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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekologiska hållbarhetsmål i konflikt : Gruvans påverkan på miljön och behovet av mineral för klimatomställningen

Lovisa, Kronsporre January 2020 (has links)
Climate change is one of the most important issues of our time and we are now at a defining moment. Shifting weather patterns threaten areas such as food production and rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, which already severely threatens lives and livelihoods across the planet. To reverse this development, the emission of greenhouse gas has to decrease. To make this happen, we must make a transition to renewable energy. A consequence of that however, is that the demand for minerals, especially critical raw minerals, has increased since they are necessary for the development of new green technology, for example, electric cars, windmills, and solar panels. Sweden has good geological potential to extract several of the critical raw minerals, and thereby Sweden has the ability to play a key role in the development of green technology. Swedish environmental policy first and foremost aims to promote sustainable development. The ambitions of protecting biodiversity and valuable ecosystems, and mining are hard to combine, but they share the goal of creating sustainable development. In Sweden's environmental code (Miljöbalken), both extraction of minerals and the protection of nature are regarded as valuable interests. However, it’s not unusual that these goals conflict which leads to complicated assessments. What goal should be prioritized when the will to preserve and protect a certain area conflict with the will to expropriate it? As a consequence of the interest of mining, the process to receive a permit for mining activities is differently regulated than permits for other environmentally hazardous activities. It's clear that reasons beyond the environmental sphere play an important role when it comes to mining. For example, the divided process, which is the preliminary assessment regarding land use and the second and total assessment in which the court is bound by the preliminary assessment of land use, can be criticized from an ecological perspective. Considering that temperature increase is held to be disastrous, and the potentially detrimental effects of mining cause complex conflicts of interest, these assessments must be dealt with through rules that are transparent regarding the environmentally positive and negative consequences of the activities that are a part of mining. In addition to transparency, the mining industry needs incentives for promoting activities that are environmentally sound and progressive.

Hur liten är en liten avvikelse? / A minor deviation from detailed development plan.

Ragnvaldsson, Frida January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Sveriges skyldighet att utse Natura 2000-områden, och den svenska implementeringen / Swedens' obligation to designate Natura 2000 sites, and the Swedish implementation

Fahlgren, Sara January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Fastighetsbildning i landsbygdens förändring / Property formation in rural developmen

Thour, Rasmus January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Ger Skogsvårdslagen utrymme för alternativa avverkningsmetoder? : En rättsvetenskaplig utredning av Skogsvårdslagen / Does the Swedish forestry act allow other methods than clearcutting?

Nutti Pilflykt, Karin January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Statsstöd vid markanvisningar : En rättsundersökning om påverkan av EU:s statsstödsregler på markanvisningar / Land Allocation and State Aid : A study about the effect of State Aid on Land Allocation

Larsson, Shila January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Ägarlägenheter - Ytterligare ett sätt att äga sitt boende : En jämförelse mellan olika boendeformer / Owner-occupied apartments - Another way to own your home : A comparison between different forms of housing

Hagman, Julia, Larsson, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats är skriven vid Malmö Universitet under programmet Fastighetsförmedling 2022. Ägarlägenheter är en sorts tredimensionell fastighet och den introducerades första gången på den svenska marknaden år 2009. En ägarlägenhet är en fristående fastighet men ligger inne ett lägenhetskomplex med andra ägarlägenheter. Enligt lag måste det finnas minst tre ägarlägenheter som är kopplade till varandra för att få lov att utgöra boendeformen. Detta väcker frågan kring påverkan av grannerättsliga förhållanden, störningar av olika slag och hur ägare får agera vid renoveringar för att nämna några. Till en ägarlägenhetsfastighet bildas oftast en samfälighetsförening vars syfte är att se till att de gemensamma ytorna sköts som det skall. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att få en ökad förståelse för hur ägarlägenhetsfastigheter skiljer sig när de jämförs med andra boendeformer. Detta arbete bygger på några frågor som kommer att besvaras genom att studera relevanta lagar, utredningar från regeringen samt litteratur som behandlar ämnet. Eftersom denna boendeform är relativt ny på den svenska marknaden finns det inte så mycket skrivet om ägarlägenhetsfastigheter. Därför kommer det först presenteras allmän information som senare kommer att smalnas av. I slutsatsen framkommer det att en ägarlägenhet inte har så stora skillnader sett till andra boendeformer och de skillnader som uppkommer är främst av positiv bemärkelser. För ägaren av en ägarlägenhet är en positiv aspekt att denne har ett starkt fullständigt skydd jämfört med en bostadsrätt där en ägare kan förlora sin rätt att bo antingen genom förverkandegrunder eller genom att föreningen går i konkurs. En diskussion förs rörande att lagregleringar hade kunnat påskynda processen av att fler ägarlägenheter skulle kunna byggas och därigenom öka bostadsbeståndet i landet. Vidare framgår det att det finns fördelar i befintliga ägarlägenheter men en stor osäkerhet finns kring de ägarlägenheter som inte är färdigställda där något konsumentskydd inte finns. För bostadsrätter har ett förslag på starkare skydd för de boende skyndsamt tagits fram men där regeringen valt att inte inkludera ägarlägenheter, något som kan ifrågasättas. Trots att boendeformen har funnits i över 10 år samt de positiva aspekter som finns har den inte fåttt något större genomslag, anledningar till detta presenteras i slutsatsen och behandlar den kunskapslucka och brist på  information som många inte besitter om boendeformen. / This bachelor's thesis is written at Malmö University under the bachelor’s program Real Estate Brokerage 2022. Owner-occupied apartments are a kind of a three-dimensional property and it was first introduced to the Swedish market in 2009. An owner-occupied apartment is an independent real estate property but is located inside an apartment complex with other owner-occupied apartments; there must be a minimum of three apartments that are linked to each other according to the law. This raises questions regarding the impact of the neighborly conditions, disturbances of different kinds and how owners are allowed to act during renovations to name a few. To an owner-occupied apartment property, a community association often is established whose purpose is to ensure that the common areas are being maintained the way they should. The purpose with this thesis has been to gain an understanding of where the owner-occupied apartment properties differ when being compared with other forms of housing, the thesis is based on a few questions that will be answered by studying relevant laws, lawsuits, investigations from the government and literature that are dealing with the subject. Since this housing is relatively new to the Swedish market, there is not much written about it. Therefore, there will be more general information presented in the beginning than later it will be narrowed down. In conclusion, it appears that an owner-occupied apartment does not have such large differences in terms of other forms of housing and the differences that arise are mainly of a positive meaning. For the owner of an owner-occupied apartment, a positive aspect is that he has strong and complete protection compared to a condominium where an owner can lose his right to live either through grounds for confiscation or by the association going bankrupt. A discussion concerning the fact that legal regulations could have accelerated the process of building more owner-occupied apartments and thereby increase the housing stock in the country. Furthermore, it appears that there are advantages in existing owner-occupied apartments, but there is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding owneroccupied apartments that are not completed where consumer protection does not exist. For acondominium, a stronger protection for housing has been urgently developed, but where the government has chosen not to include the owner-occupied apartments, something that can be questioned. Even though the form of housing has existed for over 10 years and the positive aspects thatexist, it has not had the breakthrough it has had in the rest of the world, a reason for this is presented in the conclusion and deals with the knowledge gap and lack of information thatmany do not possess about the form of housing.

Ung & brottsmisstänkt : Om hanteringen av icke straffbara barn som misstänks för brott / Young criminal suspects : How non-punishable children, suspected of crime, are dealt with

Örtenblad, Erik January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Kriminalitet i lägenhet / Criminality in apartments

Vinblad von Valter, Johannes January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Prospects of Holding Former President of Colombia Álvaro Uribe Vélez Responsible for False Positives based on the Doctrine of Superior Responsibility

Sanchez, Laura January 2020 (has links)
This thesis studies the prospects of holding former President of Colombia Álvaro Uribe Vélez responsible for false positives, the extrajudicial killings that occurred in Colombia between 2002 and 2008, based on the doctrine of superior responsibility. The legal analysis builds on Article 28(b) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and customary international law. The thesis finds, first, that there is not sufficient evidence to reach a conclusion beyond reasonable doubt that Uribe was in effective control of the perpetrators. Nevertheless, there seems to be optimistic prospects of establishing Uribe’s effective control over General Command Mario Montoya, but this requires sufficient evidence to rule out competing explanations. Second, the thesis finds that Uribe’s state of awareness of the false positives went through different phases. It went from wilful blindness at least from 2003 to actual knowledge in 2008. The available evidence indicates that Uribe fulfils the knowledge requirement of superior responsibility. Third, the thesis finds that Uribe did not make a genuine attempt to report false positives to competent authorities for prosecution. Thus, Uribe did not take the necessary and reasonable measures within his power to prevent and punish perpetrators of false positives. Overall, the thesis concludes that Uribe meets two of the three elements necessary to establish his responsibility for the commission of false positives under Article 28(b) of the Rome Statute and customary international law. The thesis lays out the ground for further investigation on the matter.

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