climat dans les périodes convectives. L’impact spatial de la paramétrisation des flux turbulents est étudié au travers des simulations AGCM. Elles mettent en évidence le lien entre la paramétrisation, son effet sur les gradients d’humidité et de température à grande échelle, et donc son influence sur la circulation atmosphérique. L’étude des simulations OGCM souligne quant à elle le rôle principal du vent pour le fonctionnement des océans tropicaux. Si le vent pilote les variations de SST dues à son impact sur la dynamique océanique et principalement sur le sous-courant équatorial, l’humidité, la température et les flux radiatifs n’influencent quant à eux que la surface océanique et sont donc d’une moindre importance. Enfin, l’analyse des simulations GCM met en évidence les rétroactions et l’ajustement engendrés par la modification des flux turbulents. Lors du couplage des deux composantes l’océan agi comme un tampon et absorbe la modification des flux turbulents ce qui entraine une modification de la SST. L’ajustement qui se produit entraine une modification des variables atmosphériques qui amène à un nouvel état d’équilibre du système. La paramétrisation des flux turbulents de surface agit au premier ordre sur l'équilibre énergétique d'un modèle couplé et peut donc amener à des climats simulés différents. Cette étude étant centrée sur les tropiques, une perspective intéressante serait d’étendre l’étude de la représentation des flux turbulents à d’autres échelles spatio-temporelles (i.e. zones extratropicales/fréquence journalière). Cela permettrait de valider le fonctionnement systématique des paramétrisations définies dans cette thèse à l’échelle globale. / The turbulent fluxes at the air-sea interface represent the link between the ocean and the atmosphere and therefore play a major role in the climate system. In climate models, turbulent processes are subgrid scale processes, not explicitly resolved, and must therefore be parameterized. They are estimated from atmospheric and oceanic state variables using mathematical models called “bulk parameterizations”. This thesis aims to characterize and understand the links between the representation of turbulent fluxes at the air-sea interface and the behavior of a climate model at different time scales in tropical regions. To study these links, I developed a modeling strategy using an atmospheric 1D model (SCM), an oceanic (OGCM) or atmospheric (AGCM) general circulation model and a coupled model (GCM). The analysis of SCM simulations allows us to study the direct response of a model to modifications of the turbulent fluxes parameterization. It is shown that it regulates the amount of water, energy and momentum available to the system and therefore its behavior. It can thus represent more than 60% of simulated latent heat flux differences between two climate models in convective periods. The spatial impact of the parameterization of turbulent fluxes is studied through AGCM simulations. They highlight the link between parameterization, its effect on large-scale moisture and temperature gradients, and thus its influence on atmospheric circulation. The study of OGCM simulations underlines the main role of the wind for the behavior of the tropical oceans. If the wind drives changes in SST due to its impact on ocean dynamics and mainly on the equatorial undercurrent, humidity, temperature and radiative flux only influence the ocean surface and are therefore of lesser importance. Finally, the analysis of GCM simulations highlights the feedbacks and the adjustment generated by the modification of turbulent fluxes. When coupling the two components, the ocean acts as a buffer and absorbs the modification of the turbulent fluxes, which leads to a modification of the SST. The adjustment that occurs causes a modification of the atmospheric variables which leads to a new state of equilibrium of the system. The parameterization of surface turbulent fluxes acts at first order on the energy equilibrium of a coupled model and can therefore lead to different simulated climate state. Since this study is focused on the tropics, an interesting perspective would be to extend the study of the turbulent fluxes representation to other spatio-temporal scales (i.e. extra-tropical areas / daily frequency). This would make it possible to validate the systematic behavior of the parameterizations defined in this thesis on a global scale.

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