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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The leadership triad identity-integrity-authenticity : a case study of the inner life and leadership of educational leaders /

Henderson, David Ingram. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ed. D.)--University of Montana, 2007. / Title from title screen. Description based on contents viewed July 23, 2007. Includes bibliographical references (p. 177-185).

From coercive to spiritual : what style of leadership is prevalent in k-12 public schools? /

Bonner, Charles E. III. Porpora, Douglas V. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Drexel University, 2007. / Includes abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 164-186).

Emerging leadership : a study of leadership thinking and its implications for business leadership and practice in the 21st century

Plougmann, E. M. T. (Elizabeth Mary Therese) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study seeks to demonstrate the impact of late 20th century leadership literature, which is taken as the accepted embodiment of leadership thinking. Leadership thinking influences both the academic study and resultant practice of leadership. A paradigmatic approach was employed to contrast that the demands of a post-industrial, globalised society would be of a different order to those of the 20th century industrial society. The study seeks to challenge the intellectual climate of the business leadership discipline at the level of the normative, which in turn would present a challenge to the conventional strategic focus and approach of business leadership. A challenge to the normative requires that a certain philosophical perspective be introduced in the crossing of the boundary lines between various disciplines. As business is part of the social sciences, the critical intellectual challenges to modern knowledge were explored, which provided a foundation for the challenge. This required that new scientific theory, both in the pure and the natural sciences as well as certain postmodern authors representing the humanities be reviewed. A refocusing on what has been taken for granted, what has been neglected, regions of resistance, the forgotten, the irrational, the repressed, the borderline, the classical, the sacred, the marginal and the excluded signifies .. The question is asked if we are able to recognise the ways in which our lives and livelihood have been influenced by outmoded structures? Due cognisance is not taken of the unsettling shifts of mindset that will be required to exercise leadership in the post-industrial paradigm. The concept of paradigms is central to this study where it operates' as the methodology device, given that the nature of the research is exploratory, open-ended and hermeneutic compared to the mensural convention that most business research follows. The study explores the paradigm dependency of leadership, as a sociological frame of reference, where leadership is viewed as a patterned social action and a political/structural action, so that leadership is analysed as a socially constructed reality. A key distinction of this study is the major temporal transformation from the industrial to the post-industrial paradigm, where post-industrial is of a magnitude far greater than information technology advances. The current populist interpretation is e-commerce, the Internet and genetic engineering. The notion of the 'Limits of the Model', representing the breakdown of the industrial paradigm, occurs when the paradigm is being pushed too far. The significance of this breakdown for leadership, is that leadership vision and purpose must take its cue from an external frame of reference, which is categorised as a paradigm of the 'sociological' region, The crisis of leadership is bound to their sociological understanding situated within a network of culturally shared knowledge, beliefs, ideals and taken-for-granted assumptions about the nature of industrial life. Three distinct crises of leadership are identified and they combine to form a major existential crisis which embodies the struggle of the individual to find purpose and meaning in working life. The study provides a different concept and criteria for vision which requires that corporate vision would have to travel beyond the rational dimension that dominates leadership thinking today and enter into the realm of the metaphysic. Corporate vision would become a 'force-field', defined by organisation culture, In order to escape from the cultural obsolescence that surrounds most organisations today, leadership has to become a process that entails the capacity to create a new story about what is to be struggled against and dreamed about. The leaders' stories would become a reconceptualisation of the purpose of life which the post-industrial paradigm will demand. Vision and purpose would be grounded in legitimacy, sustainability and ethics, creating a question mark around the organisation's current fitness for purpose. The constructs of a "'quantum worldview provide a challenge to every boundary that leadership has tended to operate by and with. These constructs promote disorder, relationship as the basis of all definition, information as the primal creative force (and not capital and labour) and sustainability based on meeting future generations' needs. Leadership becomes a set of principles governed by a hierarchy of imagination, ideas leadership. Leadership as stewardship on a more evolved plane of value promotes an ecologicalliteracy, based on the notion of the living planet. The living planet operates as a platform of supposition which dictates that ethics will become the enabling dependency for leadership in the 21st century. This reconceptualisation of leadership is one that highlights a communal relationship, based on mutual purpose which requires true community, or a second-order level of communalism. Most business initiative today is focussed on pseudo or chaos stages of community, which does not support an ethical dimension in either purpose, strategy or operation. Ecology as an eco-philosophy goes hand in hand with the idea of spirit as an animating principle. The potential contribution of Africa with its rich cultural heritage of community through the ages, as well as the Platonic archetype of Philosopher-Ruler to enable the magnitude of the shift to be addressed is the hermeneutic yield of the study. The ecology metaphor of the postindustrial paradigm is a fertile source of potential and possible hypotheses that can be explored in the identification and reformulation of the sociological paradigm necessary to move leadership research forward. The result is a much broader, more societal 'picture' of 21st century business leadership, where globalisation is recast in a set of global ethics and global accountability, which business and its leadership has to come to terms with. The 'recasting' of business leadership promotes a different ontology where an overarching communitarian approach, will become the 'ground' for leadership and business models, strategies and evaluation for the foreseeable future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie wil die impak demonstreer van die leierskapsliteratuur van die laat 20ste eeu, wat beskou word as die aanvaarde beliggaming van leierskapsdenke. Leierskapsdenke beïnvloed beide die akademiese studie en gevolglike praktyk van leierskap. 'n Paradigmatiese benadering is gevolg om die kontras aan te dui tussen die vereistes van onderskeidelik 'n post-industriële wêreldgemeenskap en 20ste eeuse industriële samelewing. Die studie wil 'n uitdaging rig tot die intellektuele klimaat van die besigheidsleierskapsdissipline op die normatiewe vlak, wat op sy beurt 'n uitdaging bied aan die konvensionele strategiese fokus en benadering van besigheidsleierskap. 'n Uitdaging aan die normatiewe vereis dat 'n sekere filosofiese perspektief bygevoeg word waar die grense tussen verskillende dissiplines oorgesteek word. Aangesien besigheid deel is van die sosiale wetenskappe is die kritieke intellektuele uitdagings aan moderne kennis ondersoek, wat 'n grondslag vir die uitdaging voorsien het. Dit vereis dat nuwe wetenskaplike teorie ondersoek word in beide die suiwer en die natuurwetenskappe, sowel as sekere postmoderne outeurs wat die menswetenskappe verteenwoordig. Dit is van belang dat daar weer gefokus word op wat as vanselfsprekend aanvaar is, wat verwaarloos is, waarteen daar weerstand was, wat vergeet is; die irrasionele, die onderdrukte, die grensgevalle, die klassieke, die heilige, die marginale en wat uitgesluit was. Die vraag word gevra of ons in staat is om die wyses te herken waarop ons lewens en lewensonderhoud beïnvloed is deur verouderde strukture? Daar word nie genoeg kennis geneem van die verwarrende veranderinge in denkwyse wat vereis word om leierskap in die post-industriële paradigma uit te oefen nie. Die konsep van paradigmas is sentraal tot hierdie studie waar dit opereer as die metodologiese ontwerp, aangesien die aard van die navorsing ondersoekend, oop en hermeneuties is - vergeleke met die metingskonvensie wat deur die meeste besigheidsnavorsing gevolg word. Die studie ondersoek die paradigma-afhanklikheid van leierskap as 'n sosiologiese verwysingsraamwerk, waar leierskap beskou word as 'n sosiale aksiepatroon en 'n politieke/strukturele aksie, sodat leierskap ontleed word as 'n sosiaal gekonstrueerde realiteit. 'n Belangrike onderskeidende kenmerk van hierdie studie is die groot wêreldtransformasie van die industriële na die post-industriële paradigma, waar post-industrieel van 'n baie groter omvang is as bloot vordering in die inligtingstegnologie. Die huidige populistiese interpretasie is e-handel, die Internet en genetiese manipulasie. Die idee dat die "Beperkinge van die Model" die ineenstorting van die industriële paradigma verteenwoordig, kom voor wanneer die paradigma te ver gevoer word. Die betekenis van hierdie ineenstoring vir leierskap is dat leierskapsvisie en --doel gebaseer word op 'n eksterne verwysingsraamwerk, wat gekategoriseer word as 'n paradigma van sosiologiese aard. Die krisis van leierskap is verbind aan hulle sosiologiese begrip gesitueer binne 'n netwerk van kultureel gedeelde kennis, oortuigings, ideale en aannames wat as vanselfsprekend aanvaar word oor die aard van die industriële lewe. Drie duidelike krisisareas van leierskap word geïdentifiseer en hulle vorm saam 'n belangrike eksistensiële krisis wat die beliggaming vorm van die individu se stryd om 'n doel en betekenis te vind in sy werksiewe. Die studie voorsien 'n ander begrip van en maatstaf vir visie, wat vereis dat korporatiewe visie verby die rasionele dimensie moet beweeg wat leierskapsdenke vandag oorheers, en die gebied van die metafisiese moet betree. Korporatiewe visie sal 'n "kragveld" word wat deur organisasiekultuur gedefinieer word. Om te ontsnap uit die kulturele veroudering wat vandag in die meeste organisasies bestaan, moet leierskap 'n proses word wat die kapasiteit behels om 'n nuwe storie te skep ten opsigte van waarteen daar gestry en waaroor daar gedroom moet word. Die leiers se stories sal 'n nuwe konseptualisering word van die doel van die lewe soos vereis deur die post-industriële paradigma. Visie en doelwit salop die grondslag rus van egtheid, volhoubaarheid en etiek, wat 'n vraagteken plaas om die organisasie se huidige geskiktheid vir die doel. Die konstrukte van 'n kwantumwêreldbeskouing voorsien 'n uitdaging aan elke grens waardeur en waarvolgens leierskap geneig was om te opereer. Hierdie konstrukte moedig wanorde aan; asook verhouding as die grondslag van alle definisie, inligting as die vernaamste skeppingskrag (en nie kapitaal en arbeid nie) en volhoubaarheid gebaseer op die voldoening aan die behoeftes van toekomstige generasies. Leierskap word 'n stel beginsels beheers deur 'n hiërargie van verbeelding, idees en kreatiwiteit, waar die vrystelling van die menslike gees die sentrale taak van leierskap word. Leierskap as 'n rentmeesterskap op 'n meer ontwikkelde vlak van waardes moedig 'n ekologiese geletterdheid aan, gebaseer op die idee van die lewende planeet. Die lewende planeet opereer as 'n platform van veronderstelling wat voorskryf dat leierskap in die 21ste eeu daarvan afhanklik sal wees vir sy bestaan. Hierdie nuwe konseptualisering van leierskap is een wat die fokus plaas op 'n gemeenskapsverhouding gebaseer op 'n onderlinge doel, wat werklike gemeenskap vereis, of 'n vlak van gemeenskaplikheid van die tweede orde. Die meeste besigheidsinisiatief vandag fokus op pseudo- of chaos-stadiums van gemeenskaplikheid, wat nie ondersteuning bied vir 'n etiese dimensie in doel, strategie of bedryf nie. Ekologie as 'n eko-filosofie hang saam met die gedagte van geesteskrag as 'n lewewekkende beginsel. Die potensiële bydrae van Afrika met sy ryk kulturele erfenis van gemeenskap deur die eeue, sowel as die Platoniese argetipe van die Filosoof-Heerser wat dit moontlik maak om 'n verandering van hierdie omvang aan te spreek, is die hermeneutiese veld van die studie. Die ekologie-metafoor van die post-industriële paradigma is 'n vrugbare oorsprong vir potensiële en moontlike hipoteses wat ondersoek kan word in die identifikasie en herformulering van die sosiologiese paradigma wat nodig is vir vordering in die navorsing oor leierskap. Die gevolg is 'n baie breër, meer gemeenskapsgerigte "prentjie" van 21ste eeuse besigheidsleierskap, waar die uitbreiding tot wêreldomvang omvorm word tot 'n wêreldetiek en wêreldtoerekenbaarheid waarmee besigheid en besigheidsleierskap tot 'n vergelyk moet kom. Die "omvorming" van besigheidsleierskap moedig 'n ander ontologie aan, waar 'n oorkoepelende gemeenskapsbenadering die grondslag sal vorm vir modelle, strategieë en die evaluering van leierskap en besigheid in die voorsienbare toekoms.

Cultivating supportive, professional relationships among black women in educational leadership: shattering the mirror of self-destruction

Unknown Date (has links)
Although current employment statistics paint a promising picture for women in general, they fail to address both the multitude of challenges women face in their attempt to secure leadership positions or in their ability to gain and maintain support from their female colleagues. Black women, in particular, tend to be torn between their fabled image to others in the organization and their official duties and responsibilities at work. This paper discusses definitions and conceptual uses of horizontal and vertical violence by Black female educational leaders ; problematizes the phenomenon as outlined by Freire (1970) at the theoretical level ; outlines the proposed qualitative methods, which will be used to investigate the phenomenon further ; and taking Paulo Freire's lead, explores the implications of sabotage or violence coming from members of the same minority group. In this specific case, Black female educational leaders will serve as the primary participants of the study. Once the data is collected and analyzed, the paper will include an analysis of the data and a discussion of the findings followed by recommendations based on the findings of the study. / by Dildra Martin-Ogburn. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2012. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Asante Traditional Leadership and the Process of Educational Change

Owusu-Kwarteng, Nana K. W. B. January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Opvoeding tot leierskap : `n histories-opvoedkundige verkenning

Lotter, Pieter Daniel 11 1900 (has links)
From this investigation it can justly be asked what a leader is and why not all people are leaders. It is clearly evident that some people possess more innate leadership potential than others. It has subsequently been proved that leadership and leadership training is of great value to mankind. In this regard one can refer to Plato, Erasmus and Cawood who, despite living in different eras, all recognized the same crisis in leadership. Each concluded that the leadership crisis of his time could be bridged only by training. Great responsibility, therefore, lies upon the school as primary training centre, and especially the principal. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Teacher Education)

Opvoeding tot leierskap : `n histories-opvoedkundige verkenning

Lotter, Pieter Daniel 11 1900 (has links)
From this investigation it can justly be asked what a leader is and why not all people are leaders. It is clearly evident that some people possess more innate leadership potential than others. It has subsequently been proved that leadership and leadership training is of great value to mankind. In this regard one can refer to Plato, Erasmus and Cawood who, despite living in different eras, all recognized the same crisis in leadership. Each concluded that the leadership crisis of his time could be bridged only by training. Great responsibility, therefore, lies upon the school as primary training centre, and especially the principal. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Teacher Education)

The lived experience of the strategic leader: what effective CEOS do, how they do it and an exploration into how they think about it

Nyabadza, George Wangirayi 31 March 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to study the lived experience of being a strategic leader, described as the black box of leadership, and to extend the limited research in this field. The researcher utilised the qualitative ethnographic methodology of direct observation, observing 138 discrete critical incidents that made up the lived experience of the five strategic leaders in the sample. The researcher further utilised observation tools from the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming, personal experiences, metaphors, allegories, analogies as well as deep personal introspection to make sense of the lived experience of the five CEOs. The primary research objective was to answer the question: What do CEOs do and how do they do it? A further related objective was to explore how they think about what they do. The research answered these questions by prising open the 'black box' of the lived experience of the strategic leader. The result of the research is the pure leadership spider web model. The pure leadership spider web model breaks down the lived experience of the strategic leader, the content of the black box, into eight dimensions: the pillars that make up the personal leadership philosophy; emotional states of mind brought to bear in meetings; kinaesthetic patterns used during meetings; meeting dynamics; emotional states brought to bear on day-to-day shop-floor engagement; emotional states brought to bear on leadership engagement sessions with other like business leaders; frames of mind governing the day-to-day experiences; and The Magic Language Box. / Business Management and Entr / DBL

The lived experience of the strategic leader: what effective CEOS do, how they do it and an exploration into how they think about it

Nyabadza, George Wangirayi 31 March 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to study the lived experience of being a strategic leader, described as the black box of leadership, and to extend the limited research in this field. The researcher utilised the qualitative ethnographic methodology of direct observation, observing 138 discrete critical incidents that made up the lived experience of the five strategic leaders in the sample. The researcher further utilised observation tools from the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming, personal experiences, metaphors, allegories, analogies as well as deep personal introspection to make sense of the lived experience of the five CEOs. The primary research objective was to answer the question: What do CEOs do and how do they do it? A further related objective was to explore how they think about what they do. The research answered these questions by prising open the 'black box' of the lived experience of the strategic leader. The result of the research is the pure leadership spider web model. The pure leadership spider web model breaks down the lived experience of the strategic leader, the content of the black box, into eight dimensions: the pillars that make up the personal leadership philosophy; emotional states of mind brought to bear in meetings; kinaesthetic patterns used during meetings; meeting dynamics; emotional states brought to bear on day-to-day shop-floor engagement; emotional states brought to bear on leadership engagement sessions with other like business leaders; frames of mind governing the day-to-day experiences; and The Magic Language Box. / Business Management and Entr / DBL

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